Christmas Gifts (16 Practical Articles)
The most familiar stranger
2023-12-15 04:49:45

Christmas gift (1)

Every Christmas I can receive a gift from Grandpa Christmas!

On Christmas Eve, I took a bath and had a rest as usual, but today I kept the bed clean and the place bigger so that Grandpa Christmas could put presents! ha-ha!

I really want to sleep with my eyes open so that I can see his arrival with my own eyes. Somehow, I fell asleep before I knew it

When I woke up in the early morning of Christmas, I was busy getting up and looking for my gifts. At first, I was disappointed. There was not a gift in a large part of the bed. Suddenly, I found something hard under my clothes. At first, I was silly. The Firefox Yo Yo ball I wanted so much was red, you know? I don't know how excited I was! When I was ready to wear pants, I found matching yo yo three finger gloves in my pants pocket. They are black and cool! I was surprised again! "He is really considerate! I am so grateful to Grandpa Christmas!" Just before I calmed down in excitement, when I finally put on my shoes, I found a box of Wangzai milk close to the edge of the bed! I like it too! "Wow! I'm really happy this year! I'm so excited!"

It seems that my mother is right. As long as I work hard, he will remember to encourage me every year. I also hope that all children, like me, want to get what they need and want most, which is the happiest thing. That feeling is really good!

Christmas Gift (2)

In my study, I still have a bear, which is my Christmas memory when I was 6 years old.

When I was 6 years old, I still believed in a legend. At Christmas, Santa Claus will drive a sledge to the children's bed quietly and put their favorite gifts into the socks prepared in advance. When the children open the door early tomorrow morning, they will be able to scream with surprise.

At that time, I seemed happy to let the whole world know about it. The little bear is all white, with dark eyes, an inverted triangle nose and a small mouth. There is also a silver gray bow tie on the chest, who will like it!

This bear has always been my spiritual support. When I am happy, I share my joy with it; When you are sad, tell it your pain; When you feel uncomfortable, find a happy way with it. This bear has always been my most precious treasure.

Even now, it is also my best friend. When the exam is not good, study with it; When bored, read books and play games with it; When you are upset, let it out with you... It has always been my best playmate.

My little bear, my friend, my treasure, my partner, let's grow together.

Christmas Gift (3)

Yesterday was Christmas Eve on December 24th. It was a beautiful 'Friday'. Jing Tao gave me a beautiful Christmas stocking in the evening and said, "Only when I get home can I open it."

When I got home, I opened my socks. There were some dates, sugar and a dime in them. At that time, I felt that Jing Tao was really a man with a heart!

The friendship between me and Jing Tao is deepening. I feel that Jing Tao is my unique good friend. composition

My mother gave me a big gift at night - an encyclopedia of children. I felt the greatness of maternal love in my heart.

Other people have sent gifts. What do I send? I really don't know how to answer this question?

I think the gift for Jing Tao should express my true feelings, and the gift for my mother should repay the great love. I made a gift for them with my heart.

Yesterday was the happiest day!

Christmas Gift (4)

Christmas is coming, I want a remote control car or a remote control robot very much.

On Christmas Day, Grandma said, "Santa only gives presents to obedient children." After dinner, I washed everyone's bowls. I am also good in the bath. After taking a bath, I took a pair of very clean socks and put them under the pillow. I want Santa Claus to put the presents in the socks. I took another book to read, and soon I fell asleep. The next morning, as soon as I woke up, I reached under my pillow and felt for my socks. There was nothing in them. When I looked up, I saw a remote control jeep, and I laughed happily. When I press the switch, it makes a loud music sound, which startles Grandma and I. I put on my clothes and played in the living room for a while. The remote control car is very responsive. Sometimes it can't brake, and it has been hit several times in a row.

I think there is no Santa Claus in the world. Who gave this gift? When I asked my aunt, she said, "It was from Grandma Christmas." I thanked Grandma very much.

Christmas Gift (5)

Children, do you know what festival will be in a few days? Don't know! Christmas is coming, have you received any gifts? I got a gift, and it's very beautiful.

At noon on Saturday, after lunch, my parents and I went shopping together. We went to several gift shops consecutively. There were a lot of things in them, but nothing I liked. I told my mother quietly: "I don't like this gift shop. Let's look for another one from scratch, right?" My mother said: "OK, listen to you." We continued to look forward. Suddenly, I stopped. I was attracted by the gifts placed at the door of a shop. When I went in, I saw how bright it was. The Christmas tree inside was full of colorful lights. It was really beautiful. There are many gifts that I like. At last, I picked out a shiny colored strip. It feels hairy and there are many purple stars on it. It's really beautiful.

I took the gift with me, and we went home happily.

Christmas Gift (6)

"Jingle, jingle, jingle..." A familiar and cheerful tune rings in my ears. Look at the calendar. Oh, time has passed so fast unconsciously. It feels like yesterday, we just had a happy Christmas. Tomorrow, we will usher in a new one. Now I know that Father Christmas, whom I adored and loved as a child, In fact, it's just a kind old man with a long beard in the fairy tale world. He would not come out of the fairy tale book, kindly took out a gift from the big package and gave it to me. In fact, our "Santa Claus" is played by our parents, who carefully prepare gifts every year, and gently put them on our pillows when the stars are full in the middle of the night. Bring us joy and laughter in the morning of the next day, and leave us hope and innocence in our hearts.

Yes, this year, I don't want to be like before, wishing for chocolate, toys, and lots of candy. Tonight, I closed my eyes and made a solemn wish: I hope that this year, Santa Claus can give me a magic weapon, so that time will not hurt our hardworking parents, nor carve wrinkles on them, nor dye white hair, but will always be young and beautiful! Finally, I want to ask for a gift for my little sister and brother in my mother's belly. That is, they can be born and grow up happily in a few days

Christmas Gift (7)

Today is Christmas, I am very happy. When I went to bed last night, I put my socks and clothes beside me, silently made a wish, and then fell into a sweet dream.

In the evening, I had a dream that I sang and danced with many classmates around a tall and big Christmas tree. Santa Claus came to us smiling with his boss's pocket full of gifts on his back. He asked us what we wanted. Some of us wanted toys, some books, some stationery, and some. When Santa asked me what I wanted, I said I wanted a bottle of fragrant and sweet medicine, so I wouldn't cough after drinking it. I saw Santa Claus murmuring the mantra and taking out a small bottle of medicine from his pocket. I drank it at one mouthful. As expected, I did not cough. I jumped high with joy.

When I woke up in the morning, my cough was much better.

Christmas Gift (8)

In Santa's gift library, there live two Christmas elves, one named Bobby and the other named Annie. Their job is to help Santa wrap gifts.

It was almost Christmas, and they were busy again, carrying piles of gifts to the machine all day. The night before Christmas Eve, they worked very late. However, they may be too tired to sleep on the workbench. As a result, the conveyor belt wrapped them as gifts with a teddy bear and was taken to a warm home by Christmas reindeer.

On Christmas morning, a little girl in the family opened her gift bag. She was surprised and cried, "Wow, what a lovely teddy bear, what a lovely fairy doll!" Bobby laughed, "We are not..." But before Bobby finished speaking, the little girl grabbed Bobby and Annie's arms and put them on the bed. "Talking elf, sing a song to me." The little girl said, "Jingle, jingle, jingle..." Annie sang with her silvery voice. While greeting her father to see her Christmas presents, the little girl introduced herself to the two fairies: "My name is Sudie, do you have a name? We are good friends now!"

The warmth and friendliness of the little girl Sudie stopped Bobby and Annie from wanting to go home. They were happy to live in their new home. Sudie also placed new beds and toys for them. From then on, they became inseparable friends with Sudie.

A year later, it was almost Christmas again. Annie began to worry, "Can Santa alone be busy packing so many presents without our help now? We have to go back to Santa." She said to Bobby. But they couldn't bear to make Sudie sad, so Bobby thought of a good solution

The next day, before dawn, they came to the largest supermarket nearby. Although the supermarket had not yet opened, this did not prevent the two elves from entering. They quickly found the toy area, and soon they found what they wanted on the shelf - the machine Christmas genie. They are just like Annie and Bobby. They can also sing and talk. Finally, they left a Christmas gold coin on the cashier's desk and went back to Sudie's house happily.

At this time, Sudie was still asleep. Annie and Bobby put the machine spirit on Sudie's bed, which was where they often stayed. They said goodbye to Sudie and returned to Santa Claus.

This Christmas, Annie and Bobby wrapped a new Christmas gift for their good friend Sudie.

Christmas Gift (9)

"Jingle, jingle, jingle..." When this familiar and cheerful music rings in my ears, my favorite

Christmas is coming. Because every Christmas Eve, the Santa Claus who never shows up will put mysterious things in my red socks

Gifts. I wonder what is the gift this year? I'm looking forward to

That morning, as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the socks on the bed were bulging, ah! Gift! Santa Claus has come! I

Immediately get out of the bed and take out the socks. I felt a hard, thick book. This is a book about ten centimeters thick

A beautiful picture is painted on the cover of the book. It is a purple lavender, hazy, seems to be swaying in the breeze, everywhere

It emits a faint fragrance. I couldn't help being curious. I opened the book and read it. Ah! There is an hourglass in it. What a delicate hourglass!

Unexpectedly hiding in this "book". This is an hourglass filled with light yellow sand. Fine sand grains slowly fall from top to bottom, bit by bit.

Why did Santa Claus give me an hourglass this year? As always, I found a letter from Santa Claus in my socks. I

Can't wait to open it and read: "Xiaoman, do you like it? I gave you an hourglass this year, which is used to calculate time. Time is like

The sand in the hourglass will slip away before you know it. I hope you will cherish your time, race against it and walk in front of it.

I'll see you again next year! "

Looking at this meaningful Christmas gift, I seem to understand the intentions of Santa Claus. I got up at once. Santa Claus, I remember!

Come and see me next year, I will keep my promise!

Christmas Gift (10)

At the end of school, Mr. Wang came into the classroom with a big bag of things. Eh! What is it? Everyone is talking about it. Some said, "It's a Christmas gift!" Others said, "It's a card of plants fighting zombies.

”"I also shouted:" It's a yo yo, rice coins and cards! "The teacher opened the bag and we gathered around it. It was a Christmas gift. The teacher said, "Today is Christmas, and I want to give you some presents. Boys wear Christmas hats, and girls take Christmas decorations.".

All right? " "Give me!" "Give me!" The girl scrambled for a gift. There were only three of us boys. After we lined up to receive the gifts, we returned to our positions. The red hat is really cute.

I can't wait to put my hat on my head to keep warm. I wanted a hat like this long ago, but my mother refused to buy it for me. Today my wish has finally come true. If I take my hat to school, my classmates will compete for fun! Looking at me in the mirror, I smiled happily.

Christmas Gift (11)

Every Christmas is different. In recent years, I have received my most precious Christmas gift.

When I got home today, there was no one at home. I was afraid of bumping into something, so I walked carefully to my desk, put down my bag, and turned on the light. The first thing I saw after turning on the light was a red box on the desk. I thought to myself: What's on the table? Whose is it? I looked at the box carefully with doubt. Oh, it's a box of chocolates. There are two small boxes in this box. The chocolate in the small box is only chocolate. Chocolates! But my favorite food! Unfortunately, my parents usually don't buy me chocolate because it is too expensive. Eh? There was also a piece of paper on the box with three lines of words written in a purple watercolor pen: a Christmas gift from my parents to Zheng Danyang. Wish Zheng Danyang a Merry Christmas! Happy everyday! There are three exclamation marks after the last two sentences! I looked at the note again carefully. Yes, this is what my mother wrote!

Although there is no signature, I still know that this is a Christmas gift from my parents, because I can't be more familiar with my mother's words. I was ecstatic. I didn't expect my parents would buy such expensive chocolates for me as a Christmas gift. They are usually very economical.

My parents are my favorite people, and I am also my parents' favorite people. I will always remember this precious Christmas gift.

Among the many festivals every year, what I look forward to most is Christmas. That's because, in this festival, I will accidentally receive beautiful gifts from Santa Claus.

Every Christmas, my father and mother always ask me to go to bed early, and mysteriously tell me that there will be beautiful gifts on the bed the next morning. When I was three years old, I really wanted a Barbie doll. That Christmas, I actually received such a long-awaited gift. At that time, I was very surprised and couldn't put it down when I picked up the doll.

She wore a fashionable plaid hat on her blonde curls. The apple like face is embedded with a pair of big eyes. The most amazing thing is that her eyes and long eyelashes still move, which makes me love her at the first sight. Cherry has lipstick on her mouth. It seems that she is pretty smelly. She wore a gingham scarf around her neck and a gingham dress on her slim body. What a beautiful doll! I like it so much. I think Santa Claus is really good! He actually knew my wish. When I longed for it most, he unexpectedly arrived unannounced. Because I like this gift so much, I played and slept with her every day.

When I was four years old, I wanted a box of watercolor giant pens. On the morning of Christmas Day, my dream gift miraculously appeared on my bed? D? D watercolor giant pen, that day, I was so happy that I forgot to do my homework. My wish has come true again. I think: this Santa Claus is also amazing! He knows what I want, and he can make me get what I want. When I was five years old, I wanted a beautiful key ring.

On the morning of Christmas Day, a pink key ring appeared on my bed.

Every Christmas is different. In recent years, I have received my most precious Christmas gift.

When I got home today, there was no one at home. I was afraid of bumping into something, so I walked carefully to my desk, put down my bag, and turned on the light. The first thing I saw after turning on the light was a red box on the desk. I thought to myself: What's on the table? Whose is it? I looked at the box carefully with doubt. Oh, it's a box of chocolates. There are two small boxes in this box. The chocolate in the small box is only chocolate. Chocolates! But my favorite food! Unfortunately, my parents usually don't buy me chocolate because it is too expensive. Eh? There was also a piece of paper on the box with three lines of words written in a purple watercolor pen: a Christmas gift from my parents to Zheng Danyang. Wish Zheng Danyang a Merry Christmas! Happy everyday! There are three exclamation marks after the last two sentences! I looked at the note again carefully. Yes, this is what my mother wrote!

Although there is no signature, I still know that this is a Christmas gift from my parents, because I can't be more familiar with my mother's words. I was ecstatic. I didn't expect my parents would buy such expensive chocolates for me as a Christmas gift. They are usually very economical.

My parents are my favorite people, and I am also my parents' favorite people. I will always remember this precious Christmas gift.

Christmas Gift (12)

I have a little hamster. This is a Christmas gift from my father. Every night he would get up to eat, eat in the cage and exercise.

One night last winter, when my father and I were watching TV together, a little hamster in the TV suddenly came into my sight. It was snow-white all over, and its eyes were like two black gemstones shining. It turned around in front of the camera, looking at this and smelling that. It was very eye-catching and cute! I stared at it intently. What a clever little hamster! If only I could have one!

When I was doing my homework the next night, the "creaking" sound came out intermittently in my room. "Oh, it can't be the mice at home, can it?" I picked up the broom while thinking, and looked for it slowly and softly. Eh? Why is there a cage here? I opened the cage carefully, and a little hamster jumped out, and it jumped on my feet! What a cute little hamster! It's just like what I saw on TV yesterday. In the living room, my parents cheered, "Merry Christmas, baby!" I opened my arms and threw myself into my parents' arms. The whole family was very happy. Look at my little hamster. It is looking at the new home curiously.

Now, this little hamster has changed from a gift to an important member of our family, and it is a part of my life. Every night, it will listen to me play the piano, listen to me sing, and accompany me every day.

Grade 5, Haidian Wuyi Primary School, Haidian District, Beijing: Lu Jiayi

Christmas Gift (13)

According to the Bible, saints from the East gave gifts when Jesus was born, which is the origin of the custom of Santa Claus giving gifts to children. British children put their stockings by the fireplace on Christmas Eve, believing that Santa Claus will come down from the chimney at night and bring them presents full of socks. French children put their shoes at the door and asked "the baby to put gifts inside the shoes when he comes."

Christmas Gift (14)

On the morning of Christmas, my mother put three beautiful gifts on my bed, including Santa Claus, a small drum and a star stick.

Santa Claus has a white beard, is dressed in red clothes, and is wearing a cute little red hat. He is standing on a big lychee with "mary christmas" written on it in English. A shiny drum can be drummed with two small sticks. My favorite is the magic star stick. There is a shining star on the top and a bright stick below. This reminds me of Cinderella's granny's star stick. When she waved, the pumpkin turned into a carriage; Another wave, the mouse changes into a horse; With another wave, Cinderella's rags became new. Do you think the star bar is magical? I am so happy to have a star stick. When I sleep, it can produce many things I like.

Christmas Gift (15)

I haven't written a log for a long time, and I wouldn't have written it this time, but I thought about it. It seems that a strange dialog box "You input too many characters" appeared when I said it once, so today I decided to write a log.

This morning, the computer was inexplicably rejected by the gateway. After various tests, I came to a conclusion that if the hardware failed, it was probably the network card. Well, I started to hit dots again. I admit my mistake. Why? I don't want to call any more. Then, I was depressed for a while, and a stone was in my heart - my computer could not access the Internet on Christmas Eve. Is this multimedia player that is not as powerful as my mobile phone now my gift? I was very upset. I shut down the machine in a fit of anger, and DOTA was pushed into the abyss with the screen going black. Some students in the dormitory slept with the curtains closed, but in the dim light, the fruit juice prints on the touchpad and the dust on the monitor were particularly conspicuous. I suddenly felt that maybe I should wipe it? I couldn't use it anyway, so I wiped the notebook and accessories with a cloth. It's like a strange driving force. Looking at the 'Razor, charger and small notebook' that were disassembled for easy cleaning, I naturally think that since they are all wiped clean and can't be used, it's better to put them away. They also occupy a place on the table. So they all went into the wardrobe neatly. What's next? by the way! If I want to keep in touch with my friends at any time, I can go to bed and play with my mobile phone. I can also log on to Q and lie comfortably. So Mr. Panda, Mr. Penguin and Mr. Kugou all came to see me. Comrades who are interested in watching the Communist Party, perhaps you think I am not so depressed at this time? That's just a literal effect. I have always been very sad, especially when Mr. Kugou barked "Rainy Day" with his falsetto, my mood was really bad. After the song "The Old Man and the Sea", I felt even more unbearable. When "It's a problem whether to smash the phone or not" hovered around my fingers, my favorite song was "Autumn Whispers", which made me calm down, Hearing it, I can always think of his indifferent temper and his extraordinary fingering. Since then, when I met this song, the amazing hand speed naturally appeared in my mind, so I also changed "one song" to "one hand". When I think of Xiangzi, I always feel like his brother. Well, if you see Xiangzi, I will tell you that I do feel like your brother, although it seems that I always ask me to do this or that. I then meditated in the rhythm of vagueness. I went back and forth between the backstage and the grandstand. It was the New Year's Party of Senior One. A teacher organized two classes to watch. I was standing backstage watching the stage. There was silence below the stage, and there was whispering on the stage. When I think of that party night, maybe no one knows or remembers what kind of wonderful memory the party that I can't forget brought me. My eyes were dry because of a long time of daze. I turned my eyes and looked up. I saw Lao Zhai on the opposite bed who seemed to be dazed for a long time for some reason. Suddenly, he returned to reality. There were always good memories before, but now my notebook broke on Christmas Eve. I used to be happy at any time, but now I often feel depressed. I used to speak coherently, Now I like to play a little bit. I used to be very cheerful, but today I am depressed because my small notebook is blocked from accessing the Internet. I always thought something was wrong. Today I finally realized that I had not even reached the simple conclusion that "I was decadent for a while again". Today, in the afternoon without IE and DOTA, I was in an unprecedented state of wakefulness, I finally saw this problem. In the past six years of high school, I have been passive for a while, but I always brake. However, now that I have got my driver's license, I stepped on the lost accelerator. Fortunately, on Christmas Eve, my notebook was deformed and became a huge mp5. This is my Christmas gift. It broke inexplicably, On the Christmas Eve, not far from the exam, I finally brake again to confirm the wind direction and goal. In the earphone is the Caribbean pirate episode "Up is down", which is passionate but not lack of stability, rational but also has the pleasure of adventure. Let me know that prose is always scattered, composition always has a main line, life always has a goal, people always have a nature, and I can always return to the main line. This time, It was Santa Claus who helped me. "Up is down". After ten years of believing in fairy tales and legends, I finally received a gift from Santa Claus.

Christmas Gift (16)

On the night of Christmas Day, I was about to sleep when my father took a pair of new children's socks and came to my bed. He said mysteriously, "Son, I heard that if you put your socks in front of the bed, Santa Claus will come to give you presents tonight." "Really?" I blinked strangely. Dad nodded solemnly: "Of course! You are so good, why doesn't Santa Claus come?" Dad smiled. In order not to prevent Santa Claus from coming in, I opened the door, opened the curtains and pushed open the window. Mom and Dad covered their mouths and smiled secretly. We all turned off the lights and went to bed. Lying in bed, thinking that Santa Claus is coming to give me presents, I am so excited that I am not sleepy at all. Time passed quietly, "What does Santa look like?" I thought while waiting?? Suddenly, I heard a gentle footsteps coming to my room. "Here we are." I quickly held my breath and closed my eyes, but could not help being curious. By the faint starlight, ah, it was Mom and Dad. They crept the presents into the socks and then slipped away. I can't help feeling a little disappointed when I can't see Santa Claus. But I want to know what the gift is. I got up gently, closed the door, turned on the light, and couldn't wait to pick up my socks to check the gifts. Wow, there are my favorite chocolates, small notebooks, electronic watches, pens and a small set of colored pens. How do my parents know that I like these? The disappointed heart suddenly became happy again. Well, I'll also make you happy. I took two pieces of paper, left to cut, right to draw, and made two simple greeting cards. Then, I slipped quietly to my parents' room to look for socks. Fortunately, the door is half closed. I crept like a thief, fumbling in my parents' closet. "Where are socks? Where are socks?" I searched hard. In the dark, I heard a long suppressed laughter, and ran away. In the panic, I only took my mother's socks. I slipped two cards into my socks, then held my breath and hid outside my parents' door to listen. The room was silent, and I quickly threw my socks into it?? "Huh?" Dad finally couldn't help laughing. The light came on. Suddenly, my mother opened her arms to me, and the room resounded with bursts of extremely happy laughter?? Instructor: Li Xichun