Composition of Balanced Life (17 pieces)
See people's hearts in the fog
2023-11-18 03:36:45

Composition of Balanced Life (1)

"Pa!" I angrily threw today's newspaper to the ground. The bleak scene in my mind still lingers: 3000 hectares of lake has been drained and hundreds of thousands of fish and shrimp have been dumped everywhere! "Breathe..." He took a long breath and suddenly found that the turbid air was a little bloody.

"Son, come downstairs quickly, we should start." Mother urged.

I was stunned when I remembered that I was going to visit my grandmother's tomb in the countryside today. "Just relax," I told myself.

The car bumped all the way, and we got off at a small town. Because the road to the countryside was too rough, we had to go by ourselves.

It was the same road, but this time I had mixed feelings. The haze in my heart was still gripping my heart, and hundreds of thousands of lives evaporated. Those eyes that were protruding from the sun seemed to jump out and ask me what they had done wrong? To suffer such a disaster!

The road is still walking, and the light rain does not know when it is fluttering. We met a quagmire, muddy and dirty filled with our vision. "How unlucky!" Mother was a little disgusted and complained in a low voice. "Now we need slippers to pass."

However, at that moment, I was a little excited. At the bottom of my heart, there was an inexplicable intimacy, as if it was a call from the blood. So I got rid of the shackles that had been fettered for more than ten years, rolled up my trousers, and set foot on a strange land for more than ten years. When the soles of my feet are perched on the smooth jade like bluestone, I can't help wondering: Could it be that thousands of people have been so close to this land as me that it has the present luster?

With this question, I slowly waded into the mire, which seemed to have magic mud, touching my nerves in a myriad of ways. It was cool as if there was life through the pores, soaked in the skin, and plunged into my surging blood like a smile. At that moment, I felt that my life seemed to be infused with an inexplicable emotion. A small fish jumped out of the mud. Although the mud covered its body, when it passed through the rain, I clearly saw its crystal clear blood and bones! It turns out that you are so generous and open-minded, even if natural and man-made disasters, even if life will end, you are still jumping the dance steps that reflect the light.

I feel relieved. The inclined heart seems to return to balance.

The heavy rain gradually became torrential, and the birds were singing happy songs in the forest. I simply let go of my temper, took off my coat, and bare my upper body. As the rain poured down and the wind blew my face, I seemed to see my blood gradually becoming clear, and my bones slowly becoming clear.

"This child..." Behind him came the helplessness of his parents. I smiled.

Composition of Balanced Life (2)

In your hurry, can you spare some time and space to think about life in detail? If you can, you will be the first to discover that although the surface of life is a collection of sweet, sour, bitter, and hot, its inner is a mysterious, delicate balance. Without this balance, the color of life will not be reconciled, which is also the real life - balanced life.

Although the light of human life is short, there are many experiences, which make people either happy or angry, or love or hate, or rich or poor... So life is given to people. In happiness, people balance it by thinking about the past pain; In pain, balance with the joy of looking forward to the future; In love, we should balance our hatred by telling each other's heart; In hate, balance with the memories of love; In the rich, we should balance it with benevolence and devotion to our ancestors; In poverty, balance the strength and spirit that the rich do not possess. If there is no balance in life, then life may not be wonderful or harmonious, or everything may be full of some extreme, some fear, and joy may never get a smile, because he does not understand that pain is the predecessor of joy; The sufferer is afraid that he will always be filled with grief and indignation, because he has lost faith in joy; The hater is afraid that he will never get love again, thinking that his hatred has not allowed memory to store love; The beloved is afraid that he will not live gracefully in the future, because he never dares to expose his hatred to others; I'm afraid that the rich will be uneasy late at night, because he will wonder what money is used for; The poor man is afraid that he will still be poor after reincarnation in the next life, because he is so poor that he even has no spirit

——The balance of life is the candlelight of human beings, and those who know the balance of life can lead the candlelight to glory: if you are a criminal with deep crimes, when you walk out of prison to face life, you can use a balanced method to erase all the past mistakes, so as to adjust your own life coordinates. Who dares to say that you will not create a better value in life in the future? If you are a storekeeper, you can balance your own life and national property in the face of violent gangsters, and then make a choice. Who can be sure that you will not become a great hero of the Guangzongyao clan who surprises the world, cries ghosts?

Ah, balanced life is the harvest of joy hidden behind your pains; It is the beacon that you are confused and wandering at the crossroads of career and life; It is your cry for your own meaning and value of life; It is an invisible battlefield where your simplicity and maturity, failure and success, misfortune and happiness compete!

Balanced life is the essence of colorful life!

Composition of Balanced Life (3)

It seems that there is a concept in physics that when several forces on an object counteract each other, the object will reach a balanced state of force. By changing this theorem to the perspective of philosophy of life, we can draw a conclusion that it is not easy to achieve life balance, and we often need to make some efforts to offset some things.

The so-called balance of life should first include the state of spiritual freedom. Mr. Russell wrote a book called The Road to Happiness. The book is divided into two parts: "the reasons for happiness" and "why not be happy". The reasons for happiness include family, love, leisure, work, etc. The reasons for unhappiness include competition, passion, etc. Here, passion refers to an inappropriate and over invested mental state, which reflects the extreme lack of balance in life. According to Mr. Russell, it is absolutely wrong to sacrifice many others for one element of life.

When Russell himself was 5 years old, he felt that life was unbearable, because if he lived to be 70 years old, he would have suffered only 1/14 of his life. It was not until he discovered the fun of mathematics and philosophy and the natural beauty of Pembroke Mansion where he lived that everything seemed to be suddenly enlightened. From then on, Russell was full of love for life, so that when his uncle William solemnly told him that the ability of human beings to enjoy the joy of life would decline with age, he was shocked and afraid to shed tears all night.

For most people, an important way to balance life is to increase the elements of life, cultivate more hobbies, focus on work carefully, and "take a bath, see a flower, and eat a meal" in leisure time. Like Mr. Qian Zhongshu, there is no mental impediment, so that the relaxed soul can focus on the pleasure of the body. In this way, life will be enriched, and life will naturally tend to balance.

In another sense, the state of spiritual freedom depends on whether people live according to their inner needs. Everyone's different standards of balance exist in their deepest heart. For the baron on the tree in Calvino's "Our Ancestors" series, climbing the tree is the balance point he pursues. At noon one day, the baron bravely refused a plate of snails when he was having dinner with his solemn family members, and then unexpectedly climbed up the tree, and never came underground again. I think the reason why he went to the tree was that the balance of his life before him was too much biased towards boring and dull. In order to balance the two ends of the balance, he probably had to go to the tree. What the Baron did was to break the past life and the imbalance.

The same example is the painter who took Gauguin as the prototype in The Moon and Sixpence. One day, he suddenly abandoned his family and son and left everything to create strange art works on Tahiti Island in the South Pacific. These actions, which seem to be the same as those of madmen, actually conform to the balance they seek in their hearts.

Returning to the life vision of ordinary people again, I see that richness, moderation, and obedience to the inner impulse are the keys to a balanced life. Learn from Haruki Murakami, write and run regularly, focus on what you love, and finally understand and enjoy such a life: "No matter what everyone in the world says, I think my feelings are correct. No matter what others think, I will never disturb my own rhythm. I can stick to what you like, and what you don't like will never last long."

Composition of Balanced Life (4)

It is said that the mechanism of colds can be described as follows: the internal and external sympathetic channels of the human body are blocked, the skin is not breathing well, the negative energy generated by the body's activities cannot be eliminated, and the positive energy is insufficient, resulting in uncomfortable symptoms. In a word, the balance inside and outside the body is broken, causing chaos in the whole system. The comprehensive expression of chaos is the so-called fever!

The ancients emphasized "cultivating one's morality, regulating one's family, governing the country, and stabilizing the world". Isn't the system design of trimming and leveling based on the understanding of balance? Pursuing the balance of the body system is the performance of following the way of heaven. "The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency while doing more damage". People are born and live by the balance law of nature. Therefore, we should respect it, maintain it, temper ourselves in the sequence of body, family, country and the world, and achieve ourselves. The pursuit of a balanced life is the beginning of achieving oneself and others.

However, "the way of human beings is to make up for the deficiencies while doing more damage", which is very puzzling. In fact, we instinctively know that we should eat a balanced diet, work and rest, and feel sad and happy moderately. This is like our instinctive pursuit of simultaneous exercise and growth of left and right hands and feet, simultaneous development of left and right brains, simultaneous application of left and right eyes, and simultaneous use of left and right ears. But why does our sensibility and rationality, our exaltation and demotion, our promotion and abandonment, our comfort and rebellion often seem so frivolous? People should "strengthen their stomach and weaken their heart", but generally they have cluttered ventricles and withered cords in the abdomen. Or the head is as big as a grapefruit, and the body is as small as bean sprouts; Or the belly is as dignified as a pillar, and the head is as short as a nail head. We have heard of the "Internet Addiction Abandonment Class", and we have seen reports of gifted students who are unable to take care of themselves. These phenomena reflect part of the truth. In short, life balance is easier said than done.

However, if we use balance as a method, it will be easier to practice.

First of all, we should establish a holistic concept. This is actually the gene of our traditional culture, which we can experience with the help of general cognitive tools. Traditional Chinese medicine treats colds and colds, nurtures the heart and sweats, dredges the meridians, and restores balance at the level of the big system. The simple infusion, the so-called anti-inflammatory, because only the "temperature" mark on the body surface is seen, it is exactly the opposite. It is said that the treatment of hypertension also has the difference between Chinese and Western concepts, but the process performance and results are quite different. Even if we do not understand the more detailed and profound truth, we can also realize the existence of the "whole" and the essence of balance.

Secondly, we should practice the principle and method of "neutralization for use". Laozi's metaphor of "Tuo Yue" teaches people that the truth lies in "being or not", and that inaction and action should be viewed dialectically. He also has the analogy of "stretching the bow", "the higher one suppresses it, the lower one lifts it more than enough to damage it, and the insufficient one fills it". In fact, they are inseparable from the principle of "adhering to one" and "abiding by the middle". Life is not about not being persistent, just not being partial. A good way is to start from the whole, the overall situation, and balance the changes at one end with the sound development of the whole. As long as the "pulse", "one", "choice" and "go" are correctly marked, it is not difficult at all. Everything will appear natural in fact, and people's life movement will return to nature as a spiritual choice for every present.

Therefore, the fundamental way to achieve life balance is to cultivate one's morality. "To cultivate one's morality is true". The method of self-cultivation is "to show virtue, to be friendly to the people, and to stop at perfection".

Composition of Balanced Life (5)

When I saw the topic of "Living a Balanced Life", I couldn't help asking the question "Yuan Fang, what do you think about this matter?" Do you think there is a big secret behind this matter.

Yes, that's right. I haven't said this secret all the time. Candidates can't write this composition. In fact, it's not because the teacher who set the question blames me! Since I began to pay attention to the topic of Sichuan College Entrance Examination, as long as it is difficult for me to write compositions, they all appear on the college entrance examination paper. For many years, I have been the curse of the college entrance examination teachers. Don't scold them, scold me, it's my fault. In the future, I will never bother the teacher who sets questions. It is I who delayed you. I swear, I apologize to you!

I just read the topic of this composition, and I felt that I didn't know the meat in March. Although I read several poems and books in my spare time, it would be no problem to write an article of about a thousand words, but at this time, I just ran out of words. I want to come, but I will not do the composition chapter for a long time! However, it would be great if the talented young generation could not be more polite, and it would be worthy of ten years of hard study! To tell the truth: I can't write this article. I'd better leave it to competent people.

Alas, college entrance examinees can't afford to be hurt! If you can't eat and sleep well every day, there's no reason! Have you been on tenterhooks all day! Do you dare not play with mobile phones and computers! Parents are always around! There is no traffic jam on the way to the exam! When entering the examination room, the teacher felt something! It was so hot that palms sweated during the exam! Seeing this composition topic, my head is blank!

The balanced life of teenagers should be like this: love reading, love listening to music, and love movies. Love lively, love lonely, do not like tossing. Love freedom, love style, love blue lion. Love everyone, love yourself, love every day. Love life, love attitude, love makes you happy. Love a group of people, also love a person, do not love trouble people. I am the bear child, the bear of the giant panda, and I like to be the best myself.

My elder brother is also an old man. I know your hard life in high school for three years! The only thing I miss now is Mianzhong's food! Fresh and delicious fish head; Fat but not greasy pig's feet in casserole; Chewing braised beef; The fragrant dumplings; Spicy and spicy barbecue...... Delicacies from different places are countless.

You only see the leisure of college students, but do not see the distress of college students; You have your rules, I have my choice; You deny my present, I decide my future; You laugh at me for being extravagant, and I pity you for always wandering; You can despise our aging, and we will prove whose era this is. Dream is a life destined to be balanced. There is no lack of doubt and ridicule on the way, but so what? Even if you are bruised, you should live beautifully. I am a college student, and I speak for myself. "

But when you receive: kiss, congratulations! You have been admitted by our school! Dear, report for duty on September 2! The admission notice will be delivered tomorrow! Kiss, all 5 points! Give good comments! " When you send a message like this, you will find out what a balanced life is!

Composition of Balanced Life (6)

I often look forward to my own life, simple life, no need for a large house, no need for a thick ticket. I just want to meet such a person and become friends with him; I just want to meet some people - strangers, let them purify my heart; I just want to find a job that I like, even one that others can't understand. What I like is this kind of life from inside to outside. What I am looking for is a balance, a balance between people, a balance of mind. And I already have a part of this life.

About good friends

He is an elder of my generation. I don't remember how I met him. I only remember the first sentence he said to me to let me know that the world is very small. We are just from the same corner in a certain direction of the city, with the unique 'flavor and attraction of that place.

We often go to the same street. There are many snacks in that street. We often linger here. We drink a lot of beer, talk about a lot of irrelevant topics, and use that unique local accent.

About strangers

I met three people, an old man, a child and a beggar.

The old man taught me tolerance, the child made me optimistic, and the beggar made me kind and kind.

He was a kind old man. His wrinkled face could not hide his handsome appearance when he was young. He smiled beautifully and could melt everything and all evils in the world.

That is an innocent child who often appears near my home. She calls me my brother, and she will put a thousand paper cranes into my mouth. She smiles beautifully, which can break time and space, and take me back to childhood.

He was a tough beggar without legs. His ragged clothes were covered with dirty mud and water. He occasionally appeared under the overpass near the school. I occasionally meet him after school, and I will give him my change, not much, because I am not rich, or even poor, and the most valuable thing I have is the bike. Every time I give him money, he always smiles and says thanks to me in non-standard Mandarin. He looks good when he smiles, can make people cry, and can let people see the happiness hidden in hardships.

About work

It seems too early for me now. But I still yearn for it. I want to have a job where I can meet many people. I want to know their stories. I always believe that everyone's life is a legend and a perfect documentary.

This is the life I want. It has nothing to do with fame and wealth or worldly affairs. I just want to meet those "beautiful" people who can give me everything I want. This is the life I pursue. There is no gap between people, and there is no hatred between hearts. This is the balanced life I am looking for, which is like the "yin" and "yang" of Tai Chi pattern, harmonious and complementary.

"I met the person you met among thousands of people. For thousands of years, in the boundless wilderness of time, I happened to meet him neither earlier nor later. I just wanted to say, 'Oh, are you here too?'"

Composition of Balanced Life (7)

It is said that the cat always stands on the ground when it jumps from the sky. The secret is that his hairy tail makes the cat balance in the air.

When gymnasts perform on the balance beam, I always feel uneasy for fear that they will lose their physiological balance.

Cat's balance is a gift from nature. Human's physiological balance can be trained. What about life balance?

I was surprised that Sima Qian in the Han Dynasty incurred a cruel criminal law in order to say a few words of justice to that irrelevant unlucky person Li Ling - (neither to be a eunuch nor to commit sexual relations). I think he was physically and psychologically distressed. I don't even have the idea of revenge. Because it was a brilliant emperor who changed his fate, he even had to humiliate Lord Long En. The balance of life has been seriously tilted. What made him hold up the giant pen again, and wrote the masterpiece of "The Last Song of Historians, the LiSao without rhyme". For thousands of years, many heroes did not yield to power and money, but succumbed to "immortality; fear". How Sima Qian found the balance of life is a spirit, a spirit that transcends itself, and the human body can be defeated; and the human spirit is invincible; It shows people, the most beautiful life in nature, shining brightly, and shows people's sublimity and greatness.

As a group of people, I am proud of the Long March that began in 1934. A group of intellectual elites led a group of ragged farmers who traveled 25000 miles across 11 provinces, conquered countless natural dangers, got rid of countless encirclement armies, overcome many hardships, created many human miracles, and moved from the Long March to the whole country, From poverty to a well-off society, what has found the historical balance is the spirit. It is the wisdom and blood of countless martyrs who have found the way to revitalize China in the swing between left and right.

Unfortunately, on the way to realize the Chinese Dream, money addiction has caused many people to lose their balance, become obsessed with profit, lose their conscience and justice, indulge in debauchery, wander outside, pursue enjoyment, and lose their will in waste.

Through the faint fragrance of books and the clouds of history, the old people of time are firmly reminding us that we need to find a spirit if we want to find a balance, whether a nation or an individual, to stand upright and straighten our spine.

Composition of Balanced Life (8)

I often look forward to my own life, simple life, no need for a large house, no need for a thick ticket. I just want to meet such a person and become friends with him; I just want to meet some people - strangers, let them purify my heart; I just want to find a job that I like, even one that others can't understand. What I like is this kind of life from inside to outside. What I am looking for is a balance, a balance between people, a balance of mind. And I already have a part of this life.

About good friends

He is an elder of my generation. I don't remember how I met him. I only remember the first sentence he told me, which made me know that the world is very small. We are just from the same corner in a certain direction of the city, with the unique flavor and attraction of that place.

We often go to the same street. There are many snacks in that street. We often linger here. We drink a lot of beer, talk about a lot of irrelevant topics, and use that unique local accent.

About strangers

I met three people, an old man, a child and a beggar.

The old man taught me tolerance, the child made me optimistic, and the beggar made me kind and kind.

He was a kind old man. His wrinkled face could not hide his handsome appearance when he was young. He smiled beautifully and could melt everything and all evils in the world.

That is an innocent child who often appears near my home. She calls me my brother, and she will put a thousand paper cranes into my mouth. She smiles beautifully, which can break time and space, and take me back to childhood.

He was a tough beggar without legs. His ragged clothes were covered with dirty mud and water. He occasionally appeared under the overpass near the school. I occasionally meet him after school, and I will give him my change, not much, because I am not rich, or even poor, and the most valuable thing I have is the bike. Every time I give him money, he always smiles and says thanks to me in non-standard Mandarin. He looks good when he smiles, can make people cry, and can let people see the happiness hidden in hardships.

About work

It seems too early for me now. But I still yearn for it. I want to have a job where I can meet many people. I want to know their stories. I always believe that everyone's life is a legend and a perfect documentary.

This is the life I want. It has nothing to do with fame and wealth or worldly affairs. I just want to meet those "beautiful" people who can give me everything I want. This is the life I pursue. There is no gap between people, and there is no hatred between hearts. This is the balanced life I am looking for, which is like the "yin" and "yang" of Tai Chi pattern, harmonious and complementary.

"I met the person you met among thousands of people. For thousands of years, in the boundless wilderness of time, I happened to meet him neither earlier nor later. I just wanted to say, 'Oh, are you here too?'"

Composition of Balanced Life (9)

The composition wants to go back to the past, perhaps childishness can really hide something? What to choose in 400 words composition music. My uncles and aunts, you have worked hard. You have worked hard for the sports cause of the motherland. The sportsmen's sportsmanship will encourage me to study hard and contribute to the construction of the motherland when I grow up. Although the furnishings here are simple, none of them can prove that teachers work hard day and night; At two o'clock in the afternoon, my brother said to me, "Let's go down and play.

Maybe someone said that in our life, we often feel that it is difficult to balance family and work. They seem to have become the biggest predators of time resources in our life, so that we have little leisure time left for ourselves. What follows is that our pressure is increasing day by day, and the greater the pressure, the more impetuous we are, the more difficult it is to calm our hearts and enter a vicious circle.

There is a best-selling book, Secret, in which it is tempting to claim that "all successful people keep a secret without telling you!" In fact, the secret is: will. power - your goal must be simple and clear, and your will must be strong enough! Its advantages are: to make your various choices have a unified standard and keep approaching the goal; It sends out a strong magnetic field to attract the same people to you, and is willing to help you achieve your goals unconsciously. I think so. If your goal is to succeed in your career, you will feel that balance is a problem. If you take living a balanced life as your goal, the possibility of achieving it will be greatly increased.

Therefore, it is not difficult to live a balanced life. The difficulty is that we should have perseverance and know how to be willing. Only in this way can we live a balanced life.

Composition of Balanced Life (10)

Whether in study, work or life, we will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. Through composition, we can gather our scattered thoughts together. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is the composition of Xiaobian's carefully organized life, which is more balanced and more prosperous. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

Wuweiqi is the best, and all five tones are good. You can taste the bitter, astringent, sour, sweet and salty life only when you have five flavors; Only when the five tones are complete can we understand the euphemism and melodiousness of life and the harmony between refined and popular. Life is dull and boring if it lacks one sound. The more balanced your life is, the more prosperous it will be.

In a balanced life, nothing should be too prominent or too weak. A balanced life should create an artistic conception - such as the bright moon in the sky, which illuminates all things, and everything in the world is reconciled. Under the crisp moonlight, the breath and breath come into being and become one.

Su Shi, a famous scholar in the Song Dynasty, is well-known for his long and short sentences, but his talent is far beyond that. Dongpo is good at writing and painting, and can resist and sing. Because of this, he became the most respected typical scholar from the Song Dynasty to later generations. Perhaps because of this, his character has also been shaped to be round and full, not lacking in things. He worked hard in the imperial court and the countryside, and when he was demoted, he was free of mountains and rivers, pursuing a balanced and prosperous life in nature.

Simple food and gourd food are not beautiful. What is beautiful is people who live in humble houses and do not change their ways; The short bamboo fence is not beautiful, but the people picking chrysanthemums under the east fence are beautiful. Ruo Tao Qian and Ruo Mei's wife and son, Lin Bu, have all grasped the balance of life. When his heart fades, he does not want to be beautiful. When he wants to be widowed, he does not want to compete with others. He is free to follow his nature, and has harvested the richness of life with bitter chrysanthemum and plum blossom. As a passer-by in the world of mortals, human beings can't avoid the checkpoint of worldly affairs. Even if people do not become hermits who embrace a balanced life in nature, they can also jump out of the constraints of time and space and strive for a balanced and comfortable life.

As the first person in Asia to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, Tagore, an Indian poet, is of great literary attainments, but what most affects us is his pursuit of the true self in his words. We can't forget the way he thought hard, let alone the happy look when he read poems for children under the mango tree. I think he knows this well - he strives for balance under the constant change of life state.

Listen, the Czech said - live somewhere else. Life should not only be thin, it should be active around us in various forms. Such a life is an interesting life, a balanced and prosperous life.

Osho, an Indian thinker, said that roses are roses and lotus flowers are lotus flowers, so long as you look, do not compare. But I prefer to say: Go ahead and compare. Because only various forms can form a balanced life, and a balanced life should include these various forms.

The five tastes are in tune and the five tones are complete. The more balanced your life is, the more prosperous it will be.

Composition of Balanced Life (11)

Read the following text and write a composition according to the requirements.

Someone said: live a balanced life - learn something, think about problems, do something, play ball games, sing songs, draw pictures

In response to this statement, the students launched a heated discussion.

Please write an article with no less than 800 words based on the above materials and your own experience and understanding. Requirements: ① The topic is self drawn, the purpose is self determined, and the style is self selected; ② No plagiarism or imitation; ③ Write in standard Chinese characters.

[Examination of topics and ideas]

Proposition method: material composition

Material nature: social life (focusing on social life, education, philosophy and thinking)

Material content (key words): live a balanced life, learn something, think about problems, do something, play ball games, sing songs, draw pictures

Material characteristics: The author was a little pleased after seeing the examination papers in Sichuan Province, because there was one of the test preparation materials I prepared for this year's junior high school students: read a part of the Creed by the American philosopher Fulgome, combined with his own feelings, select one or more points to think about, and then write as required.

Let's share something; If you offend others, say sorry; Wash your hands before eating; Wash after defecation; Clean up your own mess; Live an ordinary life, learn something, think about something, have fun, draw pictures, sing songs, dance, play games, and do some work every day; When you go out to walk around the world, pay attention to the traffic, hand in hand close together.

Obviously, this is a chance encounter with this year's Sichuan scroll. However, the author of the Sichuan volume cut part of Fulgam's "Credo" shorter, and changed the original "living an ordinary life" to "living a balanced life". This is really puzzling. "Ordinary" can modify "life", "peace" can also modify "life", and "balance" can modify "life", which may be the first time that the author has seen it because of his superficial knowledge. So the author looks for the meaning of "balance": 1 The weight borne by both ends of the scale is equal; 2. The two objects are level as a balance; 3. The opposite aspects are equal or equal in quantity or quality; 4. The relationship between the synthesis and decomposition of a specific nutrient in physiology; 5. The balance state in which there is no acceleration or net change between two or more opposite forces or processes; 6. Situations that tend to maintain stability, such as internal balance and psychological stability; 7. Too much or too little, such as imbalance of water and oil in human skin, endocrine imbalance, etc., is imbalance, too much or too little.

In any case, there is no sense that "balance" can be used to modify "life" in these senses. After repeated thinking, I speculate that this may be because the author wants to use the transferred rhetorical devices to find new ideas, but the author feels that it is absolutely unnecessary. Using "ordinary" or "peaceful" can also create more abundant situations, and will also trigger more in-depth thinking of examinees.

Examining the topic: if we have to use "balance" to modify our life, then the "balanced" life in the materials is: learn something, think about problems, do something, play ball games, sing songs, draw pictures... that is the balance between learning, thinking, work and sports, music, painting and other cultural and sports life. Today's student life has indeed broken this balance. They are busy with their studies, sailing against the current, and climbing on the mountain of books. However, schools, parents, and society seem to be unsatisfied. Non Peking University, Tsinghua University, and non famous universities are the same everywhere. Students have to work hard in their studies, leaving almost no leisure and entertainment in life. However, the situation of breaking the balance of life is not what students do or enjoy doing, but the responsibility of the country, society and family. Therefore, to want to live a "balanced" life is only an illusion for today's Chinese students. Of course, "balance" can not only refer to the reality of middle school students' lives - talk about "the balance between learning and entertainment", "the balance between learning and work", "the balance between life and work", "the balance between tension and relaxation", but also rise to other levels - talk about "the balance between responsibility and rights", "the balance between emotion and reason" "Balance between freedom and law", "Balance between material and spirit", etc. "Living a balanced life" is not only an ideal of life, but also a philosophy of life and life.

(1) As the old saying goes, "One relaxation, one relaxation, one relaxation, one relaxation, one relaxation.". If the bow is always drawn full, it will lose its elasticity. If it is always hung on the wall without use, it will lose its significance as a bow. Only when tension and relaxation are moderate, can it always maintain a stable balance that can be prepared, and can it shoot the arrow of destiny into the ideal sky.

(2) Live a balanced life, neither dry nor dry, neither happy nor sad; Live a balanced life, neither warm nor angry, neither worried about the poor nor worried about the rich. Live a balanced life, not laissez faire and not rigidly adhere to the law; Live a balanced life, neither upholding rights nor giving up responsibilities; Live a balanced life, neither indulging in emotion nor sticking to reason. Of course, the most ideal way to live a balanced life is to have both material and spiritual richness.

Composition of Balanced Life (12)

The post-80s and post-90s are still the generation growing up under the care of their parents and elders, but who can understand our pressure and confusion? The elders say that we are always so ignorant, rebellious and inconsiderate, but is that our original intention? It is the pressure of life that makes us afraid to understand and grow up.

Someone may ask: Why? I want to ask you about it? What did people travel about every day in the 1970s and 1980s? What happened in the 1990s? Anyone who has lived in that era should know about these things, but the things after 00 are completely different from those who ran around at that time, which can be said to be completely incomprehensible. So we hardly dare to grow up and be sensible. An ordinary migrant worker should have the skills of law, accounting and negotiation. It is illegal to understand under what circumstances the boss owes his own salary, or to know how much the boss owes him, and to have a set of perfect methods to ask the boss for salary. This is not really a bad thing. You can also go back to the countryside to farm.

But it is more difficult for people with urban hukou. The thing to get up every day is the cost of a day. Those with skills can do some technical work and earn some money for living. Those without skills can only work in the city. But now the work unit can arrange time reasonably and evenly, which is nothing. The current urbanization, urbanization, has accelerated the imbalance. The biggest problem in entering cities and towns is where to live? So it is necessary to choose to buy a house. With such a high house price, the salary is 3000-5000 per month, and it will take 20 years to eat or drink. What's more, how much can the salary level be? In addition, it is difficult to find a job that is professional and has the same interests as the current job, but there is no way to do it. In order to live, we have to do it whether we are professional or not, and whether we like it or not. Therefore, it is difficult for non versatile talents to survive, let alone live a balanced life. So people today can't adapt to the society by learning two or three skills, All of them have to learn to adapt to any position and complete any work to survive in the steel cement forest, so "living a balanced life" is an ideal idea now. "a balanced life" can only be our future goal, and we can only expect our social security mechanism to be more and more perfect, Let each of us have a room to live in, a meal to eat, and a doctor to see if we are ill. It is hoped that the education system can also be improved so that people who want to learn can be educated. It is also hoped that the government or some public welfare organization can allocate and guide people when they are looking for jobs, so that people who are looking for jobs can play their own strengths more. Living is a big problem, but there is a difficult problem. I just hope to introduce better, fairer and more effective measures as far as possible. The medical problem is different in some regions. Although it is true that reimbursement can be made as long as medical insurance is taken, it is still practiced in many places that payment is made first, then medical treatment is taken, and then the reimbursement is made, which is an obstacle for relatively poor people.

Composition of Balanced Life (13)

Balanced life

I admire that little girl, the one you often see on TV who won the balance beam championship. A single tree is a promising avenue for her. Her competition field has no extra space, the only one is that single tree. Backward and backward somersaults, free rotations and all kinds of difficult movements are completed easily on a single tree. In my opinion, balance beam sport is an art that combines the noble mental quality, extraordinary perseverance, strong physical quality and superb skills of athletes. You see that girl is like a happy bird flying and jumping on a single tree. She has achieved absolute balance. Her unique skills have won many people's applause, brought wonderful joy and enlightenment to many people, and also gave many people a new sense of life and sublimation.

I know very well how wonderful things in life are about balance.

In order to expand the business scope, the woman is willing to go out and share with others to open a new business site. It has been more than a year since she left. I always feel a little unbalanced. It's a rare time to go home to comfort women. It's just a group of acrobatic troupes from other places who performed in our town. I invited the woman to watch acrobatics. The climax of the performance is that a little girl places a wooden chair one by one upward. Every movement of her is very strict, and she dare not act rashly, let alone make the slightest difference. Sixteen wooden chairs were carefully placed by the little girl, who also made some difficult movements on the top. She put a porcelain bowl tripod on her head, and then put a metal spoon on her toes, which was perfectly kicked into the bowl on her head. The woman cheered loudly with the crowd, but I was secretly wondering the secret of the girl playing these difficult tricks. I think that the girl must have mastered the angle of each wooden chair. Each angle has a vertical line. It is these vertical lines that enable her to maintain absolute balance and complete those difficult movements. From this point of view, balance art is the core content of those difficult stunts.

Out of the acrobatic hall, the woman and I were walking on the brightly lit street. Not far away, a crowd of onlookers blocked the street, and vehicles were standing in long queues. I want to go with the crowd to see the excitement. The woman said that I am just like a child, and I love to rush to the hot spot. Even so, the woman went with me to watch the excitement. What kind of excitement? It turned out that a middle school student had been studying at night and ran into a walking sister-in-law. The Pingguo that my sister-in-law just bought was scattered all over the place, so she held on to the middle school student, only to see that my sister-in-law slapped the middle school student loudly for several seasons. "Beat me! Kill this brat!" This is the roar of a bystander. Maybe it's the sister-in-law's relatives. Just then a middle-aged woman crowded into the crowd and said to the man who was not afraid of the stage and shouted "fight", "Hey! Who is responsible for killing people as you want?" The middle-aged woman's boldness and righteousness made the man speechless. The middle-aged women didn't bother with the man more. They told the middle school students not to be so rash. According to the middle school student, his family was quite difficult. He stayed at his aunt's house because he could not afford to pay the campus accommodation fee. Her aunt was very tired at work, and was afraid that her rest would be affected if she returned late. When the middle-aged woman learned the truth, she persuaded her sister-in-law: "sister-in-law, generally speaking, he is a child, and he didn't mean to. You asked for compensation for Pingguo, and I will contact his parents immediately and give you compensation. Let the child go back to rest early and have a good class tomorrow. I don't think you have any injuries, so I want to be open."

A few words of the middle-aged woman played a role. The sister-in-law stopped making trouble and the group began to evacuate. On the way back, I discussed a topic with the woman. In advance, the woman and I judged whether the middle-aged woman was a cadre or not? We did not specifically analyze the problem of civilians and cadres. In any case, middle-aged women found a straight line to solve the problem in the contradiction, which can calm some minor disturbances. In fact, middle-aged women comfort their sister-in-law is also an art of balance. The art of balance brings many conveniences to people's lives and helps people find many laws of life.

Scientists put themselves in an absolute balance position, which is the first step he has taken. There is a price to be paid for doing things in a balanced way. Of course, without a little dedication, it is impossible to achieve absolute balance. As far as the author knows, many bosses of large enterprises have deeply studied the art of balance to make them achieve great success.

Learn to balance

There are many times in life that unconsciously indulge in something or a feeling. The enthusiasm and concentration are the driving force to take positive actions in life. It's a great feeling to be lost, to be absorbed, to be intoxicated, to pay attention to passion, worry, fantasy, fantasy, demand, desire in the floating destiny, which has both potential and reality. However, some problems are so subtle that even if you are lost, you have to force yourself. Sometimes you can't force yourself, so the confrontation hidden in your heart looms.

Sometimes I wonder why adults always give a knowing smile to children who play crazy. They just look at them lovingly and say, "Don't be too crazy.". That is because the child is pure in nature, soft without edges and corners, not smooth without sophistication, and pure and comfortable in nature. He only knows happiness when happy, sadness when sad, unrestrained, not to hide or deliberately, natural in nature, natural in nature, and adults also feel very natural when they see it. Adults also want to be like this, but as people grow up, they become less pure after many generations. They should be gentle and laissez faire, but they are afraid of being said to be crazy like children? You are an adult. So adults restrained themselves, and had to miss their childlike innocence in the scene of loving their children, and sighed: How did they grow up all at once? When I was young, I expected to grow up and mature, and when I grew up, I longed to return to the innocence of children.

I really want to grow up forever, but I have to grow up. One has to face the fact that he has grown up and gradually matures in the agony of missing his childhood. The world is a book, the knowledge you know is only one page, and experience is the rich content of the book. The pallor of my life experience made me lack of confidence. When I realized that I was born with this disorder, I had to come to make up for it more frequently the next day. My thoughts, words and deeds after being sensible are basically laissez faire, capricious with feelings, often volatile nature is natural and comfortable without being aware of. But they often unconsciously restrain themselves and discipline themselves, which is unconscious restraint and potential self-discipline that they do not know. Although it is contradictory, it is also natural, because it is not deliberate. Restraint is hard. Deliberate restraint is almost painful. So when I feel that I am deliberately restraining a certain emotion or something and enduring a certain obsession, this complex mood, hard thinking, and twists and turns of change make me unable to resist the pain in my heart and tears flow down my face. Why bother? Why go deliberately? Fear of complexity always makes me think of complexity. The simple makes me think of complexity. The complex makes me think of simplicity. It goes round and round, and starts again and again. Like a fixed hourglass, turning one end is still overflowing, never leaking and always leaking. So in the end, it's all right, it's all right. Deliberate restraint is harmful and useless. Deliberately, it's tortuous. Everything is not going well. It's too complicated and troublesome. It's better to be self willed. In front of heaven and earth, we will never grow up. What should we control? If you can write poems and words, the real word is bone. Let the tree of life blossom when it blooms, bear fruit when it bears fruit, and leave leaves when it leaves. It is free, joyfully affirming, happy and obedient, not sad because of the flow of years, not decadent because of the vicissitudes of love, because the beauty of life lies only in its vitality and its value. I think God will touch his long white beard and look at it with a smile: it's OK, it's OK, don't care about children, it's OK.

But I will learn balance. It is said that when the yogis stand on their handstands, their bodies feel floating in the air. They can't control their body's swaying and swaying, nor can they restrain their blood from rushing around. So the teacher said to the students, "It is right to float, but handstands are not immobile, but just to maintain a balance, which is always in adjustment." People's desires are endless, and people's thoughts are uninhibited. "A person who is not stubborn but willing to make life harmonious should be willing to adjust himself at any time." When he finds that his thinking is disordered, when he finds that the environment has changed, When you find that you have a sense of floating, you have to find a balance point and adjust yourself. All excess requires moderate self-control. This self-control is not deliberate. It is a natural product of self-examination, self-respect and self love. It is an involuntary adjustment. It is a balance wheel that guides the correct direction of your action. It can help your action without destroying your action. Let you more actively resist the busyness all day long with sharp thinking, and let the earnest behavior replace the inner feelings and experience.

If you want to be a very comfortable and balanced person, let your enthusiasm and self-control keep a balance. Learn to balance, learn to adjust, and also learn to find their own fixed point, mind and body. "Cloud and water follow the fate, clear and bright in the heart, don't borrow green mountains from the world of mortals", even if floating in the world of mortals, there is also balance and stability.

Balanced life

I often feel that the most skillful thing in the world is to keep balance.

Balance is the normal state of life. The house stands steadily in the open space, and the thick beams, columns and solid foundation are all designed to keep it in balance. Most of the furniture in the room needs to be balanced, with more than one foot on the ground, so as to be stable. Even when walking with both feet, the left and right legs need to rotate. Only by keeping the same strength of both legs can we keep the balance of the body.

Generally speaking, balance is reasonable.

I don't want to live a big life in a big storm, no matter how exciting and exciting that day is. But the time is quiet and the world is stable. And the small happiness, usually just need you and me to know the way of balance.

Living within your means is a material balance, and relaxation is a spiritual balance. Only by mastering balance can we live a stable life. Including love. In fact, love is the thing that needs balance most.

To love someone is sometimes like performing acrobatics. I was in the middle of the air, my body shook slightly, but I was still calm on the surface. In fact, I was already very nervous in my heart. I knew that if I made a mistake, I would fall down heavily, and no one could catch me. To dance on the rope, you have to balance yourself.

Balance requires skill. The first experience of love is often very emotional, or even reckless. Without knowing the situation, he resolutely threw himself into a love affair, just like a moth throwing itself into the flames. He poured out his love without turning back. Then, there is little left for my love.

When you and I have mastered the skills, we will not hold our heart in our hands and fall into pieces carelessly. Because only when you know how to balance, you won't be so naive and kind, and you won't be so easily injured. Balance giving and receiving, giving and returning. Balance expectations with reality. Balance the love for yourself and the effort for you. Balance love for you and love for others. While loving you wholeheartedly, you should also maintain enthusiasm for the world around you, instead of foolishly "putting all your eggs in one basket".

It is not enough love, but to learn to maintain their own balance. Balance feelings and desires, love and hate.

If you care too much about others, you will disregard yourself too much. Like a bet, it would be too risky to put all your emotions on one person. It is better to consider all gamblers who have lost their minds, or because they are too lonely and empty. Only when we understand the principle of balance can we taste the joy of love. Those who love themselves know what love is, and only by learning how to love themselves can they know how to love others.

Believe that you still love, but you need to be affirmed. But the most important thing is to keep your own balance when you walk towards you gingerly on the rope suspended 100 meters high.

Love is not without return. While giving love to others, you must also let yourself be satisfied. Giving it blindly like a big enemy will only make you exhausted and emotionally exhausted too early. Only by keeping your heart in balance can you ensure the lasting love. They can't be easily dissatisfied and vent their anger on others.

Love is equal. If expectations are too high, there will be disappointment and resentment. If the other party can't understand, and they can't exchange the same love response, it must be that deep disappointment is enough to make people depressed, even depressed.

It's not that I don't love enough, but that I'm afraid of losing my focus.

Not unwilling to pay for you nor afraid to love, but afraid that they will lose their balance in the end.

Composition of Balanced Life (14)

It is said that the cat always stands on the ground when it jumps from the sky. The secret is that his hairy tail makes the cat balance in the air.

When gymnasts perform on the balance beam, I always feel uneasy for fear that they will lose their physiological balance.

Cat's balance is a gift from nature. Human's physiological balance can be trained. What about life balance?

I was surprised that Sima Qian in the Han Dynasty incurred a cruel criminal law - castration in order to say a few words of justice to that irrelevant unlucky person Li Ling. (He didn't want to be a eunuch, nor did he commit a sexual relationship) I think he was physically and psychologically distressed. I don't even have the idea of revenge. Because it was a brilliant emperor who changed his fate, he even had to humiliate Lord Long En. The balance of life has been seriously tilted. What made him hold up the giant pen again, and wrote the masterpiece of "The Last Song of Historians, the LiSao without rhyme". For thousands of years, many heroes did not yield to power and money, but succumbed to "immortality; fear". How Sima Qian found the balance of life is a spirit, a spirit that transcends itself, and the human body can be defeated; and the human spirit is invincible; It shows people, the most beautiful life in nature, shining brightly, and shows people's sublimity and greatness.

As a group of people, I am proud of the Long March that began in 1934. A group of intellectual elites led a group of ragged farmers who traveled 25000 miles across 11 provinces, conquered countless natural dangers, got rid of countless encirclement armies, overcome many hardships, created many human miracles, and moved from the Long March to the whole country, From poverty to a well-off society, what has found the historical balance is the spirit. It is the wisdom and blood of countless martyrs who have found the way to revitalize China in the swing between left and right.

Unfortunately, on the way to realize the Chinese Dream, money addiction has caused many people to lose their balance, become obsessed with profit, lose their conscience and justice, indulge in debauchery, wander outside, pursue enjoyment, and lose their will in waste.

Through the faint fragrance of books and the clouds of history, the old people of time are firmly reminding us that we need to find a spirit if we want to find a balance, whether a nation or an individual, to stand upright and straighten our spine.

Composition of Balanced Life (15)

It is said that the mechanism of colds can be described as follows: the internal and external sympathetic channels of the human body are blocked, the skin is not breathing well, the negative energy generated by the body's activities cannot be eliminated, and the positive energy is insufficient, resulting in uncomfortable symptoms. In a word, the balance inside and outside the body is broken, causing chaos in the whole system. The comprehensive expression of chaos is the so-called fever!

The ancients emphasized "cultivating one's morality, regulating one's family, governing the country, and stabilizing the world". Isn't the system design of leveling and smoothing based on the understanding of balance? Pursuing the balance of the body system is the performance of following the way of heaven. "The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency while doing more damage". People are born and live by the balance law of nature. Therefore, we should respect it, maintain it, temper ourselves in the sequence of body, family, country and the world, and achieve ourselves. The pursuit of a balanced life is the beginning of achieving oneself and others.

However, "the way of human beings is to make up for the deficiencies while doing more damage", which is very puzzling. In fact, we instinctively know that we should eat a balanced diet, work and rest, and feel sad and happy moderately. This is like our instinctive pursuit of simultaneous exercise and growth of left and right hands and feet, simultaneous development of left and right brains, simultaneous application of left and right eyes, and simultaneous use of left and right ears. But why does our sensibility and rationality, our exaltation and demotion, our promotion and abandonment, our comfort and rebellion often seem so frivolous? People should "strengthen their stomach and weaken their heart", but generally they have cluttered ventricles and withered cords in the abdomen. Or the head is as big as a grapefruit, and the body is as small as bean sprouts; Or the belly is as dignified as a pillar, and the head is as short as a nail head. We have heard of the "Internet Addiction Abandonment Class", and we have seen reports of gifted students who are unable to take care of themselves. These phenomena reflect part of the truth. In short, life balance is easier said than done.

However, if we use balance as a method, it will be easier to practice.

First of all, we should establish a holistic concept. This is actually the gene of our traditional culture, which we can experience with the help of general cognitive tools. Traditional Chinese medicine treats colds and colds, nurtures the heart and sweats, dredges the meridians, and restores balance at the level of the big system. The simple infusion, the so-called anti-inflammatory, because only the "temperature" mark on the body surface is seen, it is exactly the opposite. It is said that the treatment of hypertension also has the difference between Chinese and Western concepts, but the process performance and results are quite different. Even if we do not understand the more detailed and profound truth, we can also realize the existence of the "whole" and the essence of balance.

Secondly, we should practice the principle and method of "neutralization for use". Laozi's metaphor of "Tuo Yue" teaches people that the truth lies in "being or not", and that inaction and action should be viewed dialectically. He also has the analogy of "stretching the bow", "the higher one suppresses it, the lower one lifts it more than enough to damage it, and the insufficient one fills it". In fact, they are inseparable from the principle of "adhering to one" and "abiding by the middle". Life is not about not being persistent, just not being partial. A good way is to start from the whole, the overall situation, and balance the changes at one end with the sound development of the whole. As long as the "pulse", "one", "choice" and "go" are correctly marked, it is not difficult at all. Everything will appear natural in fact, and people's life movement will return to nature as a spiritual choice for every present.

Therefore, the fundamental way to achieve life balance is to cultivate one's morality. "To cultivate one's morality is true". The method of self-cultivation is "to show virtue, to be friendly to the people, and to stop at perfection".

Composition of Balanced Life (16)

Life is like a long drive. Life is a wheel. The round wheel runs fast and steady. The chipped wheel can't keep balance! Life is composed of work, family, health, friends, and spirit. Each piece has its own unique territory. It cannot invade each other, nor can it be vacant at will. Only when each piece sticks to its own territory can it form a solid and harmonious wheel.

In life, people often make the wheel of life seriously deformed for various reasons. It is not uncommon to pay too much attention to work, resulting in family fragmentation; It is not uncommon to show mediocrity in work under the pretext of caring for family and children; The result of excessive pursuit of material enjoyment and lack of spiritual comfort is endless... Life was originally a harmonious and harmonious whole, but it was broken up by people for various reasons.

In a competitive environment, can you treat your career and family equally? In a materialistic society, can you find a balance between material enjoyment and spiritual needs? Under the heavy pressure of life, can you work crazily and take care of your health at the same time These are the problems that people often encounter in life. The key is what kind of methods you use to solve them.

Like Ryan? As Dyson said, life is a game of throw and catch. Work, family, health, friends and spirit are the five balls that have been thrown up. The rule of the game is to try to keep these balls on the ground. But soon you will realize that work is a rubber ball, and family, health, friends and spirit are all glass balls. The rubber ball can bounce back without damage after landing, while the glass ball will be smashed once landing, and it is impossible to recover. Therefore, if we want to win in this game, we need to use our wisdom to find the balance of life.

Balance is not mediocre. Balance means that we should not be partial to one party, let alone ignore it. We should bring all parts into the vision of life equally. Balanced life is not so easy to obtain. It needs to follow the principle of moderation and make continuous efforts. It needs people to use wisdom to choose and give up, which constitutes the true meaning of life. Today's life has been determined by yesterday's choice, and today's choice will determine tomorrow's life! Friends, take action! Use wisdom to choose a balanced life, choose a better life!

Life needs balance, and how can we continue to move forward if we are not stable in an unbalanced life!

Life needs balance, and balanced life can move forward quickly and steadily!

Life needs balance. Those who can't live in balance are those who don't understand life!

Composition of Balanced Life (17)

The architect built this steep staircase by taking advantage of the characteristics of the zigzag transition. It connects the teaching area above and the canteen and dormitory below. It is the hub of people's life. The zigzag design ensures people's balanced needs.

In the morning, there are sporadic climbers. He was neither quick nor slow. At one moment, the scene of the teaching building floated in front of him. In the morning light, gold wire was put on the stainless steel handrail. At several places on the stairs, three or five groups of students rose. When the gold thread on the railing was dazzling, a sudden wave came up. It was the students of the brigade who had eaten breakfast and rushed to read early. The ascending people were infected by the morning light and climbed in silence, only the sound of footsteps was thick.

Similar situations occur three times a day: catching up with morning classes, afternoon classes, and evening classes. At the scorching noon, the speed of the surging tide was much faster, as if the "zigzag" shaped ladder was softened and straightened by the sun, and everyone was flat. In the rainy evening, the tide is decorated by colorful umbrella leaves. The umbrella leaves rise and fall, and the tide is slow. Some umbrella leaves are spinning, and some umbrella leaves are lifted by the wind. Whether rain or shine, morning or dusk, it is inevitable that someone will fall due to entanglement or negligence.

All the people who come and go on this "Zhi" shaped hub are restricted by the space-time environment and respond immediately. The key for people to move forward according to the trend is to achieve individual balance with prudent actions. But the operation of life also depends on the overall application of another balancing technique.

This kind of balance technique is completed in the form of contrapuntal hedging, similar to Bach's music rules.

The two ends of the zigzag junction are like the tray of a balance. Because when the crowd goes up, it goes down, and the tray goes up and down like two saddles on a seesaw. The long interval between lifts often gives people the impression of tilting. But on special days, this winding hub will play smooth pictures to people with high quality. The opposition between the upper and lower forces will be scattered, merged and entangled. The noise inside and outside will be quiet and empty, just like the holographic image of life.

Today and tomorrow, students from the college entrance examination hall will gather at the "Zhi" shaped hub, just like thousands of rivers and thousands of waters converge at the Three Gorges. Colorful people like particle flow bombard the canteen window at high speed, with only one goal: to fill the stomach. The stomach pouch is as small as a fist, but it is the key weight to reverse the balance of life. The "Zhi" shaped hub appears to be overloaded, causing visual illusion: the acute angle of the "Zhi" character is rounded by high-speed particle flow. For example, flying makes bird feathers iron, so that the buoyancy of the air on the heavy body and the gravity of the earth can reach a temporary balance.

The crowd poured in, but the students who had enough food to eat climbed against the trend. One is blocked and submerged; Two, see the formation; Three, turn the screw; Four, gather to form a sharp edge?? The high-speed particle flow gathers along one side of the ladder, the color saturation is increasing, and the sound reverberation is increasing. Finally, the life hub appears to be facing back, the human face and the back of the brain present positive and negative, the breath flow has a positive and negative, and the visual performance is divided into light and dark. Strength is weakening and weakness is increasing. The width becomes narrower, and the narrow width becomes wider. A precise bisector appears gradually! The situation continues to develop. More and more people are hungry, hungry, and hungry. About an hour later, the hub returned to silence, and the two endpoints were installed separately.

The original meaning of our life is "Zhi" movement. In the movement, people who are constrained by the law of survival naturally strive to achieve the balance of individuals and the whole. To achieve balance is to grow and surpass.