Observation of Soybean Germination (15 articles)
Bamboo Shadow Breeze
2024-03-09 08:22:28

Observation on germination of soybean (1)

This morning, I found that the soybean seeds had grown small roots. The teacher did the experiment for us. When the teacher gave it to us, it was still a small soybean with a diameter of less than 1 cm. It was flat. Now it has grown very short roots, and also has grown almost invisible fibrous roots.

A few soybeans have taken off their "clothes", and several soybeans are taking off their "clothes". The stripped soybeans look like a small green balloon. The root of the seed is segmented, and there are several protruding small edges on the edge of the root, which is its fibrous root; Its cotyledons are like a flat feather swatter. They are green and have some luster. They are very comfortable from a close view or a far view. The germination period of soybean may surprise you. Generally, it takes 1-2 weeks for the seeds to germinate, while the seeds of soybean, as long as they are suitable for growth, can be 4-5 days long and 1-2 days short.

I put the seeds of soybeans in the living room, which can not only facilitate my observation, but also add a little green to the home. No wonder our family like it!

Observation on germination of soybean (2)

September 18th, Friday, rain

Today, the teacher asked us to observe the growth process of bean sprouts. When I got home at noon, I hurriedly took out a handful of soybeans and found a transparent cup.

I found that dry soybeans are hard and small, round and yellowish brown, and there is a small black spot on each soybeans. I threw the soybeans into the water cup. After a while, I went to see the soaked soybeans. I found that some of the soybeans were bulging. I thought it was because the blisters were soft. Unexpectedly, only a few minutes later, it was like this. I want to peel the inside of the bean to see what it looks like. It turns out that the two oval bean petals are tightly wrapped by the thin skin outside.

When I came home from school in the evening, I saw the soaked soybeans turned pale yellow. Strangely, they were also big and oval. Maybe it was because I had drunk enough water!

How wonderful the soybeans are!

September 19th Saturday Rain

Today, I poured out the water for soaking soybeans. I found that the soybean has grown up again, and a small bud has sprouted at one end, which is 5mm long and 2mm wide. My father told me that bean sprouts can grow by soaking them in water, but the water should be changed clean every day. I'm so happy. I want to eat bean sprouts when they grow up. How wonderful!

I filled the cup with clean water and watched them shake gently in the water, just like cute "tadpoles".

Sunday, September 20 Rain

Today, I rushed into the kitchen to observe the soybeans in the cup.

I found that the soybeans grew up a little bit, still light yellow, oval. But the little black spot was not seen, and the sprout grew longer, about 1cm long and 2mm wide, which was very similar to the bean sprout. I hope they will grow up soon. The more I think about it, the happier I will be. But I found that some soybeans haven't sprouted yet. I don't know how to make them grow up quickly. I want to seek help.

September 21, Monday Sunny

A new day has come, and I ran into the kitchen to see my bean sprouts.

I picked up the cup and suddenly found some soybeans floating on the water. I wondered why the soybeans were not getting heavier and heavier, but getting lighter and lighter? The soybeans are full of water and should become heavier! So I asked my mother, but she didn't know the answer, so I decided to check it myself.

My bean sprouts are 1.5 cm long and 3 mm wide. My mother said that they are the widest. I am very happy. The sprouts are really like a pigtail. Some of them are curly. How beautiful!

September 22, Tuesday Sunny

The new day came again. When I came home from school, I rushed into the kitchen to see the bean sprouts.

It is found that they are green on the buds and beans, and their buds have grown up again, up to 2 cm long and 3 mm wide. The appearance of these buds is very strange. For example, some small buds are in the shape of "g", as if they are learning English; Some sprouts become "B" shaped, like learning to write; Some sprouts are in the shape of "Pi", as if they are learning to draw snails.

My bean sprouts are about to grow up, look forward to it!

Observation on germination of soybean (3)

Friday, September 21, sunny

Today, the teacher at school assigned a special task to the students. This special task is to soak several soybeans, mung beans and red beans in a cup full of water. As soon as I finished school, I hurried home. I found a small soybean from our house. It was like a small ball, dressed in golden clothes.

September 22nd Saturday Sunny

Today is the second day for me to observe the sprouting of soybeans. I got up early in the morning to observe my little soybeans. I was very excited and happy. I came to Little Soybean. What a surprise! Those little soybeans gained a circle of weight, like a fat baby.

At noon, after I had lunch, I came to see my "little babies" and these "little babies" were about to sprout. I was very excited, very excited. I will take the small soybeans from the house to the outside for them to bask in the sun.

At night, I took it into the house from the outside to let them have a good sleep!

Sunday, September 23, light rain

Today is the third day to observe the sprouting of soybeans. Little soybeans have sprouted very cute, more than one centimeter old.

Through this observation, I learned that success can be achieved as long as I keep working hard.

Observation on germination of soybean (4)

In the evening, I was about to do my homework when I heard my father say, "There is one in your homework."
When I heard this, I was overjoyed. Like a bird coming out of the cage, I ran to the kitchen to get a small bowl of water, and then grabbed a handful of soybeans into the bowl.
After observing for a while, I found that the skin of most soybeans was wrinkled. At this time, I was as excited as seeing the bright sun.
Because I was so tired today, I had to wash my face with my sister first and go to bed.
The next morning, I was having a sweet dream in my bed when my father shouted, "The soybeans are getting bigger."
Hearing the word "soybeans", I felt like hearing the word "Chinese New Year". I immediately got up and went to see soybeans.
Wow! The soybeans are also very drinkable. Yesterday, there was a bowl of water, but today, there is no water. The soybeans have become fat, like eating a fattening agent.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Sunny
Ah! finished
Three days later, the beans were still like that. None of them grew. Like a cold, I slept all day without being woken up by me.
Pick up one and put it in your palm. It's wet and slippery. The little bean lies in the hand like a helpless baby, wearing a transparent white coat, revealing the yellow body. After a closer look, the body of the bean is divided into two parts, like a big mouth opened. When I looked closely, there was a pigtail on the head of soybean. It was thin, small and tender, only one millimeter long. It seemed that if you touched it, it would break. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't find it!
Ah! Why are people's beans sprouting, but my beans are just sprouting!
I was puzzled. When I asked my mother, she was also a monk in law.
Grandma's words surprised me that beans didn't grow up in water! I thought water was a comfortable home for beans! It turns out that after soaking the beans, you should pour no water left, and then put them in a jar or plastic bag to keep them in a warm place. You must also remember to change the water for them frequently.
My beans are dead! The first time it was over, I was so sad, although I knew the way.

Observation on germination of soybean (5)

A week ago, I bought some beans to see how they germinate and the whole process of soybean germination. Today, let's take a look at the observation diary of soybean germination!

Observation Diary of Soybean Germination (I)

March 19th

Because the teacher asked us to keep an observation diary, I hurried home to find beans as soon as school was over. The seed I chose was soybeans. I first took a plate, then put a paper towel on the bottom of the plate, then put the seeds on it, and finally poured some warm water down. According to the teacher, this can make the seeds germinate quickly. After I finished all this, I put the plate on the balcony, and then thought to myself: seeds, seeds, germinate quickly!

March 23rd

Four days later, the seeds were all full, and all took off their pale yellow clothes. Some seeds were eager to be "on/off the gun" and "on the vanguard", so they dug out their milky "little heads" early. Some seeds were slow and still refused to probe, just like a shy little girl.

March 25th

Six days later, I had to change my paper towel, add water or change water every day. Finally, the soybean who became the "pioneer" grew a purple stem with a half split bean on it. There are fine hairs on the stem, and the half split bean is also wrinkled, like the old grandma's wrinkles when she is angry. A thin, tender bud also sprouted from the half split bean. I believe that in the near future, "Pioneer" will grow two tender green leaves!

Observation Diary of Soybean Germination (II)

The science teacher asked us to plant a plant and observe it ourselves. I chose to plant soybeans.

First, find a transparent plastic cup, put in soil, put soybeans on the wall of the cup, cover it with a layer of soil, and pour water on it. A few days later, I was a little impatient. Why didn't the soybeans sprout? I asked my mother with a question. She said, "There are several holes to be drilled under the soybeans cup to let the water flow away, and also to be placed in a sunny place. Do you do this?" I shook my head and hastily replanted it according to my mother's words. However, a few days later, the white roots of soybeans did grow, and gradually increased as time went by.

I found that no matter where the direction of the bean is, the root is downward. Before long, the shell expanded and the stem grew, but the shell disappeared. I think it may have become fertilizer. The color of the stem is green, standing on the soil like a guard. There is also a pair of green cotyledons on the stem. The science teacher said that the cotyledons are composed of two segments of soybeans. After a few days, the real leaves grow. I'm very excited. I watered on time as my grandpa said, and there were already many real leaves. Slowly I found that the leaves turned yellow and did not grow fast enough. The cup was not big enough to supplement nutrition. My grandpa and I moved the bean seedlings into a larger flower pot and applied fertilizer, and the leaves slowly turned green and tender again.

Looking at it, I thought how excited I would be if I could eat the fruits I planted! I wish my soybeans could grow up quickly.

Observation Diary of Soybean Germination (III)

Last week, my family bought some soybeans, which are as big as buttons, and their oval bodies are wearing yellow "tights". I took some, carefully put them into the bowl, and poured some water to see how soybeans become sprouts.

The next day, I went to observe, wow! The soybeans became plump and plump, just like a little fat man. It seems that they have "drunk" a lot of water and are striving to grow up!

Two days later, when I got up in the morning, I couldn't wait to see the soybeans. I saw a thin thread sticking out of its "tights", and it grew longer and longer.

A few days later, I found that these soybeans had taken off their "coats", just like Indians wearing straw skirts and dancing happily. It seems to me that these soybeans also think they have grown up and are celebrating excitedly! At the same time, soybeans are also split in two.

Now, these soybeans have become sprouts. How excited I am! I think: the sprouts made by myself must be delicious!

Observation Diary of Soybean Germination (IV)

One evening, in order to observe the growth of soybeans, I asked my mother to buy some soybeans. When I returned home, I took out a basin and filled it with some water. Then I gently put the soybeans in the water, and finally put a wet cloth on it.

The next day after school, I couldn't wait to run over to observe soybeans, which were more than twice as big as yesterday! Some soybeans even peeled off, just like a white fat doll. I changed the water in the basin and sprinkled a little water on the cloth.

In the morning of the third day, I got up and went to see my magic weapon. The soybeans have grown some sprouts. Some of them are chatting with their neighbors, some are dancing, and some are playing and playing with their partners. What a lively painting of sprouts! Suddenly, a bad smell disturbed the lively scene. There is a strong smell of soybean milk in the pot of sprouts. I hurried to ask my mother, "Mom! Why does the soybean milk smell from the soybean basin?" My mother said, "My son, when the soybean sprouts, you can't soak it with water, or the soybean will rot. You should pour out the water, spread a wet towel on the bottom of the soybean basin, put the soybean on the wet cloth, and finally cover the soybean with a wet cloth." After listening to my mother's words, I immediately followed her instructions.

The fourth day after dinner, I ran to see my soybeans again, "Wow! The soybeans have grown to five centimeters high." I couldn't help cheering. At this time, a light wind blew, and a pot of sprouts danced.

Observation Diary of Soybean Germination (5)

I have always wondered how beans sprout.

After school that day, the teacher left us a special "task" that is to soak beans.

When I got home, I grabbed some mung beans, put them in a cup about ten centimeters high, and filled it with water, so I began to observe how mung beans germinated.

On the first day, I decided to go to the glass with full conviction. The beans seemed to oppose me, and there was no change at all. I comforted myself and said, "This is the first day. It's not much changed. If you wait a few days, it may sprout."

The next day, I found that the water level dropped rapidly. They can really "drink". I also found that there was a small crack on the surface of mung beans, and I couldn't figure out what was coming out of it.

On the third day, I had almost lost my determination and belief, and I was absent-minded. But this time it surprised me: beans sprouted, the longest sprout was one or two centimeters!

It pays off. I'm so excited to see the beans sprout!

Observation on germination of soybean (6)

Wednesday, September 7 Sunny

The teacher asked us to come back to observe the plants, and I decided to do the experiment with soybeans.

I asked my father to give me some soybeans. My stingy father only found four soybeans for me. I looked at it and thought it was OK, nothing bad.

Then I found a small transparent bottle and put a little water in it. Then I put the soybeans into the bottle. I put the bottle on the corner of the table and looked at it quietly. After a while, I found that the surface of the smooth soybeans began to wrinkle, just like grandma's wrinkles.

Before I went to bed, I looked at the soybeans again. I thought: will it germinate at night?

September 8th Thursday Sunny

Today, the first thing I did when I got up early was to see if my little soybeans had sprouted.

"Ah? Why hasn't it sprouted yet?" I said in surprise.

Mother walked and said, "How can it be so fast?"

I found that the crumpled soybeans became smooth and bright, and doubled in size and length than before, but the water in the bottle was much less. It must have been sucked dry by soybeans. It seems that you can still smell soybeans in the air!

September 12th Monday Sunny

Three days ago, I saw that Doudou didn't seem to change in the water, which worried me badly. I hurried to find my mother and asked her to have a look. Mother said she didn't know why. We hurried to check on the Internet. Maybe there was too much water. Too much water would drown. I quickly took out the beans and wrapped them with waterfalls. I heard that the beans wrapped with wet cloth will grow faster.

In the afternoon, when I came back from school, I hurried to see if the beans had sprouted. "Wow!" I was so happy that I jumped three feet high. Look, its skin is thinner than before. The sprout is broken and its head is sharp and white. Children carefully wrap it with wet cloth to let it grow up quickly in this small nest that is neither dry nor wet.

September 19th, Monday, sunny

A few days later, let's have a look at my bean sprouts!

You see, I have moved them to a new house and moved them from Bree to a small water bottle. But I found that two bean sprouts seemed to nod their heads and haven't grown up. Maybe they grew up late! And that branch, Duxiu, was rushing up, and a very long stem had emerged from the middle of the watercress. There was a thin layer of hair on the stem, and two small leaves were emerging from the top of the stem.

Seeing them growing vigorously every day, I felt happy.

Observation on germination of soybean (7)

It's sunny on Monday, November 3

Today, the teacher asked us to go home and soak soybeans, and then observe the changes of soybeans in the water. As soon as school was over, I quickly returned home, took out a cup full of water, grabbed a handful of soybeans left by my mother's soymilk and put them into the cup. Then I waited patiently, wondering what would happen to soybeans.

Tuesday, November 4, sunny

Today, when I got up, I went to see the changes of soybeans. The soybeans have become fat, the skin of the beans has begun to crack, there is much less water, and the color of the water has also changed.

In the evening, I came home from school. As soon as school was over, I hurried home to observe the soybeans. Soybeans have gained a lot of weight, and their skins begin to fall off, and they can't even wear clothes. But the soybeans still didn't sprout, and I gave them fresh water.

Friday, November 7, cloudy

In the past two days, soybeans have grown very fast. I found a line on the beans. The line changed from yellow to green, and finally sprouted small buds. The buds were short, thin, pointed, and tender, like grass just sticking out. Today I came to observe that the body of the bud was white, but why did some buds have been broken? Mother said it was because the container was small. Then I put them in the basin.

Sunday, November 9, sunny

Today, I got up and went to see soybeans again. "Wow!"! Can you guess what they have become? Let me tell you! They became bean sprouts. Boys and girls, let's have a try!

Observation on germination of soybean (8)

(1) Xiaodoudou's happy life

Xiaodoudou's family is very happy!

First of all, let's talk about the shy Hongdou sisters. They were originally very slim, but when they came to Huang Dou's house, they were "getting fat" day by day. I wonder if they would "thank" Huang Dou? Let's talk about Hercules' brother Heidou. They live a happy life. They sleep well and drink well every day. Other Doudou envy them very much. The most proud one is the owner, Huang Dou. They don't have to feel uncomfortable because he is the "owner" of the mansion. Of course, they are also very proud of themselves.

As time goes by, Doudou people also have some obvious changes. They are all "fattening"! Soya beans also have a short tail, which is the happy and happy life of Doudou people.

(2) Xiaodoudou sprouts

As time goes by, Xiaodoudou's shell is broken.

Look, the soybeans have grown short tails, and their buds fall down from their heads, some like little girls with braids, and some of them turn around like a delicate belt!

Miss Red Bean's clothes are broken, but they haven't sprouted yet. It seems that the designer should first make a special one for her!

Mung Dou didn't listen to me. He deliberately cut a hole in his clothes, exposing his small arm. He wore a short sleeved "T-shirt" in winter. I really want to ask him if he is cold! Grandma Peanut has also grown a short tail, which really makes me feel incredible!

Look, Doudou people have grown tails. Our dreams have come true!

(3) Xiaodoudou is sick

Xiaodoudou people have been ill for some reason recently. They are lying listlessly in the mansion.

Look, although Mung Dou has a long tail, half of their heads are black. Did they get the viral "bean flu"?

Look at Grandma Peanut again! Eh? Although they have long tails like bees, how come they are sticky?

Did Mr. Lu hurt them? The water in the mansion is chaotic! Maybe it's because they haven't had sunshine for a long time!

Alas, poor little Doudous, when will you recover!

Observation on germination of soybean (9)

Friday, March 19, 20xx Sunny

Since the teacher asked us to keep an observation diary, I hurried home to find beans as soon as school was over. The seed I chose was soybeans. I first took a plate, then put a paper towel on the bottom of the plate, then put the seeds on it, and finally poured some warm water down. According to the teacher, this can make the seeds germinate quickly. After I finished all this, I put the plate on the balcony, and then thought to myself: seeds, seeds, germinate quickly!

Tuesday, March 23, 20xx Sunny

Four days later, the seeds were all full, and all took off their pale yellow clothes. Some seeds were eager to be "on/off the gun" and "on the vanguard", so they dug out their milky "little heads" early. Some seeds were slow and refused to probe, just like a shy little girl.

Thursday, March 25, 20xx, cloudy to clear

Six days later, I had to change my paper towel, add water or change water every day. Finally, the soybean who became the "pioneer" grew a purple stem with a half split bean on it. There are fine hairs on the stem, and the half split bean is also wrinkled, like the wrinkles of the old granny when she is angry. A thin, tender bud also sprouted from the half split bean. I believe that in the near future, "Pioneer" will grow two tender green leaves!

Observation on germination of soybean (10)

The teacher asked us to keep an observation diary, and I decided to observe the sprouting of soybeans.

I took a small bowl, put beans in it, poured half a bowl of water, covered it with wet cloth, and looked forward to the miracle.

The next day, I opened the wet cloth, wow! Those soybeans have become larger, some of which are already half a finger. It absorbs all the water. I washed the wet cloth and covered it.

On the third day, I opened the wet cloth again and looked at the soybeans. "Ah! The sprouts have sprouted." I saw that all three soybeans had sprouted more than 0.3cm, white and sharp, like newborn tadpoles. I was so happy that I immediately washed the wet cloth and carefully covered the beans.

On the fourth day, my grandfather called me, "Stone, come and have a look!" I ran to it quickly, wow! Great! Those three soybeans have grown into seedlings! Each plant is 3 or 4 cm tall, more like a small tadpole, very cute.

The process of soybean sprouting into seedlings is really interesting! Now the seedlings are growing every day! I will protect and nurture them carefully.

Observation on germination of soybean (11)

September 18, 20xx, Friday, cloudy

Today, the teacher gave us a special assignment. You must be surprised, that is, soaking beans.

I picked up a glass of water and a handful of beans at noon according to my teacher's instructions. I kneaded the beans in my hand, rolled them, and rubbed them. I felt as if there was a masseur hiding in the beans who was massaging me. It was very comfortable. I smelled the beans again. There was a fishy smell. I took out a soybean and touched it. It was smooth, like a girl's face. There was a black dot on the soybean, like a girl's smiling mouth. When I put soybeans into the water, a little bubble appeared from time to time on the water surface, as if to welcome them. This is really a glass of magic water. The girl who just entered the room turned into a wrinkled granny in just a few minutes. I can't believe my eyes. I took out a bean and it was really wrinkled. Probably when I went to school in the afternoon, the soybeans got a little bigger.

I went home immediately after school in the evening. When I got home, I couldn't even take my schoolbag, so I couldn't wait to see soybeans. "Good heavens!" I couldn't help crying. The soybeans were many times larger than before, but the water was much less. These soybeans now look like steamed buns just out of the oven, very smooth. The water became yellow and fishy. I changed the water according to the way our teacher taught us this evening, waiting for the next day.

Saturday, September 19, 20xx Light rain

Today, I wanted to let soybeans sprout quickly with a feeling of expectation, as if God and I were anxious to cry.

In the evening, I went to observe soybeans, and found that some of them had begun to peel off the outer layer of skin. After that layer of skin had peeled off, the small black spots that had originally grown beside soybeans disappeared. Now the end of the soybean is obviously enlarged. I take out a soybean again and pinch it. Although it can't be broken, it is much softer than the original. With a little effort, the soybean comes out of the skin. I found a small bud sprouting from the enlarged hair of soybean. The bud was light yellow, and the small bud was close to soybean, like a baby nestling in her mother's arms. I smelt the taste of beans, which is very similar to the strong soymilk just made. I took a bite of the bean. It's just the same, very crisp. I found a little oil on the water when the soybeans were shining under the lamp. I thought that there was soybean oil in the supermarket. Maybe the soybeans were soaked for too long, so I soaked the soybean oil out!

I changed the water for soybeans again, looking forward to the surprise of soybeans tomorrow.

Sunday, September 20, 20xx Light rain

I have finally waited until tonight. What surprises will soybeans bring to me now?

I uncovered the cloth that had covered soybeans for a day, and found that soybeans had not changed much today, but more soybeans began to peel, and the roots of some buds had pierced the skin. I found that the color of the skin was very thick, but the color of the soybeans without the skin was very light. It seems that soybeans are so yellow because of this skin! I thought: Why do people call them soybeans? They should be called soybean skins. I took out the beans that I had peeled yesterday. When I squeezed them, they immediately became two pieces. Eh, why didn't you smell the beany smell today? Yes, I can smell the smell of beans when I stand aside. Why can't I? When I came to the side, the beans gave off the smell of soymilk. At the same time, I thought of another question. Why did beans keep growing two days ago, especially on Friday afternoon. I checked some books about plants. It turns out that as soon as soybeans are put into water, they will absorb water to meet their growth needs.

Today, I washed the soybeans and covered them with cloth. Let's see what will happen tomorrow.

Monday, September 21, 20xx Sunny

When I came home from school this afternoon, I rushed to see how my bean sprouts were growing as soon as my schoolbag was put away. When I opened the cloth covering the bean sprouts, I saw that the bean sprouts had grown up obviously, but they were different in length and most of them were curved. Some bean sprouts are white and fat, like an Arabic numeral "9" and a happy note. Some of them are thin and small, totally a "stunted" look, ugly. I got close to the plate and smelled a faint smell. I asked my mother what was going on. My mother said, "The growth of soybean sprouts needs air. If you soak in water for a long time, it will smell if you do not touch the air. The smell you just smelled is from decayed and non germinated soybeans." After listening to my mother, I went to pick out the rotten and non germinating beans and threw them away, leaving some sturdy 'bean sprouts' for me to continue my observation. But there is not much left.

I changed the water for the beans again, covered them with wet cloth, and looked forward to the changes of soybean sprouts tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 20xx Sunny

As soon as I came home tonight, I was surprised to find that the bean sprouts had grown.

The root of bean sprout is light yellow, the more backward it is, the thinner it is, and the thicker it is closer to the bean sprout. The roots feel smooth and smooth. I have never seen such roots. It seems that a layer of oil has just been applied. When I squeezed the root, water immediately came out of it. Oh! I didn't expect this one to be so thick and smooth because it's full of water! Then look at the bean paste. The bottom edge is white, the middle is a little light green, and the top is yellow. The coat of bean paste is really beautiful. Now bean sprouts have almost no taste, only a faint fishy smell. I took a ruler to measure it, and it was five centimeters. I can't believe that bean sprouts grow so fast. Mother looked and said; "The bean sprouts will not change much after they grow like this. It's almost the same as the bean sprouts we usually eat.

Although there is not much left, my mother still promised me to cook for me at noon tomorrow. I really look forward to the taste of the soybean sprouts I planted!

Observation on germination of soybean (12)

October 1st Thursday Sunny

I'm tired of eating fish and meat during the National Day holiday. I want to eat some delicious vegetables. Mother had a brainwave and said, "Let's eat the bean sprouts." I clapped my hands and said, "Great!" Just do it. I grabbed a handful of beans. They were round and plump, only the size of my little finger tips. They were all wrapped in a dark yellow "coat" with a small "white button" in the middle. Mother told me that the bud would stick its head out from this place. They sing songs and jump from my fingers to the basin. Pour in a pot of water, and they will take a comfortable bath.

After a long time, they were swollen by the water and made several cracks in their clothes. They really looked like the wrinkles on Grandpa's face and his body became soft. After a few hours, they expanded like balloons, and the wrinkles disappeared, as if they were about to burst. The color has also become lighter. It seems that this bath is very enjoyable. Well, they have to change their homes.

I took out a large net basin, carefully fished out "little fat people" and gently sent them to their new home. Then, I covered a thin gauze above their heads, which is both breathable and comfortable. Finally, I took the net basin to a warm place and let them sleep at home.

My heart is full of expectation and a little worry. I really hope they can grow up quickly and sprout smoothly.

It rains on Saturday, October 3

One day later, when I went to visit them again, they grew thin tails and threw their light yellow coats aside, as if the pots were not just sprouting soybeans, but a group of snow-white "tadpoles". Another night, they miraculously stood up. Although they were short, they stood straight as soldiers. They hang their heads like mature rice ears. Full of joy, I reached out and gently stroked them. They were smooth and tender, as if smeared with oil, reminding people of the most tender skin they had ever touched. Eh, how did they stand up? Soon, I found the secret. Their roots drilled holes in the bottom of the basin and stretched out like Grandpa's white hair, firmly holding the basin - that's how they stood up.

Wednesday, October 7, cloudy

In the next few days, they grew fast, like bamboo shoots springing up after rain, and pulled up. They also become beautiful, goose yellow bean paste, white tender stem, moist, water smart, just like a graceful girl. One by one, they form a dense grove. Then look at their roots. Wow, they are long and dense. They are like a thick pile quilt. With the joy of harvest, I carefully cut a cluster of bean sprouts with scissors, leaving only a small part to see the changes after.

Taste the fresh and juicy bean sprouts, and chew them in your mouth. Well, what you grow is different. What about the rest of the cluster? They grow taller, shorter than my middle finger, and taller than my whole palm. The beans become dry and wrinkled. Two tender green leaves emerge from between two watercress, which looks like the "scissors tail" of a swallow, cutting out lovely little lives and great fun of life.

I excitedly took up my pen and wrote down paragraphs of words, recording the happiness of harvest and the wonderful holiday.

Observation on germination of soybean (13)

"Ding dong, ding dong", large, hard, round soybeans one by one jump into the bowl, like athletes diving. I put the bowl on the balcony and filled it with water. The beans began their journey of germination.

One day later, I got up and immediately ran to the balcony. Oh, no! Yesterday, the hard and round soybeans became oval, like a baby drinking enough water. I put my finger into the water and gently touched one of the small soybeans. Unexpectedly, it was much softer. One of the small soybeans actually showed a small crack. I named it "Xiaobai".

The next day, most of the beans had a small seam, and the "Xiaobai" seam was already very large. And some beans are still sleeping late, they don't want to take off their yellow coat.

On the third day, I went to observe the soybean babies. They have grown white "little tails": some like S, some like snakes, and some like a rope. However, those beans that did not show cracks yesterday also have cracks. However, there was still one bean that didn't show a crack. I named it "Lazy Bean"

Finally, on the fourth day, "Lazy Bean" took off his clothes and saw the bright sunshine. But "Xiaobai" has taken off his coat, and other young beans are also trying to take off their clothes. "Lazy young beans" are unwilling to be outdone and grow white buds. The most striking thing is that the buds of "Xiaobai" are about 5cm long, and have grown slender, tender green small leaves. The beans have long and thin stems rolled up, with small green leaves on their heads, and brown 'fuzz' growing below them, which is their root.

The lovely bean sprout babies' happy journey to sprout will soon be over, because they will become a delicacy on our table.

Observation on germination of soybean (14)

Diary of observing seed soybean germination 1

Friday, September 20, sunny

Today, I planted six soybeans with my hope. I first found a lot of fine sand downstairs, then put the sand into a small flowerpot, then inserted several small holes in the flowerpot with a pencil, carefully put the soybeans into the small flowerpot, and finally buried the soybeans with my fingers, placed them on my balcony, and carefully watered them with a small kettle, yeah! The seeding is finished. How excited! I hope they can grow up quickly.

September 23, Tuesday Sunny

Today, when I came home from school, I finished my homework and went to fill my little kettle with water to water the six small soybeans I planted three days ago. When I was about to water them, I was surprised to find, ah! Two small soybeans sprouted! I sang and danced happily, and I was too excited to describe it. I gently touched the sprout of little soya bean, wow, soft, really comfortable! The white buds are sharp, like the curved horns of a calf. They are just white and tender, which makes people want to touch them with their hands.

September 25th, Thursday, sunny

Today, when I came home from school, I hurried to the balcony to observe my soybeans. The sprouts of soybeans were three centimeters high, and there were a little green stems on the white buds. I quickly reflected that, oh, the leaves were going to grow. The little leaf stems on the white buds were like an earthworm full of small thorns. The other four small soybeans also sprouted, and those small sprouts are so cute. I quickly found a small kettle to water the fruits of my labor, hoping that they can grow up faster.

Diary of observing seed soybean germination 2

Tuesday, October 27, cloudy

Today, Mr. Ma, the teacher of "learning by doing", gave our group three soybean seeds and told us to carefully observe and record the growth process of soybean after we went home. As soon as I stepped into my house, I was clamoring to plant soybeans. Just as I was going to put soybeans into a paper basin, my grandmother told me, "Soy beans should be soaked for one night before they grow." I doubtfully followed my grandmother's advice, found a plastic cup, put soybeans in, and scooped a few spoons of water, covering the surface of soybeans, I thought to myself: Do soybeans sprout when soaked in water?

Wednesday, October 28, cloudy to cloudy

In the morning, the first thing I do after I get up is to see if there is any change in soybeans. At first glance, soybeans seem to have gained some weight. Maybe it is my psychological role, hoping that soybeans will grow up quickly. My mother urged me to go to school quickly, "Why are you in such a hurry? You can wait until you come back from school." When I returned home from school, I still went to visit soybeans first, There are some black spots on it. Then I moved three soybeans into a paper plate, gently spread a spoonful of soil, sprinkled three or four spoonfuls of water, and gently covered the soybeans with a paper towel. Then I carefully moved the paper plate to the balcony and placed it beside the windowsill, hoping that soybeans could receive more sunshine and fresh air.

Thursday, October 29, cloudy to light rain

After getting up in the morning, I went to the window sill to observe the seeds. But soybeans are still the same as yesterday, no change, I am a little disappointed.

Friday, October 30, light rain turns overcast

Today's soybeans are still the same, lying listlessly at the bottom of the plate. I thought: "It won't die, will it?" I was a little upset. Grandma comforted me: "Don't be nervous. The weather is bad these days. Without the sun, soybeans may sprout later." I listened to Grandma's words, and felt much better. I hope it will be a good day tomorrow.

Saturday, October 31, cloudy to shower

Today is the weekend. I got up early. When I saw the weather outside, it was still cloudy, hot and rainy. Now, soybeans will not sprout. I walked to the window sill and glanced into the paper tray. The soil in the tray had turned into mud, and the paper towel covered the surface of soybeans. When I lifted it, I was surprised to find a small opening in the skin of a soya bean seed, from which a small green yellow bud was drilled, with a sharp tip, about 2mm long. I was overjoyed and shouted, "Mom, Grandma, Grandpa, come and see, the soybeans are sprouting!"

Sunday, November 1, light rain to cloudy

Today, I came to see these little lives as usual. The tender bud head is trying to get out of the mother's arms of soybeans. Looking curiously at this wonderful world, I sprinkled some water on the soybeans seeds, and couldn't help saying: "Soybean sprouts, soybean sprouts, grow up quickly!"

Tuesday, November 3

Sunny It's a fine day today. My grandfather moved the paper plate to the sunlight, poured a small spoonful of water on the soybean seeds, and continued to cover them with paper towels. After two days' absence, the sprout head of the soybean seed has grown another 2-3 mm, and the pale yellow of the seed coat gradually has some cyan.

Friday, November 6, sunny to cloudy

Two days later, I came to the windowsill again, slowly lifted the paper towel, and carefully observed the changes in soybeans. At this time, a small green root, thin and soft, hung on the edge of the paper tray. The color of soybean skin has become yellow with green, green with yellow. The opening from the bud head is wider. Unfortunately, only one soybean sprouted, but the other two stopped growing. I am sorry, but also surprised: the original vitality of the plant is so tenacious that it can quietly survive without having to look after it every day for just a few days to drink a little water, bask in the sun, and blow the wind. If it were me, I'm afraid I would not be able to live without drinking water for a day. Suddenly, I thought of my mother who went to Yunnan on business. I wonder if she can adapt to the plateau climate there.

Sunday, November 8, cloudy to cloudy

My mother came back from Yunnan. I was very happy. Before my mother could sit down, I held a paper plate for growing soybeans and showed it to my mother: "Mom, look, soybeans sprouted. The root grew 2 cm long, but two soybeans died." My mother touched my head, "It doesn't matter," he said with a smile, "because you have the experience of planting soybeans this time, you will grow better next time, and more soybeans will sprout."

It rains on Thursday, November 12

I've been busy with the mid-term exam these days, and I forgot to go to see soybeans. Today, I finally passed the exam. On my way home, my grandfather told me that the root of soybeans was four or five centimeters long, and now there was no need to cover paper towels. However, it was very cold and rainy these days, so I needed to keep warm. As soon as I got home, I went straight to the balcony. As my grandfather said, the crack of the only living soybean turned it into two fingernail sized bean petals. The skin was basically changed into green clothes, but the mud wrapped outside made the clothes dirty. However, this does not affect the growth of the soybean root, which is not as soft as the one seen a few days ago. Although soybeans are still planted on the windowsill, the public relations department has installed the window to prevent the cold wind from freezing the new life.

Sunday, November 15

Rain Today, please enjoy my masterpiece! After more than half a month of cooperation with my family, we finally have a bean sprout that grows to 6-7cm long. Although there is only one sprout, it doesn't matter. With this valuable planting experience, more sprouts will surely survive next time.

Observation on germination of soybean (15)

Just do what you want. First, I'll find a small transparent and delicate glass and fill it with half a glass of water. I was looking for more than a dozen soybeans, put them carefully into the water, and kept saying, "Baby Beans, grow fast! Grow fast!"

Mom heard this and said with a smile, "What's the hurry? It takes three days to sprout! It also depends on whether your cup is clean, and there should be no dirt in the water! Otherwise, your beans will rot!"

It's so hard to produce bean sprouts! Stealing so many "rules and regulations"! But I'm not afraid. When I finished my homework and had a rest, I went to see them for a while, and found that the skin of Doubaobao was a little wrinkled. I'm so happy!

I really hope my beans can grow healthily and sprout quickly!