Colorful Life (20 preferred)
Middle aged messenger
2024-02-17 08:33:26
Senior 2

Colorful Life (1)

With the sound of cicadas getting louder and louder, we also ushered in the long-awaited summer vacation.

Summer life is hot. In the morning, I followed my father to run in the morning. I also jumped from time to time, reflecting the youth's vitality; In the afternoon, I came to the table tennis room and played a fierce game with my classmates. "Deng" the other party served. I held the racket tightly and watched the table tennis ball draw a beautiful arc in the air. "Pa" I forced the difficult serve back, and the cheers and shouts of students kept rising in the practice room; In the evening, wearing skates, I skated around the square with beautiful movements, occasionally doing some difficult exercises such as landing on one leg; The energetic sports added a colorful touch to my summer life.

Summer life is blue. In the morning, the "imperial edict" came down, and the "emperor" asked me to finish all the math homework on the Twelve Faces. It seems that there are two villains quarreling in my heart. "What? So many, when can I finish writing?" "But if I don't finish it efficiently, I can't play!" Finally, I was motivated by the desire to play, and began to write quickly... Just after finishing my math homework, my mother threw me a copy of "Yang's Generals". Although it was very helpless, it was fortunately my favorite book, Lying on the five fingered chair leisurely enjoying the wonderful content, I forgot the time for dinner. Traveling in the ocean of knowledge, I feel extremely relaxed and comfortable

Summer life is green. On the rockery in the park and in the bamboo forest, green trees become overcast. Occasionally, a light breeze blows slowly, which makes people feel relaxed and happy, completely forgetting the heat of the summer. My friends and I are rolling and playing on the grass...... Green brings coolness to my summer vacation.

This is my summer vacation life, my colorful summer vacation life!

Colorful Life (2)

School is about to start. My summer life this year is also colorful. Let me tell you the color of my summer life!

1。 The color corresponding to the worry of too much homework: blue I should be in Grade 5 at the beginning of school, so I left a lot of homework this summer vacation. I thought to myself: there is too much homework, so there is still time to play? I can't help but do my homework well. I'm so pathetic, so worried! Reason: Because blue means melancholy, I think it fits well.

2。 The color corresponding to the ease of writing homework: Although there are so many green homework, I finally finished writing it, and I felt a special sense of relief (in the words of the advertisement, it is: refreshing). Reason: Because green has a refreshing feeling 3. I'm very happy to play in Tianshan Sea World. The corresponding color is red. This summer, my father and I will go to Shijiazhuang Tianshan Sea World to play. I can't say how happy I am! It's so cool to swim freely in the water! Reason: Because red is a very strong color, which can best express my mood at that time! Are you satisfied with my introduction?

Colorful Life (3)

My life is like a palette. Incomparably colorful, such as red, white, blue... These colorful colors are like beautiful gemstones in a gray city.

The colors of life are different. There is a desire to chase the light cavalry like anxious red; Some want to leave innocence in the noble white world; Cherish the blue color of the lofty ideal like the Qin Emperor and Han Wu...... But I think the most representative of life is the happy orange color.

Orange joy comes from the joy of success when I study things in life.

Many times, I often study all kinds of things, such as subway, space, national geography, unmanned aerial vehicles... This gives me great happiness. At the end of a science class, I strongly disagreed with the teacher's view on magnitude (brightness). After the vacation, I immediately went to Boku Book City and bought a book about the sun and the sky - "Stargazing". I searched countless materials and several books, but the passage of time and the talk of my classmates made me feel more anxious. Finally one day, I found the information about star magnitude, which broke the teacher's point of view, which made me very happy. When I found the truth, I felt excited and excited.

This journey to find the answers has taught me that I should not lose my thinking because of the teacher's power and prestige, but should act to find the truth.

This happy orange is the heaviest one in my life. But only other more colors can make life full of happiness.

Colorful Life (4)

Life is like a colorful picture. There are red, yellow and blue in this painting... many colors constitute a colorful life. Therefore, life is colorful.

There are many colors in life, such as red. This red represents a lot, just like the blood flowing from the soldiers to defend the motherland. In those days, it was the revolutionary soldiers who paid with blood and sweat. They fought against each other in the battlefield with guns and bullets. They fought with the enemy with swords, guns, sticks and sticks, and finally got the hard won good life today; This red flag also reminds me of the bright five-star red flag, which is dyed by the blood of the revolutionaries. This five-star red flag symbolizes the People's Republic of China, which is rising slowly, just like the Chinese people standing up; In addition, it also reminds me of bright red apples and other fruits. One bite is crisp and moist, with fresh and tender gravy and sufficient nutrition. Not only the taste, but also the appearance is colorful. When you look at it, your drool turns back to drooling

Besides red, there is yellow. It represents something else. Just like the wheat fields, when the autumn wind blows, it looks like a piece of yellow cloth from a distance, and like the Yellow Sea when you swim near. When the wheat is ripe, the farmers are excited to hold the sickle like a crescent moon and dance, singing and dancing the harvest. When I saw the smiles again and again and heard the bursts of laughter, it seemed that my heart lit a fire of happiness. Advance with their steps and hearts; In addition, it also reminds me of the withered and yellow leaves falling down. The leaves fall down like butterflies, scattering yellow leaves all over the ground. This spectacle is really exciting and desolate. But this withering is not the end, it is a new beginning. The withered leaves go deep into the soil, turn into new nutrients, and nourish new life; There is also the unforgettable mask of the character in Tibetan opera, which is made of yellow material. It represents auspiciousness. Ancient dragon robes are also yellow, which is really a kind of people's expectation and wish for a better life

The third is blue. If it's blue, I first think of the endless sea. It's cool and exciting. Traveling in the sea, you can blend with the fresh sea breeze and cool sea water, and let me boil and fly without scruple. This may be the enthusiasm and passion of the young generation. Sometimes there will be tsunamis in the blue sea, the waves will be rough, and sometimes it will be calm and relaxed. Maybe only I know this feeling, and maybe everyone knows it; And the intoxicating blue ink. It can write intoxicating books, describe the experience of life, and wield calligraphy characters with infinite charm. The words are written in blue, sometimes vigorous and heroic, sometimes handsome and handsome, and sometimes well timed; The second is the boundless sky like the sea. The sky is high enough for birds to fly. Indeed, there are many birds flying in the sky, passing through white clouds, bathing in warm sunshine. The blue curtain behind, and the boundless light in front. How high and wide the sky is, if everyone's mind can do the same, the whole world will live in harmony and prosper.

These three colors are the most beautiful colors that can express people's life. These many colors are dazzling and lively. Life is colorful.

Colorful Life (5)

"Pordon" suddenly, I was crushed to the ground, and my back was in severe pain. Ah! On my back, there are two mountains "rising from the flesh". They stand tall and stand with four big characters, namely "achievement" and "ranking". When I was thinking hard, I fainted down the mountain because of exhaustion.
"Writing homework and sleeping" my mother shouted, my eyes opened gray, and a lot of homework in front of me made a big jump. "Yes, I still do my homework. How can I fall asleep?" I stood up and walked a few steps. The bone made a sound of "clunking clunking clunking". After sitting for a day, the bone was stiff, but my falling grades and my mother's endless nagging forced me to work hard. I can't keep working hard.
Although we don't have mountains on our backs, the pressure on our hearts must be as heavy as two mountains. That is a key school. The mountains built for us by our parents and teachers are the ones we should have become dull with color, leaving only learning. Is it not good to let our world have more colors after learning?
attend class;class begins
The examination results and ranking have become the only standard to measure a person, which confines us to our own world. Green is everywhere. Green is the dream of parents and our shackles. We should be happy, not let us have only one color!

Colorful Life (6)

My brush must be painted with pure white.

White snowflakes, white carrier pigeons, white clouds, white sailboats.

When he touched the crystal snowflakes with his hands.

You will see the snowman smiling happily.

My brush must be painted in blue.

Blue water, blue lake, swans swim on the blue sea.

When he smelled the salt of the sea.

You will see the blue waves of the sea.

In my picture, I also want to paint emerald green.

Green fields, green hillsides, green grasslands, green farms.

When he breathed the air of the field.

You will see the earth is full of vitality.

In my picture, I also want to paint bright red.

Red clouds, red campfires, red fruits, red flowers.

Flowers are smiling faces.

On behalf of you, on behalf of him, and on behalf of me.

Ah, there are too few colors in the world.

I want to paint too many colors.

I want to pave the way for him with color, so that color will shine in front of his eyes forever;

How I want to weave a dream for him with color.

Tell him that life is always a colorful song.

Colorful Life (7)

If I can pick a star in the sky, I will send it to my school, because the school not only taught me knowledge, but also brought me colorful life.

Lively orange life

Today, our class is going to choose a monitor. The first person who came to the stage is XXX. He enunciated clearly and introduced himself very well. The following students listened very carefully. Because his nervous face was slightly red on both sides and his mouth was filled with a bright smile, the students were fascinated by his humorous words and passionate emotions, and the lively orange atmosphere surrounded the class. Finally, the teacher made XXX, a mature and steady student, the monitor.

Warm yellow life

Most of the students in our school are in the school afternoon care. At noon, we queue up to the canteen to have a meal. The life teacher has already helped us with the meal. We talk while eating. The teacher told us not to talk while eating and carefully told us to eat while it was hot. Light words warm our hearts like a touch of warm yellow sunshine.

Enthusiastic red life

Today, our school held a grand sports meeting in the city sports center. At the sound of the gunshot, the athletes rushed forward like arrows leaving the string. The students in each class were cheering for the athletes in their own class. The athletes in our class waved their arms vigorously, their hair ran with the wind like magic, and the whole person rushed towards the end like a red fireball. Finally, she won the first place and successfully entered the finals.

Our school has a lively orange life, a warm yellow life, and a warm red life. If you have a chance, I hope you can introduce the colorful life of your school to me.

If I can pick a star in the sky, I will send it to my school, because the school not only taught me knowledge, but also brought me colorful life.

Lively orange life

Today, our class is going to choose a monitor. The first person who came to the stage is XXX. He enunciated clearly and introduced himself very well. The following students listened very carefully. Because his nervous face was slightly red on both sides and his mouth was filled with a bright smile, the students were fascinated by his humorous words and passionate emotions, and the lively orange atmosphere surrounded the class. Finally, the teacher made XXX, a mature and steady student, the monitor.

Warm yellow life

Most of the students in our school are in the school afternoon care. At noon, we queue up to the canteen to have a meal. The life teacher has already helped us with the meal. We talk while eating. The teacher told us not to talk while eating and carefully told us to eat while it was hot. Light words warm our hearts like a touch of warm yellow sunshine.

Enthusiastic red life

Today, our school held a grand sports meeting in the city sports center. At the sound of the gunshot, the athletes rushed forward like arrows leaving the string. The students in each class were cheering for the athletes in their own class. The athletes in our class waved their arms vigorously, their hair ran with the wind like magic, and the whole person rushed towards the end like a red fireball. Finally, she won the first place and successfully entered the finals.

Our school has a lively orange life, a warm yellow life, and a warm red life. If you have a chance, I hope you can introduce the colorful life of your school to me.

Colorful Life (8)

"Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle." Yes, the primary school life interwoven with happiness, happiness and pain ended in an instant. Leave the school that I just knew, leave the old friends who played in the past, leave the trees and trees in the school, really, really there are too many reluctant to leave······

Remembering the happy and painful primary school life, some people will get angry, some will make people smile, some will make people laugh and laugh······

Five years of primary school life passed so quickly that it pushed me to the door of middle school before I turned around to look at the friends I had just met, before I missed every bit of my alma mater, before I greeted my beloved teachers. Five years of primary school life has been such a happy life: he has won four certificates of "three good students", became an excellent and enviable etiquette team member, and won the laurels of the exam several times... Five years of primary school life has been so bitter: he represented the school to participate in the county level knowledge contest, did not win a place, tug of war contest, and thought his strength was unquestionable, But we lost to Class 52. In the last simulation exam, we, who always ranked top in math, fell to the last place······

Five years of primary school life is a memorable experience. Whether it is color or black and white, now I have a special nostalgia.

Five years of primary school life has ended, my alma mater, open the door, let me see your face; Open the door, let me and my classmates play inside for a while; Open the door and let my teachers give me another lesson!

Colorful Life (9)

As the Chinese people, as the Chinese people, I have never forgotten that the sky of the motherland also needs my slightest embellishment and rendering.

The mountains, rivers and flat hills of the motherland rise one after another and spread all over the world. No one knows that "there is paradise on earth and Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth", and no one knows that "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". The natural scenery handed down by the Chinese nation from ancient times to the present is natural and has infinite charm. Rivers connect to form the essence of the former world, land blocks connect to each other, and the magic between boundaries makes people dizzy with wordless beauty, thorough beauty, and stone piercing beauty. The well-known "Shenzhou VII manned spaceship" carries the expectations and concerns of 13 Chinese people. It releases amazing sounds and sparks in the quiet night, resolutely rushes into the mysterious and vast sky, leaving footprints and history of Chinese people in the dim moon. What a wonderful and historic moment, it not only realized the "flying dream" of Chinese people, let people forever remember the space heroes in their hearts, but also let the universe forever record that there is such a sacred land "China" in the eastern territory. I still remember when I was young, I carried my grandma's sewn backpack, hummed a children's song, and walked on the mud road to school. The school has only one bungalow and five classrooms connected together, which are from grade one to grade five. Each classroom has only one blackboard to act as a door, and the blackboard eraser is a duster. At noon, after school, the students would noisily run to a group and stand in line to lead the school lunch. Looking at the smiles on the students' faces without any impurities, they ate their food quickly one mouthful at a time. In fact, the so-called food only includes wild vegetables and edible grass roots. Monday is the moment when the national flag is raised every week. When the teacher holds a paper trumpet to sing the national anthem, the students quickly raise their hands to the overhead net, and then they can see a long and curved tree trunk slowly raising the fascinating five-star red flag. Although the conditions are difficult, I can appreciate the unpredictable changes of numbers and words in my young mind. The teaching building that could not stop the storm still accompanied me through the innocent and sunny childhood memories, and also aroused the hearts of many eager children. Now, looking around, there are residential buildings, cars, roads and so on everywhere. From kindergarten, primary school, junior high school to the secondary vocational technical school where I am now, with the strong development pace of the country, I, as a farmer's child, also witnessed the improvement and change of the surrounding environment and conditions step by step. I can see that the roads in my hometown have become wider and newer, the buildings have become higher and wider, the trees have become more and more green The hotchpotch of light soup has become the most basic stupor transformation; From the clothes made of a single color to the styles and styles of colorful and diversified classifications, people's living habits have changed, and the quality of life has also improved. We have to say that in the years of gradual change, our life has become colorful, rich and wonderful.

Colorful Life (10)

Colorful lampshade can not add anything to the light; The watercolor at night will not break anything for the darkness.

Black · White

Every day when the board is black and the chalk is white, the world seems to leave only this monotonous and unique collocation. Looking up, it is a colorful formula.

In the compartment, for another scene, the paper is white and the pencil is black. Lowering your head is the question of being squeezed


Grey is the dawn, the sky and the earth that I see every morning as soon as I wake up, and the midnight when I sit in the car and see the sun rising through the glass, but can't break it I hate the dreary grey and the long struggle in the brilliant darkness, just as my struggle in the quilt is accompanied by grey

Faint · Yellow

"Huang" is my surname, and I have a kind of inborn admiration for it. But what I admire is only the golden color that is gushing out, but I don't like the dim yellow. It seems that the hard yellow mixed with black is incongruous. But on the way to school or on the way back, there are always rows or rows of dim lights that make people want to sleep.

Some people say that the faint yellow symbolizes the warm color in the home, perhaps it can create an atmosphere. But my family doesn't use any dim light - although I believe it is suitable to put it in the bedroom.


Transparent water and transparent ice add color to life. This is not my life. It is obvious that I dare not hope for a novelty that is hidden occasionally. What I want to do and think every day is as boring as ice cutting. Before the ice is broken, I have seen what is trapped under the ice. But my ideal is to mine gold. I love the surprise and curiosity, and I love the drive and endless courage

Maybe the life God gave you is too depressing, but the surprise is your own. If you regard a pure piece of ice as a perfect crystal with appreciative eyes in ice chiseling, you will gain more of your own heartache.

Colorful Life (11)

In our ordinary daily life, we often see the figure of composition. Composition is a speech activity with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is a colorful composition of life organized by Xiao Bian for your reference only. Let's have a look.

My life is like a palette. Incomparably colorful, such as red, white, blue... These colorful colors are like beautiful gemstones in a gray city.

The colors of life are different. There is a desire to chase the light cavalry like anxious red; Some want to leave innocence in the noble white world; Cherish the blue color of the lofty ideal like the Qin Emperor and Han Wu...... But I think the most representative of life is the happy orange color.

Orange joy comes from the joy of success when I study things in life.

Many times, I often study all kinds of things, such as subway, space, national geography, unmanned aerial vehicles... This gives me great happiness. At the end of a science class, I strongly disagreed with the teacher's view on magnitude (brightness). After the vacation, I immediately went to Boku Book City and bought a book about the sun and the sky - "Stargazing". I have searched countless materials and several books, but the passage of time and the discussion with my classmates made me feel more anxious. Finally one day, I found the information about star magnitude, which broke the teacher's point of view, which made me very happy. When I found the truth, I felt excited and excited.

This journey to find the answers has taught me that I should not lose my thinking because of the teacher's power and prestige, but should act to find the truth.

This happy orange is the heaviest one in my life. But only other more colors can make life full of happiness.

Colorful Life (12)

Open a box of colored pens, and all kinds of colors will appear in front of you. I like green, it is life; Like white, it is pure; Like pink, that is love. Hate blue, that's bad luck; I hate black. It's dark. Hate yellow, it's chaos. Don't all kinds of colors accompany us in life?


It seems that all the unlucky things are concentrated on Friday, one by one like going to the market

In the morning, I opened my bleary eyes. Wow, it's still so dark. It's definitely not late. Let's sleep for a while. Dong, Dong, Dong... I don't know how many times I have played, but I suddenly feel late! As I expected, it's almost too late, 10 minutes, only 10 minutes, God! Brushing my teeth and washing my face, I just wanted my father to send me to school, but I remembered that today my father left early and I went to school by myself. Yo, this is terrible. I got on the bus and hurried to school. Although I tried my best, it was still late. Finally, I escaped the eyes of my classmates. The teacher came again and criticized me, which made me blush. I'm so miserable!

The unlucky blue immediately surrounded me.


Hey, I finally got to the fourth class, self-study class. The head teacher talked a lot of things, but it was not easy to finish, and the time also spent half. We couldn't help murmuring.

It's time to do my homework. I just picked up my pen and lowered my head to write. As I was writing, suddenly, several bright red plum blossom prints appeared on the book. My god, my nose was broken. I was busy holding my nose in my hand, not wanting to disturb the students around me, but my deskmate found me. She spoke quickly and reported to the teacher in a hurry. My heart was filled with gratitude. It's so good between classmates!

When the teacher came here, I thought that the teacher would let me wash myself. Such a teacher was seen on TV a lot, but unexpectedly, the teacher put his hand on my forehead to stop bleeding. The teacher's hand was cold, but my heart was warm!

Pink peach blossom, filled with winter snow!


I like to make friends and have good popularity. So, no matter where you are, you will have friends.

Recently, I got to know a big sister who is very close to me. She always likes to help me solve all kinds of problems. I remember one time, I couldn't do a question, but my family was not at home, so I thought of this big sister on the Internet. So he hurried to consult her online. Thankfully, she is online. So I told her the problem. She promised to help me think. But then trouble came again. My god, my computer crashed unexpectedly. This is terrible. It can't be restarted. Alas, God is so annoying! I really want to cry in despair. At this time, the phone rang, and I reluctantly picked it up. Unexpectedly, it was the big sister. In order to help me solve the problem, she consulted many people. When she came back, she found that I was not online, so she called me. You know, long distance is very expensive. Usually, a few of my classmates are reluctant to call me, and she has spent so long for me! My tears could not help rolling in my eyes. It's not worth making such a good friend!

White snowflakes, fluttering in my heart, like catkins in March, so beautiful! This is the true angel dancing with wings!

Colorful Life (13)

From my previous perspective, is life colorful? No, no, it's just a piece of white paper with three words written on it: eat, sleep and go to school. The same time, the same action, the same boring, even the only few photos on white paper are gray. Is it true that life is like this, without any color?

I don't think so. I just imagine it too ordinary and simple. Life is every day. Although it is simple and simple, it is not without color. We look at the same life with different attitudes, and life is given color by us. As the Buddhist saying goes, everything is born from the heart. In the face of roses, it is up to you whether you see a beautiful flower or a prickle. If you look at life from different perspectives and attitudes, you can see a world full of miracles, happiness and happiness. I think this is the essence of life.

Start with the simplest love of life and change all previous views on life. You can love the world when you wake up in the morning. You can love the sun, love the selflessness of the sun, love your parents, and love many things they do for you. At school, you can love teachers, classmates, knowledge, books, words

You can love all kinds of things, which will add a bright color to life, making life more interesting and emotional. As long as you come to appreciate and feel life from different perspectives and different attitudes, your life will be colorful.

Colorful Life (14)

Life is colorful, I took the certificate and rushed home. Life is red. Wearing a beautiful scarf to school. Life is pink.

Drink delicious soymilk. Life is white.

Life is red: I'm going to learn electronic piano again this afternoon. Enter the teacher's door and say hello to the teacher. Play a wonderful tune and look at the teacher. The teacher showed a very serious face. "I must be criticized again," I whispered. Unexpectedly, the teacher said, "You have passed Level 8 of the electronic organ. Congratulations." I suddenly showed my surprise. As soon as class was over, I took my certificate and rushed home. I feel the joy of success. Life is red.

Life is pink: I rush home to do my homework after school. Seeing my mother knitting something on the sofa, I went back to my room to do my homework without asking more questions. The next morning, when I was preparing to go to school, my mother took out the things she had woven yesterday and said to me, "Don't freeze at school, child." So she put them on for me. I looked at this beautiful pink scarf and couldn't close my mouth happily. I wear the pink love and feel the great maternal love. Life is pink.

Life is white: get up early in the morning and see the delicious breakfast on the table. Grandma was pouring delicious soymilk. I picked up the cup of soymilk and drank it at one go. Grandma asked me if I wanted to drink, and I hurried to say yes. I hold the hot soymilk in my hand and feel the warmth of home. Life is white.

Do you feel the colorful life?

Colorful Life (15)

In the vast nature, there are colorful flowers with rich fragrance; In the magical animal world, there are colorful chameleons; In the broad art of painting, there are also colorful colors. People's lives are also colorful and interesting. But I was once cheated by color!

For a period of time, my mother worked in the supermarket and often could get back some superfluous gifts. Although they are not useful, they have become my free toys. Of course I like them! Once, my mother brought back a very unique cup from the supermarket. The body of this cup is dark blue and porcelain. What fascinated me in particular was the cup handle in the shape of "two dragons playing with pearls", which I never tire of watching and fondling.

At my mother's request, I put it into the disinfection cabinet for disinfection. When the set time passed, I was shocked when I opened the door of the disinfection cabinet with some residual temperature. What I saw was a green porcelain cup! It's strange. Where is the dark blue gift cup? Where did this green cup come from? Did you enter the thief? A thief can't steal only one cup! Question marks were writhing in my mind. So I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find the cup. After searching for more than ten minutes, they still disappeared. I helplessly held the green cup I had just taken out. It scared me a lot. But I'm quite sure that the gift cup is in front of me! Because it is still a cup handle in the shape of "two dragons playing with a pearl", and as the temperature decreases, the green gradually turns back to dark blue.

Does this cup change color automatically? With a bellyful of question marks, I consulted the computer. Input "Is there any cup that will change color?" Press the Enter key, and the result comes out! Baidu Encyclopedia gave me the answer. This kind of cup is called a color changing cup. It changes color when encountering high temperature. Some even can change into a variety of patterns. To my surprise, someone has customized this color changing cup. Because this cup has temperature sensitive material, which can withstand high temperature of 320 ℃, is non-toxic, lead-free, and chromium free!

But my love of making trouble has come back. Is that true? My discovery today may be accidental. I decided to do the experiment myself.

I first boiled a pot of water, made a cup of tea with a color changing cup, and watched it change. The miracle happened again. When the hot water touched the cup, the cup turned green! This conclusion is absolutely correct.

This wonderful color change not only made me understand the chameleon cup, but also made me feel the wonder of science.

Our life is also colorful.

Colorful Life (16)

With the sound of cicadas getting louder and louder, we also ushered in the long-awaited summer vacation.

Summer life is hot. In the morning, I followed my father to run in the morning, and I jumped up from time to time, reflecting the vitality of the youth; In the afternoon, I came to the table tennis room and played a fierce game with my classmates. "Deng" the other party served. I held the racket tightly and watched the table tennis ball draw a beautiful arc in the air. "Pa" I forced the difficult serve back, and the cheers and shouts of students kept rising in the practice room; In the evening, wearing skates, I skated around the square with beautiful movements, occasionally doing some difficult exercises such as landing on one leg; The energetic sports added a colorful touch to my summer life.

Summer life is blue. In the morning, the "imperial edict" came down, and the "emperor" asked me to finish all the math homework on the Twelve Faces. It seems that there are two villains quarreling in my heart. "What? So many, when can I finish writing?" "But if I don't finish it efficiently, I can't play!" Finally, I was motivated by the desire to play, and began to write quickly... Just after finishing my math homework, my mother threw me a copy of "Yang's Generals". Although it was very helpless, it was fortunately my favorite book, Lying on the five fingered chair, enjoying the wonderful content leisurely, I forgot the time for dinner. Traveling in the ocean of knowledge, I feel extremely relaxed and comfortable

Summer life is green. On the rockery in the park and in the bamboo forest, green trees become overcast. Occasionally, a light breeze blows slowly, which makes people feel relaxed and happy, completely forgetting the heat of the summer. My friends and I are rolling and playing on the grass...... Green brings coolness to my summer vacation.

This is my summer vacation life, my colorful summer vacation life!

Colorful Life (17)

Life is colorful.

I took the certificate and rushed home. Life is red.

Wearing a beautiful scarf to school. Life is pink.

Drink delicious soymilk. Life is white.

Life is red: I'm going to learn electronic piano again this afternoon. Enter the teacher's door and say hello to the teacher. Play a wonderful tune and look at the teacher. The teacher showed a very serious face. I must be criticized again. I whispered. Unexpectedly, the teacher said: You have passed the level 8 of electronic organ. Congratulations. Suddenly I showed a surprised expression. As soon as class was over, I took my certificate and rushed home. I feel the joy of success. Life is red.

Life is pink: I rush home to do my homework after school. Seeing my mother knitting something on the sofa, I went back to my room to do my homework without asking more questions. The next morning, when I was preparing for school, my mother took out the things she had woven yesterday and said to me, "Don't be frozen at school, child.". So he put it on for me. I looked at this beautiful pink scarf and couldn't close my mouth happily. I wear this pink love and feel this great 'mother love'. Life is pink.

Life is white: get up early in the morning and see the delicious breakfast on the table. Grandma was pouring delicious soymilk. I picked up the cup of soymilk and drank it at one go. Grandma asked me if I wanted to drink, and I hurried to say yes. I hold the hot soymilk in my hand and feel the warmth of home. Life is white.

Do you feel the colorful life?

Colorful Life (18)

With the sound of cicadas getting louder and louder, we also ushered in the long-awaited summer vacation. Summer life is hot.

In the morning, I followed my father to run in the morning. I also jumped from time to time, reflecting the youth's vitality; In the afternoon, I came to the table tennis room and played a fierce game with my classmates. "Deng" the other party served. I held the racket tightly and watched the table tennis ball draw a beautiful arc in the air. "Pa" I forced the difficult serve back, and the cheers and shouts of students kept rising in the practice room; In the evening, wearing skates, I skated around the square with beautiful movements, occasionally doing some difficult exercises such as landing on one leg; The energetic sports added a colorful touch to my summer life. Summer life is blue.

In the morning, the "imperial edict" came down, and the "emperor" asked me to finish all the math homework on the Twelve Faces. It seems that there are two villains quarreling in my heart. "What? So many, when can I finish writing?" "But if I don't finish it efficiently, I can't play!" Finally, I was motivated by the desire to play, and began to write quickly... Just after finishing my math homework, my mother threw me a copy of "Yang's Generals". Although it was very helpless, it was fortunately my favorite book, Lying on the five finger chair, enjoying the wonderful content leisurely, I forgot the time for dinner. Traveling in the ocean of knowledge, I feel extremely relaxed and comfortable... Summer life is green. On the rockery in the park and in the bamboo forest, green trees become overcast. Occasionally, a light breeze blows slowly, which makes people feel relaxed and happy, completely forgetting the heat of the summer. My friends and I are rolling and playing on the grass...... Green brings coolness to my summer vacation.

This is my summer vacation life, my colorful summer vacation life!

Colorful Life (19)

In daily study, work and life, everyone has tried to write a composition. With the help of composition, you can vent your feelings and adjust your mood. So have you learned about composition? The following is a colorful composition of my summer life in the second day of junior high, which I hope will be helpful to you.

I'm so happy! The two month summer vacation came, and I thought: Now I can play carefree and travel! However, on second thought, there are two months in the summer vacation, and my mother said a few days ago that she would report to me. At the thought of this, my mental head dropped by half, so I had to wait patiently for my mother's arrangement.

From the first day of the holiday, I began to attend the "cram school" that my mother reported to me. I have to go to class every day. I get up early in the morning and come back late in the evening. At the beginning of the last few days, I couldn't bear it. I thought: I am so tired every day. What should I do during the holiday! Otherwise, I won't go. However, although I was a little tired in class, it still helped me. I firmly said to myself, "Don't be afraid, bite the bullet and stick to the past, it's only one month." Then for more than half a month, I took classes as a pleasure. I listened carefully in class. In addition to writing summer homework, I also prepared in advance when I came home. In this way, July was quickly used up by me. I think: this July is very meaningful, and I had a very full and happy life. If I had given up, I might have been mediocre for a month, and the good time of a month would have been wasted. I'm glad that I chose the sunshine road of "persistence". This month, persistence has made me fruitful; It is persistence that makes me return with full load.

Because I did well in July and finished my homework, my mother rewarded me for traveling to Mount Tai.

On that day, the three of our family took the train to Taishan Mountain to play. What a high mountain! My father and I climbed very fast. Only my mother was not strong enough, and fell far behind me. I ran up and down, just like a happy rabbit. In this way, we eat and climb while enjoying the beautiful scenery. The delicious food in our hands is less and less, but the garbage is more and more. In a twinkling of an eye, I came to the place where the Five Mountains are Supreme. I saw a lot of big characters written on one side of the cliff. What beautiful characters! I ran towards the big characters while I was talking! Don't mention the happiness in your heart! After appreciating the calligraphy, I sat by the city wall to rest and still ate fruit. Let's not mention the happiness. Accidentally, the garbage bag was moved outside the wall. I thought to myself, it's not on the road anyway, so let's leave it alone. Seeing the steep cliff outside the wall, I thought I must be careful! I left there and walked a short distance. The more I thought about it, the more I felt uncomfortable. If everyone like me dropped the garbage outside the wall, wouldn't the garbage be higher than the city wall? Thinking of this, I immediately ran back. At that moment, I saw a moving scene: a big foreign sister was coming towards us with my garbage bag, and my face turned red! Foreign sister's environmental awareness is really good! I am inferior to her. At this time, Mom and Dad came over. Mom was embarrassed to go to the foreign sister and take our garbage bag. I didn't know how to explain it to her... I swear that I will be a little guard of environmental protection in the future.

I have to walk a lot in the mountains. Although I feel very tired, I still insist. Because we have done a very shameful thing! After that touching scene of the day, my heart was thoroughly washed.

That is, from that day on, whenever and wherever I see garbage, I will actively bend down to pick it up. Whenever I see people or things littering, I will go to persuade them to make our society more harmonious. I have also been praised by teachers and students for this reason, which only I know best.

So I think that sometimes one thing can change a person's life. I hope every student can be a useful person to the society and a noble person!

Colorful Life (20)

For a period of time, my mother worked in the supermarket and often could get back some superfluous gifts. Although they are not useful, they have become my free toys. Of course I like them! Once, my mother brought back a very unique cup from the supermarket. The body of this cup is dark blue and porcelain. What fascinated me in particular was the cup handle in the shape of "two dragons playing with pearls", which I never tire of watching and fondling.

At my mother's request, I put it into the disinfection cabinet for disinfection. When the set time passed, I was shocked when I opened the door of the disinfection cabinet with some residual temperature. What I saw was a green porcelain cup! It's strange. Where is the dark blue gift cup? Where did this green cup come from? Did you enter the thief? A thief can't steal only one cup! Question marks were writhing in my mind. So I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find the cup. After searching for more than ten minutes, they still disappeared. I helplessly held the green cup I had just taken out. It scared me a lot. But I'm quite sure that the gift cup is in front of me! Because it is still a cup handle in the shape of "two dragons playing with a pearl", and as the temperature decreases, the green gradually turns back to dark blue.

Does this cup change color automatically? With a bellyful of question marks, I consulted the computer. Input "Is there any cup that will change color?" Press the Enter key, and the result comes out! Baidu Encyclopedia gave me the answer. This kind of cup is called a color changing cup. It changes color when encountering high temperature. Some even can change into a variety of patterns. To my surprise, someone has customized this color changing cup. Because this cup has temperature sensitive material, which can withstand high temperature of 320 ℃, is non-toxic, lead-free, and chromium free!

But my love of making trouble has come back. Is that true? My discovery today may be accidental. I decided to do the experiment myself.

I first boiled a pot of water, made a cup of tea with a color changing cup, and watched it change. The miracle happened again. When the hot water touched the cup, the cup turned green! This conclusion is absolutely correct.

This wonderful color change not only made me understand the chameleon cup, but also made me feel the wonder of science.

Our life is also colorful.