Wrong Composition (17 Collections)
Rain and dew in spring
2024-05-23 09:35:46
Junior three

Wrong Composition (1)

At this time, it was just over four o'clock. He hurriedly answered the phone and an Internet cafe called. "Your son is here with me. He looks very abnormal. He has been crying all the time. Come here quickly." "OK". In order to find his son, he ran all over the Internet cafes, explained the situation and left the phone.

As soon as he entered the Internet cafe, his son saw him turn around and want to run, but he grabbed him. "My son, I am your father. Come home with my father quickly, and he will never hit you again." "This is the arrival of the family, son, go home quickly! Eat something first.".

After the family returned home and settled down, Mom brought chicken soup and Grandma brought the prepared roast chicken. The whole family looked at the hungry wolf as if the child was eating, and then their hearts were filled with their own. So my son didn't go far. He didn't eat or drink the first day, and he could bear it. While fleeing, he also wanted to avoid the entanglement of older children. On the second or third day, he couldn't help coming to his classmate's house. They were having dinner at home. His classmate had gone to school. When his family saw him, they said:; "Here comes the boy again. He plays truant at a young age. Don't come to see my son later. It's a pity. I haven't eaten anything for three days and three nights. I still have some steamed buns here. You can eat them! He took three or two mouthfuls and swallowed them. Then he drank water from the pipe." "Come on, don't come here later. I've been hungry and thirsty for the past few days and I have to rely on cold water." When the night comes, it will be ten minutes, Hunger unbearable, involuntarily turned to their own door. "When I thought of the meal, I would open my mouth and stretch out my clothes. How happy it was to be with my classmates." Just then, the door suddenly opened. I heard my mother say, "It's ten o'clock at night. He has no place to go. You can go to an Internet cafe and turn around again." My father came out. He wanted to call his mother, but the door was closed. In order not to be found by his father, he hid again.

"The child eats slowly and sleeps well. What kind of computer do you want?" "Really"? In the future, as long as I am obedient and be a good child, I will be obedient. His son never wakes up one day and one night, and his family has been standing by his side. One day, the father sent the computer to the child and said, "My child, what about school?" "Dad, I will go to school." "Well, during the summer vacation, you should make up for the lost courses."

For several days in a row, my son did not go out of the gate, but played computer and did homework.; He learns from the computer what he doesn't understand. That day, he asked his son, "How many English words are there? About a hundred!" If you don't learn more than one day, can you learn five? "Yes!" Other subjects only learn one lesson a day. "Greed more than you can chew." Human beings are not plants and trees. It is only by learning knowledge bit by bit for decades and nearly a hundred years that you can be a good person. "Dad, I know." As the teacher said, your son is not bad in nature. The key is to guide education. It is not enough to fight alone.

When the holiday was over, he asked his son how he felt. "Dad! It was my fault before. I learned a lot of useful things these days, thank you dad!"

It never rains but it pours. He didn't go home at noon on the first day of school. Contact the teacher, and the teacher said that he really went home. Is it true that mountains and rivers are easy to move and nature is hard to change. It seems that the problem is not simple,

Wrong Composition (2)

A person is growing all the time, either physically or spiritually. The person who really inspires your growth is not the person you love, but the person you dislike. It is not terrible to do something wrong. What is terrible is that you will not learn anything from it, or even learn to correct it—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I still remember that one wrong thing I did that weekend made me understand the truth of life that we should understand and help each other in life.

Mm-hmm. It's delicious. I'm going to buy it next time. I'm talking to my friend. Behind me, an aunt's voice came: Hello, little friend, wait

When I looked back, it turned out to be the aunt sweeping the floor here. Why are you like this! Do you know that we sweep the floor very hard? Why are we so lacking in quality! Eat while walking, and throw while walking! I have followed you all the way! How did your teacher teach you? Aunt's tone is really bad, which makes my anger rise. I wanted to talk back when I accidentally glanced at the garbage behind my aunt. It seems that I threw it all away, thinking silently in my heart, and becoming more and more ashamed. The people around me are getting more and more together. Aunt still stands there and talks to me. People around are also talking about you. You are really a child. Aunt, how hard it is! Yeah! That's not right! Now children are really less and less qualified! At that moment, I wish I could find a crack in the ground!

In order to let me not continue to be embarrassed, I had to apologize to her and sweep up the dirt left by myself under the public's eyes and comments.

Seeing that everyone had gradually dispersed and Aunt had no intention of continuing to nag, we hurried out of the land of right and wrong.

Although I was angry all the way, it was really my fault to think about it quietly when I got home.

If everyone litters like me, how can those cleaning workers be busy! This not only increases their workload, but also makes them labeled as lacking in quality.

The busy life makes us gradually forget the essence of human nature, and forget that we should be considerate and help each other. It is not terrible to do something wrong. What is terrible is not to learn something from it, or even to correct it!

Wrong Composition (3)

I believe that everyone will make many mistakes. But recall how we made mistakes. It's not because that year, it was too childish and immature! That's what I want to do. But after knowing that he is wrong, he also knows that he is not wrong. Maybe only when you are really wrong will you feel full of disappointment! Maybe failure is the mother of success, maybe failure will come again! But please believe that the same mistake will not be made in the future. If you are making mistakes, you may be really hopeless!


Maybe, after all, mistakes are just mistakes. Wrong consciousness can't be wrong forever. Maybe mistakes always return! Always harvest, maybe mistakes are essential for our growth journey! Maybe after making mistakes, you will get rewards. In fact, mistakes are not terrible, but we have not corrected them. If we make mistakes again and again, we may be really hopeless! If you are wrong, you must admit it bravely. This is a good child. I hope I can become more outstanding! For yourself, for your dreams, keep striving and making progress!


Maybe everyone should fail on the way to growth. If we have not failed, how can we have many achievements. How can there be maturity of the headquarters? In fact, failure is not terrible. The terrible thing is that we never repent. If we really want to be good and become better, we should learn to experience trials. Maybe only in this way can we grow and mature! Our life lacks shock and motivation. It will be an imperfect youth. For myself, for my dream. Always strive, always strive! I believe that one day we will become better!

As we grow older, we also grow and mature gradually! Similarly, we also have many responsibilities, for the protection of the heart. Always pay, always work hard! Believe that we will not make the same mistakes when we grow up! Because after experiencing it, we have to correct it, because we have to become excellent!

Because I have tried hard, I will never fail! Because if you make mistakes, you won't make the same mistakes again!

Wrong Composition (4)

Thousands of sails are sorrowful and joyful, thousands of turns wake up drunk, what is right and wrong, what is wrong and right—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The origin of right and wrong can not be traced back, and who knows the distinction between right and wrong in ancient times.

"Right and wrong, good and evil cause and effect." These words are always linked together, out of the opposite sides. The world is familiar with these words. People often comment on a person's good or bad, or the right or wrong of a thing. However, what you think is right is regarded as wrong by others; What you think is good is evil. So, this person, this matter, this thing... is it right or wrong? How should we understand and distinguish?

Since ancient times, there has always been a saying that good and evil do not coexist. So is the so-called righteous person really righteous? The reason why the Devil Sect became notorious was that those so-called righteous people were isolated and regarded as the Devil Sect because of their opposition or interference in their interests. How would you define good, evil, good and evil when righteous people kill people and set fire, while those from the Demon Sect come to help?

Is right and wrong really that important?

In fact, it's just that different positions see different situations, and each position has its own cognition. In the reincarnation when you turn around, all your cognition will be destroyed. At that time, the world is the real world that you do not understand.

What is He Fei, what is right and what is wrong, who knows, who knows. Since I don't know, then, in this world, there is no right or wrong, no good or evil

Qianfan is sad and happy. Wanfan wakes up a few times and asks what is right and wrong, and what is wrong and right

Wrong Composition (5)

Yesterday, when I was doing the reading question of "Language Matching", I was filled with the idea of playing with fire. I wanted to try the fun of playing with fire when my mother was not at home.

I found a lighter in the drawer of the living room, took out a piece of white paper from my bedroom, ran into the bathroom, and lit the white paper with the lighter. When I had a good time, my mother came back and I quickly put out the fire. Before I could throw the burnt white paper into the garbage can, my mother came behind me without knowing it. I saw my mother's face turn from white to green, full of anger and nowhere to jet, my cheeks trembled slightly with anger, and my heart was about to jump out of my shock. My mother beat me angrily and asked me: "Can you play with fire?" I shook my head helplessly and promised my mother that I would never play with fire again.

When my mother's anger subsided, she said to me, "Playing with fire is a joke with life." I listened, and my pores were creepy. Fortunately, there was no accident this time.

Mom, I was wrong. I will never play with fire again. I hope the children will not play with fire. That time I made a mistake in composition 5:

Today, my teacher criticized me, and my heart was heavy. On the way home from school, I always talk happily with my grandpa and dad. Today, I didn't have a word on the road or in the car. I felt very sad.

In fact, I should be able to do the recognition and calculation of rectangle, square, cylinder and circle in mathematical problems, because my grandma and dad have asked me to do such questions many times at home. Today, I didn't seriously examine the questions because I was lazy, and unexpectedly... Alas! A serious mistake. I blush now when I think about it. My father severely criticized me and almost got beaten! I cry! Alas! Only then did I realize that it was really serious.

My father asked me to behave myself honestly, study hard and listen to the teacher's instructions in school. I will always remember my father's words. Be an honest and good child. Teacher, Dad, I was wrong.

Wrong Composition (6)

Whenever I see the empty fish tank in the corner of the wall, the two lively and playful little goldfish always appear in front of me. However, because of my ignorance, I put them on the road of no return. I really regret it!

How beautiful these two little goldfish are! One was dressed in a glittering coat, a fan-shaped gauze skirt, and two bulging eyes, like two glass balls. Swimming like a dancing girl. The other one looks almost the same, just like it is covered with ink.

Since the little goldfish came home, my life has become rich! Every morning, I always say goodbye to them before school. After school, the first thing is to watch their dancing and throw some food to them. A week passed safely.

However, the good times didn't last long. Unfortunately, something happened. One afternoon, I finished my homework and came to the fish tank. Little goldfish came to see me one after another. I think it's time to feed! So he caught a handful of fish food and threw it in. The little goldfish scrambled around and ate voraciously. After a while, he swallowed all of them. At this time, they opened their mouths again, as if to say: "My little master, how stingy, give me some more!" Looking at them, I gave my father's advice - "goldfish don't know how to be hungry and full, and can't eat more." All left behind, grabbed another one and threw it in.

"Dang, dang." The clock struck twice, ah! Animal World has begun. I ran into the room and watched intently, forgetting everything. I don't know how long it took, my mother screamed, "What's wrong with the goldfish, my child?" I listened and went to the living room to have a look! The black goldfish flipped its white belly, and the red goldfish was almost dying, but its mouth was still slightly moving, as if to say: "Little master, you are too bad, you are really a pest!" "What's the matter?" I shouted. My mother pointed at the fish food floating on the water and said, "Look!" I could not help but suddenly realized, "Wow!" cried out

Now, when I see the empty fish tank, I will think of the thing I did wrong.

Wrong Composition (7)

During the National Day holiday, the teacher assigned a lot of homework, which made me breathless. What hurt me most was that my mother unexpectedly added fuel to the fire and assigned me some homework. God, my holiday!

On the first day of the holiday, my mother asked me to do "Calculation Expert", one page a day, which is called to exercise my calculation ability and make no mistakes in calculation in the exam. oh dear! What kind of calculation expert? I still have a lot of homework. It's really annoying! Complain is complain, do or have to do. I can't love to turn to the expert in calculation. Eh, there is still an answer to this! I looked back, ha ha, my mother didn't come, I can turn to the answer page and copy it heartily.

A guilty conscience, I secretly turned to the answer page, looked around, no one! Safe! Copy the answer quickly. Alas, there are too many numbers in this answer. I copied it for a long time. There is a sound of footsteps. My mother is coming. I close it quickly. If my mother knew that I copied the answers, she would scold me first, and then fight with me. After that, she would tear the answers... It would be terrible to think about it. I pretended to be calm and calculated. My mother looked at my answer: "Yes, the accuracy rate is quite high, and the writing is also very fast." I echoed with a dry smile.

My mother walked far away. I opened the answer again and copied it. 24, 32, 89... It was finished in a short time. I just did the calculation of the day after tomorrow. My mother went to work. I was sure to copy it boldly and finished it in a short time. After finishing, I showed it to my mother and pretended to be relaxed and said, "Today I am in a very good state, and I have finished the next day and the day after tomorrow." My mother nodded while looking: "Yes, very good."

I think this homework is not practical at all. I seem to have done it wrong.

Wrong Composition (8)

Too many dreams and ambitions often run aground in the loneliness and sadness of missing talents, so some people become numb, resentful, complaining, and close the window to happiness and happiness.

Life is often like this. Some people live a bleak life, not because there is no spring in their life, but because of the gloomy mood, they have already closed the window facing the spring quietly. Why don't you open the window of your heart?

Dancing butterflies waved their skirts, brilliant flowers sent out charming fragrance, gurgling streams sang songs, and clouds sang elegant lines of poetry. The green leaf knows how to open the window to receive the sunshine, and the oriole knows how to open the window to play the music of life. If things are still like this, why should people be embarrassed?

Open the dusty heart window, you will see that flowers are still blooming in front of the bed, clouds are still rolling in the sky, and the melody of life will not stop because your heart window is closed. It will still dance and fly, just like a star falling, but it will not dim the whole sky.

Open the window of your heart, you will hear the powerful songs and wonderful laws of life, see the surging waves of the sea, and smell the charming fragrance of the wonderful flower of life. Let our hearts fly. He yearns for light and freedom like us. Open the window of your heart, and love the land and the hard and happy life at your feet with the most sincere heart.

Learn to open a window, but also know which window to open.

Some people are always entangled in the cage of sadness, but open the window of sadness and wait for happiness to fly. Why not try to open a happy window?

Don't open the wrong window. Open another heart window, where there is no longer any trace of sadness. Maybe you will hear a melodious music and taste a cup of light tea.

Singing to wine is the geometry of life. Life is like this. Open another heart window and face it with a different attitude. Maybe it will be another kind of scenery and another kind of interest.

Tagore said: "There is no trace of wings in the sky, but I have flown over." Open the window of the heart and open the happy window. When the wind of years blows the autumn water of the soul, there is no need to exhort. There is already perception and communication of the heart in life.

Open the window of your heart, say goodbye to your troubles, say goodbye to your sadness, listen to the cuckoo birds outside the window, feel the beautiful green light in summer, appreciate the clarity of the clear wind and clouds in autumn, and look for the silence of snow in winter

Open the window full of sunshine, let our bud like heart, under the protection of sunshine, shine freely and freely on the water of years


Little by little, history is like sand and stone shells scattered on the vast beach. We quietly walk by, greedily looking at these crystal precious treasures, and sometimes pick up one or two shells that move the soul. With a feeling of love and gratitude, we collect them for commemoration.

There is a shell on the beach that has experienced many vicissitudes. That is the story of the Jewish people. When the World War II forced them to be displaced and homeless, the Jews still held the hope of revival. They never gave up and never gave in. They stuck to their beliefs and passed on their courage, because they had a belief from the wailing wall. The wailing wall, which has experienced the vicissitudes of history, records the sufferings and past, glory and dreams of the nation. Every Jew will come to the wailing wall at a certain time to commemorate his predecessors. It is this commemorative mood that keeps the nation confident and tenacious, and makes them stand high on the horizon again.

There is a shining shell on the beach, which is Madame Curie's memory of the nation. Madame Curie lived a poor life and left the country when she was young and studying. After years of tireless pursuit in the scientific field, she finally refined the radioactive element "polonium" from the metal. She knew that this element would bring her countless honors, and she, a grateful scientist, immediately thought of naming this element "Po" to commemorate her motherland Poland. Perhaps it was this moment of thinking about the motherland that made Madame Curie make unremitting efforts. Later, she refined "radium" and became one of the few women who won the Nobel Prize twice.

There is a grateful shell on the beach, which is the "grass" in the heart of the writer Sanmao. Sanmao was once lost and helpless when she was studying in a different place. Just then, a strange classmate gave her a humble grass and encouraged her to cheer up. Sanmao's heart was very moved. She wrote in "Someone gave me a grass": "The grass will wither, and I don't know how to commemorate this lost classmate. I can only pass on this helping heart, this grateful heart, to help more people." Sanmao did it with her sincere actions, with exquisite words and sincere feelings, This is her way of commemoration, which moves and nourishes the hearts of readers.

Some people collected different models from different sections of the Yellow River to commemorate the ancestors who created splendid Chinese culture; Some people are detained outside, still carrying mud to commemorate their motherland; And we always remember the martyrs who gave their lives for our happiness with our thoughts in the Qingming Festival, when the drizzle comes one after another. With a sense of gratitude and a sense of faith, I picked up some shells on the beach and treasured them to commemorate history. I was ready to create the future.

[Brief comment] This is the full score composition of the 2005 Guangdong College Entrance Examination. As an exam composition, the author can accurately and profoundly grasp the meaning of the question according to the topic prompts. Choosing "commemoration" is like picking up the clues of "shells on the beach" as organizational materials, and stringing together three examples selected by the author. Three examples show the true echo of commemoration to people's hearts.

Health -- my eternal pursuit

There is a proverb in the Arab region: there is hope when there are healthy people; He who has hope has everything. This sentence reveals the importance of health. Those who neglect health in life are joking with their own lives.

"The body is the capital of revolution." Health is an important foundation of life. Only when you are healthy can you work well and control your life well; He is unhealthy, weak, and sick all day long. Even if he has lofty ambitions, full of experience, and superhuman talent, it is also hard to pay his ambition and wish. A healthy life is more meaningful, and health is the wealth of life.

Sun Simiao, a famous doctor of the Tang Dynasty in China, finally completed the famous medical work Qian Jin Fang when he was more than 100 years old. Tolstoy wrote many books throughout his life, including War and Peace, Anna Karenina and Resurrection. He was still engaged in literary creation when he was more than 80 years old. How can Sun Simiao and Tolstoy do so much without their healthy bodies?

On the contrary, Li He, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, and Polombescu, who wrote the waltz "Duoina", both died young because of weakness and illness. Shi Guangnan, a contemporary musician, Chen Jingrun, a mathematician, and Lu Yao, a litterateur... How many outstanding figures left us too early is deplorable. They are ambitious and talented. If they have healthy bodies, they may leave more amazing works for future generations.

A healthy person needs not only physical health, but also spiritual health. Hugo, a famous French writer, is brilliant. He wrote the landmark novel Notre Dame de Paris in his 20s. But something unexpected happened. When he was in his 40s and full of passion, he suffered a heart attack. People sighed for him, but he did not despair. Instead, he fought against the disease with an optimistic attitude. As a result, many books were published and he was still writing in his 80s. Just because Hugo has a healthy mind and a strong will to face difficulties, he can be famous in the world literary world. Bing Xin, Ba Jin, Lin Qiaoya, Qian Xuesen... Aren't they all outstanding representatives who have made great contributions because of their physical and mental health and longevity?

People who are physically and mentally healthy will always see hope. Because they know that without the depth of the blue sky, there can also be the elegance of grass; Without the vastness of the sea, there can be a clear stream; People who are physically and mentally unhealthy always see disappointment, disappointment with the society, disappointment with themselves, and the result is negative life, doing something that should not be done.

Let us always maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind, and move towards a brilliant tomorrow.

[Comment] This article selects typical and novel materials. Sun Simiao and Tolstoy are Chinese and foreign celebrities. Their greatness lies in their achievements. However, from a unique perspective, this paper focuses on the indispensable factor behind their achievements - healthy bodies. Their great achievements cannot be separated from healthy bodies, and the arguments are novel and typical; Chen Jingrun, Lu Yao and Shi Guangnan, "They are ambitious and talented", and the article also focuses on "healthy body". Their premature death is due to their infirmity and illness. "If they have healthy body, they will leave more amazing works for future generations". They are all contemporary people, and the examples have a strong sense of reality and novelty, which has also produced a shocking force. The health of the body is of course important, and the health of the mind is even more essential. The article also takes Hugo, Bing Xin, Qian Xuesen and other examples.

Wrong Composition (9)

Finally, I entered the mid-term stage, and every subject was being reviewed intensively. When reviewing, it is necessary to make clear all knowledge points, but knowledge is stubborn, and it is difficult for Tathagata to master this knowledge without a single source of knowledge.

That day, the biology teacher strode to the desk from outside the classroom, put the folder on the desk, and shouted, "Review quickly!" So I thought, the most boring class is coming.

What we need to review in this lesson is the germination of seeds. When discussing this issue, my deskmate and I had serious disagreements with others, which made a very ordinary lesson sound. We use an experiment to learn the influence of environmental factors on seed germination. There are four different environments: an environment with a certain amount of water, sufficient air and suitable temperature, an environment without water, an environment with inappropriate temperature, and an environment with insufficient air. Which is the environment for plant germination is obviously the first. At this moment, the teacher pointed to the first excellent environment map and an environment map lacking some conditions and said very plainly, "Which of these two is the control group and which is the experimental group?".

I answered loudly: "The good one is the control group, the bad one is the experimental group!" At this time, there was whispering around, and suddenly a voice rushed at me: "The good one is the experimental group, the bad one is the control group!" "What..." My deskmate also strongly supported my view. We confronted with other students and fought hard. Finally, the teacher said, "This (good environment) is the experimental group."

What kind of definition is this? It's totally unreasonable! In these two environments, one has set good conditions, and the other is an environment lacking suitable temperature. In contrast, it is obvious that we are exploring the impact of temperature on seed germination. Isn't the experimental group that completed this exploration an environment lacking suitable temperature? Then the group with good environment will become the control group compared with the experimental group?

My understanding may be really wrong, but why is the correct answer right? I still don't understand why my understanding is wrong and why the correct answer is right. So in this regard, I even think that error comparison is valuable. However, I want to know the reason for the correct answer as soon as possible. Everything is correct because of incorrect inquiry. This is the value of mistakes.

Wrong Composition (10)

It's wrong to love you

You know what? I'm really tired of loving you.

I shed tears for you, but I don't know that there is another person in your heart forever. Am I stupid or are you pretending too well? I see you with those girls. The heart aches too much to breathe. Because you never like me. I don't know why. Is it because you are my brother? hear nothing of. Back then, I told you that I don't care, I know you love me. But I haven't been with you. I told my classmates that you are my brother, and I dare not go to the door of your class to see you in class. I am afraid that they will ask you something. I don't want to bring any inconvenience to your life.

I see your classmates wearing your clothes passing by me. I have nothing to say, because I am your sister. And she is your classmate.

I see you struggling on the court. I dare not say anything about the primary school composition. When you see your failure, you go back and ask, "I see I am being taken aback!" I have nothing to say. If I feel comfortable, I will not bow my head and hold back the tears in my eyes. I know it's hard for you to be so strong. I can't say words to comfort you at this time. Such words can only make you more embarrassed.

All I can give you is my love. But you gave me a reason to cry. Now all I can do is let go. I can still break up.

Now I miss you in my own world, leaving only the memories of me and us.

Wrong Composition (11)


On a platform, if a ball always rolls in a certain direction, we will soon be able to detect the secret "below" it. In a society, if wealth always accumulates to those who hold great power and small power, what is the problem?


Every society has its own division of labor, which can not be excluded at all times and in all countries. However, when the division of labor in a society is too evil, divided into two "types of work": those with clear responsibilities and those who are not responsible, those who blindly obey orders and those who blindly command, the society will not have real equality and development, nor will it have real stability.


In a society where the division of labor is obviously unfair, it is quite normal for people to avoid labor and work as little as possible, It is also normal for people to rush to the position where they can get more with less work. It is also the "ideal of life" that many people dream of to win the position of "servant" who can give orders and reap benefits without taking any responsibility. Under such circumstances, advocating "hard work", "dedication" and preaching "glory of labor" not only makes people feel completely hypocritical, but also makes people feel sick.


There may not be many people who are unwilling to let the people who lift the sedan chair sit in the sedan chair; There must be a lot of people in the sedan chair who are exasperated.


Since everyone knows the irrationality contained in it, who is trying to maintain this "tradition" and try to modernize this ancient "design"?


Our tragedy often lies in: many bad things, on the one hand, we suffer from them, on the other hand, we can not help but participate in them; Many things we clearly know are wrong, but it is like sitting in a car that is out of control and sliding rapidly, unable to stop ourselves and waiting for people to lift the car.


If you can't see what's wrong, you can't talk about whether to change it or not; The "mistake" must have brought a lot of benefits to those who do not want to change.

Wrong Composition (12)

It rained intermittently in the south of the Yangtze River. The misty sky, the pink and willow green ground, and the black tiles were shaking with grass. My mother leaned against the window and looked. Although she applied some makeup, her haggard and old face was still vaguely visible. Now it was dusk. My mother leaned against the window and looked at it all day. My mother said that she was waiting for someone. The man left his mother seven years ago to take the imperial examination. He was a scholar and went to the capital to take the imperial examination. Seven days after leaving, my mother found that I already had me, and she looked forward to his return every day. Oh, my father and father, like those who reply letters, send a letter to my mother. The letter said let my mother wait for seven years. Seven years. Seven years. Seven years. What is this concept. Not seven days. Seven weeks. Or seven months.

Seven years. For a woman. From the girl in the flower beauty season to the old and lonely woman. docosa-. nonacosa. My mother is no longer young. Yes. I miss you all the time, but never see you. Tears wash my face all day long. Every day I sleep with tears in my eyes, and I weep in my dreams. I said, mother, you are a tearful person. My mother asked me to learn martial arts and said that I must learn a skill in the future. In the future society, I am not like my mother. Like all ordinary girls, I can tune the net, make tea and sew. My mother never allows me to cry. She said that she had shed too many tears in her life, so I was not allowed to cry. A sudden sound of horses' hooves broke my memory. In the dusk, the dove fleeing from the rain flew to the clouds with its wings flapping. The mother slightly cut her hair and walked out, only to see a young man in blue riding away. A drop of sweet tears mingled with the reflection of the bridge at dusk, and the silk and mother's sorrow of the opposite family fell quietly. Mother said. I had expected that the seven-year wait would come to nothing. It's really true. The sound of his horse's hooves was a beautiful mistake. He is not a returnee, but a passer-by. it is raining cats and dogs. Postscript: pay homage to Chou ^ ^ said it was a document. The result is this length Silence.

Wrong Composition (13)

No matter how blue the sky is, there will be dark clouds passing by, and no matter how fresh the air is, it will be mixed with dust. How can we chase each other on the road of growth without making mistakes?

In the world, all kinds of desires confuse our eyes. For me, who loves reading, books always make me want to stop. Like many friends of the same age, I don't like taking lunch breaks, so every lunch break is the golden time for me to read.

It was noon again, and the bright spring light covered every dark corner of my room. It was a good day for me to study! I followed my parents' lunch break requirements and took off my coat. I hurriedly chose a book and climbed onto the upper bunk. While reading, I watched everything outside.

I pressed my body against the cold wall to hide my body from the blind spot of my parents' vision as much as possible. Then I pulled out the zipper of the quilt to avoid having no place to collect books in an emergency.

After I thought everything was ready, I carried a heart to read with hunger and thirst, and experienced a hundred years of spring and autumn in the friction between fingers and books. Suddenly, there was a slight and crafty footsteps in the quiet air. My just active thoughts suddenly stopped, and memories began to stir: was it I turning the book too loudly? Or did I laugh uncontrollably? For a time, countless kinds of memories hovered in my mind, and these thoughts prompted me to do one thing - to see the wind and grass outside the door with my ears. Sure enough, in the silence came the sound of the collision between the toes and the ground, and my nerves immediately tightened. My hands were trembling but decisively and quickly pushed the book into the gap that had been prepared on the quilt. I hurriedly hid in the quilt to make a sound sleep. I heard the intermittent footsteps approaching outside the door, and my heart beat faster. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps stopped, time solidified in silence, and I prayed more than once in the blind spot: "Let's move!" Finally, I could not bear the oppression of the quilt, raised my head slightly, only saw a piece of white wall, then moved my body with luck, moved out of the blind spot, and saw my father leaning against the door with a complex expression.

Finally, I accepted my father's severe criticism and tried to correct the bad behavior of reading in bed. But I finally paid the price for my mistake - myopia.

Mistakes are like clouds, regrets are like wind. Dark clouds, sunshine and wind are all indispensable scenery in our life journey.

Wrong Composition (14)

It rained intermittently in the south of the Yangtze River. The misty sky, the pink and willow green ground, and the black tiles were shaking with grass.

My mother leaned against the window and looked. Although she applied some makeup, her haggard and old face was still vaguely visible. Now it was dusk. My mother leaned against the window and looked at it all day. My mother said that she was waiting for someone.

The man left his mother seven years ago to take the imperial examination. He was a scholar and went to the capital to take the imperial examination. Seven days after leaving, my mother found that I already had me, and she looked forward to his return every day. Oh, my father and father, like those who reply letters, send a letter to my mother. The letter said let my mother wait for seven years.

Seven years. Seven years. Seven years. What is this concept. Not seven days. Seven weeks. Or seven months. Seven years. For a woman. From the girl in the blooming season to the old and lonely woman. docosa-. nonacosa.

My mother is no longer young.

yes. I miss you all the time, but never see you. Tears wash my face all day long. Every day I sleep with tears in my eyes, and I weep in my dreams. I said, mother, you are a tearful person.

My mother asked me to learn martial arts and said that I must learn a skill in the future. In the future society, I am not like my mother. Like all ordinary girls, I can tune the piano, make tea and sew. My mother never allows me to cry. She said that she had shed too many tears in her life, so I was not allowed to cry.

A sudden sound of horses' hooves broke my memory. In the dusk, the dove fleeing from the rain flew to the clouds with its wings flapping. The mother slightly cut her hair and walked out, only to see a young man in blue riding away.

A drop of sweet tears mingled with the reflection of the bridge at dusk, and the silk and mother's sorrow of the opposite people fell quietly.

Mother said. I had expected that the seven-year wait would come to nothing. It's really true. The sound of his horse's hooves was a beautiful mistake.

He is not a returnee, but a passer-by.

it is raining cats and dogs.

Wrong Composition (15)

Adults, what's the big deal? What if you are eighteen years old. How long can I have children? My gentleness is not enough. Adults always confiscate their willfulness.

After 1990, we are still ignorant children. In the eyes of the post-70s and post-80s generation, heavy metals and non mainstream are what we call personality.

In this era of developed network, we like computer games. In this material rich era, we like small jewelry. We are just attaching it. Isn't it the same with the predecessors of 7080? When the older brothers and sisters of the post-80s generation were the same age as us, didn't the uncle of the post-70s say the same thing about them? Don't the older brothers and sisters of the post-80s generation work and contribute to the country when they grow up? Then, you will turn your spearhead to the post-90s generation! I just don't understand why you always like to base your happiness on the pain of others?

I like music. I like everything about music. I dream of becoming a musician. No matter success or failure, I have worked hard for what I want. But I will compete everywhere, so that all people can feel the charm of music and interpret my love for music. In fact, there are many post-90s people like me. They also have their own dreams and will strive to pursue them. In order to realize your dream, follow the rules step by step. You know, not all post-90s like heavy metals and non mainstream ones. Of course, I am not talking about those who are not good. Although I am also a post-90s generation, everyone has different aesthetic views. I have no right to comment on them or interfere with others' freedom.

Perhaps this is a law. When the post-90s grow up, they will become like the elders of the post-70s and post-80s generation, blaming the younger brothers and sisters of the post-00s generation. But I believe that they will also be as strong as we are now. Come on, all the children!

Wrong Composition (16)

Miss Rose's tall and straight figure is blooming gracefully in my flower bed. They dance with the wind, and their slender fingers are no longer weak, become powerful, graceful, and can be said to have both talent and beauty! Among them, a yellow rose is surrounded by a group of reds. She is graceful and different. There is also a flower bud that has not yet opened a smiling face

"Ah! How beautiful! Hmm - the gift for Mother's Day last time was too hasty! This time, I will give this beautiful rose to my mother!" I stared at this beautiful lady with my eyes fixed on her, and kept making small calculations.

"It doesn't matter! I will take good care of you in the next few days. Please try your best to show your most beautiful appearance on Mother's Day!" I said to Miss Rose playfully.

In the days after that, I would go to see her whenever I was free. Catch insects while watering her. I expect her to drive a little bigger every day, and I'm worried that she drives too fast. I hope she drives just right, and surprise her mother on Mother's Day.

Finally, the roses are still open! She could not resist the sunny weather, nor could she resist my careful care. Before Mother's Day, the rose showed her charm perfectly. Even without the gorgeous peonies, the lofty lotus, the beautiful chrysanthemums, and the proud frost of plum blossoms, she has opened her beauty. She is like a "girl next door" who stands aloof from the world, quietly opening her own measurement and beautifying the corner of the courtyard.

The beautiful posture not only attracts me, but also attracts other beautiful creatures. A butterfly can't wait to stay on the rose plate. It seems that I want to be a "Flower Picker"! Can't let it destroy the roses! Thinking of this, I raised my hand and drove it away. Unexpectedly, the butterfly flew back in a circle.

"Hey! It seems that he is still a stubborn thief!" I found a fishnet bag and covered the butterfly with it. "Hey hey, I caught you, and I will let you go this time. If I dare to come again, I will make you into a specimen!" I took it to the road far away from roses and set it free.

I have to think of a way, otherwise I'm afraid there will be more butterflies to collect honey, then the roses will wither soon? I looked at the net pocket and thought. How about making a cover for rose flowers, too? Isolate butterflies! But then I can't see her blooming. Do you want some insect killer? no way! If you kill the rose, you will lose more than you gain. Simply move into the house, which can stop the butterflies and enjoy the beautiful flowers!

The beautiful rose stayed in the warm room for two days, but I found that the beautiful flower plate became vague, as if it was going to die, and even the original green leaves began to curl. "What's the matter? Isn't the rose in full bloom for a long time?" I looked around anxiously and watered her. "Don't you have enough to drink? Why is there a shortage of water?" I checked hurriedly and my mind suddenly became clear. "Do you need photosynthesis?" I eagerly carried the rose outside to let the sun shine brightly on the rose. The butterfly comes again, but it doesn't stop anymore.

Is the rose dead? I raised her to death! Am I wrong to put her in the room?

Looking at the roses with Yan Er in her head, I was no longer as energetic as I was two days ago. I grabbed my head in chagrin. Rose, she is not a rose, not champagne, not hibiscus, she is a rose, can be sonorous, can be quiet. She can bloom in the warm March and September, and also in the cold winter. I should not let her away from butterflies, nor put her indoors, so that she can become a greenhouse flower. Without the extraction of butterflies and the baptism of sunshine, she could not grow normally. We, too, should not be greenhouse flowers, but rose flowers trained in the cold and hot weather!

Wrong Composition (17)

In the classroom, the teacher handed out a ball with a plastic hook. I put it on Huang Hongying's head for fun, but I couldn't take it off after catching her hair. I was so worried that I felt like an ant on a hot pan scratching my head. So she cut her hair a little with scissors and then took the ball down.

I thought it was over, but Huang Hongying's hair fell off when she combed it. Her mother was very angry and called the teacher. The next day, I was called to the office by the teacher and severely criticized, saying that I was too naughty and had to write a 500 word review.

I will never be naughty again. I also said to Huang Hongying, "Sorry!"