Trust Composition Grade 4 (13 refined articles)
2023-11-15 08:42:15
fourth grade

Trust Composition Grade 4 (1)

It is the basis of bilateral exchanges and the most beautiful language between people. A look of trust can resolve conflicts, and a tone of trust is enough to make people unforgettable and unforgettable. For children, trust is kindness in the mother's eyes; For the old, trust is the burden on their shoulders. When the old cannot bear it, their children take it over and put it on their shoulders silently.

I live in a warm family, but at that moment, I felt that there was an invisible wall between us - trust. Once, when I just came home from school, my father called me over. He asked me, "Sissy, tell my father honestly, did you take my father's 20 yuan?" I looked puzzled and said, "No!" My father said, "It's OK. If you take it, tell my father, and my father won't tell you." "I really didn't take it!" I said wrongly. "Why are you like this? It doesn't matter if you take it!" Dad yelled at me. I was so angry that I shouted to my father: "If you say no, you don't! Why do you suspect me? Am I so untrustworthy?" After that, I ran into the room angrily... After that, the cleaner came to our house to clean up, found 20 yuan under the bed of my parents, and told my father. At that time, I saw my father suddenly realized that his face was obviously a little red. The next day, my father came to my room and said to me, "Sissy, the last thing was wrong with my father, can you forgive my father?" I smiled and said, "I didn't blame you! However, you can't doubt me anymore!" "Sure! Ha ha..." My father and I laughed

Since that incident, our family's feelings have not only become more and more harmonious, but also I have expressed my deep feelings: a nation without trust is hopeless, and a country without trust has no future. From nations and countries to groups and individuals, if there is no trust, it is like a ship sailing on the sea losing its navigation landmark. Trust - it has nothing to do with money, but it is connected with a person's conduct. When the mother puts her hand on the forehead of the child and sits on the bench waiting for diagnosis as a child's support for the elderly and sick parents, the warm current of trust emits fragrance and warms each other's hearts.

There is a kind of beauty called trust, which is beautiful in people's hearts, beautiful in every inconspicuous corner, beautiful in this vast world!

Trust Composition Grade 4 (2)

Trust can make you trust a person without reason.

On Friday evening, I finished my English class and went home with my classmate Annie Chen. On the other side of the road, she said she wanted to play the "blind game" with me. Out of trust, although I knew it was dangerous, I agreed with her.

Close your eyes, it's dark. She took my hand and walked on the road. Darkness is my only fear now. The emptiness in my heart makes me really afraid. Holding her hand, I felt sweaty and wanted to open my eyes immediately.

She said to me, "Don't open your eyes. There is a bright future ahead." "Really, really?" I was so nervous that I broke into a cold sweat. However, out of trust, I chose to trust her.

"There is a puddle in front of me, and I stride across it." Because I don't know how big the puddle is, I had to go beyond my limit and take a big step, until she said to me, "OK, I have already crossed it." I just breathed a big breath. You don't know how worried I was at that time. Although I have no bottom in my heart, I still choose to believe. I think this is trust.

Finally, I opened my eyes, and found that my hands had already been red and hot by me, but my face was cold, and my face was white because of excessive fright. When I waved goodbye to her, my hands were still shaking. I can't believe myself. How can I trust her like that.

Trust can create a blue sky.

Trust Composition Grade 4 (3)

Whenever I see him in the classroom, my good friend Wang Youhao reads quietly, it reminds me of an event that happened to me and him last year, and reminds me of his sincere eyes; It reminds me of the friendship between him and me; It reminds me of his kind heart.

He has short black hair; A pair of big watery eyes and a small pink face. Although he is very handsome, he acts very like a little girl, pretending to be cute whenever he moves, and makes a "meow meow meow" sound. Another characteristic of him is that he likes to play cool in front of girls, so the boys nicknamed him "Shuku Wang". Although he likes to be handsome and cute, his sincerity and trust deeply moved me.

Once, "ding ling ling" class, we bounced back to the classroom. I sat on the seat and opened my schoolbag. "Eh, where is my neutral pen?" I frowned and hurriedly opened the stationery box. Neither did I. "This is over, no help, but also be scolded by the teacher." I sighed, hung my head, staring at the ground.

Suddenly, I felt someone poked me in the back with a pen. Looking back, it was Wang Youhao. He was smiling all over his face. He pulled out a neutral pen from the drawer and said with a smile, "Here you are." In a moment, my face was red, red like a red Fuji. I was so ashamed that I could not wait to dive into the ground. I slowly reached out to take the pen, said thank you, and immediately turned around to work hard. While drawing, I thought, "I gave him a nickname, but he didn't complain. Instead, he lent me something. It seems that I was really wrong."

It has been a long time. Whenever I see him, my eyes will show his sincere and trusting eyes; It reminds me of his diligent study; It reminds me of his single-minded reading; It reminds me of his constant help.

Trust Composition Grade 4 (4)

Stay away from those treacherous, sophisticated, more sincere feelings, a trusted vision. Don't let distrust destroy our friendship.

The tribulations of friendship experienced in the past two days may be regarded as a growth for me. Also let me understand the true meaning of sincerity. She and I and she. We are good friends, once very good friends. We have accompanied each other for more than a year, and those times are long or short. However, in my heart, it will be a permanent memory.

In fact, the most important reason for our broken friendship is distrust. In the eyes of others, I am a lively girl who likes to talk. I don't want to deny it. However, I am also a girl with personality. Of course, within a certain limit. I never like to explain what I do and why I do it. I believe that trust between friends is necessary. This is also the minimum basis for building friendship. Maybe it's because I have too much trust in their friendship with me that I didn't explain anything. I like the saying, "The pure is self purification, and the turbid is self purification." But what I did not expect is that our friendship is so vulnerable. Not even trust. Tired, tired, weak. I don't want to explain to people who don't believe me, so that's it.

Distrust has destroyed our friendship. Friends, no matter who you are, I want to tell you. Trust is the foundation of friendship. If you don't trust your friend, please don't hurt her. Will be uncomfortable, will be heartache.

Trust Composition Grade 4 (5)

You don't trust my fourth grade composition

In life, work and study, everyone must have been exposed to composition. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. I believe many friends are very worried about writing compositions. The following is a small editor for everyone. You don't trust my fourth grade composition, and I hope it can help you.

This life is full of suspicions. Everyone will keep a copy of confusion in the process of communication, which is a kind of distrust. In my life and study, I have also encountered such things that are not trusted by others. I think others don't trust you. Maybe your ordinary life is full of dishonesty, or you cheat others everywhere. You are not a good child when you live. In the eyes of adults, trust is only given to people with good grades, while those with poor grades are all carrying an untrusted package.

When I met someone who trusted me, I was always sad. I think that no one wants to be trusted by others, and I still think of the past, there will be a sour feeling in my heart. It was such an unforgettable thing. Teacher, you don't trust me. Everyone else thinks it is a very sad thing, and I feel the same way. I still remember that time, it was a self-study class. My classmates around me were studying and discussing problems.

At that time, I didn't have anything to do, so I just studied with them. Then at that time, the students around me discussed a problem together, and the discussion was a bit intense. And I was listening quietly. Sometimes I remind them from time to time that it is self-study now, and you should be quiet. They didn't listen to my persuasion and were still carrying on the discussion. At that time, I had no choice but to turn my head slightly. The teacher just happened to appear at the door, and the discussion stopped.

Obviously, the teacher was a little angry, because it was self-study, the whole class should keep quiet, and was not allowed to discuss. But they violated the rules. I thought the teacher would call my name and reward them, but no one expected that the teacher suddenly called my name and then called me out. As soon as I heard my teacher calling my name, I was completely mystified. What do I want the teacher to call my name for? So I came to the teacher's eyes with trepidation, and the teacher also gave me a clear instruction.

At that time, I was very aggrieved, and then hesitated and said, "Teacher, I didn't speak!" The teacher obviously didn't believe me, and then angrily said to me, "It's not you talking? I just saw that you turned your head and talked to the people behind you, and the voice came from you, and you still don't admit it!" I was wronged and wanted to cry, But the child misses me. I am a man and can't cry. Then I said, "Teacher, you don't trust me!" The teacher ignored me and left, leaving me to stand at the door.

It was such a sad thing. The teacher didn't trust me, but trusted what he saw. I can't say or explain anything clearly. Because my classmates around me won't admit that they are talking, so I suffered such a grievance that day. And that matter can't be erased in my heart until now.

Trust Composition Grade 4 (6)

"Suspicion takes away a lot of happiness and doesn't give us anything." Lowell's famous saying stressed the importance of trust for everyone. All friendship between people is based on trust. But it is not easy for a person to learn how to trust.

Trust is trusting others, not supporting what they do. We all have people we trust and will always support him. However, when a person you trust, for some reason, commits acts that are dangerous to others and harmful to the society, you cannot blindly trust him, support him, and help him. A true friend should be the first to point out his mistakes and urge him to correct them when he makes mistakes; Instead of protecting him and interceding for him.

The premise of trust is that the person deserves your trust. It is wrong not to trust everyone, but it is also wrong to trust everyone. It is safest to remain vigilant until you really recognize a person. No one can guarantee that he is a good man. In the face of interests, few people can be completely unswerving, even if it is a person you trust most. Therefore, don't trust a stranger and protect yourself.

Trust is two-way. The mutual trust between two people is the real trust. If you trust each other, you will put down your guard and narrow the distance between two people. But if you trust only one person, if the other person has bad intentions for you, it will only harm yourself. Even if the other party will not have any evil intention, your trust alone will not have any effect, or even make people feel trouble and stay away from you.

It takes time to build trust. As mentioned earlier, you should not trust a person completely until you really know him. You need to know him, understand him, and he does the same. In a short period of time, even if you and the other party seem to know each other very well, they are also unsafe. Lao Huo said that we can only truly understand a person when we see his heart for a long time. We should never believe in appearances. Although seeing is believing, we cannot see what is hidden.

Trust is beautiful, but how to trust is very difficult. Trust does not need to be deliberately established. Gradually deepening the understanding of a person will unconsciously establish trust. Let us learn to interact with others, trust each other, make life more colorful, and add a ray of vitality, sunshine and beauty to others' lives.

Trust Composition Grade 4 (7)

The bright sunshine came from the window and covered the whole balcony. There are many happy songs on TV, but I am not in the mood to pay attention to them. Although the weather is sunny, my heart is overcast.

Quietly, I lay in my little bed, tired, and didn't want to talk, sleep, or play with my mobile phone. Faced with the mess of life and study, coupled with physical discomfort, I felt like I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine, and I felt like crying without tears.

"Progressive muscular atrophy", when I knew that I had this disease, I felt an unprecedented fear. "Progressive" means that the disease will worsen, and the body will deteriorate day by day.

That day, when I saw my childhood photos, my heart became cold. At that time, my body did not deform, I still sat straight, and my hands were strong. Eating, answering the phone and making up are effortless. Now, my hands are gradually weak. I feel that everything in the world is extremely heavy.

Because the body is severely deformed, ugly, and often painful, the spine is the most serious. Every time I sit for a long time, my spine will ache when it is bent, which is like acupuncture.

It has been three days. Every time I sit in a wheelchair for less than ten minutes, my back hurts. I don't know whether it is the aggravation of the disease or it is only temporary. If it is temporary, I am very lucky; If my condition worsens, it will mean that I can't sit down in the future and can only spend time in bed. If I don't sit up, I can't read books, surf the Internet and eat by myself. Thinking of this, I was both anxious and sad, but it was no use being anxious and sad. Some things had to be faced by myself.

In the future, I don't know what will happen. I can only say cherish today, cherish the present, and do what I can. I don't want to cry or abandon myself, because I know that it will only backfire. If I don't have good health, let me have a good mood.

Now I'm a little sleepy. I want to have a good rest first. As for other things, I believe I can overcome all difficulties!

Trust Composition Grade 4 (8)

People's trust ranges from loss of friends, family breakdown, collective laxity to decline and extinction. Your life needs trust.

People can't get along without trust.

I like collecting cards very much when I was young. My friend came to my house to play with his cards. He couldn't put them down. After he left, there were fewer cards on my desk. I was taken away by him. I chased him with all the cards and asked him to take them home and have a good look. He returned all the cards to me a few days ago. He also put a small note in the card: your trust and tolerance.

To trust others is to be trusted and appreciated by others. The relationship between people will be very bad.

There is a story: the king trusted the minister very much, so the minister managed very well, and the whole country praised him for his great achievements. The king began to distrust the minister, and the minister left when the important matters were no longer handed over to the minister. With the help of the minister, the king became more and more confused and finally died. network

From the above story, we can see that trust is good for people. People's trust ranges from loss of friends, family breakdown, collective laxity to decline and extinction. Your life needs trust.

Trust Composition Grade 4 (9)

What is trust? Trust is a bridge to build a better society. Trust is essential in life, work and study.

People have heard of the story "The wolf is coming", haven't they? It tells about a kid who was herding sheep on the mountain. One day, he took his sheep out to eat grass. When he saw a group of farmers in the distance farming, he wanted to tease them. The child cried out: "The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming, and the farmers are rushing to come, but the wolf is not coming;"; The second time, the child still shouted: "The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming", and the farmer hurried back, but the wolf still did not come, and the child's coke was broken. It happened that the wolf really came at this time. He shouted: "The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming". Now no one paid any attention to him, and the sheep were eaten by the wolf. Yes, this is a bloody fact, and it also satirized some people.

The collapse of trust is caused by the erosion of small things over a long period of time. Both opportunities and rights are a sense of trust saved in others through one small thing after another.

What would it be like to live a life of "borrowing and repaying, and doing what you say"?

One of my classmates borrowed a red pen from me the day before the final exam. After an exam, they all went home. Who borrowed my red pen has forgotten. At the end of the holiday, we returned to the classroom again. He handed me a new red pen at the first time and explained: "Your red pen can't be found. I bought a new one." These are some small things, Small details can improve people's status in their hearts.

Trust, if you use it well, it will be a bridge of communication. If you don't use it well, it will be a needle. It is also an attitude problem. Don't let down the people who trust you.

In life, we should, "I am for everyone, everyone is for me", use trust to build a harmonious and beautiful society, so that there is no longer too much estrangement between people. Life advice: in the process of growing up, we should become people trusted by others and cherish them.

Trust Composition Grade 4 (10)

It should be the most common way of getting money in modern society to cheat people's trust, but generally, this way of getting money has touched the edge of the law. But there is a different way to get money. Even if you are found, there will be no punishment. That is to send fake comments on shopping websites.

This phenomenon can be seen everywhere in our life. Maybe you will also have such people around you, but in my eyes, this behavior can be said to be very shameful. Yes, because you think about a stranger or a person who doesn't have anything to do with you, but who trusts you so much, shouldn't it be a thing that deserves people's happiness and treasure? Sometimes even your partner and your family will distrust you. A stranger is willing to trust you who are also very strange to him. But even so, some people will use this precious trust to exchange it. It is only temporary gold. We need to know that money can be obtained by hard work, But if the trust is gone, it will never come back. At that time, no one will trust you no matter how hard you try, just like the child in the story of "The Wolf Comes!" who cheated others for his own selfish desire, but ended up being eaten by the wolf because no one trusted him anymore. Our parents have taught us how important it is to be honest since we were young, but how many people have really listened to this painstaking teaching?

Remember that the phrase "honesty is very important" is not a cover to cheat children. Don't write false comments, which is boring and stupid, because you will never know how terrible it will be once a person loses trust.

Trust Composition Grade 4 (11)

The so-called trust is the mutual trust between people. Trust has always been important to us since ancient times. Trust can make this country peaceful and happy!

Tang Taizong once had a dream that he wanted to govern the country well, so that people could live and work in peace and contentment, and at the same time, he hoped that people would have 100% trust. There is no suspicion among everyone. I hope everyone can sleep soundly in the big doors and windows when they are resting at night, instead of locking their doors and windows tightly before going to bed every night, so as to prevent thieves from stealing. Even if you find your things lost when you go shopping, you don't have to worry. Just go back to the way you came, and you will find them, because no one will touch anything that does not belong to you.

Tang Taizong yearned for this kind of life at that time. There was no distrust between them. Suspicions all went to unconditionally trust others. Not only did Emperor Taizong have this idea, but many people would have it. But this kind of idea only exists in the fantasy world, because people always have a barrier to others in their hearts and do not trust others. Therefore, we should open our hearts to others with more trust and less suspicion. So our life is colorful.

In real life, there is also such a 100% trust in others. She has no scruple to trust others. Zhang Jingzhen is an old man who is over 70 years old. She sells a kind of "trust steamed buns". Whenever she is tired and hungry, she puts down the stall and goes home to rest and eat.

From this small material, I feel a little warm around me. It is like a ray of sunshine in cold winter. Her practice shows that she has so-called unconditional trust in all people. There is absolutely no distrust. She has been doing this for five years. It's really admirable to be able to unconditionally trust others like this. Not everyone can do such things. Only a small number of people can do this, so it is admirable. This practice has deeply infected me. Although I can't completely open my heart like her, I will try my best. Because I want to infect more people, let them act together, and believe more in others, which will reduce one point of unhappiness and increase one point of happiness. Make the world and the country a better place!

Therefore, trust is a "reassurance". It will increase trust among people and make them feel happy and peaceful forever! This is everyone's idea! This is the idea of the world. So let's take action and try to trust others!

Trust Composition Grade 4 (12)

Someone said: "Trust is a bond, which can draw the hearts of teachers and students, neighbors and two or three generations closer; trust is a fire, which can make people confident and enthusiastic, and urge you to do your best..."

Trust, what an ordinary word, has been changed into an important word by some celebrities: "Trust is an important air of friendship, and friendship will disappear as much as this air decreases. - Joseph Lu" Joseph told us to trust each other. If you cheat each other, friendship will also decrease. "The trust of the public cannot be entrusted to others unless they first prove that they are competent and suitable for the job. - Ma Henry" He told us not to trust others too much. That would harm us and we must find a talent who is suitable for the job. In this complex world, it is a kind of deep trust to make yourself simple and see others as simple. A cup of tea, you can taste the mellow fragrance of trust; With a word of advice, you can appreciate the meaning of trust. It is human nature to trust relatives and friends, and it is a virtue to trust others. In the process of trust, we can have a happy and comprehensive understanding of this seemingly complex world.

Trust Composition Grade 4 (13)

My most trusted classmate is none other than Luo Liudong. He is our monitor. He is very ordinary, but his wisdom says that he is on an equal footing with his teacher. It can be said that he is as wise as a fool. In his spare time, he is very busy. I have never seen him go to the toilet before. Students around him ask questions. Sometimes Hou Lian's teacher comes to ask him.

He not only studies well, but also deserves trust.

Once, the test paper was revised, "80, 87, 69, 90..." The teacher frowned while reading, "85, 100." The teacher finally smiled. When the test paper was handed to us, we only looked at the score and were completely immersed in the joy of "success". Even if some students saw a mistake, they also opened one eye and closed one eye. Suddenly, Luo Liudong walked to the platform and told the teacher that he was wrong on this question and asked for a deduction of points. The classroom was quiet and quiet. The teacher suddenly applauded, and we also applauded vaguely. "Luo Liudong did a good job, and his spirit of finding and correcting mistakes is worth learning!" Another round of applause broke out in the teaching exam, which was different from the previous one.

This is not enough to say something.

Another time, when I was having a PE class, I didn't know where to put my coat. Suddenly, I saw Luo Liudong's schoolbag was very big, and it should fit my coat. With his consent, I put my coat in his schoolbag. After finishing PE class, when I returned home, I suddenly found that something was missing. I finally remembered my coat in the schoolbag of my classmates. In case he forgets or loses it tomorrow At this time, it began to rain heavily. Soon, the door knocked. When I opened the door, I found it was Luo Liudong. Although he was holding an umbrella, the rain still hit him relentlessly. He took out a coat from his arms and gave it back to me. I didn't even have time to say thank you. He disappeared into the vast rain and fog.

He is my most trusted classmate.