Hazards of mobile phones (19 articles selected)
Love rationally
2024-02-04 00:37:30
fifth grade

Hazards of mobile phones (1)

Recently, fewer and fewer people read books, while more and more people watch mobile phones. Looking at these people who look at their mobile phones all day long, known as "bow head clan", I can't help but feel worried: don't they care about their bodies?

I looked up some data on the Internet again, and unexpectedly saw such a message - looking down at my mobile phone for a long time is equivalent to hanging 20 big watermelons on my neck! God, how can our necks stand this? In addition, mobile phone radiation is also a major threat. According to research, cell phone radiation can cause headache and insomnia, and even Alzheimer's disease! In addition, when answering a mobile phone, the radiation will damage the lens of your eye and cause cataract. Radiation can also damage your ears. Research shows that even if we talk for nearly an hour every day, it can also lead to permanent hearing loss; Increase the hidden danger of brain tumor! After checking the data, I was surprised: so many dangers of mobile phones!

I also checked the correct way to use the mobile phone on the Internet: it is better to keep the mobile phone away from the head when the mobile phone calls out; Try to reduce the time of using mobile phone every time and the number of times of using mobile phone every day. When it is necessary to talk for a long time, it is more scientific to alternate left and right ears or use headphones; When the signal of the mobile phone becomes weak, the mobile phone will automatically increase the transmission power of electromagnetic waves. At this time, do not put your ear close to the mobile phone; Do not answer or make calls at the corner of the wall. The signal coverage at the corner of the building is poor, which will increase the radiation power of the phone to a certain extent; Do not walk around at will when answering or making calls. Frequent movement of the position will cause fluctuations in the strength of the received signal, which will lead to unnecessary short-time high-power transmission.

After reading the information, I immediately told my mother who often watched the mobile phone these points, and asked her to use the mobile phone correctly and stay away from harm.

Grade 6: Rush to Qingyun

Hazards of mobile phones (2)

Xiaojun's parents bought a mobile phone for him to study, but Xiaojun didn't use it for study, but for playing games. He would play games with his mobile phone every day after school. Because he played games too many times, Xiao Jun was short-sighted.

Once again, Xiaojun's parents came back from work. They saw Xiaojun sitting on the sofa playing games. Xiaojun also saw his parents come back, but he did not move. He continued to play games and said to his mother, "This game is so fun for Mom and Dad.". Xiaojun's father saw Xiaojun's eyes were red. He thought Xiaojun was nearsighted. His father put out a finger two meters away. Xiaojun's father asked, "Xiaojun, can you see what this is?" Xiaojun said, "I can't see clearly." His father said, "You are nearsighted. You should wear glasses." Xiaojun said, "I don't want to wear eyes." Dad said: "As long as you don't often play with your mobile phone and watch TV, you can."

Since then, Xiaojun has not played with his mobile phone, and his eyes have slowly improved, and he is no longer nearsighted.

Hazards of mobile phones (3)

Mobile network has both advantages and disadvantages, but we not only need to know its convenience, but also when we know so much about the harm of mobile network, should we act together to resist the harm of mobile network?

Many adults around are playing with mobile phones, and some children like to play with mobile phones.

So what harm will mobile phones do to us? Let's have a look. First of all, we know that the mobile phone screen is an electronic screen. When we look directly at the mobile phone screen, it will damage our eyeballs and eye membranes. Secondly, being addicted to the mobile network all the time will immerse us in our own world, so that we won't care about the green things around us, and lack communication with relatives and friends, which will affect our relationship and growth. In addition, indulging in mobile phone network also causes great harm to our health. I see some people play with mobile phones when they walk, and some people play with mobile phones when they drive. Some people even play with mobile phones when they lie down and sleep, which not only affects personal safety, but also affects our physical development and health.

Hazards of mobile phones (4)

There is something that has been widely used in thousands of households: it can make people thousands of miles away see each other; It can make you know the news faster; It is convenient to pay when you buy things... But it can also make people's eyesight decline, and it can also make your career and study become desolate. It is the "child" of modern parents and the "pet" of teenagers. Almost no one can turn a blind eye to it. It is mobile phone.

The majority of modern adults watch mobile phones for social purposes, while a small number of people will follow a play or watch news on their mobile phones. Originally, mobile phone was just an electronic product for entertainment, which also provided people with a lot of convenience and great benefits. However, many adults spend more time contacting mobile phones than their children, which makes mobile phones taste bad.

In life, "bow head clan" can be seen everywhere: some walk to watch their mobile phones hit trees, some fall into the water, and some take selfies to fall off the cliff... When taking the bus, in addition to some primary school students and grandparents, other people standing or sitting are also watching their mobile phones. When I was eating out, I saw such a funny scene: several people at the opposite table were in perfect sync. They all looked down at their mobile phones while eating, and no one was willing to put down their mobile phones. They hold mobile phones in their left hand and food and rice in their right hand... I guess if they don't put their mind on eating like this, can they taste the food? Maybe it's tasteless! I think this is ridiculous, but it is worth pondering: is it not that mobile phones degrade human intelligence and let people be controlled by machines? Human beings are highly intelligent animals. How can they be controlled by a mindless scrap metal? It's ironic.

Today's teenagers are obsessed with surfing the Internet, watching mobile phones, and playing games. Games are not just entertainment for teenagers, but what adults can't guess anyway - keeping up with the Joneses. When you see this, you may have questions. Don't worry, continue to look down. Don't play games online with other people or classmates, and there are few single row players, right? You certainly don't want others to surpass you in anything, do you? Take some games as an example: what is the comparison between king glory and the fifth personality? Rank comparison; What's the comparison between the mini world and my world? Compared with fans. People with ordinary appearance can be a "European emperor" and "God" in the game. Vanity can be satisfied here. In reality, he is just a nobody living in other people's world, while in the game, he can easily become a human being in the virtual world. There was a time when I became obsessed with mobile games and forgot myself. Dad always shakes his head when he sees it. He thinks I'm going to be "disabled". My father, who is thousands of miles away, "orders" my mother to accompany me to read after school every day, and to paint and practice calligraphy every week. Gradually I found happiness in my study, and my mobile phone seemed to be completely forgotten by me.

Teenagers play games to become celebrities in another virtual world. They feel satisfied with their vanity. But after all, the virtual is fake and does not really exist. It is better to put a lot of time and energy into real life.

The advantages of mobile phones outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, depending on your own opinions and understanding of mobile phones to different degrees. Here, I would like to say to all adults: "Every move that adults make inadvertently, children will silently see in their eyes and remember, and will continue to the next generation, the next generation... There is no end. So, from now on, put down your mobile phone that you never leave!"

I would like to give you a piece of advice, quoting the words in the public service advertisement of Hunan Satellite TV: "Give up your addiction to mobile phones and spend more time with your loved ones."

Hazards of mobile phones (5)

Now, let alone middle school students, even primary school students have mobile phones.

Our class has become dependent on mobile phones. Just like my deskmate Liu Ting, my mobile phone is really handy. When doing math problems in math class, I always list the formulas first, and then use my mobile phone to calculate, which is foolproof. She is lucky. The teacher never finds out. I'm afraid her brain will "rust" for a long time.

Now Li Feng is the most ferocious mobile phone player in our class. He sends short messages and chats with his classmates every day in class. When the teacher was lecturing on it, he lowered his head, put his hands under the table, and held his mobile phone and pressed the key quickly. I really admire him! I'm still crazy when I don't study well. In class, I often receive and transmit mobile phone messages under the desk, and put my mind on it. How can learning be better?

I also took my mobile phone with me once in class. Last time my father went on a business trip and left his mobile phone at home. In the evening, I was going to study English in Jedi Fort. Just as my mother couldn't take me there for business, she gave me my father's mobile phone and asked me to take the bus myself. If I had any business, I would call her. The mobile phone was still on during the class. In the middle of the class, the teacher was very excited about what he was saying, and the students listened with great interest. "Ringing bell" turned out to be the phone in my pocket ringing, and everyone looked at me in unison, which scared me to take out my mobile phone and turn it off. But the angry teacher scolded me and asked me to write a reflection, which made me almost dizzy! Once the mobile phone is put in the pocket like this, it will cause a "big disaster".

There are too many dangers for primary school students to carry mobile phones. It's better not to carry them.

Hazards of mobile phones (6)

In the 21st century with advanced technology, mobile phones have become an indispensable communication tool for people. Mobile phones continue to evolve and have more and more functions. Satellite navigation systems, alarm clocks, payment terminals, wallets, and WeChat have brought many conveniences to people.

But everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and mobile phones actually have certain hazards. First, mobile phones are electronic products, which have certain radiation and have caused certain harm to people's bodies.

Second, mobile phones also hurt our eyes. Long time watching mobile phones will make our eyes dry and tired, which will affect our eyesight. Therefore, more and more people are wearing glasses in school now, even I am wearing glasses myself. I dare say that in every ten people, at least one wears glasses. More importantly, do not play with your mobile phone in the dark, or you may lose your sight.

Third, there are many young people who are addicted to mobile phones. They will take out their mobile phones whenever they have time. Watching mobile phones while waiting for the bus, after work, and when taking the bus has led to a sharp rise in the number of people who bow their heads. Mobile phones also reduce the opportunities for communication between people. We often see people staring at mobile phones when they are having dinner together. There is no such happy atmosphere as family gatherings.

Students, although mobile phones have both advantages and disadvantages, as long as we make good use of the advantages and try to avoid the disadvantages, our life will be better.

Hazards of mobile phones (7)

Today, with the development of high-technology, we can get access to all kinds of high-tech products, such as computer, digital cameras and so on. These products make our life more convenient, we can keep in touch with family and friends any time any where. Our life has been changed by the high-tech, we live in a fast-pace world. Cell phone influences our life deeply, everyone owns it. While cell phone brings many dangers. First, cell hone contains radiation which hurts people’s body.

Today, more and more people die of cancer, the main reason is that the high-tech products radiate their bodies, in the long run, the bodies get sick. Cell phone is one of such products, it hurts our bodies as long we use it. Second, cell phone distracts our attention about discovering the beauty of life. People pay their attention on cell phone, they count on it by reading news and making friends, being less going out. We should use cell phone properly.

Today, with the development of high-tech, we can contact various high-tech products, such as computers, digital cameras and so on. These products make our life convenient, and we can keep in touch with family and friends anytime and anywhere. Our life is influenced by high technology, and we live in a fast-paced world. Mobile phones have a profound impact on our lives. Everyone has mobile phones. However, mobile phones do harm to us. First, mobile phones contain radiation harmful to our bodies.

Now, more and more people die of cancer. The main reason is that high-tech products radiate their bodies. If this continues, their bodies will get sick. Mobile phone is one of the products. As long as we use it, it will be endangered. Second, mobile phones make us ignore the beauty of life.

Hazards of mobile phones (8)

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone

With the rapid economic development,the mobile phone has found its way into campuses and a host of students take advantage of this wonderful gadget to communicate with each other.

With the rapid development of economy, mobile phones have flooded into the campus, and many students use this wonderful device to connect with each other.

This phenomenon gives rise to this question:What are the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phone?

This phenomenon raises a question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones?

It is widely believed that it greatly facilitates students’ campus life. Many instances could be found to support this type of opinion.

Everyone thinks that mobile phones have greatly facilitated students' college life. There are many examples to support this view.

A graduating student in our university bought a mobile phone in the course of hunting for his job. He told me that through the mobile phone he could easily keep in touch with the employer of the company he intends to work with and would not miss any opportunities.

A graduate of our school bought a mobile phone when he was looking for a job. He told me that with a mobile phone, he could easily get in touch with the boss of the company he was interested in, so he would not miss any opportunity.

However,everything has both positive and negative facets. The mobile phone also has many disadvantages.

However, everything has both good and bad sides. Mobile phones also have many disadvantages.

For instance,the ringing of the mobile phone often disturbs the teacher’s teaching and other students’ learning.

For example, cell phone ringtones often disturb teachers and students.

Personally,the advantages of the mobile phone outweigh the disadvantages of it as long as we don’t interfere with others while using it.

Personally, I believe that as long as we use mobile phones without affecting others, the advantages of mobile phones outweigh the disadvantages.

Hazards of mobile phones (9)

The cars on the road have been quarrelling all the time, while I am safely lying on the comfortable sofa. The bright sunshine in the morning reflected golden light on me. I'm in a good mood today! Because that annoying little guy is going to learn... learn... oh! In a word, he won't stay here all the time. My happy life is about to begin!

In the past, my happiest moment was when the master just got up to find me, and often this time, the child would make trouble. But fortunately, the master seems to like me better than that poor guy, because when he makes trouble, the master will not hesitate to drive him away.

One weekend morning, the host held me and waited for the group leaders to send red envelopes. The child appeared unconsciously. A pair of small hands grabbed the owner's arm and said, "Dad, please accompany me to do manual work!" At this time, the red envelope was just brushed out, and the owner tried hard to get rid of the child's small hand. I was also secretly worried for the owner, but when the hand was pressed on my face, it was still too late -- the red envelope was empty. In a fit of anger, the master beat the little guy up and just returned.

Another working day, the hostess was holding me to buy a bag, "Oh! This bag is good, as long as you can kill this famous brand bag in seconds, it is better than buying countless bags!" The countdown to kill in seconds was 10...... 9...... 8...... The little troublemaker appeared! He rushed to the hostess, snatched me from her hand and said, "Mom! How do you write the 'meal' for dinner?" The bag icon on my screen changed to red, "Start second kill"! The hostess was worried: "I want to return my mobile phone quickly"! "I don't! I don't"! The little master said stubbornly. "Ouch!" The hostess was so angry that she could not speak, because she saw the icon on the screen turned gray. Finally, she took me back. Shouting at the little guy: "You - go out!" The little guy cried all of a sudden and shouted: "Give back my father and mother!"!

The sun was more dazzling, the bedroom door slowly opened, and the sleepy master came to me again and gladly opened me

Hazards of mobile phones (10)

Today, I would like to talk about the harm of mobile phones to primary school students.

1. When you answer the phone with your mobile phone, the radiation is greatest. When you listen to the phone for too long, your ears will ache, your memory will decline, and your body organs will not develop completely.

2. Games on mobile phones are usually used by sellers to attract customers. The game is not good, it will make the pupils indulge in it, resulting in a straight decline in performance. Often playing mobile games can also seriously damage your eyesight and waste the hard-earned money of your parents.

3. Mobile phones can also cause a series of troubles. Such as shouting in class and interfering with the class. I lost my mobile phone and searched everywhere. I didn't put my mind on the class. Some students even don't listen to the teacher in class. They send text messages or call students at home. When they don't know how to calculate, they use the calculator on their mobile phone to calculate... I think this is a great harm to primary school students.

Students, don't let mobile phones "hurt" us forever!

Hazards of mobile phones (11)

Recently, some students in our class, such as Guo Tianhao, Zhang Yuhao and Song Haojia, became addicted to online games. As a result, their achievements have plummeted and their eyesight has declined rapidly. Many parents reported this problem to their teachers, but some parents said that it was OK to play for half an hour a week. The teacher asked everyone to discuss the topic of "the harm of mobile phones".

The discussion began. Some students said that they had deleted the game and download center. Some students said that they would set a password for the download center and tell their parents what to download. They agreed to download it again. Others said they would play for half an hour a week. Some students said that they could recite four good words and two good sentences every day for five minutes.

Zhang Xinyue said: "We can delete the game and download center, only Baidu."

Liao Liang said, "We can ask parents to set a password in the download center, tell them what to download, and then download after they agree."

Xu Xingye, who loves playing games, said: "We can play for half an hour a week. This time, we will not play next time."

Li Jiawei said, "If you recite four good words and two good sentences for five minutes a day, you will not be allowed to recite four good sentences and five good words tomorrow."

Wu Yufan said, "My original performance was not bad, because I downloaded a game, my performance dropped quickly."

Teacher Zhang said, "We must study hard to make progress every day, so we can't play games."

Hazards of mobile phones (12)

Now, mobile phones have become an inevitable important communication tool in people's daily life. But everything has two sides, and mobile phones are no exception. Its many functions can serve as a bridge for adults to communicate, a source of life and work information, and an indispensable part of adult life; However, its entertainment function has become a "black sheep" that endangers the healthy growth of children!

Because the mobile phone picture changes too fast, playing with the mobile phone for a long time will lead to eye fatigue, vision loss and myopia! Moreover, our long-term addiction to online games will lead to a decline in our focus on learning and life. For example, we are playing mobile games at home. It's time to go to school. We have to go to school. So, on the way to school, we will keep imagining how many levels my game can reach if I don't go to school. In class, my mind is still full of scenes and assumptions of the game, and I can't think of listening. More importantly, playing games for a long time will directly affect our physical health, such as: sitting for a long time will lead to deformation and injury of the spine, and will not grow tall or fat... Even sitting for a long time will lead to death from lack of oxygen, which will bring a heavy blow to the family by wasting your own life.

In the past, I also loved playing with my mobile phone when I didn't know this knowledge. When I was five years old, my father was busy doing business and had no time to manage me. Only my mother watched me go to school at home. At that time, my mother was not strict with me, so I played with my mobile phone every day. Every time I played with my mobile phone, the time increased day by day, and my eyesight also decreased day by day. Later, my mother realized how harmful cell phones are to me. So I was not allowed to play with mobile phones. She hid her mobile phone, but I often played it secretly.

But the good times didn't last long. My mother found me again. That day, my mother came into the house and saw me playing with my mobile phone in the living room. She said angrily, "Give me your mobile phone quickly! Who let you touch your mobile phone? All the smart people are studying hard at home, but you are playing with your mobile phone here! Do you want to be left behind by others?" After that, my mother took away the mobile phone and hit me with the hard slippers on the ground. I immediately "got" a few slipper marks on my body, and the moment I ran out crying, I found myself seeing things blurred, then I realized that my mobile phone was quietly eroding my eyes and destroying my vision.

Since then, I said "Bye bye" to my mobile phone.

Hazards of mobile phones (13)

A cartoon deeply reflects the harm brought by mobile phones.

I observed from this picture that father's playing with mobile phones has caused great harm to his daughter. The father is not engaged in his work. He always sits on the sofa and plays with his mobile phone. Her daughter thinks about the happy scene of herself and her father playing together. The little girl went to grab his father and play with him. Her father said, "Go and play by yourself, don't bother me playing with my mobile phone.

By our side. There are many such things.

Some are dads and moms. As a father, he doesn't care for his children by watching TV and playing with mobile phones. Drinking and smoking everyday hurt his family. Mothers don't care about their children. They play cards and mahjong without working or cooking. These are the harm to children and families.

Dear parents all over the world, please stop your mobile phone, accompany your children more, take care of more children, pay more attention to children, let your mobile phone replace your love for children, and let love accompany their growth.

Hazards of mobile phones (14)

Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the use rate of mobile phones in people's life is getting higher and higher.

Look, Mom and Dad turn on their mobile phones first thing when they wake up in the morning. In general, the dialogue is like this: "Husband, hurry, help me see how much money I made from yesterday's Alipay campaign, and let me see how much money you made?" Anyway, the conversation when I woke up must be about mobile phones. No wonder people say that mobile phones are the first killer of families!

After breakfast, their pace of life seemed to slow down because of my holiday. They sat down and picked up their mobile phones. Grandma Wang, who was opposite the door, knocked on my family and said to my mother, "Girl, please help me pay for the electricity, water and gas bills." My mother has always been willing to help others, and these little things are easy to say. So, with her mobile phone, Grandma Wang quickly helped her to complete the payment task without leaving home. Grandma thanked her and said to herself, "I'm old, I can't keep up with the situation, and I can't do anything with my mobile phone." She walked back to her home.

Grandma called and asked us to go to their place for dinner. My parents and I cleaned up and went out. We went to the market to buy some fruits and vegetables, which were all Grandma's favorite food. My mother took out her mobile phone and scanned a QR code. Soon, the payment problem was solved again. It seemed that Grandma Wang was really old, and she would not understand these advanced things on the mobile phone.

Mobile phones help us solve problems in life. One of my mother's colleagues bought goods on Pinduoduo, and needed her mother's help to bargain. After a while, my aunt sent a circle of friends, and the bargain was successful. A trolley case was successfully won without spending a penny

It seems that advanced smart phones will be more and more helpful to people's lives. If we can popularize mobile phone knowledge and make its operation more convenient, mobile phones will be everyone's close "friends" in life.

Hazards of mobile phones (15)

In the summer of Guangdong, it was still hot when the fan was turned on to the maximum, so I couldn't sleep soundly in the afternoon nap, so I turned off the fan and locked the door; Find a cool place to be comfortable.

Recently, the mobile phone always has an inexplicable black screen. Go to find the master to have a look. Thinking about it, I came to a mobile phone store. When I pushed the door, it was like another season; The cool wind is coming directly, which makes me feel refreshed.

"Hello! Is there anything I can do for you?" A beautiful girl came to me slowly while walking. "Oh... help me see what's wrong with this phone? It's always inexplicably black." I was busy taking out my phone and handed it to her. "OK, please wait a moment! I'll ask the master to take a look at it for you. Please sit down there and rest."

She handed her mobile phone to the master, and I also sat on a high stool to rest, enjoying the rare comfortable cool wind.

About a quarter of an hour, a man and a woman came in; Men are in their sixties, and women are on a par. Go straight to the area selling mobile phones for the elderly. Then the good-looking girl came to say hello to them. "Two old people, do you need to buy a mobile phone?" "Oh... let's... look... look..." said the old man hesitantly. "Okay, take your time. Call me if you need anything."

"Meizai, I want a mobile phone that can see people." Hearing what he said, I couldn't help but burst out laughing, thinking what is a mobile phone that can see people? It's a mobile phone that can make video calls. It's really a country bumpkin. I saw that Meizai took a smart phone to him, and he stretched it out full of cracks. An old hand went to pick up the phone; She pushed the phone to her again with a red face.

"I haven't read any books. The phone you gave me can't be used. Is there any simple one that can see people?"

"Little sister, you don't know that our two sons both live in the city and have made their homes in the city. My wife is not very efficient and has not come to the city several times a year. So we thought that if we want our sons to miss their grandchildren, we would look at them on our mobile phones and talk to them. If not, let's forget it." Then we helped her out.

I can't smile at last. Looking at their faraway backs, I feel their loneliness; I meditate... I feel guilty. I wonder how my parents are now.

Hazards of mobile phones (16)

"Ding Lingling..." The mobile phone rang again. It must be my mother who called to ask me about my listening. It's so annoying!

"Hey, how did you hear? Did you drink any water? It's hot today, so drink more water..." Mom began to nag again.

"I see. I have nothing else to do. I'm working on the Olympiad Maths problem!" I said impatiently.

After a while, the phone rang again: "...". I didn't listen to anything my mother said.

"Fourteen times eight gets... 112..."

"Do you hear me?" Mom said on the other end of the phone.

I hung up the phone and continued to work on the problem.

After a day of classes, my mother called again, and I just hung up. When I left the office building, it rained heavily, so I had to take shelter in the building. I thought: How can I go home when it rains so heavily? I must be scolded for calling my mother because I hung up my mother's phone without authorization just now. What should I do? A cold wind blew and I shivered with cold. At this time, my mother ran over with an umbrella. Her face was worried. Although she had an umbrella, her clothes were still wet. My mother ran to me, smiled reassuringly, touched my head with her cold hand, and put her coat on my body, saying: "I called you to tell you that it was raining today, and I came to pick you up, but you didn't answer it, and it was freezing, right? Just run for a few laps..." Suddenly, a sense of guilt came to my heart. Every phone call my mother made was a love for me, and every greeting was a concern for me, but I said I was bored and hung it up. At this time, I realized that every time a parent calls, it is a time to enjoy happiness!

On the way home, my mother hit my whole umbrella on my head, and she was all wet. When I pushed the umbrella to my mother's side, she said: "I am already wet, can I get wet again? What should I do when you are young and ill?" I regretted it very much

That day I felt my mother's deep love for me, and also felt the importance of answering my parents' calls.

Hazards of mobile phones (17)

In the age when mobile phones were not popular, Li dreamed of having her own mobile phone. Li wanted to call her mother every day to tell her what she was doing at school today, whether she was happy or unhappy, and she wanted to tell her mother. But her parents' mobile phones were not new, so how could she have them.

But Li wanted to talk to her mother very much. Li would go to the school supermarket to call her mother every day and tell her that she had a good day. As the days grew, Li had also been used to calling her mother. If she didn't call her one day, she would be very uncomfortable. Li wondered whether her mother would worry about herself.

However, it was raining heavily that day, and the supermarket of the school could not call. After being rejected, Li was very disappointed. She sat on the bed in a daze. Suddenly, Li saw her roommate was calling. Li hesitated. Li thought that if she wanted to give her money, she would say a few words. She should be able to borrow it. Li finally gathered courage in hesitation, "I want to borrow your mobile phone to make a phone call. I'll give you the money in a moment." Li looked at her classmates eagerly. The classmate nodded, "Use it, I don't want your money" Li happily took the phone.

After calling her mother, Li returned her mobile phone to her classmates. Li didn't know when she would have her own mobile phone, so she didn't have to call the supermarket every day. There were so many people in the supermarket, so Li was worried.

Finally, it was what Li expected. On Sunday, Li could go home to see her parents. Li told her mother that she wanted a mobile phone. If only she had one. Li's mother actually took out a red flip phone, "Li, this is your aunt's unused phone, but there will be a noise when you call." "Well, OK, I have a phone." Li picked up the phone and looked around. It's really different to have a phone.

Although it is not new, Li is very satisfied. When this mobile phone was not very popular, she also had a mobile phone. Li wants to save some electricity. She can only go home once a week. It will take a week.

Hazards of mobile phones (18)

Modern facilities will have many modern tools. Telephone, mobile phone, TV, computer and other electronic tools are becoming more and more popular, which is more and more convenient for people's life. With a telephone, we can talk to anyone; With mobile phones, we can put them in our pockets and communicate with others anytime, anywhere, regardless of time, location and other factors; With TV, we can travel around the world at home; With computers, we can answer all our questions. But today I decided to focus on mobile phones and their advantages and disadvantages.

Mobile phones have been used since about eight years ago, but only in the wealthier families in some big cities and some people with special needs. In the 1990s, mobile phones began to become universal, heavy and popular, not just limited to individual people. Young people, middle-aged people and old people can have their own mobile phones, and even mobile phones have a certain low position among some students and are favored. The functions of mobile phones have become more and more extensive with the development of time and the progress of society. At first, it can only be used to talk on the phone and send messages. Gradually, we can listen to music and play games on our mobile phones. In addition to those simple functions, mobile phones now have modern elements. In addition to watching TV, mobile phones can also surf the Internet, access QQ and chat with others via video. This shows the position and demand of mobile phones in people's daily life.

Walking on the street, you will see that many people are using mobile phones. With mobile phones, no matter how far or near they are, communication between mainland and overseas is unimpeded; With mobile phones, it becomes more and more convenient to talk, and the world becomes smaller and smaller; With a mobile phone, people can find you anywhere and talk to you; With a mobile phone, you don't have to sit at home and wait for someone else's phone call. You can still communicate outside. Mobile phones make our communication easier and more convenient, and our communication needs are also met with higher standards. Mobile Internet access has also realized the practical needs of many people. With the progress of the times, various modern functions of mobile phones have brought many benefits to people.

Although mobile phones have so many advantages, their disadvantages must also exist. Some students use mobile phones prematurely, which leads to many drawbacks. Li Ru: Playing games on mobile phones for a long time will make our eyes tired due to lack of rest, which may even be the culprit for our eyesight to decline. Playing games on mobile phones for a long time is more likely to make us forget our study, which will lead to our decline in learning. E-books on mobile phones will make us mature prematurely It is not conducive to our physical and mental development, but also to our healthy growth. In this way, mobile phones will not bring convenience to our life but resistance to the growth of more people.

How can we turn the disadvantages of mobile phones into advantages? I think it depends on people's restraint. If we use mobile phones reasonably to manage ourselves and become owners of mobile phones instead of slaves of games, I think mobile phones will bring us endless benefits.

Hazards of mobile phones (19)

There is something that has been widely used in thousands of households: it can make people thousands of miles away see each other; It can make you know the news faster; It is convenient to pay when you buy things... But it can also make people's eyesight decline, and it can also make your career and study become desolate. It is the "child" of modern parents and the "pet" of teenagers. Almost no one can turn a blind eye to it. It is mobile phone.

The majority of modern adults watch mobile phones for social purposes, while a small number of people will follow a play or watch news on their mobile phones. Originally, mobile phone was just an electronic product for entertainment, which also provided people with a lot of convenience and great benefits. However, many adults spend more time contacting mobile phones than their children, which makes mobile phones taste bad.

In life, "bow head clan" can be seen everywhere: some walk to watch their mobile phones hit trees, some fall into the water, and some take selfies to fall off the cliff... When taking the bus, in addition to some primary school students and grandparents, other people standing or sitting are also watching their mobile phones. When I was eating out, I saw such a funny scene: several people at the opposite table were in perfect sync. They all looked down at their mobile phones while eating, and no one was willing to put down their mobile phones. They hold mobile phones in their left hand and food and rice in their right hand... I guess if they don't put their mind on eating like this, can they taste the food? Maybe it's tasteless! I think this is ridiculous, but it is worth pondering: is it not that mobile phones degrade human intelligence and let people be controlled by machines? Human beings are highly intelligent animals. How can they be controlled by a mindless scrap metal? It's ironic.

Today's teenagers are obsessed with surfing the Internet, watching mobile phones, and playing games. Games are not just entertainment for teenagers, but what adults can't guess anyway - keeping up with the Joneses. When you see this, you may have questions. Don't worry, continue to look down. Don't play games online with other people or classmates, and there are few single row players, right? You certainly don't want others to surpass you in anything, do you? Take some games as an example: what is the comparison between king glory and the fifth personality? Rank comparison; What's the comparison between the mini world and my world? Compared with fans. People with ordinary appearance can be a "European emperor" and "God" in the game. Vanity can be satisfied here. In reality, he is just a nobody living in other people's world, while in the game, he can easily become a human being in the virtual world. There was a time when I became obsessed with mobile games and forgot myself. Dad always shakes his head when he sees it. He thinks I'm going to be "disabled". My father, who is thousands of miles away, "orders" my mother to accompany me to read after school every day, and to paint and practice calligraphy every week. Gradually I found happiness in my study, and my mobile phone seemed to be completely forgotten by me.

Teenagers play games to become celebrities in another virtual world. They feel satisfied with their vanity. But after all, the virtual is fake and does not really exist. It is better to put a lot of time and energy into real life.

The advantages of mobile phones outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, depending on your own opinions and understanding of mobile phones to different degrees. Here, I would like to say to all adults: "Every move that adults make inadvertently, children will silently see in their eyes and remember, and will continue to the next generation, the next generation... There is no end. So, from now on, put down your cell phone that you never leave!"

I would like to give you a piece of advice, quoting the words in the public service advertisement of Hunan Satellite TV: "Give up your addiction to mobile phones and spend more time with your loved ones."