600 word composition in my heart (15 popular compositions)
Experience life
2023-09-16 06:23:07

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (1)

Happiness is one of my specialties. I seldom feel unhappy, but I also worry. Why? Because my happiness is connected with my troubles.

At the beginning of this semester, Mr. Wang announced that I, a "civilian", had become the deputy monitor. I was very happy. However, troubles also follow.

When I was young, I was always careless. When I came to middle school, I still often left things behind. This is a bad thing. If I didn't bring anything or forgot to bring something, my classmates would say after seeing it: "Look, our deputy monitor didn't bring anything, so don't we need to bring it?" After hearing this, I blushed. Alas, don't mention it.

"Change!" We must do what we say. In order to get rid of this bad habit, I specially prepared a small book. I will remember everything the teacher said, so that I will never forget it. Don't mention it, it really works. Now not only will I never forget what to take with me, but several of my good friends have also prepared "memos" under my leadership, and we are no longer careless.

I remember that in the mid-term exam, I got a real score of "one fried dough stick, two eggs" in English, ranking first in the class. Others told me that you are really good. I have to be modest, just so so. Hey, that feeling, really happy. But when my math score came out in the afternoon, I failed. Others took the points worth showing off and said to me, "You can't do it, I have to muddle through, that is.". That taste, hey, is really "how a word of worry", I am worried.

Because my English is good, my classmates always ask me some questions. Of course, I won't tell them the answers easily. I will teach them slowly until they understand. Whenever I see my "student" work getting better and better, and I get good results one by one, I am really happy, even happier than my own good results. No, if they catch up with me one by one, how can I be happy. Thinking of this, I am worried again.

Smart you, please tell me, do I want to be happy or worried?

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (2)

There will always be integral joy in the deep memory, a little unwilling, a little warm. Because you are in my heart!

Opening the thick diary, several thin pieces of paper slipped out unconsciously.

I remember that in the first half of the second year of junior high school, I was worried because I had arrived at the geometry verification question. Is it triangle congruent? Is equal pair and equal angle? Or is the area equal? The calculations on the draft paper are full. At this time, you came to me. After seeing this picture of me, you grabbed the paper and pulled out a long sharp pencil from my pen bag. Then you found a seat while reading the topic. Your face is sometimes serious, as if you find this is an unusual topic; Sometimes cheerful, it seems that the key to open the mysterious door has been found from knowledge; Sometimes confused, as if to check out one of their own mistakes; Sometimes I write fast, as if I have got some inspiration.

You always have the spirit of asking everything to the end. This time is no exception. When class is over, you will always frown and relax. You hold a pencil tightly in your hand, and keep talking. Sometimes I will ask him why he is so focused on this question, but his answer makes me unforgettable, He said this: "Because you are my good classmate, because you have questions about this question, how can I not help when I see it?" I was moved by the warmth after hearing it for a long time.

Suddenly, you came out of nowhere and shouted at me: "Ha ha, I've made it! I'm powerful!" "Really? Let me see!" Then you began to patiently explain the process of this question to me: "First two lines are parallel, then all wait, then." It is really your voice that taught me that I can make progress in learning step by step, Sometimes you can give me extraordinary joy.

You are also the representative of the Chinese class in our class. In your spare time, you are willing to squeeze out time for me to give lectures patiently. On the way to growth, you can always cheer me up when I am in difficulty. It is because of you that I have had a good time in junior high school. It is because of you that I will not feel lonely under the pressure of learning.

Because, I know, I am not the only person on the way to grow up.

Because, I know, I have you in my heart.

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (3)

I'm going to take an interest class in painting today. In fact, I don't want to go. Because, I think the painting teacher criticized too much, and spoke very loudly and fiercely. I'm afraid the teacher will criticize me. However, if I don't go to class, my mother will be angry and criticize me severely. Therefore, I was very upset and had to learn.

Alas, I'm so upset recently! My feet are so big, they are all size 36, and I can't buy shoes. At home, I often look at my feet, and often compare with my mother's, God! Our feet are the same size, but I'm only in the fourth grade. If I grow up, my feet may surpass my sister's. Sometimes, I will go to compare my feet with my friends of the same age. They are not as big as me. It's really depressing.

In summer, I have to buy a pair of desirable slippers and search on Taobao. "This pair is so beautiful!" Finally, there is a pair of slippers that I like. But when I look at the size, ah, the maximum size is only 34! I had to give up. Everything else is the same. 34 yards is the biggest, but there is no 36 yards. I'm so angry.

If you can't buy them online, you can only go to the shoe store in the mall, but the largest sandals are only 35 yards. After that, when my feet were only 34 yards, I could buy a lot of beautiful and favorite shoes. My mother laughed at me when she saw my depressed expression. She was really gloating. "You Chen family are all big feet." But that's quite right. My father is 44 yards, my aunt is 39 yards, and my sister is 39 yards. Alas, my family is all big feet! In this way, I am inherited. Help! I can't buy shoes when I grow up. I wish my feet could grow slowly.

I often fantasize that when I grow up, I must open an extra large shoe store. I can find any beautiful shoes in extra large sizes, which are suitable for everyone with big feet. In this way, those "big feet" like me will not worry about wearing shoes. I also hope that after the development of science and technology, there will be machines to change the size of feet, so that I won't worry about buying beautiful shoes. It's strange that my mother often asked me to buy shoes of a smaller size. She said that if I still wore wide shoes, my feet would become larger and larger. Maybe my big feet would shrink a little after "pressing". Big feet really bother me, please, feet! Don't grow up!

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (4)

Modern technology is changing rapidly. Can you imagine what the campus will be like in 20 years? Please take the time shuttle with me to the campus 20 years later.

When you walk into the gate of the campus, the first thing you see is a space portal. With the click of a button, it will immediately send you to the classroom you are going to, which is really convenient and fast. There are neat teaching buildings and beautiful big gardens on the campus. At this time, you may ask why there is no playground in the future campus? Ha ha, let me reveal the secret for you. In order to save space, the campus playground and parking lot have been built underground. If you want to play sports in the playground, take the special elevator. You can quickly descend to the underground playground and enjoy sports and play.

As soon as you enter the classroom, you will see the shining walls. What's the matter? It turns out that the wall is made of special materials extracted from garbage, which can light the classroom without consuming energy and is very environmentally friendly. Moreover, this special wall will keep the whole classroom at a constant temperature, making the teachers and students in the classroom feel comfortable. Isn't it amazing?

At the beginning of class, each student has his own e-book and a multi-functional computer. Wearing headphones, e-book begins to teach. e-books can turn boring pictures into interesting animations, making every student feel as if they are on the spot. The homework can be completed on the computer. Press the "Submit" button after completion, and the homework will be corrected soon. If all are correct, the computer elves will jump out to praise you. If you do something wrong, it will encourage you to continue to do it again until it is correct.

Do you like this future campus? Although this dream seems to be far away, I think that as long as we study hard and master more scientific knowledge, this dream will be realized as soon as possible, and children in the future will certainly study happily in such an intelligent campus.

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (5)

How glorious and dignified it is to be a monitor! That's what many people dream of, and I'm no exception. By the second volume of the fourth grade, I finally got my wish! However, after a while of "scenery", I have had enough trouble being a monitor!

As a monitor, there are many requirements. One of them is to get good grades. Otherwise, how can you convince the students? But good grades are not so simple. In our class, there are many excellent students. If they are not careful, they will run ahead of me. So at any time, I dare not be careless about my study. I concentrate in class, raise my hand and speak actively. After class, I finish the homework assigned by the teacher in time. In fact, I am just like an old man with mountains on his back, walking towards the future.

When I was the monitor, the "Don't cry" clause made me "dumb eat coptis - I can't say anything about suffering". You know, I use tears as a weapon to achieve my various goals at home from time to time. When I became the monitor, I had been teased badly by my classmates. For example, Zhang Jijun, the "mischievous king" in our class, cannot be peaceful as long as he exists. Some "victims" came to me to complain. I tried to reason with him again and again, but he was still the same. Even I was one of the victims. Many times, they want to sue him. But as a monitor, I should be stronger and share the teacher's worries.

I am the monitor of the class. The teacher trusts me too much and leaves me to finish many things. This takes up a lot of my time. Sometimes, students have finished their homework, but I haven't done it yet. When they play games, I can only look at them with eager eyes, and I can only envy them when they read extracurricular books with relish. Alas

I am the monitor of the class. The teacher wants me to "discipline" some students in the class who are not careful in class and do not study well, so they put these people around me. Although I am reluctant to be a "neighbor" with them, I still understand the teacher's painstaking efforts. Good! Look at me. The first move is to coax "I know you will pay attention in class." The second move is to frighten "I told the teacher that you are doing this." The third move is to persuade "young people who do not work hard, old people who are sad." Sometimes they throw out a sentence: "Who are you? What does it matter to you?" It is really a kindness that cannot be repaid.

Alas, it's not easy to be the monitor! Sometimes I really don't want to be a student, but I can see that my classmates support me so much, encourage me and trust me. It seems that it is not a bad thing to take this trouble with you!

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (6)

The treasure in my heart is two words - faith.

When I was young, when I saw the cool dance steps and fiery passion of hip-hop teenagers, I wanted to be one of them. However, my body coordination is not good. Can I practice hip-hop well? I can't help doubting myself. As the saying goes, "success comes naturally". Yes, with this belief, in the hip-hop class, I gritted my teeth to support my tired body and closed my eyes to endure the pain of stretching. I don't care about the dripping of beanie sweat, nor do I care about the dimness of tears in my eyes. Because I have faith, I believe that through my own efforts, I will certainly usher in a glorious moment to stand on the stage. Faith, you have taught me to bear hardships and persevere. I am driving a boat and trying to sail far away.

Since the first grade of primary school, the teacher has given me a "definition": the child's composition is not good. Yes, every time I write a composition, my score hovers above or below the passing mark. Sometimes, my teacher takes my composition as a "model essay" in class, which causes some students to laugh at me wantonly. At this time, I buried my head deeply in my arms, but at the same time, I clenched my fists. The belief in my heart inspired me again: I will write a good composition! Since then, I have insisted on observing more, practicing writing diligently, and discovering and feeling the beauty of life with my heart; Insist on reading classics, recite beautiful articles, greedily learn and absorb the essence of sages' articles. Inspired by my belief, my efforts have paid off. Finally, my composition has made great progress. Life has made me experience frustrations and prejudices. It is faith that has taught me a kind of stubbornness and boldness without fear of difficulties.

I used to be very sensitive when I was in adolescence. Little things among my classmates made me haggle over every ounce and feel confused; The teacher's words and eyes sometimes make me frustrated. So I am often absent-minded and can't learn. This summer vacation, I took part in the research trip organized by the school and visited the Qian Xuesen Museum of Shanghai Jiaotong University. When Qian Xuesen went to the United States to study abroad, he resolutely gave up the superior material conditions in the United States and devoted himself to the national defense research cause of the motherland after he learned something. The lofty spirit of Qian Xuesen, regardless of his personal gains and losses, cherishing his motherland and determined to serve the country, deeply infected me and made my belief in my heart burn like a fire. I also want to overcome my parochialism, have great ambitions, and study for a stronger country!

Faith, you have inspired me to overcome the difficulties and obstacles in life. You have cultivated my strong and persistent quality and lofty ambition to serve the country. You are the treasure in my heart.

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (7)

There are many secrets in my heart, just like the stars in the sky. But one of the brightest stars is my biggest secret.

It was a sunny day. I was piay outside with my friend. One of my friends, Li Bo, was putting chickens. The chickens pecked flowers and caught insects. I walked past, I thought; I wonder how old his chicken is?

When I walked in, I couldn't help being shocked that the chicken had grown taller just a few weeks ago, and the little yellow chicken's crown had grown out of great prestige. But I only saw two chickens, and what about the third one? I muttered in my heart. I asked Li Bo hurriedly. Li Bo sighed and said, "The third chicken was taken away by the cat when I was not paying attention."

I was very angry. The third chicken was the most lively and lovely. I said to Li Bo, "I will avenge your chicken..."

I greet my friends while looking for tools to catch cats. I searched and found a board and a scrap tape. Under the guidance of Li Bo, we found the cat's nest, which was in the drainage hole above a fort wall in front of Li Bo's house. I climbed up from a crack, and others also climbed up. There was an old cat and four kittens in this cat nest. I found an exit in front and a brick wall behind. It just blocked one of their escape routes, so I observed it carefully again. Shihe set up a "spider array". I used tape as a web and wood as a wall, and saw a gap. When they ran past me, I could catch them.

I asked several friends to observe in front, and I guarded the "spider array". Suddenly, the friend in front of me yelled, "There is a cat!" I observed carefully, and saw a spotted cat running towards me. I thought to myself, "Ha ha, you have lost your egg!"! As soon as I reached out my hand, I caught it. "Got it! Got it!" I cried, and we all came out happily... We decided to keep the cat secret for Li Bo. Now that you know the secret, you should keep it secret.

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (8)

Many people have some sweet little secrets in their hearts, but I have a disgraceful little secret, which makes me nervous and shameful.

I remember that it was a Chinese exam. When the exam papers were handed out, my heart was half cold - I only got 80 points. What a shameless grade! I wish this test paper would turn into ashes and invisible in the sun.

The teacher also seems to be deliberately against me. Last time, I scored 100 points, but I didn't send them out and didn't need to sign. This time I got 80 points, but I had to sign. Alas!

If my mother knew that I had scored so much in the exam, she would never let me go. I can't expect to have a good life this week! What should I do? Looking at my mother's signature on the homework book, I was worried. If only this signature could be on the test paper. Suddenly, an idea came out. Can't you muddle through by imitating your own signature?

So I immediately started to prepare, learned my mother's handwriting, and practiced on the draft paper again and again, until I thought it was very realistic, then I carefully wrote the test paper. It seems that there are countless pairs of eyes peeking behind me. I am scared and write badly, so I can only erase them. But on second thought, it was not easy to get the authentic work, so I cut out the signature on the record book of the masterpiece and stuck it on the test paper. I didn't see any trace, and only when I thought it was safe, did I dare to stop work. Now, the teacher must not find the flaw.

The next day, I handed in my test paper in a tangled mood. I really hope the teacher can't see my test paper. But in a few minutes, the teacher asked me to come over. I don't know where the fear comes from, which makes me nervous. If I am found, I will die. Now, I can only pray that if the teacher does not find out, he must not find out... If God gives me a chance to repent, I will honestly ask my mother to sign!

The teacher asked with a straight face, "Why didn't you correct yesterday's homework?" I gasped for breath. It turned out that the teacher was just urging homework. "I will bring it now." I felt a twinge of joy in my heart. The teacher didn't find it, and my mother would certainly not know it.

Although I muddled through this time and got away with it, I was not at all relaxed afterwards. Every time I hear the teacher's severe criticism and see my mother's reproachful eyes, I will think of that 80 points. Perhaps it will become an eternal secret, such a secret, I firmly do not want a second one!

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (9)

Since I can remember, I think my model in my heart is my mother. She is the person I most respect and love. I learned from her that it is never too late to learn. From him, I learned to cherish time, and from him, I learned to work hard, struggle, be honest and trustworthy.

Although her mother is a farmer, she insists on reading books and newspapers. After finishing housework every night, I began to read books quietly. If you see articles that are helpful to my study, you will copy them and then analyze and comment with me. Good articles will be read repeatedly. Over the years, the books my mother has read are almost piled up in a small house. Under her influence, I also formed a good habit of reading.

Mother not only studies hard, but also cherishes time. She squatted outside my classroom reading when I had my PE class on the weekend. Sometimes she also listens outside the classroom. When she comes home, she often discusses and practices with me. She not only taught me how to cherish time, but also taught me how to be a person.

My father works outside all year round and seldom goes home because of busy work. The burden of housework falls on my mother alone. She went to work during the day and did housework when she returned home at night. Sometimes her tired feet and hands were swollen, but she never complained. Whether it's cold or hot, she gets up before dawn every day to clean the front and back yards, and often helps the neighbor's grandma do some odd jobs. Sometimes I will send some delicious food to my grandma. She uses her hard work to guide us to swim in the ocean of life, and uses her love to help those who need help... What simple words, what noble character, it stirs my heart. I learned hard work from him.

My mother is a person who keeps her word. She promises to do things well. At the same time, she is humorous, funny and cheerful, which is what I lack. When I am with my mother, I can always feel surrounded by a cheerful atmosphere. Even I don't like to laugh, I am often amused by her. My mother and I are actually more like friends. We often tell each other whether we are happy or sad

This is the example in my heart - my mother, an ordinary and great mother!

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (10)

Wuzhong District is located in the south of Suzhou, a famous historical and cultural city. It connects Kunshan Mountain in the east, Wujiang River in the south, Taihu Lake in the west, and faces Wuxi City and Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province across the lake. I like Wuzhong very much.

Wuzhong District governs 8 streets, 7 towns and one scenic spot: Suyuan Street, Longxi Street, Xiangshan Street, Chengnan Street, Hengjing Street, Changqiao Street, Yuexi Street, Guoxiang Street, Xukou Town, Linhu Town, Dongshan Town, Mudu Town, Guangfu Town, Luzhi Town, Jinting Town, and Qionglong Mountain Natural Scenic Spot.

Among them, I like Xishan Island best! Xishan Mountain in Taihu Lake is a lake island scenic spot with archipelagic scenery, modern agriculture and numerous historic sites, including plum garden, Shigong Mountain, Linwu Cave, Luohan Temple, Chunxi Hall, Baoshan Temple and other scenic spots. Every Sunday, Dad would take his family to taste the farm food there; Appreciate the natural landscape there, help farmers pick loquats together, and sometimes stand by the lake to watch the seabirds flying on the lake. I really want to have a pair of wings to fly on the rippling lake, to feel the harmony between the sky and the lake, and let my mood soar freely. Ah! Xishan Island, you are so beautiful in the blue waves.

There are many local products in Xishan! Taihu white shrimp, commonly known as "crystal shrimp", is one of the "Three Treasures of Taihu Lake": transparent, crystal like jade, with brown stripes. It is also known as the "Three Treasures of Taihu Lake" along with the Mei Coilia mystus and white shrimp. It is China's main export aquatic product: silver carp, also known as "chow fish", is commonly known as noodle fish or noodle fish. The fish is slender, slightly round, shaped like a hairpin, delicate and transparent, soft as bones, intestines, white and scalless, and silver in color, so it is called silver carp.

Taihu Lake has not only fish and shrimp specialties, but also many fruits! Loquat is an example: loquat is a perennial evergreen tree of Rosaceae, which is one of the early maturing fruits in the south of the Yangtze River. It is also called "the three sisters of early summer fruits" together with myrica rubra and cherry. It is also known as "a treasure among all kinds of fruits" because it has the spirit of sprouting in autumn, winter flowers, fruiting in spring and ripening in summer. Chestnut, also known as Chinese chestnut, is a deciduous tree of beech family. The tree can reach 20 meters high. It blooms in early summer and collects fruits in autumn. Chestnuts can be divided into north and south. "North Chestnuts" are most famous in Fangshan, and "South Chestnuts" are famous in Taihu Lake area.

Xishan Island has a thousand year old historic site, natural landscape, and delicious local products. The landscape of lake and sky makes me linger. I love you, Wuzhong Xishan Island!

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (11)

Wuzhong is an ancient place with profound cultural heritage.

With beautiful scenery, it can be regarded as a unique place in Wuzhong. Especially Taihu Lake, Qionglong Mountain and other scenic spots. On a sunny day, walk to the bank of Taihu Lake and watch the ripples on the sparkling water surface, which is full of poetic and picturesque feelings. The Xishan and Dongshan islands in Taihu Lake are even more unique. The former has beautiful mountains and waters and rich products; The latter has green mountains and dense trees. The Qionglong Mountain forms a sharp contrast with the water of Taihu Lake. Qionglong Mountain is the first famous mountain in Suzhou. This title is not for nothing. It is closely related to historical figures such as Sun Wu and Zhu Maichen. Sun Wuyuan is elegant and quiet. No wonder Sun Wu was able to write this wonderful book, Sun Tzu's Art of War. Climbing to the top of the dome and looking down, you can see many mountains, rolling mountains, and the road in the dense forest. It is really beautiful.

As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for people". Wuzhong's specialty food is also indispensable. The famous food "Taihu Sanbai" in Taihu boat dishes is also an example. "Three Whites of Taihu Lake" refers to white fish, whitebait and white shrimp. I like white shrimp best. People in Wuzhong usually make drunk shrimp to taste. Use chopsticks to pick up a shrimp with seasoning, gently bite the shell open, revealing raw meat. When put into the mouth, it has a fresh and refreshing taste, but the flavor of the seasoning also exists in the shrimp meat. It's my favorite dish. After tasting carefully, there was a special smell of drunk shrimp left in my mouth, which made me want to eat another one.

Wuzhong is a paradise on earth with beautiful scenery, long history and delicious food!

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (12)

The beautiful home in many people's hearts is very beautiful, but the home I desire is not like this. It is a cabin in the woods. Maybe it is small and insignificant in those tall and towering luxury buildings, but it is unique in my mind.

It is a petal shaped hut, surrounded by a path paved with dense stones, and in front of the door there is a clear river. There are many small fish in the river, and there are many strange flowers and plants coiled outside the house, as if in the flowers, it is so fragrant and beautiful. The door of the house is an automatic sensing door. As soon as a person approaches, it will judge whether the owner has returned. If it is the host, it will sing a crisp song to welcome the host, making people relaxed and happy. But if it is some outlaws, it will shoot tens of thousands of sharp flower petals with thorns, making them scared. There is a pink little bed with rose fragrance in the room. A gentle kiss will transform your tiredness and troubles of the day into happiness and freshness. There is also a petal shaped stove with a small pink fire burning in the middle of the petal. Although it is not big, it is a natural air conditioner, which can adjust the temperature of the cabin according to your preference and the weather. There is a kitchen beside the stove, in which there is a robot that can cook, mix wine, squeeze juice and so on according to your instructions. There is a stamen shaped desk beside the bed, so you can sit on it and finish your homework quickly and well. The bathroom is a small flower bud. As long as you want to take a bath in your heart, it will automatically drain water and pour milk and rose petals into it, making your skin fragrant, smooth and comfortable after bathing.

This is the beautiful home in my mind. I hope it will come true one day! Boys and girls, I will invite you to my home.

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (13)

I remember that when I was in primary school, my grades were always very good. Every time I took an exam, I was almost in the top three. Until one time, my arrogance and complacency made me fall behind and I didn't rank in the top ten. I was very disappointed at that time. I thought: How could there be such a big gap with such a little negligence? I was worried that I would never get into the top three again. This will definitely disappoint my parents and teachers. I was really frustrated at that time, and my heart was occupied by the word "lost" all day long, which lasted for a long time. Until one day, I overheard a man say: "Confidence is the motivation for a person to reach his goal. It cannot be measured by money or calculated by Arabic numerals. It comes from a person's belief. Where he falls, he will rise from where he falls." At this time, my nerve was stimulated and began to get excited, At the same time, I also have the confidence to stand up again.

From that day on, I began to study very hard. I encountered numerous difficulties and setbacks, but I overcame them one by one. When the final exam came, I met the challenge with confidence. When the score came down, I was on the first line of the report card with double hundred points

At this time, I seemed to vaguely see the sea that I had been admiring for a long time, and I cried excitedly. But this time, in addition to the excitement and excitement, I deeply understood that there is still a long way to go before I can really reach the sea in my dream. What I need to do next is to continue to fight through the thorns to realize my dream

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (14)

The original work of Anne of Green Gables is Lucy Maud Montgomery, a famous female writer from Canada. Her representative work is Anne of Green Gables, which is known as "the sweetest girl growth story in the world". Even Mark Twain, a world-famous writer, wrote a letter to praise the author, Miss Montgomery: "You are the most lovely girl since you created Alice in Wonderland." You said, how could such a book be inferior?

After listening to my introduction, did you feel excited? Now let me introduce the hero of this book - Annie! Annie is an innocent, lively, intelligent, naughty, kind and stubborn girl. But her biggest characteristic is still very imaginative. She imagined that her shadow was two other people, talking to them when one was alone; She imagined that she was wearing the most fashionable lantern sleeve clothes; She imagined that her hair was not red, but beautiful gold; She imagined that there was a cannibal devil in the pine forest... It was such an Anne who was adopted by a pair of old brothers and sisters living on Prince Edward Island. Annie often does something ironic when she comes to Green Gables. Of course, Annie, who is lively and lovely by nature, also brings vitality to the Green Gable. Diana, who has beautiful black hair, is Anne's only bosom friend at Green Gables. They have strong feelings and are on a par with their sisters. Anne's life, which is informal, is full of color everywhere.

Annie's naivety, persistence, intelligence, never giving up, and imagination have all brought me a deep influence. When I grew up, Annie became my role model: she was admitted to the famous school - Queen's College with the first place. Later, I got the scholarship with good results. Annie's unyielding spirit really makes me admire!

Annie of Green Gables has brought me a lot of happiness. It is not only a good book, but also a good friend. I believe you will like it as much as I do, like Anne of Green Gables!

My Heart's Composition 600 Word Composition (15)

The 600 words of the June 1st composition in my heart -- childhood is a gently flying soap bubble, childhood is a grasshopper and cricket hiding in the grass, childhood is a never ending licking marshmallow, childhood is a "?"?? Childhood is full of warmth and laughter??

In a twinkling, the sun was shining and the wind was blowing gently. The happy Children's Day of June 1 came again quietly. On the eve of June 1, I had a dream. The "June 1" in my dream was what I had always dreamed of.

On June 1, I went to get close to nature with my friends. There are many interesting things in the fields! Strawberry wind is blowing in the field, which makes people feel happy. Looking up at the clouds, they also became strawberry shaped. Eh? What is that creeping thing in the ground? Oh, it's an earthworm! We took out small shovels and buckets, and started to take action. We looked carefully along the edge of the field with our buttocks up. Ha ha, catch one! I dug out a fat earthworm with a shovel. After a while, we dug out a small bucket of earthworms.

Look, the target appears again! Red "helicopters" flew in the apple wind over the green paddy fields. They are human's good friends - dragonflies. The thin body and large compound eyes are really amazing. We prepared the net and walked down the field gently. Dragonflies have so many eyes. It's very quick to catch them. We put the captured dragonflies in the cage and observed them carefully.

After playing so many fun things, we were hungry. We pulled up our pants, barefoot, and stepped into the clear river. The wind of watermelon is blowing by the river, which makes people thirsty! Remove the small pebbles at the bottom, and you will find many fat and big crabs. They waved big pliers as if they were demonstrating to me! Carefully, I reached out my hand, grabbed a crab and threw it into the bamboo basket. We caught five or six big crabs and returned with a full load!

After enough food, we still had more fun. We changed our swimsuits and headed for the river. In the cool river, we enjoyed swimming, water fights, and played hide and seek with small fish and shrimp??

This is just a beautiful dream. When can I have this truly happy Children's Day?