About I Love Home (17 recommended)
Green Willow
2024-04-18 06:24:02
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About I Love Home (1)

My hometown is in beautiful Anyang. Although it does not have vast grasslands or lofty mountains, its millennium culture makes me marvel and proud!

Wenfeng Pagoda, a marvel of rising and falling, is a bright pearl. Lotus Seat, Arhat Painting, Circle Gate are all incredibly exquisite! It also reveals elegant charm in its simplicity. You see, the breeze gently blows the copper bells on the eaves of the tower. Ding ling, ding ling send a pleasant bell. Beside the tower is a verdant landscape, where birds sing low and crickets play the piano. There are also butterflies, dancing in response to this flowing song, so light.

The oracle bone inscriptions of Yin Ruins, ancient carriages, and tomb sites are all known to everyone. They all lie there quietly. Are they still recalling the glory of a piece of oracle bone that shocked the world?

There is an embroidery called An embroidery. I have seen the works of Master An Embroidery. When I looked closer, it was just some colorful lines, lines and threads. In the distance, I saw those plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum as real. It was really strange!

The snacks in Anyang also live up to their reputation. Skin dregs, rice starch... all make diners linger.

Anyang, the Huan River, has a real name. Three thousand years ago, it was the imperial capital.

About I Love Home (2)

Beijing is my hometown. I was born and raised in Beijing when I was young. I know that Beijing is very big. I have not visited the whole city of Beijing since I was 10 years old.

I love the culture of Beijing. China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, and Beijing is the ancient city of this ancient civilization. In ancient times, Beijing was the capital of China. Therefore, many places of interest are located in Beijing, giving the city a mysterious atmosphere. Peking Opera is the quintessence of China. Artists use strange facial makeup to interpret the unique treasures of Beijing. "Patriotism, innovation, tolerance and kindness" is the spirit of modern Beijing. It reflects the spiritual and cultural pursuit of the people in the capital, and can reflect Beijing's long, profound and unique cultural tradition.

I not only like the spiritual culture of Beijing, but also love the material scenery of Beijing. In this high-tech era, you can see skyscrapers when you walk into the bustling commercial street. At night, the lights are bright, and the colorful lights on the high-rise buildings constitute the beautiful night scene of Beijing. Overlooking Beijing, it must be an exquisite picture. The ancient Beijing quadrangles and hutongs are far from the source and have a long process, which makes this ancient city unique. Walking into Hutong is like talking to historical figures.

Beijing also has the magnificent Tian'anmen Gate, which is a place that every visitor to Beijing will visit. I am proud of living in Beijing. It is really a beautiful place. Ah! Beijing, I love you forever!

About I Love Home (3)

My hometown is in Longquan, with beautiful mountains and waters, fragrant fruits and melons. The scenery here is pleasant. There are rolling Longquan Mountain and beautiful and charming Longquan Lake. If you see this charming scene, you will be sure to linger.

Let's talk about Longquan Mountain first. It is beautiful all the year round, but what impresses me most is the spring of Longquan Mountain. In this season of every year, pink peach flowers, white pear flowers, golden rape flowers, it seems that Longquan Mountain is covered with a colorful floral dress, making the whole mountain look like a graceful fairy.

Speaking of which, I would like to remind you that Longquan is not only beautiful in mountains, but also beautiful in water. Longquan Lake is a pearl inlaid here. Its shape is long and curved, like a river, looking forward, you can't see the end, looking back, you can't see the end. The trees on both sides of the lake are reflected in the water, making the lake green. There are always a group of white swans swimming on the green lake, which reminds people of the poem "white hairs float on the green water, red palms pull out the clear waves". Occasionally, a speedboat flies by, leaving a long white waterway on the water, and the lake shakes with it, as if dancing.

Luodai Ancient Town is also a place you have to go. It is a beautiful Hakka ancient town. There are various delicious snacks, such as Hakka Sad Bean Jelly, smoked roast goose, chicken fungus

If you come to Longquan as a guest, the hospitable people in Longquan will surely serve you good fruits and delicious snacks.

I love my hometown because of its beautiful mountains, water and people!

About I Love Home (4)

My hometown is Luoyang, Henan Province. It is a famous historical and cultural city, an ancient capital of nine dynasties, and a tourist attraction.

The most famous saying about Luoyang is that "Luoyang peonies are the best in the world". The city flower of our city? Peony. The peonies in Luoyang have huge flower buds, beautiful color, national beauty and natural fragrance, long flowering period and many varieties. The color of peony flower is spotless white, including pink, red, green, purple red, and the other half is pink white and the other half is red Erqiao. When you enter the park and walk into the gate during the period when peonies are in full bloom, the faint fragrance of flowers will enter your heart with the breeze, making you relaxed and happy. Peony has implied wealth, auspiciousness and prosperity since ancient times. Luoyang holds a peony fair from April 10 to the middle of May every year, to show peony flowers with the most beautiful colors to friends from all over the world. Every year, the Peony Fair attracts Chinese and foreign tourists.

The Longmen Mountains and Rivers in Luoyang are famous all over the world. The Da Lushena Buddha, with soft carved lines, sits calmly on the octagonal lotus seat. Her kind eyes look at the world and help all living beings. The east and west of Longmen are facing each other. The Yi River runs through it. The mountains are green and the cypresses are green. The clear water reflects the blue sky, which is a fairyland on earth.

I love Luoyang, its rivers and mountains, and its splendid culture of thousands of years!

About I Love Home (5)

Today, I went to the field to observe autumn. Autumn is the most beautiful season in my heart. Autumn is the season of fruit ripening, and autumn is the golden ocean. The apple is red like a child's face. Pears hang on the branches like gourds, red maple leaves like stamps, and golden ginkgo leaves like small fans, which fan away the summer heat.

Autumn is a harvest season. The rice and sorghum are ripe. In autumn, chrysanthemum fairies get more colors, including light yellow, green, and white

The weather gets cooler in autumn, so the children need to add some more clothes. The little magpie takes branches to build a house, the little squirrel takes pinecones as food, and the little frog is digging a hole to get ready for a comfortable sleep! Pine and cypress also put on shiny clothes.

Hometown is so beautiful in autumn!

About I Love Home (6)

My home is in Guang'an City, Sichuan Province, at the foot of Huaying Mountain. Here are beautiful mountains and rivers, outstanding people, and a generation of great people, Grandpa Deng, the chief designer of reform and opening up, was born here. There are many local specialties in my hometown, such as Baishi pomelo, famous Long'an pomelo, Yuechi Tequ, Wusheng hollow noodles, and spicy beef jerky

Among these specialties, I like the Baishi pomelo best. Maybe it's because I'm closer to its rich place! Baishi pomelo is mainly produced in Baishi Town, west of the Guang'an River, so people named it Baishi pomelo after its place name. It is said that it was a tribute to the imperial court in the past! The fruits of Baishi pomelo are big and thin, round in shape, and orange in color. You can smell the unique fragrance of the pomelo without approaching! Peel off its soft and soft shell, and you will find the reddish flesh!

One by one, like many little brothers, they try to squeeze together. Force them apart, divide a piece, remove its thin coat, and eat it. Its taste is fragrant and sweet. Compared with ordinary grapefruit, it can be called the king of grapefruit! Because ordinary pomelos have a little tongue numbness after eating, and there is no aftertaste, while Baishi pomelos are different. After eating, there is no tongue numbness, but there is still a faint fragrance of pomelos in the mouth, which makes people have endless aftertaste! Let you have a desire to eat! Therefore, our family will buy a lot of Baishi pomelos every year to satisfy their appetite. Because of these characteristics of Baishi pomelo, it is exported to all parts of the country, even to foreign countries. If you have the opportunity to visit Guang'an, you must not forget to taste our specialty and taste Baishi pomelo!

About I Love Home (7)

My hometown is in Changsha, Hunan. There are four distinct seasons, but it is beautiful.

In spring, the head of Juzizhou blooms, hundreds of birds contend, trees are lush, and why do I say? That's because there are too many trees.

In summer, we develop everywhere in the Lotus Park through lotus flowers and lotus leaves. There are so many and dense lotus leaves that they can call themselves green and shade the lake. I picked a piece of regional lotus leaves to make a sun umbrella, which is more blocking the hot sun.

In autumn, the Aiwan Pavilion is full of maple trees. There are many maple leaves on the trees. A breeze blows, and the red maple leaves fall down in brilliant colors. Some maple leaf lovers will even pick up the raised maple leaf to dry it and make it into a bookmark.

In winter, when I went upstairs in Fuyuan, Guangzhou, I saw the world like an ocean under snow. There are many children playing snowball fights, making snowmen, playing snowball fights

This is my hometown, very beautiful, I love my hometown.

About I Love Home (8)

My hometown is Shandong. It's so beautiful here. I was born here and grew up here. Singing and joy accompany me. I love my hometown!

Walking into my village, you will see a clear river with tadpoles, small fish and other creatures.

In spring, willows just sprouted beside the river, and many grass also came out of the grass, just like a group of fat dolls.

In summer, the willow trees beside the river grow more vigorous, and cicadas on the trees are also constantly shouting, making the summer more beautiful.

In autumn, the leaves of willows are falling ceaselessly. From a distance, they look like butterflies dancing in the sky. Many leaves, like many butterflies in a dance party.

In winter, a heavy snow covered the whole village. If you just go to the river and have a look, you will find that the river is frozen and many people are making snowmen on the ice. Seeing snowmen is like seeing brave soldiers defending their hometown at all times.

"I am Chinese, I love China." I will never forget Tao Xingzhi's famous saying, I love my hometown!

About I Love Home (9)

Composition 1 on myrica in my hometown

My hometown is Cixi. Myrica rubra is a specialty of our hometown. It's delicious and intoxicating. Not only people in our hometown love it, but also foreigners love it.

Myrica rubra is an aftertaste fruit. There are many varieties of waxberry. The taste of red bayberry is very beautiful. Eating it will let you enter its fantasy. So we all like to eat red bayberry. The taste of red bayberry is not only delicious, but also its color has something to do with the taste. If the color of red bayberry is red, this one has a little sour taste. If this red bayberry turns purple or black, it must be very sweet. Do you think color has something to do with taste?

In summer, people come to pick big and sweet waxberry. At that time, red bayberry was like water. If we were thirsty, we would eat it. Something happened to me when I ate myrica rubra. One time, I was actually thirsty. When I saw a basket of myrica rubra, I ate it. The teeth were red, red, like small gemstones. After a day, my teeth didn't turn red. On this day, I didn't go out. Myrica rubra is not only delicious, but also very beautiful. Myrica rubra can be made into many delicious things. For example, waxberry Shaojiu, canned waxberry...... Waxberry Shaojiu has a great effect. It can help people clear their minds, relieve the heat, and make people feel cool. Do you like Yangmei Shaojiu? I must love you. The red bayberry in the canned red bayberry is very sweet and tastes several times better than the original. So I love myrica in my hometown. And it is famous both at home and abroad.

I love myrica in my hometown. I will remember your taste all the year round.

Composition 2 on myrica in my hometown

In my hometown, Anren, there are many fruits on the mountain: bright red peaches, yellow pears, golden oranges... There are countless, but I like red bayberry.

When autumn came, the bayberry had fallen. But its leaves seem to have taken root, and it can never leave its owner - Myrica rubra. It saw that other fruit trees had grown bright red and green fruits, and closed its mouth with a smile, but the myrica tree was still very calm, and dotted the earth with its own green leaves.

When the cold winter came, other small trees rolled up, but the myrica rubra tree was still green, standing up, to shield others from the wind and snow. Other small trees bowed their heads, and it was still holding its chest high, fearing the cold.

At night, it blooms beautiful and white flowers, as if accompanying people to sleep. In the morning, it seems that the magician has made the flowers so small, so small, invisible. Maybe it is shy!

The sunny spring has come, the flowers have disappeared, and there are many small green spots in the leaves, that is, there is no mature bayberry.

After the Tomb Sweeping Day, red bayberries go from green to pink, from pink to crimson, from crimson to purplish red. Looking far from the mountain, red bayberries are burning in the sun. Close up, some bayberries hide behind the leaves, like a shy girl; Some stand in front of the leaves, like a generous young man; Some show half their heads, like playing hide and seek with us. If you gently touch the red bayberry, it will fall off. If you are thirsty, pick a few red bayberries, sprinkle some salt, and the bright red juice will flow out. Lick it gently, and don't mention how beautiful it is.

I love the bayberry in my hometown, I love its delicious taste, and I love its strong spirit even more.

Composition 3 on I Love Myrica in My Hometown

My hometown is in Gusu. Gusu Dongshan is rich in a kind of delicious food, especially a kind of food that girls like very much, which is bayberry. Myrica rubra, whose leaves are not big, is green all the year round. Some waxberry trees are big, but there are also small ones. I am on the east side of the mountain. There is a red bayberry tree just outside my house. I don't know when it was planted. In my memory, it is tall and big, and its branches and leaves are like an open umbrella shaped section. In the summer, there will be old people and children in the village at the gate. They all like to sit under the red bayberry tree to enjoy the cool.

When I was young, I was very innocent, and I watered it every morning. I watched it grow so well and felt happy. Maybe it was because I was excited that it brought us sweet fruits every year.

The fruit of myrica rubra is myrica rubra. When I talk about myrica rubra, I feel like drooling. Myrica rubra matures in April and May in the lunar calendar. The branches are covered with aqualite red myrica rubra. Each myrica rubra looks like a bright smile to people. You can feel that they will bend their branches when they are happy. Pick one and put it in your mouth. The sour and sweet juice taste is really good! It would be wonderful to add sugar. Every year when waxberry is mature, our hometown will welcome guests from all over the world. They all like to come to Gusu Dongshan to pick waxberry, and look at everyone's smiles when they feast on waxberry. It's a special happiness.

I love the bayberry in my hometown. It is an incomparable aftertaste on the tip of my tongue and also the flavor of my hometown.

Composition 4 on I Love Myrica in My Hometown

There is a very beautiful place in Yueqing, Zhejiang, called Dasong. There are clean mountains and beautiful waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers, and rich in all kinds of fruits. There are loquats in March and April, peaches and bayberries in May and June, and oranges in August and September. Of course, my favorite is still red bayberry.

Mother's grandpa's house has a large area of red bayberry trees, which are planted in the orchard on the hillside. In spring, red bayberry trees bear red flowers, like little red balls, hanging on the branches.

At the beginning of summer, the waxberry was green and hard, covered with thorns, like little hedgehogs.

Before and after the Dragon Boat Festival, waxberry changed into pieces of rose red clothes, and the thorns on her body became soft. With a gentle pinch of her fingers, the sour and sweet juice flowed out. I couldn't resist the craving. I couldn't wait to pick one and send it to my mouth. Ah! It's sweet and delicious! At this time of the year, relatives and friends from home come in flocks. You can pick some in groups, and I can pick some while you play. When we leave, our warm grandparents will send a big basket of red bayberries to everyone who goes up the mountain!

Listen to my mother, this year's waxberry has grown to the size of mung beans. I can't help but drool when I think I will be able to eat sweet and sour waxberry in the near future!

Composition on I Love Myrica in My Hometown 5

My hometown is in Jinyun Village, Longba Township, Jinsha County.

What I remember most about my hometown is that there are lush bayberry forests in front of and behind every house. Every time the bayberry is ripe, the green leaves and red fruits are beautiful.

Myrica rubra is generally not tall, but it is very popular. Its trunk is strong and its twigs are developed. The twigs that stretch out to the surrounding are thick, showing its vigorous vitality. The leaves of myrica rubra are dark green and long. They are as green as a million years old. Because they are luxuriant, the myrica rubra looks a bit like an open umbrella from afar.

Myrica rubra also blooms, mostly in spring. It blooms fine and small flowers under mild weather and drizzle. It can't be found inadvertently, and myrica rubra has no fragrance.

The most attractive thing is the dark fruit!

When the bayberry flower falls, the fruit is slowly hung on the branches. At first, it is small, light in color, light yellow with green. On the surface of the bayberry is a layer of fine hair. Over time, the color of the bayberry gradually changes, from yellow green to red, until it matures, it is red and black inside. This is especially true of one kind of bayberry that is called "Huotan Plum" by the local people, It is the best of waxberry, big and sweet. At this time, the waxberry will mature. Myrica rubra trees are full of fruits, like countless small red lanterns hanging on the trees. A gust of wind blows, and the branches bent by waxberry are swinging around, which makes you worry that the branches will be interrupted and the fruits will fall!

Villagers who come home from farm work will pick a red bayberry into their mouth every time they come under the red bayberry tree. The sweet and sour feeling will double your saliva and make you digest very well. They just eat and crave! The teeth can't chew other food - it's sour and soft. However, it is still involuntary to put one in the entrance.

It is said that there is another way to eat red bayberry, that is, men who like drinking like to make "red bayberry wine" with red bayberry, which is good to drink and keep fit, but I have never tasted it.

I love my hometown, and I love myrica more.

About I Love Home (10)

The other day, I finished reading Puyang in Longxiang with excitement. After reading it, I felt a lot of treasures in my hometown!

I was born and raised in Puyang when I was young, so I love my hometown very much, but I don't know the characteristics of my hometown. After reading this book, I know a lot, such as: most people like to drink spicy soup, straw paintings, Taoyuan Jianmin chili, many places to play, buildings of special significance, and many others. After understanding these, I have a special feeling for my hometown. Among them, I am most interested in the special snacks of my hometown.

Every place has its own unique snacks, Puyang is no exception. Although the snacks here are not as famous as "Tianjin Goubuli Steamed Bun", "Beijing Roast Duck and Preserved Fruit", they have surpassed those famous snacks in my mind. For example, although it is simple to cook all kinds of dishes and gluten made of noodles together, it is also a popular snack. You can see many people drinking it when you get up early. Secondly, the staple food that people like to eat is Zhuang Mo. Zhuang Mo is similar to meat pie. Add some meat and eggs between the two cakes. Although Zhuang Mo is more expensive than Hu Hot Soup, there are still many people buying and eating it! There is also the pepper of Taoyuan Jianmin. Now, if you want to give a gift, you can give it to Taoyuan Jianmin. It sells well in the market!

Having said so much, you must know a lot about the special snacks in my hometown! If you can't help it, come here to have a taste! Puyang is beautiful in architecture and city, but its people are more beautiful! This is my beautiful hometown - Puyang.

I benefited a lot from reading Puyang in Longxiang, which made me feel more beautiful and loved my hometown more!

About I Love Home (11)

My hometown is in Neidu Village, Boai County. Although it is not rich or prosperous, it is the place where I was born and raised.

I like the dike in our hometown very much. It is surrounded by mountains and trees. There is a long road on the causeway. There are many stones on the road. There is an endless grassland around. Many children are singing, dancing and playing on the grassland. The levee is full of vitality, and hundreds of birds are singing in the trees! The children are laughing and laughing. I really want to paint the beautiful scenery of this moment. The children are tired from playing. They lie on the grass in the sun. Ah! How beautiful the world is!

I really want to live there. How I wish I could stay here, but this day will soon pass. It's time for dinner, and our family had a lively meal. After dinner, we played water fights, caught tadpoles, crabs and beautiful butterflies on the bank by the clear stream.

It's already noon now. It's getting dark. I'm leaving there right away. How time flies! Unconsciously, in the blink of an eye, I have played for two hours. At this time, I heard my mother's voice, my mother called my name and said; Hurry up, it's time to go‘ I heard, sad to say; Goodbye to the levee, grass, birds, streams, butterflies, and my dear friends. The car slowly drove away. I won't forget today. I will come back again. I will always love my hometown!

About I Love Home (12)

Everyone has his own hometown, which has many beautiful scenery. I am no exception. My hometown also has a scene in Wuli, that is, a brook.

The water in that stream is clear to the bottom, and there are many stones under the water. Those stones have a history of 50 or 60 years and have become smooth stones. The water in that stream is shared by all people in our village, and there is also a waterfall under the stream.

There is also a swimming pool in the stream. That swimming pool is very cool. Every summer, I will go there to swim. You can also enjoy free massage there, because the swimming pool is made of stone. You can lean there like a massage, and digest all the pain.

There will be some butterflies on the water. When it comes, it seems that dragonflies touch the water, and the water will have your little ripples. When they fly in groups, they are totally fascinated by it, just like the Tiannv.

This is the stream in my hometown, a beautiful stream that I will never forget.

About I Love Home (13)

I love the snowy winter, the bright spring and the hot summer, but what I like most is the colorful autumn.

Autumn came to the mountain, and the mountain became colorful. Green pines and cypresses, they like wearing green clothes. The sycamore trees are all dyed yellow. The most beautiful one is the maple tree. Maple leaves fall in the wind like red butterflies flying and red stamps. But as soon as the wind stopped, they turned and rolled in the air like a top and fell quietly to the ground.

There are endless fields on both sides of the road. In the fields, golden rice grains are full and heavy, with charming fragrance, billowing golden waves, pushing to the endless distance, like a golden ocean. The yellow rice is spread on the ground like gold.

There are two osmanthus trees in the courtyard, which smell delicious. There are also beautiful chrysanthemums in full bloom in the corner of the wall. There are many colors of chrysanthemums, such as pink, purple, light yellow, white,... There are many kinds of chrysanthemums, some like children's hands, some like windmills, and some like the red sun... The wall is also covered with red ivy, like fire dragons swinging with the autumn wind.

Autumn came to the orchard. The fruit in the orchard was ripe. The fruit on the tree was heavy. The oranges grew on the tree, yellow and orange. It was really beautiful. The pomelo grows on the tree, like a balloon full of air, and like a lantern, you squeeze me to touch it, and strive to ask people to pick it! Pomegranate trees are full of pomegranates, like fat children sitting on the branches of the tree mischievously, bending the branches. The hawthorn trees are covered with hawthorn trees of all sizes. They come together in groups and cover the branches in clusters.

I like autumn, I love autumn in my hometown!

About I Love Home (14)

My hometown is in northern Shaanxi. Jujube is the most common tree. If you walk into the plateau of northern Shaanxi, you will walk into the sea of jujube trees and the world of jujube trees.

In spring, tender yellow buds sprouted from the branches of the jujube tree. The leaves grew slowly, and the small jujube flowers opened. From afar, the jujube tree looked like an umbrella, attracting groups of small bees flying around. In midsummer, the flowers on the trees gradually withered, and then groups of conical dates grew, like groups of green lanterns. When the jujube is not mature, it is green and tastes bitter and astringent. In autumn, the dates gradually grow from green to half red and half white, and taste sour and sweet. In October, the dates are ripe. People gently tap the branches with long bamboo poles, and the dates on the trees fall like rain. We use baskets to hold the dates on the ground. I can't wait to put the dates in my mouth. The fragrance makes me want to eat the date stones.

Jujube is a kind of tree with strong vitality. It never finds fault with the land where it grows. As long as there is soil, it can take root and sprout. In a few years, it is a lush jujube forest. It is so stubborn, so stubborn ah!

I love the jujube trees in my hometown. It is also a harvest season. Welcome to taste the jujube trees in my hometown.

About I Love Home (15)

Beijing and Shanghai are not as beautiful as my hometown's Xiaonanmen.

Speaking of the Small South Gate, my chatterbox opened, and I could not finish speaking for three days and three nights. It is a modern town, and its natural landscape and cultural landscape are second to none. Nanmen Community, along the wide and flat road, stands tall buildings in different colors. Cream yellow? Light green? Pure white, like in the beauty of each other. The road is 20 meters wide, and the roadway is 10 meters in the middle. There is a flower bed every 10 meters on the roadside. All kinds of flowers and tall pine trees in the flower bed look jagged and elegant. The street lamps and ivory lamp posts are like sentries standing guard in the daytime; At night, like a gentle mother, she spreads her caressing eyes on the happy people. Every night, the Xiaonan Gate becomes lively. The street is full of snacks of various flavors, and people come and go.

Walking, chatting... At this time, all the lights of each family are on, and suddenly it becomes a world of lights? The sea of lights and bright stars add radiance to each other. Shout? The sound of hawking and laughter form a beautiful picture, a sweet song and a moving poem. The flower beds would have opened long ago. At the moment, the red, yellow, purple and white ones are more charming, graceful and moving in the warm and happy atmosphere under the soft light. It was late at night, and the small south gate was quiet, but the next day, it would be a busy day.

Ah! I love you - the small south gate of my hometown. You are like a shining pearl shining on the land of my hometown.

About I Love Home (16)

My hometown is in Neidu Village, Boai County. Although it is not rich or prosperous, it is the place where I was born and raised.

I like the dike in our hometown very much. It is surrounded by mountains and trees. There is a long road on the causeway. There are many stones on the road. There is an endless grassland around. Many children are singing, dancing and playing on the grassland. The levee is full of vitality, and hundreds of birds are singing in the trees! The children are laughing and laughing. I really want to paint the beautiful scenery of this moment. The children are tired from playing. They lie on the grass in the sun. Ah! How beautiful the world is!

I really want to live here. How I wish time could stay here, but this day will soon pass. It's time for dinner, and our family had a lively meal. After dinner, we played water fights, caught tadpoles, crabs and beautiful butterflies on the bank by the clear stream.

It's already afternoon. It's getting dark. I'm leaving here soon. How time flies! Unconsciously, in the blink of an eye, I have played for two hours. At this time, I heard my mother's voice, my mother called my name and said; Hurry up, it's time to go‘ I heard, sad to say; Goodbye to the levee, grass, birds, streams, butterflies, and my dear friends. The car drove away slowly. I won't forget today. I will come back again. I will always love my hometown!

About I Love Home (17)

My hometown is Tianjin, which is a bustling metropolis. Every day I wake up in the endless stream of vehicles, and fall asleep in the noisy lights; This is an ancient city. The traditional crosstalk, clapper talk, various snacks and buildings show the city's long history; This is even more a beautiful city. The beautiful Haihe River, the beautiful Tianjin Eye, the beautiful Jixian County, and especially the various beautiful bridges will make you fall in love with this city immediately.

There are many interesting places in Tianjin: Water Park, Sky Tower, Tianjin Eye, Ancient Culture Street, Italian Style Street, Riverside Road... My favorite is the Ancient Culture Street, whose taste of taste, ancient taste and culture has always deeply attracted me. The Ancient Culture Street is located at the east gate of the northeast corner of Nankai District. This street is crowded with Tianjin's traditional snacks, crafts and gadgets: sugar blowing people, antiques, cooked pear cakes, Goubuli steamed buns, ear eye fried cakes. During the Spring Festival, the Ancient Culture Street is the busiest time. People from all over the country come here to enjoy Tianjin's ancient culture and taste special snacks. Every winter vacation, I would quarrel with my parents to take me to play and eat the Ear Eye Fried Cake here. Once, my father bought more than ten, and I ate five or six at once. My belly was greasy, but it was delicious. The next day, I ate several at once, and my belly swelled. But whenever I think of it, I still like the crisp crust and sweet stuffing.

This is my hometown, an ancient and beautiful city, which inherits the traditional civilization and is full of modern flavor. I love you, Tianjin!