Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (15 selected articles)
I must be taller than the sky
2023-11-09 08:41:40

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (1)

One afternoon in late autumn, our teacher took us to the Riverside Park to observe autumn. We found many leaves. From the red maple leaves, I know that autumn is coming!

In the crevices of stones, in the grass, on the cement ground, we picked up the palm like Chinese parasol leaves, elliptical locust leaves, slender willow leaves, heart-shaped poplar leaves... Every time we picked up a leaf we liked, it was like a treasure. Ask the teacher every time you pick up an unknown leaf... Everyone picked up a big bag, which can be said to be a full load.

Then I observed it carefully. I picked up a plane tree leaf and a poplar leaf. They were both smooth on the front and rough on the back. The veins of the leaves were particularly clear on the back. Some of them protruded, some were just faint marks. The petioles were thick and still not withered, but they obviously bent down, holding the leaves powerless, and there were many spots on the leaves

Of course, leaves have many similarities and differences. They are different in shape, thickness and size. The big ones are bigger than the teacher's palm, and the small ones are smaller than the nail plate. However, they all have one thing in common, that is, they have experienced wind and rain, the torture of diseases, and the nibbling of pests... At this time, I thought: these leaves have short lives, but they are tough and unyielding. From spring buds to winter leaves, no matter what color and posture, Always showing its tenacious vitality. I think, no matter what, this is a beautiful scenery. The leaves are selfless. They devote their lives to the big tree, but they don't ask for return. The big tree thrives, but it falls down. Even when it comes to the end of life, it does not leave a trace of sadness.

These leaves did not fear the danger and difficulty of life, but gathered all the strength to fight against the environment and finally won people's admiration. Its indomitable spirit and character of no regrets are worth learning.

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (2)

I don't remember when I got used to the hot and sweaty midsummer and the harsh sound of summer; I don't remember when I got used to the deep winter with the cold wind whistling and the dull gray of winter; I don't remember when I got used to the bright yellow early spring and the vitality of spring. I don't remember when I ignored the fact that this city has four seasons. This city, which has lived for more than ten years, makes me unable to recall a memory about autumn.

Yesterday, a very ordinary day, I suddenly found that this city also has autumn. If it were not for the withered and yellow on both sides of the road, I might have ignored it all the time. Is it lucky that I found it? The breeze blowing and the cool feeling on my face convinced me that it was autumn in this city. This wind is not hot and dry in summer, but not cold in winter, not to mention the fragrance of flowers in spring. But it is such a gust of wind that makes me feel embarrassed. Am I so far away from the world? I didn't feel this heartbreaking season.

In the writing of too many people, autumn is a sad season, its withering, its withering, all its fascinating but heartache. Compared with spring, people obviously prefer the season that makes people full of fighting spirit. However, Qiu, what's wrong? Is it because of its rich fruits that we are afraid of? Or do we worry about our own downfall because of its coolness?

Standing in the street, quietly watching the traffic in the city, I could not find the direction of my steps. Another light wind blows back the messy thoughts. This romantic season has given us enough time to recognize the way ahead. Even if it will be another harsh winter, so what? Open your steps, follow your heart's command, and stride forward. This season is not sad.

Go, feel the beauty of this season with the voice of my heart. With the voice from the bottom of my heart, I feel a touch of uncertainty. Such a small tangle, after all, fits too well with this season

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (3)

Autumn looms, and the leaves waiting for a long time can't wait to report it. In the golden autumn period, I came to look for autumn!

The yellow leaves fluttered, and the autumn sent a small and exquisite letter. Walking into a path and stepping on the fallen leaves, the sound of "clicking" is clear and loud, just like pieces of sweet and crisp biscuits, which immediately comes to mind. Why can't this sound be comparable to a song with beautiful melody? I like the feeling of falling autumn leaves. When the autumn wind blows, large and small leaves leave the branches and float in the sky. Just like me now, although I don't know where I will fall, I just drift with the wind as time goes by. A gingko leaf quietly and leisurely falls down, like a beautiful yellow butterfly, dancing; How wonderful it is to dance like a dancer! Come near and lean down to pick it up. Hey! It's like a small light fan. The clear and visible lines are like a bridge connecting four places. A long, thin tail was dragged behind him. Several yellow spots were added to the leaves, like an old mother-in-law with wrinkles on her face; Another gorgeous dance dress with topaz, what a fashionable pattern! In autumn, he is a painter with extraordinary skills. He gently picks up the brush and paints the ginkgo leaves covered with green clothes with yellow, forming an ordinary but beautiful gradient. Yellow with green, green with yellow, the masterpieces of "masters" will appear faintly. I can't help caressing with my fingers. One side is smooth and the other side is slightly rough. After smelling, the fragrance of grass is refreshing, ah! This is not only the fragrance of green plants, but also the fragrance of autumn!

The beauty of autumn is better to look for autumn leaves, which can be described as another word - "one leaf knows autumn"!

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (4)

Autumn has been brewing for a summer, and leaves are falling at my feet. Picking up and counting, one leaf moistens the heart of autumn, one leaf renders the color of autumn, and one leaf has experienced vicissitudes of life; Pieces of fallen leaves, pieces of loyalty, pieces of love. This is a season of swaying; A drop of autumn dew, a wisp of autumn wind, a touch of setting sun, palpitate the mind, wake up the memory, leaving only eyeful of loneliness.

Cold autumn, simple and elegant, ten thousand Susu quiet.

Holding a bowl of chrysanthemum tea, singing a song about falling flowers, and lighting a lonely orange candle; Sit alone and taste the lonely autumn.

Flowers will not be as new in the coming year because of your turn; Life will not bury youth because of your withering, even if you travel far and have tea fluttering; Even if the mountains and rivers will be exhausted and the leaves will be empty, the old age will still be full of charm.

Time is dim, cut a section of autumn intoxicated with the sea, and receive a piece of yellowing leaves to moisten the heart. It is still the faint roll of the sky, and the tacit understanding between the sea and the sky forever overlaps in the constant rhythm of life of green mountains and green trees. Some stories, in addition to memories, no one wants to retain; Some sadness of parting, except for sadness, I just keep silent; There is a kind of sadness that no one can understand except myself.

Who is listening, a leaf knows the sorrow of love? Who is calling for a leaf to know the beauty of autumn? Missing is like falling leaves in autumn. It hurts when it falls. The autumn wind rustled yellow and green, ushered in autumn, and gave me a little heart. Alas, this passionate autumn!

Do you see that the sea is still singing so clear without the noise of summer, and how many flowers bloom in your dream? How many times does the tide fall? The last thing I want to say is the vicissitudes of life.

Time is quiet, autumn leaves, deep and shallow, all your thoughts have nothing to do with the wind and the moon, even if missing becomes a disease.

One leaf knows the autumn. Whether the golden sand is flying or the autumn leaves are whirling, the journey of life is full of love.

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (5)

After several days of rain, I took advantage of the bad weather to enjoy leisure at home.

When the rain stopped, I decided to go out for a walk. The air was wet, and the fragrance of the rain was still there. A long lost freshness was soaking around me.

Suddenly, I found that the boring "cicada, cicada" in my ear had disappeared. Indeed, only the sound of drops of water was silent. Occasionally, several clear birdsong could be heard from the leaves. Yes, cicadas have completed their mission.

I'm glad that I'm still enjoying my summer vacation in the countryside at this time. I can walk on some muddy paths, admire the crops licking raindrops, and let the water from the trees hit my forehead, shoulders, and cheeks; It can even nourish my heart and let purity and cleanness come into close contact with me again. At this moment, I integrate myself with nature.

When the wind blows, I can't help but shrink my body. The river also has ripples, and the leaves are also shaking. "rustling", there is a flash of golden yellow from my hair. My eyes follow, it is a fallen leaf. Yes, I just looked up and found that the trees are already full of golden yellow. Is it because the wind is too strong to blow it down? Maybe it shouldn't fall so fast. I went up and picked it up, and found that its lines were still clearly visible, but it was dry, weak and weak; Although its corners are still clear, it has withstood the baptism of wind and rain, but it still has its own unique charm, because it represents the arrival of autumn, the arrival of autumn. Indeed, thin clothes can no longer withstand the cool breath from the autumn wind. I put it down, let it melt into the soil with my own destiny, and provide fertilizer for the next growth. This is its life.

Stepping on the wet and soft soil, smelling the fresh after the rain, looking up at the sky, blue and thousands of miles away. The wind has stopped, the branches have calmed down, and the river has become like a mirror again.

Indeed, the leaves have fallen, and it is already autumn.

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (6)

The autumn wind is a little bleak, not very warm, not very cold. The light wind is blowing through the window lattice, blowing in a fallen leaf and lying on my desk secretly. I know that autumn is coming.

Sitting quietly under the tree, listening to the cool wind poking the leaves all over the mountain, clattering noisily. The leaves on the branches are mottled with yellow and green. Although the maple leaves are not yet red, the crown of the poplar has not yet shown a strong golden color. But early autumn is really coming. Looking far away at the mountains, the vast green area is mixed with twilight. The sun shines and the cool breeze sets off the most peaceful touch in autumn. I think this is the most beautiful painting of Autumn Girl.

The spring breeze is elegant and can contain things, while the autumn articles are free from dust. Yes, what floats in the autumn water is the envoy of autumn, who brings these special visitors a pleasant breeze.

Isn't the subtle changes in the mountains beautiful? Can't help exclaiming: Qiufeng's hand is so ingenious, it can draw such a wonderful picture!

Walking into the mountains, the grass also lost its vitality, which had been secretly drilled out of the soil in the past, and lowered its head one by one, showing a pale yellow on the tip. Xiaohua sees the trend and takes care of her makeup again to show her bright appearance to people. I have a myriad of thoughts: can they be so proud of the rustling autumn wind in a few days? Wouldn't it be a pity if we failed? When the cool wind blew, Xiaohua bent over my conjecture with a smile, but indeed, others knew his fate best.

A leaf falls, bringing out countless sadness. When a crane flies on the clear sky, it brings poetry to the blue sky. Autumn is the harvest season. Did I sow in spring? Have you cultivated? Yes, I didn't. I wasted time, but he didn't abandon me. There is still a long way to go. I will try my best. A piece of autumn leaves, a piece of thinking, a kind of feeling slowly unfolds

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (7)

Now it's cold season. Many plants have withered, but the pine trees are still green and tall. I don't know what happened to my pot of Japanese crabapple, but it can accurately tell us the season! How strange!

Japanese begonia flowers usually bloom their beautiful red skirts in spring and autumn to show themselves. In the hot summer, the weak crabapple flowers withered. At this time, the Japanese crabapple bloomed again and said to people, "Autumn is coming!" In this way, we will put on our sweaters to welcome the arrival of autumn.

When the red Japanese crabapple flower withers in autumn, the leaves gradually wither and yellow, and then fall down with a sharp cold wind blowing in the sky. This confirms that winter is coming. Because leaves generally wither and fall in winter, which is a physiological phenomenon. It is like an apple that will fall when it is ripe, which is a kind of geographical attraction. As soon as people see the leaves fall, they will immediately realize that winter is coming.

Many plants are like Japanese crabapple flowers. Just like the bauhinia flower in our school, the purple petals will circle in autumn, just like butterflies falling from the tree; When winter comes, the leaves no longer glow with the vitality of the past, they also fall down like bauhinia flowers.

One flower knows autumn, one leaf knows winter. As long as we observe carefully and think carefully, science is everywhere!

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (8)

When autumn comes, many leaves begin to take off their summer clothes and quietly put on their autumn clothes -- Maple leaves put on a red skirt, bamboo leaves put on a yellow vest

I have a hobby of collecting maple leaves. Whenever maple leaves are on fire, I can't help but run to the maple tree to pick them up. Maple leaves fell quietly, just like lovely butterflies, falling in my hands. I enjoyed it to my heart's content: the seemingly disordered leaf veins protrude so clearly, extending from the root to the tip of the leaf, shining its unique luster in the sun.

Opposite the maple tree is a small bamboo forest. Under the wind of autumn, the leaves are slowly shaking golden. They make loud noises, like singing songs for the golden autumn.

What is different is the oleander behind the bamboo forest. Although it is almost late autumn, it is not eager to change into new clothes. It still wears green clothes, showing its calm and solemn in the process of changing from green to dark green.

Looking at the falling leaves, I can't help thinking that this is also a speechless beauty: leaving more power to wait for the arrival of spring!

When leaves fall, I know that autumn is really coming!

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (9)

In recent days, it has been raining continuously. The rain has both the majestic momentum of summer and the lingering meaning of autumn. It's hard to tell whether it's summer rain or autumn rain, and naturally it's late summer or early autumn.

Is it late summer or early autumn? I thought about this question.

One afternoon, after school, I carried my schoolbag and ran on the bus home. Take your seat. It was still early to get off the bus, so I thought about it again.

Suddenly, a breeze blew. For a long time, around the face, unwilling to leave. The wind is like an autumn brook, fresh and soft, singing and calling softly beside you. I am bathed in the gentle breeze.

The wind sent a leaf, gently falling on the seat. Is this a gift? The yellowish leaf surface is still green, and the veins are clearly distributed in the fallen leaves; A faint fragrance wafts around your ears and nose, gently like the wind, and penetrates into your lungs.

Is this a gift? It's a gift from the wind. No, it's a gift from autumn. It must be.

When I got off the bus, I collected this precious gift because it told me an accurate information.

Early autumn is here. With her footsteps, breath and gifts, early autumn comes gently.

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (10)

From a distance, the vast sky is cloudless. The cool wind held his face, and the air was filled with the aroma of the fruit. With its arrival, some leaves began to fall off, and the originally green ones gradually changed into golden new clothes. Many people will go to their hometown to harvest crops.

The corridor outside the window has been swept with gold lines.

Oh, autumn is coming.

Wandering on campus, you can see leaves everywhere. This ordinary guy is so good-looking! The most common palm shaped Indus leaves, fan shaped ginkgo leaves, as well as egg shaped, peach shaped, needle shaped, a variety of leaves. Look at the small leaves, which are smaller than my fingernails, and then look at the big ones. Are they bigger than my face? Those leaves have a faint smell of grass and a bitter taste of traditional Chinese medicine. It is not very smooth and rough, but it feels comfortable. Go ahead and pick up a leaf. It looks beautiful. The egg shaped one has regular small serrations, and its leaf tip has become somewhat black, which may soon wither. There are symmetrical veins beside the straight leaf stem. It's orange and its lower body is also slightly golden. Oh, it's very suitable for autumn, isn't it?

There is a falling leaf. At first sight, I liked it. Look at its leaves carefully. I don't know what green is in the middle of the dark green, just like it once floated into the water. The unknown green is given to it by water. As the girl wore a green skirt, she embroidered yellow lace. It is not very beautiful, but it is so beautiful. It has a four jump skirt and two small shorts inside. It is not as fragrant as osmanthus, but has a faint fragrance. The inconspicuous one, somehow, looks like a four leaf clover. Maybe it can bring me good luck.

Not to mention, the leaf is really interesting. Yes, it's the vein diagram. Look closely at the vein diagram. It's really diverse. There are "sugar gourd", "electric hair", "snowflake", and "fish bone"! "Fish bones" are the veins of bamboo leaves, which set off the long stems into fish bones. As I said this, my drool came down involuntarily. Yes, it reminded me of the little yellow croaker at dinner yesterday. There is also the "Christmas tree", which is always very pleasant on Christmas Day, a traditional Western holiday. However, I have never received a gift from Father Christmas in my socks!

Leaves are the most beautiful decorations in autumn. With them, autumn will be so beautiful.

It was a gentle breeze that helped the leaves passing in the summer to welcome autumn.

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (11)

One leaf knows the autumn. It means plane trees. "The mountain monk can't count the number of children. One leaf can tell the autumn of the world.". Since ancient times, Chinese parasol trees have been regarded as holy kings and prophets. In the Flower Mirror, Chinese parasol trees said: "This wood can tell the time when it is old, and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, the Chinese parasol trees will begin to blossom. If the Chinese parasol trees are not bright, it will be very cold when it is old. At the beginning of autumn, one leaf will fall first when it is due. Therefore, there is a saying that 'Chinese parasol trees fall once, and the world will know the autumn'."

Just like some people questioned why "the water warms the spring river and the duck prophet", how did the parasol trees fall and know the autumn, why did not the maple leaves fall, willow leaves fall, and cinnamon leaves fall, and when the maple leaves or coggygria coggygria leaves in the mountains were dyed red by autumn, could they not be more representative of autumn? Why let the parasol leaves dominate the autumn scenery and report the news of autumn to people?

In the eyes of the ancients, Chinese parasol tree is a kind of spiritual plant. It has a strong ability to understand the oracle, perceive the universe and respond to time. It undertakes the sacred mission of perceiving the autumn wind, so it will fall its first leaf at the beginning of the autumn day. Later, human plants followed suit, reporting the news of autumn with dead branches, withered flowers and fallen leaves. At this time, the plane trees were very king like, so the "Three Kings Stele" in Baidi City was very eye-catching.

The legend that plane trees are sensitive to seasons is also full of ancient books and records. The description in Flower Mirror has a nose and eyes: "Each branch has twelve leaves, six leaves on one side, one leaf from the bottom is a month, and there is a leap moon, thirteen leaves. If you look at the small leaves, you will know where the leap moon is." Li Yu said in the fifth volume of "Occasional Postscript of Leisure": "A plane tree is a chronicle in the vegetation... It has a festival to remember, one year old, one year old."

The sycamore tree with green stems and leaves is a good garden ornamental tree. It is hard to compare it with other trees. "There are no branches attached on all sides, and there is a common sense in the center", which is also the unique character of plane trees. It is this nature that makes the ancient zither made of plane wood incomparable. Lu Ji said in his Commentary on Mao's Poems, Vegetation, Insects, Fish, and Trees, "There are green trees, red trees, and white trees, which are suitable for playing zither." Chuang Tzu also unintentionally depicts a beautiful picture of "high scholars, plane trees, and ancient zither": "Sing according to the trees, and stand tall and dark."

Today, the phoenix has disappeared, and the Guqin people play less, only this lofty. The plane trees still live in this earthly world, so close to us and so close to us. A sentence in Er Ya reveals the secret: "Fierce, Wu." Fierce is another name for Chinese parasol trees. Whether it is "pro wood" or "wu wood" or "tong wood", it all makes us close to nature at once. We should treat Chinese parasol trees like solemn pines and cypresses, gentle willows, and modest green bamboos, not to attract golden phoenix, Just for one tree in spring and one leaf in autumn.

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (12)

Autumn is an intoxicating season. A gust of cool wind blew, and autumn leaves fell from the trees, into the stream, onto the earth, into the soil. It has become withered leaves, fertilizer and boat, drifting far away.

When autumn leaves fall into the river, they fall in leaves, red, gold, yellow, green... In an instant, the river becomes a colorful ribbon, slowly drifting away with the water. The fallen leaves are the breath of autumn. They are using the river to send the message of "autumn is coming" to the far away places, to the ends of the earth.

The autumn leaves fall on the earth, one by one, flying in the air, falling on the ground, connecting the earth into a golden sea. It gives people a sense of coolness, which is accompanied by a trace of cold breath. It is the flavor of autumn.

The autumn leaves fall into the soil and become fertilizer to nourish the trees. It warms the earth, warms the woods and warms every tree and grass.

The autumn leaves are particularly beautiful on rainy days. When the raindrops hit the ground, these autumn leaves began to be naughty. They fell one after another, dancing in the rain with the happy rhythm of the raindrops. Sometimes they would fall on people's faces and bodies when they were not paying attention, as if they were saying hello to everyone, or telling people that autumn is coming again.

When the rain stopped slowly, the weather cleared up, and a ray of sunlight was reflected from the narrow gap through the big tree, the slow sun also did not know when it was shining, illuminating the whole sky. Dew is shining on the leaves and crystal clear in the sunlight. In an instant, people feel the warmth of autumn again. This scene, like a beautiful watercolor painting, also has a special interest.

In autumn, children can also enjoy playing. Look! The children who had just finished school ran in the ocean, and the leaves under their feet made a crisp sound, like happy notes, adding endless childlike fun to the children.

One leaf knows the autumn, and it is an intoxicating season!

Composition of Yiye Zhiqiu (13)

When I arrived at the campus, I walked and enjoyed the beautiful autumn scenery. From a distance, the tree seemed to be covered with gold powder. When I looked closely, I realized that it was a gift from Miss Qiu to the tree!

Go to the playground! The leaves are really beautiful! Some of them are almost yellow, but they still have a little stubborn green. Maybe it's because Miss Qiu didn't send yellow clothes to them? Ha! Tell me, Miss Qiu is on her way; Some leaves show a variety of yellow colors from outside to inside, from bright yellow to light yellow, and then from light yellow to yellow green... with a little yellow spot, is this the sparkle on the clothes? No wonder they always flash in the sun; Some of the leaves were edged with gold by the autumn girl, and gradually became beautiful; Some leaves are completely withered and yellow, showing orange. Maybe it is feeling the breath of autumn when it rolls itself up?

Not only the leaves, but also the fruits are growing unconsciously. In the back garden, the immature persimmon trees should be almost ripe in a few weeks, right? When it is ripe, it is soft and sweet. It must be delicious! When I think of it, I want to take a bite, even though it is still green. The big trees along the aisle are also full of red fruits. In late autumn, with the golden leaves, the scene is too beautiful!

When I came to the cherry tree, although the beautiful scene of blooming in spring has disappeared, the cherry tree at this time gives a sense of calm. I stood under the leaves, looked up, and looked at the golden leaves and the blue sky in the gaps between the branches and leaves. Occasionally, a few lovely sparrows flew by.

"Hoo~" An autumn wind blew, and a withered and yellow leaf fell on my nose. Yes, one leaf knows the autumn, and I suddenly look forward to the arrival of autumn more

Composition of Yiye Zhiqiu (14)

Countless times I hurried by, countless times in the morning and evening, on my way to school, I began to pay attention to the tree. I remember that at the end of summer, the branches of parasol trees grew stronger and their leaves flourished after being nurtured by the summer sun. The whole tree is like a green umbrella, shading people. The leaves in the crown of the tree are filled with sunlight, leaving people under the tree to light up. How dedicated he is!

The old man of time took away the scorching sun and sprinkled the withered leaves of autumn. At first, the leaves turned yellow, and the leaves on the tree became golden fairies, swaying in the wind, which added some vitality to the lonely autumn and gave people more hope and motivation. The wind blew through the tree and the rain hit it, but the autumn elves did not move and showed no sign of falling. But it announced that autumn had come.

Hurry past and leave. And time passed quickly. The cool autumn wind has pierced the heart and become a monk. "Sand - sand -" The cold wind swept towards Fatong, and the insistent Fatong also started its journey to the ground, without too many gorgeous movements. He just drifted down slowly and lost all his life force. At this time, I began to lament the monotony and ruthlessness of autumn, thinking of the recent series of accidents and the passing of celebrities. I can't help feeling sour, and I feel a little disgust with autumn.

The autumn wind rustles and the autumn rain drizzles. I walk forward with complex feelings for autumn. Maybe autumn is sad and silent, monotonous, merciless and bleak. But we will always face, always face life, because the wheel of destiny will never stop its rotation!

Composition of One Leaf Knows the Autumn (15)

After reading the book "Dream Building Road", I have been thinking about these questions: What is a dream? What is my dream? What can I do to realize our big Chinese dream? How can we make dreams come true?

During the period of searching for these answers, an incident gave me enlightenment.

It was on the eve of the Double Ninth Festival. My aunt came to see my grandmother (my father's grandmother), and also brought the holiday consolation money that the municipal government gave to the elderly. The granny took the money from her aunt. She held her hand excitedly with tears in her eyes and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank the government, thank the Communist Party, so that I can enjoy such a good fortune in my lifetime!"? Does Grandma need to be so excited?

My mother seemed to see my mind and told me that it was the grandma who was thinking hard and sweet! recall one 's sufferings in the old society and contrast them with the happiness in the new? I burst into greater doubt. After my mother explained it again and again, I seemed to understand something.

My grandmother is 98 years old this year. She was born in 1918 during the Republic of China, and has gone through a whole century. The events that happened in the past 100 years are as numerous as the deep and shallow wrinkles on her face. Having checked the modern history of China, The May 4th Patriotic Movement broke out in 1919, the second year after the birth of my grandmother "The Communist Party of China was founded in July 1921, the Nanchang Uprising in 1927, the September 18th Incident in 1931, the Central Red Army began the Long March in 1934, the Long March ended in 1936, the Lugouqiao Incident on July 7, 1937, the Nanjing Massacre in December 1937, Japan's surrender on August 15, 1945, the start of the Liberation War in 1946, and the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949········

My grandmother has experienced the escape from life and death in the war years, and also experienced poverty in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. From being lucky to live, to solving food and clothing, to now being able to live in a comfortable nursing home with government subsidies, the New Year holiday is not only filial piety for children and grandchildren, but also the good welfare provided by the government. These beautiful and happy days should be beyond her dreams when she was a child!

"Without the Communist Party, there will be no New China", "There will be a family only when there is a country, and people will have a good life only when the country is better", these words often said by the old woman may be her deepest experience. How can the happy life now not be the dream that the old woman realized when she was a child?

At 7:30:28 on the morning of October 17, the Shenzhou 11 manned spacecraft successfully lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Base. Watching the TV replay that night, I was still excited for a long time. The fairy tale of Chang'e flying to the moon is not difficult to find the ancient people's fascination for the moon. They imagined that one day they could go to the sky and the moon. After thousands of years, the Chinese people gradually realized this distant and difficult dream through their own efforts.

So I understand that everyone has a dream, which is big and small, far and near. It is the driving force of our life, the direction of our progress, and also a reflection of our self-worth. Dreams need you to keep chasing them, and they are the beautiful wishes that you can't put down and easily realize in your heart. As a young pioneer wearing a bright red scarf, my current task is to learn scientific and cultural knowledge and contribute to the realization of a bigger and stronger Chinese dream.