One thing that touches the soul 600 words (9 chapters)
Love is thin on paper
2023-10-24 09:16:56
Junior 1

One thing that touches the soul 600 words (1)

Autumn is a windy season. I listened to the wind outside, which reminded me of the laughter buried in my heart, which I would feel warm even in cold winter. But it also reminds me of June when birds sing and flowers smell.

June is supposed to be a season full of beauty, vitality and happiness. But for me, June 2012 was not like that, because my grandfather died in this beautiful June.

A week before my grandfather died, my parents and I went to see him. At that time, grandpa could no longer take care of himself. Grandma took care of him every day and even fed him with a spoon. And grandpa also lost a lot of weight, his face was haggard, and he looked very old. The big hand looked so weak, but the beard on his face did not change.

This reminds me of the first time I saw Grandpa. It was grandpa who didn't have a crutch in his hand, but he was a little hunchbacked and short. He was dressed in blue and black clothes, put his hands behind his back, and walked back and forth. He looked energetic and dignified. My father said that grandpa was a teacher before.

Grandpa called me for a moment, and then pulled me back from my memory. I sat beside my grandfather, and he said to me earnestly: "Child, you are the youngest and the most obedient, but unlike other children, you are lively and cheerful. Remember, you should be lively and cheerful and talk more in the future." I listened to my grandfather's teachings carefully, but never thought that it was the last time for my grandfather to talk.

On a sunny morning, my parents were not at home, and my sister told me that my grandfather had died. My mind went blank in an instant, and my tears burst like a dike. My mind is full of grandpa's smiling face, what grandpa said to me, and what grandpa looks like. I didn't attend my grandfather's funeral, which left me a regret.

My grandpa's death makes me feel that life and death are so fast, so we should learn to cherish the people around us, and don't let death overtake your treasure.

This is something that touches my heart.

One thing that touches the soul 600 words (2)

It seems that the sound of firecrackers on New Year's Eve has not dissipated, and the smell of festivity in the air is still so strong. I sit by the window and read a magazine with relish. Today is the New Year's Day, the Spring Festival. People who have been busy for a year should rest at home!

Suddenly, there was a cry from Westinghouse. I knew what had happened when I heard it. I sighed, rushed to Westinghouse, and said to my angry aunt, "Aunt, stop calling sister!" At this time, my sister was crouching on the ground, sobbing, tears rolled like a flood, touching her math book. My aunt angrily said to me: "Xiao Yang, leave her alone. Look at her pig brain. She made 10 mistakes in 14 questions, so why should she go to school?" After that, my aunt kicked her sister and turned her head out of the room.

Alas, it's no wonder that this scene is so strange. Sister is not good at learning, so why insist on it? I said to my sister, "Sister, it's OK, don't cry She staggered to the table and sat down, writing and scribbling desperately. I knew I could not persuade her, so I quietly left the room.

The next day, the sky was overcast, and I could not go out. My aunt and I played checkers together. At this time, I heard a very slow footsteps. It was my sister who came. She hesitantly handed the book to my aunt. Her eyes were still red, and yesterday's tears were still on her face. My aunt grabbed it without hesitation, glanced at it, and then shouted, "Wrong again! Wrong again!" Get out of here! ", Then she tore the book to pieces.

I was so shocked that my blood froze, and the pieces of paper fell like snowflakes. At that moment, I seemed to hear my sister crying helplessly again. I looked at her, and her tears didn't fall. On the contrary, her eyes were shining with clear light. Her face was red, and she said loudly: "I'll do it again if I don't do it right!" At that moment, I felt a slight tremor in my heart, My eyes immediately covered with a thin layer of tears.

Yes, my sister has a persistent heart despite her poor performance. As long as she has a persistent heart, what if her performance is poor? I believe that every ordinary little man can make his life shine with fairy tale beauty as long as he lights the torch of persistent pursuit!

One thing that touches the soul 600 words (3)

The colorful winter vacation has passed, but some interesting things happened during the holiday still fresh in my memory. One thing, although it is not a good memory for me, still makes me unforgettable.

The busiest thing in the winter vacation is the Spring Festival. My family is very busy. My mother and I will also go to the seafood market to buy some shrimp and go home to make dumplings. Before we arrived at the market, we were attracted by the roadside yell, "Come and buy fresh prawns, guaranteed to be cheap." We looked at the stall, which was crowded with people. My mother and I also went to have a look. We managed to squeeze in and found that the stall owner was a middle-aged woman in her forties and fifties, but her white gloves were covered with filth. She was busy, smiling like a flower. Mom hurriedly asked how much it cost per kilogram. I listened carefully and found that the price was surprisingly low compared with other places. It was five yuan less. No wonder so many people came to buy it! I looked down at the shrimp on the stall. It was really big and fresh. Seeing that we were interested in buying, the stall owner hurried to greet us: "Make sure it's fresh, buy it quickly, and if we don't buy it again, there will be no more." When Mom saw that it was almost sold out, she didn't hesitate to buy more than one kilogram of shrimp. The stall owner was even more delighted. He quickly took out a black bag to fill it with shrimp, but I felt a little strange. The stall owner filled shrimp under the stall, People outside can't see it at all. Before I explained to my mother, the stall owner had already "finished trading" and promised her that it was absolutely enough.

When we returned home and poured out the shrimps for washing, we found that only a small part of them were fresh shrimps we saw, while at the bottom of the bag were some small fish and shrimps that no one wanted. Only then did we realize that we had been cheated. Recalling that strange scene, I suddenly realized that there were some dead fish and shrimp at the bottom of the bag.

We angrily returned to the stall and were about to go up to the stall owner to judge, but found that there were many "aggressive" people in front of the stall, who should have come to "beg". We walked closer and saw that the stall owner who smiled like a flower had suddenly become a "shrew". In the face of everyone's criticism, she did not feel ashamed and started to make a living with everyone. At this time, a young man in his twenties said to everyone, "It's good to see if she has a bag with rotten fish and shrimp." After that, everyone agreed. However, the stall owner panicked and became hesitant. Finally, with the concerted efforts of everyone, the stall owner finally admitted his "crime". Looking at the frustrated stall owner, I could not help thinking a lot.

A lie is a lie after all. No matter how clever it is, it will still be exposed. The ancients said: "No trust, no stand". Only by treating each other with integrity and respecting others, can we win the respect and trust of others.

One thing that touches the soul 600 words (4)

Today is the third day of the junior high school. The weather is good. Although it is not cloudless, the air is not so pure as "under the court is as clear as water", as in "A Night Tour in Chengtian Temple". At least, Father Sun is happy all day, not as cloudy as in the weather forecast. Every third day of the year I go to my grandmother's house, and this year is no exception. Necessary greetings, gifts, New Year's money gift ceremony, lunch at Grandma's house, adults get together to play cards and chat, children do nothing, basically get together to play. We always like to play with others, but today we suddenly want to calm down. We didn't take the medicine, so we didn't take the wrong medicine. Grandma's house is not in the east, so it can't be evil. Grandma's family lives in a big village, so every family forms a city like pattern. I am walking in the alley, which is equivalent to walking in the street. It is hard to guess my grandmother's home for a year, so I should enjoy myself.

"Wow!" Suddenly, a little dog's voice came into my ears. I quickly turned around to find a white puppy, now covered with dust, shaking its thin and short tail, and looking at me pitifully with big dark eyes, I was almost filled with tears. I brought some food from my mother-in-law's house and put it beside it. It cried "oh", didn't eat, but wagged its tail harder, which didn't mean to thank you. I stood up gently and walked towards it. Slowly, step by step, when I reached it, it cried again, jumped away and ran around me, as if a little afraid. I reached out my hand and gently put it in front of him. This is the most basic way to deal with dogs. Let him ask. I was afraid that he would suddenly bite, although it was only as big as my two palms combined. I reached over carefully and looked at it expectantly. It also poked its head curiously, first looked at it, then touched it carefully. I can feel a little hot air from its wet little nose, and the smelling place is cool. Then its droopy tail wagged again. I don't know whether this is my recognition, but I still gently touched its head. Sure enough, he didn't dodge any more. Instead, he squatted down, and I patted his head gently. He made a "ah wu" sound, and rubbed his head against my palm for several times, as if he were playing coquetry. I played with the little white dog again. He is very smart. I named him "Xiao Lian". Later, he understood it when I called him. He came running around my ankles with short legs and licked it from time to time.

The appearance of Xiao Lian seems to bring some new ideas to the chilly day. "Wang Zhiye! Where is he? He is leaving." "Oh, here he is, here he is." He was about to leave before he knew it. He was about to take a step, but found that he bit my shoelace. "Xiaolian, I'm going to see you next time!" I squatted down again and touched it, and it obediently released my shoelace. I got on the car and looked at it from the rear glass. It watched me all the time. It watched me get on the car and leave. All I could do was wag my tail. I wagged desperately. I could see that it was desperately. I watched it disappear in my vision bit by bit, suddenly remembered my promise just now, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, next time! There won't be another time! Will I see it next time? I don't know which dog it is. I am good or bad, even to make such an impossible promise. In real life? Do I often make such promises to others that cannot be fulfilled? "Promise to others is an expectation" I am disappointed to think that I have learned politics. "I sent him to heaven, but now, it is I who beat him down to hell" I don't know how this line can appear in my heart again.

Xiaolian, will you really wait for me to go back? How long will it take? Next time, don't do it again! Why let others guard an illusory expectation?

One thing that touches the soul 600 words (5)

I still remember deeply how warm it was that day, even if it was a cold winter, when I think of the scene that you kept my clothes warm, how my little heart felt

It was a season full of dark clouds, and the wind from all sides was especially cold and piercing. In the morning, I opened my hazy eyes. The noise of my mother working in the kitchen bothered me. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I packed my schoolbag, put on a coat and left in a hurry. Before I left, my mother asked me to wear more clothes. I forgot because time didn't allow, but I didn't realize that her eyes were dark.

I finally returned to school before ringing the bell for class. When I ran to the door, I thought, fortunately, I was not late, otherwise I would face the teacher's scolding. As time went by, the bell for school was ringing, and the number of students gradually decreased, so the classroom became quiet, but I could not leave. Who called me on duty today? After I cleaned the classroom, the sun also set, I packed my schoolbag and went home.

A trace of warmth broke the cold night.

As soon as I left the school gate, a gust of wind began to streak past me, as if robbing me of something. Suddenly, my nose left water. I thought I had a cold and had to go home quickly. I stepped up my pace, but the wind was stronger and I began to feel dizzy. When I fell on the ground, a piece of clothes wrapped me tightly, which felt warm. I gradually saw her figure. When I saw that she was my mother, my heart suddenly became excited and warmer. I said, "......" I fainted and lost consciousness before I said it

Later, I knew that I had a high fever that day. It was my mother who had been taking care of me. Mother, I love you.

This is a small maternal love. It may not be a very important feeling for others, but for me, it is powerful enough to touch my small and strong heart.

One thing that touches the soul 600 words (6)

It is because of love that my parents nurture me without return and protect me when I grow up; Friends waste energy to comfort me and help me stand up again because of love; The teacher spent precious time to educate me and let me correct my mistakes, because of love; The love around us is everywhere, and it can touch the hearts of all people.

Love thicker than blood

The wind is like a knife, penetrating your clothes and hurting my body. The rainstorm crowded in the air and hit me one after another. I dragged my tired body in the rain, moving step by step. The body is in danger of being destroyed at any time in the storm. Suddenly I found that the pain on my body was relieved. I looked up and saw the familiar figure. My father was wearing wet clothes, his hair was messy, and his shoes were full of mud, but his hands held up an umbrella for me to block the storm and wind, and his eyes were moist. This is love. Love touches my heart.

More love than mountain

The outer sky is dotted with white clouds, and the sun shines directly on the earth. The sky in my heart is full of dark clouds, and the dark is no longer like the day. The reason is that I have no courage to face the report card in my hand. My friend saw that my face was not right and walked up to me. Comfort me and help me. Although my friend didn't do much for me, it was just a sincere consolation. My heart seemed to be reborn. Dark clouds are pulled away, and colorful rainbows are set in the sky. The sun shines and shines brightly. This is love. Love touches my heart.

A love that is wider than the sky

Push the door open and enter the office. There is a score deduction sheet with your name on the desk, because you have not got a mobile red flag for your class alone. I thought the teacher would say something to me, but I didn't expect it. The teacher taught me with an unusually calm attitude. With the passage of time, I also fully understand my mistakes. I also promise that I will not make the same mistake again. This is love. Love touches my heart.

These are all love, the love around us. Sometimes it may be an ordinary and light action; Sometimes it may be a word from the heart; Sometimes it may be an ordinary education; They can touch the hearts of you, me, you, us and all of them.

One thing that touches the soul 600 words (7)

That is the most unforgettable thing in my life. I will never forget that it taught me and let me know that there is a person who has been caring for me behind me. From the moment it touched my heart, it lit up the darkness of my heart.

When I was a child, my father slapped me heavily for not eating. As a result, I became ill and spent a lot of money. From then on, my father learned a lesson. He seldom hit me, sometimes gently, but I kept it in my mind like a fool, and some hated my father until that day came.

In the afternoon of summer, the sun is still scorching the earth. Perhaps because of the hot weather, people are reluctant to go out. I walked carelessly on the lonely path. I wonder if it was the arrangement of heaven that made me see the scene: a father and son are playing with a ball under the banyan tree. Their smiles make me jealous. My father never played with me. I sat on the tree beside me, looking at the happiness on their faces, which made me look forward to it. Suddenly, the ball rolled to my feet. I came back to my senses and bent over to pick it up. The little boy jumped up to me and said, "Sorry, sister, I kicked you." He touched his head shyly, and I said with a smile, "It's OK, the ball is back to you." But thinking of how happy they had just played, I couldn't help asking, "Did your father hurt you? Didn't he hit you?" He was stunned for a moment, and slapped the ball and said to me, "My father often hits me, but he also loves me very much, and I like my father best." The father of the little boy came over, touched his son's head and said, "Say goodbye to my sister, and it's time to go home." He smiled at me, waved to me together, and turned away. Looking at their backs, I felt an indescribable feeling.

When I got home, I found a photo from an old book. It was taken by my father when I was 3 years old. I slowly walked to the window. It was the afternoon before I knew it. The sunset red sun covered the sky with orange red, reflected in the photo, and my father's smile was clear in the sun. At the age of 3, I have no memory, but I know that my father must have loved me very much at that time. Why should I hold a grudge for a slap in my heart?

Looking at the blurred banyan tree outside the window, it seems that I can still see the father and son. The breeze is blowing. My father's kind smile makes me involuntarily open my mouth, open my arms, let the breeze take away my unhappiness, and thank the father and son for playing under the banyan tree, which touched my heart.

One thing that touches the soul 600 words (8)

The back of the hand is wind and rain, the palm of the hand is family.

When I saw those hands, I seemed to see a father. The wrinkles in his hands are the road he has walked, winding and winding. He just used his hands to hold up the sky of his children. He stood proudly in the wind and rain, holding the happiness of his family in his palm.

Once upon a time, in the midsummer evening, the family enjoyed cool weather, ate melons and drank tea under the grape trellis in the yard. Look at the sunset gradually fading red, watching the birds returning to nest cut across the sky. My father held me on his shoulder with his big, thick hand. He was afraid that I would fall, so he put his hand on my leg, and I put my hand on the back of his hand. What a big hand! I patted my father's hand and asked, "Dad, why are your hands so big?" My father smiled and said, "When you grow up, you will be longer than me." That night, the clouds were light and the wind was light, and we were walking until several stars appeared in the sky, blinking like bright eyes in this quiet time, simple, full and true.

Time flies. The little hand on the big hand has grown up now. Maybe the time is too smooth. The big hand of that year can't hold the small hand of the long journey. The big hand that held the small hand in that year still stays in the air, and the small hand has gradually gone away. At the same time, the little hand that left now goes home and sees the big hands that held him in that midsummer night.

On that winter night, the family gathered around the stove and ate melon seeds. It was a rare reunion in a year. By the fire, there are four hands. The most painful and guilty one is my father's big hand. Looking at it, I can see how many cold and windy days, those hands are as busy and hard as ever, and in the days of departure, those hands are alone and sad... I stared at those hands in trance, and I didn't know when my eyes were wet. I only hated the rush of time, and took away the dream of that summer night without mercy, and stayed in the winter, alone and sad.

Father's hand and distant mountain always support a sky for children, standing proudly in the wind and rain.

One thing that touches the soul 600 words (9)

One thing that touches my heart, what has broken my innocent heart like that? Now I'm going to tell you a fragmented story that has befallen me, and a familiar relative - Grandpa.

Have you ever been to such a place? Surrounded by mountains, the mountain is a thousand year old tree that only a few people can hold; The river here is clear, and you can see white pebbles, big fish and small fish; The winter here is the most beautiful, and the snow covers the noise; Here is the most popular place. Every family opens the gate to bask in the sun. This is the place where I was born - Xuexiang. It is also because there is my dear grandpa in the memory that it is most difficult to forget. In this way, I led my grandfather's rough hand and walked on the bluestone path, through spring, summer, autumn and winter.

I remember there is a sand tree behind my grandfather's yard. In summer, when the mango became red, my grandfather held a pole longer than himself to hit the mango. Looking at him with big glasses, he raised his head and stood on tiptoe, but the pole did not listen to me. I felt funny. Finally, the round little fruit hit me on the head when it fell, but I was still glad that the mango was not more naughty than the ginseng fruit hit by Sun Wukong.

Falling leaves in autumn I sat on my grandfather's swing, swinging, tireless, and looking at the sunset and mountains in the distance, I really felt comfortable that "sunset and wild ducks fly together, and the autumn water grows in the same color of the sky".

My grandpa always takes a fan to fan me and teaches me to read sentence by sentence. I always absentmindedly do my hair and clothes. The left ear goes in and the right ear goes out. Now think about it, grandpa is really patient.

I can't forget my grandfather's small radio, which is always beside my pillow. Before going to bed, I always listen to a piece of it. It's noisy for several miles. But I think he always shuts his eyes leisurely, very comfortable and satisfied.

In my memory, I can't forget my grandfather's ice lanterns, onions, big hats and hard shoes. This is also the reason why I often wake up with wet pillow napkins after countless appearances in my dreams.

Before work, my grandpa told me what to do, but that was the last conversation between me and grandpa. My grandpa had to leave us forever in September 2007. When I got home by plane, my grandpa was already unconscious. At that time, I seemed shocked and couldn't believe what had happened. Grandpa's last wish is to let me work hard and behave well.

I regret that I didn't leave a little consolation in the last song of my grandfather's life. I felt guilty and said to the sky countless times, "Where are you, Grandpa? Can you see what I have done?". It was too late for everything to wake up. Grandpa left, but he did not take away love and care, leaving behind the great truth, leaving his granddaughter with a handful of sincerity.