Composition on Taihu Lake (19 anthologies)
The most familiar stranger
2024-05-28 07:55:06
second grade

Composition of Taihu Lake (1)

Speaking of Wuxi, what would you think of first? Is it the charming Huishan clay figurine or the greasy gluten? Is it the delicious Sanfengqiao ribs or the unique Yixing purple clay pot? In fact, among the many specialties of Wuxi, my favorite is the small and exquisite silver carp in Taihu Lake, Zhejiang Province.

Silver carp, a freshwater fish, is known as the first handsome fish in Asia and the most beautiful fish in the world. If you board the ship and look down at the sparkling Taihu Lake in Zhejiang Province, there may be several small silverfish springing out, like naughty and lovely elves, or crystal clear swords.

After careful observation, the whitebait grows about two inches long, and its whole body is white and transparent, like a hairpin. The big whitebait is as thick as a pencil, and the small whitebait is only as thick as a pen lead. The glittering and translucent body is inlaid with a pair of small dark shining eyes, which are full of vitality. In addition, a small gray tail is really attractive.

There is another legend about silverfish: after Meng Jiangnu cried down on the Great Wall, the First Emperor of Qin captured her. But the First Emperor of Qin wanted to take Meng Jiangnu as his concubine when he saw her beauty. When the wedding sedan chair was carried to the bridge, Meng Jiangnu stopped the sedan chair and then jumped into the water. In anger, the First Emperor of Qin ordered to twist it with wire netting. Meng Jiangnu's meat was twisted into wisps. Suddenly, the wisps of meat actually swam and turned into transparent silverfish.

The whitebait is rich in nutrition, with delicate meat, white and tender, no scales, no thorns, no bones, no intestines, no fishy smell. It contains a variety of nutrients, including protein, fat, iron, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus and other ingredients. Silver carp is suitable for people with weak physique, insufficient nutrition, dyspepsia, hyperlipidemia, weak spleen and stomach, cough due to lung deficiency, fatigue and other diseases. Therefore, Japanese call whitebait "fish ginseng".

The delicious and refreshing Zhejiang Taihu Lake whitebait is not only a favorite of Wuxi people, but also a favorite of guests from afar. If you have the opportunity to come to my hometown Wuxi, you must try Zhejiang Taihu whitebait!

Composition of Taihu Lake (2)

Let's take a look at the dam first. From a distance, the dam looks like a long dragon lying there. Its "scales" form "A", which is very interesting! But when you look closer, you will find that these "scales" are the grass!

Beyond the dam, you can see the bamboo forests on both sides of the road. The bamboo leaves in the bamboo forest, under the breeze, are competing to absorb the sunshine if you don't let me or I don't let you. Some bamboos, whose waists are straight, guard the road like soldiers; Some bamboos, like a weak girl, writhed in the wind as if they were about to be blown down; There are also small bamboo shoots wrapped in layers of coats like being afraid of the cold.

Of course, the most beautiful place of Taihu Reservoir is the water in Taihu Reservoir. When the water surface is calm, the reservoir is like a huge mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds. It's beautiful! A breeze blew, and the water surface was covered with layers of spray, just like a huge mirror that broke into countless pieces of small mirrors. The sun was jumping and moving on the water surface, which was really sparkling!

The Taihu Reservoir is not only beautiful, but also has nurtured countless people in Daxi, making them drink water. It is the pride of our hometown.

Second, does this set of books help you in your study? Zhang Yiying spoke horribly, and we were afraid. Once I remember, my mother bought me a small red bike. I have a "bad friend" who is careless! Do you think the stone bridge in our hometown is beautiful. At this time, he laughed even harder. Seeing his complacency, I became more and more angry. This digital camera is not only small, but also beautiful. One memory card can take 260 photos, equivalent to 7 or 8 films?

Composition of Taihu Lake (3)

Speaking of Wuxi, what would you think of first? Is it the charming Huishan clay figurine or the greasy gluten? Is it the delicious Sanfengqiao ribs or the unique Yixing purple clay pot? In fact, among the many specialties of Wuxi, my favorite is the small and exquisite Taihu whitebait.

Silver carp, a freshwater fish, is known as the first handsome fish in Asia and the most beautiful fish in the world. If you board the ship and look down at the sparkling Taihu Lake, there may be several small silverfish jumping out, like naughty and lovely elves, or crystal swords.

After careful observation, the whitebait grows about two inches long, and its whole body is white and transparent, like a hairpin. The big whitebait is as thick as a pencil, and the small whitebait is only as thick as a pen lead. The glittering and translucent body is inlaid with a pair of small dark shining eyes, which are full of vitality. In addition, a small gray tail is really attractive.

There is another legend about silverfish: after Meng Jiangnu cried down on the Great Wall, the First Emperor of Qin captured her. But the First Emperor of Qin wanted to take Meng Jiangnu as his concubine when he saw her beauty. When the wedding sedan chair was carried to the bridge, Meng Jiangnu stopped the sedan chair and jumped into the water. The First Emperor of Qin was furious and ordered to use wire netting. Meng Jiangnu's meat was twisted into wisps. Suddenly, the wisps of meat actually swam and turned into transparent silverfish.

The whitebait is very nutritious. Its meat is delicate, white, fresh and tender, without scales, thorns, bones, intestines and fishy smell. It contains a variety of nutrients, including protein, fat, iron, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus and other ingredients. Silver carp is suitable for people with weak physique, insufficient nutrition, dyspepsia, hyperlipidemia, weak spleen and stomach, cough due to lung deficiency, fatigue and other diseases. Therefore, Japanese call whitebait "fish ginseng".

The delicious and refreshing Taihu Lake whitebait is not only popular among Wuxi people, but also highly praised by guests from afar. If you have the opportunity to come to my hometown Wuxi, you must try Taihu Lake whitebait!

Composition of Taihu Lake (4)

My hometown is near the beautiful Taihu Lake, where the scenery is beautiful all the year round.

In spring, there is a green reeds on the edge of Taihu Lake. A spring wind blows, and a large number of reeds dance. Look, it's like a group of dancers rehearsing their dances! There are many small islands in Taihu Lake. Looking from the shore, those islands look like "emeralds" embedded in the "mirror".

In summer, standing on the Xintang Bridge, which looks like a seagull, when the cool wind blows in gusts, listening to the sound of the lake water hitting the rocks on the shore, and looking at the great levee around the Taihu Lake, which is lying like a giant dragon, always gives you a feeling of relaxed and happy.

In autumn, the reeds withered, and the thin stalks of the reeds became withered yellow "thin lines". Thousands of "thin lines" formed a "thin line map of reeds". The willow catkins on the "thin lines" blown by the autumn wind are flying like snowflakes, as if telling people that winter is coming.

In winter, white fog shrouds Taihu Lake, which seems to be covered with a layer of gauze. The fishing boats on the lake are indistinct, sometimes only a small black spot can be seen; Sometimes I can only hear the sound of the motor of the fishing boat, but I can't see the trace of the fishing boat. On the bank embankment, the vehicles and pedestrians coming and going form a beautiful landscape of Taihu Lake. All this seems to put people in a fairyland.

I love my hometown. I love the beautiful Taihu Lake in my hometown!

Chapter 4: Beautiful Taihu Lake

There is a beautiful Taihu Lake in Changxing, my hometown.

The sky is clear and the sun is bright. Several white clouds float in the sky like cotton balls. I can't help but pick one and put it in my backpack to give it to the frozen people. In the blue sky, a group of geese lined up in the shape of "human" and swept across the lake. When the breeze blows, the lake is sparkling, as if covered with a layer of shiny gold. It's really refreshing. In the distance, fishing boats raised white sails and slowly sailed to the center of the lake. The fishermen who wear them cast nets. I think this net can catch many fish and shrimp.

Under the clear blue waves, there are attractive and prestigious "Four Treasures of Taihu Lake" whitebait, coilia and hairy crabs. Coilia mystus has a big head and a sharp tail. It looks like a bamboo knife. Its bones are tender and its scales are thin. Its meat is fat and tender. It tastes delicious. White shrimp has high nutritional value and rich protein. Taihu whitebait is sold overseas, known as "fish ginseng". Taihu Lake Crab has fat crab roe, tender meat, rich nutrition and can be used as medicine.

As I walked along the lake dam, I saw the long reeds being squeezed, as if they were competing with each other! Although the reeds are yellow, they are still standing, dancing with the wind and whispering.

The beautiful Taihu Lake is not only beautiful, but also rich in products. Ah, I love you in Taihu Lake!

Composition of Taihu Lake (5)

In May, the Shanghai World Expo finally kicked off in the spotlight. The World Expo is a grand international event, which proclaims the concept of "understanding, communication, reunion and cooperation". As the host, we have a chance to see the world without going out of our home.

The 20xx World Expo will be held in Shanghai. The theme of the Expo is "Better City, Better Life", which indicates that the city will use and transform the natural environment to create a highly artificial living environment for the benefit of residents all over the world. Call on human beings to protect nature.

Water is the source of life, and green is the color of life. These two simple words, green, symbolize civilization and show the soul charm of nature. The world has paid attention to the Shanghai World Expo, and everyone's eyes have been attracted by it! The World Expo is Shanghai's, China's and the world's

"Children, wake up quickly..." I wiped my eyes vaguely and woke up to see, wow! It's Haibao. Without saying a word, Haibao stretched out his hand and blew. Two wings immediately appeared in his hand. He put the wings on my back and said, "We are going to leave." Then he took my hand and gave a "whoop". I flew into the blue sky, and I flew to Taihu Lake. Haibao asked me to land on the bank. After that, he introduced Taihu Lake to me like a little guide. Taihu Lake is affectionately known as the Mother Lake by Suzhou people. The water of Taihu Lake nourishes every piece of land in the south of the Yangtze River and the hearts of Suzhou people. The water scenery has been described and treasured by painters with their pens. People have recorded it with music on the boat. The purity of water has been appreciated many times. Those poems like wind are all the poets' admiration for Taihu Lake! In the morning, the Taihu Lake is shrouded in thin mist, which seems to be out of sight. The evening sun, setting in the west, reflects on the Taihu Lake. With the wind blowing on the lake, it ripples layer upon layer. What a beautiful picture! It seems that I was attracted by Hai Bao's words. How I yearned and looked forward to seeing an old fisherman in the harvest season. His simple face was full of joy. They came home with a full load of bamboo baskets. I thought of the poetic scene in the poem "Yu Ge Zi". The fisherman sailed the ship, and the freighter anchored and sailed

Suddenly, the poster said to me, "Come, let me take you to the World Expo!" As he said, our journey began again... I dared not blink in the air. Suddenly, I came to the Huangpu River, Haibao took me to the World Expo Park, and the Suzhou Pavilion caught my eye. I seemed to see the ancient Suzhou city shining with its young 'brilliance, Suzhou Pavilion shows the protection and renewal of the ancient city, and the ancient civilization and splendid culture will eventually go to the world

"Wake up quickly, get up, sluggard". My mother's voice woke me up. When I woke up, it turned out that all this was just a dream! How I wish my dream could be longer! I love the beautiful Taihu Lake. We have the obligation to protect it and cherish it. Let's go with the Expo, embrace the beautiful nature, and embrace our Taihu Lake together!

Composition of Taihu Lake (6)

In May, the Shanghai World Expo finally kicked off in the spotlight. The World Expo is a grand international event, which proclaims the concept of "understanding, communication, reunion and cooperation". As the host, we have a chance to see the world without going out of our home.

The 20xx World Expo will be held in Shanghai. The theme of the Expo is "Better City, Better Life", which indicates that the city will use and transform the natural environment to create a highly artificial living environment for the benefit of residents all over the world. Call on human beings to protect nature.

Water is the source of life, and green is the color of life. These two simple words, green, symbolize civilization and show the soul charm of nature. The world has paid attention to the Shanghai World Expo, and everyone's eyes have been attracted by it! The World Expo is Shanghai's, China's and the world's

"Children, wake up quickly..." I wiped my eyes vaguely and woke up to have a look. Wow! It's Haibao. Without saying a word, Haibao stretched out his hand and blew. Two wings immediately appeared in his hand. He put the wings on my back and said, "We are going to leave." Then he took my hand and gave a "whoop". I flew into the blue sky, and I flew to Taihu Lake. Haibao asked me to land on the bank. After that, he introduced Taihu Lake to me like a little guide. Taihu Lake is affectionately known as the Mother Lake by Suzhou people. The water of Taihu Lake nourishes every piece of land in the south of the Yangtze River and the hearts of Suzhou people. The water scenery has been described and treasured by painters with their pens. People have recorded it with music on the boat. The purity of water has been appreciated many times. Those poems like wind are all the poets' admiration for Taihu Lake! In the morning, the Taihu Lake is shrouded in thin mist, which seems to be out of sight. The evening sun, setting in the west, reflects on the Taihu Lake. With the wind blowing on the lake, it ripples layer upon layer. What a beautiful picture! It seems that I was attracted by Hai Bao's words. How I yearned and looked forward to seeing an old fisherman in the harvest season. His simple face was full of joy. They came home with a full load of bamboo baskets. I thought of the poetic scene in the poem "Yu Ge Zi". The fisherman sailed the ship, and the freighter anchored and sailed

Suddenly, the poster said to me, "Come, let me take you to the World Expo!" And then our journey began again... I dared not blink in the air. Suddenly, I came to the Huangpu River, Haibao took me to the World Expo Park, and the Suzhou Pavilion caught my eye. I seemed to see the ancient Suzhou city shining with her youthful brilliance, Suzhou Pavilion shows the protection and renewal of the ancient city, and the ancient civilization and splendid culture will eventually go to the world

"Wake up quickly, get up, sluggard". My mother's voice woke me up. When I woke up, it turned out that all this was just a dream! How I wish my dream could be longer! I love the beautiful Taihu Lake. We have the obligation to protect it and cherish it. Let's go with the Expo, embrace the beautiful nature, and embrace our Taihu Lake together!

Composition of Taihu Lake (7)

Taihu Lake, "Tai" means "Big", meaning the Great Lake. Taihu Lake has a long history and beautiful scenery. It is one of the four largest freshwater lakes in China and is famous as Huaxia Lake.

In the morning, the sun was washed and brightened by the lake water, and gradually rose into a mature indigo sky. The lake is rendered by the sun with a thick orange red, from far to near, from deep to shallow. The dense fog gradually rises from the lake, which seems to cover the Taihu Lake with a wedding veil. Several water birds hovered excitedly in the air, spreading their wings and gliding to welcome the arrival of a new day.

In the morning, the clouds are three-dimensional. The wind is not strong, but it still becomes the wrinkles of Taihu Lake. The water and the sky are the same color. The lake is blue with a little green in the blue. It looks like a baby's pure and clear eyes, which is not true.

The reeds and water plants are dancing partners of the wind. The tide is tirelessly polishing the rocks on the water, and some rocks are sticking out of the water, allowing the water to play. Instead of being washed away, the sand on its body grows moss, which is very smooth and soft. After all, Taihu Lake is still quiet and shy. Unlike the Qiantang River, which struggles to get ashore and play tricks on tourists, Taihu Lake just raises its face and whispers to you.

In the distance, fishing boats and islands can only vaguely see the outline, which is hazy and dreamy, making Taihu Lake more vast and magnificent. At this time, if you can drive a canoe and sail on the lake, you can wave your oars, break the mirror, cause ripples, feel the wind blowing on your face, and feel the uncanny workmanship of nature. It must be beautiful.

At noon, when the sun was blazing, fast boats flew by, leaving a trail of water. The reeds stand like a group of armed soldiers, bathed in the refreshing breeze of the lake. Under the noon sun, the water on the lake is glittering, and the blue waves become golden. The bright golden flowers like rape flowers are natural and noble.

At dusk, the sun is big and round, red and white. It looks like fire all around, and the farther away, the lighter. Some skies still stubbornly retain the blue. The lake was dyed red again, as red as blood. At this time, Taihu Lake perfectly interprets the meaning of Bai Juyi's idea of "laying water in the setting sun, half the river is rustling and half the river is red". Fishing boats have docked one after another, and the lake resounds with the harvest hymn of returning with full loads.

Standing by the lake, I can't help feeling that Taihu Lake is no less beautiful than West Lake, but comparable to Lijiang River in Guilin. This beautiful scenery makes me want to open my arms to embrace it.

Composition of Taihu Lake (8)

On the National Day, it was a crisp autumn day. My parents and I went to Wuxi, the famous water town in the south of the Yangtze River, and visited Lingshan Scenic Spot, CCTV Film and Television City and Taihu Lake. The most impressive one was the beautiful Taihu Lake.

We took the antique cruise ship out of the dock, and the endless lake immediately appeared in front of us. Looking far into the distance, we saw thousands of acres of blue waves, which made us feel open. From time to time, there are groups of fish chasing the boat in the green lake.

After experiencing the vastness of Taihu Lake, we got off the cruise ship and came to Yuantouzhu. It was almost evening. The sunset is about to set in the sky, and the afterglow is scattered on the lake, with thin golden ripples. A few fishing boats are looming in the distance, dotted on the calm lake. Orange clouds are reflected in the lake, which is connected with the green water of Taihu Lake. The whole Taihu Lake is covered like a boundless two-color carpet. How beautiful! No wonder Grandpa Guo Moruo wrote the poem "The best place of Taihu Lake is in Yuantou after all" to praise the beautiful scenery of Yuantou after enjoying the scenery of Taihu Lake.

I was intoxicated with the beautiful scenery like a fairyland when I suddenly felt a chill. It was the wind blowing on the lake. The lake, which was as flat as a mirror just now, suddenly became noisy. The white waves were row by row, rushing forward like thousands of troops. The waves beat the jagged rocks on the shore, splashing the tourists with water, It seems to welcome guests from afar. Everyone laughed from ear to ear.

Ah, what a beautiful Taihu Lake!

Composition of Taihu Lake (9)

This time, I saw Taihu Lake.

The sky there is deep and blue, which looks like a blue curtain covering the vast lake from afar; The clouds there are so soft and beautiful, just like flocks of sheep roaming and walking in the blue sky. This beautiful scenery always makes me want to put on my wings, fly to the blue sky, spread my arms, and embrace this wonderful lake.

Under the sky, the lake is glittering with green water. The bright sun sheds thousands of golden rays, turning into goldfish covered with brocade scales, swimming on the lake, and embellishing this jasper. The waves that rise and fall on the lake are so gentle and beautiful, just like golden scales painted with blue. They float their heads out of the water from time to time, and then sink neatly

On the lake not far away, the shadow of the sails is dotted. They are swaying slightly and drifting away with the waves. Looking further away, you will see a big round steamed bun on the top is looming and looming -- an island!

This kind of realm is both impressive and enjoyable; I would like to stop and look far, but also want to take up the camera, and freeze the beautiful scenery, so that the scenery will be preserved in my memory forever!

Composition of Taihu Lake (10)

I have seen the rough sea; I have also seen the flowing brook; I have seen more magnificent rivers. But I never met the person I most yearned for. Today, I finally arrived at the place I most wanted to go - Taihu Lake.

In the morning, when the local sun shone into my cabin, the fishermen by the Taihu Lake were ready to go fishing. They set foot on their own boat and left far away with bamboo poles. The place where the boat passed rippled with beautiful ripples, and these ripples were shining with gold by the sunrise.

In the afternoon, the sun baked the earth, but Taihu Lake was particularly cool and comfortable: the breeze came to me, with dew and gardenia in the wind. The wicker stroked my face; Butterflies dance beside me; Birds and cicadas are accompanying butterflies. On the lake, silver ripples are so dazzling. Occasionally, a few small fish can be seen jumping up and down from the bottom of the lake. Everything is so beautiful.

At night, the sky of Taihu Lake is bright with all the stars moving around the North Star, which sets off the surrounding peace. Under the starlight, smoke curled from the chimneys of each family. In the distance, there came bursts of sweet laughter - it was the fisherman who had returned with full achievements. Their wife and children came out early to meet the fisherman who had been tired all day. Back home, they shared the fun of the day with each other, and the whole lake was filled with happy laughter.

I don't know how long it took before Taihu Lake fell asleep again

Composition on Taihu Lake (11)

Spring came, she took the colorful bottle in her hand and fluttered in the sky. Suddenly, the green color spilled out, so Mother Earth put on new clothes. It turned out that spring was coming! Everywhere is a scene of vitality! I suggest that students can take a walk in Wujin Taihu Bay, have a look and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery.

On both sides of the road in Taihu Bay, you will find many peach blossoms, red like fire, pink like rosy clouds, and white like snow. A little budding, a little dancing. Some branches have only one peach blossom, like a lonely shy little girl; Some branches have two peach blossoms, as if playing clapping games; There are also peach blossoms on the branches, which seem to be holding a lively meeting! If you come forward to smell it, you will be intoxicated with the fragrance of flowers!

Keep moving forward, and you will see that the green fields are actually full of golden rape flowers one after another. Who dyed the gold paint here? How beautiful they are!

When you come to the Taihu Bay, you will be attracted by the weeping willows dancing with the wind! The tender willow branches are floating gently on the lake, just like a beautiful girl combing her hair by the lake! At this time, a lovely swallow flew in and began to sing: Where is spring

If you are interested, you can also climb the hillside to pick tea. Look, the tea picking girl is coming with a small basket. How lively and skillful her movements are! Come and be a tea picking girl and a tea picking boy!

Of course, you can also go to the farmhouse to sit, play, eat barbecue, and roll on the grass. It's fun!

Composition of Taihu Lake (12)

The source of Taihu Lake is located in Linmu Township in the north of Lin'an. Seven of us arrived at the source of Taihu Lake after more than two hours' drive. As soon as I got out of the car, a cool feeling quickly penetrated my body. I thought, "What season is it now?"

The source of Taihu Lake consists of three scenic spots: Longxu Canyon, Baisha Tingtao, and Zhinan Tianchi. I still remember that we went to Longxu Canyon first, although Longxu Canyon has not yet become an official tourist attraction. However, there is still an endless stream of visitors. Both sides of the canyon are covered with Chinese alpine rush, and the terrain of the canyon is like a serpentine dragon, and the cliffs on both sides are steep and spectacular. I thought to myself, "If I fall, I will die!" Suddenly, I almost fell off the cliff, and my big sweat drops fell down. When I looked back, it was my father, who was still smiling. He really scared me to death. Longxu Valley has several other names, including Longxu Valley, Baosun Valley, Xiaojiuzhaigou, etc.

Beside the entrance of the canyon is Baisha Village, where there are many streams flowing here, forming raging waves like thunder and drums. Drinking tea and listening to the waves here is a lot of fun, so it is also called "listening to the waves in white sand". I walked to his source, the stream was clear as a mirror, and the water was very dry and sweet. The water rushed onto me, which was cool. No wonder they said they would come!

The source of Taihu Lake deserves its reputation, and the scenic spots in the source of Taihu Lake also deserve its reputation!

Composition of Taihu Lake (13)

Today, we come to Taihu Lake. We saw a pavilion in front of us. We walked on the road leading to the pavilion and saw a big wave on the side. Look carefully at the stones on the side. The big waves have rounded them. It seems that it took a long time for the big waves to round the stones. Finally, I came to the pavilion and looked into the distance. I could not see the edge. It felt as big as the pavilion. Taihu Lake is one of the four largest freshwater lakes. It can be imagined that Taihu Lake is really large.

After seeing Taihu Lake, we went fishing in a small river not far from Taihu Lake. It took almost half an hour just to prepare. Finally, I could fish. My father threw the fishing rod, but it took me a long time to float up. Now we must be very serious, or the fish will run away. I saw my father's float slowly downward. I guess there must be a fish bite. When my father lifted the fishing rod, I thought there must be a fish, but I didn't catch it. Well, we have to wait for the next time. This time I guess I can catch it. It's really not what I expected. As soon as Dad raised the rod, I saw a small fish. It's so small. Dad took the fish out and put it in a box with water next to it. My father catches the most fish behind, one after another, but all he catches are small crucian carp. We were fishing when several people came to see us fishing. Dad said a few words to them, and those who watched left and went fishing nearby.

"Well, I won't fish today," said my father. Then I went home.

Composition of Taihu Lake (14)

During the National Day, my mother took me to Taihu Lake in Wuxi.

Walking on a cobblestone paved path, daisies were blooming one after another, and the refreshing fragrance of flowers floated into my nose, as if they were welcoming us.

When we came to the Taihu Lake, willow trees, graceful and graceful, were arranged in order, like guards, protecting the Taihu Lake at any time.

The water of Taihu Lake is crystal clear and emits a faint smell of water plants. There is also an artificial fountain in the center of the lake, which sprays water like flowing hair. At this time, I can't help thinking of a poem: "Look at the water color in the cave from afar, and there is a green snail in the silver plate."

I walked by the Taihu Lake. Suddenly, I saw many strange stones. When I walked over and touched these stones, I couldn't help thinking of the strange stones in Huangshan Mountain. How much wind and rain had affected them to become brilliant and gorgeous today. Although these stones are not as beautiful and various as Huangshan strange stones, they have the same spirit as Huangshan strange stones.

After a while, I found that these stones would become "color". Under the sun's irradiation, they are yellowish brown. If you block them, they will be black. It's amazing.

Before I left, I found a large area of flowers in a corner of Taihu Lake. They were blue, but unfortunately there were no leaves. At this time, my aunt seemed to understand my mind and said to me, "This is called the other shore flower. There are flowers without leaves and leaves without flowers. There is a legend about this flower!" Once upon a time, there was a fairy who fell in love with a family man. Not long ago, they became husband and wife, but things were discovered by the gods, turning them into a flower, and there were flowers without leaves and leaves without flowers, Let them never meet.

Taihu Lake is beautiful, but the time is very short. The sun has just set, and I will go home. My aunt and I have an agreement to come again next time.

Composition of Taihu Lake (15)

In recent days, TV news said that tap water in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province could not be drunk due to the outbreak of blue-green algae in Taihu Lake, and people rushed to buy bottled mineral water. Looking back carefully, over the years, we have often seen media reports on the governance of Taihu Lake. How effective is the harnessing of Taihu Lake? How should Taihu Lake be treated? With these questions, I checked some information and came up with some ways to protect the water of Taihu Lake.

According to the data, "Taihu Lake Basin is one of the economically developed and densely populated areas in China. With the rapid development of economy and the continuous increase of population, the discharged pollutants are increasing day by day. In recent years, the water quality deterioration and eutrophication of Taihu Lake have attracted great attention of our country, and a large amount of financial resources have been invested and numerous research projects have been set up. However, from the overall change situation of the water quality and eutrophication of Taihu Lake, there is still no improvement, and even continues to deteriorate. The eutrophication of Taihu Lake is far from being solved. "

I think that as the successor of the 21st century, we should work together to protect the environment, especially the Taihu Lake is right beside us. We should do our part to protect the Taihu Lake. I think of the following specific methods:

1. First of all, according to relevant data, the excessive amount of total nitrogen and total phosphorus is the main reason for the outbreak of cyanobacteria. We can plant some green plants that can absorb nitrogen and phosphorus in Taihu Lake, so that they can absorb nitrogen and phosphorus in Taihu Lake and hinder the growth of cyanobacteria.

2. Secondly, we need to control the discharge of domestic sewage. When we see the indiscriminate discharge of sewage around us, we should promptly respond to the relevant management departments, and persuade the person who discharges sewage in a timely manner to tell him the importance of protecting Taihu Lake. Because once the Taihu Lake water is polluted, it will affect the daily life water of many of us, and people will rush to buy bottled pure water and mineral water.

3. In addition, we should also start from ourselves. We should not throw rubbish in Taihu Lake. The skin says that peel, stone, vegetable leaves, empty plastic bottles, etc., because the nitrogen and phosphorus content of these things is particularly high. When we see others throwing rubbish in Taihu Lake, we should stop them in time, persuade them to pick up the rubbish, tell them that doing so will do great harm to Taihu Lake, and will bring trouble to our own water use.

4. Finally, we can form a volunteer group to publicize the harm of environmental pollution to Taihu Lake, teach everyone about the seriousness of pollution and the importance of protecting Taihu Lake, and encourage everyone to start with themselves and small things. Everyone is responsible for protecting Taihu Lake. We can also donate money to protect Taihu Lake and eat less snacks for one day, Use this money to help protect Taihu Lake.

Composition of Taihu Lake (16)

"The beauty of Taihu Lake! The beauty lies in the water of Taihu Lake! There are white sails on the water, and fish paddles on the bottom." I grew up listening to this beautiful song when I was young.

In the early autumn morning, there is a breeze on the Taihu Lake, which makes people feel a chill. The wind gradually subsided. Slowly, Taihu Lake was shrouded in a mist. The lake was immediately covered with a milky white, light scarf. At this time, the fishermen have begun a day of work. Fishermen drove fishing boats, one after another like blooming white lotus, to the center of the lake

The fog gradually dissipated, and the sun loomed in the sky, shining dazzling light on the lake. The lake suddenly became golden, as if there were countless treasures under the water. Seen from afar, the ripples are like the lake water doing morning exercises. The boundless lake water is connected with the blue sky in the distance. As far as you can see, the water and the sky are the same color. The ripples came in like white lines, the lake water slapped the rocks on the shore, and several snails wriggled in the water, trying to climb forward. "There are many reeds on the waterfront. They bloom in autumn and are all white." The reeds on the lake seem to dress Taihu Lake in beautiful clothes. They dance with the wind and dance gracefully by the lake.

When night fell, Taihu Lake fell asleep. It was very quiet around. Only the sound of the lake water lapping the bank seemed to be a lullaby sung by my mother in a low voice. At this time, the buildings beside the Taihu Lake lit up brightly, like a bright moon hanging in the boundless night sky

Composition of Taihu Lake (17)

The sky there is deep and blue, which looks like a blue curtain covering the vast lake from afar; The clouds there are so soft and beautiful, just like flocks of sheep roaming and walking in the blue sky. This beautiful scenery always makes me want to put on my wings, fly to the blue sky, spread my arms, and embrace this wonderful lake.

Under the sky, the lake is glittering with green water. The bright sun sheds thousands of golden rays, turning into goldfish covered with brocade scales, swimming on the lake, and embellishing this jasper. The waves that rise and fall on the lake are so gentle and beautiful, just like golden scales painted with blue. They float their heads out of the water from time to time, and then sink neatly

On the lake not far away, the shadow of the sails is dotted. They are swaying slightly and drifting away with the waves. Looking further away, you will see a big round steamed bun on the top is looming and looming - island!

This kind of realm is both impressive and enjoyable; I would like to stop and look far, but also want to take up the camera, and freeze the beautiful scenery, so that the scenery will be preserved in my memory forever!

Composition of Taihu Lake (18)

Today, due to human pollution, blue-green algae blooms, and the water in Taihu Lake is green and smelly. The water of Taihu Lake has become the burial place of fish, the memory of ducks forever, and the place where fishermen will never come again. When tourists came to the place where people once sang, "Taihu Lake is beautiful, beautiful Taihu Lake water", they all pinched their noses and went away with sadness.

Composition of Taihu Lake (19)

A 1000 word composition describing Taihu Lake: beautiful scenery of Taihu Lake

This mountain is connected with water continuously; This lake, quietly looking at the mountain. What a harmonious picture, what a beautiful Taihu Lake.

When I first came to Taihu Lake, it began to rain in spring. It seemed that the rain always liked to make fun in the south of the Yangtze River. This noise added mystery to Taihu Lake. At this moment, the ingenious sound of the rain and the wood on the bridge could also attract people.

Taihu Lake has neither the liveliness of the sea, nor the grandeur of the Yangtze River, nor the sweetness of mountain springs. However, it has the tranquility and tranquility. She uses the natural breath sent by the breeze to tell us that she belongs to the south of the Yangtze River. The lake is suffused with a thin mist like smoke. Looking at the mountains in the distance, only the gray mountain shadow can be vaguely identified. When I looked around, the lake was covered with weeds, and I could smell the fragrance of soil. It was spring rain, which conveyed the natural flavor. At this time, the crisp voice of orioles came from the sky, which seemed to be the sound of nature in this quiet place. I could not help thinking of a poem: Only pity the grass stream, and there are orioles singing deep in the trees. Poetry and scenery, true and true, blend together.

When visiting Taihu Lake, Fang likes to take a boat. When watching the boatman slowly shake his oar and listening to the sound of the oar beating on the water, I feel everything is quiet and beautiful. The oar stirred up ripples, shook to a place not far away, also disappeared quietly, and the lake was smooth. There are only a few fishing boats, which are already beautiful, and the green mountains are overlapping, like hairpins near the mountains and smoke far away. In the distance, several cormorants fly from time to time, and their fishing movements seem to become a beautiful scenery in Taihu Lake.

Through the ages, how many literati and literati have been intoxicated with the picturesque scenery, and they are all having a hazy "Jiangnan Dream". "You want to wet the apricot blossom rain when you touch your clothes, and the willow wind is not cold when you blow your face." "The spring wind is green on the south bank of the river, and when will the moon shine on me?"; The beautiful scenery of Taihu Lake is like a piece of silk, bright and clean: the beautiful scenery of Taihu Lake is like a picture scroll, depicting her tranquility and the uniqueness of Jiangnan

The waters of Taihu Lake flow through many Jiangnan towns. In front of my eyes, it seems that a woman in the south of the Yangtze River clings to an oil paper umbrella and steps on a bluestone board with embroidered shoes. Then she passes through numerous towns, gets on an awned boat, and trickles on the fine water. The town is more hazy in the misty rain. The mist curls and the rain continues. Willow brush the bank, brush away the worry in the heart; The breeze sends orchids and brings pleasant bursts. The beauty of Taihu Lake belongs to nature, to the south of the Yangtze River, and to everyone