Tortoise and Rabbit Race (16 in total)
Don't worry too much
2023-11-15 04:24:39

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (1)

After the rabbit family lost two races, they gave birth to a rabbit. The father of the rabbit wanted to "wash away" the shame of the rabbit family, so he named the born rabbit "Snow Shame".

"Snow Shame" really lived up to his father's hope. Every morning, he ran five laps and won the first place in many competitions! The rabbit family called him "the king of speed".

Snow shame has a feature that his front legs are short and his back legs are long. But the winner of the tortoise and rabbit race, tortoise Huanhuan, became more and more proud. Said: "I run faster than rabbits, I run faster than rabbits!"

One day, he said arrogantly, "Your rabbit family is the fastest runner. I heard that it is" Snow Shame ". Come and compare with me tomorrow to see how" Snow Shame "was defeated by me!" "Snow Shame" said, "I will defeat him!"

The next day, the competition was about to start. There were many rabbits coming to the competition field. They all came to cheer for the "shame". The tortoise said coldly, "Your refueling is useless. I will defeat you!"!

At the command, "Xue Shame" rushed to the end like the wind. Of course, the final winner was the rabbit "Xue Shame". The referee elephant gave "Xue Shame" a precious gold medal. The tortoise "Huanhuan" had to flee in frustration. In the future, the tortoise "Huanhuan" feels too ashamed and hides in the shell every day. Its descendants like to hide in the shell. People call them "shrinking head tortoises".

However, the rabbit has a "shameful" feature, with short front legs and long back legs. Running is also very fast. People now call them "the king of speed" in the animal world!

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (2)

One morning, the tortoise said that he would race with the rabbit. The rabbit said, "You are asking for trouble." The tortoise raced with the rabbit without saying anything.

The referee said, "Take your places and get ready to start." The rabbit ran up quickly and ran to a big stone; The rabbit woke up. It sang while walking, and soon came to the end. At the end of the line, the rabbit sighed and said, "Brother tortoise, I really lost to you. Now I will lose the face of the rabbit all over the world.

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (3)

By reading Aesop's fable of the tortoise and rabbit race, I understand that we should not be proud or careless in doing things, and we should continue to work hard even if we fall behind, just as we can achieve good results only if we are not afraid of hardship and fatigue in learning.

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (4)

One day, the little turtle had just finished lunch when he saw the big white goose coming to tell him.

After reading the invitation letter written by Little Rabbit, Little Turtle was very worried. He thought and thought. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he had it!

The race began. The elephant referee just gave the command to start. The rabbit flew out like an arrow, but she seemed to see a shadow faster than herself.

At last, Little Turtle won the race. The audience praised him as great!

Little rabbit asked, "Little tortoise, why are you running so fast?"

The little tortoise stood up and pointed to his belly. It turned out that the little tortoise was wearing a propeller he had invented.

The little white rabbit bowed his head.

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (5)

Since the hare lost to the tortoise last time, the hare felt it was a great shame and made a vow at that time, saying, "We must win the tortoise at the animal meeting in one year's time"

From then on, the rabbit got up early to exercise every day and would not go home until he was tired. Not to mention how many pairs of shoes the rabbit has worn out. Now the rabbit thinks about how to win the tortoise every day. Winning the tortoise is now the biggest goal of rabbit's life. Rabbit Conglai has never tried so hard for one thing. One day, the rabbit was exercising in the morning, and saw the tortoise relaxing in the sun. The rabbit ran to the tortoise and asked him, "Why don't you go to exercise? If you go on like this, you will lose." The tortoise said, "Hey hey, that's not true. Brother rabbit, you've heard that only technology is the first. You can have the hope of winning me if I teach you two moves.". The rabbit said, "What technology is not technology? I only know that you can win only by practicing yourself." "You'd better go back to repair your brain. It's the age." The rabbit said, "Bah, you'd better go back to your technology."

The annual animal meeting was held as scheduled. The rabbit wore a new sportswear and a pair of light and fast white shoes, ready to compete with the tortoise. At this time, the tortoise also came. He got two pairs of shoes with wheels from nowhere, and there were two pipes behind. This is just listening to the whistle of the referee. The rabbit runs to the end like an arrow. The tortoise is still working on his shoes. As soon as it pressed the red button, the tortoise was like a rocket, running to the end, no, not running but flying. The rabbit had seen the end and was still running, only to feel a gust of wind passing the net from the ear, and the rabbit did not care. After a while, the rabbit saw the end and the tortoise was sitting under the tree. The rabbit ran to him and said, "Am I really no better than a little turtle in my life? But I don't pay less than others!" The tortoise said, "You don't know science. As long as you study technology in the future, you will surpass everyone."

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (6)

There was a proud rabbit in the forest who often laughed at the tortoise and disliked its slow walking.

One day, the tortoise finally got angry: "Don't be complacent, rabbit. One day I will win you." The rabbit laughed and said, "Let's compete now to see who runs fast."

They asked the monkey to be the referee, and only heard a "start". The rabbit shot out like an arrow. What about the tortoise? They crawled forward step by step, and after a while, they opened a great distance. The rabbit felt that the race was too easy, so it went to sleep under the tree. He was arrogant and thought that the tortoise's four short legs might not catch up with me when I woke up.

The tortoise kept crawling and crawling. When it reached the rabbit, it was already tired and panting. It wanted to have a rest like the rabbit, but it certainly could not win the race. So the tortoise continued crawling and crawling. Finally, the tortoise reached the end.

The monkey whistled and said, "The tortoise wins!". By this time, the rabbit had also woken up, but it was too late, so he could only regret bouncing on the ground

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (7)

One day, a running race was held in the forest, and the little white rabbit came to the field. When he saw that his opponent was a tortoise, he said, "I have never seen a small animal that has won our family!" The little tortoise swore to himself that he would stick to the end no matter how slow he was.

The game began. Monkey came to be the referee. "One, two, three, run." The little white rabbit flew out like an arrow. As for the little turtle, it was still crawling slowly. The little white rabbit ran half the way at once. He looked behind him. The tortoise didn't know how far he had been dumped. He thought: Anyway, I'm faster than the little turtle. Otherwise, I'll sleep here for a while.

So the rabbit fell asleep, and the little tortoise continued to climb. The little tortoise climbed and climbed. Seeing the little white rabbit was still sleeping, he continued to climb without saying a word.

When the rabbit wakes up, the turtle has been quietly waiting for the arrival of the rabbit at the end. In this way, the little tortoise won the first place, and the little tortoise won!

Little White Rabbit is very regretful, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (8)

The last time the tortoise won the rabbit race, the tortoise was unconvinced. So they decided to compete once.

The rabbit thought that the weather was so hot, and of course he had a short rest. He thought that I would just take a path and run to it? But when I ran, I met the river. A rabbit is a rabbit that can't touch the water. For example, as long as the tortoise comes to the river, I just step on her back, and I can pass the test smoothly. The tortoise that the rabbit took out his mobile phone said, Brother tortoise, I just saw a tortoise on the news and stole a pair of skates. Is it you? The tortoise said. Hehe, Brother Rabbit. How do you know how to see the news?

But the tortoise still helped the rabbit rabbit wanted him to help me, I

Excuse me? The rabbit hugged the tortoise and rushed to the finish line with him. This time they both won

This story tells us that good is rewarded and evil is rewarded.

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (9)

Alas, since the race and running cup was won by the little turtle, the little white rabbit really regretted it! That day when he came home, he fell on the table and cried. "White!" Rabbit's mother came in from the outside, wiped her tears with her handkerchief, and said earnestly: "Pride and contempt for enemies are the root causes of your failure. Remember this lesson, son!"

On a sunny morning, Little White Rabbit, wearing a snow-white sports suit and a pair of white running shoes, trotted down the hill in front of Little Turtle's house.

"Brother tortoise, brother tortoise!" Little white rabbit knocked at the door eagerly. "Little white rabbit, what's up?" asked the little turtle, who was doing push ups in the yard, wiping his sweat. The little white rabbit said to the little tortoise in a challenging tone: "Brother tortoise, you won the first place in the last race. This time, let's compete again. I must win you. Do you dare to take up the challenge?" The little tortoise said without showing weakness, "OK, let's go!"

They held hands and came to the starting point of the last race. The enthusiastic magpie aunt made a referee and a whistle with willow leaves. The game is about to start. The little white rabbit looked down at the eight characters her mother had embroidered on the sportswear on her chest: "Remember the lesson, guard against arrogance and rashness". He tilted his head and looked at the little turtle that was ready by his side, and walked to the starting line with confidence. "Du --" With a willow leaf whistle, the rabbit flew out like an arrow. The little tortoise did not show weakness and ran out quickly.

"Little white rabbit, run!" "Little tortoise, come on!" Sister Hedgehog and Uncle Elephant came to cheer for both of them.

The little white rabbit smelled the fragrance of wild flowers on the roadside, and the little saplings that swept back quickly could not help but feel a little elated. She thought to herself: Why don't I sleep for a while and run? Anyway, I'm not far from the end. But as soon as he saw the shining characters on his chest, he suddenly dismissed his idea: last time, I lost the game because I underestimated the enemy. I have to remember the lesson! So she ran faster, but it was almost useless because the little tortoise ran almost as fast as the little white rabbit. When the little white rabbit thought, he had already surpassed the little white rabbit a lot.

With the last glimmer of hope, the rabbit rushed to the finish line, overtook the turtle at the last moment, crossed the finish line and won the championship. Everyone could not help congratulating her. The little turtle, who was almost as fast as the little white rabbit, was also praised by his friends.

The little white rabbit held the trophy and looked at the scarlet letter on his chest and smiled sweetly.

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (10)

A long time ago, rabbits were the fastest animals, while turtles were the slowest animals. The tortoise was very unconvinced, so he asked the rabbit to play the game the next morning.

At last, the rabbit and the tortoise ran when they heard a "start". Soon, the rabbit left the tortoise behind. The rabbit thought, "The tortoise runs so slowly. I think it will never run faster than me. Let's sleep first!"! As soon as the rabbit jumped, it just jumped onto the grass and fell asleep. The tortoise was still running. It ran for a long time and finally reached the end. The rabbit woke up, saw the tortoise at the end of the line, and walked angrily.

This story tells us that nothing is difficult if you are willing to climb.

First grade: Meng Tiantian

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (11)

A new sports meeting was held in the forest. The hare and the tortoise took part in the race again. The last time, the hare lost to the tortoise because of his pride. This time, he was determined to win. The tortoise said that he would also make persistent efforts to perform better.

At the beginning of the race, the rabbit ran quickly, and the turtle tried to climb. The rabbit soon threw the turtle far away. Soon, it came to a small river. The rabbit could not swim, and was very worried by the river. After a while, it saw the turtle slowly climb over. The turtle said, "You sit on my back shell, and I will take you there." The rabbit said, "Thank you.". ”After a while, I came to the shore. The little tortoise asked the little rabbit to run quickly. The little rabbit said, "Let's get to the finish line together." They both reached the finish line at the same time. The little bear referee said, "This road is deliberately arranged by us. We want you to be the first in friendship and the second in competition. You are doing well, so you are the first."

Both of them look at me and I look at you, laughing happily!

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (12)

On the grass beside the forest, the long-distance race between the tortoise and the rabbit has just begun. The tortoise and the rabbit stand well on the starting line. The rabbit thinks who doesn't know that my little white rabbit runs fast, and you little tortoise crawls slowly when it stops. How can you beat me? The tortoise was silent and ready to start.

As soon as the starting gun rang, the rabbit rushed forward and left the tortoise far behind. The little white rabbit looked back and saw no sign of the tortoise. She thought that even if I slept and ran faster than the tortoise, he lay down and fell asleep and could not hear the birds. The tortoise was tired and sweated heavily, but he did not relax. He climbed and climbed until he reached the end and won the victory.

The little white rabbit woke up at the end and saw that the tortoise had been waiting for him there for a long time. He bowed his head in shame. The tortoise said to him, little white rabbit, you ran faster than me, but you were arrogant and complacent, so you didn't do well in the exam this time. As long as you sum up your experience and lessons, you can compete with me next time. We will win. Little white rabbit and little tortoise are right. I will learn from him modestly and never be conceited again.

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (13)

Today is the annual track and field competition again. The rabbit said, "Today I will compete with the tortoise. This time I will be ashamed of myself!"

The rabbit and the tortoise were in the first group. The referee said: "3, 2, 1!" Just listening to the gunshot, the rabbit quickly pulled away from the tortoise. The rabbit stopped in front of a river, and soon the tortoise ran up and said: "Rabbit, let me take you across the river!" The rabbit said: "Thank you, little tortoise!" After a while, They ran to a cliff and the rabbit said, "Little tortoise, let me take you over the cliff!" The little tortoise thanked him quickly. After twists and turns, they stopped 100 meters away.

The two of them said, "Let's go to the end together!" They walked to the end together, only to hear the referee whistling and announcing: "The tortoise and the rabbit have arrived at the end together."

Little Nutbrown Hare said, "Friendship comes first, competition comes second, and two people should help each other." The two of them are united in their hearts. As long as two people help each other, they will certainly be able to fight all the way.

We must all live in peace and help each other. Since then, the tortoise and the rabbit have become perfect partners.

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (14)

If you insist that rabbits have any advantages, it is running. However, there are many runners in the animal kingdom. Compared with many other animals, rabbits are nothing more than nothing. However, people in the animal kingdom know better that the rabbit is a distant relative of the king. How could it be that the royal relatives should have their own skills. After discussion, we decided to let the rabbit show his skill on the track and field. The people who organized the game also knew how heavy he was, so they took full care of him when formulating the rules of the game. The race masters have signed up for the race. The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for rabbits. It seems that they will become the real race of the animal kingdom. The organizing committee thought it was a bad thing. It had a brainwave and wanted to make it bigger. It sent an invitation to invite turtles, crabs and the like to participate. According to the situation of the animals participating in the competition, the organizing committee decided to implement the group elimination competition. Antelopes, cheetahs, sika deer, ostriches, snails, etc. form a group, while rabbits, turtles, ants, crabs, etc. form a group. The organizing committee means that according to the actual situation of rabbits, they can win the first place in the group, and then let the first place of the two groups decide the first place and the second place. It should be no problem for rabbits to win the second place. In order to show the rabbit's running skills, the race field was specially set up on a mountain, starting at the foot of the mountain and ending at the mountain. As you know, rabbits have short forelegs and long hind legs, and they are the most powerful climbers.

After two groups of competitions, one group of cheetahs won the first place, and the other group of champion was the tortoise!

Why do you think this is so? Some people said that the rabbit was arrogant and complacent, and he lost Jingzhou carelessly. In fact, you can understand it when you look at the rabbit's eyes. The rabbit was a dissolute son. He hunted flowers and willows all day long, played cards and dice, and his eyes became red after a long time. The rabbit's mouth missed a bit and became three petals. It is said that it is a memorial left by a prostitute fighting with a gang of gangsters. The night before the game, the rabbit played mahjong for another night. In the morning, when he wanted to sleep, he met a crow and told him to go to the race. The rabbit had to rush to the race site. With the sound of a gun, the rabbit rushed forward like an arrow. In the middle, I left my opponent behind. Unexpectedly, the drowsiness surged up, and my mind was so drowsy that I had to fall into the grass beside me to sleep. When I woke up, it was sunset and the rivals had arrived at the end early. The tortoise came first and the crab came second.

He said that the rabbit was dejected and came down from the mountain, which made the chairman of the organizing committee so old and arrogant that his forehead smoked. If qi returns to qi, we must find a remedy. First, block the scene to prevent information from leaking, and then plan the second game. However, there is no airtight wall, especially since the organizing committee informed all major media to interview in order to cause a sensation before the game, and some news has been spread. The old scalper immediately held a press conference and explained that the failure of Rabbit was not due to "arrogance" and "playing mahjong to stay up late", as some people in the newspaper said, but because he stayed up all night to solve problems for some residents in his community (Rabbit was the director of the neighborhood committee). And because the rabbit's dedication to the public has affected his competition results, the organizing committee decided to cancel the team's competition results and start the competition again.

When the news was published in the newspaper, the tortoise was so angry that he was bedridden. At the beginning, I didn't want to participate in the competition, nor did I want to win any prize. The old scalpers from the organizing committee forced me to do it. Now I have won the prize, but I am still confused. What was more irritating was that the organizing committee unexpectedly sent a mandatory notice to him to play again. Knowing that the tortoise is ill, but still wants him to participate in the competition, this is not only playing with him as a monkey, it is simply deceiving people too much! But the rabbit is an imperial relative, so she had to prepare a generous gift to the old scalper to plead with him, hoping that her son would not participate in the competition. Old Huang Niu had a brainwave and came up with a plan. He said, "The competition has been decided and can't be changed. However, if your son is ill, he can not participate in the competition. Other turtles can participate in the competition. Let's just do it. How many turtles can participate in the competition, and only one rabbit will be sent out. If you win this way, you should be convinced.", I also know that this time, I can't escape from illness. I think the old scalper is really cunning. One tortoise and a hundred tortoises run the same way? The rabbit obviously suffered, but it didn't. This is clearly to bully the tortoise to achieve their own goals.

When the bad news came, the tortoises were depressed. Then one of the smartest tortoises said, "I have a way to make the old scalper's plan fail and make the rabbit lose in a mess. We have arranged hundreds of tortoises at the starting point, along the way and at the end. Anyway, tortoises are all the same, and they can't recognize them. No matter how fast the rabbit is, it is not our opponent." The tortoises were overjoyed.

A new round of competition has begun. This time the rabbit got ready, gave up sex and gambling for the time being, slept well all night, and ran. He clearly left the tortoise behind, but he always saw it running in front. As a result, the tortoise won again. The organizing committee was shameless and had to issue the first prize certificate to the tortoise. But the news can only be known internally, and the press is prohibited from releasing it.

Later, the tortoise and the hare held some competitions, but the hare still didn't get anything cheap. Because the rabbit did not win the first prize, the final was meaningless, and the organizing committee would not arrange the final of the tortoise and cheetah. This spectacular event in the animal kingdom seems to have ended with a tiger's head and a snake's tail.

The organizing committee's plan was a flop, which not only damaged the reputation of Rabbit, but also demoted the chairman of the old scalper. Old Huang Niu thought about it behind closed doors and finally came up with a unique move.

There is no one who disputes the weight of the pen. The old scalper found this gentleman and bribed him to make up a story to the effect that the tortoise and the rabbit had another race. This time the tortoise thought he was sure of winning, so he swaggered with his big pipe and ignored the rabbit, thinking that the rabbit would still sleep. The rabbit ran to the destination after a few times. At that time, the rabbit only took a few steps.

The next day, the news that the rabbit won the championship was published on the front page of all major newspapers across the country, accompanied by an educational cartoon. Suddenly, the rabbit's reputation soared. In order to cooperate with the follow-up interviews of journalists from all walks of life, the rabbit went to the fake dens to buy a gold medal and a certificate of honor; The gold medal is hung around the neck and the certificate of honor is held in the hand. Judging from the pictures in the newspaper, it's really imposing.

The organizing committee is busy again because the finals are on fire again. One group of cheetahs was the first, and the other group of turtles and rabbits were the first. Of course, turtles could not compete with rabbits. And everyone knows that the rabbit wins the tortoise, so the organizing committee decided to let the rabbit and the cheetah compete in the final. Knowing the powerful power of news and public opinion, the rabbit demonstrated and shouted slogans in the newspaper all day long, making the cheetah, who had a lot of confidence, dizzy and indiscriminate. There is gossip that the finals will be a marathon, and cheetahs have much less confidence. Although cheetahs are the king of sprints, we don't know whether they can run a marathon or not. The strength of rabbit is not clear to him. While hesitating, my family received some inexplicable anonymous calls, saying that if he participated in the final, the consequences would be unimaginable. Then many respected old comrades came to Cheetah to talk with him, tell him the reason, show their strong relationship and ask him to give up the game. Later, Cheetah's parents, brothers, wives, children, uncles, aunts, uncles, nephews and relatives came to persuade him to think of everyone. The cheetah who lives by racing has fainted.

A few days later, the country's largest "Animal Morning News" published an announcement about cheetahs, saying that they thought they could not compete with rabbits, so they withdrew from the competition and publicly conceded defeat. For a long time afterwards, news or comments such as "Rabbit Wins Without Fighting", "Rabbit Is First" and "Forever Champion" were published on all pages of each newspaper. Rabbit was transferred to the province in charge of sports, and later became the director of the Sports Bureau of the Animal Kingdom. Of course, the old scalper also served as the deputy of the rabbit.

Where's the tortoise? The tortoise is the bastard.

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (15)

In the last race between the hare and the tortoise, the hare was defeated because he underestimated the enemy, which made his family ashamed. Knowing that he was ashamed, he secluded and made profound self-examination every day. The tortoise is very popular. All the media come to him for interviews, and all the advertisers come to him to be his image spokesperson. Today, the tortoise has become an idol that everyone is eager to worship. It has its signature fans as soon as it goes out.

The tortoise also jumped from the poor boy to the rich man today. It was the game that miraculously changed its fate. A few years later, the rabbit, who had been holding his breath, claimed to fight with the tortoise again, to wipe out the humiliation of that year. This news has caused a stir in the animal world, and various major media are racing to track and report. The tortoise knew that the rabbit had come prepared for this time, and it was not easy to win the championship? However, under the pressure of public opinion, the tortoise had to prepare for the war actively. On the day of the competition, the field was full of animals from all directions. They all stared at the unprecedented decisive battle with bated breath. "Bang --" The starting gun went off, and nobody expected that the rabbit, who was crying loudly for the championship, would fall asleep again under a big tree halfway. Has it not learned the lesson of underestimating the enemy last time?

There were boos from the audience. Look at the tortoise. It's so carefree that it won the championship again. In the face of this incredible result, the rabbit once again became the object of ridicule and criticism. But soon after, people found a strange phenomenon that rabbits had changed from one person to another after that competition, and had become a big spender. Wearing a famous brand suit, driving a famous brand car, living in a high-end apartment... Cheng Tianhe is happy. How can a poor rabbit get so much money overnight? Everyone thought it was unbelievable. Not long ago, a media finally uncovered the mystery that had been in people's minds for a long time. The night before the race, the tortoise had a secret talk with the hare. The tortoise knew that he was not the rival of the rabbit, so he wanted to buy the rabbit with 1 million yuan. In the face of the temptation of huge sums of money, the poor rabbit willingly became a "prisoner".

When the news spread, the animal world was shocked again: rabbits were scolded and rejected by animals because of their lack of self-esteem, and finally had to leave home; As for the tortoise, because of this explosive scandal, he suddenly fell from "heaven" to "hell", and everything he had, reputation and status were gone with the wind

Tortoise and Rabbit Race (16)

After I read this nursery rhyme, I got an inspiration from it - as long as there is a conceited, arrogant thought, it will fail; as long as there is a thought that does not achieve the goal, it will not admit defeat, it will win.

I also have a new story about the tortoise and rabbit race to tell you: since the race lost, the rabbit was very unconvinced and asked to compete with the tortoise again, but not race, but swim. The tortoise also accepted the challenge of the rabbit without hesitation. The project of the rabbit challenging the tortoise is to swim from the left bank of the river to the right bank; The tortoise agreed.

The next day, the game was about to start, and the audience was already around. As long as the goat referee gives an order, the game will officially start. Two minutes later, a shot was fired and the game officially started. The rabbit jumped into the water quickly, but the tortoise still climbed down slowly; The cheers and shouts around became louder and louder.

The rabbit has already swam more than three meters, and the tortoise has not yet swam one meter. "Alas! The tortoise should give up. It's so much slower than others." Some audience said. But the tortoise did not give up any chance, and it also raced forward. The audience around looked down on the tortoise. No one cheered for the tortoise. All the cheers were: "Come on, rabbit, victory belongs to you." The tortoise thought to himself: "Don't give up, victory is ahead. Nobody cheered for himself, but he had to encourage himself."

After a while, the rabbit had almost swam to the shore, but the rabbit was already weak. It may be that at the beginning, it was too hard, too impatient, and exhausted all its strength, so now it has no strength. Slowly, the rabbit began to sink, and kept struggling in the water.

After a while, the tortoise has already swam to the shore. The audience were puzzled and said, "Eh! Why is it the tortoise who got to the bank first? Where is the rabbit? The tortoise doesn't know what it is. Later, he climbed up to the bank and found out that the rabbit was still struggling in the water? Only to hear the sound of" Pounding ", the tortoise jumped into the water again and swam towards the rabbit.

After several minutes, the tortoise finally found the rabbit and dragged the rabbit slowly sinking into the water to the bank with all his strength. As the tortoise also tried his best to save the rabbit on the bank, he could not even stand; At last, when it was dark, the tortoise fainted.

The goats took them to the hospital. When the rabbit woke up, he saw the tortoise fainting for him and shed tears of excitement.

Since then, the tortoise and the rabbit have never competed again; And he became a good friend.

From this story, I realized the spirit of the tortoise, which is to march forward bravely, not to give up and be willing to help others; At the same time, through their competition, it reflects the sports spirit of friendship first and competition second.