Warmth is around you 600 words composition (3 articles in general)
Curling clouds
2023-08-30 03:19:31

Warmth is around. Compose 600 words (1)

In the morning, the pale golden sun shone gently on the earth, bathed in the sun, my whole body was warm, walked briskly to the school, and a new day began.

As soon as I walked across the flag raising square, I climbed up to the fifth floor breathlessly and came to the classroom. At this time, there were not many people in the classroom. In a twinkling of an eye, I saw the familiar figure sweeping the floor again. "Shua, shua," the not so light broom waved gently in her hand, and there was no dust flying in the past, leaving only a clean place. We know that sometimes this job is not for her, but she never cares about it or complains, just because of her responsibility. In order not to affect students' learning, she always arrives at school early every day to show us a pure land. Whenever I see her cool back and clean ground, I can't help but feel warm in my heart.

At noon, when I walked into the campus again, the lazy sun shone on me. However, no matter it is windy or rainy, when we enter the campus, the teachers and students on duty have already arrived. Under their command, all students enter and leave the campus in an orderly manner, and the teachers on duty who stick to the dangerous intersection near the school are our security guards. Whenever I see their persistent figure and orderly team, I can't help but feel warm in my heart, which is warm in the loyal teachers and students.

In the evening, the beautiful sunset clouds passed through the clouds, and her golden gauze clothes reflected yellow half of the sky. The day ended like this. When we packed our heavy schoolbags and prepared to go home, I saw another person, who was our desk organizer. Whenever others have carried their schoolbags home, she always stays at the end and silently arranges the desks that deviate. Whenever I see her silent figure, neat tables and chairs, another warm current comes to my heart, warming my classmates who don't complain.

No matter how tiring the schoolwork is, there are always small but warm things around me every day. It is like a good medicine for relieving fatigue, driving away fatigue and warming my heart.

It's good to have warmth around me.

Warmth is around. Compose 600 words (2)

Many moving things have happened around us. They have illuminated the earth and warmed our hearts like bright stars. Now, I will take you to pick a beautiful star!

At that time, I was waiting for the bus at the station. One minute later, two minutes later, 10 minutes later... The bus still didn't come. I walked around impatiently and kept shouting, "Why hasn't the bus come yet? I'm really bored." At this time, a little girl in a white skirt and shoes came bouncing up and down, An old man with a Tai Chi sword followed. Obviously, the two had just finished their morning exercises and came to deliver letters on the way.

My eyes were attracted by them. When they came to the mailbox, the little girl put the letter in, blinked her big eyes and asked the grandpa, "Grandpa, can Mom and Dad receive the letter I wrote?" "Of course! Xiaomei." The grandpa replied. At this time, a motorcycle came, followed by a large truck. In order to let the truck pass first, the motorcycle rode to the puddle at the side of the road. As soon as the truck left, it started to throttle away, but we were covered with mud and water, even the poor mailbox was not spared.

I quickly took a piece of paper to wipe away the muddy water on my body. I became more and more unhappy and thought: How can I be so unlucky! Not only did he not wait for the bus, but he also "got into trouble" with mud and water. When he returned home, his mother would "beat him up" again. I suddenly thought of that little girl. Her clothes are dirty too. She can't cry, can she? Thinking of my head up, I was shocked by the sight. The little girl was wiping the mailbox with her handkerchief! She even ignored her skirt and wiped the mailbox with her handkerchief. Suddenly, I was shocked. Ah, that little girl knew how to care for public property at a young age, but I was still complaining about why the bus had not come, complaining about God. But that little girl is so young that she has the heart of being selfless and dedicated to others. I am so old that I always think of myself.

After a long time, when the bus came, I realized that the little girl and her grandfather had gone home, and the only thing left was the clean mailbox. Before getting on the bus, I looked over there again. Ah! The sun has come out, and the mailbox is shining with gold. I was very moved. I thought to myself: the little girl is not only drying a mailbox, but also making me learn that as long as we have a kind and golden heart like a little girl, the world should be warmer and more beautiful. Let's work together!

Warmth is around. Compose 600 words (3)

I grow up slowly, and you grow old slowly. At this time, I can understand your silent warmth.


The evening wind in early autumn is blowing slowly

The withered and yellow branches and leaves of the trees fall down, smearing a layer of golden autumn for the earth.

I took my backpack in one hand and half of the croissant in my mouth. I hurried to the door without worrying about the wrong button.

"The weather is cold, add a coat. Don't get cold." Your familiar voice came from your ear, with unquestionable firmness.

"I know, I know. 'I perfunctorily rushed out of the door to catch the bus to make up for my lessons. I only thought that I would be scolded when I was late, and I never noticed that you were holding my coat tightly with those withered hands and your slightly wrinkled eyebrows.

At that time, I never understood that it was your constant warmth to me that warmed the young I to get rid of bad habits.


It was the first two days of the winter vacation. I sat at my desk and struggled with the composition. It was past midnight before I knew it.

"Go to bed early, I put the hot milk on the desk, and have a good sleep after drinking it." Your familiar voice came from your ear.

I finally finished my homework at 1 am, stretched out to hide in the warm bed, and then turned on the TV to watch my favorite TV play. When I felt tired and yawned, I had already forgotten the cup of cooled milk with film on my desk, and the warm smell of milk had disappeared.

At that time, I didn't understand that you were warming me and I knew how to love.


Midsummer night, the temperature is pleasant.

I received a call from my friend, hummed a tune to the living room, hurriedly explained to you, then turned and left, ready to go to the cinema not far from home to see the new comedy film.

"I'll leave dinner for you, and call me if you don't come back for dinner." Your familiar voice came from your ear.

However, I was so excited by the movie that I forgot your advice. You must be anxiously staring at the clock and waiting for me to come back. The food is cold, but you have no appetite and can't eat.

At that time, I did not understand that it was your warmth without complaint that warmed the ignorant I turned to find your love.


Mom, my daughter has understood your silent warmth over the years. At this time, I finally know that the original warmth is beside me, and you have been waiting for your daughter to grow up silently.