Tug of War Composition 100 (20 high-quality articles)
Dusty memory
2023-09-22 07:12:15

Tug of War Composition 100 (1)

One afternoon on Friday, I was walking on my way to school. I thought I would be selected as a member of the tug of war competition, but I was not selected. I thought: Why am I so unlucky?

When I just arrived at the playground, the wind was blowing like a sandstorm. I closed my eyes quickly, afraid that the sand would blow into my eyes. There are some people fighting, some chatting, and some waiting for the tug of war to begin

I don't know who shouted, and the playground immediately became quiet, but I knew that the game was about to start. When it was our class's turn to play, our opponent was Class Five, and the selected players went up. Looking at their tense expressions, I thought: will we lose? As expected, the teacher of Class 5 made an action that I couldn't see clearly. In less than two minutes, our team was defeated. In the second round, we lost

Although we lost today, we will win next time!

Tug of War Composition 100 (2)

On Friday afternoon, we went to the playground to participate in the tug of war.

The eighth game was a match between Class 1 and Class 4. We pulled hard, and I saw the sweat of the students dripping down. My teeth were exposed, and my hands were red. We were about to pull the mark to our side. As a result, Class 4 was unconvinced and made us all fall to squat. Class 4 was very happy to win, and jumped to three feet high. We pouted and looked unconvinced. In Game 9, we changed the venue with Class 4 and pulled hard, but we still lost.

Some students cried and some cried. I said, "What's the use of crying? Everyone should work hard in the future. Failure is the mother of success!" After that, we must defeat Class 4.

Tug of War Composition 100 (3)

In the sports and arts two plus one class, the students asked, "What are you playing?" The teacher said, "Let's play tug of war."

The game began. The teacher came to be the referee. We were divided into two teams, boys and girls. Each of us tried hard to pull up and down. The birds on the tree chirped as if to say, "Come on! Come on!"

Xiaoqiang here said, "We are sure to win." Xiaohong over there said, "Your boys' team won't win." Just after Xiaohong's words fell, a boy fell down, and we girls quickly exhausted the rope. Ha ha, we girls win! We jumped and danced happily. The boy said unconvinced, "This time it's up to you, and next time we will win." Hehe, bragging even after losing, funny!

Tug of War Composition 100 (4)

This week is Sports Week, which makes me excited!

The second class on Tuesday afternoon is the tug of war competition. We have 16 people to tug of war, including me... At the beginning of the competition, we will give them a full blow. We vigorously pulled out other people and shouted "Come on". The students gave us a warm cheer, and we won the first game! The students were very excited. Teacher Zeng was happy like flowers, which made us more happy!

In the second scene, we won the game as soon as the whistle sounded. The students in Class 3 did not behave in a standard way, so they cheered again. We won five games and lost one.

I know from this competition that as long as we are united, our unity can defeat our strength!

Tug of War Composition 100 (5)

This afternoon, our whole grade one tug of war competition was held on the playground. When the teacher asked our class's parents and classmates to prepare for the competition, I saw my mother in there, and I felt very proud.

Because I was not elected, I had to be their cheerleader. When the whistle sounded, the game officially began. I saw the two classes of people pulling the rope hard, and I heard many people shouting: "Come on. Come on..." When I saw that our class was about to lose, I used my neck strength to shout: "Come on. Come on..." Finally, I lost, I felt a little disappointed, but my mother told me: "Friendship first, competition second".

Tug of War Composition 100 (6)

On Saturday, our class organized an autumn outing, one of which was a tug of war competition.

Teacher Tao first lined up our female students and male students separately, and then formed a group of five male students and five female students to compete in the tug of war with the other group of five male students and five female students.

At the command of Teacher Tao, the tug of war began. Although our group of students tried their best to pull, we were slowly pulled out by the other group of students. I cried bitterly at that time. But my mother comforted me and said, "It's OK. People will encounter many failures in their life. The key is that we should sum up the experience of failure, so that we can win in the future.".

Tug of War Composition 100 (7)

In yesterday's activity class, we held a tug of war competition. The main participants were our class, Class 51, and the PE teacher.

The game began. Under the whistle of the physical education teacher, we had a fierce game. The first game was the boys' duel, "Come on, Class 52, come on!" I shouted hard, "Alas!" With our regretful voice, Class 52 won, I was very unconvinced. The final began, "Come on, come on!" Class 51 won again, and it was our girls' turn to play, I thought: this time, I must win honor for our class! The fight between our girls began, "Come on, come on!" The boy shouted for us, "Yeah!" We won the first game, probably because I was weak and lost the second game.

Although our class lost, it left me a deep impression!

Tug of War Composition 100 (8)

In physical education class, girls are cheerleaders while boys are engaged in tug of war.

Speaking of tug of war, this is our class boys' favorite sport, so the boys were divided into two teams, the monitor was the referee, and the game began.

Everyone's front legs are arched and back legs are stretched, and their bodies stand steadily. The girl shouted for refueling. The red cloth strip in the middle of the rope was moving to the left and right, so that everyone could not distinguish the left from the right.

Finally, the red cloth strip slowly moved to the left of Xiaoming's team, and they finally won!

How happy this PE class is!

Tug of War Composition 100 (9)

On Friday afternoon, our second grade held a tug of war.

As soon as the bell rang, I came to the playground happily. Thick and long ropes have been laid out on the playground. Everyone is holding their breath and waiting to contribute to their class. Our opponent is Class 2. We caught hold of the rope and got ready. As soon as the whistle sounded, everyone worked together, one by one, their faces turned red, and they pulled the rope towards us with all their strength. It has been a long time since we could decide the outcome. Cheerleaders shouted "Come on, come on", and even the teacher cheered for us. With the cry, we pulled and pulled hard, and the rope moved towards us bit by bit. Just listen to the beep, our class won.

Through this game, I understand that unity is strength.

Tug of War Composition 100 (10)

One morning, the children pulled a tug of war together on the playground. We took a thick and long rope, and then selected two groups of players. I was divided into the first group. When Xiao Ming was the referee, he said: "There is a red stripe in the middle of the rope, and whoever pulls it over will be the winner." When the game started, we immediately pulled back, and the rope immediately came to us, and the red stripe was in front of us. Unfortunately, they pulled them back at the critical moment. At that moment, we exerted all our strength. Some children were sweating and others were flushed. Seeing that the Red Stripe was coming to them, each of us made a further effort, and the Red Stripe finally came to us. Xiaoming said, "The game is over, and I officially announced that the first group has won." We immediately cheered, from which we learned that unity is strength!

Tug of War Composition 100 (11)

Today, there was a fierce tug of war in the class. The teacher divided our class into two groups, one red team and the other blue team. The competition is about to start. Everyone is eager to try.

With the whistle, the game began. The athletes grabbed the rope with both hands, separated their legs, leaned back, stared round, and pulled back hard. After a while, the athletes' faces turned red, like fiery apples.

The rope was pulled by the red team and the blue team. The cheerleaders nearby shouted, "Come on! Come on!" The red team made great efforts.

Finally, there was only a whistle. The game was over, and the red team won. The headmaster gave them rewards. Sing, dance and embrace! Very happy!

Tug of War Composition 100 (12)

The annual sports meeting is coming, and what the students look forward to most is the tug of war. "Come out after a thousand calls", and finally it's our turn to tug of war.

With a whistle, the game began. The students all blushed and choked their feet to the ground, holding the thick rope tightly in their hands and pulling back desperately. The red ribbon tied to the rope is like a butterfly, moving from east to west. The cheerleading team nearby is also shouting: "Come on! Come on!" The first 'is our class's "strength responsibility" - Xiao Ming. His face was red, his mouth was closed tightly, his cheeks were puffy, his body was tightly attached to the rope, and he pulled the rope backward with his strength.

Finally, Huangtian won the day, our class won the victory, and everyone laughed and laughed.

Tug of War Composition 100 (13)

On Friday afternoon, our class and Class 203 will have a tug of war competition. Each class will send ten people to participate. On the playground, the students were ready to start the game. The teacher said the rules of the game: "Tie a piece of red silk in the middle of the rope. If one side pulls the red silk to his side, he will win." When the whistle sounded, the team members began to pull. They all tried their best to make their faces red and their ears red. The girl students nearby cheered us on. The rope will be pulled by us and pulled by them, and each will not give way. The competition is very fierce. My classmates and I were very nervous. After a long time, the rope was finally pulled by us. "We won, we won!" The students cheered happily.

Tug of War Composition 100 (14)

On a windy and sunny afternoon, in the gym, all the teachers of Little Star English School held a tug of war competition, and my mother also participated in the competition. Before the game, there were 10 people in each team. They stood in the team, tightly tampering with the rope, waiting for the whistle to blow.

With a "toot", the whistling went off, and the players on the field tried their best to make their faces red, like red apples. The teachers who did not participate in the match were also there desperately shouting "Come on" for their own team members. A few minutes later, the game ended, the other side won, and the mother team lost.

Mother said: This competition not only exercised the body, but also promoted the unity and friendship between teachers.

Tug of War Composition 100 (15)

On a sunny afternoon, we held a tug of war against the scorching sun. The students and parents in our class are holding hemp rope hand by hand. As a cheerleader, I am very excited.

With a whistle, cheers and cheers, although I did not play, I was drawn by the 'fierce formation' on the scene. I used all my strength to yell: "Come on, class one (2)! Come on!" I wish I could run up to help them. We were so worried!

We have played seven games in total, and we are more and more excited than before. Sometimes we see that they are exhausted, and we are really afraid that we will not continue! But the final result really makes me feel happy! Because we won the grade championship! This activity made me understand that as long as we work together, nothing is impossible!

Tug of War Composition 100 (16)

On a sunny afternoon, in the gymnasium, all the teachers of Little Star English School held a tug of war competition in the class, and my mother also participated in the competition. Before the game, there were 10 people in each team. They stood in the team, tightly tampering with the rope, waiting for the whistle to blow.

With a "toot", the whistle sounded, and the players on the field tried their best to make their faces red, like red apples. The teachers who did not participate in the match were also there desperately shouting "Come on" for their own team members. A few minutes later, the game ended, the other side won, and the mother team lost.

Mother said: This competition not only exercised the body, but also promoted the unity and friendship between teachers.

Tug of War Composition 100 (17)

On Sunday afternoon, we had a tug of war game with our teacher in the classroom of Little Swallow Paradise. We had a good time. Before the match, the male students and the teacher did a warm-up exercise. The teacher rubbed his hands, kicked his legs and shook his hands. The male student rubbed his clothes with his hands.

At the beginning of the game, our class shouted: "Three, two, one, start!" The male students and the teacher would not let anyone. The male students and the teacher fixed their eyes on the card. The male students took great efforts to pull the teacher out of the door. At this time, everyone crumpled the cards and almost broke them. The card seems to say: "Stop pulling! Stop pulling! I have a heart attack! I'm only 8 years old! I don't want to die!"

Finally, the male student pulled hard, and the card fell into the male student's hand, and the male student won. He happily put the card into his schoolbag.

It's really an interesting tug of war between thumbs. Do you want to play?

Tug of War Composition 100 (18)

Today, our class held a tug of war competition. Many children came to participate, and a few with less strength joined the cheerleading team.

When everyone came to the playground, a thick rope lay in the middle, with a red cloth tied in the middle of the rope. People on the other side pulled it first to win.

The competition began, and the students on both sides were like Hercules, struggling to pull their own rope, and no one would let anyone. Everyone gritted their teeth and worked hard. Soon everyone was sweating. As cheerleaders, everyone cheered for their team members.

This is really a fierce game!

Tug of War Composition 100 (19)

This week, a very unforgettable event happened to me - tug of war. Our class had a fierce tug of war with Class 2 (11).

Each class has 30 children and two teachers. Each of us tried his best to tug of war. Cheerleaders' cheers were loud and exciting. After we heard the cheerleaders' cheers, the competition became more energetic. Although my tug of war was painful, I persisted until the end of the game. In the end, our class lost, but the children in our class were very happy, because we all know that participation is important!

Tug of War Composition 100 (20)

The first tug of war competition of Grade 5 in our school ended on the plastic track of our school on April 12, 2010 through the efforts of our students. Class 1, Grade 5 defeated Class 3, Grade 5 to win the championship, and Class 3, Grade 5 ranked second.

The members of Class 1, Grade 5 have boundless strength, especially a man named Zhang Qiang, who is the "pioneer officer" and has made great contributions to Class 1, Grade 5.

When Class 1 and Class 3 of Grade 5 competed, everyone tried their best. People from other grades were cheering for Class 3 of Grade 5. Class 3, Grade 5, once pulled Class 1, Grade 5 to their side, but because the team members were physically exhausted, they were pulled by Class 1, Grade 5. In the second battle of the exchange field, the members of Class 3, Grade 5 worked very hard to make a quick decision. Zhang Qiang, a member of Class 1, Grade 5, and Ruan Feng, a member of Class 3, Grade 5, were locked in a stalemate. Other members of Class 3, Grade 5 also made great efforts, and some of their facial muscles burst out. But Class 3, Grade 5, still lost. All the people cheering for Class 3, Grade 5 seemed to be frustrated.

There are three classes taking part in this competition. Class 2, Grade 5 won the third place.