I Don't Wait (Practical 9)
2024-01-19 06:20:32
Junior two

I will not wait (1)

Before dawn, the moon is bright and the stars are rare. The mountain in the distance seems to be a creepy and ferocious beast, sleeping soundly in the cold moonlight night. All sounds are silent, and the past time is like a torrent, it seems that they can't bear to touch this fragile and huge silence - they are waiting for the call of the sun, waiting for the first street lamp to light up, and then run day by day with great momentum.

I climbed on the window, waiting for the dawn like these solemn pilgrims, long and empty. However, it is not the morning glow or the car whistle that really causes the time to start pouring. It is the loud sound of opening the shutter that echoes in the dim silence of the night. Finally someone pulled the hands of the clock, and the busy sound of ding dong and the rising white fog came one after another, which could not be stopped, and opened the day grandly. Gradually, a few pedestrians appeared on the street, and the eastern sky gradually revealed white fish belly, and then spread rapidly, occupying most of the sky. The color fainted a bit of golden yellow, which seemed to play up the boundless night just now, as if in a blink of an eye, the indifferent purple like fog floated on the golden yellow, expanding and deepening, From every corner of the eye, a deep blue appears, so against the background of street lights that go out at some time, this thrilling collision of colors finally ends in the same sky as before.

I don't know when it started. A crowd of people suddenly appeared in the empty street downstairs, and my mother had dressed up and asked me to go to school - I was left behind. In my aimless waiting, in the busy life of that family, in those corners where I can't see but someone has already thrown himself into the preparation. The first breakfast shop that woke up in the morning had already opened in the fresh baked pasta. The endless crowd in front of the door made them have no time to look up at the sky. Because of their efforts and early rising, they had a fruitful harvest. But I was caught unprepared and spent such a valuable morning without preparation or purpose.

Life does not need to wait. The so-called waiting should also be spent in preparation. Quietness Zhiyuan, the cornerstone of Zhiyuan, is not only waiting, but also portraying the ladder to success in suffering. Jiang Ziya is willing to fish, but how do you know if he is brewing a long-term plan when waiting by the Weishui River. The gorgeous color in the sky seems difficult to reproduce, but the color of success on the way to progress is even more gorgeous.

Since then, I no longer just wait.

I will not wait (2)

It snowed at the beginning of spring this year. I think Miss Spring will be late: wake up and see it is still snowing. Go to sleep again! So I don't wait so anxiously for spring - it's still early anyway!

In the afternoon, when I went to the park, I suddenly found that the winter jasmine had already bloomed very thick and bright - Eh, is it possible that Miss Chun was not late? I missed the chance to meet Spring Girl!

I missed seeing the river thaw. It is said that it was not cold in a day, but it didn't take so long for the river to thaw. It seems that Father Sun is stronger than Uncle Wind. The breeze ruffles the water surface. The ripples are sparkling and beautiful. If people's wrinkles are as beautiful as water wrinkles, I would rather have wrinkles on my face now. The river sings softly. The singing is very pleasant. I don't know which musical instrument can have such a lasting appeal.

Miss seeing willows sprout. The green branches dance with the wind, as if greeting me - we have been waiting for you for a long time. I can't bear to break a willow branch to make a flute, which is to build my happiness on the pain of the willow tree. Next time, I will take my zither with me. I will play music and sing, and willows will listen to music and dance. We must be Na Boya and Zi Qi.

I missed seeing the peach blossom buds. Clusters of peach blossoms once again impressed me with the ancient people's ability to create words. "Blossoms", if not for the love of flowers, how can we create such a beautiful vocabulary?

In the park, there are many people like going to the market. Shuttlecock kickers, rope jumpers, roller skaters, ball players, walkers, flower watchers, photographers... Ha ha, thank you, Miss Spring. You have led people to the sunshine, and you have added some sunshine to people's hearts.

I Don't Wait (3)

For a long time, whether in learning or other practical aspects, I have always been so passive - all opportunities are waiting for others to hand over to me, rather than striving for them. Therefore, I missed many opportunities to exercise myself. But from now on, I want to say "no" to waiting!

In ordinary time, in addition to studying, there are many things of the Young Pioneers. In the work and study of the Young Pioneers, I prefer to stand beside the crowd and watch their discussion. When the teacher is about to assign a task, others will strive to accept the "challenges" of each item. I always stood aside and waited, thinking that the teacher would give me the task, so every opportunity slipped away from me. I am not reconciled, but I find it difficult to speak in the crowd. Waiting time after time has widened the gap between my work experience and that of others

Until one day, the teacher called us to a meeting, she would assign a task, introduce the importance and difficulty of this task to us, and then began to ask who would accept it. Suddenly, the crowd was silent. It seemed that no one wanted to accept the task. Everyone bowed their heads and kept silent. "Then should I accept it or not? The teacher should give me the task. Although I have less experience, I am still reliable and serious! But what should I do in case of being robbed by others? Forget it, wait..." I said to myself, and my heart was constantly entangled. "Since nobody wants it, I'll order someone!" Hearing this, the words that my heart really wanted to say finally popped out - "Teacher, give it to me!" Instantly, everyone's eyes turned to me, like sharp needles. The teacher was surprised and hesitated for a moment, but then he smiled happily and said, "I'll leave it to you, but I have to work hard!" After the meeting, I didn't know how happy I was. I ran and jumped all the way and wanted to shout, "I didn't wait anymore! I finally took this step!"

This event gave me great inspiration. I can always speak out my inner thoughts boldly in the next work, and finally become a person who no longer waits.

I will not wait (4)

A silent heart seems to have learned to think, and under the dim light, some people don't know whether it is dark but lonely. When it learns to endure loneliness, it has only an empty shell. Sweet scented osmanthus wafts past, mingled with the smell of winter, although it is still early. Open the window at night. Although there is no cold wind, there is still a casual breeze that hurts my heart. Maybe this is the unique Jiangnan wind! At night, looking up at the sky, there are no stars, no moon, and some are just helpless.

Loneliness is empty, but they can't be empty when they want to be empty, so they have to wait.

What does waiting mean? It means more helplessness. Waiting is painful, because I don't know how to fill such a big lonely vacancy; Waiting is also joyful, at least it can make people take it for granted.

Touch the sky with your hands, feel the sea with your heart, observe the earth with your eyes, and listen to the sun with your ears... Although I cannot touch the vast sky, feel the vastness of the sea, see the depths of the earth, and hear the voice of the sun, I can receive signals from different places. Because I no longer wait. Waiting takes time, maybe a day, maybe a year, more likely a lifetime. Waiting is very passive. Passively, I can only live in loneliness every day, so I will not wait any more

I Don't Wait (5)

Since then, I will not wait

Will you come back after you leave?

Some people say: "Waiting is a habit," others say: "Waiting is a happiness." Is this true or false? For that obsession, whether it is just as unreal as a dream bubble, should not continue to wait!

Two people, a tree, leaves rustling, bursts of autumn wind hit, the mind only added some sadness. A few chills rushed to my heart, and I couldn't help wrapping up my clothes. Is it cold? Or the heart is cold.

Farewell, turn around, tears. The tears that had endured for a long time finally slipped down my cheeks, and the strength of the disguise could not beat the obsession in my heart after all. Maybe I am too fragile!

Memories of the past together with you, we cried, laughed, rained and beaten together, but now it is a bubble, can't go back!

It's hard to establish a friendship, but it only takes a moment to destroy it.

I remember the first time we met, we quarreled over a small matter, but we got to know each other and established friendship. The three years of schoolmates have passed like a flash of time. In a twinkling of an eye, they have to separate and move towards a broader world ------ junior high school.

I remember when I left, I asked you "Will you come back?" You just said three words and left in a hurry. You may not know that your "maybe!" is that I stood there waiting for you for a long time, a long time!

Whose waiting coincides with blooming flowers.

Time is like a vast ocean. It will never stop running because of someone. The life of the third day of junior high is coming to an end, and your so-called "maybe!" has finally failed to materialize. Is it really just a dream? Friendship no longer exists!

After hesitating for a long time, I finally made up my mind. If I can't wait, I'd better look for it, or forget it. Why close yourself because of one person? Why wander around in the same place because of one person? Since then, I will not wait!

It was snowing heavily, and I walked quickly on my way home. I accidentally collided with a person. When I wanted to swear, he spoke first. A simple "sorry" deeply touched my heart. I looked up and saw a familiar face.

Maybe fate is so wonderful!

Whose waiting, my waiting, coincides with flowers!

My waiting has borne fruit. Since then, I don't have to wait, nor do I wait anymore, right?

I Don't Wait (6)

I only heard of you before. Now, I stand in front of you and watch you. You have changed your new clothes and adapted to the new era. You have renewed your impression in my heart. I fell in love with you at first sight. At this moment, I am no longer silent and waiting, because I want to have you.

Every year and every session you have many pursuers, and I am a small one among the many pursuers this year. In February, I made a deep confession to you. Your disdainful eyes made me feel that the distance between you and me is still so far away. Since then, I have worked hard to put myself into your arms only for you.

I started the war alone, and did what I said without hesitation. The originally dull school life has become lively and interesting. If every day's school life is a landscape, then every class is a landscape that forms it, which is extremely beautiful. A stack of textbooks haunted me. I picked up my pen and began to fight. In class, I spread out my textbook, and the teacher talked on it, as if he wanted to tell us all the things he could say so that we could digest them slowly. I wrote down the knowledge points and tried to follow the rhythm of the teacher. During the break, I rested my eyes outside the class and replayed the knowledge points that had not been digested in class. All the knowledge points were pulled into a long string, as if all were the key points. On the way after school, I exchanged experiences with my comrades in arms. From the conversation, it seemed that I could find the figures of the knowledge points I had memorized during the day, which made a deep impression on me again. When I returned home, the strong smell of rice refreshed me, just like a toy that had just been charged with electricity. The homework assigned by the teacher made me consolidate the string of characters again, which absorbed them all. One day's fighting power was exhausted, so I lay down and rested to prepare for the next day's mad dog mode battle.

The battle is going on like a raging fire every day. During the battle, I shed tears and sweat. At the end of the battle, I will laugh. Just for you, the high school that all pursuers dream of.

Therefore, I am unwilling to wait.

I Don't Wait (7)

Chances may just be passing by in a hurry, passing through the fingertips in a flash, leaving behind not a sigh of regret, but a figure of climbing up again to pursue dreams!

Failure is a desecration of opportunity. In the election for the Student Union, I entered the election with a high profile and lost the election with a low profile. Although I thought I was well prepared, I was still depressed. When I was at a loss, I saw the ivy growing beside the balcony. At this time, it was lush, green and vibrant.

But who would have thought of its decline some time ago! The scorching sun in July spared no effort to spread heat on the earth. People hurried to return to their cool homes as soon as possible. Even birds were sick and weak in this weather. They hummed from time to time, and then became silent again. The plants had already withered and yellowed due to lack of water. Although some people watered the trees along the road, the Parthenocissus tricuspidata by the terrace was obviously not concerned, The vine leaves of the past were covered with withered yellow, and swayed from side to side with the hot wind.

As the weather gets hotter, the Parthenocissus tricuspidata grows yellow. Its life may wither with the scorching sun. However, it was sure that it would die one day, and the sky was lush. Although not as shiny as before, it is also full of vitality. I watched carefully. I thought someone had watered it, but no one asked for it. Later, I finally found that it moved the rattan leaves to the hook outside the air conditioner, fully absorbed a drop of water from there, and used it to save its own life.

While other plants are waiting to die, they have the courage to find opportunities and seize them. Maybe they are just instinctive, but they have paid unimaginable hardships.

I think why I failed, because I dare not try my best to fight for it. I used to wait for opportunities to find me, just like Parthenocissus waiting for rain, but now I decide to take the initiative to find opportunities, even if there are more setbacks and challenges!

This is the method of success, and this is the meaning of success.

Since then, I will not wait!

I will not wait (8)

The reincarnation of time is actually waiting for the four seasons to start again and again, and the blooming of buds is just waiting for the blooming of flowers. There are many kinds of waiting, big or small, more or less, light or heavy. Some people wait only to reach the other side of the dream, others wait only to avoid a storm, and I wait for the person in a hurried friendship——

One morning, as always, I was in the third grade and rode to this lonely campus in my father's car as always. As always, I took small steps to the classroom that I was tired of. But today's classroom is not always in a mess. It's totally unexpected - in the last row of the classroom, a group of students surrounded a table, It seems that they are all curious about what they are looking at and talking about. While I put my schoolbag on my seat in the first row slowly, and at the same time, I glanced at that position - in the middle of the crowd, I saw a girl in a white dress sitting on the seat surrounded by her classmates. At this time, I was chatting with those students in harmony. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the students who had just turned. But I don't think so. At the beginning, every new student will more or less enjoy the feeling of stars in the sky. However, after a few weeks, the classroom will return to the original atmosphere, and the curiosity of those people has long been lost by time. But I was wrong.

The next day, the teacher transferred her to the back of my seat. At that time, I was hesitant. I didn't know whether to take the initiative to talk to her, ignore her, or let nature take its course. I didn't dare to turn around to see her. But in the second math class, all this changed. The math teacher asked us to do an exercise question. When I was racking my brains, I heard a standard soft Mandarin: "Hey, classmate, can you do this question Her eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she said to me with a smile, "I will tell you this question!" Although I promised, I was surprised at that time. She even spoke to me first, and also took the initiative to help me with the topic! During her lecture with me, my heart kept beating so fast that I could not listen to her at all. But at this moment, I found that she had an angel like face - the curved and thin eyebrows on her fair skin were as beautiful as if they were drawn with a pen, the bright eyes laughed like crescent moon, and the charming dimples were perfect!

Perhaps it was from then on that we knew each other's names, got to know each other, and became a pair of good friends who talked about everything. But the good times are not long. Two or three weeks later, she didn't come to school for a long time. The students in our class are confused and worried. Some people say that she doesn't adapt to or like here and doesn't want to come; Some people said that she had cancer and could not come; Others said that she had transferred and would not come. At that time, I was very anxious. I was even more frightened when I heard what they said. Moreover, I clearly knew that she came here from the big city because her parents were working. When her parents finished their work, she would return. In short, I'm afraid she will never come back.

God pitied me. One morning a few weeks later, she came. I will never forget that scene - it was still a sunny morning, and a girl still wearing a white dress walked into our campus with her mother's hand. At the same time, all the students in Class 1, Grade 3 poured down from the third floor with screams, and quickly surrounded their mother and daughter. Now standing on the corridor on the third floor silently watching them, I saw that each of their faces were filled with happy, excited, happy smiles, but only me, tears streaming down my cheeks. At this time, a familiar voice sounded in my ear: "Are you all right?" I quickly dried my tears, turned around, and said with a forced smile: "Why are you such a man? If you don't come or say anything, I think you will never come again!" At this time, she did not say anything, but silently bowed her head. I saw it and asked anxiously: "What's the matter? Didn't it just go well? " She still bowed her head and said in a soft voice, "Maybe that's right..." I asked doubtfully, "What do you mean She quickly explained: "But I will come back to see you, really, I don't cheat you!" I asked weakly: "When will you come back?" "I'm not sure, but I will come in three years!" "I wait for you!"

It has been five years since she left, and no one has heard from her. At that time, I always thought that waiting might be a kind of happiness, but I forgot that after waiting for a long time, there would be trembling, anxiety and yearning in my heart. Some people have not complied with the agreement, some people may never come back in the eyes of hope, never appear in life, because I have been forgotten, forgotten forever. Maybe, even if we passed each other in the street a few years later, we would not recognize each other; Maybe we are destined to be a passer-by of each other in this life! So, what do I have to wait for?

If you think this article is over, you are totally wrong. Because I think waiting will only leave me more regret, so I will not do that meaningless waiting, but to do the active search!

I Don't Wait (9)

Whether in school or in society, everyone has tried to write a composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a summary of my work. I don't try to wait for the composition anymore. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

Since you have left, I have no reason to wait—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Four years ago, you chose to leave. At that time, I chose to wait foolishly, but now I find that I am really stupid.

I remember once you said to me that we would be good friends for a lifetime. I remember once you said to me that we would not separate in this life, but I was still waiting for you, but you forgot that you had been here.

Four years ago, I didn't understand what betrayal is? What is leaving? I only know that you are my best friend. I only know that you have transferred to another school. I only know that I will wait for you to come back. I only know that when you come back, I will tell you that I am still waiting for you.

The cruel reality tells me that all this is just my wishful thinking.

In the new school, with new friends, you have left me behind. Maybe you have forgotten all those vows, only I still remember. Hehe, I'm really funny now. I have always kept these promises and collected the things you gave me. Even if my mother told me to throw them away, I would also keep these simple strokes and words, even the words you once said to me succinctly, "those words that are neither hot nor cold", and those words that we quarreled with, I should write, remember what I can keep, and remember what I can't keep. But you chose to have new friends and put me behind you.

Since you can be merciless, then I can be unjust. From now on, I will not choose to wait for you. From now on, you and I are strangers.

Last year I remember we met once. At the place where we used to play together on the small roof, did you tell me you still remember? I nodded, and I said how did you come here? It was not agreed that you would never see me again? Just sneered and said to me, "Where can you come? I can't come. I grew up here.". I smiled at that time, very cold, just said, you still remember these, then why quickly forget me? It's just that sooner or later I have to destroy our old vows, which will eventually be forgotten, because we are young and ignorant, because we can't be friends, because we are not on the same path.

I said that if so, why did you want to be friends?

You only have two words to answer me, because you are young.

At this moment, on such a night, I think of you again. The weather is cold. I hope your new friend can treat you sincerely, and I hope you can be all right. Don't worry, I'm optimistic.

Sorry, it's my fault to know you, sorry, it's my fault to give you my heart, sorry is my fault, you think everything too simple.

All this is not your fault. From now on, I will not choose to wait.

I'm sorry, since you have given up this promise, then I won't keep it.

There is still a long way to go in life. I hope you can find a true long-term friend.

I hope you can get along well with them, and don't forget the promise of others to you, because we are young and ignorant, and you and I hope you can do well.

Goodbye to this promise, I will not abide by it. Goodbye to this waiting, and I am powerless to pursue it.

I can't afford to wait anymore.

There is still a long way to go. From now on, we will be strangers for the rest of our lives when we meet again.

To Xingyun, my best friend

Let bygones be bygones. I hope you can stop betraying when you have new friends. Don't let others betray you.

I'm sorry, I once promised to accompany you for the rest of your life. I will not accompany you for the rest of your life. I'm sorry to see you again.