Composition between Me and Nature (18 refined articles)
The flowers are blooming like brocade
2023-08-13 07:18:19
primary school
describe the scenery

Composition between Me and Nature (1)

On a narrow flat land surrounded by mountains on eight sides, there is a quiet small town. In the south of the town, there is a quiet village. There is a harmonious family in the village. There is a young man who loves nature. That young man is me. I love nature, because spring is full of vitality, because summer is green, because autumn is quiet, because everything in winter sprouts. In spring, I like to wander on the ridges of the mountains and forests. Looking at the tender buds on the trees, I can't help but go to smell them. Close your eyes and listen to the distant and near birds, the gurgling streams. Sit down and take a deep breath. A burst of freshness permeates the heart. Stand up, run for a while and shout with all your strength, just like a bud breaking through the skin and a petal bursting through the bone. This is the spring of nature, and it is also my spring. I have become a grass in spring and enjoy spring with all things. In summer, I like to go fishing near the reservoir. Sitting in the shade with bare feet, the wind outside the tree is sunny, and the cool wind is blowing under the tree. The grass is tickling my feet. Put down the bait and put the fishing rod aside. I felt uncomfortable around. I looked up and saw green everywhere. The scenery of water and mountains, the reflection of Huiqing, makes me relaxed and happy. There were several wild ducks swimming on the water. Suddenly, a goshawk flew across the sky, and all of them got into the water. When they looked again, they had reached the other end. Before closing the hook, I still didn't forget to jump into the water and have a good swim. I played with my companions in the water, and the wild ducks in the distance began to fight with me. The wild duck also rejoiced with me, so I felt that I was integrated into nature. In autumn, I walk along the mountain path with my family. Sometimes a row of geese skimmed overhead, and sometimes several wild chicks jumped in the forest, dragging long and beautiful tail feathers, a bit of "flying phoenix" flavor. The water became thin, the leaves were yellow, and the fields were empty. Only a few children were playing with mud, digging loaches, and laughing happily, which brought my thoughts back to my childhood. The pine trees on the mountain are green, tenacious, and resistant to withering and yellowing. Everything is so quiet, I like silence, I have been silent in silence. In winter, the snowflakes are flying, which reminds us of the Tang poem "Suddenly, like the spring breeze in one night, thousands of pear trees bloom". The village after snow is more peaceful. Seen from afar, a plum forest is full of vitality. It is no longer a cold plum that is "broken by the bridge outside the post, lonely and unowned", but an early plum that is "flying snow to spring, wind and rain to return". It blooms on the cliff, beautiful in the middle of winter, competing with pines and cypresses, and fighting against the cold. Slowly, the ice disappears and the snow melts, everything recovers, the mountains are bright and tender, and the water is beautiful. The nature of winter gives me hope and strength. Nature breeds me who loves nature, and I will love, cherish and love nature more.

Composition between Me and Nature (2)

Nature is a wonderful world. As long as you are good at observation, you will find something different about the world. Now let me feel the natural world with you.

The lofty mountains are the leaders of nature. It led its students to recite the rules of nature. Reading aloud is the "rustling" sound of the wind blowing through the leaves; It is the chirping of birds; It's the murmur of a brook Dashan roared angrily, and all the students began to panic, which is equivalent to the earthquake we often say. I touch the body of the mountain. Its strong body is just like a muscle monster, and its whole body is full of muscles.

The gurgling stream is a water salesman. Whenever a small animal is thirsty, as long as it comes to the salesperson's side, it can sprinkle a happy drink. It's said that if a small animal accidentally falls into the water and touches those hard stones, it will hurt and will not stand up.

The tall tree is a big umbrella for us. When rain and sunshine fall on the tree, it will not hesitate to block us. Small animals can take refuge in the umbrella of Brother Tree. If there are no trees in nature, the mountains and grasslands will become bare, and the animals can't chat under the trees. What is nature?

I would like to take your hand and go for a walk in the beautiful nature.

Composition between Me and Nature (3)

I had an appointment with nature and walked out of the door. I bumped into the morning breeze. With a good mood, I got on the bus and went to the "Water World" Baligou. Today, I have a date with nature!

The first thing I saw when I walked into Baligou was those huge stones lying in the water. I greeted them kindly: Hello, friend Jushi, have you been lying in this stream for thousands of years? How many people sit on you to drink and rest. You don't complain at all. How can I not learn from you? Pick up a small stone, I will treasure it. Whenever I see this small stone, I will think of the wonderful time I spent with you today. Go straight ahead and you will come to the main scenic spot of the scenic spot - Yixian Waterfall. From afar, it looks like a white line hanging from the top to the bottom of the mountain. The waterfall has a natural golden voice, and its singing can be heard hundreds of miles around. Holding a handful of cool spring water at the foot of the mountain, I felt the warmth of nature; Picking up a fallen leaf and looking carefully, I saw the unique color of nature.

I put my ear on the rock wall at the foot of the mountain, as if I heard the sound of ancient crustal movement, heard the echo of the ground rumbling. Time turns, I feel the real charm of nature. In a twinkling of an eye, it was past noon. The sunlight gradually becomes mild. I got on the bus and set foot on the return journey. The bird led the way in front to exchange with me the feeling of this visit to nature; The grass is beside the road, waving goodbye to me. I left with a good mood.

Looking back at the rolling mountains, it is still beautiful... The date is over, but my heart is still in nature.

Composition between Me and Nature (4)

Looking at nature, there are charming colors everywhere: the first light breeze blowing is spring with birds singing and flowers fragrant; The first ray of sunshine is the scorching summer; The first golden leaf falls, which is autumn with colorful leaves; The first snowflake is falling, which is the winter of powder and jade. How wonderful nature is!

In spring, I dated with nature in Hundred Flowers Garden, and saw a scene of flourishing grass and flowers. The bee began its day's work. Butterflies also spread their beautiful wings and danced in the flourishing green leaves.

In summer, when I was dating nature in the woods, I only heard cicadas chirping and birds chirping. When I looked up, I saw birds jumping around in the tree, happy as gods. Such a poetic and picturesque picture is really beautiful!

In autumn, I dated with nature in the Hundred Orchards, and saw the mature crops, with the fragrance of the wind; The verdant mountain forest is bright and colorful by the setting sun. The late blooming lilac beside the tree sways the flower branches leisurely; Colorful red leaves float and fall with the wind.

In winter, I dated with nature in the ice and snow, and saw the plum blossom blooming one after another, so I could smell the elegant fragrance of plum blossom from afar. Plum blossom in winter, it seems to have a special feeling for winter. And the snowflakes are fluttering, which makes people imaginative.

After careful understanding of nature, I found that everything is so colorful. I have a date with nature, but naturally I am intoxicated.

Composition between Me and Nature (5)

On a narrow flat land surrounded by mountains on eight sides, there is a quiet small town. In the south of the town, there is a quiet village. There is a harmonious family in the village. There is a young man who loves nature. That young man is me.

I love nature, because spring is full of vitality, because summer is green, because autumn is quiet, because everything in winter sprouts. In spring, I like to wander on the ridges of mountains and forests. When I look at the tender buds on the trees, I can't help coming close to them and smelling the freshness. Close your eyes and listen to the distant and near birds, the gurgling streams.

Sit down and take a deep breath. A burst of freshness permeates the heart. Stand up, run for a while and shout with all your strength, just like a bud breaking through the skin and a petal bursting through the bone. This is the spring of nature, and it is also my spring. I have become a grass in spring and enjoy spring with all things. In summer, I like to go fishing near the reservoir. Sitting in the shade with bare feet, the wind outside the tree is sunny, and the cool wind is blowing under the tree. The grass is tickling my feet. Put down the bait and put the fishing rod aside. I felt uncomfortable around. I looked up and saw green everywhere.

The scenery of water and mountains, the reflection of Huiqing, makes me relaxed and happy. There were several wild ducks swimming on the water. Suddenly, a goshawk flew across the sky, and all of them got into the water. When they looked again, they had reached the other end. Before closing the hook, I still didn't forget to jump into the water and have a good swim. I played with my companions in the water, and the wild ducks in the distance began to fight with me. The wild duck also rejoiced with me, so I felt that I was integrated into nature.

My Composition with Nature (6)

Standing at the bottom of the mountain, you will feel an invisible force pulling you, making you eager to walk into the mountain and enjoy it slowly. The green trees all over the mountain are dark and light in color. Occasionally, one or two unknown birds will fly from the forest and leap to the far horizon

On the way up the mountain, birds play music for you and butterflies dance for you. Big trees and small trees emit attractive fragrance. Soft soil mixed with small rocks makes the path become particularly strong. When the leaves fall in the season, they can also tell you in a unique language: poetic autumn is coming, so is the graceful heaven.

Walking up the mountainside, you can smell the faint fragrance, together with the smell of grass and soil, which is very special. There are some unknown flowers scattered on the ground, white and red, yellow and purple, large and small, swaying in the wind, as if to welcome you. Some small flowers are clustered into a cluster, competing to bloom, while some flowers are unique, but they open slowly, like a girl who is dressing up for the first time, making you want to stop and see more.

Walking on the mountain road, all the trees become your bosom friends and friends. They silently encourage you, let you dare to rush the peak without fear, and let you have confidence when crossing the ditch. The breeze in the mountains wipes sweat for you, the rustling leaves cheer for you, and the strong rocks in the mountains tell you with their handsome arms: Come on, you are the best!

When you walk up the mountain road to the top of the mountain, you lean over and look. The thick fog is moving among the mountains, and you feel like you are in a fairyland. Those shorter mountains loomed in the clouds, as if they had known your arrival and played hide and seek with you. The sun doesn't want to lose the game at the moment. It uses its brilliant light to dye clouds, mountains, trees and you orange

Being close to nature makes me intoxicated and nostalgic. When can I see the mountains of my hometown again and take the road of my hometown?

Composition between Me and Nature (7)

Its green is the flat land mine that has survived the spring, the aphids in early summer, the thick green formed after the hot wind of autumn tigers, like a little color rolling out of the deep pool, like the mist in the mountains. The green is almost soul stirring in the autumn yellow. So I paid close attention to it day by day, as if I could see the reflection of natural beauty through the last green of autumn.

It is still growing day by day. The thick grass leaves are waving in the wind, and the willows will be relaxed in early spring. It stretches and shakes to its heart's content, and every slender stem can shake off happy laughter. Sometimes it rains, and the air is clean. I squat down and look at it carefully. The leaves with dew are almost poetic. The tip of the bud is wrapped up in layers, and looks like a child. That's the tender green that has been missing for two months. This makes people wonder if spring is not far away.

I am obsessed with this small piece of nature every day, until the morning that still makes me very sad. On that day, I opened the door to visit it as usual, only to find it curled up in a muddy depression, with a touch of yellow solidified on its leaf tips. It's not the yellow of autumn. It's not defeated by the seasons. There is a burning smell in the yellow, and there is residual temperature.

My nature was murdered and burned to death by a basin of hot water falling from the sky. A mixture of resentment, melancholy and sadness haunted me. How cruel and rude! A piece of green that can endure the wind and rain in season, endure more pain than wild geese, and endure the sand more than cactus, just disappeared.

It does not seem to be an individual case. Once upon a time, there were thousands of creatures who had experienced volcanoes, blizzards and earthquakes, lived from ancient times to the present, but never survived the dark shotgun. We should be integrated into nature, but we should isolate "people". Our predestination with nature may be accidental or inevitable. It is the first broad-leaved wood seed that fell on the barren land hundreds of millions of years ago, so my life has been branded.

My love for nature has nothing to say, nothing to place, only tears can express it; Man's cruelty to nature has nothing to say, nothing to repose, and only tears can express it. This burning love is placed on that grass, ushering in a pot of hot water, on thousands of lives, and I wonder what kind of suffering it will usher in?

I can't even protect my small nature. Who will protect the vast nature?

My Composition with Nature (8)

The unknown village in the bamboo covered mountains is my mother's hometown and also the place where I lived when I was young. When I was young, I loved playing in the mountains very much. In the morning, the crowing of chickens will start a new day. Go outside, under the blue sky and in front of the clear water, and breathe the fresh air in the mountains. The unique fragrance of green bamboo is mixed with the fragrance of soil. With the wind, it quietly penetrates into the nasal cavity, and suddenly, you feel refreshed.

In the hot summer, I like to swim by the stream and have a water fight with my friends. The brook is not deep or fast, but it is a bit bumpy. We stole some bamboo tubes at home quietly, scooped up the cool stream, and immediately splashed it on when others were not paying attention. As the advertisement said, "My heart is cold and my heart is flying". The clothes are wet on our bodies. When we go home, we are usually beaten by our elders with bamboo whips, asking us to beg for mercy.

My favorite food is the delicious bamboo rice. There are sticky rice and cured meat baked years ago in the bamboo tube. Although the materials are extremely simple, the fragrance is really rich. Take a bamboo spoon and scoop out a mouthful. Suddenly, your mouth is full of the fragrance of bamboo and bacon. The fragrance seems to drown people. The most wonderful thing is that after eating this meal, the fatigue of adults will disappear. I didn't understand it at that time, but now I think it's a gift from nature!

I like bamboo, my mother's hometown, and the wonderful nature. How I wish I could grow up and live in this carefree place forever. However, for my future's sake, he sent me to that strange city. From then on, I learned this and that step by step. Although there are many interesting things in the city, I still miss the comfortable countryside in nature.

How did you return to that small village again. I don't remember exactly what happened. It seems that I was always ill for some reason. My parents were worried about how much time they had to take care of me. It happened that it was summer vacation, so they asked me to go back there to be taken care of by my grandfather.

In this way, I wore a light pink flower skirt and walked step by step to the enclosure with the rut before the sunset. The first thing I saw was the green bamboos all over the mountains. The wind blew gently, and the green bamboos swayed slightly. The graceful green bamboos became more graceful and graceful. It sounds like something to say. Slightly wrong, I saw a chicken, some with tail, some without tail. They clucked and pecked at the soil from time to time. Maybe I realized someone was coming. A few chickens raised their little heads and looked at me. After a pause, they continued to do their own things.

Open the heavy wooden door, and you will be greeted with fragrance. Oh, it's bamboo rice! Take a bite, it's still the familiar taste, or the familiar formula. I know that this is the beginning of another date between me and nature. How happy I am on this date! Every day, there are flowers, streams, and bamboos... It's so comfortable. I enjoy the wind and flowers caressing my skin, and I love the fairy music played by the stream playing stones. The nature here, I love her, not only because of her mother's hometown, but also because she thinks she is my friend!

Just ask how many places in the world are such a paradise. What we need now is to protect them! After all, everyone's ancestors started from here, and our roots are here.

In my dating with nature, she gave me happiness, so I will do my best to love the world we live in

Composition between Me and Nature (9)

A bird chirp, a wisp of flower fragrance, a burst of thunder, and a sound of waves hitting the rocks all bring life to nature. I follow and explore nature. I love nature. I want to have a date with nature.

When the warm spring breeze wakes up countless lives again, I have a date with nature. I play hide and seek with insects in the lush forest, sing and jump with birds; I suck the fragrance of flowers and plants in the fragrant flowers all over the country. I laugh and play with butterflies in the flowers, and pick honey and fight with little bees; I dance with light steps and strong sunlight on the broad lawn, and talk face to face with the fiery sun

When the thunderstorms are over and the sun shines brightly, I will have a date with nature. The vitality washed by the thunderstorm is more green and full of vitality after the rain. Through the gaps between the leaves, the sun shines on the ground in patches. In the morning, I rowed a small boat through the lush lotus flowers, paddled the lake water, and the bird stood upright on the petals staring around the lake

When the cool autumn comes in the breeze, I have a date with nature. Pieces of golden leaves rustled from the trees to the ground, reminding me of my childhood memories. When the orange leaves turn in the air, it is like writing a song of childhood

I have an appointment with nature when pieces of cold snowflakes fall from the air onto the silvery earth. My companions and I played happily in a snowball fight. The snowflakes gradually and leisurely fell from the blue sky to the white earth, and the whole earth was covered with ice and snow, making the earth a new look, a dazzling silver white

Nature, I have a date with you, I love nature!

My Composition with Nature (10)

I grew up with nature Composition 1

I grew up with nature

Nature interprets the mind

The sweetness of water breeds life, the beauty of flowers embellishes life, and the lush green trees release fresh air. Everything in nature is so pure and clean, and there is no filth. When we are in nature, our hearts are released as never before. It is a kind of enjoyment to forget yourself in nature. Take advantage of all the beautiful things in nature to release and expand our repressed heart, and feel everything that nature interprets with heart!

Listen, it's raining.

In the dead of night, sit in front of the window; Turn on the electric light to make the atrium bright; Hear the rain and sand, most relieved.

It is said that rain is the tears of nature. Those who are willing to listen to rain will be blessed to be close to nature. The natural tears show that she is releasing her pent up pain and acid. When we listened, we understood her. Listen, the cry is getting louder and louder. I know and understand how much pain and acid she has in her heart. I also shed my own tears that are hard to squeeze out because of her infection. All the unhappiness broke out with her at this time. She and I cried until all the pain and acid had been cried out by us.

Look, the flowers are blooming.

Although there is pain and acid, we still have to go on laughing. She knew that crying could not solve the problem. The days were still long and she had to persevere. So she learned to laugh. Look at the blooming flowers. Isn't it her smiling face? She smiled so happily that she seemed to forget all the pain in her heart. Her smile was so intoxicating that it attracted dancing butterflies and humming bees. By her side, do you still have the heart to hurt? Her smile infected me and made me feel painless. Relieved in her beautiful smile, let me no longer pain, no longer remember that all the troubles and depression.

Look, the water is flowing.

Dingdong spring water does not flow out from the source at all times. It has experienced thousands of frustrations and twists to reach the place where it can be happy. It is the secret of natural happiness to overcome frustrations and twists. She is telling us that no matter what difficulties we face, we should not shrink or retreat. Only by overcoming them, can we have another new world and taste the sweetness of happiness. Can you be cowardly when you see the power of nature to conquer everything? On the contrary, we should, like nature, turn all the shrinking and retreating into the strength of progress to overcome the frustrations in life.

Nature interprets the mind.

All things in nature are always interpreting their own hearts. When interpreting their own hearts, why not teach us something? Feel nature with heart, release your heart and blend into nature. Let's listen to what she is saying! Maybe her words will make your heart be washed differently!

I grew up with nature composition 2

I grew up with nature

Everything must grow, whether plants or animals, whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter, will experience growth and change.

Spring is the season when everything recovers. Whenever willows pull out their green ribbon like branches; Whenever the winter jasmine blooms its yellow flowers; Whenever the white "doves" fall on the branches of the magnolia tree, I know that spring is coming. A spring rain and a warm, spring rain, grass green, green branches, green earth, flocks of geese flew back from the south. One morning, when I was walking on the way to school, I looked up and saw a big bird flying across the sky with several birds. I suddenly understood that "the plan of a year is in spring, and the plan of a day is in the morning". In this spring morning, we should study hard! Spring is growing, nature is growing, and I am also growing.

Summer is the season when everything grows. When the hot sun scorches the earth, when the lotus exposes its small bud, and when the school dragon claw locust lifts its "umbrella": I know that summer is coming. There is a small pool full of mud at the gate of the Waterwheel Expo Park opposite my home. Every summer, there will be many lotus flowers, which is very beautiful. I have been observing why the lotus can emerge from the mud without being stained? It turned out that because of its strong perseverance, it wanted to stick its head out of the mud to breathe fresh air and welcome the colorful world. Summer makes me understand that lotus can keep improving in such a bad environment, but why don't I study hard when I have such a good environment? Summer is growing, nature is growing, and I am also growing.

Autumn is the harvest season for all things. Whenever the ears of grain bend down, whenever the fruits hang on the branches, whenever the leaves become golden: I know that autumn is coming. The apples are red, the pears are yellow, the oranges are orange, and the millet is golden, showing the joy of harvest everywhere. Qiu told me that as long as we sow, we will reap. As long as we study hard, we will achieve results. So we should work hard to gain more knowledge. Autumn is growing, nature is growing, and I am also growing.

Winter is the season when everything sleeps forever. When the north wind blows in the sky, when the earth is white and the wintersweet blossoms: I know that winter is coming. Let's talk about plum blossom. It not only represents winter, but also represents a person's character. The colder it is, the more wind oppresses snow, and the more spiritual it is, the more delicate it is. I thought of this indomitable character when I saw plum blossom blooming in the cold wind on campus. Plum blossom told us that it can thrive in adversity. Winter is growing, nature is growing, and I am also growing

Nature is ever-changing, and her changes always guide me to grow with me and her.

I grew up with nature composition 3

I grew up with nature

"Collect" a pool of blue water, "catch" a piece of blue sky. The beauty of the world makes me want to touch it with my hands, hold a handful of sweet springs, and enjoy the blue sky. What a wonderful feeling! The beautiful scenery is so refreshing that I can't help showing my desire to protect her.

In the vast sky, we fly with eagles; In Guangmao Forest, we compete with peacocks. In the vast sea floor, we play with fish. When we enter the nature, she brings us too many surprises: plants can not only be viewed, some can also be eaten, and even absorb carbon dioxide and spit out oxygen; Bat's powerful ultrasound has brought us the invention of radar. In fact, we also invented ships according to the shape of whales. How can we not cherish such generous nature?

I once planted a tree in my heart, a big tree that can purify my mind and release beauty. When it was still a young tree, I learned that spitting and littering are immoral behaviors, and we can't do this. Gradually. The young tree grew into a thin and weak tree, and I learned to learn "low-carbon life". When going out, I should take the bus, ride a bike, shop with my own cloth bags, turn off household appliances without using them, and do not keep in standby mode. Now, I understand that it is not enough for environmental protection to rely on the power of one person alone. On the premise of environmental protection, we should also advocate other people to work together to "live a low-carbon life". My spiritual tree is growing with my age and awareness of environmental protection. I believe that it will become a thriving tree in the near future. I think everyone should have such a tree in their heart. We should irrigate it with our own practical actions and nourish it with our own thoughts. Let it become our invisible partner, help us understand the bad and encourage us to work harder to stick to the good.

We can ride horses in the prairie, pick tea on the tea mountain with baskets, and feel the breath of the sea at the beach. I have listened to the birds whispering in the tree lined path, danced with butterflies in the flowers, and watched the moon in the dark. In nature, even a fallen leaf, a fallen flower, a stone can make people dream.

I love nature not only because she has given us many inspirations and beautiful scenery, but also because she has shown me the beauty of pure soul.

I remember that one summer vacation, I accidentally found two small sparrows under a big tree in a small corner of the community. One was dead and still alive. It was small and skinny, with a yellow bulge on its mouth, What a pity! After a while, two or three larger sparrows flew to a big tree not far from the small sparrows. They only heard a few loud songs, and soon many more sparrows came. I stepped back two steps and stared at them carefully. The sparrows stood full of trees, some with food in their mouths. I seem to read their concern for the little sparrow from their eyes. For a moment, I was stunned. Unexpectedly, the little sparrow was so united and friendly. When one side was in trouble, it was supported by all sides. Then I laughed at myself and said: "Previously, the saying that a sparrow has all the guts means that a sparrow has all the guts. However, the feelings that a sparrow has are not inferior to human beings at all." At that time, I thought this was the most valuable lesson that nature taught to human beings.

I have a wish that the Chinese people not only can get some scientific enlightenment from nature, but also can feel the shocking truth from the animal world of nature. I hope our hearts will be warm as spring tomorrow.

Composition between Me and Nature (11)

Under the east fence of picking chrysanthemums, I can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely. The sound of reading resounds in my ears, but my heart yearns for the author's secluded leisure and quiet and leisurely pastoral life. At this time, the scenery in front of me is gradually blurred.

I put Buddha in the picture in the book, and went to the appointment I had set in mind. The first thing I heard was the sound of streams and flowing water and the laughter of birds, and then I saw the towering trees. I felt the warmth of the sunshine passing through the leaves in winter, which hit me. This Buddha is the magic of nature. With the sunshine shining, my body and mind are being purified from the interest desire in the city and become pure. As the winding path continued to walk towards the top of the mountain, I didn't stop until I got to the top of the mountain. I just heard: "Young man, tired, we finally met." Looking along the direction of the sound, I saw a chrysanthemum falling in front of me. The clouds and fog in the mountains immediately dispersed when I landed. At this time, my fatigue was swept away and I looked at the scenery at the foot of the mountain, It's refreshing!

After a short rest, I slowly walked down the mountain, but what I heard was no longer the sound of the spring, only the sound of the rustling wind blowing the leaves, and I was getting farther and farther away from my dream life. At the foot of the mountain, even the sound of wind blowing leaves was covered by the sound of hawking. The plastic bottles and packaging bags everywhere hurt my eyes. Looking back at the straight road was more like a sword stabbing into the deep of the mountain, penetrating the life I yearned for. With a breeze blowing, a piece of sand dust was rolled up. After the dust, the world in front of us gradually became clear.

I suddenly looked up and saw the thick smoke and foggy playground still blowing out of the window, thinking that this might be the silent advice of nature. At this time, I heard the sound of cars on the road, and I knew that my appointment with nature in the pure land was getting farther and farther away

Composition between Me and Nature (12)

Getting up early in the morning, the gray weather made people breathless. I listlessly got up from the bed, sat in front of the TV in my pajamas and watched TV, and a weather forecast popped out of my head.

"Dinner!" My sister's cry pulled me back from the plot of the TV play. My God? I have no strength? Such a bad day! Why are my upper and lower eyelids so friendly? Always want to stick together! Unexpectedly, it rained for a while, but it unexpectedly began to rain with moderate snowflakes! Now I'm so excited. I quickly put on my coat and ran outside the door. Eh? Why is there no snow? I went back to the TV and watched TV plays again.

"Xiao Xuan, do you want to go out?" It was Gu Ting in the backyard. She came to me with a smile. "Let's go to the store over there to buy something!" It's good to be in the countryside! People always come to visit me. Compared with in the city, it's much more lively! "Good! Wait a minute, let me put on my scarf, and then go!" I hurried to prepare.

The shop we are going to is opposite the paddy field, so we have to cross the paddy field and walk a little further. Walking in the endless paddy field, the wind blows in the face, which makes people feel relaxed and can smell the faint smell of grass! Look around again, all green! Ah! In the face of all this, it is most appropriate to use the word "relaxed and happy" to describe my feeling now! But it didn't last long. A minute later, a strong wind blew and made a sound of "hoo hoo". The wind blew on my face and hurt like a knife. There seems to be a resistance in front, and it is difficult to walk. "Ah! This kind of weather!" Gu Ting said unhappily. I smiled and said, "Forget it! Don't lose your temper with God! OK, let's move on towards our goal. Hehe, it feels good. It's really close to nature! I jumped and opened my arms, as if I were in the arms of Mother Nature! I'm not cold at all at this time. My beautiful hair flutters in the wind, and I sing and laugh freely... The silver bell like laughter echoes in the rice for a long time

Xiaofeng seems to be playing hide and seek with us, hiding behind rice, cars and us... Ah! Sister Snowflake also came to our game. She whirled and fell down, as if performing her beautiful dance...... I looked up, opened my arms, kept turning around, greedily enjoying everything that nature gave us

"Ouch!" No, I have a cold? "Xiao Xuan, take the medicine quickly!" My sister pulled me to her. "Look at you, it's almost New Year's Eve, and you are so crazy that you caught a cold in the afternoon! Take the 'Kangtaike' quickly!" After that, my sister went to pour water for me to get the medicine.

My God? Everyone knows that I'm afraid of injection and medicine. I don't want it!

My Composition with Nature (13)

I don't procrastinate. Once I enter the botanical garden, I will go deep. The air is filled with a fresh and moist smell. What catches the eye is a thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground. Some leaves are green, some are withered, and some are rotted. I looked up and found myself walking on the ground among the dense forests. The lush trunks, branches and leaves almost completely covered the sky overhead, and only a little light shone through the gaps in the leaves. Just around me, there are many tree trunks and branches that protrude from the ground like dragons. A few withered vines entwine between rocks and trees. The grass is green and the moss is green. A few bird songs came from the top of the tree from time to time. They seemed to whisper and exchange gently, but they were the only voice in the forest.

The faint birds chirped overhead, slowly waking up the mountain forest that had been sleeping all night. The light shines from the cracks in the treetops, making the road under my feet light and shadow, black and white flickering. A few drops of dew, crystal clear, fell on the long and thin leaves of grass. With the breeze blowing, they slowly trembled and slid over the green leaf tips, dropping on the ground. Old vines, old trees, moss and green grass, layer upon layer, quietly, seemingly boundless. The leaves are falling slowly and the branches are swaying gently. The scenery in the forest is like a beautiful picture.

I stand in the forest and look at the beautiful scenery. The sorrow of the day before yesterday has been swept away. Every deep breath, I feel my heart is purified as beautiful. Looking up and seeing the setting sun in the western sky, I realized that it was getting late, so I walked back along the way of the past.

After walking out of the botanical garden and onto the asphalt road, the cars are flowing like water, and I have to go back to the noisy city again. I am reluctant to give up and stop to look at the forest behind me. In the original and quiet forest, the silent silence came again, as if for thousands of years, the surrounding trees had been watching what happened in silence. Although the mountains and rivers were tens of thousands of weights, they always stood there, waiting for the peace of the garden over spring, summer, autumn and winter.

"Nature, it's a pleasure to date you. I hope we can become friends, so that I, a child who has been submerged in the city for a long time, can enjoy your unparalleled beauty..."

More contact with nature will lead to a different life. Dear you, are you ready for a date with nature?

She is waiting for you quietly, not far away. Listen - she is calling you!

My Gathering with Nature 2

The intoxicated verses are often not explained clearly by boring artistic concepts. These verses are often a delicate, subtle and unique life experience. This kind of experience, not to mention that it is difficult for outsiders to observe, is the author himself. When he is in another situation and sees another picture in front of him, it may be difficult to reproduce the feelings contained in the original poem.

"It is the first time that I know these two lines of poetry. However, a truly beautiful poem does not need readers to first understand the background of the times, creative motivation, the poet's life experience, etc. We can simply feel with a beating heart and listen with a pair of sensitive ears. In other words, good poetry is more closely related to heaven, but can be separated from the author layer by layer. Therefore, as long as we can understand the voice of heaven and the eternal music of the world, we can be infinitely close to the eternal touch conveyed in the poem.

To read such a poem, you need to calm down, let go of the mundane affairs in your hands, release the shackles of your mind, and then imagine... a fine rain like silk, gently moistening your clothes as thin as cicada wings in spring, moistening your skin like butter. Slowly, such as a crushed cherry on the soft snow, the red juice seeps out and infiltrates every strand of texture of the snowflakes. On each tip of its hexagon, it condenses into a small and full red bead. And the skin is like soil, so that the human body can not detect the weak breathing, breathing in the soft drops of water, gradually, every corner of your body, there will be rain. Those rains are not dead water born out of thin air. They have their own lives. Maybe they were swayed by the green water plants, maybe the fish used it to spit bubbles, or maybe a clear spring bypassed the blue and white ridge of rock. They evaporate, condense, listen to the singing of birds in the sky, and then the jumping soul naturally bred will soak into your body with the light rain. At this moment, are we still isolated and rigid individuals? Isn't our close contact with nature's spirit and flesh realized inadvertently?

This reminds me of two great poets: Tao Yuanming and Thoreau. I noticed that in their poems and essays, they seem to emphasize the pleasure of farming, the importance of self-sufficiency, building houses, growing food, fruits and vegetables, and raising poultry and livestock with their own hands. And their greatness lies in this: they have transcended the simple hermit complex of lazy men and idle men, and built a more simple, more modest and sincere philosophy of life close to nature. Therefore, Tao Yuanming got rid of the tragic ending of the famous scholar in the Wei and Jin Dynasties who was crazy, tortured the flesh, drank and sang wildly, and finally died by taking medicine. However, Solo was not like his younger generation, or full of "confusion", or "collapse" in body and mind, and was finally engulfed in the cruel reality of hatred, indulgence and melancholy. It was nature, the well meaning and broad-minded human mother, who saved their scarred bodies in the world, and then used her sweet milk and warm touch to calm their cynical anger. They are undoubtedly lucky. But if they did not obey the will of God, and wholeheartedly stick their hearts to the earth, breathe with mountains and rivers, and form friends with plants, how could they leave a pure white heart of ice and jade for future generations in the turbid world, and shine through the ages with their outstanding works of understanding nature?

Feel nature with your heart! With that heart beat, you are a bosom friend when reading poems; Pour out, you are a poet.

My Gathering with Nature 3

The nature is colorful, and all kinds of wonderful things happen here. I like the green scenery and fresh air of nature.

One morning, I walked in a small forest, the temperature was obviously cool, the sky was blue, and a round was still born, shining on the earth. Pieces of wheat that can't be seen from the edge are hung with crystal clear beads on the leaves. All this made my original sad mood much happier. I began to cheer up and run. The wind blowing in my face made me sneeze. Suddenly, a ray of dazzling light pierced my eyes. Ah! The sun rose slowly from the east - the earth was golden and everything became vibrant.

Cicadas began to sing loudly, birds flew in the sky, butterflies danced in the grass. Everything is as active as magic. Nature is colorful, and I have also deeply experienced the beauty of nature's scenery, fresh air, and beautiful plants. I like nature!

My Gathering with Nature 4

On a narrow flat land surrounded by mountains on eight sides, there is a quiet small town. In the south of the town, there is a quiet village. There is a harmonious family in the village. There is a young man who loves nature. That young man is me.

I love nature, because spring is full of vitality, because summer is green, because autumn is quiet, because everything in winter sprouts.

In spring, I like to wander on the ridges of the mountains and forests. Looking at the tender buds on the trees, I can't help but go to smell them. Close your eyes and listen to the distant and near birds, the gurgling streams. Sit down and take a deep breath. A burst of freshness permeates the heart. Stand up, run for a while and shout with all your strength, just like a bud breaking through the skin and a petal bursting through the bone. This is the spring of nature, and it is also my spring. I have become a grass in spring and enjoy spring with all things.

In summer, I like to go fishing near the reservoir. Sitting in the shade with bare feet, the wind outside the tree is sunny, and the cool wind is blowing under the tree. The grass is tickling my feet. Put down the bait and put the fishing rod aside. I felt uncomfortable around. I looked up and saw green everywhere. The scenery of water and mountains, the reflection of Huiqing, makes me relaxed and happy. There were several wild ducks swimming on the water. Suddenly, a goshawk flew across the sky, and all of them got into the water. When they looked again, they had reached the other end. Before closing the hook, I still didn't forget to jump into the water and have a good swim. I played with my companions in the water, and the wild ducks in the distance began to fight with me. The wild duck also rejoiced with me, so I felt that I was integrated into nature.

In autumn, I walk along the mountain path with my family. Sometimes a row of geese skimmed overhead, and sometimes several wild chicks jumped in the forest, dragging long and beautiful tail feathers, a bit of "flying phoenix" flavor. The water became thin, the leaves were yellow, and the fields were empty. Only a few children were playing with mud, digging loaches, and laughing happily, which brought my thoughts back to my childhood. The pine trees on the mountain are green, tenacious, and resistant to withering and yellowing. Everything is so quiet, I like silence, I have been silent in silence.

In winter, the snowflakes are flying, which reminds us of the Tang poem "Suddenly, like the spring breeze in one night, thousands of pear trees bloom". The village after snow is more peaceful. Seen from afar, a plum forest is full of vitality. It is no longer a cold plum that is "broken by the bridge outside the post, lonely and unowned", but an early plum that is "flying snow to spring, wind and rain to return". It blooms on the cliff, beautiful in the middle of winter, competing with pines and cypresses, and fighting against the cold. Slowly, the ice disappears and the snow melts, everything recovers, the mountains are bright and tender, and the water is beautiful. The nature of winter gives me hope and strength.

Nature breeds me who loves nature, and I will love, cherish and love nature more.

My Composition with Nature (14)

I Have an Appointment with Nature Composition 1

I have a date with nature

One fine morning, I went to meet my friends in nature.

My first friend is a stream. Ah, the limpid stream, you are like a silver glittering ribbon, setting a beautiful lace for the forest. Your clear stream comes from thousands of waterfalls flying down from the cliff, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, with the first song of a bird, gently flowing into my ears, and then slowly flowing away.

Next to the stream is my second friend. Ah, ancient boulder, you are like an old turtle who has been guarding the stream for thousands of years. Thousands of years of wind, frost, rain and snow can not shake your faith. Birds are changing, streams are changing, and shrubs are changing. Even the old trees that have spent hundreds of years with you may turn into soil in a few years, but you are still the same.

It's time to visit my third friend. Ah, the flying waterfall, like a vertical sword, divides the earth into two parts and forms a steep canyon. The surging river roared down close to the cliff, bent down like an eagle, and made a deafening sound like a roaring lion. The river runs like ten thousand horses galloping towards the distance.

All the things in nature, which is not my friend? The luxuriant trees, like big umbrellas, bring us refreshment. The tall and straight grass weaves a green carpet with its own body. The beautiful lake, you are like a flawless emerald, inlaid in countless hills, like the ornaments of a noble person. The tall and straight cliffs, your tall body straight into the sky, make people afraid. The chirping birds, you played a beautiful song for all the nature, and let me reach the realm of looking out at me.

Everything in nature is my friend.

I Have an Appointment with Nature Composition 2

I have a date with nature

This morning, I got up early because I had an appointment today. After breakfast, I started out. I didn't need any gifts or equipment. I went out of the house lightly and walked briskly.

After walking for more than ten minutes, there was another forest on the left side of the road, which was my first destination. When I walked into the forest, the birds chirped happily, as if to say hello to me. I walked to a big tree and stopped there for a long time. We talked with each other attentively and felt the sincere friendship with our hearts. At this time, I was very close to him, and I found that he was much older, and his branches were also luxuriant, but his hair was much longer, perhaps because no one had trimmed him for a long time! I remember that in the spring we just met, he was still a young tree that had just been planted. Although it was straight, it was very fragile and needed me to take care of it. Now, he has grown into a tall tall tree, which can shade me from the rain. After chatting with my old friend for many years, I hurried on my way again. Along the way, I met many old friends: winding paths, clear streams, smooth and transparent stones, black ordinary soil, colorful flowers... I said hello to them and said hello.

Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning and thunder. An old friend of mine, Rain, also came to the appointment. I stood there and let the big raindrops hit me. I still opened my arms and gave him a warm hug. We felt the friendship in the rain in silence. After a long time, we were reluctant to part.

Time passed quickly. It was time for me to go home again. I said goodbye to everything in the nature. The most enthusiastic family - the stars and the moon followed me on the way home.

I Have an Appointment with Nature Composition 3

I have an agreement with Nature

Hold a song and let the moon flow, and let the lovesickness flow. When the cold moon is hanging on a windy night, I will make a boat and go back in the dream to the agreement we made

When the birds sing softly and the spring rain flows green, you will write the rhyme of spring with natural freshness and vitality. The smell of flowers and grass is brewing in the slightly moist air, and there is a little smell of earth. Along the path, we are looking for the footprints of childhood, the memories we share. Walk to the grass. The grass has already changed into green clothes, and is also decorated with colorful flowers. Several children were playing on the grass. They took off their heavy winter coats, and their muscles and bones exuded the vitality of a winter. The game of "cat and mouse" is always enjoyable. The air is full of happiness. Sitting quietly on the grass, the gentle willows are obediently looped into a circle, with little green and light purple wild flowers on it, full of your breath, which is also a unique landscape.

The warm spring wind blows across the face, raising the willows; The soft rain comes with the wind, nourishing the youth of the grass. Tired, lie on the grass, take a deep breath in production, supply and marketing, and feel the touch of the sun. The palm of the hand is itchy as it gently touches the grass tip. This is you and I agreed to the Ming Dynasty! Spring is as thick as the sea, and green as wine. If you don't want to taste it, you will get drunk at a glance and have to love! Who will forget your agreement!

When Xiao Yan flies to the south and the forest is full of color, you can write the autumn love happily with the joy of harvest and the hope of success. The sweet smell of rice rippled in the air, and the pleasant laughter came from my ears. I inadvertently saw a harvest scene. The golden rice waves are rolling. The farmers wear long sleeves, bend over, and take sickles to harvest your gifts. They seize a crop of rice straw with one hand, and cut it with the other hand, leaving the stubble low. The rice hung heavy ears. Lie on one side, snugly. The secretary-general stroked his short beard and smiled: "This year is another bumper harvest year. After a hard year, we have planted 'gold'..."

A wave of rice, a fruit, a leaf of red maple, this is our letter paper. Daoxiang enters the farmhouse ten miles away, and meets thousands of hectares of autumn. This is our agreement for next season. Meet you and fall drunk in the leisurely chrysanthemum fragrance of Nanshan. Who doesn't love you?

The clear wind and bright moon are our memories of meeting, and the spring and autumn are our agreements. It's enough to meet you for a lifetime!

My Composition with Nature (15)

Wind, very soft; The sun is very bright; Mood, very happy. On a cool and pleasant day, I want to put aside all my troubles, put down the burden of learning pressure, enter the botanical garden, embrace spring, enjoy nature, and awaken myself!

I don't procrastinate. Once I enter the botanical garden, I go deep. The air is filled with a fresh and moist smell. What catches the eye is a thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground. Some leaves are green, some are withered, and some are rotted. I looked up and found myself walking on the ground among the dense forests. The lush trunks, branches and leaves almost completely covered the sky overhead, and only a little light shone through the gaps in the leaves. Just around me, there are many tree trunks and branches that protrude from the ground like dragons. A few withered vines entwine between rocks and trees. The grass is green and the moss is green. A few bird songs came from the top of the tree from time to time. They seemed to whisper and exchange gently, but they were the only voice in the forest.

The faint birds chirped overhead, slowly waking up the mountain forest that had been sleeping all night. The light shines from the cracks in the treetops, making the road under my feet light and shadow, black and white flickering. A few drops of dew, crystal clear, fell on the long and thin leaves of grass. With the breeze blowing, they slowly trembled and slid over the green leaf tips, dropping on the ground. Old vines, old trees, moss and green grass, layer upon layer, quietly, seemingly boundless. The leaves are falling slowly and the branches are swaying gently. The scenery in the forest is like a beautiful picture.

I stand in the forest and look at the beautiful scenery. The sorrow of the day before yesterday has been swept away. Every deep breath, I feel my heart is purified as beautiful. Looking up and seeing the setting sun in the western sky, I realized that it was getting late, so I walked back along the way of the past.

After walking out of the botanical garden and onto the asphalt road, the cars are flowing like water, and I have to go back to the noisy city again. I am reluctant to give up and stop to look at the forest behind me. In the original and quiet forest, the silent silence came again, as if for thousands of years, the surrounding trees had been watching what happened in silence. Although the mountains and rivers were tens of thousands of weights, they always stood there, waiting for the peace of the garden over spring, summer, autumn and winter.

"Nature, it's a pleasure to date you. I hope we can become friends, so that I, a child who has been submerged in the city for a long time, can enjoy your unparalleled beauty..."

My Composition with Nature (16)

Wind, very soft; The sun is very bright; Mood, very happy. On a cool and pleasant day, I want to put aside all my troubles, put down the burden of learning pressure, enter the botanical garden, embrace spring, enjoy nature, and awaken myself!

I don't procrastinate. Once I enter the botanical garden, I will go deep. The air is filled with a fresh and moist smell. What catches the eye is a thick layer of fallen leaves on the ground. Some leaves are green, some are withered, and some are rotted. I looked up and found myself walking on the ground among the dense forests. The lush trunks, branches and leaves almost completely covered the sky overhead, and only a little light shone through the gaps in the leaves. Just around me, there are many tree trunks and branches that protrude from the ground like dragons. A few withered vines entwine between rocks and trees. The grass is green and the moss is green. A few bird songs came from the top of the tree from time to time. They seemed to whisper and exchange gently, but they were the only voice in the forest.

The faint birds chirped overhead, slowly waking up the mountain forest that had been sleeping all night. The light shines from the cracks in the treetops, making the road under my feet light and shadow, black and white flickering. A few drops of dew, crystal clear, fell on the long and thin leaves of grass. With the breeze blowing, they slowly trembled and slid over the green leaf tips, dropping on the ground. Old vines, old trees, moss and green grass, layer upon layer, quietly, seemingly boundless. The leaves are falling slowly and the branches are swaying gently. The scenery in the forest is like a beautiful picture.

I stand in the forest and look at the beautiful scenery. The sorrow of the day before yesterday has been swept away. Every deep breath, I feel my heart is purified as beautiful. Looking up and seeing the setting sun in the western sky, I realized that it was getting late, so I walked back along the way of the past.

After walking out of the botanical garden and onto the asphalt road, the cars are flowing like water, and I have to go back to the noisy city again. I am reluctant to give up and stop to look at the forest behind me. In the original and quiet forest, the silent silence came again, as if for thousands of years, the surrounding trees had been watching what happened in silence. Although the mountains and rivers were tens of thousands of weights, they always stood there, waiting for the peace of the garden over spring, summer, autumn and winter.

"Nature, it's a pleasure to date you. I hope we can become friends, so that I, a child who has been submerged in the city for a long time, can enjoy your unparalleled beauty..."

More contact with nature will lead to a different life. Dear you, are you ready for a date with nature?

She is waiting for you quietly, not far away. Listen - she is calling you!

Composition between Me and Nature (17)

I went to the river and asked Sister Xiaohe: "Sister Xiaohe, your river is so clear! What makes you keep it so beautiful?" Sister Xiaohe told me, "It's human." I felt very strange, and I thought to myself: How can human beings keep Sister Xiaohe so beautiful? So I asked her, and she smiled and told me, "Actually, it's you humans who don't throw garbage, especially batteries, at me.".

I came to a lawn again. I stood on a narrow path and asked Xiaocao sister: "Xiaocao sister, you and your brothers and sisters are really tall and straight! How do you keep yourself so green? And you are still healthy, why?" "Because there is enough sunshine and water." A small grass cried out. I was about to speak, but I was interrupted by a piece of grass. He told me seriously: "If there is no sunshine, I think our life will be interrupted. Therefore, the most important thing for you humans is not to pollute the environment, otherwise, there will be haze, which will block the sun. If so, the grass will not be so green." I told them: "I know, I will take good care of the environment."

It turns out that the world would be so beautiful without our human destruction. It would not be like this. Everything was covered by smoke. I think: I must take good care of the world, never let the world suffer any damage, but also let the world become more and more beautiful!

My Composition with Nature (18)

I do not deny the greatness of mankind. They created the world step by step to make it so colorful. However, while they are satisfied with themselves, they have deeply hurt the animal groups that regard humans as friends, and more brutally destroyed the forest, the green barrier that once sheltered humans from wind, sand, cold and rain. What human beings do is doomed to be punished. Can they avoid the first day of the first lunar month and the fifteenth? Finally, the wind invited sand grains to the human habitat. They tried to vent their hatred and grievances in the face of evil human beings. The streets and alleys are filled with flying sand and rolling stones, which are horrible. Everywhere, there are signs of nature conquering human beings; A house finally failed to withstand the sudden blow and collapsed helplessly; A farmer helplessly looked at the uprooted wheat seedlings, tears rolling down; An old man with white beard looked at the chaos all over the sky and sighed: "This is all retribution. It is the curse of human hands..."

Poor human, how smart are you when facing the show off and challenge of nature? What about your intelligence? What about your arrogance in the past? Don't you claim to be the master of nature? Don't you have the ability to change everything in the world?

Oh, I think it's too late for us humans to realize now.

In TV programs, many tourists spontaneously clean up the garbage along the way, together with the host, and they have really realized the human crisis. If not protected, tomorrow may be the end of the world.

As contemporary teenagers, we are no longer bookworms who "ignore the world's affairs with two ears and read only the books of sages and sages". We should achieve "family affairs, state affairs and world affairs, and care about everything". The earth has paid too much. What should we give back to it?

My heart surges, and in a flash, a flame rises in my heart that will never go away! I must be a green emissary. I will say to nature with deep remorse and apology: Sorry! Human beings should strive for the coexistence of man and nature!

——This will be my eternal wish, and this is also the wish of all mankind. The end of the world will never come.