Composition of crows drinking water (popular 16)
2023-09-22 03:17:15
first grade

Composition of crows drinking water (1)

Once upon a time, there was a crow who was thirsty, but the water in the river was dry, so he looked for water in the grass. It looked and looked, and it saw a bottle. There was only half a bottle of water in it. The crow wanted to drink, but its mouth was not long enough. Unable to drink water, it went to find some stones and put them in the bottle to raise the water level so that it could drink water.

The story of this clever crow has been handed down from generation to generation.

Many years later, this crow's descendants found food in the wild, and it also encountered the same problem. It looked at the half bottle of water in its hand, and wanted to solve the problem according to the clever method that its mother told its ancestors to use, but it found no stone for a long time. At this time, it was tired and thirsty. It wanted to relieve its hunger and thirst by looking forward to the plum blossom to quench its thirst. He imagined that he was watching the Olympic Games at home while drinking yogurt with a straw. What a wonderful thing. Suddenly, he said, "I have a way." He found a reed, inserted it into the bottle, and could suck water at once.

Composition of crows drinking water (2)

A crow was thirsty. It found a well, and the crow in the lesson "Crow Drinks Water" began to throw stones into the well. Then the little monkey left

He came over and said, "It's useless. The well is very deep and there is a lot of water in it, so no matter how many stones are thrown, it's useless."

The crow lay on the well head, his eyes wide open. Little Monkey fetched a bucket of water and filled it with water. Monkey hands a bucket full of water

To the crow, he said, "The crow is thirsty. You drink first." The crow was moved and said, "Monkey, you are so kind!"

The crow drank the water happily and smiled contentedly.

Composition of crows drinking water (3)

A piece of bread with fragrance, put fried eggs, ham and butter on it in turn, and finally cover a piece of soft bread with jam on the back, and a delicious sandwich will be completed - this is a routine, which most people do.

But few people know that the sandwich will be more delicious if the butter and ham are replaced. The reason is that the butter originally on the upper layer is eaten first, and the greasy feeling will cover the salty flavor of ham - it can be seen that to make a better sandwich, you only need to make a small modification in the production routine.

Many things in life are like making sandwiches. We are used to a certain taste, but after breaking the routine, you will find a more wonderful world of taste buds. Kaleidoscope is a toy that children never get tired of playing. Every time they turn an angle, the world in front of them will change, which grabs the children's sense of freshness - because it breaks the routine of ordinary toys, playing over and over again, but no repeated pictures appear, it has become one of the most popular toys for children.

The Meiji Restoration of Japan made Japan embark on the road of modernization, get rid of the aggression of foreign powers, and become a world power - it was the reform that created a strong Japan. The Soviet Union, which once dominated the world, implemented the Stalin model and quickly became an industrial power. However, the highly centralized political and economic system gradually ossified the Stalin model. Although the later leaders made some minor adjustments, they never changed the essence of the Stalin model. Finally, the Red Empire, which had stood for 69 years, collapsed in 1991. History teaches us that we should not stick to the beaten track. Regularity is a fixed mode of thinking, just like the theorem in mathematics, which can only be applied and imitated, but cannot be changed flexibly. With the development and progress of the times, the original model adapted to the times is no longer suitable for the needs, so it is necessary to play cards out of the ordinary. When most people regard college as the best way to success, a girl from the best music school in the United States resolutely dropped out and started her favorite music. Her strange music style instantly swept the world. She is one of the most famous musicians today, Lady Gaga.

Of course, breaking the rules does not mean that everything has to be pushed back. If you put ham and butter on the top of the bread or simply do not add bread, it will not be a sandwich, let alone delicious or not delicious. After all, the routine is the easiest way to reach the goal. Although sometimes it doesn't work, sometimes it has to take a detour, but it points to a good direction. Four middle school students in a middle school in Sichuan took tens of thousands of yuan from their families and said that they would go out to make their own world. But a few days later, parents found them in an Internet cafe - their goals and directions were completely off track. Bill Gates and Jobs are both dropouts, but they have led their own times through their own hard work, because they have identified their own direction. The premise of breaking the convention is to respect the basic law of the development of things, rather than one-sided pursuit of form.

Changing the position of the two ingredients can change the taste of the sandwich. In fact, the same is true in social life. When you hit a bottleneck or encounter difficulties in your life, think in a different way, do not play cards according to the routine, and find another way. Maybe you will make the best sandwich. This is like crows drinking water from bottles. In fact, there is no fixed routine. It is most commendable to drink water with the lowest cost and most convenient method.

Composition of crows drinking water (4)

Someone once criticized those who were stuck in front of their eyes: "Why stay deliberately, why break skills to get powder? Go forward, and there will be flowers along the way." Indeed, life is like a journey. Don't stick to the details. Just go forward and learn to be flexible.

The crow with a stone in the picture is unwise. It is confined to the previous routine. Therefore, when it was still working hard to fill the bottle with stones, the crows who used a new method to drink water with straws were already enjoying the sweet water. This case tells us not to stop in the past and be bound by the old dogma. To learn flexibility, move forward.

In Paris, Rodin carved the Balzac statue in six years. But even the brilliant connoisseurs at that time could not accept this new way of expression, and many years later, when the statue was carried out for reexamination, people had to be surprised at Rodin's innovation in conception; Also in Paris, I. M. Pei spent 12 years in charge of the Louvre expansion project. At the beginning, his design was criticized because of the incompatibility between the architectural style and the Louvre. Later, the glass pyramid in front of the Louvre has been recognized by Parisians as a classic work on the Seine River. Van Gogh first created unchangeable gods in the church, and then moved towards stars, earth, and fiery sunflowers, creating wonderful paintings with thick paint. His paintings have won high praise from later generations.

In six years of Luo Dan, thirteen years of I. M. Pei and all his life, Van Gogh chose to create in a way that was not limited by the ideas of his predecessors, and was not bound by the old ideas and dogmas. He chose to adapt and innovate, and finally achieved remarkable achievements.

Haruki Murakami, a world-renowned writer, continued to write after winning many awards in Japanese literature, opening up a new world of creation, and was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature many times. Just imagine, if Haruki Murakami is immersed in the existing honor, there will be no classic "Norwegian Forest"! It can be seen that it is his flexibility and innovation that have achieved his new height.

Life is a journey. Why stay in this corner? The next stop may be better. Only those who learn to be flexible and innovative can enjoy more beautiful scenery and improve their own taste.

Don't be trapped, climb up, there are flowers, birds and running water on the road, go ahead, the next station is heaven!

Composition of crows drinking water (5)

Once upon a time, there was a crow who was thirsty. His wife and children were also thirsty.

So he said, "I'll help you find water." He flew over the grass and rockery, but he didn't find a drop of water. The crow was almost desperate.

Suddenly, he found something shiny in front of him. The crow flew over to have a look. Ah, it's a mineral water bottle! He looked at the mineral water bottle and began to feel sad again, because there was no water in the bottle.

The crow continued to fly forward and finally found a water tank with a little water in it. But his mouth can't reach water, what should he do? The crow came up with an idea. He put his wings into the water tank and finally got a little water. He put his wings into his mouth. Ah, what cool water! The crow feels refreshed.

He remembered to bring water back to his wife and children! Yes, just use the mineral water bottle, and the crow suddenly has an inspiration. So the crow flew back to the place where the mineral water bottle was placed, grabbed the bottle with his claws and hurried back to the place where the water tank was located. He threw the mineral water bottle into the water tank, grabbed the bottle with his paw, and flew home with difficulty.

His wife and children are extremely happy because they have water to drink!

Composition of crows drinking water (6)

One day, the mother crow took the little crow to play in the park. They fly freely in the air for a while, and then fall on the grass to catch insects. Playing with them, they are thirsty and want to drink water very much.

Suddenly, they found a big bottle of water on the grass. So he flew over happily. But the bottle mouth is too small, and there is too little water in it. How can their big mouths not reach water? What should they do?

The clever mother crow had an idea. She found a straw from the nearby grass and inserted it into the bottle mouth. The problem was solved. They drank the water in the bottle freely with straws and were very happy.

Grade 1 of Beijing Zhaodengyu School: Liu Xue?

Composition of crows drinking water (7)

One summer, the weather was very hot, and the water in the river was dry, so people had to fetch water from wells. Just as a crow was thirsty, he could only find water in the well like a man.

The crow came to the well and found that there was a glass of water beside the well, which the crow could not drink. He tried to pick up the cup to drink, but he was too weak to move it. It got angry and tried to break the cup with a small stone. Who knows, plop, plop, the small stone fell into it. The water also rose a little, and the crow came up with a good idea.

He picked up pebbles with his mouth and put them in one by one. The water level in the pebbles gradually rose and the crow was able to reach the water.

He felt that the water was both thirst quenching and sweet, because it was the water he had brought, faster than the water he had drawn, and he could drink it slowly. You can also put some big stones or small stones in the well, so that everyone can drink water from the well. It thought of this method itself. Is it very smart? As long as you use your head, there is nothing you can't do.

Composition of crows drinking water (8)

Crows are famous for drinking water that time. On that day, he was invited to attend the "Animal Celebrity" Award Ceremony, and he put on a black tuxedo to go to the appointment.

The crow flew over a village. It felt thirsty and flew down.

A monkey was fetching water from a well. The crow went to ask, "Brother, is there any water to drink?" When the monkey saw that it was a well-known crow, he said politely, "There is a well here, but the water is very deep. Let me help you bring it up. It's my honor to serve you." Then he went to get the bucket. The crow said slowly, "No, is this problem difficult to defeat me? It's a small problem. It's drizzling." He swaggered to the well and looked at the well. Then he picked up the small stones beside the well and threw them into the well. "I was so famous back then." Then he proudly threw several small stones into the well.

The monkey looked silly, "But... but... smart... dear sir, you can drink the water in the bottle in this way. It's hard to drink the water in the well."

Composition of crows drinking water (9)

You must have heard the story of "Crows Drink Water". The old crow told his descendants his story and hoped that his descendants would remember this method. One day, his grandson came to a small town. He was thirsty and eager to drink water, so he asked a monkey brother where there was water. "Brother Monkey, do you know where there is water?" said the crow weakly. "Yes, there is a well on the lawn near the forest. I often go there to fetch water." The monkey said, "Oh, thank you." The crow was thirsty. When he came to the well, the crow put his mouth close to the well, but the well was too deep. At this time, the crow thought of the way his grandfather told him to drink water, and began to pick up pebbles and throw them into the well one by one. After a long time, there was still no water. At this time, the monkey came and saw the crow drinking water in this way. He burst out laughing: "Brother crow, you can drink the water in the bottle in this way, but you can't drink the water in the well."

The crow's face turned into a big red apple: "I......" Let me fetch water for you The enthusiastic monkey said. The crow drank a bucket of water shyly and thought: I will never laugh at it like this next time. Ha, children, it's not wrong to use the old way to do things. It's wrong to copy the old way. This time, crows are just like building a house by building blocks. We should improve the old method and use it to do another thing.

Composition of crows drinking water (10)

One hot summer, the little crow and his father were thirsty and flew around looking for water to drink. Suddenly, the crow saw a bottle of mineral water, but it was a pity that there was only half of the water in it. The crow's mouth could not get in, and he could not drink the water in it.

The father of the crow saw it and said to the little crow: Don't worry, I have a way! At this time, the crow who had been staring at the mineral water was also actively using his brain. He said to his father, "I have a way!"! The father crow was glad to hear that and said, "Really?"? Why don't we try it in our own ways and see who's better? The crow said: OK. With that, the father crow and the little crow flew to look for tools.

Soon, both of them flew back to the mineral water bottle. When the crow saw his father holding a pile of stones in his mouth, he asked his father: Dad, Dad, why did you hold a pile of stones? The little crow's father replied: Our ancestors taught us that if we throw stones into the water, the water will rise, and we can drink water. The crow listened and said: Dad, throwing stones is so tiring, and it will pollute the water. Dad said: This is our ancestors have been handed down. Method, then what is your method? The crow said to his father mysteriously, "Dad, this method of mine will not pollute the water, and it is very convenient.". With that, the crow took out a straw, which he found from a nearby restaurant.

The crow inserted the straw into the cup and drank easily. Dad was surprised to see it. The crow proudly said, "Ha ha, Dad, you lost. In fact, I have thought of many ways to drink water. For example, I can find a suitable cup and pour the water in the bottle before drinking, or I can find a small pit and push the water down. The water flows into the pit before drinking. Dad nodded repeatedly and praised the crow for using his brain.", I never thought of such a way. The crow jumped around happily and proudly, and said to his father, "The times are progressing, and the methods should also keep pace with the times. You can't just use the old methods, but you should keep up with them.".

Composition of crows drinking water (11)

Since the crow threw a stone to drink the water in the bottle, it felt very proud.

Once, the crow flew and flew and came to a small village. The crow felt very thirsty again this time. He found a well in the village. Unexpectedly, there was a monkey beside him. The monkey also wanted to drink water. The monkey looked at the crow and shouted to the crow, "Hey, crow in the sky, can you help me get some water? I'm thirsty! This well is too deep for me to go down."

The crow confidently said to the monkey, "No problem! I'm also very thirsty. Wait a minute! I'm coming down." Then the crow stopped at the well.

He looked into the well and found that it was really deep. So the crow discussed with the monkey and decided to use the old method. So the monkey spent half a day to move many stones, big and small, all kinds of stones. They threw all the stones into the well, but there was no trace of water.

The monkey realized that this method was useless. Suddenly, he saw a bucket beside the well! "Yes, I didn't think of it! Crow, stop throwing stones! There is a bucket here!" The monkey patted his head and said happily. The crow stood by, as if there was no reverse. The monkey quickly threw the bucket into the well, shook it for several times, and finally a bucket full of water appeared in front of them. "What are you doing in a daze? Come and drink water!" The monkey moved the bucket of water to the ground, and turned to the crow, saying, "It seems that you can't all use the old method!" The crow was a little embarrassed, and whispered, "Really, really..."

Composition of crows drinking water (12)

Since the last time the story of crows using tricks to drink water spread, crows' homes were surrounded by various media reporters every day, and crows suddenly became the "model" in everyone's mind.

At a scorching noon, the crow took his son to climb the mountain. They were so tired that they sweated heavily that they didn't want to climb to the top of the mountain any more, just wanted to see a stream. However, they had to be dizzy and didn't see a stream, not even a small puddle!

When the crow was desperate, his son suddenly cried out, "Dad! Look at that, there is a bottle of water!" The crow looked over and sure enough, there was a bottle under the big tree in the east. It immediately gathered all its sharp weapons and flew there at a speed of 100 meters per second. When they were ready to drink water, they found that the mouth of the bottle was small and thin, and the crow's mouth could not get in at all.

The son looked around and found a straw on the ground. He thought: I'm lucky to find a straw! It quickly picked up the straw and inserted it into the bottle, ready to suck the water in the bottle. Seeing his son doing this, the crow angrily threw the straw on the ground, stomped on his feet and shouted to his son, "Don't you forget how we became famous?". "I..." The crow stopped.

The crow is exhausted. But he still used all his strength to bring stones. When the crow saw his father working so hard, he also helped. But by the time the stone filled the bottle and the water rose to the top, they had fainted.

This scene was just seen by a passing bird, who told everyone about it. They are widely known. The father and son of the crow blushed, and everyone laughed at the crow.

This story tells us that we should not stick to dogma when we are doing things. We should understand the flexibility of the soul and learn to use external force.

Composition of crows drinking water (13)

The latest composition model of crow drinking water [1]

The ancestors of crows became famous for drinking water that time. The crow became arrogant and complacent.

On that day, he was invited to participate in the award ceremony of the "singing contest". He put on his smart tuxedo and went to the appointment.

The crow flew over a large forest. Suddenly, he felt a little thirsty and flew to a well. There were many monkeys struggling to draw water at the well. The crow saw it and went to ask: "Brother, is there any water to drink here?" The monkey looked at it and said, "It's a well-known crow!" Then he politely brought the water he had just brought to the crow to drink. However, the crow said slowly: "No, you can keep the water you've worked so hard to drink! I can drink the water from the well myself." The crow thought to himself: Is this problem hard for me? Let's see how smart we crows are. Hum, you monkeys are so stupid. You have to work so hard to draw water. Look at me! "

It swaggered past the well and looked around the well. Then he began to throw a small stone into the well, thinking, "My ancestors were so famous in those days." Then he continued to throw the small stone into the well.

The monkey next to him was dumbfounded and hurried forward to dissuade him: "Dear Mr. Crow, it's OK to drink the water in the small bottle with your method, but it's difficult to drink the water in the well."

The crow was angry and said, "What do you know? My ancestors used this method to drink water from small bottles. At that time, none of you could do anything, but we crow thought of it. I didn't expect that you are still so stupid and can't use your brains to do things."

Then the crow threw pebbles into the well.

The monkeys shook their heads and walked away one by one, leaving the crow to throw stones at the well complacently

You can surely guess whether he can finally drink water and catch the award ceremony?

The latest composition model of crow drinking water [2]

The little crow in "The Crow Drinks Water" has become a mother crow.

One day at noon, the weather was hot, and the red sun was shining brightly in the sky. The mother crow took the little crow to the forest to find food. Flying, they felt thirsty, so they decided to fly down to find some water to drink. They searched and searched, and finally found two bottles of water on a big rock in the forest. Unfortunately, there was not much water in the bottle. Each bottle was only half full, so they could not drink water. The mother crow still used the original method to pick up pebbles with her mouth and put them into the bottle one by one to raise the water level. The mother crow was tired, panting and sweating. Seeing her mother's hard work, the little crow thought to herself, "How troublesome it is to do this! It's tiring and slow. Is there any simple and quick way to drink water directly?" She suddenly found that there was a straw beside the rock, which was just about the same length as the bottle. Her second grade essay, "Crow Drinks Water," was 500 words. So she picked up the straw and inserted it into the bottle to try, and easily drank water. When the mother crow saw that the little crow could easily drink water with a straw, she was surprised and said: "Your method is really good. It saves time and effort, which is much better than my old method!" The mother crow asked again: "If there is no straw, can there be any good way?" The little crow thought for a while and said, "If the bottle is not heavy, we can push it down together. If we can't push it, we can lift a big stone and fly to the sky together, and then throw the stone down from the top to break the bottle!" The mother crow praised the little crow for his many ways. She was a smart boy who liked to think. The little crow was very happy when she heard what her mother said, It's sweeter than honey!

The latest composition model of crow drinking water [3]

In the twinkling of an eye, in 20xx, the crows in the hot world drank water with their own wisdom. At that time, he had three sons. On that day, he took his sons out for activities to see the world. On the street, crows were preaching for the little crows, and unconsciously came to the brook.

Come, sons, let's build a bridge over the river. "The crow said to the children that his youngest son Sanbao was confused:" Dad, don't we have wings? Why do we have to build a bridge? The crow was tongue tied when asked by Sanbao. At that time, he saw a bottle under the big tree next to him, which was the same as the old one. "Children, are you thirsty?" The eldest son, Benben, said: "Yes, he is thirsty. Dad, let's go to the brook to drink water. The crow looked at it and shook his head again and again: children, you can't always pick the ready-made ones. Sometimes you have to think of your own way and watch it. "Then he went to the bottle and slowly carried the stone into the water with his mouth.

After more than an hour, the crow was tired and sweated heavily. Looking at the water again, there was not much but a little sign. Alas... "The crow finally couldn't help but ask the little crows to help:" Come on, boys, ah ah?! The crow looked back and was startled. What do you think the crows are doing? They were drinking with straws. Er Hei, the second son, said, "Dad, you are out. What age are you? You are still playing smart for a while.". Yeah, yeah, look, put the stones in the water, and the taste changes. Sanbao then stabbed the knife.

A gust of wind blew, and the crow froze·····

The latest composition model of crow drinking water [4]

One day, when the sun was hot, the crow Qiqi could not stand the relentless roasting. It was so hot that it cried "quack", flapped its wings and set off.

Qiqi looked for it in the boundless blue sky. Finally, when her eyes lit up, she landed at a small river. Suddenly, she was stunned, and her original joy had already gone out of the sky. A bad smell made Qiqi gasp for breath. The river was dirty and black, and the bottom of the river could not be seen. It turned out that this beautiful and pure river was polluted by human beings. Large and small, colorful garbage proudly lies floating on the river, humming songs, completely ignoring the desperate Qiqi.

Qiqi rubbed her eyes. She couldn't believe what she saw. She hit her mouth hard. It hurt! That means the scene is real, not in a dream. Looking at it, tears could not help bursting into her eyes, and Qiqi burst into tears. At this time, an old rabbit just passed by, and suddenly heard intermittent crying. He limped to Qiqi on crutches and asked, "What's the matter? Qiqi, what's so upsetting to you?" His face was full of tears Qiqi, with her nose full of tears, sobbed: "I'm thirsty. I went to look for water to drink. After looking for a long time, I finally found a small river. Unexpectedly, the river is dirty and smelly and polluted by human beings. How can we survive in the future?"

After hearing Qiqi's complaint, I was so angry that I used my wrinkled old hand to beat on a tall tree beside me. After it hit, several leaves fell down. He touched his hurt hand and said angrily, "Yes, how beautiful our forests were! Lovely wild animals can be seen everywhere. However, in recent years, human beings have started to litter, and more and more garbage has accumulated, making the forest a kingdom of garbage. We can't stand this bad environment, and we become hungry and hungry, and we simply can't live on. In the end, we die and escape, making the forest silent and lifeless! " Qiqi looked at the old rabbit, and she could not help thinking of a wonderful plan

Qiqi went back to the forest to play gongs and drums, which attracted all members of the forest to come here for a party. When they were all together, Qiqi went up to the high place and said loudly to the animals: "Companions, for our survival, we should cheer up and unite. All members of our animal kingdom make a rectangular sign with a red background, and insert the sign we made in every village and every road in the world, writing: Humans, our animal today is your human tomorrow! Everyone is responsible for protecting the earth! "

Composition of crows drinking water (14)

The crow drinks water composition 800 words Model 1: The crow drinks water

When the hot summer came, the ducks ran into the river, the monkeys hid under the shade of trees, the cats got into the refrigerator, and even the dogs installed a CPU on their tongues to cool down. A crow shook his head in the scorching sun.

Crow: Alas, as a bird dressed in black, I feel helpless. Black absorbs light, and I'm almost roasted.

The crow came to the elephant cold drink shop.

Crow: Boss, a bottle of purified water.

Elephant: We have just bought a batch of purified water from the 270th floor, which tastes a little sweet.

Crow: I want a bottle. Why do you only give me half a bottle?

Elephant: It was originally a bottle, but after 270 layers of purification, there are only so many left.

Crow: dizzy, boss, you see, my mouth can't reach the water in the bottle, please give me a straw.

Elephant: No, your mouth can't reach water. You can drink with your nose, just like me.

Crow: Please, I'm a crow, not an elephant!

Elephant: Oh, I ignored that. How about I use my nose to absorb water and then feed it to you?

Crow: Or they say "long nose, short insight". You can think of such a disgusting way!

Elephant: Well, let's use our brains together and help you find a good way. Friends, if you have any good suggestions or methods, please send us a text message. Unicom users send "he" to 1234, and mobile users send "shui" to 5678.

Crow: Is this feasible?

Elephant: Of course, no problem. You see, a friend gave you an idea. A friend with the tail number of 1122 gave you a good idea. You can fill the bottle with water when it rains, so you can drink.

Crow: Please tell me this guy's mobile number. I'll call him tonight.

Elephant: If you don't use it, don't use it. Why treat others like this. You see, the friend whose mobile phone tail number is 2211 said that you can look at the water in the bottle and imagine the feeling when drinking water, so you won't feel thirsty.


Elephant: Oh, look at this message, you can let others put you into a bottle, drink water and pull it out Hey, what are you doing with my mobile phone?!

Crow: What a broken mobile phone! Give me some bad ideas. Let me put it in!

Elephant: Oh, calm down, it's none of my business!

Crow: Look, the water level in the bottle has risen!

Elephant: Really, did my mobile phone urinate in it?

Crow: Don't be disgusting! I have an idea! Do you still have a cell phone?

Elephant: No, only one pager.

Crow: OK, I'll put it in again. Ha ha, the water level has risen a lot!

Elephant: It looks interesting. I'll try it Ha ha, look, the water has reached the bottle mouth.

Crow: You, what did you just put into it?

Elephant: A coal ball.

Crow: What?! You don't know if the melanin will precipitate on my skin after I drink it.

Elephant: What does it matter if it settles down? Anyway, you are a crow.

Crow: That's true. I'll drink it Eh, I didn't expect it. The taste of this mobile phone is really good. It quenches thirst, tastes good, and is cool

So the crow drank water. This story tells us that if we don't use our brains, we can't drink water.

Raven Drinks Water 800 Word Composition Model 2: Crow Drinks Water

Since Grandpa Crow threw a stone into the bottle to drink water, his intelligence has been praised by animals in the animal kingdom. Today, please go to drink and tomorrow, please go to dinner. The crow family also benefits a lot from it, especially the crow father, who has always taken the old crow as his idol and always tells the little crow to follow his grandfather's example.

One day, the father crow took the little crow on a trip to another place. When he flew to the desert, he was thirsty and dry. Suddenly, the little crow found a water bottle with clear and cool water in it, and flew to it, shouting, "Dad, come on! Here is half a bottle of water, which is enough for us to quench our thirst." After listening to this, the crow father flew to it happily, and looked at it. Alas, the crow father sighed and said, "The mouth of the bottle is too small to drink water. What should we do?" Suddenly the father crow's eyes flashed as if thinking of something, and said to the little crow, "Son, you stay here, and I'll fetch some stones." The little crow said, "OK, Dad, hurry up!" Then the father crow flew away. After a while, the little crow felt bored. Suddenly, the crow saw a straw on the ground, flew to pick it up, flew to the water bottle, and inserted the straw into it! It's just right. The crow takes a sip happily. Ah! It really quenched my thirst. Just then, the father of the crow flew back. Seeing this scene, he was very angry and scolded: "How can you use this thing to drink water? How famous your grandfather was when he threw stones to drink water! Why don't you learn?" "Dad, 'no matter what the black cat or the white cat is, just catching a mouse is a good cat.' Similarly, no matter what method you use, as long as you can drink water, it is a good way. Dad, please take a sip! It is convenient and thirst quenching. " The crow said. After saying that, he lowered his head and drank water again. The father crow heard what the little crow said, his face was livid with anger, and he opened his voice and said, "You are such a worthless thing, but I am very angry. Your grandfather is famous all his life. Why don't you learn?" Then the father crow rushed over, grabbed the straw, and threw it far away. The crow felt very aggrieved. Tears could not help falling down. He looked at the bottle of water and the straw, and said boldly, "I don't want to imitate my grandfather. I want to innovate. Everyone in the world must have the courage to innovate, and the world will develop." The father crow almost fainted after hearing this, The crow roared: "You still have reason. I tell you, in any case, your grandpa's method is the best, and your grandpa's is the most intelligent." The crow listened and said: "No, Dad, you are wrong, grandpa's method is not the best. I admit that grandpa is a wise man. I think if grandpa saw a straw, he would also use a straw to absorb water. Dad, you should stop being obsessed.

The father crow and the little crow have been quarreling there, and no one cares about drinking water because of thirst.

Boys and girls, please tell us who is right and who is wrong?

The crow drinks water composition 800 words Model 3: The crow drinks water

Last time, the crow was thirsty and found a bottle of water in the deep forest, but the mouth of the bottle was too small and the crow's mouth was too big to reach into the bottle, which made the crow worried.

He thought hard and finally came up with a good plan: he found dozens of small stones around the bottle and threw them into the bottle. Suddenly the water level rose, and the crow drank water as he wished. This happened to be seen by the magpie who stopped on the branch and said to himself, "Isn't that a crow? It's too smart! It can drink the water in that bottle. I saw it just now, but I can't drink it anyway. The crow is so smart!" The magpie felt ashamed. The magpie told the story to other animals, and it was passed on from one generation to another. Now, crows have become famous celebrities in the animal kingdom.

But in this way, the crow's pride gradually rose and became more and more conceited. That morning, he received a notice from the Animal Kingdom that he would go to the Animal Palace at 9:00 tomorrow morning to participate in the "Animal Celebrity Award Ceremony". The crow listened, not to mention how happy he was. The next morning, the crow got up early. After taking a bath, he dried himself with a clean towel, put on a suit, applied lipstick, put on earrings, put on leather shoes, and started singing. The crow was so gorgeous, shining in the sun. It flies over mountains and clear rivers. The sun shines on the fields and villages. The scenery is beautiful.

After a while, the crow felt thirsty and stopped in a village to get water. The little monkey who was fetching water at the well saw it and asked in surprise, "Aren't you the crow who is drinking water with pebbles? Why are you here?" The crow patted his clothes, shook his head, and said smartly, "I was going to the Animal Celebrity Awards Conference, and when I was thirsty, I stopped to look for water to drink." "Oh! Really? Let me fetch water for you." The little monkey said, He brought a bucket to fetch water. The crow patted the monkey's shoulder with his wings and said, "Don't you forget how I am famous?" Then he picked up stones from around the well and threw them into the well.

The little monkey looked at it and was puzzled. He thought to himself: Don't the crows know that the wellhead is very wide and difficult to fill? Besides, the well water is underground water, which is not enough. Hum, I don't even know this common sense. How about going to the Celebrity Awards Conference? At this time, the crow was already tired and panting. However, the stubborn crow still threw small stones into the well. Now the crow's hair is disordered, his makeup has fallen off, and his suit has broken in several places, which makes him look embarrassed. By this time, the Animal Celebrity Awards Conference had already ended.

But it was still throwing pebbles. The little monkeys watching were impatient. The monkey said meaningfully, "Don't be rigid, don't always use a method to solve problems, but be flexible." Then he left the exhausted crow and went away.

Raven Drinks Water Composition 800 Words Model Text 4: Crow Drinks Water

The ancestors of crows became famous for drinking water that time. The crow became arrogant and complacent.

On that day, he was invited to participate in the award ceremony of the "singing contest". He put on his smart tuxedo and went to the appointment.

The crow flew over a large forest. Suddenly, he felt a little thirsty and flew to a well. There were many monkeys struggling to draw water at the well. The crow saw it and went to ask: "Brother, is there any water to drink here?" The monkey looked at it and said, "It's a well-known crow!" Then he politely brought the water he had just brought to the crow to drink. However, the crow said slowly: "No, you must keep the water you have worked so hard to drink!

I can drink water from this well myself. "The crow thought to himself: Is it hard for me to ask this question? Let's see how smart we crows are. Hum, you monkeys are so stupid. You have to draw water so hard. Look at me!"

It swaggered past the well and looked around the well. Then he began to throw a small stone into the well, thinking, "My ancestors were so famous in those days." Then he continued to throw the small stone into the well.

The monkey next to him was dumbfounded and hurried forward to dissuade him: "Dear Mr. Crow, it's OK to drink the water in the small bottle with your method, but it's difficult to drink the water in the well."

The crow got angry and said, "What do you know!

My forefathers used this method to drink water from small bottles. At that time, none of you could do anything, but we crows thought of it. I didn't expect that you are still so stupid and can't handle things with your head. "

Then the crow threw pebbles into the well.

The monkeys shook their heads and walked away one by one, leaving the crow to throw stones at the well complacently

You can surely guess whether he can finally drink water and catch the award ceremony?

Composition of crows drinking water (15)

Big black is fat and fat, and little black is small and cute. They were thirsty, so they decided to go out for water. Suddenly, a shiny thing attracted them, so they quickly flew to the bottle.

They came to the bottle, and Dahei saw a habit, so he quickly picked it up, inserted it into the bottle, and began to drink, while Xiaohei calmly dropped the stones one by one. At this time, Big Black laughed at Little Black: "You are such a fool." Little Black continued to hold stones without saying a word. As a result, Dahei was so proud that he fell into the water bottle and said, "Help..." Xiaohei saw it and immediately went to find more stones to put into the bottle. Soon Dahei was saved and said gratefully, "Thank you, Xiaohei. I won't laugh at you anymore." Xiaohei said, "It's OK."

Children, do you like Big Black or Little Black?

Composition of crows drinking water (16)

Suddenly, the crow's stomach began to ache, and he hurried to the animal hospital with his stomach covered. The hippo doctor diagnosed the crow because he drank something unclean. The crow recalled that the river he had just drunk seemed to have a strange smell.

Then the crow came to the small river again and found that the river was very dirty. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and a bad smell hit his face. "The river must be polluted." The crow said to himself. Finally, it decided to find out the truth.

The crow came to the upstream of the river and found various sundries floating on the river, including garbage bags, pesticide bottles, and a dead pig. Because of the hot weather, many flies flew on the river... The river has become black and smelly, and the small fish have already turned their eyes on the water. The crow remembers that a few years ago, the scenery here was beautiful, but why has it become so turbid now?

We must restore the beauty of the past here! The crow got an idea and called together a hippo doctor, an elephant driver, a monkey manager, and a goat doctor to clean up the garbage, mud, and aquatic plants.

Two years later, in the spring, the riverside was pink, willows were green, birds were singing and swallows were dancing, and the river was flowing happily, tinkling and thumping as if singing happily... The river was more beautiful, and crows and children looked at all this with happy smiles on their faces!