Three eighth parallel (16 popular articles)
2024-02-11 07:18:00

Sanba Line (1)

There will be some contradictions among friends, family members, classmates, and everything in the world. When these contradictions come together, they will form a thick or thin "March 8th Line"

At the beginning of school last year, "talent" in our class met "talent" friends and talked happily. I just put my schoolbag away and sat looking at the classroom, classmates and new things.

At that time, the students were all in pairs, and few of them came and went alone. But I always walk alone and talk to myself. Therefore, I always look at that group of "teachers' favorite" and hope that I can become one of them.

In the twinkling of an eye, a year has passed, and I have really become my dream!

The difficult process had to start from the moment I made up my mind: at that time, I was just in front of a top "writer" who was just a member of the "talent pool". I will "take advantage of the east wind" and "take advantage of the opportunity". Every time the "Leader" comes to her, I will greet the "Leader" and have a chat. At first, she was reluctant and declined several times, but later, with my persistent efforts day by day, she began to acquiesce. A few words, a few words, to take the initiative to speak cheerfully, every day there is progress! Finally, at the end of the semester, they accepted me!

Now, I am familiar with them. It is inconceivable that in the past, a deep "38th parallel" separated a group of people on both sides; What's more, I can't imagine how lonely I would be now if I didn't try to erase the "38th parallel" at that time

Wipe out the "38th parallel"! You will benefit from it; Wipe out the "38th parallel"! You will grow as a result!

In the world, there should be no evil "38th parallel". We human beings are a whole. Why should we hate each other and treat each other coldly? We humans are a whole, so why let the warmth run away?

Sanba Line (2)

As a student, the "38th parallel" should not be unfamiliar. My deskmate and I crossed the "38th parallel" once. Then I will tell the story of the "38th parallel".

One day, we were carefully copying classroom notes. The bell rang after class, and I was still taking the time to copy. But my deskmate stopped copying and said to me, "Don't copy, it's no use!", However, my deskmate still wanted me to play with them. Once he took my notebook away, he wouldn't let me copy it. He said, "Go after it, get it quickly, and copy it when you get it, But my deskmate just didn't let go, so we would tear the notebook if we pulled together. Seeing that the notebook was broken, I was so worried that I shed tears. My deskmate was also shocked. He was also embarrassed to see me shed tears and apologized immediately. At that time, I was very angry and ignored him. I took the broken book back to my seat. He also hurriedly followed me under the seat and deliberately pushed me with his hands. I just didn't want to ignore him. Then I took out a pen and drew a line on the table, telling him that it could not be exceeded. This "three eight line" appeared on our table like this.

A few days later, my deskmate was rummaging about in his schoolbag in class. He was very worried about the time of class. I asked him, "What's the matter?" He said, "I forgot to bring my things." Then I lent him the things I needed for class. He said shyly, "Thank you. I'm sorry about the notebook last time. I didn't mean it. Don't be angry." I said, "You're welcome. Take it with you. I have many things. I didn't blame you for the last thing." He said, "Then you won't be angry. Can you erase the" three eight line "?" Then I took out an eraser to erase the "38th parallel".

Since then, my deskmate has stopped running around after class, and my class notes can also be copied seriously. We have become best friends.

Sanba Line (3)

One morning, after the first class, I was busy doing my homework when my deskmate Li Ping hit me with her leg. I guess she did it on purpose, so she retaliated with her foot. She stared up her eyes as if to say, "I didn't mean to." And kicked her feet over... Then a kicking war broke out. We fought fiercely for six or seven minutes, and the bell rang, so we had to stop fighting. She immediately took out her eraser and drew a line in the middle of the table, saying that this was the "38th parallel", and no one should exceed this line in the future. I agreed.

The two of us also stipulated that whoever has something over the line would have it back to the other party. In this way, a battle would begin. Every time I would go to the battle and attack her repeatedly, but she always kept silent and fought back secretly.

Once, we were having a math class, and I was going to give her a try. The math teacher asked her a question. Several students didn't answer it very well, and the teacher was a little dissatisfied. In the teacher's mind, Wu Mengxue, my deskmate, was the "Zun Frame". She was a math master. The teacher asked her to answer. She stood up to answer the question, and the teacher was very satisfied, Let her sit down. "Ouch!" My aunt should not sit down. There is an ambush! Just listen to "Bu Tong" and "Ha ha" the whole class roared with laughter. Let me tell you something, I have already taken away her stool, and I won't talk about the back one, as you can imagine. However, I would like to advise Xiao Wu that this will be very helpful to you. It's easier to hide a gun than to shoot in the dark.

Once, my rubber overshoot, she quickly took my rubber, and she said to me, "Eh, where is your rubber, She calmly took another eraser out of the pencil box and said, "Elder sister, by the way, my stationery is in pairs. I had expected you to have this poison move, and of course I should prepare the antidote!" She was so angry that her hair stood up and said, "You'll see." I gained the upper hand again in this battle.

A few days later, we were doing our homework in class. I almost finished it, so I sped up. When she saw it, she thought it was a good opportunity, so she deliberately squeezed my hand. My pen looked like an disobedient doll. On my homework book, I drew a "beautiful" arc. She laughed and I used tape to stick it. But the book was stuck and I handed it in, but the teacher asked me to rewrite it. God doesn't care.

On Monday, when the teacher was talking about the test paper, I didn't hear a question like an ant on a hot pot. When she saw it, she came to teach me. I finally understood it, and I asked her, "Hey, how did you change? You're not like the old annoying ghost anymore," "What do you say?" "Oh, sorry, offended". We burst into a burst of laughter. The next day, I came to school

No, I understand. Since then, we have got along very well.

Sanba Line (4)

My position is often occupied by my deskmate, so my deskmate and I made a rule that we should not exceed our "38th parallel".

But he seems to care nothing, always surpassing the "38th parallel". I forgive him and remind him again and again. Finally one day, I couldn't stand it and came up with a bad idea to revenge him. I pressed a pencil under my elbow while he was correcting. As soon as he came back and sat down, he just passed, and the nib of his pen pricked him. He was yelled at, and I laughed glowingly. He angrily asked, "Who stabbed me?" I shook my head, and he went to correct it again. When he came back, he found my hidden weapon, the pencil. He was furious and said, "OK! It's you!" After that, he went to tell the teacher angrily. I grabbed it and said in a strange voice: "Brother, you are super. Don't you deserve it?" He listened, sighed and left. For this reason, I have been beautiful for a long time.

For the sake of this "38th parallel", we fought with each other and made a lot of troubles, which affected our normal study and life. One day when I was ready to go home, he stopped me and said, "Let's wipe the line!"!

Sanba Line (5)

"Ding Ling Ling Ding Ling Ling" class, I stepped on the wheel of wind and fire, rushed to the classroom, my "devil" deskmate - Chen Zixuan also hurried back to his seat.

My "Devil" deskmate, Chen Zixuan, is a famous "Xiaoxiaoba" in our class. She is the NO. 1. Not only do you learn well, but also you are the teacher's assistant and monitor. She has given me a lot of help in learning, but we often have conflicts because of some small things.

In class, Mr. Su, the Chinese teacher, stood on the platform, looked at everyone and said, "Today is a new lesson, and the students should listen carefully..." At this time, my deskmate Chen Zixuan leaned over with her right arm, "What are you doing?" I said, and my deskmate really deserves to be called "the devil". She raised her eyebrows and glared at me and replied; "What's the matter with you?" After that, she glanced at me carelessly, but I was angry. I also gave her my arm. She didn't want to be outdone. She also pushed my arm towards me with her hands.

Seeing the two of us arguing, Chen Zixuan turned her eyes and immediately thought of a good way: "Let's draw three or eight lines!" I thought for a few seconds and said; "Then my position will be smaller, and your position will be larger." "That's very good, isn't it?" Chen Zixuan said and drew a line close to me on the table. As soon as I saw it, I quickly erased the 38 line and drew another 38 line with a pen. "There are as many on both sides as you can draw!" I said proudly. Chen Zixuan was still unconvinced and stared at me, and I was unconvinced. So we glared at each other. I said, "We will not get results if we stare at each other like this. We will discuss after class, and now we have a good class." Chen replied, "Agree."

Later, after class, we all realized that we were wrong. We didn't hear much of what the teacher said, so we had a hard time learning the following content. So we discussed erasing the 38th parallel.

The blue sky and white clouds outside the window are so beautiful. It is also a kind of fate to be a deskmate. We should learn to be tolerant, considerate and courteous.

Sanba Line (6)

On the road of childhood, there are naughty, happy, angry, sad, and strong classmate love with you all the way.

It was summer vacation, but reading "Naughty Students" seemed to put me on campus again, and I could remember the past among my classmates.

The most "profound" "March 8th Line" of the 6th class in the 4th year took place on Wang Xiaotian's and Li Haohao's desks. One of them was holding a ball pen and the other was holding a small carving knife. They kept carving to form their own territory. The two also signed the Regulations on the Administration of Border Division, strictly guarding their positions, and painstakingly planning, waiting for the rabbit and rewarding brave men for "compensation for food and drink".

Isn't that what happened to me? Remember that my deskmate who always "carries" me. I kicked me in an English class. In order to prove that I was not easy to get into trouble, I first glared at him, and then stepped out to fight against him. So, a "kick fight" triggered the "38th parallel" of "well, water and river". Until one math class, I saw him sighing at the "Manjianghong" math homework, I knew he must have met a problem, I leaned over to help him. Another week later, I had an English class. I didn't know whether he was unintentional or deliberate. In a short class, he "invaded" my territory three times - one moment he handed me a red pen, one moment he borrowed my new English writing book, and one moment he shared his English card with me. Later, there would be no "38th parallel" and no "kick fight". What's more strange is that our relationship seems more harmonious than before, and we know more about humility. After class, we became the best playmates. We discussed math problems together and joined the basketball team. We became inseparable friends. Where there was me, there was him.

Without the "38th parallel", which symbolizes friendship, we would not have our precious friendship now. Gradually, I found that the two or three things between classmates can also bring me unparalleled happiness and gains, and this "38th parallel" has become an indelible memory in my memory.

Sanba Line (7)

What a nuisance! How could the teacher let me sit with this small and thin Ding Cheng?

In order to "draw a clear line" with him, I drew a "38 line" in the middle of the table. As soon as his books leap over my "territory", I will push his things hard.

In a few days, we will test our learning during this period. Once the test paper was handed out, I looked at it. Hey, it's so simple! I just wrote for a while, but my pen couldn't write. It turned out that I forgot to ink my schoolbag before I packed it last night. Now... Alas! This is good. Ding Cheng will not lend it to me. If I had borrowed it from my deskmate before, how shy I am now!

I'm as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. I don't know what to do. I looked at Ding Cheng with a glimmer of hope and found that he was also looking at me. I turned my head back as if I had been electrocuted. Who knows, Ding Cheng took my pen and quickly squeezed half of his scarce ink to me. Suddenly, a warm current came out of my heart

The next day, as soon as the test papers were handed out, ah! Thankfully, I got another 97.5 points in this Chinese test. How can I thank Ding Cheng? If he hadn't squeezed the ink for me, I wouldn't have even scored 80! What a good deskmate! Do I have to draw a clear line with him today?

After class, all the students went out for activities. Only I was still rubbing the "38th parallel" hard

Sanba Line (8)

My deskmate in grade one was Tang Zihan. After sitting at the same table for a year, we often had trouble with our seats.

In order to clarify their respective "territorial sovereignty", I stipulated to him that the gap between our two tables is that the "boundary line" of our "two countries" is the "38th parallel", and no one is allowed to cross the "38th parallel" to enter the "territory" of "other countries". However, there are always times when we do not pay attention, either I write too hard to cross the "38th parallel" or his arm enters our "position" The "war" starts immediately. You push and I turn, and I pinch you and shout. There are many wars on the table and under the table. Sometimes if I don't get rid of my hatred, I simply use a heavy weapon - fist attack, which makes the "enemy" lose their armor and repeatedly beg for mercy. For this reason, I also won the nickname "Little Pepper" given to me by my classmates behind my back. I don't know whether my deskmate is really afraid of me or let me. Anyway, I have never been defeated in the "battle against the enemy".

In a twinkling of an eye, the final exam was coming, and we also entered a short final "truce" period. To be honest, because Tang Zihan has been in a state of "repeated defeats", and "international referee" Mr. Li has repeatedly "mediated" our "war" in the later stage is basically a sporadic battle of "brush off the gun" type. Although I am still the party that dominates the "war initiative", even I can feel that I have lost my ruthlessness towards the "enemy".

I didn't expect that the final art exam had completely ended the "war". The art exam room was quiet. When I finished the first draft and was ready to paint, I couldn't find any watercolor paint. I was so worried that I was sweating. I turned over my schoolbag and scolded myself: "Why did I leave the watercolor at home..." Tears began to swirl in my eyes.

"You can use mine..." Tang Zihan handed over his watercolor and said sincerely.

"Who uses your watercolor? I don't want it!" I said angrily.

"Use it, or you will fail the exam, and the teacher will punish you!" After saying that, he directly crossed the "38th parallel" and put the watercolor paint into my hand.

By the time I finished painting, he had no time to paint carefully. As a result, I was much better than him in the final art exam.

The war is over!

Now, we have already "changed the enemy into a friend" and become good friends.

Sanba Line (9)

Today is the first day of school. I changed to a new deskmate and assigned a good seat. He drew a line in the middle of the table with chalk and told me the name. I can't invade his territory, and he can't invade my territory. I'm very confused. I don't know what it is. And he seldom communicates with me.

When I went home to ask my grandfather, he said that the latitude of 38 degrees is the boundary between North Korea and South Korea. Later, it was extended to the dividing line between two areas. The drawing between deskmates means that these two spaces are independent, non intrusive and non boundary to each other. Two students should not be too close to each other. It is an unfriendly act to try to communicate and speak as little as possible. I now understand that my deskmate was mean, but it doesn't matter if I just met him.

Later, in fact, he was not a difficult person to get along with, and gradually found that he was very warm and friendly, and our communication gradually increased. One exam, I didn't bring enough pens, but he lent them to me in time to let me pass the exam and achieve good results. I am very grateful to him, and our relationship gradually became closer in the process of getting along, and then there was no more.

It is a bad pronoun. People should be sincere and enthusiastic in getting along with each other, and should not be isolated and isolated. I hope that in the future, my relationship with my deskmate will become better and better.

Sanba Line (10)

The disturbance of the "38th parallel" was "no crossing the line". Wang Jing, the "little pepper" in the class, was shouting at Qiu Yizhe again. Qiu Yizhe, who was honest, had to withdraw his hand.

I don't know when a "March 8th Line" disturbance started in the class. A standard and clear "March 8th Line" was drawn in the middle of each table. Some students also signed a "contract". My deskmate and I signed a "agreement". I would beat him three times if he exceeded the line. I would show him an extra-curricular book. Anyone who cheated would be punished twice. A few days before the implementation of the agreement, both of us were very cautious, and neither of us dared to exceed the line. After a week of peace, it was inevitable for us to exceed the line every day. Once, just after PE class, I was sweating and drinking water from a water bottle while communicating with my classmates. At this time, "naughty" Liu Jiaqi took away my eraser. I had been sworn enemies with Liu Jiaqi before. How could I tolerate him playing me like this? I chased him "Man World", and finally, I took the eraser away. well! Just as the bell rang for class, I ran back to the classroom and sat down on the chair. At this time, Liu Zhenyu leaned over and said with a bad smile, "Comrade Xiao Wu, you seem to be over the line, I thought to myself: I must catch him to get revenge. Suddenly, I had an idea: wasn't his head over the line when he leaned over just now? I quickly told him this idea. Honest Liu Zhenyu had to eat coptis with dumbness - I could not tell the pain, but I beat him three times. After just one month, he has almost read all my books, and he is also "bruised" because he often exceeds the line. It even affects learning. So we each sent a "truce agreement" to each other, and the "Liu Wu" war was over. After school, we worked together to wipe the striking "38 line" clean with a duster cloth. The next day, although we were still out of line, neither of us complained about the other, and we were tolerant of each other. The "38th parallel" on our table has disappeared. However, the "38th parallel" on other desks is still clearly visible. It's almost time to review at the end of the term. The "war" caused by the "March 8th Line" during recess has seriously affected the students' mood in class. In order to let my deskmates get along well with each other, I took a morning to arrive at the classroom at six o'clock and cleared the "three eight lines" on each desk one by one. When the students arrived, the "three eight lines" on each desk had disappeared without a trace. Teacher Xu, the head teacher, also timely told us several examples of harmonious coexistence between students. well! It really worked. Since then, we have never seen the "38th parallel" on our class desks.

Later, there was a scene of deskmates helping each other in the class. Because of this, the final overall score of our class was greatly improved. One of the contributions of the deskmates is to help each other.

Sanba Line (11)

My deskmate is Li Ping. She was transferred to our school this semester. As soon as I saw her, I fell in love with her. The teacher sat her with me. Since then, we have become inseparable friends.

One morning, after the first class, I was busy doing my homework when my deskmate Li Ping hit me with her leg. I guess she did it on purpose, so I retaliated with her feet. She stared up her eyes as if to say, "I'm not easy to provoke." She kicked her feet over, and a kick war broke out. We fought fiercely for six or seven minutes, and the bell rang, so we had to stop fighting. She immediately took out the eraser and drew a line in the middle of the table, saying that this is the "38th parallel", and no one should exceed this line in the future. I agreed.

Since I crossed the "38th parallel", she has really become "arrogant". Every time I exceed the line, she hits me with a ruler, which makes me cry out in pain.

Once, in a physical education class, the teacher asked to take a skipping rope, so the whole class took it.

After class, I saw nobody around, so I took out scissors from my schoolbag and pulled out Li Ping's skipping rope, cutting it in half. At the moment of cutting, Li Ping's anxious expression came to my mind. At that time, my mood was almost indescribable, and I was really stunned. In the physical education class, the teacher saw that Li Ping didn't bring a skipping rope, so he made her stand for a class as a penalty. Looking at her embarrassment, I thought to myself: Hum, small sample, I didn't expect you to be today.

That afternoon, after school, when I came home, my mother was preparing lessons (my mother was a teacher). I heard her read: "Niang (r à ng) honey". At this time, I corrected, "It's Niang (n ì ang), not Niang (r à ng). But in order to correct my mother, I had to go to borrow it. Fortunately, Li Ping was generous. She didn't mention anything in the morning and lent me the dictionary. I finally let my mother know that it was wrong.

The next morning, I came to the classroom with a new skipping rope, and gave it to Li Ping: "Li Ping, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that again." Li Ping listened and forgave me. Finally, we became good friends again, and the "38th parallel" was also eliminated by my super big sock cloth!

Sanba Line (12)

Jingle the bell... The class bell rang, and we all returned to the classroom. This is my favorite math class. The teacher gave a lecture on the stage with great emotion and voice. I took notes carefully below, and my elbow crossed the 38th parallel unconsciously. Eh? Why does a small tail appear on the book? It was my deskmate who stabbed me. How hateful! How can we not fight back? So, while she was concentrating on the topic, I unexpectedly pushed her with my elbow. Ha ha ha! I have scratched the paper. I have to rewrite it! My deskmate turned around and gave me a white look, then kicked me with his heel. Oh, it's killing me! She looked at my face and smiled triumphantly. I will never forgive you! I don't care about three or seven or twenty one. I raise my foot and fight back immediately. Unexpectedly, she dodged me tactfully, and my foot hit the corner of the table heavily, killing me! My deskmate looked at my grin and immediately smiled. At this time, I clenched my fists and breathed heavily. I wanted to punch her. At this time, the bell rang. I took the advantage of the gap between her standing up and took away the chair. As soon as she sat down, she fell on the ground, and I had already oiled my feet - and escaped.

In English class, my deskmate searched in his schoolbag for a long time, but couldn't find an English book. How can we have class without books? She is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - round and round. I pushed the English book to the 38th line and said, "Let's use it together!" My deskmate smiled gratefully at me.

In the last labor lesson, my deskmate and I picked up a duster cloth and wiped the eye-catching "38th parallel" clean. Suddenly, I felt that we were also wiping away the stain on our hearts.

Sanba Line (13)

Hey hey~I came to school early this noon. Unfortunately, I was just seeing the teacher correcting the test paper. I glanced at my desk. Ha! My Chinese test paper has been handed out! I opened it to see, ah! 95 points! Great! My deskmate also came. I opened his test paper and found it was only 92 points. I was secretly glad: How was it? Hey hey, I will do better than you this time. It depends on how hard you are! "What are you doing? Just look at my test paper." I frowned and said, "Hehe, I'm better than you in this exam

Look at his unconvinced appearance, I am happy!

A repeat of the enemy

"Ouch! It hurts! Try hitting you!". He grinned when I pinched him. I smiled, but accidentally made a noise. He glared at me. I didn't see him and whistled. My heart is very happy!

What did I see when I came back from class? All the books on my seat have fallen to the floor! Dizzy~I had a hard time cleaning up the seats, and they all fell off. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of my "enemy", who was sitting leisurely in his seat, showing a winning look. I couldn't stand the words like that. I was so angry that I wanted to rush forward and beat someone hard.

In retaliation, I had to sit in my seat all day long. Ha! Finally, a chance came, and he was called away by the head teacher, Miss Xu. I was so cruel that I dropped his books on the ground.

He came back

He and I are the rightful "friends at the same table". How about that? Think we didn't apply for this name?

Sanba Line (14)

It was a Chinese exercise class. The teacher asked us to do our homework. While I was writing, Tang Xiangyu suddenly touched me. A "small earthworm," ugly, immediately appeared in my homework book. I got angry, and returned to him with a stronger impact, which broke his notebook.

Tang Xiangyu was so angry that he gnashed his teeth. While stepping on me with his foot, he drew a "three eight line" on the table with his pen. After drawing, he said to me gently and viciously, "From today on, if you exceed the" three eight line ", I will not beat you!" I said no, no, but I was a little worried.

After that, we seemed to be separated from each other by a wall. We stopped fighting and joking. When we did our homework, we were careful for fear that we would surpass the hateful 38th parallel. At the end of class, we became sworn enemies, giving each other a wink, which was regarded as greeting, kicking each other, and playing. However, this incomparable relationship was extinguished in a composition exam.

The theme of the composition exam was "My Good Example --". During the exam, Tang Xiangyu glanced at me from time to time. After a while, he suddenly reached out and touched my hand. I was about to say, "You are over the line," when I saw his composition title was "My Good Example Zhu Qinghua". When I smile, he can look at me from top to bottom as if it were nothing.

A few days later, the composition was sent out. I saw that his composition score was excellent, and he was also very happy, but that happiness was impure, and I could see it.

After class, I went out to play for a while. When I came back, I found that the "38th parallel" was gone. Tang Xiangyu and I smiled.

Since then, we have never drawn the "38th parallel" again.

Sanba Line (15)

I am a man, and I absorb more nutrition, so I am also a giant in my class. My deskmate, you will think of weak and small girls. But the fact is quite opposite. My deskmate Zeng Yixuan is the tallest person in the class, half a head taller than me. My God? What's the reason? I'm also a man! How can I lose to girls? God is unfair! So when I came home at noon, I secretly asked Zeng Yixuan for his secret.

Zeng Yixuan is very easy-going, and she smiles most of the time. Her curly hair looks like countless smiling faces. It's good to have an easy-going deskmate. She won't be angry when others touch her.

Zeng Yixuan has many friends, among whom one is Liu Ye, a "close friend". I think their feelings are far more than that of their friends, and they should be like conjoined twins. They eat breakfast together, play games together, go to school together, and go home together. If someone dares to force them apart, they will probably chase them everywhere.

I like to create my own games. Zeng Yixuan is my loyal fans of games. Every time we go home at noon, we play together. Because of our deep friendship, I often let her take shortcuts. For example, if a bottle of stamina medicine costs 1000 snow beans (money in the game), I will give her a discount, so she will buy it in batches. This is great. She defeated the strongest elves with the weakest elves, all thanks to the physical medicine. So Zeng Yixuan thanked me very much.

I have a good relationship with Zeng Yixuan. A "38th parallel" did not separate me from my deskmate, but let us have a sincere friendship.

Sanba Line (16)

Since I changed my position, I have been living a restless life every day. There are "wars" here every day. Of course, this is a "war" without gunsmoke, but only noise. "Ouch, ouch, I said, ladies, can you stop quarreling?" "What the hell do you care? This is not your home, and this is not your territory. 'My territory is my own' -" Well, well, let's continue quarreling. "Oh, I'm really wronged. "Dogs bite Lv Dongbin - don't know the good people"! Jiang Min and Shi Xiaoyu are like a pair of enemies, one is a needle point, the other is Mai Mang, and every day there are "tit for tat" times. "Alas, alas, please pay attention to me. You have exceeded 0.35cm." Jiang Min took a small ruler to measure, and said loudly to Shi Xiaoyu. "Alas! What's the matter with you? This is not your table. I can lie down as much as I want, and what matters to you?" "It's my table!"?? Me? " Jiang Min was so angry that her glasses slipped to the tip of her nose. "How about that? Don't say anything? There's no way to fight with me. I can't compete with you if you go home and practice for ten years." It's obvious that Shi Xiaoyu "won" in the "March 8th Line" battle.