Food Kingdom (19 practical articles)
The temperature of the moon
2023-12-19 03:28:13
Grade 3
fairy tale

Food Kingdom (1)

Alas... How come the food is so tasteless recently? As I was thinking about it, I was suddenly swept to an unknown unknown area by the wind.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the soft strawberry house. A thick smell of strawberry cream, like a naughty child, kept drilling into my nose. Ah! It was made of strawberries and cream. My mouth dribbles three thousand feet, which makes my heart itch. This is my favorite! No matter what happens, I have eaten it all in three or five places, and the bland food at home has been thrown out of my mind. Looking up, I looked around and found all the delicious food. "Wow! I came to the food kingdom!" I cried excitedly, because everything here is made of food. For example, the city wall is made of hard candy; The castle is made of chocolate; The water in the river is made of drinks; The grass by the river is made of potato chips; Xiaohua is... Ouch! It's raining, some light rain drops into my mouth, sweet, I look closely, wow! Even raindrops are made of white granulated sugar. It's so cool! Unexpectedly, all the food here is my favorite. At this time, a little elf came out from the ground and smiled, "Dear guests, welcome to the food kingdom. Oh! It's late, you'd better live in the bakery!" I went to the bakery and sat on the soft sofa, "Ah! It's made of cotton candy, so sweet." I cried and took a big bite. Oh, it hurts so much. I was awakened with a start. What I just bit was my own hand.

Oh, it was a dream.

Food Kingdom (2)

One afternoon, the setting sun was setting slowly, and passers-by on the street hurried home. However, the streets were not quiet. Eh, how could there be a soft voice coming from a restaurant? It turned out that the leftovers on a table in the restaurant were talking!

A small steamed bun said sadly, "Alas! These people are so wasteful of food that they throw us away when they are tired of eating. They have totally failed the farmer uncle's painstaking efforts! You see, my body is still half full. Sobbing..." A small plate of shredded potatoes angrily said, "Yes, they only care about their own enjoyment, and never consider our feelings!" "Well, let's go to bed and discuss it tomorrow. It's getting late." "OK!" The next morning, they opened their eyes and saw a dark mass around them. Xiaobun said in fear: "Eh? Where is this?" Tudou Shredded said: "It's nothing strange, we are in the garbage bag." "What garbage bag - but it's really dark here." "The garbage bag is the bag for garbage, and it's not strange that it is very dark." After listening to Tudou Shredded, Xiaobun was still afraid, My mind kept thinking about what would happen next until a very small hole was broken at the bottom of the garbage bag, and I could see the light outside, so my heart gradually calmed down. After a while, the garbage bag began to shake, and the small steamed buns and potato shreds were dumped into the dump by the staff of the restaurant.

They are dirty all over, like two drowned chickens. At this time, they began to smell sour. They held their noses tightly and kept fanning away those unpleasant smells with their hands. Xiaobun said sadly, "Wuwuwu, how can people waste so much? Since they want us, they should cherish us, and we can provide them with all kinds of nutrition, but they completely ignore our existence." Potato shreds comforted her, "Xiaobun, don't cry. It's really shameful to waste our behavior, but we are still honored. Although we sacrificed ourselves, we still brought food and clothing to those who need us. " Small steamed bun wiped his tears and said: "If everyone saves a mouthful of food, how many people in Africa can eat the food saved by hundreds of thousands of people all over the country? What about the world?" Potato shreds said: "You are right. A few years ago, people really wasted food. But now perhaps people have realized the importance of food and cherish us more and more. It's getting dark. Let's go to bed early! " "Good night, Brother Potato Silk!" Little bun nodded. Small steamed buns and shredded potatoes soon fell asleep.

They dream that they are happily living in the beautiful food kingdom, and they are using the human tongue as a stage! Singing and dancing with other food, they also went to take a roller coaster ride in people's intestines, and they smiled happily.

Food Kingdom (3)

Today I came to a strange country where everything is made of food.

Then a man with raisins in his eyes and pears in his face asked me, "Hello, welcome to the food kingdom!" I asked, "Why are all the houses here different?" He replied, "Because the rich live in the cake house and the poor live in the toast house, it will be different. You can stay at my house tonight!" So he took me to an almond house. He said to me, "This is my home." Then he pushed the door in and I followed him closely.

Entering the house, I saw his son playing with a dog made of pears. At bedtime, his wife led me to a candy room, so I fell asleep safely.

The next day he said he would take me out to play. I hurried to the dresser to dress up and put on the red bean necklace and black bean ring. We played on the bread slide. At noon, I waited for them to ask me to eat, but found that they didn't need to eat at all. They just sniffed the food and I was full. As a result, I was so hungry that my stomach growled.

It was then that I woke up. I knew it was just a dream, but I still hoped to have such a world.

Food Kingdom (4)

The summer night is quiet and beautiful. The sky is full of stars and the moon is dim. I sat on the balcony and enjoyed the quiet scenery. Unconsciously, my upper eyelids and lower eyelids fought and fell asleep.

"Hello!" I was awakened by a strange voice. Ah! When I opened my eyes, I saw a strange man. I looked at him carefully: his head was watermelon, his hair was rice, his eyes were pearls, his eyebrows were chocolate, his ears were potato chips, and his limbs were cucumbers... What a funny look! He walked up to me with a smile and said to me, "Hello, little friend. I am the king of the food kingdom. We only sent a human to visit our kingdom 100 years ago, so you are very lucky."

The king took me to the food street, wow! How beautiful it is: the juice river flows and gives out fragrance; Chocolate and biscuit paved path; Leaves are refreshing pieces; The houses beside the road are cream cakes and toast; Clouds are marshmallows. We came to a restaurant and saw that the table was candy and the sofa was cake... There were barbecues, hot pot, ice cream, roast duck, fruit salad... My mouth was watering. The king seemed to see through my mind and said to me, "You can eat anything here." I held a hamburger in one hand, a popsicle in the other, and a crispy chicken in my mouth, After seeing this, I wanted to eat, but when I looked back, there was something more delicious, running around, which made the king giggle. Just as I was about to continue eating, my stomach suddenly hurt. The doctor of the Food Kingdom gave me a check. It turned out that I was overeating. The doctor gave me another injection and medicine, which made me suffer for a long time. After a few days' rest, my health gradually improved.

"Wake up" I opened my sleepy eyes, ha ha! It was a dream!

Although this is just a dream, I have come to understand one truth: you can't overeat, and you should control everything.

Food Kingdom (5)

One beautiful spring morning, I was thinking hard about a math problem. Suddenly, a colorful light shone on me, and the strong light made me faint temporarily. When I woke up, I found myself completely in a strange country. I was shocked, but I soon calmed down. I was wondering how I got here. Suddenly, another colorful butterfly appeared in front of me, and I was shocked again. It said: "This is the kingdom of food. Because of your outstanding performance in the world, I have chosen you as the lucky human this year. You can play for seven days." Then it disappeared.

Curious, I walked into the door of the kingdom and couldn't help shouting. The street was full of snack bars and restaurants. Even the ground was full of food stalls. For me, a food king, I was in heaven. I entered the most luxurious restaurant, called Xinyue Restaurant. The owner of this restaurant is actually the king of this country. Then I found that there are almost as many people in this country as we are, but their skin is a little whiter than ours. The king saw me and said, "You are from the human world! Welcome to our restaurant! Please come to the VIP table with me!" Oh! It seems that I am not the first person here. I followed the king to the VIP seat and had a good meal. When I finished eating, I was about to pay, but the king said: "You are a VIP in the human world, and you don't need to pay. But can you show me your dishes?" "Well... I'll make fried pork with peas!" I readily agreed to the king's request. I came to the kitchen and cooked quickly. The king tasted it and said, "Good! You can go now!" I walked out of the restaurant and came to a hotel like a long barrel of bread. When I saw the price tag, I couldn't help laughing. It said: One day for cooking one dish, seven days for cooking five dishes, and thirty days for cooking ten dishes. And I thought: This is not our country. What are we struggling with? I cooked five dishes, and the waitress gave me a card and said, "Please take care of your card, and I wish you a happy life!" I came to my room. There was an electronic monitor on the bed, which said: You can stay for another seven days! So I had a happy week in the food kingdom!

"Zhang Jin, get up quickly! I will be late for school!" When I opened my eyes, it was my mother. It turns out that the food kingdom is just a dream. I think I must create the world's first food kingdom in the future!

Food Kingdom (6)

One day, I fell asleep and fell asleep. In the dream, a rainbow appeared, and I walked over. A powerful force sucked me into a magical world food kingdom.

I walked up to see that the guards were made of soft candy, even the weapons they held were made of chewing gum! I opened the biscuit door. All the buildings inside are made of food. No wonder they are called the food kingdom! Even the road is made of chocolate.

Then I went on walking, walking, walking, I walked into the Ham City. Everything in it was made of ham. Even the roof of the factory was paved with ham slices. The lake, river, river and stream were meat paste and some delicious sweet water. Even the car was made of ham. The way, of course, is bacon.

After visiting the whole Ham City, I came to the Bread City. The roofs of the houses are made of bread, and the roads are paved with bread. The roofs of the canteen are paved with celery roots, and the shelves are put up with finger biscuits. There are also various vegetables inside! But most of them are made of bread.

Then I took the fruit train and came to the fruit city. It was really lively! There was a place surrounded by many fruit men. I couldn't bear to squeeze in. The orange man and the orange man were wrestling. But after a long time, they didn't win or lose. They were lying on the chocolate road. When I look at these houses carefully, they are all made of many fruits.

Walking, walking, I walked into the mushroom forest. It was full of large and small mushrooms. I really wanted to go up and take a bite. There are some mints on the ground. I walked forward, picked up a piece and licked it. It was very cool and had a sweet taste.

Out of the mushroom forest, I actually saw the palace. The bridge of the palace is made of finger biscuits, the shelf of the Ferris wheel is also made of finger biscuits, and the sitting box is made of hollowed cherries. Even the palace is made of delicious food. The water of the moat is Sprite. There are all kinds of fish in it, such as cucumber fish, banana fish, apple fish, celery fish, carrot fish, etc. The seaweed inside is vegetable seaweed, the stone inside is potato, and the nearby island is pineapple.

Then I went to the Chocolate City. The houses, roads and fountains were all made of chocolate. I'm tired after playing all day. I found a place to sleep. When I fell asleep, I fell down, and my dream woke up.

This dream is really good. I really want to have such a dream next time.

Food Kingdom (7)

This evening, I had just finished my homework. I was suddenly hungry. At this time, a Mr. Bread came. Mr. Bread took me to their country, that is, the breakfast country. As I walked on the road, I passed a bread and then went to another bread. I went to the bakery. Seeing the waiter in the bakery is also bread. There are many kinds of bread. It is possible to hear the waiter here say that there are tens of thousands of kinds of bread here, because it is very large, which is about the same as a basketball court. I went out of the bakery and into the milk shop. The waiter in the milk shop turned into leg raw milk. There were all kinds of milk, such as grass orange, strawberry and orange together, and many other tastes that were unheard of in the human world.

As I walked on the road, I wondered when I would go to the country of food again. I had enough to eat, because there was no money for eating here. I have seen and haven't seen anything here. Generally speaking, I haven't seen more. This time in the Breakfast Country is really an eye opener for me. I really want to stay here for a few more days, but I can't! I want to go back to school. I'm asking bread to send me back. I went to Xingxing Bakery and found Mr. Bread. At this time, my eyes flashed. I was no longer in the breakfast country, and Mr. Bread was no longer there.

Food Kingdom (8)

Food Kingdom Last night I had a dream that I came to the food kingdom. Do you want to know what the food kingdom in my dream is like? Please follow me.

One day, I was reading a book when I heard the chocolate biscuit saying, "Let's go to the food kingdom together, my friends!" "OK, OK, I'm going to go too", "Let's go now." "Don't make any noise. If the little master hears what we say, she will eat us." "OK", the biscuit asked, "Do you know where the food kingdom is?" "I know" "Let's go." After listening to their conversation, I was curious, so I put on my invisibility cloak and followed them quietly.

I followed them out of the house, crossed a lawn, and came to a wall. The chocolate gently knocked three times against the wall. The wall immediately separated, and I followed them in.

When I came to the "food kingdom", I saw: a house made of bread, a car made of cake; The road paved with strawberries is really dazzling. After a while, I found that the invisibility cloak had failed. At this time, many residents of the "Food Kingdom" looked at me curiously. Soon, an army came to me. The army said to me, "My little friend, please welcome our king." So I followed them to the "Food Castle".

The house of "Food Castle" is no different from other houses. I didn't pay much attention and went in. Go on, go on, I went there for a long time, and the king treated me with many delicious food. Before I knew what was going on, I sat down at the table. It was such a rich dinner. I kept eating. Suddenly, my stomach burst with a bang. Ah! I woke up with fright. I was dreaming, cough! I'm scared to death. It seems that I'd better not eat too much in the future, so as not to burst my stomach.

This is the "food kingdom" in my dream. What do you think.

Food Kingdom (9)

Late at night, I came to sleep and came to the food kingdom. I saw two biscuit guards outside the gate. They looked strange. One cookie guard is in the shape of a pine tree, and the other cookie guard is in the shape of a star. The two cookie guards also emit golden light. I walked over and asked the two biscuit guards: "Hello! Where is this?" The two biscuit guards said in unison: "This is the food kingdom, welcome you! Children!" I said strangely: "Oh! How did I come here!" Then I walked in. I suddenly felt a smell coming to my nose. Wow! How fragrant! What's delicious?

So I hurried to have a look. I walked and walked. I was shocked by the sight. The houses there were all made of cake. Their tables and chairs were made of chocolate. Even these people were made of food that we usually like to eat. I continued to walk forward. The scene in front was even more strange. There was a banana mother shopping with a banana baby, They are just like us human beings. They can run, talk and laugh. What's more, the mother looks so gentle at the baby's expression! I continued to look ahead and walked to a winding river (made of yogurt). I saw a mother duck made of pudding taking more than 10 ducklings out for a walk.

While walking, the last duckling suddenly fell to the ground and cried loudly. When the mother duck heard the cry, she quickly turned around and looked back. She found that one duckling fell down. She ran quickly to help the duckling, and the other ducklings also helped. In a panic, I suddenly felt hungry! I was about to go to Hamburg to buy a hamburger to eat, when I heard my mother calling me to get up, I realized that it was a dream!

Alas, it's a pity that this is just a dream. If only there was a food kingdom. I can find many interesting things and tell everyone about them.

Food Kingdom (10)

One night, I heard someone call me. I saw, ah, that person looks so strange: pumpkin head, grape eyes, pear nose, watermelon mouth, fungus ears. He said:

"Hi, my name is PHS. Would you like to go to the Food Kingdom with me?" "Well," I said yes

PHS and I boarded the hamburger spaceship and soon arrived at the food kingdom, When I arrived at the food kingdom, I saw, ah! Even the sun is made of biscuits

I walked on the chocolate slate to the Coke Lake. I first filled a bottle of Coke, then picked up some ice-cream fish and went to his house

In the evening, his wife took me to the birthday cake house to sleep. I found that the quilt was made of cotton candy and the pillow was jelly. I couldn't sleep, so I opened the window and looked at the stars. I saw that the stars were apple slices and counted them. I fell asleep unconsciously. Because I didn't eat, I was very hungry and shouted, "Mom, cook, I'm hungry!"

Suddenly, I opened my eyes, hey, it was a dream!

Food Kingdom (11)

At night, I lay in bed and quietly looked at the food kingdom. Suddenly, a hole appeared in the sky. I was sucked into it just as I wanted to call my mother.

When I woke up, I found I was lying on the carpet with fried leek eggs. I tasted it. Hmm! Yes, it's really the flavor of fried eggs with leeks. As I walked, I saw a huge milk lake and a tree made of chocolate. The leaves on the tree were mints, the fallen leaves were strawberry slices, and the stones were yams. Wow! This is a great discovery of this century. I will take photos of everything here and give it to the government. The government will give me a lot of money, maybe I will get rich! Just as I was immersed in a beautiful fantasy. Suddenly someone patted me on the back. Oh, my God! The man has an apple face, an eggplant body, a cherry mouth and carrots on all fours. He said, "I am the king of the food kingdom. Let me show you around our kingdom." Then we took the eggplant train and set out along the lotus root track.

I came to Guowang's house and saw his wife knitting clothes with fish bones and fans! His family has a little dog with a pineapple body. They are playing with grape marbles. At night I sleep on a biscuit bed and a bread and butter pillow. A quilt made of vermicelli. I looked around and found apple candles on a lotus leaf tray.

The next morning when I got up, I sat in a banana boat with the king and rowed on the huge cream lake. I saw the colorful cotton candy mountains and rivers and the sun with sesame seed cakes. Suddenly it began to rain rainbow sugar. I followed the light back home, and then found that there were two ways of 15 yellow gifts, one was birthday cake house, and the other was toast house. I asked why these houses are different? The rich can live in the birthday cake house, while the poor can only do the toast house. And do kings like me play more? A castle with three layers of birthday cake.

At noon, my stomach began to rumble. The king seemed to see my mind and said, "This is the food kingdom, and all things can be eaten. Please enjoy yourself! Just as I picked up an apple and took a big bite, suddenly" ah "woke me up. Bastard, hurry up to dance a hundred Mians! Ah, I used to bite my mother.

Alas! I wish it was not a dream!

Food Kingdom (12)

Eh? What's going on here? I looked around in disbelief: carrots were buying vegetables, Chinese cabbage became a doctor, and rape was busy collecting and delivering... "Get out of the way, get out of the way!" When I saw a car rushing towards me, I was stunned. Thanks to the timely braking. I was relieved. At this time, the driver of the car got down. Yo! It's Mr. Potato Chips! "You, you, you, you, you, walk, walk and walk without looking at us, the Prime Minister." He stammered, and was interrupted by the people in the car before he finished speaking. "Ah! This is the benefactor who helped me become an official! The coachman! Don't be rude! Please ask the benefactor to have a rest in my mansion!"

When I got to the Prime Minister's home, after talking, I learned that he was the "essence" (actually, junk food) of my stomach. As I ate more junk food, his power gradually grew, so he imprisoned vitamins and proteins (he called them "the evil villains") and released many carcinogens, He became Prime Minister of the Food Kingdom. I listened and secretly made up my mind to make the villain disappear.

After coming out of the food kingdom, I ate more vegetables and fruits, resolutely refused to eat junk food, and even gave up my favorite mutton kebabs. Sure enough, one day a few months later, I came to the food kingdom again, and found that all the officials had been replaced with vitamins, and all the harmful substances had been brought to justice! The king of the food kingdom thanked me again and again, and I became more determined to eliminate junk food.

Food Kingdom (13)

Eh? What's going on here? I looked around in disbelief: carrots were buying vegetables, Chinese cabbage became a doctor, and rape was busy collecting and delivering... "Get out of the way, get out of the way!" When I saw a car rushing towards me, I was stunned. "Cheek -" Thanks to the timely braking. I was relieved. At this time, the driver of the car got down. Yo! It's Mr. Potato Chips! "You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you. "Ah! This is the benefactor who helped me become an official! The coachman! Don't be rude! Please ask the benefactor to have a rest in my mansion!"

When I got to the Prime Minister's home, after talking, I learned that he was the "essence" (actually, junk food) of my stomach. As I ate more junk food, his power gradually grew, so he imprisoned vitamins and proteins (he called them "the evil villains") and released many carcinogens, He became Prime Minister of the Food Kingdom. I listened and secretly made up my mind to make the villain disappear.

After coming out of the food kingdom, I ate more vegetables and fruits, resolutely refused to eat junk food, and even gave up my favorite mutton kebabs. Sure enough, one day a few months later, I came to the food kingdom again, and found that all the officials had been replaced with vitamins, and all the harmful substances had been brought to justice! The king of the food kingdom thanked me again and again, and I became more determined to eliminate junk food.

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Food Kingdom (14)

At night, I lay in bed and couldn't sleep. Suddenly, a red light came into my room. A man with an egg face, kelp hair, grape eyes and banana mouth. I looked at him in fear, and he said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm the king of the food kingdom, and I'll invite you to visit my kingdom." I said, "No, I'm gone. What if my mother can't find me?" He said, "Don't worry, I will send you back before dawn." I had to agree.

He took me to my food kingdom, and I saw his wife knitting sweaters with fish bones and fans! She asked me to play with her children. There was a little dog with pineapple body and eggplant head in his house.

It's already 3:00 in the morning. I said I would leave at 5:00, and he was very happy! It was five o'clock soon. He asked the guards to send me back. I rolled over and rolled down from the bed. Ouch, it hurt! Alas, it was just a dream.

Food Kingdom (15)

During the winter vacation, I read a book called "Adventures in the Food Kingdom". I found that the food was so interesting, the mathematics was not boring, and every food in the book was also alive. The food could also find the fantastic plots in fairy tales.

Moreover, in this country, you don't have to worry about obesity, because we promote a "tasteful low calorie diet", so friends who love food don't have to worry about eating too many delicious desserts will cause obesity. One more thing, as long as you are a national, dessert is free. Welcome to the food kingdom.

Are you ready to enter this magical kingdom?

you 're right! This is a mysterious and fantastic place, which is full of unbelievable miracles.

The food here has ideas, the garbage has spirituality, and the house has life... Open every page, you may fall into an incredible world, and you will feel incredible! Sorry, in this magical country of food, there really is another world. Everything you think is incredible, absurd and fantastic is happening here.

If you want to explore life and the world, please open this book and follow it! It will definitely make you exciting like riding a roller coaster and wonderful like entering a dream!

There are also a group of teenagers who are as loyal, interesting and loving as you.

Food Kingdom (16)

One night, I was about to go to bed when I heard someone calling my name. When I got up, I saw how strange the man looked. His face was an apple, his head was watermelon, his eyes were raisins, his nose was durian, his mouth was cherry, his teeth were corn, his ears were agaric, his hair was rice, his body was toast bread, his fingernails were black beans, his legs were radishes, He said, "I'm from the food kingdom. Welcome to visit my country!"

After that, he took me on the eggplant train and set off along the lotus root track.

When I arrived at the food kingdom, the first thing I saw was the red watermelon mountain, then the white milk lake, colorful marshmallow chocolate, mint sugar leaves on the trees, and red thistle grass slices on the ground. I pointed to the distance and asked him, "How is the material different between the house here and the house there?" He said that the rich lived in the birthday cake house, while the poor lived in the toast bakery. He arranged for me to spend the night at his house.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the window lattice made of cabbage and his wife was knitting sweaters with rice noodles and shark fins in her hand. Their children were playing with apple skin balls and grape marbles in the dog garden with eggplant heads and pineapple bodies. I really wanted to play with them!

When the clock tower rings ten times, his wife leads me to a candy room to sleep. Your lettuce pillow is a stone with a walnut heart, a candle on the banana body, and a lotus bell hanging on the head of the bed. I open the window to look at the stars and find that the stars are actually carambola slices, and the moon is a curved banana.

When he got up in the morning, he said he would take me to play. I hurried to the dresser to dress up, and also took the tangyuan necklace and red bean ring.

We came to Milk Lake, took a banana boat to swim around the lake, and then took a rooster bus to the seaside. We played with sugar sand and looked up at the biscuits. The sun found that it was already late and growled. I have been waiting for him and asked me to have lunch, but I found that they did not need to eat, and only used their nose to smell the taste of food.

I'm so hungry. I'm dizzy with hunger. I can't stand it! I yelled, "Mom! Mom! I'm hungry..."

When I woke up, it was a dream.

Food Kingdom (17)

One afternoon, I was walking home from school. Suddenly, a golden light appeared before my eyes, and I fainted. When I woke up, I found myself lying on the pudding bed. A man with watermelon head, apple face, grape eyes, tomato nose, cherry mouth, corn teeth, radish legs, ears of agaric, hair of rice ears, and body of toast was cooking. So I asked him where I was, and he replied that this was his home. He asked me to have a rest and take me to play tomorrow.

The next morning, we took a steamed bun car and drove to the Food Country Park. Through the glass window, I saw the green apple mountain, the colorful drink beard, the yellow cake cloud, the red persimmon sun, the big and small potato leaves growing on the soft candy tree, and the stones were potatoes. It was very beautiful.

In the evening, I went to live with him at his grandmother's house, which was a pink cotton candy house. As soon as I entered the door, I saw his grandmother sitting on the ice-cream sofa, knitting a sweater while watching TV with shark fin and noodles. His grandfather took me to the room arranged for me, wow! Lettuce quilt, bread pillow, ice cream lamp. At this time, I opened the biscuit curtain and found that the moon was a banana and the stars were melon seeds. I lay in bed and soon fell into a sweet sleep.

Alas! It's a pity that this is just my fantasy. If this fantasy could come true, how wonderful it would be!

Food Kingdom (18)

Food Kingdom Adventures Primary School Composition

In daily study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. You must be familiar with the composition. The composition must focus on the theme, and make in-depth exposition around the same theme. Do not ramble, the theme is lax or even no theme. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is a carefully arranged primary school composition of the Adventures of the Food Kingdom, for reference only. Let's have a look.

After reading The Hungry Caterpillar, I suddenly felt my eyelids were heavy and my head was dizzy

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a huge skyscraper, but it was nothing strange, at least it seemed so. A gust of wind is blowing. Eh! Why is there a clear fragrance? A closer look shows that the tower is made of chocolate! I took a bite. The little dark brown thing melted in the mouth and was very sweet. It felt like taking a chocolate hot spring and enjoying the bright sunshine. It was very comfortable! Going on, I saw a flight of stairs. I walked carefully. Fortunately, there was no mechanism, otherwise my life would be... "Wow, great!" My excited heart would jump out. The floor in front is paved with shiny sugar paper, and the lamp seems to be made of candied haws, emitting bright light. Next to the soft bread sofa is a tea table made of marshmallows, on which there are several cakes, several plates of pudding, and many cups of juice. What's more, there is also a bed made of egg yolk pie. I jumped onto the bed and jumped happily. Suddenly, I found a lake outside the window, but the color was orange, and there were many fruit boats. I rushed downstairs, but the lake disappeared. Only my mother's sweet smile was in front of me. It was a dream!

When I opened the cupboard, I really saw a big piece of chocolate, pudding, cake... Soon, there was only an empty plate left!

Food Kingdom (19)

I walked up to see that the guards were made of soft candy, even the weapons they held were made of chewing gum! I opened the biscuit door. All the buildings inside are made of food. No wonder they are called the food kingdom! Even the road is made of chocolate.

Then I went on walking, walking, walking, I walked into the Ham City. Everything in it was made of ham. Even the roof of the factory was paved with ham slices. The lake, river, river and stream were meat paste and some delicious sweet water. Even the car was made of ham. The way, of course, is bacon.

After visiting the whole Ham City, I came to the Bread City. The roofs of the houses are made of bread, and the roads are paved with bread. The roofs of the canteen are paved with celery roots, and the shelves are put up with finger biscuits. There are also various vegetables inside! But most of them are made of bread.

Then I took the fruit train and came to the fruit city. It was really lively! There was a place surrounded by many fruit men. I couldn't afford to squeeze in. The orange man and the orange man were wrestling. But after a long time, they didn't win or lose. They were lying on the chocolate road. When I look at these houses carefully, they are all made of many fruits.

Walking, walking, I walked into the mushroom forest. It was full of large and small mushrooms. I really wanted to go up and take a bite. There are some mints on the ground. I walked forward, picked up a piece and licked it. It was very cool and had a sweet taste.

Out of the mushroom forest, I actually saw the palace. The bridge of the palace is made of finger biscuits, the shelf of the Ferris wheel is also made of finger biscuits, and the sitting box is made of hollowed cherries. Even the palace is made of delicious food. The water of the moat is Sprite. There are all kinds of fish in it, such as cucumber fish, banana fish, apple fish, celery fish, carrot fish, etc. The seaweed inside is vegetable seaweed, the stone inside is potato, and the nearby island is pineapple.

Then I went to the Chocolate City. The houses, roads and fountains were all made of chocolate. I'm tired after playing all day. I found a place to sleep. When I fell asleep, I fell down, and my dream woke up.