Describe your favorite composition (15 compilations)
Smile and see the world
2024-05-02 02:56:19

Describe your favorite composition (1)

I like watermelon best

Let's have a brainstorm: what is green before eating, red when eating, and black when spitting out? Everyone must say, "Watermelon." Yes, it is.

It has a light green "clothes" with dark green patterns. There are fiery red, tender and juicy meat in the "clothes", and there are many spots in the meat.

One day my mother bought a big watermelon. I was only four years old at that time, so I made a joke. When I saw the watermelon, I started to chew it. "My teeth hurt!" I cried. Mother smiled: "Watermelon is not gnawed." She cut the watermelon and gave it a piece. "Ah! How sweet! Next time, buy 90!" "Good!" Mother promised.

Usually we eat watermelons after a nap, but one day we will go to Ningbo to visit our grandparents. Because I was afraid to urinate on the road, my father said, "Don't eat watermelon today!"

I said, "No, I want to eat. I can't pee."

My mother saw that I insisted on eating, so she cut a watermelon. They ate very little because they were afraid of urination, and gave me the rest.

As soon as our car passed Hongqiao, I began to want to urinate a little. I thought to myself, "Just one more hour." Later, I wanted to urinate more and more. I thought, "Just ten more minutes." Finally, I couldn't help it anymore, so I asked my father to park the car beside the road and let me urinate. Are you ashamed.

July 29, 2007

Describe your favorite composition (2)

I like my building block fire engine best. It was given to me by my good friend on my birthday.

Usually, I put him on the table, looking like a pile of red paint from a distance. My little man is the size of an eraser, and the car is the size of a pen bag.

There are some fire-fighting tools in the car, including hammer, upper pick, lower pick, and axe. The clothes of the villain include fire-fighting clothes, combat clothes, grey gloves and fluorescent pants, which can illuminate the night.

My fire truck has a big fire sign. The firefighters on TV can only put out fires and give first aid in case of earthquake. But my villains can play tiny football, fight and run.

When I want to put the Lilliputian into the car, I need to remove the roof cover to put the Lilliputian in. Because the left position is very small, I need to remove the roof cover.

I also built a building on fire, and asked firefighters to stand on the roof to extinguish the fire, so that the scene of the fire could be simulated. When the fire was very big, firefighters could not go in to extinguish the fire, but could only stand on the car to extinguish the fire.

I love my building block fire truck!

Describe your favorite composition (3)

"The sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold." This is my motto.

When I walked on the road, I was surrounded by white clothes, which did not give me a good look. I had always felt cold, but it seemed that I felt even colder when I saw all this. I tightened my shaking body and walked home step by step. Suddenly, a faint fragrance came to my nose, and clusters of red flames came into my eyes. I stopped and looked at these bright red colors. They were plum blossoms! This reminds me of "counting plum trees in the corner, Linghan alone".

Plum blossom has five petals, bright red, pink and other colors. There are fine stamens in the middle. They have graceful trunks, but no leaves.

Look at the slender trunk of plum blossom, standing proudly under the cold wind. The way they stand in the cold wind makes people sad, but it makes people feel their strong and unyielding character.

Looking at the plum blossom, I couldn't help thinking of myself. I didn't work hard, but I still wanted to get good results.

It was a unit exam. I thought to myself, I can do it anyway, so I don't want to listen to the class and review it. I went to play casually. The next day, I promised my mother that the score would not be lower than 95.

But in the process of the exam, I was depressed and sleepy because I could not do the questions. One by one, the roadblocks rushed at me. I began to regret: "Oh, why didn't I review it at the beginning? Well, this question has been done several times, why can't I do it?" Tears of regret fell from my cheek, dripping on the nearly blank paper, and I was disappointed when I watched the students struggling to write. I hung my head and handed in the paper. I found my hands shaking. Looking at the relieved figures of the students, it seemed that they were laughing at me: "Who makes you think you are right and don't review? It's deserved!"

The paper was handed out, and the bright red 60 came into sight. Who can blame this? Mother said: "My child, if you don't work hard, how can you get a high score? Baojianfeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold!"

"Yes! How can I get the fragrance of plum blossom without suffering from cold? Who makes me afraid of hardship and not review?"

I like plum blossom, her strong and unyielding character, her graceful appearance and her refreshing fragrance.

Describe your favorite composition (4)

"Oh, what is this?" One day, when I was watering the small banyan tree in the big flowerpot in the fifth grade, I found this inconspicuous little plant. It appeared in the cracks of the soil, revealing its distinctive bright red body. Its petite body was really cute. For this reason, I began to pay attention to its growth every day, even though I knew nothing about its variety and background.

As time went on, the elf stretched his legs and grew several red stems and leaves, which were very striking in the surrounding black soil, like a flame in the dark, lighting up my life and making me find fun in life. Gradually, it grew taller and taller. In order to prevent it from causing dissatisfaction from my parents, I transferred it to another flowerpot alone. Its leaves gradually turned green, the middle of the main trunk began to become flat, and the lower part became thick and rough.

Just when I was excited about its healthy growth, I found that many small holes began to appear on some of its leaves. As a flower lover for many years, I immediately realized that my little friend had been invaded by insects. I went home and put on gloves, picked up tweezers and plastic boxes, and began to search for leaves.

As I expected, a small aphid was lying behind the leaves chewing with relish. I caught him and caught him in the prison immediately. The small aphid bumped around in the box and even vomited a few drops of red liquid. I couldn't bear to see it, so I released him in the roadside grass.

After this search, I found that it was not easy to raise the plant well. So every time I finished two subjects of homework, I had to check next to the plant. Slowly, I found that after I stayed beside the plant, I would feel refreshed, learning efficiency was greatly improved, and the contradictions between my study and homework with my mother were reduced, I think all these benefits from the emergence of this plant!

Soon, autumn is coming, and a big red hat is growing on the head of this little elf, which is densely covered with small flowers. It is also red, and the whole is like a big cockscomb. At this time, we suddenly realize that this is a cockscomb!

In autumn, the cockscomb was covered with black, sesame sized, round seeds. I collected them and kept them for planting next year. That night, I dreamed that my cockscomb army was dancing in the wind in front of the window

Describe your favorite composition (5)

When I came to the flower and bird market with my grandfather and saw a variety of plants, I was so excited that I wanted to buy a pot back. After my grandpa's careful selection, I finally have my first plant, Yi Nuxin.

Yi Nuxin is a succulent plant. Although it is not as well-known as the cactus and gem flower of the same kind, it still has a charmingly naive appearance. I carefully planted it in the basin, as if holding a treasure. It is so small, just like the newly unearthed bamboo shoots, which are extremely delicate, but reveal the strength of their bones. It deserves to be a succulent plant. It only needs to give it sufficient sunshine and a small amount of water to survive, and its growth is amazing. After only a week, it has grown a section (about three or four leaves). Looking at its growing health and strength, I love it more and come to "comfort" almost every day.

But one day, I found that one of its leaves was withered and yellow, losing its original green like emerald luster. I was so worried, but it didn't help. Watching that leaf gradually wither and wither, I felt as if I were watching a horror film. I was extremely frightened and uneasy. Until one morning when I went to see it again, several small buds miraculously grew from the wound where the leaf fell! I was ecstatic, happy that Nvxin B was able to recover, and silently marveled at its strength. Winter is approaching, and it is also the time when the plants are most vulnerable. I am afraid that Nvxin B will not be able to stand the cold and move it from the window into the room. But my worries are superfluous. Not only was it not stopped by the majesty of the cold wind, but red "flowers" were also expelled from the tip of each leaf. As the temperature difference between day and night gradually increases, the "flower" also blooms very red, like agate lined with jasper, more popular. As its name suggests, it is like a girl's heart, soft and beautiful, which blooms the most beautiful flowers inadvertently. Maybe soon, the blush on its cheeks will fade, but the moment it blooms, it has been fixed in my heart for a long time

I like Yi Nvxin not only because of its external beauty, but also because of its inner strength and courage, which moved me.

Describe your favorite composition (6)

"It is not a preference for chrysanthemums among flowers, but this flower is even more flowerless", which is a poem by the poet Yuan Zhen. But my favorite plant is jasmine. Although jasmine is not as gorgeous as peony, romantic as rose, or charming as lily, it is full of simple beauty, so I prefer its plain beauty.

My family has two jasmine flowers. Do I like them best? Jasmine flowers made of silver, like exquisite ancient buttons, are full of green branches and leaves. I love the two jasmines I just entered my home. I weed for them every day and help them "take a bath"... Finally, the heaven pays the man who wants it! Within a few days, it had produced several small flower buds. At night, they bloomed quietly and never attracted attention. When they bloom, there is no sound because they are afraid of waking us up and disturbing our dreams. The next morning, when I woke up, my nose was filled with the fragrance of jasmine. I got up immediately and ran to them. "One, two, three, four..." I murmured, "Ah! There are nine in all!" I was very happy. At this time, the fragrance is like a wild horse rampaging, and it permeates the whole house. I found that the petals of jasmine flowers are snow-white, like ice flakes, water smart, really cute!

Is it natural that flowers bloom and wither? The first industry can be divided into two groups:? 1、 Two, three, alas, two flowers have fallen! " I muttered sadly. Suddenly, for some reason, I remembered Gong Zizhen's "Falling red is not a heartless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers", thinking? Withered flowers can nourish plants and increase the frequency of flowering. So I washed the withered flowers and put them in the flowerpot... Soon, jasmine bloomed several more flowers, and I jumped three feet high with joy? "The withered flowers are really reborn. It's great!"

Later, these two flowers became a part of our family. They brought joy and fragrance to our family, so I love jasmine!

Jasmine is not gorgeous, romantic or charming, but it is full of a simple beauty. I love the fragrance of jasmine, its small size, and its simple beauty!

Describe your favorite composition (7)

My favorite person is my mother.

My mother's biggest feature is that she cares about me. I remember that it was Monday afternoon. When I opened my homework book and saw that there was a question I couldn't answer, I asked my mother to help me. We thought together for half an hour, but I still didn't think of it. I said dejectedly: Alas, Mom, we can't think of it. Let me ask the teacher tomorrow! Mother said firmly: Don't be discouraged, child, as long as you have patience, you can do it! After my mother finished speaking, I also firmly said: OK! Let's fight and think together! My mother and I are thinking again. After a while, we finally defeated the enemy! Finally, my mother said with a smile: I am right! As long as you are patient, you will succeed in the end! After listening to it, I said: Yes! perseverance prevails!

There is another thing. One night, I went to my mother's sleeping room to play. I took the pillow and threw it on the crib. My mother smiled and said, "You are really like throwing garbage. You have to put it down gently, like a girl!"! As soon as my mother finished speaking, my sister burst out laughing. Looking at me again, my face turned red. I threw myself into my mother's arms to act like a coquette: Don't talk about others like that in the future. Mother smiled again and said, "You are just like this.". I was even more embarrassed. Mother picked up her little brother and finally stopped talking.

I like my mother's patience and funny.

Mom, I like you, I want you to accompany me forever!

Describe your favorite composition (8)

In my memory, there are many people in the beach that impressed me as much as shells. Today I will pick one up for you to see.

Today I want to introduce my father. He is tall and has a pair of shining eyes. Others say that his father is strong, but I feel that his father is much smarter. He has many hobbies, such as playing computer running

In my mind, Dad can change 72 times. Dad can not only change 72 times, but also learn from girls' voices and read jokes! Let me give you an example.

Once, when I opened the door with the key when I came home from school, my father was ready for the surprise when I came home. With a masked monkey, I really fell into his trap, and my schoolbag was so scared that it had a hole in it.

Today Saturday, my father was watching TV and I was reading a joke book. My father said: "One day in a rural area, there was a man who had three children. The first one was called a rascal, the second one was called a kitchen knife, and the third one was called trouble. One day, the third one lost. The first one took the second one to find the third one. They said to their uncle," I am a rascal who brought a kitchen knife to find trouble. "

This is my humorous father.

Teacher's comments:

The two examples you selected in the article are enough to prove that your father is a very humorous person! Just at the end of the article, we can summarize it again!

Describe your favorite composition (9)

Kitten is my favorite animal. Some of the kittens' eyes are black and some are blue, like beautiful gemstones. During the day, their eyes always squint into a line. The cat's eyes can't stand the strong ultraviolet rays during the day. At night, they will open their round eyes to catch mice, which makes them very clever.

The cat's ears are very sensitive. It can hear the footsteps of the mouse. Then it pounces on the mouse and bites its neck, suffocating the mouse to death. A lot of whiskers grow beside the cat's mouth, which looks like a majestic tiger from afar. The thin and long beard is very useful. It can detect the depth of the mouse hole.

I like smart kittens.

Describe your favorite composition (10)

Grandma has a cat. The cat is really cute. Its ears are sharp and sensitive. Its eyes are round, and the shape will change. It is round in the morning, and it becomes a line in the morning. Its eyes will glow at night!

His tail is also very strange. Whenever he wants to fight with my dog, his tail will swing quickly, like a flexible brush; Every night when he heard the mouse's cry, his tail would swing again quickly until he caught the mouse and had a good meal.

The kitten is also very interesting. If his mother's wool ball falls on the ground, he will first gently touch it with one paw, and then quickly retreat, and then touch it, and then retreat, until he feels no danger, he starts to play. He only scratches a ball with four paws, and as a result, he trips himself on all fours.

I like this kitten very much. I hope it will grow up quickly.

Describe your favorite composition (11)

Some people like obedient dogs, some people like lively and clever squirrels, and some people love parrots who can speak well... But what I like most is my cat, the little "pudding".

You see, he is coming to you with a big swing: he is a "two-color cat" with yellow and white all over his body. He is fluffy, like wearing a thick cotton coat. If you touch it with your hand, you will praise: "It's really comfortable." On his face, his eyes are black and bright, like two crystal clear small glass balls, water smart, shining in the sun, Reflect charming brilliance. The nose of pudding is small, like an inverted triangle, black. Below the nose is a small and exquisite mouth. Once the mouth is opened, sharp teeth will be exposed, which will frighten you. It's so cute. How can it not be called "pudding"!

This is my "pudding", isn't it cute?

#P # Subtitle # e#

Describe your favorite composition (12)

My family has a cute little cat with two triangular ears standing on its round head. A pair of blue eyes is very busy at night, like two bright sapphires. Its mouth is small, and its whiskers are tilted to both sides. The fur on the little cat is brown, like a big pompon. The hair on the head, back and tail of the kitten has a stripe pattern, which looks like a tiger.

Xiaohua Cat likes to eat fish best. Every time she comes to her mother's hand to hold a fish, she will keep shouting beside her, as if saying, "I'm greedy, give me some fish." My mother will cut small pieces and throw them to Xiaohua Cat. Xiaomao loves climbing trees, so I often can't find it.

Xiaohuamao likes to play with me. As long as I can give him a ball to play with, he will play for half a day.

This is my little cat, do you like it?

Describe your favorite composition (13)

I have a kitten in my family. I named it Mimi.

Mimi is a long haired cat. Its hair is white, its eyes are black, and its tail is short. It loves cat biscuits very much. Once it eats them, it will eat a lot until its stomach is full.

Mimi has a bad temper. She won't let others touch her or hold her.

Mimi is very naughty. She likes to run to bed, climb onto the table, climb onto the computer host, and hug others' legs when others are not paying attention.

Mimi is very playful. She likes rolling my toys, playing with paper balls, and playing with the patterns on the puzzle.

Although it is naughty, I still like it.

Describe your favorite composition (14)

In our Class 5 (1), there are many boys who have their own characteristics. Today, I will reveal my privacy and tell you my favorite boys.

There are two types of boys I like, but if they are separated, everyone will think that I like all boys. "Yes," I tell you, "I like the boys in our class, but my favorite type is shown in the two boys, whom I like the most.

They are: Yiting Chen and Zhaowang Xu. As we all know, they have opposite personalities, one is introverted, the other is lively and lovely. So why do I like them? Let me tell you slowly.

Chen Yiting, a small adult who doesn't like talking, usually finishes his class. When other students go out to play, he basically sits in his seat and occasionally plays with Guo Youjian, a few good friends. This is the first characteristic I found of him. He also loves reading and is good at mathematics. Many teachers often praise him. Although he only raises his hand once or twice in class, his answers are so rich and valuable, which is his second major characteristic. In addition, he is so serious in PE class. Although someone harasses him during exercise, he ignores him. I like him like this, This is his third characteristic. However, why do I still like a quiet male classmate like him, especially a male classmate? Oh, I see. This is a topic worth discussing. Because his character is very similar to mine when I was in kindergarten. I remember that when I was in kindergarten, people called me "Little Dumb". Although I didn't know it at that time, I thought it was a nice name, because once I pulled my stool to my pants pocket, but I didn't say that when the old teacher found out, he threw my pants pocket away. Do you think we have the same character?

Why do I like Xu Zhaowang? Because Xu Zhaowang's character is like mine now: he is always lively and likes to joke with others. He is very enthusiastic. When the class is about to carry water, he will be the first to raise his hand. In short, he is the most enthusiastic one in our class. I like him very much.

I like these two boys very much. I will always be friends with them

Part 2: My Favorite Student

When it comes to liking, I think of Tang Wenjuan. She is medium height and often wears ponytails. The round face is white and red. Eyebrows are thick, curved, big eyes are watery, double lids, nose is slightly cocked, cherry mouth is small, and a smile reveals white teeth. She likes to wear a yellow shirt and a pair of light blue jeans best. I like her because she is willing to help others and loves to help others. Now let's choose two things to share with you.

Once the teacher asked us to do our homework, but I just couldn't do it. I asked many people who didn't teach me, so I had to ask Tang Wenjuan. When I asked her how to write the question, she said, "Let's read the question first." After reading it, she told me what the question meant, but I still couldn't. She took the trouble to explain it to me, and finally I did. She smiled, as if very happy.

Once I asked her to go out to play, and she wore one of her favorite clothes. On the way, we saw an old man pushing a cart in front of us. It seemed that the old man could not move it. Tang Wenjuan said, "Let's go and help the old man." I said, "No!" Tang Wenjuan glared at me, "You don't want to go!" And she ran to the old man. "Grandpa!" cried Tang Wenjuan. The old man who pushed the cart turned around. Tang Wenjuan said, "Let me help you push it." The grandfather smiled and said, "You can't push it, little girl. Go home quickly." She said, "Let me try." Then she grabbed the cart and pushed it forward. I followed silently with something in my hand, only to see a few big sweat beads rolling down her head. Her beloved clothes were dirty, and she didn't take photos. I was moved by her action. I helped her in the past. Finally, we worked together to push the car back to the grandpa's home. Grandpa said thank you to us, and Tang Wenjuan said no thanks. It was dark now, and we went back to our respective homes.

Students, do you like Tang Wenjuan?

Chapter 3: My Favorite Student

I have a good friend who is inseparable. She has a pair of slender willow eyebrows on her chubby little face, and under her eyebrows is a pair of big watery eyes. There is a small, eloquent cherry mouth under her delicate nose. In a word, this is a cute little face. Do you know who she is? To tell you the truth, she is my good partner Zeng Yushu.

Yushu is a helpful classmate. One morning, the teacher sent us the examination paper of Unit 5. Yu Shu scored 100 points, while her deskmate, Xiao Yu Ting, scored only 60 points. Yu Shu looked at it and worried for her. "Ding Lingling..." When the bell rang, the students rushed out of the classroom to play games on the playground. I am no exception. I can't wait to find my good friend Yushu to play. But when I looked at Yu Shu's seat, I saw that Yu Shu was leaning against Xiao Yu Ting and was concentrating on explaining the wrong questions in the examination paper to Xiao Yu Ting! She explained so carefully. She wrote and drew in her notebook, pointed on her examination paper, and chattered incessantly... I went to Yushu impatiently and said, "Stop talking, let's go play!" Yushu looked up at me and said with a smile, "Go play first, I have to help Xiaoyu Ting understand these questions!" Then he bowed his head and explained patiently. I had no choice but to find other students to play on the playground.

The clear and pleasant bell rang, and I hurried into the classroom. It was very hot that day. The sun was like a big ball of fire baking the earth. I was sweating when I played. Look at Yu Shu again. She is still explaining the difficult problems for Xiao Yuting. She is also sweating heavily. The sweat runs down her forehead. However, I know she is sweating to help Xiao Yuting. At that moment, Mr. Wu strode into the classroom. Yu Shu hurriedly folded the examination paper and put it in Xiao Yuting's drawer. Then he reached Xiao Yuting's ear and said softly, "I will continue to help you explain after class later. You must listen attentively in class. The most important thing in learning is to rely on your own efforts."

Another class is over, and the students rush out to play, but Yushu still sits in the same place as before and focuses on explaining the problems to Xiaoyuting. One minute, two minutes... The effort has paid off. Yu Shu has finally completed the "task". She breathed a long sigh of relief, as if a stone in her heart had fallen to the ground, and a bright smile appeared on her face. Xiaoyuting said gratefully, "Thank you Yushu!" Yushu said shyly, "Don't thank me, my monitor, this is what I should do." After saying that, Yushu took me and Xiaoyuting's hand to play happily on the playground.

This is my good friend, a helpful classmate. I like her best. Do you like her, too?

Chapter 4: My Favorite Student

In my childhood, I met many friends. Among them, Xu Sijing is my favorite partner.

When I was young, she left a bad impression on me. She was complacent, proud, and looked down upon others. Everyone hated her from the bottom of their hearts. Finally, she transferred to another school. As time went by, we all forgot about her. Unexpectedly, one summer day, the sun was so hot that I had to hide at home and dared not go out. "Jingle, jingle" The phone rang, and I hurried to answer it. A strange, familiar and sincere voice sounded. "Chen Bingqian, hello, I'm Xu Sijing, I was wrong in the past, please forgive me." Suddenly a silent thing fell. Unexpectedly, Xu Sijing has changed so much in recent years. With tears in my eyes, I said, "It doesn't matter. If you know your mistake, you are good children. We are still good friends." "Du" hung up the phone. I left the phone resentfully. How I wanted to talk to Xu Sijing again, but she mercilessly hung up.

I not only like her character of knowing her mistakes and changing them, but also her spirit of helping others. Once, I went traveling with her, and the scenery along the way was very beautiful and fascinating. At this time, we saw a child playing on the road. Xu Sijing said, "Let's ask the children to leave the road quickly!" I said, "Leave her alone, let's go." She could not bear to go on. Suddenly, a car came from behind the little friend. The children didn't notice that they were still playing. When Xu Sijing heard the whistle, she knew that the children were in danger. She suddenly turned her head and saw the car, the children and the distance between them. She quickly ran over the railing and rushed out of the road with the child in her arms. People present praised Xu Sijing, saying that she was the only child who loved to help others. Hearing the praise, Xu Sijing smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing. This is what a Young Pioneer should do." After hearing her words, people were even more appreciative. But God doesn't look long. Just as the golden and yellow season is coming this year, Xu Sijing lost her precious life due to a car accident. Why did God treat her like this, why, why? Although Xu Sijing died, her quality took root and sprouted in my heart. These qualities will always inspire me to move forward!

Chapter 5: My Favorite Student

I have a good partner who lives next door to me. His strengths at school are: "Listen carefully in class, and never miss homework." His weaknesses are: "Write too big and too small, and carelessly when doing homework." His strengths at home are: "Listen to my parents very much." His weaknesses at home are: "Ask his parents to buy anything I eat or play." My partner will give me some fun to play with, and some delicious food to eat. My partner helps me when I have trouble.

Take last time for example! Yo Yo ball was popular last time, but Grandma had no money. My parents didn't buy it again, which made me very upset. I told my partner about my troubles. My partner knew my trouble. In order to let me play Yo Yo, he said to his mother, "Mom, I want to buy a Yo Yo ball. Yo Yo ball is two yuan and fifty cents each." His mother gave him two yuan and fifty cents. In fact, he doesn't play yo yo at all. He wants to buy it for me! Then he bought me a yo yo!

Do you know who my partner is? He is Cai Zongxiao!

He has short black hair. He is tall, white and thin. He is my partner, Cai Zongxiao.

He is a kind young pioneer who likes to help his classmates. I remember once, we went home together and talked freely all the way home. But when I got to the station, I touched my mouth band. Ah! "I lost my car money!" "Look in your schoolbag" he said to me. But I have searched all over, but I still can't find it. I frowned. He also frowned, walked around and kept saying, "What should we do if there are three stops at 50 cents, six stops at one dollar, five stops at one dollar, and three stops?" I asked him doubtfully, "What are you talking about?" "Ah! Nothing, didn't you lose your money? I lent you fifty cents.".

At first, I thought he should lend me money because we are good friends and partners! Besides, he has a lot of money. But I never thought that he had cheated me. The next day, I learned that he had only two yuan with him yesterday, and he lent me fifty cents. There was still one yuan and fifty cents left. This money only allowed him to sit three stops away from his home. He could only walk. No wonder he always counted something in the mouth of the station yesterday.

I was deeply moved by my partner Cai Zongxiao. "Thank you." My good friend!

Chapter 6: My Favorite Student

In the original class, I had a very good classmate. She was my classmate and my good partner. We played and studied together, leaving many beautiful memories. She is "Yuan Meng" who is willing to help others. Since the second grade, we have been closely linked by a chain of friendship. I never quarreled with her. We helped each other and were as close as one person! Yuan Meng is cute and cute. A pair of big, watery eyes grow on a small, white and red face. The most striking thing is that she wears a ponytail on her head, which is very attractive. She is not only cute, but also willing to help her classmates! I remember one day, when it was raining cats and dogs, Xiao Wei forgot to bring his umbrella and was walking up and down the stairs. Yuan Meng saw this and immediately ran to her and said, "What's wrong with you, Xiao Wei? Did you forget your umbrella? It doesn't matter! I have an umbrella, let's go home together!" Xiao Wei looked at Yuan Meng with grateful eyes and said happily, "Thank you, Yuan Meng". On the way home, Yuan Meng always moved his umbrella to Xiao Wei so as not to let Xiao Wei get caught in the rain and fear that she might catch a cold. I was wet by the rain. Xiaowei asked her, "You look wet. You'll catch a cold.". Yuan Meng smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of catching a cold.". It can be seen from this that Yuan Meng really thinks less of himself and more of others! She not only helped my classmates, but also helped me! I remember the most unforgettable thing: on an exam, my classmates were preparing tools, but I forgot to bring a ruler. Without a ruler, it's OK? It's too late to get it home. I'm in a hurry! When Yuan Meng saw my worried face, he came up to me and asked me, "What's wrong with you, He Shuqi?" I was so worried that I replied, "It's all my fault. Just at this time, I forgot my ruler.". Yuan Meng immediately ran to his position without saying a word. Without hesitation, he snapped his newly bought ruler and gave me half of it. I was stunned. "Ah? The newly bought ruler!" I looked at her affectionately, holding the half ruler in my hand. I didn't know what to say, but smiled at me; "Take it to use!" It was cold in class. I hurried back to my seat to wait for the exam. After school, I carefully put the ruler into the pen bag, treating it like a priceless antique. " This is her! A good partner recognized by students and a good student recognized by teachers. I will never forget her big bright eyes, nor the friendship between Yuan Meng and me. I am proud, happy and proud of having such a good partner!

Chapter 7: My Favorite Student

He, with a short stature, a pair of water clever eyes are always telling his heart; The color of the lips is like the fresh mountain pills beside the Yellow River; Although both hands are like a pair of rough wooden boards, they are very flexible; Although the legs are short, the pace is fast; He looks simple and lovely, but he is meticulous in his work, which is very popular. This is my friend: Li Jinrui.

There are endless new things between him and me, but the most memorable ones are the following two things:

I remember one year when I played with him in the yard on the "June Day". We run as if we were flying. All of a sudden, I felt my body tremble and fell there heavily. At that time, I felt extremely painful and wanted to shout, but he went to buy water to drink, and there was no one beside me. I have been sitting there in a depressed mood, waiting for "rescue". I don't know how long later, I suddenly heard the sound of "Da Da" footsteps coming from behind. I turned around and saw that it was Li Jinrui. I seemed to feel that the savior was coming, and I was immediately excited. Li Jinrui helped me up. He comforted me for a while, then helped me into the house. He comforted me meticulously by applying medicine and rubbing my legs. When I was ready to thank him, he ran like a gust of wind. "What a good friend!" After Li Jinrui left, I unconsciously sighed.

I remember another time when Li Jinrui and I wandered around outside one day after the summer vacation. I found a lump of mud, and we could not help but go over and get together. I was just there with no intention to mix, and my hands were covered with dirty mud. He did exactly the opposite with me: he put two plastic bags on his hands, looked at the mud, left and right, it was like making a handicraft. I was so absorbed that I could hardly describe the scene in words. I waited for about half an hour, and a little clay doll was born from this "artist". I am a little surprised that a "little kid" who is insignificant in ordinary days can also create such a beautiful thing? But in the face of this fact, I have to admit that he is clever.

Although I have a slight advantage over him in learning, this advantage is insignificant, and he may soon catch up with me. If I don't work harder, we may fall back, and we may become competitors in a few days. But I am very happy to meet such a friend. We act as models and rivals for each other. As an opponent: unwilling to be outdone. As friends: help each other. In this way, we may be able to call each other "best friends"!

Chapter 8: My Favorite Student

My little partner is Min Yikai, who is my best friend. Min Yikai wears a pair of glasses. Whenever the glasses are going to slide down, he will push them up, just like a young doctor. Min Yikai's achievements are among the best in the class. Now he serves as the chief monitor in the class and the monitor on duty on Friday, and as a member of the team (flag bearer) in the school team department.

Min Yikai has a nickname of "bookworm". Because as soon as it touches the book, it will be absorbed in reading. Sometimes, I don't even eat food. He read a lot. If he saw that he was possessed, would he not even want to play? Will he forget my good friend?

Once, when Lu Bin finished publishing magazines, we read with interest after receiving them. "Jingle! Jingle!" When class was over, the students went out of the classroom to play in the corridor. Some of them were kicking shuttlecock against each other, some were lying on the railing in a daze, some were skipping rope, some were chasing and fighting...... While Min Yikai was silently reading books alone in the classroom.

When I saw this scene, I shouted, "Min Yikai, let's go to kick the shuttlecock, OK?" Min Yikai was still reading somewhere, and it seemed that he didn't hear what I said.

So I shouted to Min Yikai, "Min Yikai, let's go kick the shuttlecock!" This sentence was too loud. Min Yikai heard it, and couldn't help jumping. When he saw that I was calling him, he responded, "Oh, wait a moment, let me finish reading this book. You can find someone else to kick the shuttlecock first." "Oh, I'm dizzy! Why should he look at it? Who should I look for? Min Yikai, a 'bookworm', must have had a relapse of 'bookworm disease'. It seems that there is no hope to kick shuttlecock with him. Alas! It seems that I have to find someone else to kick the shuttlecock, "I thought.

Because Min Yikai read a lot of books, he is knowledgeable. So I will ask him for advice on some topics I can't do.

My little partner is really a "nerd", but he is my good friend!

Describe your favorite composition (15)

Write my favorite holiday English composition model essay 1

Spring Festival is my favorite among all the Chinese traditional festival. The first reason why I love it the most is because I can get lucky money on that festival. It is the Chinese custom that the old will give children lucky money on Spring Festival to wish a good luck for the young generation. Moreover, people everywhere on those days are full of happiness. Quarrel, fight and abuse are almost disappeared at that time. Meanwhile, my mother will make a big meal for us to celebrate. Everyone will forget the unhappy thing they meet, instead remembering to appreciate life to wish a better future. That is my favorite festival.

Write my favorite holiday English composition model article 2

China has many traditional festivals among the year. But I like Mid-Autumn Festival the most. It means harvest, because it is celebrated in the harvest season. And it is the time for famers to express their thanks for harvest. In addtion, it’s the day for reunion. Some people call it Tuanyuanjie. The people work or study far away from home will come back to get-together with their families. They will eat a big meal and mooncake at that time. I hate parting but love reunion. So Mid-Autumn Day is my favorite festival.

There are many traditional festivals in China throughout the year. My favorite is the Mid Autumn Festival. That means harvest, because it is celebrated in the harvest season. That is also the time for farmers to appreciate the harvest. In addition, it is also a day of reunion. Some people call it the Reunion Festival. People who work or study far away will come back to reunite with their families. They will have a big dinner and moon cakes together at that time. I hate parting and like reunion. So my favorite festival is the Mid Autumn Festival.

Write my favorite holiday English composition model article 3

The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, Everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family helped to clean the house and decorate the house beautifully. At night, the moon was round and big, and people ate moon cakes, a special food for the Mid Autumn Festival, while enjoying the moon. People look back on the past and look forward to the future together.

Write my favorite holiday English composition model article 4

My favorite festival is Christmas Day. It’s not the trditional for Chinese. It’s for the foreigners, which Christmas Day is to them what Spring Festival is us. But with the development of the society, more and more foreigners come to China. And then it is popular in China. I feel excited to see the Cristmas decoration and Christmas trees. I also like Santa Claus, who will give Christmas present for us under the table. And people will say ”Merry Cristmas” to each other on that day. It is wonderful to have a foreign festival.

My favorite holiday is Christmas. It is not a traditional festival in China. It is foreign. Christmas is to them what Spring Festival is to us. With the development of society, more and more foreigners come to China. Then Christmas became popular in China. I will be very excited to see the Christmas decorations and Christmas trees. I also like Santa Claus. He will give us Christmas presents quietly. On that day, people will say "Merry Christmas" to each other. It's really wonderful to have a foreign holiday.