Sports Meeting Comprehension Composition (6 Collections)
Ordinary and valuable
2023-10-02 01:57:58

Sports Meeting Comprehension Composition (1)

This is a special day. Our Miaoshan Great Wall School held the first track and field meeting, and the students were excited to wait for the opening of the games.

Our class is the flower team of this sports meeting. Early in the morning, everyone was wearing white T-shirts. Although it was very cold, it would never erase our excitement. We walked around the playground from the entrance, and we were very excited along the way.

What impressed me most about the Games was my long jump. That morning I watched one exciting game after another. Xiaofen in our class has won the first place in the long-distance running events and can participate in the finals. When everyone was cheering for her, she ran hard on the runway. It was not easy! When Xiaofen came back from the victory, she was greeted with praise and words of encouragement. I imagined in my heart that I would jump far in the afternoon. I really hope that I can be like Xiaofen at that time


In the afternoon, because of some special reasons, I pushed off the competition from the teacher. In fact, I really want to win honor for my class. I also want to compete in the field, but alas!

The teacher asked Xiaoqin to replace me. I watched as she jumped. Xiaoqin showed her style and jumped very far. At that time, my heart was both happy and ashamed. To her delight, she won an honor for our class; I'm ashamed that I can't even participate in the competition, let alone add points to the class. Moreover, even if I participate, I can't compete with Xiaoqin. In short, the more I think about it, the more I blame myself.

Sitting in the noisy audience, I admired their excellent sports results. Why is my sports so bad? Why can't I surpass others on the playground like them? However, I suddenly thought of my advantages in learning. The ability of composition and reading comprehension in Chinese is very strong. I was the first in my class in the last Chinese contest! English, my pronunciation is very standard, and I usually do well in exams... Maybe it's an excuse to comfort myself! However, I know that everyone has his own strengths! There is a good saying: "The ruler has its advantages, and the inch has its disadvantages."

A little thing at the sports meeting made me understand another truth. This sports meeting has really gained a lot!

Sports Meeting Comprehension Composition (2)

Failure, everyone will experience, failure is not terrible, failure is the first step to aspire to success.

On September 29, the long-awaited sports meeting was finally held. Although the weather was very cold, the students were in a warm mood.

There are five events in the Games: leggings race, face to face relay, rowing, tug of war and centipede race. Before the competition, the students practiced very well, but we were too nervous. We lost two or three events near the end. But before the game, the teacher said to us, "Don't be afraid to lose, just try your best. Don't laugh at each other even if you lose." I still remember this sentence. After listening to this, all the students in our class raised their spirits and faced the enemy, "striving hard to be the first". As a result, we won the first place in the group project, the first place in the school year group and the performance award of Hongqi Primary School. This is the success of our class after listening to it. I am very happy to win honor for our class.

Through this sports meeting, I learned that we should be united and enthusiastic, not cynical. No matter whether we win or lose, "work hard to be the first". Failure is the mother of success. As long as we do well, we can. I decided to take Mr. Zhang's morality as the goal in the future, and to be a good student with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor

Sports Meeting Comprehension Composition (3)

The holding of the school's spring sports meeting affects the hearts of all teachers and students. The Games brought everyone together and composed songs of struggle and progress, unity and cooperation, and selfless dedication.

The one-and-a-half day sports meeting ended this morning in a tense and orderly competition and in the joyful songs and laughter of teachers and students, which also left me with many insights.

Sport is also culture

Although it is still spring, the feeling of summer has quietly flowed in the air. At the opening ceremony of the Games, the team of athletes from all classes, dressed in neat school uniforms, marched with neat steps under the guidance of the national flag team, shouted loud slogans with class characteristics, passed through the rostrum in an orderly and energetic manner, plus the excellent interpretation of the characteristics of each class by the commentators, and cheers from the audience, It immediately injected fresh vitality into the arena. It makes people feel the jumping notes of youth, the burning passion and the radiant light. The big red slogans on both sides of the rostrum on the playground, "Life lies in sports" and "Success lies in hard work", are also particularly dazzling.

Comprehension: Sports itself is a kind of culture, a diversified culture.

Everyone is participating

Most people sit in the audience, some people rush to the arena, and a few people stand on the podium. However, no matter who they are, everyone is participating with the same positive heart and the same happy heart. The correspondents running back and forth on the playground are nervous about the record of the event, and they are promoting others; As a logistics service student, he ran around and asked for help, even though he was as tired and thirsty as an athlete... From time to time, there were shouts, cheers and cheers from the audience

On the sports field, there is a strong sense of youth everywhere, filled with the joy of sports, the unity of the class, and the self-confidence of the soul. Everyone is working hard and obsessed with the collective happiness. The sports spirit of "unity is victory", "long live friendship" and "hard work" has been well reflected here.

One person's exercise is fitness, and many people together in the fitness competition, then it is the sports meeting. Xunzi said: If people are in harmony, they will be strong. In the sports meeting, only when the class achieves "Qi people" can it be the last king.

Comprehension: We are all participating, and we are happy as well.

Exercise and be happy

We are healthy because of sports and happy because of health. I always thought that the people who built the pyramids must be in agony when they built them. But there is a saying that these people are happy to build. The reason is that people's accuracy in doing things in pain is much worse than that in happiness. If they are not happy, how can they build such an accurate pyramid? If based on this point, human life really depends on sports!

Appreciate the passion of the students running, the mood is still moved, followed by rhythm. With a slogan, perhaps it is also a kind of sports spirit - love sports, really happy!

Youth, keep running

One and a half days of sports meet, different people, different feelings; Spend it in different ways and have different spiritual gains.

I recall the saying in the Decameron that "the hardships of climbing will bring double happiness." I also recall Ba Jin's essay "Life" that "the survival of individuals will be in the survival of groups, and groups will continue forever, so individuals can not be said to be immortal."

The sun is lit by our passion; Spring is brilliant because of our enthusiasm. What the Games leave us is not only a certificate of merit and ranking, but also an attitude, a determination, a strength, a quality, and an indelible spirit!

We will return to our usual study life, but no matter who we are, we should let youth continue to run! Let youth stay in your heart forever!

[Related data link]

Broadcast Draft of "Sports Meeting"

Fragment description of "sports meeting"

Good section: 400 meter refueling draft for the sports meeting

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Sports Meeting Comprehension Composition (4)

No matter how dark the clouds are, he gives the earth a feeling;

No matter how dense the thorns are, they are a landscape;

No matter how muddy life is, it is a test for life!

A bamboo shoot, if full of vicissitudes from beginning to end, may become a song of triumph;

If a grass can withstand the test of frost, it may grow into an oasis.

My friends, don't insist on giving up, you are the winner in this battle!

A sunny day

On the playground.

With the figures of athletes struggling bravely;

In the audience.

The cheerleaders waved flags to cheer.

This cry is filled with the fragrance of friendship;

This figure embodies the power of responsibility.

But no matter success or failure.

Whether laughter or tears.

We will always remember.

This is a day full of struggle.

Sports Meeting Comprehension Composition (5)

Perception of sports meeting

Having doesn't mean having forever, and losing doesn't mean you can't get it back! The important thing is to never give up and always forge ahead.

At the school sports meeting, I saw the heroic and eager runners, the energetic and enthusiastic basketball players; I saw the long jumpers who were ready to go forward... From these competitions, I saw the danger and tension on the sports field, and the competition scenes! Looking at it, I don't know if I think it's like a learning ground. Let's take the running race as an example: there are a group of people running on the track, like stiff wild horses, charging forward. Some people always lead, and some people always lag behind. But what you have now does not mean that you will always have it. Take an athlete for example. In the first 50 meters of running, he was in the front row, but suddenly he was knocked to the ground and stepped on several feet. He had no hope to stand up tenaciously, run harder and forge ahead, and finally he achieved good results. On the contrary, the former leader had a lot of strength in the later stage, but his pride and self-confidence were almost relaxed. In the end, he was overtaken by others at the same time, and he only entered the top five!

In fact, it is the same in the field of life and learning. What you don't have and what you lose now should be fought for, and what you have now should not be lost! The most important thing is never satisfied and never give up! If you stop fighting and are content with the status quo, if you are afraid of failure and give up pursuit, you will lose the whole game.

After this sports meeting, I learned from the experience and lessons on the sports field, and I made up my mind: I must take back my lost learning lead like the athlete I admire! We must never stay on the road of learning forever!

Thoughts on participating in the sports meeting

Exercise, let life into nature, let the heart never stop happy. Sports people, even if sweat dripping, the heart is also enjoying.

I still remember the heavy rain on Friday. Big, one after another. Fortunately, the umbrella covers the head, otherwise they will become drowned. Everyone insisted on completing one competition after another in the rain. The willful rain became more and more fierce. As a last resort, we were disappointed but helpless to return to the classroom, looking forward to the sunshine to save the depressed students. Finally, today of next Monday, the school sports meeting delayed by rain started again. We enjoy ourselves. The sun shines in bunches. Sometimes it breaks through the clouds and smiles brightly like a child caught accidentally playing hide and seek. Sometimes we cover the clouds gently, half cover our bodies and watch our movements carefully.

On the long run, we shouted for them and exhausted our decibels. A few simple cheers show the unity of a class. They are running, and their sweat is on the track, bit by bit, condensed by their efforts, and ultimately created their glory. Our shouts become the driving force for them to run; Our encouragement formed their intense heartbeat.

The sports event I reported is standing long jump. Before the start, I stretched out my long neck to see the results ahead. When I was called by name, I quickly came on the stage after reaction, and a faint "Come on" came from behind. I silently encouraged myself and thanked her for the strength she gave me, which was the courage to face difficulties. I fought hard, closed my eyes, and jumped forward with all my strength. When I opened my eyes, I found that it was not terrible. I jumped twice in a row, hoping to jump out of the most beautiful arc. The result came out. Anyway, the strength that that gave me was an important reason why I had the courage to take that step. Thank her from the bottom of my heart.

The dusk sun is particularly beautiful, which outlines the smiling face of our class. It is light, but it has the deepest connotation.

Achievements of the Games

The tail of October stands on tiptoe to catch up with the pace of November. In this memorable season, we ushered in the annual sports meeting. On the day of the sports meeting, the sky was extremely blue, as if white clouds were racing with birds. At this time, our mood was also excited with a little tension.

Excited because of the arrival of the sports meeting, nervous because I also participated in a number of projects. At the beginning, everyone came to the flag raising platform with great passion. The two hosts expressed their feelings about the Games, and then the president announced the official start of the Games. Then the thunder like sound came to mind below the platform. The first project is broadcast gymnastics. The whole class will do it together. My heart is like a fawn living in it. I'm worried because I'm afraid of dragging my feet in the class. The broadcast gymnastics started. The whole class did it conscientiously and orderly, and I gradually gained confidence. In the end, I not only didn't procrastinate, but also won honor for the class. The teacher said to us: You are great. The second event is the 25 meter round trip. Everyone is eager to try. The referee said, "Ready", and then there was a shot. The shot was very clear and loud, as if he was cheering for the athletes. All the way, the students were shouting for cheering. Hearing the cheering of the students, I made every effort to catch up with the people in front, and jumped from the third to the second. The students said loudly, "Go, the end is right in front of me.". I closed my eyes, rushed forward, and finally reached the end. Everyone cheered, and I jumped up happily.

The third project is rope skipping. Rope skipping is my strong point, but there are so many experts. Everyone is very powerful. One minute, I jumped 150 third places, an average result. But the students said that it is nothing but participation. The sports meeting is in full swing, telling us the spirit of friendship first and competition second. Solidarity, mutual assistance, common progress, refueling.

Sports Meeting Comprehension Composition (6)

Feeling of Spring Sports Meet

The holding of the school's spring sports meeting affects the hearts of all teachers and students. The Games brought everyone together and composed songs of struggle and progress, unity and cooperation, and selfless dedication.

The one-and-a-half day sports meeting ended this morning in a tense and orderly competition and in the joyful songs and laughter of teachers and students, which also left me with many insights.

Sport is also culture

Although it is still spring, the feeling of summer has quietly flowed in the air. At the opening ceremony of the Games, the team of athletes from all classes, dressed in neat school uniforms, marched with neat steps under the guidance of the national flag team, shouted loud slogans with class characteristics, passed through the rostrum in an orderly and energetic manner, plus the excellent interpretation of the characteristics of each class by the commentators, and cheers from the audience, It immediately injected fresh vitality into the arena. It makes people feel the jumping notes of youth, the burning passion and the radiant light. The big red slogans on both sides of the rostrum on the playground, "Life lies in sports" and "Success lies in hard work", are also particularly dazzling.

Comprehension: Sports itself is a kind of culture, a diversified culture.

Everyone is participating

Most people sit in the audience, some people rush to the arena, and a few people stand on the podium.

However, no matter who they are, everyone is participating with the same positive heart and the same happy heart. The correspondents running back and forth on the playground are nervous about the record of the event, and they are promoting others; Students who work as logistics service, running before and after, ask for warmth, even if they are as tired as athletes. From time to time, there were shouts, cheers and cheers from the audience.

On the sports field, there is a strong sense of youth everywhere, filled with the joy of sports, the unity of the class, and the self-confidence of the soul. Everyone is working hard and obsessed with the collective happiness. The sports spirit of "unity is victory", "long live friendship" and "hard work" has been well reflected here.

One person's exercise is fitness, and many people together in the fitness competition, then it is the sports meeting. Xunzi said: If people are in harmony, they will be strong. In the sports meeting, only when the class achieves "Qi Min", can it be the final king.

Comprehension: We are all participating, and we are happy as well.

Exercise and be happy

We are healthy because of sports and happy because of health. I always thought that the people who built the pyramids must be in agony when they built them. But there is a saying that these people are happy to build. The reason is that people's accuracy in doing things in pain is much worse than that in happiness. If they are not happy, how can they build such an accurate pyramid? If based on this point, human life really depends on sports!

Appreciate the passion of the students running, the mood is still moved, followed by rhythm.

Speech of the Sports Meeting

On Thursday and Friday of this week, our school held the annual sports meeting. By 5:00 this afternoon, the sports meeting ended successfully. The students in our class walked out of the sports ground dejectedly like a defeated cock, and our class was the second in the whole grade --- the countdown. Teacher Li could only smile at his classmates in embarrassment. (The last class of students led by Mr. Li is not only the best in the school's "No. 1 Class", but also the best in sports. Both August and September are the first in the school.) But this class of us is... Alas... Why has Mr. Li suffered such a blow? It's really "one session is worse than another..."

We are also very sad. But we can only comfort ourselves: "This year will be regarded as practice, and the next year will be a good play." When I left the playground and walked back dejectedly, a primary school student ran up to me and said with a smile: "What's the number one in your class?" Looking at his bad smile, I really had the impulse to beat him up. He knew that our class was the second to last, while their class was the second, so he came forward to laugh at me. I'm not fooled! So he said to him, "Do we know this classmate? What do you want to do with me?" After that, he walked away with great strides. And secretly swore: "Our class will win the first place in the next sports meeting, and he will look good!" However, this wish is a little difficult! (All of us need to pay)

When I got home, my mother asked me the first sentence: "How about your class? What's the number one?" I pretended to be calm and said: "Well, it's not bad, the second place." My mother smiled happily and said: "Yes, it's good, the seventh grade won the second place, and the eighth grade won't be the first place." I haven't finished yet! Then I cleared my throat again: "Add two words in front --- count down ---" My mother's smile stiffened on her face just after saying that. I said in disbelief, "It's impossible. It's so bad." "It's true." I said in dismay, "I'm upset. I want to be alone." Then I walked into the room and closed the door.

When I calmed down, I couldn't help thinking: "The students who took part in the competition and won the rankings in our class were all students with poor academic performance. Could it be that all the students who did well in their studies just stopped taking part in sports to exercise? Don't forget the high school entrance exam - sports still accounted for 30 points!"

I thought of myself again: "My own conditions are so advantageous, but I never exercise, which is why sports is so bad. It's strange that as a class leader, I should hide behind other students when I should make a move." Since then, I will go to the stadium every week to practice running, high jump and long jump, and I will certainly contribute to the next sports meeting.

I will do what I say! See my performance then!

Let's fight for the honor of Class 11, Senior One. Come on!!!

Feelings after the Games

On a breezy morning, the annual sports meeting opened.

First, the drum horn team and flower bouquet team organized by the school appeared. The students of the drum horn team were wearing blue and white navy uniforms, which was very powerful; The students of the mouse team each held two bouquets of flowers in their hands, bright flowers set off their sweet smile; Students of the colored flag team hold colored flags of various colors in their hands, and the flags are flying in the air; The representative teams of each class wore neat uniforms and shouted slogans of each class, which seemed serious and serious. These students walked forward together with neat drumbeats. The announcer with sweet voice patiently explained to us on the rostrum that the drum and horn team...... With beautiful figures and powerful slogans, with the help of the conductor, had become the prelude to the opening ceremony.

After the opening ceremony, the intense competition began. As soon as I returned to the team, the tense atmosphere immediately played up everyone in the class (because it meant that the game was about to start). The teacher said to the 60m athlete, "Liang and Wang X, please go outside to register." The athlete went immediately. After a while, the venue was ready and the game was about to start. "Bang!" The sound of a gun made the scene suddenly silent. But in an instant, the stadium became lively again, cheering for the players in their own class. A few minutes later, the winner came out: Liang in our class won the second place. The second round started, and Wang X got the fourth. Although the two students did not win the first place, we still applauded them for their triumphant return.

The most important thing to applaud is our class. She took part in the 60m and 100m races and won the first place. Among them, the first prize of 100m is the most legendary. After the shooting, she didn't respond and was stunned. But she immediately understood and rushed out like an arrow. Under the condition of falling behind in the starting, she rushed all the way and achieved a good result of first place. The whole class clapped their hands when they knew it.

The most interesting is the 4 × 100m relay. The players passed one after another and finally won the first place. The audience not only marveled at the tacit understanding of the group that won the first place. After the shooting, the players in our class fell behind. But the last leg was waiting. She was like a runaway wild horse, galloping in the race. Originally the fourth place, we rushed to the second place, and still lagged behind the third place by a large distance, and won the second place in women's 4 × 100 meters. Our whole class cheered.

Although we only won the fourth place in this sports meeting, we are not disappointed because we have worked hard, struggled and paid. The focus of the sports meeting is participation, and the results are not important. In the future, we will not hurt our harmony with other classes because of the game. Unity is strength. Because of this strength, we have improved one place over last year. Who can say no? In the future campus life, we should also unite to make the class a thriving scene.