Kneading Mud (8 Selected Articles)
2023-11-13 04:56:39
primary school

Kneading Mud (1)

Childhood is like a piece of colorful paper, and the most vivid color in the paper is mud.

When she was seven years old, Grandma brought back a hill of mud from the field. When I saw it, I was very excited and elated: Yeah! Finally, I can play with mud! I dig out a pile of mud, and then like noodles, knead the mud into a ball, and then divided it into six small pieces, and kneaded the hands, feet, and body of the clay figurine. After a while, the clay figurine's hands and feet were clenched, and I concentrated on splicing all parts of the clay figurine. A clumsy and lovely clay figurine stood in front of me flexibly. I thought anxiously: the clay figurine must be very tired when standing. Why don't I make a stool for it! Without delay, I grabbed the legs of the small stool with all my hands and feet, and hurriedly spliced the small stool. The stool made in a hurry seems to be a bit wobbly. I frowned and thought unconvincingly: Hum! I don't believe it. The stool I made is of poor quality! I sat down in a bad mood, "Ouch, Fortunately, she asked curiously, "What's the matter?" Grandma could not help laughing and said, "The mud is soft. How can I make a soft stool?" I scratched my face and lowered my head in shame.

Childhood joy and laughter, like sand on the beach, are countless. When I recall these joys and laughter, I am proud of my childhood!

Fourth grade: Lu Shiting

Kneading Mud (2)

On August 16, my sister and I planned to dig soil and plant flowers with buckets and shovels after the rain. But we didn't have any seeds, and finally we decided to play with mud.

After the mud was reconciled, we began to pinch it. I squeezed it one by one, and it became what I wanted. I pinched an old man to make him wear presbyopic glasses and a rabbit to make him have a long tail. My sister accidentally touched my nose, and I had a black nose. I took advantage of her carelessness to touch her face, and she grew a beard. Look at me and her, I look at you, giggling. When Grandma heard our laughter, she came out and looked dirty. She scolded us and said, "I don't care about hygiene. It's dirty!" We quickly packed up our things and hid in the toilet.

Although it's very interesting for students to knead mud, we must pay attention to hygiene. My sister and I agreed that next time we knead mud, we must be careful not to get dirty.

Kneading Mud (3)

This morning the art teacher will teach us to knead mud by hand. The students prepared the mud early, waiting for the art class to come soon.

"Ding Ling, Ding Ling -----" When the class bell rang, the art teacher came into the classroom smiling. She first told us the steps of mud kneading: first, pull the mud well; second, design the shape; third, start to knead the works.

I first find some pieces of waste paper to spread on the desk, and then pull the mud on the desk repeatedly, until the mud is smooth and soft. What are you pinching? I'm a pig. Just pinch the pig. But it doesn't look like that. Alas, it's not as easy as I thought. I also remembered that the rabbit next door was so cute, so I should pinch a rabbit. First, I pinch the rabbit's head. I knead the mud round as the rabbit's head, and then two small pieces of mud into a cylinder to be the rabbit's straight ears. I didn't like the rabbit's face, so I used a ruler to draw the rabbit's eyes and mouth on the rabbit's face. A cute rabbit is ready.

After class, I looked at the rabbit I pinched. It was ugly, but the more I looked at it, the more lovely it was!

Kneading Mud (4)

Last summer vacation, my mother and I went back to my grandmother's house by train.

When I returned to my grandmother's house, I had no fun, so I asked the children in the neighborhood to play with me. We first dug a lot of soil from the tree pit in front of Grandma's house, and then went home to bring a glass of water.

We're going to start playing. Let's play a game to see who can handle the mud well. I went to find some stones, flowers and grass first. But he only took a bottle of water. My hands were full of mud, just like chocolate. He said that the mud was dry and needed more water, so he poured all the water in the water bottle into the soil and splashed the mud on his face and me. We were like two little clay figurines. We both looked at each other and laughed our front teeth off.

As soon as we saw the time, my goodness, the game time was coming, and we carefully pinched it again. After a while, we were all ready to dry. But just then a naughty puppy ran over to join in the fun and printed a dog's paw on the cake I kneaded. When I saw it, I became angry with embarrassment.

But when I saw the puppy like a child, I had no choice but to forgive it.

Now I think it's funny.

Kneading Mud (5)

The sunny day began, and the Little Journalist Work Center invited us to participate in the "mud kneading" activity. When we got there, the teacher gave us each three tools and a lump of mud, and began to teach us to pinch small animals.

I first pinched a caterpillar: make five balls of different sizes as its body, then pinch two balls as its eyes, and then use a knife to draw a smiling face on the bottom ball, so that a lovely caterpillar was born.

I pinched the snowman again: use one big circle and one small circle as the snowman's body, rub two short and flat ellipses as its arms, then use a knife and fork to poke two small holes in the round ball above as eyes, and finally use a knife to draw a smiling face, and a beautiful snowman was born.

Looking at my masterpiece, I am extremely proud!

Kneading Mud (6)

Childhood is like a piece of colorful paper, and the most vivid color in the paper is mud.

When she was seven years old, Grandma brought back a hill of mud from the field. When I saw it, I was very excited and elated: Yeah! Finally, I can play with mud! I dig out a pile of mud, and then like noodles, knead the mud into a ball, and then divided it into six small pieces, and kneaded the hands, feet, and body of the clay figurine. After a while, the clay figurine's hands and feet were clenched, and I concentrated on splicing all parts of the clay figurine. A clumsy and lovely clay figurine stood in front of me flexibly. I thought anxiously: the clay figurine must be very tired when standing. Why don't I make a stool for it! Without delay, I grabbed the legs of the small stool with all my hands and feet, and hurriedly spliced the small stool. The stool made in a hurry seems to be a bit wobbly. I frowned and thought unconvincingly: Hum! I don't believe it. The stool I made is of poor quality! I sat down in a bad mood, "Ouch, Fortunately, she asked curiously, "What's the matter?" Grandma could not help laughing and said, "The mud is soft. How can I make a soft stool?" I scratched my face and lowered my head in shame.

Childhood joy and laughter, like sand on the beach, are countless. When I recall these joys and laughter, I am proud of my childhood!

Fourth grade: Lu Shiting

Kneading Mud (7)

Mud kneading 2.4

I have been to a ceramic factory in Beijing. After I told my sister, she said excitedly, "Let's also use mud!"

First, we put the mud and clay on the board separately. Each of us took a handful of mud and kneaded it in our hands. We kneaded many dishes and bottles, but we didn't think it was enough. My sister and I made another small pistol.

After we finished, we put them all in the sun to dry. At this time, I found our hands sticky and black.

The children in the yard came to do it together when they saw it. Later, I set up shelves and small chairs on the ground in the yard to become a pottery workshop. When we are free, we can make mud or take it home.

The dishes and vases we made are stored in the basement, which will become my childhood memories.

Brother is back 2.6

The New Year is coming, and my brother is coming back. When I heard the good news, I jumped three feet high.

That afternoon, we waited for our brother at the gate of the compound. When I saw a Cerato with a license plate of JingkN4230, I ran to greet it with joy.

My brother comes from Beijing. He is in the sixth grade this year. He is a little naughty boy and a smart guy. He is a tough guy and plays table tennis very well.

In the evening, we went to the gym to play table tennis. My brother and I went on the stage and began to play happily. But after he dunked several times, I stepped down. The players looked at their brother's beautiful posture and cheered repeatedly. He also played badminton well, and played with his father for a long time.

Unexpectedly, my brother is not only a master of humor, but also an all-around champion. He must be able to spend the winter vacation with me happily.

Tips for playing table tennis 2.7

Since I lost to my brother in table tennis last time, I have practiced hard. I also practice with a good coach, Dad, every day.

That day, when we went to practice, my father said: "When playing, we should concentrate on the ball, keep our eyes on the ball, don't let him slip away, seize the opportunity, and then we can spike the ball."

I tried Baba's method and it was really good. So I confidently went to compete with my brother. Unexpectedly, I was detained as soon as I came on the court. I went to my father angrily.

However, I only got one sentence: "The secret of playing is skill and spirit of hard work"

I slowly thought about it. The secret of playing basketball is also hard work, seriousness and patience. As long as you have these three principles in mind, nothing will be difficult for you.

"Seven" is a lot of fun. Let's experience it in Sina's new blog. Please click to enter~

Kneading Mud (8)

I can't help but walk over, squat down, grab a piece of mud, and hold it over and over in my hands. A kind feeling ripples. The mud after the rain is very wet and soft. As long as you pick out the stones in the mud and add a little dry mud, you can squeeze them into any shape you want. I grabbed the mud and kneaded it firmly in my hands. I imagined that after I kneaded it, every child would admire me so much that they would ask me to teach them. But after a long time of pinching, the mud in my hand is still not shaped, either too loose or too strong, which is not easy to pinch. At this time, a brave child grabbed the mud in my hand and held it skillfully. After a while, it was shaped like a child's mud. I immediately looked at him with admiration, but the child said, "This is my average level! If I hold it carefully, it will be more beautiful than this!"

Then turn the calendar to 20xx, and recall the scene of childhood kneading mud, my heart will be very cordial. That year, I was 5 years old, which was the most fun time for children. At that time, there were many clods in front of my house. Every time I wanted to knead the mud, I picked some soft clods to knead. My imagination is very rich. Every time I squeeze it, I will squeeze out many new things. Sometimes even adults are full of praise! Once, when I pinched a car, a neighbor's child liked it very much. At that time, I only knew that money could buy many delicious things, so I asked the child to exchange money with me. Finally, the child took a 100 yuan note and exchanged it with me. I took 100 yuan home. As you can imagine, I was scolded by my parents. 100 yuan was returned to the child, but the car was given to him.

Now, learning assignments are pressing on our shoulders. We can no longer play as freely as we used to, but how much we miss the past.