Recommend a book composition (20 recommended)
Tell yourself to be strong
2024-05-21 07:20:46

Recommend a book composition (1)

I thought of Rao Xueman. The witch of words. The characters are beautiful. The content is campus oriented. Write love beautiful to unrealistic, write youth brilliant to burning.. It is known as the novel of youth pain.

There is also Guo Jingming. It can be a mess of dreams or a mess of cruelty. It is a writer with many changes.

Annie baby. I also like a writer. From the beginning of some gloomy writing to the later thin. She always gives people a very rational feeling. and. In her book. There are many descriptions of human nature.

Left Ear

I squatted down slowly by the river. Gradually, I could not hear the sound of the wind. I seem to have seen that girl with a strange name again. I saw her wearing a skirt with long tassels, carrying a rose red bag, dragging an exaggerated step to approach, staring at me with bright eyes and asking: Muzi'er, do you really, really want to become a bad girl? I nodded heavily and foolishly. Bala's hand slapped on my head. I never succeeded in getting worse. But I'd rather I never knew each other. In this way, maybe nothing will happen. I won't let my seventeen year old suffer so much because I miss him.


Don't wake up, girls suffer from alternate bulimia and anorexia. The mother died to save a boy when she woke up, and this broken family will never have laughter again. Growing up with the title of "Hero's Daughter", she has a sensitive and fragile nature of girls. Whenever the spirit is stimulated, he will get sick and eat a surprising amount of food behind people's backs. After this secret was accidentally known by the classmate Misha, the friendship between the two girls developed rapidly, and they woke up to receive unprecedented friendship and comfort from Misha. Later, she met the boy that Misha wanted, Luli. When I woke up and decided to start again, I found a big secret about my mother. Mother, Luli, Misha, the people around her seem to have extremely subtle connections.

Sweet and Sour

It tells the story between two high school girls. Tian Dingding is an ordinary and simple girl who believes in the existence of love and friendship and can do anything for friendship. Lin Zhi is an excellent student. She is a beautiful girl who is loved by thousands of people, but in fact she has a poor life experience. She lives with her disheartened mother and irritable stepfather. Everything needs to be fought for by her own means. Lin Zhi ran into Zhou Chumu, her childhood partner, and was attracted by Zhou's unruly and gentle nature, so she fell into a reckless love. For Zhou Chumu, she skipped class, accompanied wine, stole money, and even took advantage of her best friend Tian Dingding. Tian Dingding is willing to pay for his good friend and has no doubt of being used. Until Lin Zhi became pregnant and had an abortion, it seemed that all the secrets could no longer be concealed.

The Golden Castle of the Little Demon

It is Rao Xueman's favorite work, which took a year to write. The novel vividly depicts the ups and downs of the three girls, namely, Goblin 77, Tyrant Blue, and Uno, on the road of youth and emotion. This is Rao Xueman's best "girl theme". Her fairy like words give full expression to the loneliness and hope of the girl's heart, laying out a beautiful youth picture that makes you love the pain.

How many flowers fall in a dream

It describes the growth of young people, their friendship and their love are changing quietly. Where will they go after the scouring of time and rivers and the baptism of life waves?

The only book I have read about him is the Magic City. A very dreamy book.. The ending also makes me sad. I really like him. But later he became more realistic.. I can't stand it. Comparatively speaking. I prefer those two girls.. however. Many students also like the statement of the fourth child

City of Fantasy Kasso and Sakura stood in a mysterious embrace among the cherry blossoms flying all over the sky. The white hair and white robes that were raised to the ground were dancing, and the handsome faces were engraved with deep sadness. In the white and empty eyes, there was only one another.

Recommend a book composition (2)

Books, like a golden key, have opened the door of knowledge for me; Books, like a beacon, let me go to the right path of life. Reading a good book is like talking with an old man full of wisdom. I benefited a lot from the books I read this summer vacation, which enriched my summer vacation and made my summer vacation full of knowledge and truth.

The name of this book is "Children, Don't Eat Cotton Candy in a hurry". The name and cover of this book deeply attracted me. I was like being enchanted and couldn't wait to open the book. The protagonist of this book is elementary school student Jenny. She has a good family and no worries about food and clothing. But like girls of the same age, she has many complaints about her study and life. His father Jonathan has a successful career, but he is usually very busy. In order to help Jenny grow up happily, he told her stories full of philosophy. His efforts have made great changes to Jenny and helped her form a good habit.

After reading this book, not only has the protagonist Jenny changed a lot, but also I have gained many good habits in my life, such as how to improve the motivation of learning, how to build self-confidence, how to master time, how to manage pocket money, how to achieve goals, how to protect friendship, and a series of life principles, This book taught me not to complain when encountering difficulties, but to become happier, not discouraged, and more importantly, to manage myself well and become the most perfect and strong person in my heart.

There is another article in this book that benefits me very much. It is the preface of this book - "Give Success a Sweet Pivot". This article makes me understand that on the road to becoming, we will face countless choices. Behind every choice, there are endless temptations. Sometimes, a simple choice will affect your life. Success only favors those who are prepared. Never wait until happiness knocks on the door to find that you forgot to put a handle on the door. The early bird catches the worm. Take an early step and cultivate your successful habits and character from now on, so that you can walk more steadily and further on the road to success, and let your good habits and character help you gain wings and cast the 'cornerstone' of your dreams.

This is my recommendation to everyone. How about yours?

Recommend a book composition (3)

I thought of Rao Xueman. The witch of words. The characters are beautiful. The content is campus oriented. Write love beautiful to unrealistic, write youth brilliant to burning. It is known as the novel of youth pain.

There is also Guo Jingming. It can be a mess of dreams or a mess of cruelty. It is a writer with many changes.

Annie baby. I also like a writer. From the beginning of some gloomy writing to the later thin. She always gives people a very rational feeling. and. In her book. There are many descriptions of human nature.

Left Ear

I squatted down slowly by the river. Gradually, I could not hear the sound of the wind. I seem to have seen that girl with a strange name again. I saw her wearing a skirt with long tassels, carrying a rose red bag, dragging an exaggerated step to approach, staring at me with bright eyes and asking: Muzi'er, do you really, really want to become a bad girl? I nodded heavily and foolishly. Bala's hand slapped on my head. I never succeeded in getting worse. But I'd rather I never knew each other. In this way, maybe nothing will happen. I won't let my seventeen year old suffer so much because I miss him.


Don't wake up, girls suffer from alternate bulimia and anorexia. The mother died to save a boy when she woke up, and this broken family will never have laughter again. Growing up with the title of "Hero's Daughter", she has a sensitive and fragile nature of girls. Whenever the spirit is stimulated, he will get sick and eat a surprising amount of food behind people's backs. After this secret was accidentally known by the classmate Misha, the friendship between the two girls developed rapidly, and they woke up to receive unprecedented friendship and comfort from Misha. Later, she met the boy that Misha wanted, Luli. When I woke up and decided to start again, I found a big secret about my mother. Mother, Luli, Misha, the people around her seem to have extremely subtle connections.

Sweet and Sour

It tells the story between two high school girls. Tian Dingding is an ordinary and simple girl who believes in the existence of love and friendship and can do anything for friendship. Lin Zhi is an excellent student. She is a beautiful girl who is loved by thousands of people, but in fact she has a poor life experience. She lives with her disheartened mother and irritable stepfather. Everything needs to be fought for by her own means. Lin Zhi ran into Zhou Chumu, her childhood partner, and was attracted by Zhou's unruly and gentle nature, so she fell into a reckless love. For Zhou Chumu, she skipped class, accompanied wine, stole money, and even took advantage of her best friend Tian Dingding. Tian Dingding is willing to pay for his good friend and has no doubt of being used. Until Lin Zhi became pregnant and had an abortion, it seemed that all the secrets could no longer be concealed.

The Golden Castle of the Little Demon

It is Rao Xueman's favorite work, which took a year to write. The novel vividly depicts the ups and downs of the three girls, namely, Goblin 77, Tyrant Blue, and Uno, on the road of youth and emotion. This is Rao Xueman's best "girl theme". Her fairy like words give full expression to the loneliness and hope of the girl's heart, laying out a beautiful youth picture that makes you love the pain.

How many flowers fall in a dream

It describes the growth of young people, their friendship and their love are changing quietly. Where will they go after the scouring of time and rivers and the baptism of life waves?

The only book I have read about him is the Magic City. It's a fantastic book. The ending also makes me sad. I really like him. But later he became more realistic. I can't stand it. Comparatively speaking. I prefer those two girls. however. Many students also like the statement of the fourth child

City of Fantasy Kasso and Sakura stood in a mysterious embrace among the cherry blossoms flying all over the sky. The white hair and white robes that were raised to the ground were dancing, and the handsome faces were engraved with deep sadness. In the white and empty eyes, there was only one another.

Recommend a book composition (4)

I recommend a book Hello, I recommend a book for you, called The Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz roughly means that a little girl named Dorothy was blown to a strange place by a gust of wind. In order to go home, she went through all kinds of hardships to find a legendary magician with great powers. On the way, she met three friends: a straw man without brain, a tin man without heart and a timid lion. They also want to find the magician, because they want to get what they need. In this way, the four of them set out on a strange road to find the magician, and then something interesting happened. Reading this book makes people laugh and can't stop· Want to know the specific story? Look for this book in the bookcase and read it·····

Recommend a book composition (5)

Oliver Twist is an exciting story that takes place in the little boy Oliver.

Oliver, the hero of this book, is an orphan whose mother died shortly after he was born. Later, he was sent to the coffin shop as an apprentice, suffered humiliation, and finally met the kind-hearted Mr. Brownlow, who took him in and led a happy life

When I finished reading this book, I was deeply shocked. What kind of strength supports him to overcome difficulties without being knocked down by difficulties? What kind of strong will does his thin body contain?

The chapter in which Oliver was dragged into the den of thieves and escaped finally moved me most. Oliver walked for seven days and nights to leave the coffin shop. Just then, the pickpocket Fagin reached out to him and took Oliver into the den of thieves. The pickpockets wanted to train Oliver to be a pickpocket and work with them. But after Oliver found out that they were pickpockets, he didn't want to communicate with them and ran away at the risk of his life. Seeing here, I have a feeling of admiration. It takes a lot of courage to make a decision. What a just child he is! In order not to become a pickpocket, I would rather lose a foothold and continue to live a hard life wandering around.

Compared with Oliver's living standard, we are much happier than him, but we are still dissatisfied and often complain about unfairness. On the road of life, when encountering small difficulties, they give up easily and lack willpower. In Oliver's time, children are eager for a better life and learning. These are in front of us. Why don't we cherish what we have now?

Oliver Twist has taught me to cherish and be grateful! Cherish every moment of our present life, satisfy and appreciate our present life and those who give us a better life.

Recommend a book composition (6)

"There is no end to learning and hard work," said Han Yu. I would like to recommend a book that I can't put down - Aesop's Fables.

The writer is Aesop, he is an ancient Greek. Aesop was born in the sixth century BC. He has 357 articles. Most people satirize people as animals. Aesop's Fables has many honors and is also one of the most popular classics in the world.

The reason I recommend is that I can learn a lot from this book; Everything should be carefully considered, and it also tells us that the evil people will have no good results in the end, and the good people can finally live a happy life... This book writes that the author uses animals to strongly attack the social inequality at that time. One of my favorite articles is the tortoise in the Tortoise and Rabbit Race. You may ask, "Why do you like tortoises rather than rabbits?" In the Tortoise and Rabbit Race, rabbits are arrogant and complacent, and don't pay attention to tortoises at all. But the tortoise was not like that. Although he knew that he could not run the rabbit, he was still working hard. After his continuous efforts, he finally got the final force. However, the rabbit lost the race and blushed like the sun. I learned from this story that it is easy to belittle others, and modesty makes people progress, and pride makes people lag behind... Two Woodcutters is also full of philosophy. A woodcutter gets a gold axe and a silver axe because of his honesty. The other woodcutter lost his axe because he didn't get anything because of his greed, which made me feel sorry for that woodcutter. Greed often makes me lose more.

Do you want to know how the tortoise ran past the rabbit? Do you want to know how sheep escape from wolves? Go and read this book if you want to know!

Recommend a book composition (7)

Recently, I read a book called Charlotte's Web. The story is wonderful. Now let me recommend this book to you!

This book mainly tells about Fern's family has a foot pig, and Fern's father is going to kill him. Fern wants to raise the foot pig after she knows this, so she raises her. She named the pig Wilbur. As the days passed, Wilbur met a good friend --- Charlotte. However, Wilbur's future destiny was to become a bacon ham. As a pig, Wilbur could only accept the fate of being slaughtered by others. However, Charlotte said, "I will save you". Thus, Charlotte weaved online characters on the pigsty with her own silk, which was regarded as a miracle by human beings, completely reversed Wilbur's fate, and finally let him win a special prize in the market competition, and enjoy a peaceful future. But Charlotte's life came to an end

In this book, my favorite is Charlotte, because it is selfless and makes Wilbur not sad; Because it is willing to help others, help Wilbur; Because it was kind, he was desperate to relieve Wilbur of all difficulties.

In the future, I must learn from Charlotte and be ready to help others. Boys and girls, is the book I recommend good?

Recommend a book composition (8)

Mr. Gorky once said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." A good book is like a ship, leading us from a narrow place to the boundless ocean of life.

Here I would like to recommend a very good book, Biography of Celebrities translated by Mr. Fu Lei. There are many anecdotes and rough life experiences of celebrities in this book.

If reading a good book is talking to noble people, then you will talk to many great people here to appreciate their life, listen to their teachings, and understand their thoughts.

Reading this book will let you understand many principles of life: for example, for the bumpy life path, this book will let us learn the strength of survival and the courage of fighting from the great man's career. For example, Helen Keller's true and touching stories let us feel the self-improvement and calm and open-minded of those who suffer from a difficult fate, so that we can become more and more brave on the road of life that is not always smooth, and become the real masters of destiny. Our hearts will gradually enrich and mature.

Reading this book will also give you a lot of inspiration for writing. When writing, we can use the good words and sentences and life philosophy in the book. Let others think you are more elegant and beautiful.

So I recommend this book. I hope you can read her and understand her.

Recommend a book composition (9)

The book I recommend is called The Temperature of History. The author of this book is Zhang Wei. He said that the book "Temperature of History" was written by fans of "Steamed Bun Theory" and was encouraged by CITIC Press and Huang Weiyi. This book is divided into "characters", "anecdotes" and "war".

The three articles that impressed me most were "I know a man named Liu Xiang", "Why must Princess Zhen die?" and "What kind of experience is it to pay 40 million yuan of personal income tax at the age of 28 by drawing cartoons?".

This chapter about Liu Xiang tells the story of Liu Xiang from world champion to retirement. This article is very true and warm, because he and Liu Xiang are good friends, so they understand and are warm.

This article about Concubine Zhen tells the story of Concubine Zhen from being loved by Guangxu to being pushed into the well by Empress Dowager Cixi. This story made me think about a question all the time: why did Princess Zhen want to die, and what was her crime?

What is the experience of paying 40 million yuan of personal income tax at the age of 28 by drawing cartoons? Is my favorite article. This man is a Japanese cartoonist whose cartoons have influenced the generation in the 1990s. The two most important works are Alalei and Dragon Ball.

Of course, this book not only has these three good chapters, but also has other good articles. The book "Temperature of History" does not show us a cold history. It has "temperature" and the temperature is changeable.

Recommend a book composition (10)

Gorky once said: "Books are the ladder of human progress."

"Reading makes people wise". Today, the book I would like to recommend is Old Stories in the South of the City, written by Lin Haiyin, which mainly tells the story of the hero Xiao Yingzi in a quadrangle in the south of Beijing. Here, she met a group of very good friends and encountered many things that she never forgot. From the perspective of Xiao Yingzi, the author truly represents the social situation of the differences between high and low, rich and poor, showing different joys and sorrows.

Many years ago, there was a beautiful young girl named Xiuzhen. She was regarded as a madman because she was abandoned by a ruthless college student. Her newborn child was secretly thrown to the south of the city by her parents. Under such circumstances, Xiaoyingzi and Xiuzhen became inseparable friends.

One person I love most is a thief. The reason why he became a thief is to provide for his brother to go to school. He went out every day to steal things, but Little Yingzi thought he was a good man. One day, Yingzi accidentally picked up a small bronze Buddha. The police spies learned that the small bronze Buddha was left by the thief, so he was taken away by the police. Yingzi lost his friend.

The story of this book is strange and tortuous, which can cause deep thinking. If you are also interested in this book, go and read it!

Recommend a book composition (11)

Among Yang Hongying's works, The Smiling Cat's Diary is a very beautiful set of books, with vivid and interesting stories, which makes people feel the same and understand many reasons. In this series of books, the most impressive one is The Black Afternoon.

In a mountainous area, when the students were still in school, a strong earthquake suddenly occurred. In the face of this terrible natural disaster, a teacher ignored his own safety and blocked stones for the students with his body.

Turgenev once said, "People need to have a heart to sacrifice their own self-interest." In life, there are also many people who are silently making contributions, such as the medical staff who are protecting our health and brave and retrograde in the current epidemic situation; Firefighters and border guards also protect our safety

In addition to this brave teacher, there is a girl in the book who lost her family in the earthquake, which impressed me deeply. Although she was young, she showed her courage and wisdom beyond her age when she was trapped in the ruins. She endured pain and sang "Two Tigers" in the ruins - she hoped that someone could save her after hearing the song.

Compared with this girl, I am ashamed of myself. Even I sleep at night with the night light turned on because I am afraid of the dark. Thinking of the girl's courage in the dark ruins, I am too timid.

After reading this book, I will try to be brave, confident and fearless of setbacks. I hope all the students will read this book. It will certainly give you endless aftertaste.

Recommend a book composition (12)

Today, I recommend a book to you. Of course, everyone must be familiar with this book! This is the "Four Naughty Eggs" of the Naughty Pony Jump series.

Naughty Ma Xiaotiao has three "iron brothers", they are: Zhang Da, the chattering nonsense king Mao Chao and Qi Tangfei, who is fat, likes snacks and farts. When they were together, they never failed to cause trouble, but this time they became four little heroes!

One day, their class will go to the botanical garden to visit and write a composition. Ma Xiaotiao brought a big bag of snacks this day, but he forgot to bring a pen and a notebook. Teacher Qin lent Ma Xiaotiao a notebook and a pen. This time, Ma Xiaotiao wrote very carefully and wrote three pieces of paper.

It's time for lunch. Ma Xiaotiao couldn't find the food bag. He asked the "iron brothers" for some, but they didn't give it. Ma Xiaotiao had to find his own bag. When he was looking for the bag, he found a man stealing orchids. Before he could ask for help, Ma Xiaotiao was tied to a tree. After a while, his "iron friend" came to him, and Ma Xiaotiao shouted, "Help! Help! Someone stole the orchid". They helped Ma Xiaotiao untie the tie, beat the thief away with a stone, and called the guard. The guard said to them, "Children, thank you for helping me beat the thief. These orchids are very valuable. What's your name? I can write a letter of praise." A few days later, the letter of praise came to the school and surprised everyone.

This book gives my busy study life a colorful color. Come and have a look at this book when you have time!

Recommend a book composition (13)

From my first grade of primary school to now, I have read many extracurricular books, including: Be an Attractive Person, Be a Self disciplined Person, Be a Popular Person, My Friend at the Same Table, My First... Among these books, my favorite is My Friend at the Same Table, written by Wu Meizhen and My Friend at the Same Table This book is published by Zhejiang Children's Publishing House. It is a very interesting book. When I am in a bad mood, reading this book always makes me happy!

There are four main characters in this book: Dumb, a dull fat man who looks like a precocious winter melon; Mimi, a smart girl, is Adai's deskmate; Rabbit, a bookworm, always likes to play tricks; Xicheng, a skinny boy, said all the abnormal words from him.

In this book, they are both deskmates and friends. Strange things happen to them every day. Sometimes they are fighting, sometimes they are playing, sometimes they are "losing both sides", sometimes small things hurt the friendship between classmates. I think they should get along well and help each other. This book tells me that students should not bully the small by the big. We should learn to understand others. We should cherish our friends around us, let us experience campus life happily, and be happy deskmates.

This book is good and cheap. If you are impressed, buy one to read!

Recommend a book composition (14)

I recommend a book to you. His name is Journey to the West. This book is believed that everyone is familiar with it. It has been changed into a TV play and an animated cartoon. I believe we children have seen it countless times.

The story is that several different immortals were sent down to protect Tang Monk after doing something wrong. They cut off demons and demons all the way. They had to go through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties to get the scripture and achieve good results. I believe everyone knows these contents.

So why do I recommend this book to you? First of all, Journey to the West is one of the four classical masterpieces in China and an excellent mythical novel. There are more good words, sentences and characters in the book than in cartoons. As well as a colorful world of gods and demons, each immortal is vividly depicted, and each monster is vividly depicted. Make the gods and demons have human feelings, and make the spirit and charm be worldly wise. Secondly, the five main characters in the book are strange and different. Monkey King jumped out of the stone. Zhu Bajie, cast a pig foetus by mistake... Finally, whether it is a cartoon of Journey to the West or a TV play, it is an excerpt from the original book.

Therefore, I recommend you to read Journey to the West, so that we can really appreciate the strangeness and wonderful story in the book, and taste the profound meaning.

Recommend a book composition (15)

Gorky once said: "Books are the ladder of human progress."

Today, the good book I recommend to you is Sun Jing's Biographies of World Celebrities, which is a birthday gift from my mother. Each of their stories is a vivid and interesting book.

There are eight volumes in this set of books, which introduce eight scientists who have made great contributions to the world, such as Edison, Einstein, Madame Curie and Newton. They tell their great achievements in different fields and their ups and downs in simple and understandable language in chronological order. Each chapter of each book is equipped with exquisite illustrations, which can help us better understand the contents of the book. The book also records many famous sayings, so that we can better 'understand the hardships and sweat behind the success of scientists after reading each story.

The Biographies of World Celebrities tells us that everyone's success is hard won: Einstein was slow to respond when he was young, rejected by his teachers and ridiculed by his classmates, but he still worked hard towards his goal and finally put forward the famous theory of relativity; Edison tried for more than 3000 times to find out the material of the wick of the electric light bulb, and finally invented the electric light, illuminating our life. When Leonardo da Vinci learned to paint, he accepted the teacher's guidance with an open mind and painstakingly drew eggs one by one, laying a solid foundation for painting.

This is a book that instinctively gives me motivation to learn. If you like the stories of celebrities as much as I do, please read them with me!

Recommend a book composition (16)

Gorky once said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." Reading a good book is like talking to people with noble character, which is very helpful to us. So I would like to recommend a book - Charlotte's Web, written by E. B. White of England.

The book Charlotte's Web mainly tells the story of friendship. In the warehouse of Zuckerman's house, there are a group of small animals. Among them, there is a touching story between Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider.

Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider have established a sincere friendship, but the good times are not long. Wilbur the pig knows that he is going to be made into ham at Christmas, so he is very sad. When Wilbur was worried, Charlotte said, "I can save you!" Charlotte wove amazing words with her own web, which made people frightened. These words praising Wilbur won the honor and enjoyed life for Piglet. Piglet's wish came true, and he finally saw the first snow in winter. But Charlotte's life has come to an end. A wonderful thing happened. A new spider came to the world, and Wilbur the pig took care of Charlotte's 514 children.

When I read that Charlotte tried her best to save Wilbur at the last moment of her life, my tears could not help flowing down. What a moving plot! Wilbur did not forget his promise to his friends and took good care of the spiders. This book makes me feel the most sincere friendship in the world. Their friendship really makes me envy!

This is a book I recommend. After hearing the content of this book, do you want to taste it carefully?

Recommend a book composition (17)

The elders often said that people should not do nothing, waste time and regret for life. Later, I learned the meaning of this sentence. For this reason, I often encourage myself to take the initiative to learn. One of them is Education of Love, which I would like to recommend to you.

Love, a familiar word, has a pure love in everyone's mind. Love is selfless and love is broad. Only living in the ocean of love can we enjoy love. After reading the book "Education of Love", I really understood the true meaning of love.

The author of Love Education is Edmundo. virtue. Amiches, there are many stories in the book. Every little story is very eye-catching. The stories in this book include love for the elderly and children, love for the country, trust between people, love and so on. The story that impressed me most was probably about a British soldier who met a boy on a mission. The soldier wanted the boy to climb a tree to find out where the enemy was, so the boy climbed up the tree decisively, saw the enemy and told the soldier that the soldier said to the boy, "Come down, boy!" But, It was too late. The enemy had found him and shot him with a gun. After his death, the little boy showed a smile. The soldiers covered the little boy with a flag. He could not help it any longer. Tears rolled from his eyes one after another.

Recommend a book composition (18)

There is a book whose name is "The other side of the sky blue". It is suitable for all people over 9 years old to read and is the best gift for the soul. It has been translated into dozens of languages and spread widely in Europe, America and Japan, moving countless readers around the world. It has been recommended by UNESCO and is known as the "greatest human fable of the 21st century".

Alex of England? Hill told us such a moving story: Harry, a little boy, died in a car accident and became a ghost, wandering in heaven alone. He only knew that the only purpose of a person after death was to fulfill his unfinished wish and let himself disappear to the "other side of the sky blue". With the help of his ghost friend Arthur, he fulfilled his wish, Disappear in the "other side of the sky blue".

This is a book suitable for adults and children to read together, like its simple and warm words, and teach people to love life; I like the true feelings between its lines, which makes people involuntarily experience this spiritual journey with Harry; I like its beautiful sentence "I miss that feeling very much. The wind blows on my face. Maybe you are still alive and don't take it seriously. But I really want that feeling." "You don't exist, but life is still alive!" Yes, people may not cherish life well when they are alive, but may also cause more or less misunderstanding or even harm to others. Although it may be a temporary angry words, it will leave regret in the end. So people should learn to love and cherish life when they are alive; Not afraid of death, face death directly; Love life and people around you with a tolerant and sincere heart.

Recommend a book composition (19)

Reading a good book can broaden our horizons, increase our knowledge, enlighten us, and improve our composition.

Today, our class team activity is called "Recommend a book to you". I also want to recommend a book called "Think like this, you will win". This book is inspired by the stories of some great people or ordinary little things. At the same time, this book is also rich in words.

There are two stories in this book, which inspired me a lot. I want you to listen to them. The first story is called "The Sleeper Lying on the Carriage", which mainly tells about a man who often takes his horse along the road from his office building to his home. One day, the man got off work. He was very sleepy and slept in the carriage. The horse sent the owner home safely. I have learned such a truth: what I often do will naturally be done skillfully.

The second story is called "Inspired by dentures". It tells that an old woman had bad teeth and lost a lot of them, so she went to buy a pair of dentures. One day, the old woman was cleaning the corridor when her dentures fell out. A passing young man picked it up and observed at once, and the old woman encouraged him: "Watch carefully, and become a dentist in the future! You can borrow your dentures!" The young man became interested in teeth, and through the constant encouragement of the old woman, he finally became a dentist. This story makes me understand two reasons:

1、 We should pay attention to the things around us;

2、 We should learn to encourage others to do everything well.

Look! These two stories must have inspired you. Have you liked this book? ok Let's play in the sea of books, fly in the sky of books, and enjoy the endless knowledge books give us!

Recommend a book composition (20)

I would like to recommend a book that I think is very wonderful. It is A Dream of Red Mansions, written by Cao Xueqin.

It records incredible legends. For example, if there is a piece of precious jade, Taoists and monks can realize its wish and let it experience life, then it becomes Jia Baoyu. The most touching story is that Baoyu is going to marry, but Lin Daiyu is sentimental and has always been in poor health. Jia's mother, Jia Baoyu's mother, Mrs. Wang, and the second grandmother of the Jia family, Wang Xifeng, discussed not to let Jia Baoyu marry Lin Daiyu. Afraid Baoyu knew about it, they used an adjustment plan to let Xue Baochai marry Lin Daiyu, so this chapter is called Baoyu marrying Xue Baochai by mistake. Later, Lin Daiyu became ill when she learned about it. She stayed in bed all day, and finally died of grief.

The author vividly describes the evils of the society at that time. For example, Jia Yuanchun, who was an imperial concubine in the emperor's harem, died at last, and the country ran out of money, so he ordered the eunuch to copy Jia's house. Later, the emperor stopped copying Jia's house in the face of Jia Yuanchun, and returned all the things he had copied before. Otherwise, I'm afraid Jia's house will be copied completely!

I like this book very much, so I would like to recommend it to you. It not only records these stories, but also records the good feelings between the characters. It vividly describes the appearance and mood of the characters, as well as the story of the rise and fall of a big family. If you are interested, I hope you can have a good look at this book.