Composition for Grade 7 (18 preferred)
If water comes out of dust
2023-10-28 03:48:19
Junior 1

Composition for Grade 7 (1)

The moon, very round, makes my heart unable to show a ripple. Looking at the moon, all of a sudden, my thoughts came like a tide, and my grandma's warm smiling face flashed in my mind.

I used to like to go back to my grandma's house in the countryside. The wind in summer is hot, but it is mixed with a ray of wheat fragrance. I breathed deeply and felt like an appointment. Standing under the tree, I was only seven years old. I climbed up the tree and sat among the branches while Grandma was chatting with people. The rustle of leaves seemed to welcome my arrival, and all the heat disappeared with the wind. The cicada on the trunk saw an unknown guy, stopped the loud summer nocturne and flew to another tree. Grandma turned around and asked me if I wanted to eat watermelon. She unexpectedly found that I had disappeared. Her face turned pale in an instant, looking anxiously around, hoping to find my figure.

I quickly hid my body and peeked at Grandma in the tree. I was very proud of my mischief. Grandma was worried and hurried to look elsewhere. Her thin figure was constantly searching in the hot sun. As soon as she saw the people in the village, she came forward to ask. When everyone shook their heads, Grandma's hanging heart was even more hanging. Her figure became smaller and smaller in the sun.

I came down from the tree and hid at home secretly, waiting for my grandmother to come back. I realized that the joke was too big. After a long time, Grandma would pull, her face was full of sweat, and her clothes were soaked with sweat, clinging to her body. Seeing me, her anxious face immediately relaxed. Different from what I expected, Grandma did not scold me, but said in a gentle voice, if I lost, how would she explain to my parents. I cried, all blame me not sensible, but grandma kindly wipe my tears, let me cut watermelon after.

Time flies by, sitting under the starry sky, and thinking of this scene again, I always feel a little guilty, but also deeply engraved with Grandma's love for me.

Composition for Grade 7 (2)

It is always so vast, so vast, inclusive of all things, mysterious and profound—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Through the dim light curtain of the night, one or two twinkling stars in the night sky can be vaguely seen. They are so small, like a grain of sand in the sea; Their light is so weak, like the light of a firefly under the bright spring light. Is it about to be swallowed up by the yellow, purple and red light?

I don't know how long it has been since I saw the sky full of stars. At that time, cicadas would still sing at night and frogs would still "croak" in the pool; The night breeze is cool, not dry or hot, and the fragrance of flowers is everywhere. In the yard, sit on a small wooden stool, hold a feather fan, and enjoy the moonlight with my grandparents. At that time, the bright stars in the sky could dim the moonlight.

I read Van Gogh's Starry Sky, but I didn't understand his rhyme and meaning. When I saw his painting full of stars, I could not help but have a kind of nostalgia and touch. How long have you not seen the sky full of stars? Our generation has still experienced that there are also materials for "counting stars" in their own compositions - but what about the next generation? What about the next generation? From childhood to adulthood, their impression of the night sky was a gray sky. There was no "twinkle and twinkle". There was no grandpa and grandma counting stars with them in summer.

Suddenly, it occurred to us that someone had asked the question: "What was the feeling of the first primitive man who looked up at the starry sky when he looked up to see the starry night sky?" The answer to this question was unknown to us, but we knew that from the casual glance, our human exploration of the starry sky and the pursuit of the mysteries of the universe began. For tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, it has never stopped.

Millions of people are obsessed with it, intoxicated with it, and relish its mystery again and again, day after day, just because it is boundless, just because we can't really understand its secret.

It is always so vast, so vast, inclusive of all things, mysterious and profound.

Therefore, when we use the 'light' created by our own insignificant power to challenge it and swallow it, it still uses the rest of the stars to shine for us; Therefore, when we think we know it and become arrogant, it still carefully guides us to continue to explore more of its mysteries.

We, a group of people, are isolated from the outside world in the vast universe. We have no neighbors or relatives, and we are already alone. Why do you use your own achievements to isolate the stars that can only be seen and can only be seen, making yourself more lonely?

How I wish that when I looked up again and looked at the deep and vast night sky, it was shining with stars all over the sky. And we, in this lonely world, can also look at the distant stars and understand that we are not so lonely in this boundless universe.

Composition for Grade 7 (3)

The starry sky like a spiral is like a deep sea without any waves. If the moonlight is visible, it is attached to the company of the stars. The scattered moonlight embellishes the entire starry sky. The calm night has no trace of warm breath. The color of the autumn wind reminds me of endless reverie.

It is also in the autumn wind. Looking at the figures catching fish in the mud, one by one, they are playing like a raging fire. One by one, their faces are covered with mud, and they are almost clay dolls. I stand on the bank with a bucket and anxiously wait for your "spoils".

Looking at the heavy bucket of others, I held the bucket and looked around on the bank. "Why haven't I caught it? Why haven't I caught it?" I really had the impulse to jump. There was a fish floating in the ditch. I went down to pick it up with glee, but I didn't expect it to be dead. Ashhead walked to the shore dejectedly. You come to comfort me: "Don't worry, there will always be."

As time went by, our bucket was still light and full. A team member came back with a shiny white fish. I passed the bucket hurriedly, and the steel wire slipped through my fingers. Blood poured out and splashed into the water. The water was dyed red, like the sun halfway up the mountain at dusk. The more blood flows, the more red flowers are outlined. You grabbed my hand and pulled me to the teacher, but there was no band aid there. I gradually felt pain, more and more painful, and I couldn't help crying. You took me aside to wipe my blood with grass and sang the song "Walk in the rain".

The twilight began to close, my pain eased, the clouds covered the whole sky, the stars drilled out of the clouds, on the quiet path, on the bridge without people and food, only you and I, as well as your sweet songs.

In an instant, you have left. Back to the pool, the road, the small bridge, there is no song, and that person.

When I was timid, you encouraged me; When I was hurt, you comforted me; You helped me when I failed. If I was injured now, would you comfort me?

Time, please stop your hurried pace, even for a minute. Were you waiting for me at the bridge? Remember my friendship with you? The lost time has long been irretrievable; The lost friendship has stopped; The love of lost parents, floating away in a boat. Time flies, you are gone. By the pool, you are gone. I can no longer feel your song, your warmth.

I was injured again by the pool, and my blood dripped again. You said: The bridge is endless, and only by walking along can we cross the starry sky, cross ourselves, and find you.

The rain fell from the clouds. It broke the calm of the sea and set off waves and stars to look for its end. I also looked for my end under the rain. I walked, walked, and crossed the distant starry sky.

Composition for Grade 7 (4)

Accompanied by the setting sun, I walked on the bridge. The setting sun, shining on the still lake, reflected on my cheeks. The sunset told me that I should go home.

Just as I started my journey back, a picture came into my eyes. A beggar dressed in a military coat, with a worn military cap on his head, and his face as black as coal, was like coming out of an abandoned dump, so dirty that I could not help but take a step back. Suddenly, he pulled his calloused right hand out of the smelly garbage can. The two flies on his head flashed nimbly, and instead of flying away immediately, they continued to fly around his head. His eyes seemed to be shining, and his eyes were like two torches sweeping at me, and his ugly face made me involuntarily sweat... At this time, he dragged his body to stumble forward, and he was near, near and near again. I was scared, really scared. I turned around and ran away. Looking back, he was still chasing after me.

The picture on the bridge is very beautiful. The water and the sky are the same color. Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. A beggar on the bridge is chasing a young man.

"Flutter", a dull sound came from behind me. I couldn't help looking back. The beggar stepped on his trouser leg and fell heavily on the ground. He fell heavily. Even the stones on the ground were embedded in his palm. A piece of broken glass cut his dark skin. His face was bleeding, as thin as hair, and covered his cheeks. In front of him was an ancient sandalwood box, noble and elegant, mysterious and simple. Inside was a black gold pen, embroidered with white lace, which was particularly dazzling. "Why do you look so familiar? Isn't that the pen I bought an hour ago?" I put my flustered hand into my pocket. There is no pen left!

Looking at the beggar's painful eyes, I slowly moved to the sandalwood box. When I bent down to pick it up, the beggar heard a weak words: "You...... Your...... Things...... Have dropped." At that moment, I was shocked. The breeze in the setting sun lifted my hair, so I couldn't believe my ears. Looking at the pen lying in the box, what else could I say, Can only sigh "there is truth in the world."

The beggar's wound was still bleeding, and his hand was trembling constantly. Under his untidy hair, there was a dark gem like light. He struggled and reached for the sandalwood box. The conditioned reflex of his body told me that I could not let him touch my pen, but I suppressed my hand. I quietly watched him pick up the sandalwood box, and slowly stood up. I intended to go forward to help him, but he waved his hand, put the sandalwood box into my hand, and limped away from the bridge under the setting sun as if he was not injured, even ignoring the dust on his body.

The golden light of the setting sun is still shining, which makes my heart warm, but who can give a little warmth to the poor beggar? Even a bowl of water

Composition for Grade 7 (5)

"Sell sunshine! Sell sunshine! Don't miss it when passing by! Only one yuan a bottle! Only one yuan a bottle!"

I stood in the street and shouted. Most of the passers-by were in a hurry. When they passed my small shop, they didn't even look at it, let alone my humble vendor.

After several months of stalls, the business has not been satisfactory. At the beginning, some curious people came to buy it, but it was replaced by a new "online celebrity" product just after it was hot. "Today's business is as bleak as ever, even a bunch of sunshine hasn't been sold." I can't help sighing.

Just as I was about to clear up the stall and go home, a little girl ran up to me and looked at my sunshine and asked, "How much is a bunch of sunshine?"

The little girl handed me the money and said, "Then I'll take a bottle!" I quickly took the money and handed the sunshine to the little girl. "Welcome to come again next time," I said to the little girl's back.

When I came to set up the stall the next day, the little girl had been waiting for me at the stall. I was a little stunned. When I finished setting up the stall, the little girl said, "Boss, I want ten bottles of sunshine." Then she took out the money for me.

I gave her the latest sunshine, showed the brightest smile to the little girl as far as I could, and said: "This is the sunshine just picked yesterday. It's still fresh, but take it well. Welcome to visit next time."

For several days in a row, little girls come to me to buy sunshine.

I was puzzled, and thought to myself: What is this little girl going to do when she buys so much sunshine?

As expected, the little girl came again. After she left, I tidied up the stall neatly and followed her quietly.

The little girl turned left and right to a school. What did she do in school? I have some doubts. Looking closely, it turned out to be a school for the blind! She walked into a classroom, and a large group of blind children surrounded her. One of the little girls looked very excited, "Sister! Is there any sunshine today?" The little girl touched her head and said, "Yes, but don't worry. One by one, get your sunshine."

Everyone has their own sunshine, and everyone can't wait to open the bottle.

"Wow! There is a smell of flowers in the sunshine today," said a little girl.

"Mine smells of grass. I seem to see the green grassland, horses running, and lovely lambs. The sky is blue, and white clouds are floating on it..." A little boy was intoxicated with it.

Everyone was immersed in their own world, and my heart was also touched. I seemed to think of something, so I quietly withdrew.

Since then, the school for the blind has received a whole bag of sunshine every month, and no one knows who sent it.

Composition for Grade 7 (6)

I have a good partner, a white Persian cat. I call it "Wavelet".

Wavelet's whole body is as white as snow, and his eyes are yellow and green, just like two agates inlaid on a small snow mountain, shining brightly. It was plump, and the "beer belly" almost stuck to the ground when walking. Very cute! The tail is soft like a stick of oil.

Wavelet has a great ability to climb trees. You see, this little camphor tree has become its object. Look, its four legs push hard. Hey, after a jump, it tightly holds the tree trunk. The back two legs "sizzle" step on the tree trunk and stare up, while the front legs tightly hold the tree trunk and move up bit by bit. After its "hard struggle", it finally reached the top of the tree. Its tail is a dish, and it is used as a cushion to sit down and bask in the sun comfortably. He squinted at me under the tree, as if to say, "Jiang Jinjin, come up!" Look at his arrogant eyes. I really pulled him down

Give it a good beating. However, I can't climb a tree, so I can only stare at it.

Don't look at Xiaobo Pang. He is not ambiguous when he is naughty. Once, it almost made Grandma dizzy. He had nothing to do and went to play in Grandma's room. Grandma is a clean person. She hates the smell of cats. She wants to drive it away, so she kicks it gently. He was very stubborn, but he refused to go. He tilted his head and blinked, as if to say, "I will not go, hum! Look what you have done to me." Grandma held up the broom, but gently fell on it, making a threatening appearance. Xiaobo was ungrateful and jumped hard to Grandma's bed, and several "black plum blossoms" suddenly appeared on the snow-white sheets. Grandma was really angry this time. She was furious and waved her broom,! This time really! Xiaobo was also angry. He didn't do anything but urinate on Grandma's pillow. He ran through the door and ran away

Do you like my Xiaobo?

Composition for Grade 7 (7)

My favorite memory is my grandmother's small garden.

In Grandma's garden, there are flowers, fruits, vegetables, everything. At that time, my favorite were summer and autumn.

In summer, although the vegetables did not grow, the fruits did not grow, and there was no appetite, but there were trees and flowers everywhere. In my grandmother's garden, flowers vied for beauty. At this time, I like to pick the flower, put a flower on the dog's ear, and put a ring on the dog's tail. Grab the dog's tail and teach him acrobatics. At this time, my grandmother would shake the palm anemone fan in her hand and say, "Don't pull it, Doudou will hurt.

At night, I still want to play noisily. My grandmother frightened me: "The disobedient child will be eaten by the wolf!" At that time, she even believed this kind of words. Now think about it. Grandma loves me so much. How can she ask the wolf to eat me?

Autumn is the harvest season. So the garden became a vegetable garden and an orchard. Hawthorn and pomegranate fall all over the ground, which is a golden dream of harvest. At this time, my sister and I each took a small cup, filled it with water, and splashed everywhere, as if the Dai people were celebrating the Water Splashing Festival. At this time, I often like to play a prank: "Aim at the target - elder sister!" My sister smiled and hid in the room. I splashed water everywhere, and finally foolishly poured myself into "soup dumplings". My sister and I giggled. If it is not satisfactory, one person will carry the basin and the other person will take the water pipe, creating "flood disasters" everywhere. Grandma saw that we were lawless, so she rushed out of the house: "If you water like this, my food will be watered to death!" She grabbed the pipe in my hand and said, "Come on! Come in and change clothes."

Now, my grandmother's body is getting worse day by day, her black hair is all black silk, and the cats and dogs in the yard are dead and running away. I look forward to it at home. When can I go back?

Composition for Grade 7 (8)

Occasionally, I saw a picture of the Yellow River on the Internet. Just a glance shocked me deeply.

In the face of the shocking stream, I suddenly thought of the source that makes it gurgling, and wanted to trace back to the ancient history. Yes, it is. The Yellow River is the best witness of the history of the Chinese nation. People have lived on this rich land since ancient times. At sunrise and sunset, watching the smoke curling up and down on both sides of the Yellow River; Sunrise and sunset, watching the stars on both sides of the Yellow River lights up and out. From ancient times to the present, the tide of history is like the water of the Yellow River, surging ceaselessly, just like no one expected that Chinese people came from a tribe. I never thought that the source of the Yellow River is only a strip of water. But in the middle and lower reaches, the Yellow River becomes the one that everyone is looking at and sighing.

Ziqi said, "The ocean is like a river!" I don't know whether the river Boya and Ziqi knew is the Yellow River. I would rather believe it is. Because Chinese culture is integrated into the surging momentum of the Yellow River. From the inexhaustible flowing water, we find the beginning of culture. We came out from there. Just because the Yellow River is our source, our culture is as broad and profound as the Yellow River, which contains us. Suddenly, I wondered how it could carry such a thick culture? Suddenly wake up, it is the Yellow River, it is the culture, how can not bear its own?

When winter comes, the Yellow River is frozen. It condenses, no longer flows, and silently crawls on the earth. Finally, it has time to stop. It once roared through Jiuzhou, galloped on the Loess Plateau, leaving scars like gullies, and then left with yellow sand. The ice was broken, and the river pushed the ice that had not melted into the Loess Plateau

Composition for Grade 7 (9)

I am very unfortunate, because in the past ten years, I have never visited my mother, the mother of the nation - the Yellow River. For a Chinese descendant, this is an unfilial, a great unfilial.

People say that my mother is generous and boundless. Although I have never experienced her charm, in my dream and heart, my mother inspires me and cares for me with her turbulent waves.

With the sound of waves, my heart drifted into my mother's arms, and my mother led me forward, led me to gallop, and led me to feel her heroic. People are sucking the Yellow River and mother's milk heartily. They are eager for mother's caress, and they need mother's nourishment.

Literati use exquisite, heroic and spectacular words to describe the Yellow River. Looking at the Yellow River running day and night, and looking at the Yellow River in my heart, I am too sad. Is my mother tired of continuous flow for thousands of years? My mother smiled and told me that it was a must, a must to pay, for the sake of this nation, for the sake of loving her children, for the sake of the Chinese people to take off, for the sake of the continuity of the national spirit, she must keep flowing, and constantly remind the Chinese people that if they can take off, they must nourish this nation.

Tengfei, descendants... My eyes are wet. For the sake of her loved ones, she is willing to be exposed to the wind and the sun, and be tortured by heaven. As long as the nation can soar, so that the descendants can live better than her, she is willing to follow all this, "as long as you live better than me." From the wind, from the waves came bursts of shouts.

Tears can't help flooding in my heart and my blood, mother! Mother, you saw your children kill each other for their own sake, and even put their claws on you for their own happiness, but you are willing to follow, willing to endure, willing to take the trouble to spread the great spirit of our nation, ah! My great mother, my beloved mother, you make me admire, you move me, you let me understand what is responsibility, you let me know that we should take off, with your spirit, your blessing flows to the world, to glory, I understand, I understand, my beloved mother, the Yellow River in my heart.

Dry your tears and turn your love for the Yellow River into an eternity. With the responsibility my mother has given me, it's time for me to start, pay, and say goodbye.

"Mother, please take good care. Your children will not disappoint you. With my blessing, continue to nourish your children. Take care all the way."

Farewell, the mother river in my heart, the Yellow River, with hope, blessings, and the belief that I must take off, I began to run, and all Chinese descendants began a glorious journey.

Composition for Grade 7 (10)

Grandpa has three treasures: straw sandals, belts, and black felt hats. Wearing straw sandals is tiresome, and the belt can straighten the waist, but what I am most interested in is the black felt hat.

Shaoxing has many local specialties: old wine, preserved beancurd, dried musty vegetables, and the rare black felt hat in the world. The black felt hat is unique in Shaoxing. It has a sharp top and wide edges. On one side, the brim is turned over an inch high, and on the other side, the brim is made of black laminated felt. It is strong and warm, and looks like a dark hill. It cannot be exposed to the sun and rain. When it rains, the rain will flow down the upturned brim of the hat and never wet your head. Except in hot days, my grandpa wore a black felt hat to go out and work all day... When I was young, I often jumped up, took off my grandpa's black felt hat and put it on my head, and walked like my grandpa. Grandfather always laughed and said, "Look, there's a little more farmer!" I was even more proud and went to look in the mirror in front of the three big cabinets. In the mirror, the big black felt hat on my small head was like a black hill pressing on my head, covering half of my face. I often think that when I grow up, I will also wear a black felt hat and go to the fields to work. I will not be afraid of the sun or rain. How wonderful it would be

Sometimes, when grandpa went out without a basket, he put the things he bought in a black felt hat and carried them back with his hands; Sometimes, grandpa put cigarettes given to him by others on the edge of his hat. More often, he would put three or four sticks on it, like putting silver hairpins on the edge of his hat; Sometimes, when grandpa saw the rice heads left in the straw when cooking, he took them off one by one and inserted them into the brim of the hat. It was like putting on a golden wreath... I heard grandpa said that once he went to Shanghai with a black felt hat. On the bus, people praised the black felt hat. One of the young men even offered 10 yuan to buy the black felt hat, Grandpa refused to say anything. Grandpa said, "If you don't wear a black felt hat, you're really not used to it. You can't even eat well!"

Whenever you walk into the neighborhood, restaurant and teahouse in the water town, you can see several Shaoxing people wearing black felt hats. The black felt hat has sheltered Shaoxing people for many generations. If you have the chance to come to Shaoxing, you must wear our black felt hat, or you will be very sorry!

Composition for Grade 7 (11)

Composition of Unit 4, Grade 7, Lu Education Press: Progress in the Social Age

When it comes to Internet access, many people probably know this term. The emergence of the Internet is a sign of the progress of the social era and the development of science and technology. Internet access has become a popular trend in the 21st century. Among the 1.3 billion people in China, the number of netizens has reached 1. 100 million people. With the increasing number of Internet users. More and more middle school students are surfing the Internet, and the advantages and disadvantages of surfing the Internet have gradually become a concern of people: should middle school students surf the Internet or not?

In my opinion, middle school students should surf the Internet, but it should be limited. When it comes to surfing the Internet, you can not only chat, make friends, check data, play games... but also easily and quickly obtain information, broaden your horizon, keep abreast of current events and news, and obtain various latest knowledge and information; You can chat with netizens without scruple, pour out your worries, reduce the burden of schoolwork and relieve pressure; You can post your own views and opinions on various issues in each BBS, and feel very satisfied; Can also improve their own level of a hobby; Now it has become fashionable to do your own homepage. It's really great to be the moderator by passing on your favorite pictures, opening a discussion area, posting some posts, and communicating with everyone. No matter what is good and bad, there is only a thin line between them. It is often "a drop in the bucket, a drop in the bucket". The same is true for surfing the Internet. Crossing the boundary of "advantages" is "disadvantages".

Composition for Grade 7 (12)

My carefully designed piggy bank is very cute. The piggy bank is dressed in green attire, with several lavender wild flowers dotted on the green coat, and the colorful lace inlaid on the edge, so beautiful!

Let me introduce the birth of my masterpiece!

It is still a coincidence. Once, my mother bought a box of iced black tea in the shop, and others gave her many coins. My mother didn't say that the coins were not easy to keep and were easy to leak. Let me keep them for her. I don't have a piggy bank at home. Where do I put it? I'm worried, oh? The art teacher asked us to go home and make a handicraft, and we should hand it in the next day. How about making a piggy bank.

I'm thirsty. First drink a bottle of iced black tea! When I was about to throw the empty bottle into the garbage can, I suddenly had a whim and used it to do it, wasn't it good? Good is good, but the neck is too small. It's inconvenient to put money and take money. Yes, I cut off the bottleneck and left the middle and lower part. How can I hand over the job to the teacher? Just stick some flowers for decoration. Then go find it? I cut flowers from old clothes and lace from broken socks.

How to design more beautiful? I first cut a trapezoid with purple cardboard, stuck the lace on the bottom edge of the trapezoid, closed it into a lamp cover, and then cut a circle to cover the seal and make a movable door, so that it is convenient to put money and get money.

Then stick a few flowers on the proper place of the bottle, and finally use a colored pen to draw rainbow, bird and butterfly on the card paper. Isn't my piggy bank a wonderful meticulous painting?

Unfortunately, so far, it is still very spacious, because my pocket money is not paid! The total property is only thirteen yuan.

However, there is a piece of the most precious money in it, 100% of which you have never seen before. Its front is the "bust of Chairman Mao", and its back is the "Hangzhou West Lake".

Composition for Grade 7 (13)

At the door of my room, there is a string of wind chimes. When I walk by, they will make a pleasant sound of "ding ding". A closer look shows that it is a small wind chime made by myself. It looks really beautiful from a distance. This wind chime has also been exhibited!

It was on a Sunday morning. On Thursday, the teacher asked us to do a small production by ourselves, and hand it in before next Tuesday. If we do well, we can still participate in the exhibition. Friday and Saturday were not finished. There are only a few days left. We should hurry up.

I first found a pair of disposable chopsticks and a few cans. The two leading "generals" were in front, followed by "soldiers" such as paper clips, nails and fine copper wire. "Weapon" scissors and hammers also followed. They lined up in a neat line to rest and prepare for the "battle".

Now that the preparations are ready, let's begin. First, one of the chopsticks is dug into a square groove one centimeter long on one side, and the other is dug into such a groove. Clamp the two chopsticks together crosswise and fix them firmly with nails, so that a cross bracket is ready. At this time, use scissors to cut off the top and bottom of the can, leaving only the middle part. Then cut the middle part into four centimeters long and two centimeters wide rectangular pieces for use. Then string the paper clips together into nine pieces. Wrap the cut rectangular pieces around each paper clip, and pay attention to exposing the two ends. Use a hammer to gently hit the rectangular pieces, and then fix them, one by one. Be careful when hitting with a hammer. It's not good to stop hitting. The rectangular pieces should also be placed properly, or they will be disassembled and wrapped again if they are smashed askew. It took several hours to pack the film alone. There is only one item left. I am very excited about the success. I patiently nailed two nails on each side of the cross and one in the middle. Finally, fix the paper clip and nail with copper wire, and the work is done. I jumped three feet high, and the beautiful wind chimes are ready!

After I handed it over to the school, the wind chimes were exhibited together with other works and appreciated by others. I am very happy!

This wind chime has improved my practical ability and enriched our after-school life.

Composition for Grade 7 (14)

In today's class, under the leadership of Mr. Wei, we had a small production activity. The students' interest was not to mention how happy they were. According to the materials I brought, I made a doll, a lovely doll. Do you want to learn? Let me tell you.

The material for making the doll is very simple, such as waste cloth (or plastic), table tennis ball, white paper, adhesive tape, watercolor pen, scissors, etc. First of all, put the table tennis ball in the middle of the cloth, wrap it in reverse direction, and tie it tightly with thread, so that the head and body of the doll have taken shape. The cloth wrapped table tennis ball is used as the head of the doll, and the eyes, nose and mouth of the doll are painted on one side with a watercolor pen, and two red faces are painted on it. The top is painted with black watercolor brush. Of course, the shape of hair can be played freely. What you want to paint is what it is. Next, cut two holes on both sides of the cloth with scissors, roll out two arms with the remaining cloth, install them in the two holes respectively, and sew them with needle and thread. Then, use scissors to cut two hands of white paper, and use tape to stick the hands to the lower ends of both arms. Finally, use the remaining cloth to roll two legs, sew them with thread, and install them on the back side of the body to naturally droop. A cute and cute doll appeared in front of us, saying hello to us and imparting happiness to the world selflessly! Put your hand into the two arms of the doll. The doll can still move. Now it waves to you, and then it waves to you "bey bey". It looks very cute! How about it? Why don't you try it! Try to use your imagination, maybe you can do better than me!

The classroom is very lively, and the students' small productions are various. The students are excited to introduce their small productions to Mr. Wei!

Through this small production activity, we not only trained the students' ability to use their hands and brains, but also enriched our classroom life. I looked at my masterpiece and was very happy!

Composition for Grade 7 (15)

Hi! hello everyone! My name is Blue Whale! Like fin whales, humpback whales and grey whales, they belong to baleen whales! Nice to meet you! I hope you can understand me and my family and become good friends with us!

My family and I are mammals that live in the sea all our lives. We have 80 different species, mainly baleen whales and toothed whales, and we eat different foods.

I am a minke whale family. It is named because we have tough cuticles arranged in a dense way like comb teeth. It is through our whiskers that we filter food from the water. In winter, we breed in the warm sea near the equator, and in summer, we feed in the cold polar water. In the very short summer, our consumption accounted for 9/10 of the whole year. Because we don't eat when we migrate, we live by consuming body fat.

Tooth whales are our distant relatives, named after 240 teeth in their mouths. The function of their teeth is different from that of land mammals, and they are mainly used to catch food rather than chew food. They are smaller than our baleen whales, and some of them are also very cruel. They often attack their larger counterparts. They like collective life, so they are also called whales. They often use whistles and clicks to "talk" to each other. In their family, sperm whales, orcas and dolphins are the most representative. My favorite is the dolphin, because its "singing" and "dancing" are particularly beautiful!

Whether it is our baleen whale family or toothed whale family, our body shape is very beautiful. Despite our big size, we swim at the same speed and with the same agility. We swim in the vast sea every day, singing our happiness loudly! Do you like us?

Composition for Grade 7 (16)

What kind of person is a calligraphy teacher?

When the bell rang, 46 pairs of black eyes of the whole class looked at the door of the classroom. In a moment, the teacher with a square head and big ears, short and stout, exuding a light smell of ink, squeezed into the door and occupied the podium in a blink of an eye.

This is a different teacher. Most teachers' opening remarks are "Hello everyone, I'm......", but this teacher didn't tell us his name. Just standing on the stage and giggling, as if every organ was laughing, we just sat on the seat and couldn't help but giggle with the teacher. Until we were a little impatient, we gradually stopped smiling. The teacher asked a small question: "What is calligraphy?" The answer was varied. The teacher shook his head and said: "Calligraphy -- that is, using a brush to dip -- ink to write on rice paper -- Chinese characters -- an art" The teacher said very slowly, as if the immortal dew juice that had been brewing for a long time flowed into people's hearts. One lesson only tells us a profound truth: "Calligraphy is the art of writing Chinese characters on rice paper with a brush dipped in ink." Isn't this a different teacher?

This is a funny and humorous teacher, but the teacher's class is serious. After class, the teacher often communicated with us. Another time, my classmate suddenly asked me: "Why are you so black? Are you black?" I had no words to answer. At that time, the teacher ingeniously replied: "Because I am not white." This sentence ingeniously refuted the student's point of view. In the classroom, the teacher does not allow other voices in the classroom, and the classroom becomes orderly.

Just a teacher who loves his work. The small brush works freely in the teacher's hand, like the golden stirrup of the Monkey King. It can be big, small, retractable and extensible. The teacher is good at calligraphy. The teacher practices calligraphy every day, so it is not surprising that he has ink fragrance.

The teacher not only writes admirably, but also his teaching methods. The teacher never scolds us, because the teacher thinks that the teachers who beat and scold the students are not good teachers. In order to keep the whole class focused, the teacher will stop writing if some students do not watch the multimedia. The teacher thinks that "seeing" is the most important thing. Only when you read more can you write good words.

This is my calligraphy teacher, a different, funny and humorous teacher who loves work, and also a teacher who exudes ink fragrance.

Composition for Grade 7 (17)

Unit 1, Grade 7 Composition of People's Education Press: Growing up is troublesome

Childhood is like a colorful dream. As time goes by, I grow up slowly. With the pace of growth is trouble. When I grow up, I want to have a world of my own, not the blame of my parents

The sun grandfather got up, but I still stayed in bed. I really didn't want to leave this warm "little world", because it was Sunday today, but soon my mother came in, and she said, "Xixi, get up quickly and do your homework!" I seemed to hear the order of the "officer", and "scared" got up to start my intense work. I was doing my homework, There were bursts of laughter from downstairs. I pushed the window open and looked at how happy the kids were playing! But I am like a bird in a cage. I have just finished my homework, and I want to go out to play, have fun, relax, but my father came again: "Go to practice the piano, you see you haven't practiced for a week, probably forget it all! Go quickly." I took the music book and started my second "career" - practicing the piano with a heavy step. Soon, the music of Four Little Swans came to mind in the room. The sound of the music echoed in the room, but the little swan was not happy at all. He was calm and frowned. Isn't it like I don't want to practice the piano?

Mom and Dad, children's childhood is short, please do not deprive. I hope you can give us a happy childhood! I hope that the star in the sky that belongs to our happy childhood will shine again, open a smiling face again, and make happiness belong to us again

Composition for Grade 7 (18)

Growth is like a boat in my life, sailing on the wave. Sometimes it's calm, sometimes it's rough. But my boat of growth was not smooth, and it also experienced various disturbances. For me, there are tears and smiles, sorrows and joys, sweetness and bitterness.

My growth boat has brought me a lot of happiness and trouble since the moment I set sail. As a junior high school student, I am eager to see the wind and waves in the sky, but I am tired of it and afraid to face it.

Like others, I am also a "sailor" who has just gone to sea. When I go to sea here, I have many troubles around me. Perhaps, this is what people often say, "people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs"! Just because I am growing up and becoming an adult, I am no longer a child or an ignorant person in the eyes of the elders at home. But I am naive and become conscious, courageous and knowledgeable. No matter what I do now, I must first recognize the "compass needle", and must have principles in mind. I cannot be careless or careless. If there is a slight difference. A storm will come at any time. The eastern sentence "You have grown up!" the western sentence "You are no longer a child!" made my head ache.

When I think back to my childhood, when I was a child, how easy, carefree and free my life was. There was no trouble around me. But with the passage of time, the waves ahead are bigger and the sea is more undulating. I have become a middle school student, and the old one has disappeared. My height is higher, the time of going to school is longer, the homework at home is increased, the subjects I study are more, and my shoulders gradually carry a heavier schoolbag. The pressure in the heart is also increasing. If I was a child, no matter what I did wrong, no one would blame me because I was still young and didn't understand. In addition, my parents acted as "guides" for me. But now I have to grow up, be sensible, and adapt to independence. I have to be careful and think twice before I act. Compared with the leisurely days when I was a child, this also gradually opened the distance.

Alas! There are a lot of troubles in growing up, but there are also a lot of happiness that I have been longing for. I sometimes have sunny, calm days.

Growing up will bring me a lot of trouble, but I want to become an adult quickly. It was the same when I was a child, and it is the same now. As a child, although I will live more comfortable, I am bound by the elders and others everywhere. When I walk, my parents are involved; I fell down, supported by my parents. I can't and have no right to express my opinions. I can't navigate the sea. But I know that when I grow up, I will become an adult, which is different from when I was a child.

Just like me now, I am growing up gradually. I have my own ideas on everything. Before doing anything, I don't need to completely consult my parents. I can go where I want to go. If I fall, I can also rely on my own strength to support. It's just like that although my learning task is much heavier, I have learned a lot of new knowledge, and I will gain a lot every day. Isn't that a good thing?

Although my boat of growth is unstable, there are calm waves and surging waves. However, it is all kinds of stormy waves that make me realize a lot, learn a lot and exercise a lot. Through my journey of growth, I really understand that there are some troubles in growth, but some happiness.