Pizhou (3 high-quality articles)
Drunken by Red Rim
2023-12-06 06:37:14
Grade 6

Pizhou (1)

I haven't seen my grandparents for a long time. I miss them very much. So, my parents took me to visit them during the May Day holiday.

Grandparents' home is located in Pizhou City in the north of Jiangsu Province, 300 kilometers away from Nanjing. We drove for 4 hours and finally arrived in Pizhou. I was very happy to meet my dear grandparents.

In my spare time, my grandparents took me to the Peach Blossom Island Park. In spring, the Peach Blossom Island was covered with colorful clothes. The green trees were full of flowers and plants, which were very beautiful. There were all kinds of amusement facilities in the Peach Blossom Island, and there were sand skating suitable for children to play. It was very interesting for children to slide down from high sand piles on skateboards; There are all kinds of exciting rock climbing, allowing children to enjoy the fun of sports; After playing around and around, my clothes were all wet with sweat and my stomach growled with hunger. Grandpa bought me a lot of delicious food. My favorite food is Pizhou pancakes, which are very chewy and can hone my teeth.

The happy time is always so fast. The short long vacation is coming to an end. We reluctantly left Pizhou. How I hope the summer vacation will come soon, so that I can go to the beautiful town in northern Jiangsu again.

Pizhou (2)

Pizhou, my hometown, is a city with profound cultural heritage and a beautiful city with various colors.

Some people say Pizhou is green. Walking on the road, you can see green grass on both sides of the road everywhere. Suddenly, bursts of fragrance came to my face. It turned out that it was the iris beside the road. The iris was in various forms. Purple, pink and white flowers were interspersed among the green leaves. From a distance, it really looked like a dancing butterfly. Entering the community, you can see the beautiful green belt. Under the hard work of gardeners and workers, the trees are scattered in height, trimmed neatly, and the leaves are verdant and beautiful. Stepping into the park, you will see rows of neat weeping willows. The green branches are like girls' hair. Their beautiful images reflect in the water, adding a lot of life to the green river.

Some people say that Pizhou is golden. In autumn, Pizhou is covered with fruits, gingko fragrance and golden color. Walking in the gingko forest, you can see "yellow flowers piled up all over the ground". Non flowers are more than flowers. The ground is covered layer by layer like a golden carpet. When I looked up, the small and delicate yellow leaves swayed in the wind, as if butterflies were dancing gently. Walking into the fields, the golden paddy fields shook with heavy rice ears, and waves of gold swelled.

Some people say Pizhou is red. The majesty of Nianzhuang Martyrs' Garden, the solemnity of Little Turnip Head Memorial Hall, and the brilliance of Wang Jie's spirit... These stories of heroes took root in the hearts of Pizhou people. They were not afraid of sacrifice, and their brave spirit encouraged every Pizhou people to march forward.

I said, Pizhou is colorful. When night fell, the lights in Pizhou city were all on, colorful and beautiful. Colorful neon lights, orange street lights, and flowing lights... converge into a long river of light and color. Look at the lights in the shopping mall. They have different shapes and colors. Some are like dragons, some are like butterflies, and some are like phoenix. They shine red, green, yellow, and purple light, dazzling people. Here has become a paradise for people to shop and a sea of joy!

The colorful Pizhou City is amazing and fascinating. I really want to grow up quickly and add a strong color to this charming city.

Pizhou (3)

My hometown is very strange to a 10-year-old child like me. I have lived in Suzhou since I was born. Only during the Spring Festival can I have the opportunity to return to my hometown for a short week. So I often tease my father. Pizhou is my father's hometown, and Suzhou is my hometown! (The number of words and key points at the beginning of the article are well controlled, very good)

My father's hometown is a county-level city in northern Jiangsu, which is the "Pizhou" that my father often talks about. I often ask my father, is Pizhou really big? Dad was very determined every time, and then said his classic joke - "Know" the seven continents? Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, North America, South America and Pizhou! " Every time I hear my father say this story again in another tone, I can't keep my mouth shut. I know clearly how big Pizhou is on the map, and at the same time, I know what Pizhou's position is in my father's mind, so whenever I have time, I will pester my father to tell me about my hometown.

Pizhou, the hometown of Xuzhou, was called "Pi County" when my father was young. It seems that my father changed it to "Pizhou" in the 1990s. To be exact, my hometown is Liuyuan Village, a small village relying on agricultural production. My old house is on the side of a winding river near the village. The house in my hometown is a typical small courtyard in the rural areas of northern Jiangsu, not like the white walls and grey tiles in the south of the Yangtze River, but it is red walls and red tiles, including the gate of my hometown, which gives a happy feeling. My father said that my grandpa spent a month's salary to buy the door of our house. At that time, such a magnificent door was rare in our village. When others came to our house, they could not help but stop to admire our magnificent door. My father said that the brick house in my hometown was the first one built in our village. In order to build such a house, my grandparents saved money sparingly for several years and used up all their wages. They also asked my father's uncle to borrow hundreds of yuan to build it. Grandpa and grandma spent so much money to build a typical farm yard in northern Jiangsu for the sake of a good living environment for my father and uncle, although the house at home is not so new now. Compared with other newly-built houses, it is not as tall and stylish as before, but for Dad, it is always the largest and stylish.

As soon as I walked into the yard, I saw the fruit trees in the yard. When autumn comes, crystal grapes, red persimmons, charming gingko and grinning pomegranates all come to the beauty pageant. You compete with me. It's a lively scene. There is a big pond behind the yard. My father said that every summer, his friends would ask him to go swimming. He would proudly take the inner tube that my grandfather asked his colleagues from the garage to use as a life buoy. Every time you swim, there will be several lucky children who touch some fish while paddling, and then happily run home to show off their unexpected gains to parents. In winter, the ice skates on the eaves become free ice lollies for children after snow. Although it was very cold, it could not stop his enthusiasm to eat ice skates with his friends! When spring came, everything came back to life, and Dad and his little friends itched again. One by one, they rolled up their trouser legs and went down to the river to catch tadpoles. At the same time, they would touch snails with their hands on the river bank. The more daring children will pick up lobsters with their bare hands. You know lobsters have two big defensive weapons. The children who dare to pick up lobsters in lobster holes with their bare hands are really like brave little soldiers!

My father often tells me that my hometown is not only his hometown, but also my hometown. He told me more than once that his hometown is the place where his father was born and raised, so we must remember the address of his hometown - Liuyuan Village, Yitang Town, Pizhou City. In fact, when my father said it for the first time, I already firmly remember it! (The originality of the ending is a major feature of this article, which also reflects the author's keen and meticulous.) (The content is arranged reasonably, with appropriate details and clear priorities)