600 character composition of growing junior high school (20 collections)
A game, a dream
2023-10-24 07:06:13
junior middle school

600 word composition of growing junior high school (1)

The life of a person can be divided into five stages. This is five years of ignorance, five years of ignorance, ten years of exploration, ten years of struggle, and thirty years of establishment of the world and busyness. The rest is enjoyment. Today, I am fourteen. Injured, travel in the sea of books all day long, and walk in the mountain of inscriptions. Where can I tell my growth story in a leisurely way? It's time for the exam composition! Now, let me tell you the stain in the abyss of the soul! The flower season in the heart is 13 osmanthus when counting from front to back, and 13 osmanthus when counting from back to front. Thirteen years old, what a wonderful number! But in this "semi adult" years, my home has always been as quiet as a tassel, but it seems that the witch has cast a spell on me. One by one bad news came to my ears from all directions - my mother-in-law died of illness, and my grandmother fell and broke... My world became dark from that moment on. My mother-in-law and grandma, the two people who love me most, ah!

Why do you have the heart to leave me and go to heaven alone? Why don't you take care of your body? Grandma, don't you like cassia best? You said that its smell is very similar to the faint fragrance of your daughter who works abroad all the year round. You said that you would wait until the New Year to plant the osmanthus with your daughter. You said that you would go with my grandma and pick the osmanthus of the year with me. Some would dry and make tea, some would be made into incense bags for me, and some would be sent to grandma to sprinkle in her room to accompany her to sleep... But these, You haven't realized it. Are you so eager for the blissful life in heaven? How can you bear to let go of all your things in the world? Grandma, why don't you cherish your body so much? I know you are not obedient, but do you know?

What if you fall seriously and sleep forever, and I can't see you anymore? Do you want to leave me like your mother-in-law? The sun is slanting to the west, and my heart is broken; Looking back, it's the end of the world... At the age of 13, a beautiful number was rewritten by the lingering news, and the beauty of the flowering season was also swallowed up by it, leaving only thick spiritual stains... The journey of the 14th has just begun, and there is still a long way to go before the journey of growth, but I firmly believe that after a piece of darkness, there will be a new dawn! The sequel after growth is being drawn

600 word composition of growing junior high school (2)

What makes me curious is the series of "One Hundred Thousand Whys". This set of books was bought by me with excellent academic results: I asked my father to buy books for me at that time, but my father said that as long as I could do well in the final exam, I would buy them. In order to buy books, I worked hard, and finally lived up to my expectations. I got the sixth place in the third grade of the school. After I bought the book, I read it with relish. Sometimes I fell asleep after watching it. The next day I woke up and found a book in my hand. After reading "One Hundred Thousand Whys", I became very interested in everything on the earth. If you don't understand, you will ask "why", and you will break the casserole to ask the end. Because of this, I don't understand the difficulties in learning, so I will ask, and I always rank first or second in the class.

It is "Smart Backpack" that makes me develop good morality. Every story in "Smart Backpack" will tell us the truth below. After watching the "Smart Backpack", I learned that happiness is hard won. So I cherish the kindness of others; I learned that honesty is gold, so I keep a distance from lies; I learned that failure is not terrible, so I regard failure as a discipline and face failure bravely; I know how to give roses to others. My hands have lingering fragrance, so I am willing to help others and try my best to bring happiness to others

I thank each of my books, which accompany my growth. Cultivate my sentiment, enrich my knowledge, and bring me happiness. I always feel that reading is the greatest happiness in my life. If I only read the textbooks issued by our teachers, I will not be able to expand my vision. Read more good books, so that our knowledge will never be poor.

I remember Grandma Bing Xin said, "Read well, read more, read well." This sentence is very inspiring to me. I will take this sentence as my motto. At the same time, I will live and "read" until old. Now society pays attention to the development of knowledge and information. I think we should keep up with the pace of the times, read more good books, so that we can always keep up with the trend of the times. There is a golden house in the collection. I get a lot of knowledge wealth from books. I think I will remember that books grow with me and let me become a rich intellectual!

600 word composition of growing junior high school (3)

Difficulties are like our own burdens, which are difficult to unload and support. No one will tell us how to overcome them. If we have a firm heart, will we? There are only a few difficulties in the world, but you haven't found them. When you fully grasp them, you will succeed!

I see Stand up

I want to have a good specialty. Nothing can stop my heart. In my childhood, because of my stubbornness, I begged my father to buy me a bicycle. I practiced it all the time. It was also like a meticulous good friend of mine. Whenever I had troubles and worries, I would tell it. One day, when I was practicing my bike, I accidentally fell off the bike and fell to the bottom of the bike. The bike hit me. I was in great pain. My ankle was scratched. My first thought was that the bike was dissatisfied with me, but it was pulled back by a tough cane. I thought I was not skilled. Since then, in order to "take charge" of this bicycle, I have fallen and climbed up all the time without complaining. God also saw my efforts and gave me a great gift, that is, I have never fallen down since the last time I climbed up.

I learned to accept

"Bell... bell" class. This is a math class, which means that I will announce my grades. This time, I really lost my mark. Yesterday, I was not in good condition. If I didn't pay attention to this paper, I would be miserable today. Before long, when I called my name, I was shocked. Indeed, as I expected, I failed, and other students were busy correcting this and that question, but I had no choice but to talk to myself. The teacher came to me, looked at my paper full of red forks, and sighed helplessly. What surprised me most was that the teacher didn't scold me and hit me, but said to me with a sincere heart; "Do better in the next exam". I felt guilty when I faced the teacher's words, but I finally accepted the teacher's deep words. Finally, in order to give back to the teacher, I paid more attention in class. I proved to the teacher with 120 points in the mid-term exam that I can! Now I also know how to face difficulties directly. It is not difficult for some small successful things to be bound. It depends on the way you use. Some people choose to escape and quit, while others choose to face it bravely. However, we must stand up proudly and accept it proudly. This is the essence of success and the root of facing difficulties‘ Facing difficulties' is the only way on the success ladder!

600 word composition of growing junior high school (4)

Life is like a glass of water, moistening our hearts; Life is like a song, singing out our passion; And calligraphy is like a doll, always with me. Give me knowledge and joy.

I remember that during the summer vacation, I quarreled with my mother at home. "You must go to that calligraphy class!" Mother said. "No, I'm not going!" I didn't obey my mother. "You will listen to me!" I just wanted to go back to my room, but my mother's angry voice came from behind.

My mother is my mother. She even dragged me to the "calligraphy interest class". "Hmm, what?" The teacher was a young "sister" who smiled as beautiful as a rose. "Newspaper calligraphy," my mother said cheerfully.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Liu Qianqian. Just call me Teacher Liu." "Well, OK!" We nodded together.

Writing with brush is really fun! The teacher showed us several "masterpieces", and I shouted, "It's too simple!" Then I took out the brush, color palette, and rice paper from my backpack without hesitation. I rolled up my sleeves and looked confident, but the brush seemed to be under magic. It didn't listen to my "command" at all, and the words I wrote were so crooked that they didn't look like words at all.

I was very depressed. Just when I was sad and crying, Miss Liu came to me and said softly, "It doesn't matter, Yueyang, learning calligraphy can't be learned in a day. It needs more practice, more attempts, and don't lose heart. You must do it!" My heart suddenly seemed to be shining with sunshine.

In the next few days, we learned regular script, cursive script, official script and so on. My characters gradually became better, and even my classmates gave me thumbs up!

My heart was so sweet that I couldn't help feeling proud, but I told myself, "Don't be proud!"

Next, we will have an exam. I will study hard and tell myself to be the first. I practiced all kinds of fonts and tried to write better characters.

Sure enough, how can you do well without sweat? I got the first place in my class, 99 points. At the same time, I also know a good friend, her name is Zheng Siyu. For me, this is really a happy event!

The calligraphy class was over, and we wept goodbye to Miss Liu.

Growing up in the sun, I tasted bitter and sweet; Growing up in the sun makes me feel warm. I began to regret contradicting my mother, and later I fell in love with calligraphy. I have gained a lot from this calligraphy learning experience, both bitter and sweet, but the most important thing is to gain happiness.

600 word composition of growing junior high school (5)

Growth is like a boat in my life, sailing on the sea. Sometimes it's calm and sometimes it's rough. My boat of growth was not smooth, and it also experienced various disturbances. For me, there are all kinds of things.

I should be growing up for myself, so I can no longer enjoy the treatment of a little princess. Parents, you have grown up and can no longer rely on us, which makes me feel helpless. Whenever I think of the treatment I enjoyed as a child, I feel that life is so painful now. I can't do anything carelessly or carelessly, or I will find a storm. Whenever I think of these things, I want to go back to my childhood and go through them again.

You should grow up for yourself, so you can no longer laugh freely. You will think of how carefree you were when you were young, and there are no worries around you. But with the passage of time, the sea ahead is bigger. Now I am a middle school student, and my height is higher. Last month, the time was longer, homework increased, jealousy and suspicion among students increased, and the only thing that decreased was my joy and smile. Whenever I carry a heavy schoolbag, I always feel sad, not because I have too much homework, but because I have become a happy and cheerful person who can only go back and forth mechanically from home to school every day without joy and smile.

But I should grow up for myself, so I can take care of myself. Although I was very comfortable when I was young, I was always constrained by others. When walking, parents lead; Fall, parents hold; When I cried, my parents coaxed me, but I knew that when I was growing up, becoming an adult would be different from being a child. Because I am growing up gradually, I have my own views and opinions on everything.

But I should grow up for myself, so I know how to do everything better. Knowing that growing up means leaving the shelter of parents and teachers, dealing with learning independently. Difficulties in life mean creating a colorful life by oneself.

Time is like flowing water. Many past events have been forgotten, just like the withered flowers. Only one flower has not withered, which is what I call trouble. He gave me the motivation to learn, so that I know that if I want to gain, I have to pay. Like Gu Song, if you want to show your distinctive personality and independent style, you can't be afraid of difficulties, stand tall and upright, and show yourself incisively and vividly.

600 word composition of growing junior high school (6)

Life is not only about daily necessities, but also about books and distance.

The process of growth is the process of books and me working hand in hand.

I once read Haizi's poem: "From today on, I will be a happy person, feeding horses, chopping firewood, and traveling around the world. From tomorrow on, I will care about food and vegetables. I have a house facing the sea, and the flowers will bloom in spring." Haizi's poem, like a seed, falls in my heart, takes root and sprouts in my outlook on life. Maybe life is a constant consideration of gain and loss. Neither of us knows which will come first tomorrow or the accident. Be a happy person, sincere and kind-hearted, and love the land. Make your heart beat and your imagination soar. I think people who walk on the road of dreams never want to look back. I remember that Lu Sihao once said in his essay: "You should believe that there is no tomorrow that cannot be reached. Since you have identified a road, don't ask how long it will take." I still don't understand some words, but I am willing to try to believe something. Many things are like traveling. When you decide to start, the most difficult part has passed. We have come to this world hard, but not for those bad things and cry, we have cried enough when we were born, but each of us can not live back. Always do something for yourself to live up to.

I happened to see Eileen Chang's A Farewell for a lifetime, but it didn't touch my heart a little bit. "All kinds of difficulties in life are like a storm in the middle of the night. People are so afraid in the storm and thunder that they forget that they always listen, but they always stop.". No matter what life does to us, we should always work hard, be brave and be full of hope. I always believe in the meaning of hard work.

On the road of slow growth, whether it is the sincerity and dedication described by Ba Jin, the enthusiasm and sincerity described by Sanmao, the charm and elegance described by Zhang Ailing, or the simplicity and beauty described by Bi Shumin. It is also Han Han's criticism and accompanying, Lu Sihao's courage and persistence, Lu Yao's meticulousness and humor, and Wang Guozhen's passion and distance. All of them have become an integral part of my body on my way to growth. On the road of slow growth, we will work together hand in hand.

600 word composition of growing junior high school (7)

There are three people in my family: father, mother and I.

My father is a soldier. He seldom goes home and often goes on business trips. Therefore, most of the time, my mother and I are the only ones at home. However, my mother, as a teacher, often went out early and came home late. She was busy teaching and often left me at home alone.

Slowly, I learned to be independent and to worry about my family. For example, every time I go out, I first take my own keys with me, and then remind my mother to take the things I should take with me. For another example, I would often ask my mother: "What do you want to eat today? Do you want me to help...?" Look, I really look like a little master of the family, right?

I remember one morning in early winter, my father went to Xi'an on business. Before going out in the morning, I reminded my mother of what to bring as usual. The mother, who was in a hurry to go to work, simply felt her bag and said, "Take it with you! Hurry up, we will be late." So we locked the door and hurried away.

The morning of early winter was already cold, and the thin white fog seemed to cover the city that was still awake. But how many ordinary teachers like their mothers have to rush to work early; We students who seek knowledge should also learn more as soon as possible, otherwise how can we say that "one day's plan is in the morning"!

After four classes, I hurried home as soon as I left school. After a few steps, I suddenly saw a familiar figure coming towards me. "Mom!" I cried excitedly and ran to my mother. You know my mother seldom comes to pick me up. Just thinking of finally going home with my mother, my mother anxiously asked, "Wenwen, have you brought the keys to your home?"

I touched my chest in a hurry. "It seems that I haven't, Mom, what's wrong?". Suddenly, a hard thing touched my hand.

"Mom, I have the key!" I told my mother in surprise. My mother turned from grief to joy and said, "Wenwen, you are really grown up!" When I heard my mother say this, I felt that I was really grown up. I was very proud, raised my small face, and replied forcefully, "OK, I will take everything more seriously in the future, please rest assured, Mom!"

My mother took my little hand. The warm winter sun shone on our mother and daughter's backs. On the way home, a girl who thought she had grown up laughed like a silver bell.

600 word composition of growing junior high school (8)

Six years have passed, and the photos on the desk seem to record yesterday. In the photos the size of a pencil box, he is still so heroic and conspicuous. Since then, everything has become a memory, which makes people miss him.

Up to now, I still remember his encouragement to me. With him, there are some competitions and some struggles.

I still remember that afternoon, dark clouds covered the sky, and the whole earth was dark. In the classroom, students held their breath and waited for the arrival of the math teacher, waiting for her to announce her results.

A burst of rapid footsteps sounded, and the teacher came in with a face as gloomy as the sky outside, which made people jumpy. "Yang Jianxiang, 86 points" As my name rang, the number immediately following made me tremble. I walked up disappointedly, looking at the teacher's disappointed face, I felt very sad. She didn't say anything, but those stern eyes made me gasp for breath.

When the bell rang, I slowly sorted out my schoolbag, walked out of the classroom, and walked out of the gloomy world.

The thunder in the sky seemed to me like a mockery of the sound, the swaying branches looked like disdainful eyes, and even the grass on the roadside bent over and ignored me.

I was walking home frustrated when someone patted me on the shoulder. I suddenly turned around, and a familiar face appeared in front of me. It was my good friend. He knew I was in a bad mood and didn't say anything. He just walked with me.

When I got to the door of my house, I looked back and found that he was still following me. "Why are you following me?" I asked impatiently. "My friend will not give up easily. He is tougher than iron!" he said.

Friend, this word makes me feel a little cheerful. Yes, friend! After saying that, he held out a hand. At this time, I also walked forward with tacit understanding. The sound of the combination of my two palms resounded through the sky in the silence.

He turned and walked away, and I came home relieved.

Maths with "86" points made me lose heart again and again, and then made me cheer up again. Discouragement is the beginning of distrust of oneself; Cheer up is the encouragement of friends, warm company!

600 word composition of growing junior high school (9)

Everyone needs to make many attempts in his life; On the road of growth, trial is a required course in life. For example, try to raise your hand to speak, try to participate in competitions, try to overcome difficulties, try to be tolerant... Every attempt may not be successful, but there must be gains. In the attempt, our wisdom, ability and humanity have been improved.

Think about the past, think about the original, we are ignorant teenagers, how many first time and try to temper our will, and think about those great people, who are not "from the sharpening of the sword, plum blossom fragrance from the bitter cold." A bumpy life, cast a steel like giant, whet the will, and achieved many great people.

Think about how miserable Edison's life was. But under such circumstances, Edison invented the electric light and became the first person to invent the electric appliance. In the biographies of celebrities we read, how many of those famous people were smooth sailing, and how many were successful? Famous poets such as Li Bai and Su Shi were demoted several times in their lives. The insidious and crafty people in the imperial court did not give them a place to live. Although they all loved the paradise and the pastoral life, they could not live without money on these bases.

Attempt, which accompanied my growth, gave me hope. It made me win applause and applause. This year, I tried to write a novel, which was popular with my classmates. I tried to work hard, which brought me hope. I tried to submit a composition, which brought me surprise. I learned the importance of trying. After trying again and again, what I gained was not all hope, Maybe there are still failures, but every attempt is the preparation for the next success. If there is no attempt, who would have thought that crabs with hard shells can be enjoyed as delicacies.

Students, we should be brave to try, so that we can grow in the attempt to meet our next victory.

600 word composition of growing junior high school (10)

Life is growing every day.

The night before the Women's Day, the bell rang for the evening self-study class. When the students changed their previous behavior, no one rushed out of the classroom, but all sat there quietly. As soon as the head teacher left, the head teacher stood on the platform. "What will I give the teacher on Women's Day tomorrow?" The class immediately exploded. Finally, the ten minute heated discussion finally came to an end. It was unanimously approved. "Everyone will come from the dormitory early tomorrow. The plan for tomorrow has been made. Let's go back." After the monitor finished speaking, everyone went back in twos and threes.

Early the next morning, everyone sleepily walked into the classroom to decorate the blackboard and classroom. Finally, the students left their names on the blackboard together. As the 6:45 bell was about to ring, two students on the lookout shouted to the class: "The target is in the danger zone." "Turn off the lights, pull the curtains, and close the door." Everything was ready. When the door opened, I saw Miss Ye in a daze and the light turned on. "One, two, three, Miss Ye, happy Women's Day." When Miss Ye turned to look at the blackboard, I saw her moved at that moment; At that moment, I saw the students laughing from their hearts; At that moment, I saw the growth of my classmates. When I think of the past when it came to Teachers' Day and March 8th Festival, let alone surprise, I didn't even say hello, but now I can spend so much time preparing surprises for teachers. I know that it is because I am growing up.

Remembering that in the past, the teacher was angry and cried because everyone broke in because of disorderly talking in class. Now, I can finish the 40 minute class with my heart because I am growing up.

Time goes by day by day, and we grow day by day. We are moving forward little by little whether we are living or studying. Every minute, every second, every day we are growing all the time. Gain happiness from growth, and experience growth from happiness.

This is life, this is growth.

600 word composition of growing junior high school (11)

The growth path is full of sunshine, but there are also some troubles in the sunshine.

"You child, I care about you!"

Early in the morning, from the bedroom to the toilet, from the toilet to the bedroom. One word "boring"!

God! When will my mother stop nagging! I really hope to grow up early and get rid of the bitter sea.

My mother doesn't understand me. She talks about this and that all day long. I can only say some boring topics that I have heard N times every day. Sometimes, I think: the outside world is really beautiful, when can we fly out of the cage to the blue sky. Sometimes I see one or two birds flying by, and I always look at them with envy.

You failed in the exam. Hum hum, you're dead, doubles!

"You, when can you do better in the exam? I told you not to use the computer! Don't listen! I'm bored now! In the 70s! I still have the face to come back..." At this time, my father interrupted: "You should study hard! All the money we earn so hard will be paid for your tuition! Your mother is uncomfortable again." At this time, my mother would cough beside her, holding the stool and coughing twice.

After that, the more they scolded, the more violent they became, and they began to attack me. My poor little and weak body was beaten by the merciless bamboo stick. My face was full of tears, but my parents turned a blind eye and continued to beat me with merciless bamboo sticks. Later, although I was very unconvinced, I still had to pretend to understand and keep saying, "Yes, you played right. I didn't work hard, and I let you down..."

Dad, Mom, when will you understand my worries? Violence cannot solve all problems, however, annoying nagging cannot be accepted.

Playing can only increase the pressure of learning, and nagging can only increase psychological worries.

In the process of growth, "Sunshine" lost its luster and warmth due to worries.

600 word composition of growing junior high school (12)

"Say! Why is this exam so bad?" When I said my score, my mother stood up and pointed at me and asked me severely.

I am silent. This time, I really failed in the exam and fell back 200 places. I was speechless, so I chose silence.

"Alas!" My mother saw that I was silent, sighed and sat down.

I didn't dare to look at my mother, but I heard her long sigh. Her sigh contains helplessness, disappointment, sadness

I ran out of the house and didn't want my mother to see my tears.

At this time, the sky had darkened and the stars could be seen vaguely. The road was very lonely, and I was alone in the street with tears.

I am the eldest son of the family. My father is often away from home, so the heavy work of the family should have fallen on my shoulders. But my mother's courage fell on her in order to make me feel at ease to study. But what did I use to repay her?


Yes, nothing! Now, I'm still crying silently.

"Hey! Why are you still idling around so late?"

I stopped and looked up to see a friend of mine standing in front of me.

"Oh, nothing. I'm going home now."

"What's the matter? Drowning his head." As I turned to go home, he called me hurriedly.

I said without expression that I did not do well in the exam.

After listening, he smiled and said to me, "Don't be sad. The pain in the wind and rain is nothing. Don't be afraid to dry your tears. At least we still have dreams!"

I was stunned and said to him, "This seems to be from a song."

He smiled and said, "It is!"

I didn't argue with him again. He was right. What's the failure in this exam? Try hard next time!

Before I got home, I saw my mother standing at the door waiting for me to go home.

My mother breathed a sigh of relief when she saw me coming back. I suddenly looked up and found my mother was too tired. Yes, she is responsible for all the burdens in the family. I should be strong and not be frightened by difficulties!

600 word composition of growing junior high school (13)

We didn't know anything when we were young. Always let parents sad, we do not understand parents. I often think: If I grow up, I will be fine. My parents are so upset that we have no freedom. However, in the eyes of parents, no matter how old we are, in the eyes of parents, we are all children. In the past, my parents and I often quarreled. I really don't know why. Although I know my parents say that they are for their own good, I can't help talking back to them. It's really wrong. If it hadn't been for my thoughtless behavior when I was a child, I wouldn't have known that my parents loved me so much, nor would those two tears have appeared.

One day, I asked my mother to buy ice cream for me! My mother went to buy it for me. I waited at home, but didn't wait for my mother to come home. So I said, "Really, it takes so long to buy an ice cream!"! The heat is killing me. After a while, my mother came back, and I saw her 'knee was bleeding, so I immediately ran to her and said: Mom, what's wrong with you! Are you OK? "It's all right, Xiao Shang. Don't you want ice cream? I bought it for you." Mom smiled at me. "Mom, I don't want any ice cream," I said painfully. I stroked my mother's bleeding place and slowly touched it. "Hey, what is it? It's flowing" I thought. When I looked up, my mother's tears were dripping on my hands. My mother said to me, "My child, you have finally grown up!" I was surprised and said, "I... I have grown up." "Hmm? Yes, you will care about others when you grow up. My mother was very pleased." My mother said kindly to me. "Yes, I have grown up," I said.

Mom and Dad, your children have grown up, so don't worry about me. I will not make you sad, because through that incident, I know I have grown up, I am smiling and very concerned. I already care about others!

600 word composition of growing junior high school (14)

Life is like a fickle sky, sometimes golden, sometimes dark clouds, sometimes meteors across the sky, leaving a long scar, at this time, my heart, like a meteor across the pain

I remember when I just stepped on the door of the middle school, you warmly welcomed me and other students. At that time, you were wearing a blue coat, and you had a pair of eyes behind the mirror eyes that you wanted to talk with. Smile at us and you will show your white teeth. Especially after your class, I can't help but admire you. Your class can often mobilize the hearts of students, so that everyone can not help following your ideas. But now, you are far away from home to recuperate. The active and interactive classroom in the past is also far away from us... Missing is like a wisp of smoke, drifting. The mood is like the surging water on the shore, rising and falling from time to time without a head. The parents put forward the idea of transferring to another school, and they were in a disorderly mood. They wanted to throw all the things around them out of the window, just like abandoning their troubles. I just feel bored and confused

Teacher, remember that bleak autumn afternoon? You and I are walking on the quiet playground, and the autumn grass has quietly changed into golden clothes. We talked a lot together. You said that the reason why you can get along well with your classmates is that you have a friend of my age, A Gang, who taught you how to bridge the generation gap with your children. You also said that Ah Gang didn't need to study hard in the past, so you advised him to study hard and often added a sentence; "Please, boss, study hard!" At last, he just accepted the title of "boss". You can't help laughing. In this way, we talked for a long time in the days when the forest was full of dye

Ah! Miss Zhao! What are you doing at the moment? Lying in bed reading books? Or are you walking with your relatives? In any case, students wish you a speedy recovery and happiness! No matter how changeable the wind and rain, you are the most beautiful rainbow in my life, a mentor and friend that I cannot forget in my life. I miss you forever!

600 word composition of growing junior high school (15)

Growing pains childhood life is unforgettable and beautiful. There are joys and sorrows in the process of growth. However, I have all kinds of troubles. Learning is my biggest trouble. Oh, what I want to say is that I am not worried because of poor grades, but because of the pressure from all aspects of learning. Once, because of my carelessness and carelessness, I only got 77 points in my math exam. I was really at a loss. The students not only did not comfort me, but also slightly mocked me. "Monitor, I failed in the exam!" "Usually, I am good again and again?" "The geomancy turns around! Who calls her ------" ------ Listen, listen, I shed tears, which have remorse, complaint, and self blame ------ I face the disappointed face and reproachful eyes of the math teacher with mixed feelings ------ This is my trouble. A good student's study trouble. Occasionally, I said the wrong thing, hurried to do the wrong thing and so on, which will attract some students' endless comments.

As a result, I became very careful. I would worry about the consequences of everything I did, and I dared not let go of many things. Since then, troubles have been clinging to me, which sometimes makes me breathless. In life, there are also troubles and many disappointments. I want to try my best to be a good child, but things don't go according to people's wishes. I often make my parents angry. My parents are very strict with me. Although they never ask me anything, there are many expectations in their words. I followed their wishes. Suddenly, I found that I lost myself. I am lively and cheerful, but I like silence because my parents never let me play at my friends' and classmates' homes. I can't walk out of school (my family lives in a middle school). The middle school is like a prison. Going out, I felt a different world. Let me fly! Believe that I have the ability of autonomy! There are two troubles in life and learning, and troubles in life and learning and growth. I want to get rid of the shackles of trouble, fly freely, and be a real self!

600 word composition of growing junior high school (16)

Growth is a wonderful voice, hidden in every corner, which needs people to explore; Growth is a cup of tea, which contains sweet and sour, bitter and hot. Taste it carefully and have a special taste in your heart.

The fledgling 'young eagle', with the yearning for the blue sky, worked hard and struggled, finally got rid of the shackles of the earth, flapping its wings and flying in the blue sky. With the desire to run on the grassland, the little sheep pushed hard and successfully leaped among the grass.

I changed from a babbling child to a freshman in junior high school. Once upon a time, I would fold clothes by myself, and my mother's face was full of bright smiles; My father felt as if he had eaten honey because he could fumble through books.

Yesterday, I didn't hesitate to step on the grass one by one. I didn't know what the anger of the lamb was or the moan of the grass was. Today, when I pass the lawn, I always touch the grass with my hands and listen to the sound of the grass jointing; Yesterday, I was a child full of strange questions. I didn't understand why the trees on the mountain were green and why the fish lived in the water... As time went by, I found the answer from the book. I no longer had the doubts of my childhood. The increasingly rational thinking is the witness of my growth.

After school, when I came home with certificates, my father would open a happy smile and say, "Yes, make persistent efforts to win certificates next time." Every time at the end of the term, I would win two or three certificates, and the whole family would be happy.

Today, with a sense of confidence and anxiety, I joined the ranks of junior high school students. Today, I want to challenge the new year with a new look and a new starting point. I am like a newborn sun, with my own enthusiasm, and I am looking forward to a better time in the future

To grow, we need to listen to our own voice and know whether there are any shortcomings in our growth. Moreover, listening to the voice of growth will make you feel good every day, and the growth years will be glorious. Friend, have you listened attentively and grown up?

600 Word Composition of Growing Junior Middle School (17)

Little by little, it seems to be growing. One by one, the seedlings form a widely praised forest, which seems to be growing. Wild flowers gather into a colorful garden, and it seems to be growing. Everything in nature is growing, growing quietly. They are all very happy, and I found that I am growing, and I also feel the happiness of growth, you see!

Perception of kinship

In the process of growing up from a babbling child to me today, I felt kinship. In the late winter evening, I was used to the steaming milk on the table. I was thinking about family affection. Before I knew it, my mother came in to clean up the room and went out. I also followed her out to pour milk. Just as I stepped out of the door, my mother turned around and said, "Do you want another cup?" At this time, I was speechless and hot, It's more like the warmth of milk coming to my heart. It's family love, an emotion hidden in ordinary things. It's so simple. I realized family love when growing up, which is the happiness of growing up.

Have an aesthetic outlook

There are many kinds of ugliness, beauty and goodness in the world, but not everyone can find them. On the bus, a girl with a scary scar on her face was sitting beside me, and I was secretly scolding her. Alas, she can be said to be a failure in cleaning the carriage! Suddenly, an old man came up from the station. He was on crutches, which made people worried that he would fall down. "Grandpa, sit here". Seen from the sound, it was the voice of this ugly girl. At this time, I was shocked, and a sense of self reproach came into being. What is beauty and what is ugliness had a deep imprint on my mind. Growing up, I have the eyes to discover beauty, which is the happiness of growing up.

In the process of growth, there are inevitably lost moments, but the happiness of growth is countless. We have got rid of childishness and become mature; We are as tall as our mother, and we have a sense of pride

At this time, I was growing slowly. I realized the happiness of growth, just like the happiness of small streams flowing into the sea, small trees turning into forests, and small flowers turning into gardens.

In fact, growing happiness is everywhere!

600 word composition of growing junior high school (18)

Everyone is growing. Growing up, there are sadness and happiness. I, as a growing primary school student, have also experienced many colorful things. Many of these things have been forgotten, but one thing often reverberates in my mind. That is catching fireflies.

I remember last summer vacation. I spent it at my grandmother's house. Every night after dinner, I would go for a walk outside. One night, I went out for a walk after eating. The night scene was very beautiful. Occasionally, I heard some cicadas' chirping. I listened to the beautiful and clear song with my heart. It was very touching! Looking at the stars in the sky again, it's like innocent and lovely children looking at me with their shining eyes. It's really beautiful. Suddenly, I saw a more shining star flying around me, just like an excellent dancer dancing beautifully beside me. The more shining star is it - firefly! Then I followed it. It stopped on a stone. I closed my hands and caught it. At this time, it became my hand.

I hold it in my hands as if I had picked up a star in the sky. It's so beautiful! I took it home, then took it to my room, put it on the top of my bed mosquito net, and turned off the light. I looked at it; The bean sized body has two snail like antennae on its head, but it smiles more than a snail. It has a pair of equally sized wings. Look at it. Its aperture is bigger and brighter than when it is outside. At this time, it really looks like a star, hanging high in the sky.

In the hazy, I felt as if I saw a lot of fireflies flying from a place not far away in the field at night, which became a piece of fluorescence, illuminating me. At dawn, you flew away unconsciously... You are really good, little firefly! In the dark, you try to give out a little light of your own to guide people, but at dawn, you will leave quietly. Thinking, thinking, thinking of myself as a firefly, flying around in the dark

I am growing, and growing brings me countless happiness. Every happy element is composed of success. May my life be filled with happiness.

600 word composition of growing junior high school (19)

Our life is full of sunshine. Even when the sun shines, it is inevitable that there will be temporary clouds. As I grow older, I have happiness and some lingering worries.

I am 14 years old this year. I am almost in my second year of junior high school. My height is only 1.40 meters. I am the famous "short man" in our school.

Short, standing in front of the mirror, I always sigh for it. It's easy to talk at home. If it's in school or in public, alas! This is really annoying.

In primary school, I thought I was short, so I took some calcium pills. I took all kinds of tonics, but it still didn't work.

In junior high school, I had three things I feared most: first, when measuring my height at the end of the term, I was so ashamed of my height. 2、 Walking side by side with tall classmates, you will see a sharp contrast, one high and one low. 3、 When discussing height with classmates.

I am thin and small. My physical strength is not good, and my strength is not as strong as others. Therefore, sports has become a subject that I both like and fear. When running, I run two steps, and one step is enough for my classmates. High jump, because my feet are short, I try to jump to the height, but other students can easily jump.

When people say I am short, I always feel inferior or pretend not to hear. But I really feel bad. So I often vent this grievance and pain on my mother, and blame her for giving birth to me so short. Every time my mother said to me, "Don't worry, you just grow slowly and grow taller.

Later, my parents also knew that I was too short, so they decided to give me height by eating more. Every meal, my parents stipulate that I eat two bowls of rice and fat meat. My stomach is so full that I almost have anorexia. Alas, it's really hard. After a long time, my mother took me to measure my height.

Later, I realized that height is not distance. Although I am short, my grades are still good! I believe that as long as I pay attention to nutrition and exercise, I will grow taller. I Believe!

600 word composition of growing junior high school (20)

I don't know when the growing pains have increased. For me, who has many complaints to make, this topic is so friendly! In the process of growing up, we will encounter all kinds of troubles. Needless to say the depression of the country or the troubles of the family, just learning this subject has made me rack my brains and forget to eat and sleep.

I gradually found that since I entered junior high school, I have changed in every aspect. I feel that I have grown up, understand how to be considerate to my parents, behave gracefully, and learn to be independent. But in the process of growing up, there are many troubles. Gradually more homework like a hill, too busy to get over. Most of the things that happen in school are unwilling to talk with parents; The burden of learning is getting heavier and heavier. They are afraid of falling grades, not being admitted to high school or university, and not being able to find a job in the future. When I was young, I wanted to grow up very much, because when I grew up, I could do many things I wanted to do without having to carry my mother's nagging and father's blaming. But this is not what I imagined, beyond my expectations. Is there only worry but no happiness when growing up? Some people say that growth is happiness, while I say that growth is trouble.

"Little boy, seldom troubled, carefree and happy." Whenever I heard the children singing this song, my heart was always sour. "Homework" has become a fear in my heart. After school, I didn't dare to play. I was afraid that I could not finish my homework, so I had to try my best to let my pen wriggle on the notebook. When I met someone who couldn't, I racked my brains, scratching my head and scratching my head. Whenever I review at night, I look at a lot of books in front of me. I really don't know which subject to review, Chinese? Is it math? Is it English? Or geography? Still. One word "boring". How I want to return to my childhood, lose the endless troubles and become a carefree little girl again!

If growth is a work, then trouble is a misprint hidden deep in the paragraph. In the growing nature, the learning that used to be like a breeze has been blown away in the depth of memory by the stormy learning and pressure attack. Our life is full of colorful sunshine, but even when the sun shines, it is inevitable that there will be temporary clouds. Growing girls will have some lingering troubles. These troubles come from life, learning and communication with classmates. However, some troubles are not terrible. The key is to treat them correctly. From now on, let's clean up our troubles, eliminate them, and move towards maturity with colorful dreams.