Tooth extraction composition 500 (practical 19)
Half the city is fireworks and half the city is desolate
2023-10-11 05:15:56

Tooth extraction composition 500 (1)

What a tragedy! My teeth are a bit loose, and new big teeth have grown out. Grandma forced me to go to the hospital for tooth extraction. Grandma nagged that she was afraid that my baby teeth would not fall out, and there would be a "white fat baby" - permanent teeth. I have no choice but to go to that hateful hospital, alas! Who opened this hospital is so annoying!

On the way, I muttered that I was in the gate of a hated hospital, but my grandmother registered me and asked me to wait for her on the second floor. As soon as I entered the dental department, an unpleasant smell came to my nostrils, and I hurried back out. At that time, Grandma had already arrived at the door, so I had to go in again. The people lying on the chair bed are all open mouthed. It's my turn to have a tooth extracted. I sat down on the chair bed carefully. The doctor uncle looked at it and said, "You can only have a tooth extracted after you have anesthetics.". The doctor uncle held the pliers and asked me to open my mouth. I would not open my cherry mouth if I bit my teeth. At this time, Grandma said that our small mouth was "sweet". No one wants to take sugar from her mouth. I burst into laughter and quickly touched her mouth with my hands, but it's too late. The doctor uncle put the pliers into my mouth, and I bit the pliers again. The doctor uncle said, "I will pull out one at random. Oh, this time I was so flustered that I quickly opened my mouth." One, two, three "was pulled out, and it did not hurt at all. The doctor asked me to bite the cotton, but my blood flow kept on. I said to Grandma, "Grandma, will my blood run out? I'm a little afraid. What should I do? This child, this is a normal reaction, it doesn't matter."

When I got home, I took off the cotton and found a tooth the size of a grain of rice in the place where the tooth was lost. It suddenly dawned on me that Grandma was right. When the tooth was loose, permanent teeth began to grow inside. I no longer hated hospitals and hospitals.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (2)

Today, something happened that made me unforgettable, that is, my father pulled out my teeth.

This afternoon, I was leisurely eating walnuts. I just heard a "click". Could it be that my tooth is going to fall off. I thought that my father must not know, or he would pull out my beloved baby tooth, or let it fall off by itself! After dinner, I was absorbed in my homework, but my tooth that was about to fall out was not honest at all. It kept shaking up and down like a naughty child. I can't help shaking. I can only call my father to help me pull out my beloved baby teeth. I pulled my father to the bathroom and asked him to touch my baby teeth. I was afraid that my father would pull out my baby tooth "mercilessly" like the last time, so I talked to him about an agreement: "Dad, you can only touch it, not pull it out. If you pull it out, you will buy me a gift of 50 yuan!" "OK!" My father readily agreed.

As soon as Dad touched my tooth, my heart became nervous. I begged in a low voice: "Dad, Dad, Dad..." Dad comforted me and quickly found my baby teeth. Who knows, he gently took my baby teeth and came down obediently. The pain that used to occur in tooth extraction did not show again. I immediately rinsed my mouth with prepared cold water to stop the bleeding of gums, but I found no blood flowing out. My nervous heart finally let go! It was a false alarm.

This is something I will never forget - "tiger mouth" tooth extraction.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (3)

Recently, a loose tooth often swings in my mouth. When I want to eat, I not only have toothache, but also worry that my teeth will be swallowed accidentally.

This is very urgent for me. Maybe this tottering "wounded soldier" is reluctant to leave its companion. So I made up my mind: I didn't need to go to the dentist, I pulled out my own tooth.

After dinner today, I washed my hands clean first, and then began to pull out my teeth in the mirror of the dresser. No matter what happens, I shake the "wounded soldier" with all my strength, but the "wounded soldier" doesn't listen to me. Alas! It can't be pulled out. I can't help it. I change my strategy: wrap the "wounded soldier" tightly with a tissue, shake it gently, and slowly follow the feeling that I will increase my strength. I feel that the "wounded soldier" is beginning to respond.

I resisted the pain and continued to pull out my teeth. I held my breath, pressed the "wounded soldier" with my finger, and kept shaking. Suddenly, I found obvious signs of looseness at the root of "wounded soldiers". I secretly rejoiced that I was almost done! My heart is like a deer, pounding out hard.

Of course, in the process of tooth extraction, I was inevitably afraid, but I was brave enough to close my eyes. Carefully pull and pull, pull and pull, in a moment, I took off the "wounded soldier"! That's great! I finally got you!

Before long, I found that the corners of my mouth were bleeding, and I was calm enough to plug the remaining gap of "wounded soldiers" with paper towels. I pressed it for a while, and the tissue dyed my blood red!

Through my experience of tooth extraction this time, I learned that it saves time, labor and money. Hehe, I think this effect is good!

Tooth extraction composition 500 (4)

Everyone must have experienced tooth loss when he was a child, and some people even experienced tooth extraction. That period of time is indispensable for childhood.

When I was young, I liked eating sugary things very much, and I didn't know how many decayed teeth I had. I remember when I was six years old, one of my decayed teeth was very painful. I really hoped that it would fall off immediately, and even wanted to pull it out at once. I sometimes put my finger into my mouth to touch it because I feel uncomfortable. One day, when I was eating, I accidentally moved the marked tooth, and the decayed tooth immediately moved. Suddenly, the pain made me cry loudly. My mother and sister took me to the stomatological hospital immediately when they saw that I was in great pain.

At the hospital, the doctor cleaned my teeth first, and then put a small camera head in my mouth to do a small examination of my teeth. After a while, the doctor took out the small camera head and said, "You have another decayed tooth that blocks the growth of the new tooth, so it hurts." Mother asked, "What should I do?" The doctor replied, "Only tooth extraction!" I was very afraid when I heard that. The doctor and mother encouraged me not to be nervous, and tooth extraction did not hurt at all.

I dare not open my eyes when the tooth extraction is about to begin. A few minutes later, the doctor continued to encourage me and gave me anesthesia. I reluctantly grasped the handrail with both hands and closed my eyes tightly. The doctor told me that the tooth had been pulled out. Surprised, I asked, "Uncle, has my tooth been pulled out?" The doctor smiled and only showed me that my tooth had been lying on a small plate. I slowly opened my eyes and found that the decayed teeth had been pulled out. My mother showed me the small plate for putting decayed teeth. I was shocked and couldn't believe it was my tooth.

From then on, I began to take care of my teeth. Now when I recall, I feel that tooth extraction is not painful at all, and I need to eliminate my tension.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (5)

"Children, let's go to have a tooth extraction today!" "Forget it." These two words often appear in our house these days.

Since I told my mother that this tooth was a little loose, my mother urged me to have it extracted. "Let me prepare in a few days." This is the reason why I often avoid tooth extraction.

That day, "Go! Teeth extraction!" When I heard this, I was scared out of my wits and felt the beauty of the world suddenly flew to a place where no one could see it.

The car had already reached the hospital and slowly stopped in the parking space. My mother pulled me out of the car. I felt like a rabbit in my arms. My heart was pounding and I couldn't walk. When my mother pulled me to the hospital, I felt as if I was approaching the end of the world step by step.

Alas! What are you afraid of! Sooner or later, I have to go through such a trip! I think so. I overcame my fear and registered with my mother. Then I swaggered into the extraction room. But at the moment when I was lying on the sickbed, I was so scared that my heart was raised to my throat! Seeing the shiny pliers made my hair stand up.

The pliers slowly extended towards me, as if a bullet had been put into slow motion and was about to shoot into my teeth! Just when the pliers were a few millimeters away from my teeth, the grandpa who pulled out the teeth suddenly chatted with me. Alas, doesn't this kind looking grandpa want to pull my tooth? Forget it. Whatever happens to him, just answer Grandpa.

Just as I was having a good chat with Grandpa, suddenly I felt a great pain! But by the time I knew it, the tooth had left its home.

Everything is so sudden, so people are at a loss. Maybe this is the secret of the doctor's tooth extraction!

After tooth extraction, I had no feeling, but the experience of tooth extraction made me unforgettable all my life.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (6)

Last Sunday night, my mother found that three of my teeth had not squeezed out my old teeth, and they had grown out of other places. My mother was very worried. In order to avoid the crooked tooth growing out, she decided to take me to the hospital on Monday morning to pull out the three old teeth.

Finally, the sun rose slowly on Monday, and I had to accept the fact that I had to go for tooth extraction.

"Ding, ding..." The bell of the second class rang slowly in my ear. I quickly put my pen box and math book into the desk, picked up the school sheet, and rushed out of the classroom. But I had just left the classroom two meters ago, and I was afraid and slowed down. I didn't want to go to school to have my teeth extracted. But when I thought about these things, I walked out of the school door unconsciously, I got on my father's battery car and was on my way to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, a thick smell of disinfectant came to my nose, which made me shiver. Then my father and I walked down the stairs to the fourth floor, to the place where the tooth was extracted. With a sound of "Dong", I sat down on the chair, and the doctor took the small reflector and shone on my mouth again and again. Finally, the doctor saw my teeth and walked away slowly, leaving me in a nervous state, waiting for me in a nervous state.

"Ta, Ta..." The doctor came back after a long time, but the operating mirror in his hand turned into a medical vise, which flashed cold, making me shiver again.

Gradually, the vise had already reached into my mouth, and my heart was tight, I couldn't help swallowing saliva. At that time, the doctor pulled the vise at once, and one of my teeth fell in response, and blood poured into my throat. I couldn't help swallowing. The blood was cold, with a metallic taste. But in the process of my aftertaste, the doctor has "clicked" twice and pulled out my other two teeth. When the doctor posed to pull out the fourth tooth, I screamed: "No! No!"

When the doctor saw that I was flushed with excitement, he stopped. I took a big breath and collapsed on the chair

Tooth extraction composition 500 (7)

The last time I went to see the teeth, Director Qiao of the Dental Pulp Department found that the root of the tooth I wanted to remove had not been completely absorbed after a careful look. He asked me to pull it out after it was completely absorbed. In recent days, the tooth finally loosened, so my father and I decided to have it extracted this afternoon.

When I arrived at the hospital, Director Qiao first took a general look at the absorption of the root of the tooth. As a result, the root of the tooth was generally absorbed, and he decided to pull out my tooth.

Hearing this result, I was both nervous and excited, because this is the first time to extract a tooth, will it hurt? When I asked her, she smiled and said to me, "It doesn't matter. I'll give you some local anesthetics, and it will be OK.". "After hearing these words, I felt a little relieved.

After Dad went to the pharmacy to get the anesthetic, her assistant put it into a needle tube and pressed the needle into a curve. When everything was ready, she took a syringe in one hand and a small dental mirror in the other hand, stabbed the needle into the gum near the tooth, and slowly pushed the anesthetic through the syringe into the gum. I felt a little pain. After taking anesthetic, I rinsed my mouth, and the formal tooth extraction began.

She took out the ultimate weapon of baby teeth, the pliers, and made her debut. I was scared. When she put the pliers on my baby tooth, my heart was like kicking a rabbit, thumping. In the process of pulling out, I felt some pain even though I was drugged. Suddenly, the tooth was pulled out, and I was relieved.

Then her assistant gave me a sterilized medical cotton ball to stop the bleeding. After a while, the bleeding stopped. However, I don't think it's good. After all, one tooth is missing. I always feel uncomfortable talking, brushing and eating.

I don't know when to "lay off" my next tooth.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (8)

As the saying goes, "When you are eight years old, you lose your dog's teeth.". As time flies, I have changed eleven baby teeth since I lost my first tooth. Today, another tiger tooth shakes violently. Maybe I want to "retire".

Just after dinner in the evening, I held the tottering tooth in my mouth and said to my mother, "Mom, please pull out my tiger tooth, or the new tooth will be crooked.". My mother's left hand was carefree, holding my forehead, and her right hand was holding the hard pliers. She gently touched my teeth first. "It's really shaking. It's time to drop it. Does it hurt?" I opened my mouth and purred. I didn't know what to say. However, I can feel that my mother has clamped my teeth with the tip of the pliers, and my heart has also raised its voice. Suddenly, my mother said, "Tongtong, I'm a little afraid, you'd better go to my grandpa to have your teeth extracted." Hey, my mother, how can you be more nervous than me!

So I grabbed the pliers and went to find my grandpa to deal with my tiger teeth. I thought he would frown and refuse me and ask me to go to the hospital to take anesthetics, but grandpa laughed at my words I was dumbfounded when I heard that - "Grandpa will use a lot of effort? Ouch, do I still want to have a tooth pulled out?" Then I heard my screams from time to time in Grandma's bathroom. After a long time, I rushed out of the bathroom like "picking up a gun", but I already had that hateful tiger tooth in my hand.

It turned out that grandpa's first three "attacks" were unsuccessful, and each time I stopped because I was afraid of pain. The fourth time, we both made up our minds to finally kill this veritable "tiger tooth". I can sleep well tonight!

Tooth extraction composition 500 (9)

Today, I grow up again. Why do you say that? Because today I changed my teeth. I think changing teeth is the only way to grow up.

A few days ago, I found a loose baby tooth on the right side of my mouth when I was eating. Grandma knew this and took me to the dental clinic. The Jiejie doctor said that I could not pull it out. I was very happy. But today I was not happy because a classmate in the interest class brought me a chewing gum. I was embarrassed to refuse, so I had to accept it. Later, I still couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food. I put sugar in my mouth, and the sugar stuck to the loose baby tooth unconsciously. With a lick of the tongue, the loose baby teeth swing back and forth like a swing. Sugar is like a naughty spirit, constantly playing tricks on baby teeth. I feel extremely uncomfortable. So I quickly moved the sugar to the left with my tongue, but half of my teeth had been glued off.

After returning home, I explained the situation to my grandfather, and he said, "Let me pull it for you!" I promised bravely, closed my eyes tightly, clenched my fists and waited for my grandfather to start. But as soon as my grandpa's hand touched my tooth, I cried out, "It hurts! Forget it, I'll pull it out myself!" My grandpa spread his hands and said, "OK, pull it out yourself!" I retracted my hand several times when I touched my tooth. I felt that the loose tooth did not fall off at a touch. It was still "dying" and would not leave my mouth. I was afraid in my heart. I didn't dare to touch that loose baby tooth again, and even expected it to fall off by itself.

"Don't pull it out!" I was a little discouraged, but my grandparents firmly disagreed. I had to pluck up my courage and try again. This time, I held the tooth with two fingers as if it would slip out of my mouth. I closed my eyes and pulled it out. "Pu", I finally pulled it out and reluctantly left my mouth. "Dong", it was put into "death row" by me - trash can, oh yeah, I pulled my teeth successfully, and I grew up!

Maybe this is the fun of tooth extraction! Through tooth extraction, I also learned a truth: in fact, difficulties are not terrible. We are afraid of difficulties because there is a small monster named "fear" in our mind. If we try hard, "fear" will be defeated.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (10)

Because my permanent teeth have come out, but my baby teeth are still standing firm and unwilling to be "laid off", my mother decided to take me to the hospital to have my teeth extracted.

Along the way, I was uneasy and kept asking my mother if the tooth extraction was painful? My mother patted me on the shoulder and comforted me: "No pain, just a little bit. It won't hurt very much. Don't be afraid." After listening to my mother's words, I felt a little relieved, but I still felt a sense of anxiety and fear. My heart was beating wildly.

Finally, I came to the hospital and began to extract my teeth. Sitting on the cold therapeutic chair, my heart was so nervous that I felt like jumping out. I kept saying to the doctor, "Uncle, please be gentle, be gentle, and don't work too hard, or I will be afraid." Looking at my nervousness, the doctor uncle couldn't help laughing and said to me, "OK, I will be gentle, but don't move.", He took out a needle filled with anesthetic and asked me to open my mouth. Looking at the long, sharp steel needles, I was very afraid: will my uncle drill a big hole in my teeth? Then I put on a thick rope and pulled it hard. My teeth fell off, and I would faint in pain... My mind was up and down, thinking about all the "terrible" things that might happen. However, the doctor uncle just gently inserted the needle into the tissue behind my tooth root, and then withdrew the needle. With a small pair of pliers, the strong baby tooth easily fell off. The process was too short for me to believe.

"All right?" I can't believe it. The doctor's uncle smiled and nodded. I was so happy that I didn't even bite the styptic cotton and giggled. So tooth extraction is not so scary.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (11)

Oh, it's really annoying. The big tooth in my mouth has been moving for several days. It's really awkward. It makes me worried all day long. This is not true. When I was angry, the tooth fell off obediently. Finally, the stone in my heart fell off, hehe, and I pulled it out myself

I felt very sad. It was not even convenient to eat. I held my breath and wanted to pull it out. I was afraid of pain. If I didn't pull the stone out of my heart, I would not be able to put down my cotton. I touched it gently. Alas, there was movement, and I was more confident all of a sudden, I asked my mother: "Whether to pull it up or pull it out, my mother asked me to pull it up. I closed my eyes and pulled it with my hands. Alas, it fell down. I was busy pressing it with a paper towel to avoid bleeding. It took me a long time to stop. My mother told me not to throw my teeth on the roof, saying it could grow faster. I threw my teeth on the roof as my mother did. I looked back at my teeth with a mirror The reason why my teeth move so much is that my new teeth have already grown up. Like the bean sprouts just unearthed, I am so powerful that I pulled out my teeth. However, I should also pay attention to the fact that it is better to go to the hospital to pull out my teeth, because there will be bacteria when I pull them out myself. Oh, watch out, but I can't pull them if I'm not careful. I'm so happy today, This disgusting tooth finally fell out. I can eat more conveniently. Come on

Later, my father said he would reward me with ice cream. When I asked him why, he said, "To cool the gums!" I ate the sweet ice cream and thought, "Why did I fear tooth extraction?"? If I had known that tooth extraction and ice cream could be eaten, I would have extracted more!

Tooth extraction composition 500 (12)

As early as before the summer vacation, I wanted to have that tooth pulled out, but I didn't have time. Finally, I got up the courage to come to the dental clinic.

Outside, I could smell the peculiar smell of the dental clinic, which made my legs tremble. The extracted wisdom tooth is not wisdom tooth. It must be very painful without anesthesia! But it was more difficult not to pull it out, so I opened the door gently.

As soon as I entered the door, the smell surrounded me and made me almost suffocate. The sky was gloomy, and I seemed to be waiting for a sentence.

At this time, a doctor in a white coat came up to me and asked me: "Children, are you here to have your teeth extracted?" I listened and nodded cautiously: "Yes..." "Well, come here." The doctor asked me to come to a bed, ah! I was so frightened that my face turned gray and my heart beat wildly. "It doesn't matter, it doesn't hurt." The doctor seemed to see through my mind and said.

I took a deep breath and was ready to die. I lay down carefully, my eyelids bouncing. "Open your mouth and let me have a look," said the doctor kindly. I opened my mouth in fear, and the doctor took a small flashlight. "Don't move, I'm still looking," said the doctor. But I didn't notice that his left hand picked up tools

"Click", I haven't felt anything yet, and my tooth is lying on the doctor's spoon. I was relieved and trembling to pay the doctor, then went out of the door with ecstasy and cheered: "Yeah! It doesn't hurt at all!"

Although this tooth extraction was "soul stirring", it made me understand that some things are not as terrible as I imagined. You haven't tried it, how do you know? So, it is the most unforgettable thing in my summer vacation!

Tooth extraction composition 500 (13)

As the saying goes, toothache is not a disease. It hurts and kills people. The loose front teeth made me not eat well and sleep well. I struggled painfully. My mother said that she would take me to the hospital to have a tooth extracted. I refused to agree, so I had to endure the pain and did not dare to speak.

One day, two days, three days later, the loose tooth still didn't fall off. Every time I eat something, it always makes me feel painful. I have no choice but to cry. My mother was so bored that she had to take me to the hospital for tooth extraction. I was dragged to the dentist by my mother and saw a "white hunter" - the dentist. The "hunter in white" asked me to lie on the bed and open my mouth. I dragged my mother's clothes and refused to lie on the bed. I began to cry, and my mother had to say, "My dear, I will buy you something delicious after you pull out your teeth." I stopped crying, opened my mouth and lay on the bed, waiting for the "hunter in white".

After a while, the "hunter in white" came to my room with a tooth extraction tool. I was too nervous to make a sound. The dentist seemed to see something and said to me gently, "It doesn't hurt." The dentist first took out an anesthetic needle and shot it into my mouth. Then he took out a cotton swab and pressed it in my mouth. Finally, he took out a pair of pliers and shook them near my eyes. He put them in my mouth and heard a clear sound, The doctor quickly pulled out my tooth. Oh, my god, I have no pain at all. It turns out that my previous worries are unnecessary. I was so happy that tooth extraction was such a simple thing. Back home, my mother bought me a lot of delicious food. I packed my teeth in boxes and threw them under the bed.

In this way, my first baby tooth was honorably laid off.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (14)

When I heard this, I was scared. It seemed that I could see my mind and said, "Why? I was afraid? I was as timid as a mouse." I was very angry and said, "Go ahead! What's so terrible?" So I bravely went to the hospital with my father.

The doctor looked at my teeth and said, "There are two baby teeth here. I'm not sure which one to pull out. To be safe, I'd better take a film." It was very easy to take a film. After only six or seven minutes, the film came out. I couldn't understand a piece of black plastic paper. The doctor took it and only glanced at the film, saying, "New teeth have grown under these two baby teeth, and they must be pulled out?" "Ah! Are you sure you want to pull out a tooth?" I was surprised.

Later, the doctor asked me to sit in a chair, and then prepared the hemostatic cotton, anesthetic needles and so on. Looking at the long needle, my heart jumped up. The hairs on my body seemed to stand up. The father said, "Son, be strong!"

The doctor picked up the anesthetic needle, told me to open my mouth, and then pricked the needle into my gums. "It really hurts. I just need to pull out my teeth. Why does it make my gums suffer?" I was muttering in my heart. The doctor asked me, "Little guy, does it hurt?" I pretended to be calm and shook my head. After a few minutes, the doctor took out a pair of pliers, asked me to open my mouth wide, and put the pliers into my mouth. I closed my eyes and dared not open them. I could only feel the pliers moving on my teeth. Later, the doctor pulled hard and finally pulled out the tooth. Finally, with tears in my eyes and cotton in my mouth, I walked out of the hospital.

Although I suffered a bit from that tooth extraction, I now have two rows of white and regular teeth.

Thanks for the first tooth extraction.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (15)

Today, my mother took me to the dental hospital. As soon as I entered the door, I was shocked by the medical equipment: looking at those "pliers", "screwdrivers", and anesthesia needles, the sound of "plop" in my heart was louder. But later, it was my turn. My heart was like 15 buckets of water - up and down, I walked into the medical room and thought: Last semester, I will never forget the bitter potion and tooth grinding stick. This semester, I had to pull out my teeth again, which was really unlucky! I don't know what to suffer this time.

I lay on the clinic table, opened my mouth, held my mother's hand tightly, and let the doctor examine me. He took the operating forceps and knocked once, then took the inverted mirror of his mouth and said, "This tooth must be pulled out, or the permanent tooth will not grow up!" Mother asked nervously, "Do you need anesthesia?" The doctor said, "Don't need it, it will be ready soon."

The next tooth extraction was not as scary as I thought: suddenly, the doctor took a thing that looked like a screwdriver, and I didn't even come back to my senses. My teeth hurt and fell on my tongue. I'll take it out. Ha, it fell! I gave a long sigh of relief and finally showed a smile.

This fear and excitement of "tooth extraction" is finally over. I hope God will give me a good tooth again, and I will take good care of it!

Tooth extraction composition 500 (16)

On the morning of the fourth day, I went to the dental hospital to have my tooth extracted. During this period, the hospital was very empty and there were not many people. When the doctor was about to pull out my tooth, my mother received a phone call saying that my classmates asked me to play ball games. The doctor put down the forceps and said seriously, "If you want to play ball, you can't pull it out now, because intense exercise after tooth extraction will lead to massive bleeding." Ha ha, can I escape for the time being? Mom said calmly, "Come this afternoon and pull it out today." Well, boss, you have the final say.

In the afternoon, I forced myself into the clinic. Wow, there are so many people. I sat on the chair and watched the football match with adults. As time went by, it was my turn. The doctor put on disposable gloves, picked up tweezers, and the tweezers grabbed the tooth, shaking it from side to side. With the sound of "click", my tiger tooth was honorably taken off the post!

I didn't understand until I pulled out my tooth. In fact, it didn't hurt at all, but I was too fussy at that time. In fact, every difficulty we encounter will be overcome in the end. So we don't have to wear a "magnifying glass" for difficulties. I wanted to laugh when I thought I was so afraid of tooth extraction. I was knocked down by the difficulty of wearing a magnifying glass. It turns out that difficulties are just so weak and insignificant.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (17)

"Baby, come on, we need to get a tooth out, or the doctor should wait." Alas, what's the fear. I had to pull out my teeth with my mother. Time old man walked quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, we came to the hospital. Once in the hospital, "Wow!" The whole hospital became a sea of people. "Oh, yes." I suddenly came up with a good idea and said to my mother: "Mom, you see so many people, you have to wait for a while, or I will accompany you to buy clothes." Now, I can wait for a while. "No, we have an appointment," Mom said. Just when I wanted to use other reasons to procrastinate, I saw a seven or eight year old little brother standing beside me with a calm face. The little adult said to the doctor, "Auntie, you can pull it out with confidence. I'm a man and won't cry." At this time, I was very moved: a younger brother is not afraid of me, what am I afraid of? What's more, I am an omnipotent man. I won't say any more, but go to have a tooth extracted with my mother. But at that time, now I am voluntary, let alone tooth extraction, I am not afraid to go up the mountain and down the fire, because I am a woman - man - son.

Through this tooth extraction, I understand that as long as you overcome difficulties, you will find that some things are not as terrible as you think.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (18)

After the doctor finished the diagnosis, he said that there was an extra tooth between my two front teeth. Because of this tooth, my other front tooth could not grow. But this extra tooth seemed to know that he had done something wrong, and he refused to show his head. So the doctor decided to pull out this extra tooth. When I heard this, I was very nervous. I hugged my father hard and asked him not to pull it out. My father comforted me: "Don't be nervous. It doesn't hurt at all. Besides, it can only grow normally if other teeth are pulled out!" My soft and hard work was useless. I had to give in, and the old man actually went there.

I started to take anesthetics. When the doctor approached me with a large steel needle, I saw a devil holding it and grinning at me. I trembled with fear and closed my eyes quickly. When the anesthetic needle was stuck on my gum, although I tried hard at first, it was so painful that I finally couldn't help crying. The tooth began to be extracted. At this time, because I had been drugged, it didn't hurt so much. I only saw the doctor and nurse aunt pull out the extra tooth with a clamp and a hammer chisel. After a lot of trouble in my mouth, I finally pulled out the extra tooth. I breathed a sigh of relief and thought that I had finally finished. But I still need stitches. In order to make the slit grow up quickly, the doctor gave me three stitches.

When I came out of the hospital, I took a cold breath. God, it hurt so much that I quickly closed my mouth. It's too painful. Fortunately, the extra teeth were finally pulled out, and my teeth will grow well in the future.

Tooth extraction composition 500 (19)

Grade 6 Volume 2 Chinese Unit 1 Composition: 500 words of unforgettable tooth extraction Today is a sunny day. The weekend I was looking forward to finally arrived. At noon, my brother and I ran home happily for dinner. Ah! There are chicken wings to eat! I washed my hands and couldn't wait to pick up a chicken wing and bite it.

oh dear! No, it's killing me! My tooth hurts! My mother asked me to open my mouth and show her. After that, she took my hands and feet to the car and drove to Li Jun Dental Clinic to see her teeth.

When I got out of the car, I was scared. Mother invited the dentist to see my teeth. After seeing it, the doctor said firmly, "You can pull it out!"

My face was white with fear, and I said, "I don't want to pull it out!" But my mother said, "We must pull it out! Otherwise, the new teeth will grow behind the shaking teeth, which will be uneven!"

I thought: "If I grow in the back, it will be ugly, so my mother will not like me?" Thinking of this, I could only walk slowly to the extraction room.

I sat on the bed and waited. The dentist took out anesthetic and tooth extraction tools and came to me. My heart pounded and my mouth opened involuntarily.

The dentist told me to keep my mouth open and help me apply the anesthetic. Then, the dentist picked up the tooth extraction tool and pulled it out, and the tooth fell into the dentist's hands with no effort. I felt no pain at all, and I was very happy!

On the way home, I said to my mother: "The tooth extraction is not so painful!" I smiled happily, and my mother also smiled happily.