Dignity composition (popular 15)
2023-10-26 09:00:08

Dignity Composition (1)

The arrival of summer is just the time when mosquitoes were born. A large number of mosquitoes were just born. They were hungry and hummed from time to time, making people uncomfortable. The buzzing sound of mosquitoes seems to indicate that they want to move towards food

Mosquitoes are lazy, greedy and selfish. They go to find food to eat every day when they are hungry. When they get food, they do not pay any price. Anyway, it seems that only mosquito food exists forever in the world, everywhere, and can be obtained without labor. But when mosquitoes enjoy sweet food, they forget about some of it, and want to eat even when they are full. In the end, there is only one way. There are many ways to go on this road, and when people find it, they will snap; I was so full that I could not fly any more. I crawled slowly on the ground and was trampled by the big and small soles of my feet; Being pressed by heavy things... Alas, the end result is not the same, but the way to go is different.

Of course, there are also people in our life who do not want to work or work, but also want to have money to eat, drink and play. Can't wait, can't control their own emotions, will want to do something bad, do not break the means to get money. People want to have inertia. Once they start, they can't stop at once. Slowly, slowly, they become addicted. They want to stop. It seems that it is harder than climbing to the sky. In the end, we are not on the same road as mosquitoes, which has already been prepared. Of course, there may be different ways to get there, but the final result is the same.

When people live in the world, they should be upright and have principles. Being a dignified person can't be like a mosquito, who will abandon his dignity and lose himself at any time.

Although everyone's dignity is different, don't think of it in regret after you lose it, because it's too late.

Dignity Composition (2)

During the Spring Festival, I went to Mount Huangshan with my parents. At the foot of the mountain, I encountered an unforgettable event.

At the foot of Mount Huangshan, my family was just about to leave when we saw an old man selling oranges. He was wearing a thick padded jacket. Because of the cold weather, he kept rubbing his hands, but he was still shivering with cold. I couldn't help feeling pity, so I grabbed my mother's coat and said to her, "Look how pitiful the man who sells oranges is. Let's buy some of his oranges and take care of his business!" My mother looked at the old man and said to me, "Pity is pity, but if you buy such a heavy orange, will you carry it up the mountain yourself?" I couldn't answer at once: Yes, it's tiring enough to climb the mountain, Do you want to carry such a heavy orange? My mother looked at me, took out five yuan from my bag, walked to the old man, and said to him, "I will buy you five yuan oranges, and then pick them up after going down the mountain, OK?" The old man nodded and watched us go up the mountain.

When we went down the mountain in the evening, we saw the old man again. But unexpectedly, he changed into a beggar. There were no oranges in front of him, only a pot with change. My mother came up to him with a try and asked him, "We bought five yuan oranges from you this morning, but we didn't take the oranges. Now that the oranges are sold out, can you return the money to us?" The old man was stunned for a long time, and then said, "I remember a family who gave money to me but didn't take the oranges, but how can I be sure it was your family?" My mother stood up, After looking at me, I took my hand and walked away. At this time, the old man pleaded with us, "Have mercy on me!" But at this time, I didn't have any pity for him, but walked away with indifference.

I really don't understand. Is money more important than a person's dignity? What's the meaning of living in this world without dignity? As a bystander, I can only feel sad for the old man.

Dignity Composition (3)

I recently read a patriotic story about Qu Xiaoxue, a Chinese student studying in the United States, who had the experience of maintaining his personality and the dignity of his motherland. After reading the story, my heart could not be calm for a long time.

Every year, many enthusiastic students in our country travel across the sea with the dream of studying, to receive advanced education in foreign countries and then serve their motherland. Qu Xiaoxue, a beautiful Chinese girl, is one of them. She studied in the United States at her own expense and was introduced by her friends to the American old lady Louise's family for work study program. After many unbearable insults at Louise's house, she decided to resign. But Edward, the son of the old lady, the banker, stopped her and said that the Chinese people were inferior to the black people whom he looked down upon most. It's about the dignity of Chinese people. In the face of strong Edward and unreasonable Mrs. Louise, Qu Xiaoxue is not afraid, and fights with reason. Edwards and her son became angry with embarrassment, so they insulted and beat weak Qu Xiaoxue, which caused permanent contusion of Qu Xiaoxue's patellar cartilage, dislocation and bending of the spine, and severe concussion of the brain. What is more unbearable is that the wicked Edward mother and son complained first, accusing her of being unreasonable. In the court, Qu Xiaoxue defeated the attempt of three Washington barristers to "settle out of court" with superior wisdom, and conquered the trial judge of the Supreme Circuit Court. The judge sentenced the defendant Edward to pay 5250 dollars and apologized to the plaintiff on the spot

Qu Xiaoxue took the check sent by the opposing lawyer and shook to the audience, Just now, after the defendant had to apologize publicly to me, you handed me this check in court in a very timely manner. In doing so, you wanted to create the impression that the reason why the Chinese girl insisted on fighting this lawsuit was just for this check, which made people think that money is the purpose of this lawsuit, and only money can draw an end to this lawsuit. But you are wrong! At least I am a Chinese, and of course, many Chinese will never lower their noble heads in front of your dollars! I'm fighting this lawsuit to get back my dignity! Dignity! The dollar is not worth a cent in front of my dignity. Go to hell! US dollars. " Qu Xiaoxue tore up the check of more than 5000 dollars bit by bit and threw it over the court.

Here, Qu Xiaoxue insists on his belief in life, and seeks back not only personal justice, but also the dignity of a great nation with 1.3 billion people and 5000 years of civilization. I am moved and proud of her!

Dignity Composition (4)

Dignity is priceless. Everyone should have dignity. People without dignity are no different from walking dead.

One day, I went to the street to buy books. Just as I went to the bookstore, I saw a group of people around the door, saying good words and clapping hands. When I reached the front, I saw an old grandfather writing calligraphy at an old desk.

I went up to see his words were vigorous and powerful, which were comparable to those of famous calligraphers.

There were more and more people around, and they were full of praise. At this time, a young man in suit came out, and he threw down 300 yuan, and took a piece of work with the words, "People are idle, osmanthus blossoms fall," and the night is quiet and the spring sky is high. Suddenly, the old man picked up the money and ran to the young man. Grandfather dragged him on and insisted on returning the money to the youth. The young man scolded him. The ungrateful old man let go. The old man did not loosen his grip on the young man's sleeve. He bent down to take another piece of work and handed it to the young man. The young man had no choice but to know that he was wrong, did not respect the old man's achievements of labor, and left in disgrace. The old man also maintained his dignity.

Dignity is a balance between people. People who do not respect others will only cause boredom to others.

Dignity Composition (5)

Everyone has his own dignity, but some people will give up when they are down and out, and some people give it up in the power and money trade. These people lose their personality and the most precious things in life. Xu Beihong, a famous painter, once said, "One cannot be arrogant, but one cannot be without pride."

More than 70 years ago, a Norwegian man came to France from across the sea to apply for the prestigious Paris Conservatory of Music. During the exam, although he tried his best to give full play to his level, the examiner still failed to admit him.

The penniless young man came to a busy street not far from the college. He tightened his belt and started playing the zither under a tree. He played one song after another, attracting countless people to stop and listen. The hungry young man finally picked up his zither box, and the onlookers all paid for it.

A rascal threw the money at the young man's feet contemptuously. The young man looked at the rascal, and finally bent down to pick up the money and returned it to the rascal, "Sir, your money fell on the ground."

The rascal took the money and threw it at the young man's feet again. He said arrogantly again, "This money is already yours. You must accept it!"

The young man looked at the rascal again, bowed deeply to him and said, "Sir, thank you for your help! Just now you lost your money, I bent down to pick it up for you. Now my money has fallen on the ground, please pick it up for me!"

The rascal was shocked by the young man's unexpected behavior, and finally picked up the money on the ground and put it into the young man's piano box, and then walked away in dismay.

Among the onlookers, a pair of eyes had been silently watching the young man. It was the examiner who took the young man back to the college and finally admitted him.

In any case, we should not be tempted by money to lose our dignity, because we also have dignity.

Dignity Composition (6)

A few months ago, my mother and I went to the pet market to buy a shrimp, and I kept it in a large fish tank.

I thought it was too lonely, so I added another partner to it. The partner was strong, tall, powerful and quick.

When I put this new partner into the fish tank, Xiaoxia actually made a fighting posture. It seemed that she wanted to compete with this big guy. It turned out that Xiaoxia wanted to defend her own territory and not allow others to invade. At this time, a fierce "defense war" began.

At first, the big guy just waved the two big tongs, as if to frighten the opponent "scared". Surprisingly, the shrimp did not shrink back, but took the initiative to attack. But after all, the big guy was too big to take advantage, so he had no choice but to retreat back. At this time, the big guy extended his tongs to the shrimp, as if to tease "Come again if you are not convinced.", The shrimp didn't act rashly this time.

After a few minutes, everyone lost his temper and quickly swam to the shrimp. The shrimp didn't notice it. He was beaten twice and his body shook twice as if he was about to fall down. In order to defend his dignity and "home", the shrimp had to pretend to be defeated and retreated to the corner of the fish tank. Everyone was so proud that he swam for several times happily, Maybe I was tired of swimming and fell asleep soon.

Xiaoxia rushed up on time and knocked the big guy off the "bed". The big guy didn't respond. Xiaoxia waved two pincers in a row and the big guy was subdued. After all, "one mountain can't be two tigers". In order to live a carefree life in the future, Xiaoxia used his killer's mace to kill the big guy.

Xiaoxia has defended his dignity and territory through his cleverness and bravery, which has inspired me to defend my dignity all the time.

Dignity Composition (7)

Money is very important in people's life, but after witnessing one thing, I learned a more important thing - dignity.

One day after school, I was walking home as usual. Suddenly, something strange happened next to the garbage can.

A pupil slightly younger than me took two 1 yuan notes and waved to two beggars next to the trash can, indicating that they would come to take the money and lose their dignity. I roughly looked at the two beggars. They were both ragged, dirty and skinny, as if they hadn't eaten much in a few days. They were hunched against the wall. The pupil shouted, "Come here, beggar, give you some money!"

I thought the two beggars would go to catch the money, but I seemed to make a mistake. The beggars not only didn't go forward, but also ignored the pupils. The primary school student was a little impatient and said, "Give you money, don't let me go, begging." But neither of the two beggars went to get the 2 yuan and stayed there quietly. I was angry and accused the primary school student: "They are not human beings, and human beings have dignity, how can they treat them like this?", I ran away quickly. I was about to chase him, but after a while, I didn't know where he was. When I went back to my own home, I kept thinking about the insults of the primary school students to the beggars. Those two beggars were really dignified. They didn't buy food when they were very hungry. They were really people who would rather be hungry than accept charity. In my mind, the image of those two beggars is so tall, while that of the primary school student is so short. They form a sharp contrast.

Although the beggars went hungry, they did not regret it, because they always had a saying in their hearts: "Beggars have dignity!" I also learned a sentence: although money has value, dignity is more valuable!

Dignity Composition (8)

You value the heart of employees, and they will give it to you.

In 967, Master Xingyun became the dean of the Oriental Buddhist Academy. At that time, there were hundreds of people in the college. How to manage these people became the primary task of Xingyun Master.

One day, the newspaper published a news: a week later, the American snow skating group will perform in Kaohsiung. The snow skating group is very famous, and every performance venue is full. That afternoon, Master Xingyun passed by the college restaurant and heard a girl saying to another student, "I missed the performance several times. If I don't go to see it this time, I will regret it for life." "However, the college has a rule that students are not allowed to ask for leave to go out during class." "I know that, but I really want to see it."

Master Xingyun secretly heard that the girl's name was Liao Xiuji. Three days later, he found Liao Xiuji in the Dean's Office, took out a note and some money, and told her: "The college is short of some stationery. I wrote it on the note. You can help me go to Kaohsiung and buy the stationery according to the list on the note. With the rest of the money, you can play in the city and come back. I will give you a week's leave."

Liao Xiuji was stunned at first, and then understood what Master Xingyun meant. She jumped up happily, "Yes! Thank you, Dean. I see what you mean."

After returning from Kaohsiung, Liao Xiuji studied harder and performed better than other students.

In a dignified environment, the managed will also be respectful and strive to make progress. Master Xingyun had a deep understanding of this: "When dealing with people, you should not let yourself be. You should understand the common sense of people; when dealing with things, you should not let yourself be. You should understand the common sense of things. When dealing with people, if you can compare your feelings, exchange positions, and safeguard each other's dignity, you can naturally turn anger into peace."

Dignity Composition (9)

At the school gate, there are often such a group of people with long hair floating and wearing shabby clothes. Their hair looks like it has not been washed for n years and has solidified. There was some change in the small jar in front of me. I kept kowtowing to pedestrians. It is a negative teaching material given to children by parents of primary and secondary school students, but it is not angry. In their words, "We are all kneeling here. What kind of face do we need?" They speak calmly, and have an official name, Beggar. However, I have seen such an admirable beggar.

He is an old man in his 70s, wearing a white military uniform. Knock the self-made simple drum rack and several plastic cups for sleeping. Sing: "The heart is there, the dream is there. Start again!" He was drunk, but he had flown to the North Pole. Welcome a large crowd to watch. At this time, a middle school student in strange clothes crowded in and shouted, "Hey, bad old man, give me a head, and I'll give you a dime." He ignored him, but raised his voice.

The middle school student ignored him and smashed the old man's cup. He said, "You are old and immortal. I am talking to you."

The old man got angry, stood up, slapped him hard and kicked him to the ground. Take out a dollar and throw it on his face: "I reward you!"

Here I can't help asking: What's wrong with the beggar? They also don't like being judged; They also have dignity; They also cry. They are not negative textbooks tailored for primary and secondary students. What they need is not a dime, but a broken corn. Your smile and encouragement can bring them spring warmth. Why not?

I saw dignity in him.

Dignity Composition (10)

1. Without self respect, there will be no moral purity and rich personality spirit. Self respect, honor, pride, self-esteem, which is a stone to hone delicate feelings. Suhomlinski

2. Self respect and self love, as a driving force to strive for perfection, is the source of all great undertakings. Turgenev

3. People are shocked in different ways: some are on the spine; Some are on nerves; Some are moral feelings; The strongest and most lasting is in personal dignity. John Galsworthy

4. Every upright person should safeguard his dignity. Rousseau

5. A person who is cheerful and open-minded will feel the happiness of self-esteem.

6. Excessive self-esteem will make us more sensitive, self bound, and ultimately unable to experience the joy of life.

7. Envy is a tumor of the soul. Ai Qing

8. Desperate and self defeating, this is a poisonous snake that always corrodes and chews the heart. It sucks the fresh blood of the heart and injects the poison of world weariness and despair into it. Marx

9. If a person knows how to know shame, he will cherish his self-esteem and take the initiative to safeguard the dignity of others.

10. The combination of self respect and respect for others will exude noble temperament.

11. High self-esteem is not synonymous with arrogance or lack of self-criticism. People with high self-esteem do not think they are superior to others, but just have confidence in themselves and believe that they can overcome their own shortcomings. Ishikorn

12. We can lend our property and life to our friends to meet their needs, but it is rare to transfer the name of dignity and place our honor on others. Montaigne

13. Only when you want to be respected by others and have no other way, beautiful clothes can be used. Samuel Johnson

14. He who does not know his own dignity cannot respect the dignity of others. Schiller

15. Although dignity is not a virtue, it is the mother of many virtues. Collins Tom

16. Respect for others is a bottom line and a highlight of life. Self esteem is priceless.

17. Respect for others is a knowledge, a landscape of life, and elegant.

18. The expression of self-esteem is to create a better image, win recognition from others, and win praise from the collective and society.

19. Self esteem, so far, has been a necessary virtue for a few people. Wherever power is unequal, it cannot be found in those who are subject to the rule of others. Russell

20. There needs to be a balance between people, just as nature needs balance. Those who do not respect others' feelings will only cause others' dislike and hatred in the end. dale carnegie

Dignity Composition (11)

A person can have no money, power or talent, but he must not lose his dignity—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

As time goes by, the smell of the Spring Festival is getting stronger and stronger. The sky gradually darkened, and the street lights came on at the same time, but these lights alone could not drive away the darkness of the city.

A large group of beggars walked to the railing of the road, their eyes were closely staring at the traffic lights, waiting anxiously. I found a very disharmonious person among these beggars. He should be about 15 years old, wearing a spotless school uniform. His hands and feet were also sound, but he was holding a broken bowl for begging in his hand and a sign in his left hand, but the light was too dark to see what was written clearly.

After a while, the red light came on, and the group of beggars couldn't wait to cross the railing and start begging. The young beggar also walked to a car, took the sign in his hand, stood up for people to see, and then took out the broken bowl, with a face of pleading, but he seemed unable to speak, only to clench his lips. Watching him being so humble, I couldn't help thinking: he is so young, why would he be willing to beg here and lay down all his dignity! Are you unwilling to work and support yourself through your own efforts? Isn't he speechless? How many great people have not been disabled since ancient times? For example, Helen Keller, isn't she a person who can't speak, hear or see? But with her perseverance, she also created a wonderful life.

When I came back to my senses, the young beggar returned to the railing with a broken bowl that was still empty. When my father drove by, I saw the young beggar with his head down, tears like broken pearls, falling one by one. I really want to go down and ask him: Where is your dignity?! You are a contemporary young man, you should use your own hands to fight and work hard! Instead of begging for alms from others! You who get something for nothing will eventually become a burden to this society!

In this world, there is no lack of hardworking people, as long as you have dignity, as long as you are willing to work hard! We will not be eliminated by this society, and we will live our own wonderful life!

Dignity Composition (12)

There is a cruel saying that "people deserve to die, and goods should be thrown away". It means that the quality of life between people and the goods used by people, if compared, will make the vulnerable party extremely embarrassed.

When he was young, he cried to his mother when he saw that the place where other people's feet stepped was far better than the place where he slept. This fact is very painful and tangled. Fortunately, the little boy has a good mother who is comparable to Meng Mu. Mothers give their children an unforgettable lesson. People should have dignity when they live, and dignity can lead to the best life.

What is dignity? The dignity of a person is to live with respect and admiration.

How can people look up to it? How to make people admire? In my opinion, to be admired, one must have honest and kind conduct, profound knowledge, unshakable dreams, innovative consciousness, tenacious fighting spirit and hard work

With these, we know how to compare with others. Than material wealth or health? Compare status or moral cultivation? In real life, there are many material wealth, high status, not necessarily healthy, not necessarily virtuous, life is not necessarily meaningful, and living is not necessarily respected. People who live only in material life together with others will be despised. Living in the world, people always covet other people's wealth. They will certainly try to get charity from others, which will only make people look down upon forever.

Sima Qian has no dignity to compare himself with others, but when comparing his contribution to Chinese culture, he is indomitable. Compared with their official positions, Li Bai and Du Fu have little dignity, but compared with their poems and personalities, Li Bai and Du Fu are destined to live forever. More than wealth? Even more than the royal family, but compared with the contribution of the country and the nation, he is always a historical sinner. Compared with his appearance, Wang Jingwei is also incredibly romantic and handsome, but he is a traitor who has been remembered for thousands of years.

If "the son is not too ugly for the mother, and the dog is not too poor for the family", then the son is a dignified son, and the dog is a dignified dog. A person's nationality, hometown, parents and family, intellectual talent, height and appearance have no choice. However, we can choose what kind of road to take and how to live.

Mencius mother's choice of neighbors requires Mencius to live in comparison with knowledgeable and ambitious people; It requires Mencius to live with dignity. The little boy mentioned above is Fu Lei. He had a lucky childhood. Under the influence of his mother's education, he worked hard and eventually became a great translator respected by a generation.

Never give up on yourself. People live with dignity!

Dignity Composition (13)

I looked at my mother's happy expression, red checkmarks on the test paper, and the long lost smile. It reminds me that if it wasn't for my aunt, maybe I would still have such an achievement.

I still remember last week, my younger brother was called to his room by my aunt for being naughty at school. When I passed by, I heard my aunt say: "You don't listen carefully in class, you don't listen to what the teacher teaches, you must fail in the exam, do you want to be poor in the exam like your sister?" When I heard this sentence, my heart thundered, and I always felt speechless. At night, I lay in bed and thought: Although I am not among the best, my study is not hopeless. Since you are unkind to me, I will be disrespectful to you. I must give you a good result in the exam.

From the next day, I began to get up early to read English. During the break, I tried to carry the knowledge points on my back, reviewed the knowledge I learned in the morning at noon, and recalled the knowledge I learned one day in bed at night, so I persisted until the mid-term exam.

The exam began. At this time, I already had a plan in mind. The pen was under my hand like a smart fairy, dancing on the paper.

Finally, I got good results.

What is dignity? Dignity is a tender grass. It needs the touch of the breeze and the moisture of dew. If the wind comes faster, dignity is a cedar. Only the white of the snowstorm can set off its tough green. Only the attack of loneliness and loneliness can make its solemn and straight trunk stand proudly. Dignity is a piano string. If you don't play it forcefully, there will be no high pitched tune; If you lose the ability to play softly, there will be no deep notes. A moving piece of music can not help but resonate with the string after enduring thousands of setbacks and injuries... Human beings are born free and enjoy equal dignity and rights. Everyone's dignity is precious, and we should cherish it.

Dignity Composition (14)

It's good to finally get through a long and hard two weeks and usher in this rare day of rest. I am very happy. I haven't had a holiday yet. I have already thought about what I should do.

It's Sunday after all. There are so many people on the road. Well, go to the supermarket first. There are so many people in the supermarket, which is quite different from the usual quiet scene. I have not yet "in-depth", it has been crowded to a standstill. When I came to the snack area, my eyes lit up. Although I thought that eating these junk food would make me fat and be harmful to my health, I could not treat myself unfairly at the thought of such hard work. It was OK to eat occasionally. After a period of self comfort, there was no room in the shopping basket.

"Let me see, what do I need? What do I need to buy?" After a round of "mopping" in the supermarket, I walked with slightly sore feet, but forgot what to buy. I leaned against the shelf and stood, trying to recall what I bought. "Come and have a look, come and have a look, clearance, clearance, ten yuan three pieces..." A loud voice came. It was the supermarket that was carrying out special promotions. So, from every corner of the supermarket, one by one, and then began to gather to run to the same place. I was still standing beside the shelf, but I was hit by a middle-aged woman whistling by me. I stumbled and hit the shelf, and a plastic lunch box landed on the ground with a bang. I was in a panic. What should I do? Is it none of my business? I stared at the lunch box blankly, and finally got up the courage to pick it up. After a careful look, the tragedy finally happened, and there was a crack on it. What should I do? Don't you want me to compensate? But when I think about it, I didn't touch it on purpose, and it was someone who hit me that made it fall. It's none of my business. Besides, no one saw it. I'm not wanted for a lunch box, is it? When I think of this, I feel relieved. Yes, that's right. So I put the lunch box in the back of the shelf and blocked the front with the rest of the cups to ensure that everything is safe. After finishing this, I pretended to be indifferent and ready to pay the bill. However, when I turned around, I found the slogan on the wall: Please keep smiling in photography. I was shocked. What I did just now could not have been photographed? "No, it's not stealing. Who cares?" "I think I'd better buy that lunch box. I feel better." "You are silly. Why buy a useless lunch box? You have a lot of money?" "That's really what I touched, isn't it?" "It's not your fault. It's someone else's pushing you." "If another customer buys a bad lunch box, the supermarket will be very unjust. I can't live with my conscience." "Well, do as you please." The devil and the angel in my heart have fought back and forth for 800 times. Once again, it occurred to me that if someone bought a bad lunch box, I would be unhappy.

So I went back to the shelf again, pulled out the lunch box from the inside, and walked to the cash register. I know that although the money was spent unjustly, at least my dignity exists, and I have a clear conscience.

Dignity Composition (15)

Beggars are very disgusting, but I see a different spirit from a "beggar".

It was a gray afternoon. I went shopping with my friends. A close friend was picking up a hairpin at the stall, but I heard a roar - "I didn't ask you to help me again! No money!"

An aunt dressed in fashionable clothes shouted at a beggar.

I don't want to look over my shoulder. I want to see a beggar again. "But if I do work, you have to pay." A clear voice came from behind.

I turned my head and looked at the beggar carefully - a pair of big black eyes, a small mouth, delicate facial features, a beautiful big sister, even beautiful.

He looks so beautiful that he doesn't look like a beggar. "Get away! You beggar! I thought you were pretty pretty, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless!" "You --" I'm not a beggar! "The elder sister tried to argue, but the aunt turned her head and closed the door.

I couldn't stand it. I went up and put ten yuan into the beggar's hand. Unexpectedly, she shook her head, put the money back into my hand, slightly raised the corner of her lips, and said, "I don't want this money." "Why? I think you are very short of money, don't you?" I was very puzzled. "Because... forget it, you don't understand. Anyway, I don't want your money. Keep it for stationery!" "Take it!" I insisted. "No! I can't! I don't accept charity! Because I'm not a beggar!"

I saw from her eyes the firmness and stubbornness, as well as the dignity that cannot be ignored.

I was silent.

Looking up again, I saw the ball in her hand. I understood that she was not a beggar, but a street performer who could earn money by herself.

I looked at her and smiled knowingly.

In fact, no matter who they are, they all have their own dignity. However, dignity is often surpassed by wealth.