I am 14 years old (select 16 articles)
A smart smile
2024-01-10 07:13:22
Junior three

I'm 14 years old (1)

Time flies. Time flies. I am 14 years old in a twinkling of an eye. In retrospect, I used to be like a flower in a greenhouse, needing watering and fertilizing every day, but now I am no longer so fragile, because I am 14 years old and have more strength and persistence in life.

"Pi li pa la!" The sound of firecrackers kept ringing in my ears, and the fireworks scenery did not live in front of my eyes: each "golden sand" shot out, beautiful flowers, colorful, blooming, falling, a moment of gorgeous, a moment of brilliance, as if pinned on beautiful hopes, as if pinned on New Year's blessings. 2014 is coming! With a white paintbrush and the hope of all things, he came to us silently. Although it is the Spring Festival, the earth seems reluctant to leave the cold winter, and the wind is still cold and the snow is falling.

According to the tradition of our hometown, on the New Year's Eve, everyone should keep watch. At zero time, we should place sacrifices, set off firecrackers, and pray to the Bodhisattva at the Longting Hill at the end of Tianmu Mountain. In previous years, I was lying comfortably in the warm quilt watching the Spring Festival Gala. But now the task falls on me. My brother pulled me out of the bed without mercy. In the face of relatives' persuasion, I had to go up the mountain with candles and incense. Late at night, all the lights were burning all night, but the mountain seemed to be still asleep, and the hillside was covered with a layer of white snow. The narrow path was winding to the top of the mountain under the dim street lights. I walked hard step by step, stepping on the snow, creaking, soft, like stepping on a dream; The snow fell on the lawn, like wrapping the lawn with white rabbit hair blanket; Falling on the pine tree on one side, like a cream birthday cake for squirrels in winter; Falling on the stones, one after another looks like a naughty bag with a fine standing. One step at a time, I walked on the stairs on the mountainside against the wind and snow with difficulty. I still have to follow the steps of my big brother. Gradually, I felt a little uncomfortable, dizzy, with a needle in my throat, pain and vomiting, and my feet were sore and weak. Everything in front of me gradually becomes blurred. I won't have "altitude reaction". I feel like I look down on myself in a moment. Why can anyone else treat me differently. Tears came to my eyes, and I couldn't tell whether it was pain or sadness. Am I still the confident one? Or the strong me? "Brother, I can't carry it anymore. Go up first, and I'll have a rest." I sat quietly on the stone bench, looking at the people passing by. A curved figure, he hunched his back and slowly moved towards the top of the mountain step by step. The old man gave me confidence. I sorted out my mood and walked forward. "My father-in-law, I will go up with you!" "Good!" I resisted my discomfort and climbed to the top of the mountain step by step.

Looking at the familiar village at the foot and the beautiful scenery of mountains and villages dotted with dazzling lights in the distance, I am glad that I have become myself and even more strong.

I'm 14 years old (2)

This year, I happen to be 14 years old. I began to think that 14 years old is not a simple number.

When the neighbors quarreled, I no longer stared at the excitement, but thought: Why can't people relax their minds and tolerate and understand others? In fact, isn't life the same as sunshine? On the surface, it looks like a kind of monotonous white light, but in fact, it contains seven kinds of strange lights: red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, and purple. At night, walking in the forest on campus, bathed in the bright moonlight, looking up at the hanging silver moon, I thought: why can't people be like the moon, the darker the surroundings, the brighter they are?

However, at the age of 14, life is tense. If I don't pay attention, time will slip away from me. I can't think about so many "suns" and "moons". The hill like books on the desk blocked my view of looking out of the window. The overwhelming homework assigned by the teacher grabbed my wings to travel in the blue sky. I felt as if I was struggling on the rainbow of 14 years old.

At the age of 14, Rainbow is full of vitality, but it is also contradictory.

I long to grow up, but I'm afraid to grow up; I like playing, but I can't put it down when I see a book; I am eager to be loved by my parents, but I always dislike their nagging; I hope to enrich myself with more knowledge, but I am inexplicably afraid of exams

"I'm 14 years old!" I often think like this, and the more I think about it, the more questions I have.

In my life, there are teachers' eyes, parents' exhortations, friends' blessings, and classmates' smiling faces. The 14 year old rainbow may not be absolutely beautiful, but the 14 year old rainbow is absolutely unforgettable!

I love the rainbow, but I love the 14 year old rainbow more. One color represents one emotion, and one color represents one thought. "How can you see a rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain?" I believe that as long as you are brave enough to fight against the wind and waves, the 14-year-old rainbow will shine brightly!

The 14 year old rainbow is gorgeous after rain!

I'm 14 years old (3)

Time solidified every second of life. Time passed like a movie, and I was 14 years old unconsciously. Gradually, I changed from a lovely face to a man who said he was mature but not mature. I also found some changes. These changes are very interesting. Why don't you take a look at them to see if they are like your special side? Ha ha.

I am not a gentle child in a school. Unlike some students who sit in their seats honestly after class, I ran to the toilet. On the way to the toilet, I would talk and laugh with my friends, and sometimes fight and make noise. This has also become a pleasure for me. Of course, we should listen carefully in class, but sometimes we can't control it. We should also walk for a while to look outside and see the wonderful things outside. II Family

At home, I am a chameleon, sometimes good and sometimes bad, sometimes cute like a docile kitten, but sometimes angry like a crazy tiger, even my parents who often teach me have no way to take me, I can only say "helpless" please forgive me. After that, I got better, became a kitten again, and made my parents happy, as if what just happened had never happened. It seems that this time has just been eliminated. I am both helpless and happy, and boast of my strength from time to time.

I feel good about myself, but I am just an individual. Sometimes I am like a little mouse, which makes people feel helpless and even a little annoying. But people are not perfect, and I often comfort myself.

I am 14 years old (4)

The sunset red sun paints the sky with strands of lonely orange. Under the setting sun, the ancient path is filled with blurred style, which makes it very quiet. It seems that all things in the world are intoxicated in this short beauty and stop all sounds. Under the beautiful setting sun, I silently felt the energetic 14 year old. I found that I seemed to be more mature at the age of 14.

It's hard to forget how many mornings my reading voice resounded in every corner of the classroom; It's hard to forget how many class breaks, my tireless figure appeared in front of the desk when I was reading; It's hard to forget how many afternoons my voice of inquiry frequently appeared in the teaching and research office; Hard to forget, how many

Late at night, I was burning the midnight oil, and my back figure was still tall and straight under the weak desk lamp

An examination paper flashed under my pen, and how many books have been carefully read by me... I think learning to struggle is also a kind of maturity.

Have you ever remembered that in the face of the crowding on the bus, I lost one point of complaint and one point of concession; Have you ever remembered that in the face of misunderstanding and scolding from my classmates, I cried less once, but more calmly; Have you ever remembered that I am less angry and more understanding when others step on my feet unintentionally; Have you ever remembered that I am less indulgent and more calm in the face of unreasonable criticism from my family... I think it is also a kind of maturity to learn tolerance.

I still remember that after my classmates' wonderful speech, I made a victory gesture; I still remember that I would be the first to give warm applause and applause when the beautiful song wakes up every ear; I still remember that after the students' fluent and philosophic speeches in class, I would not hesitate to extend my big fingers and sincerely show a bright smile; I still remember that when he saw the failure, he immediately cheered up and I would admire him and tell him: "Brother, you are great!"

For the first time, I washed my feet for my dear grandmother; For the first time, cook a delicious dinner for the "chef" mother; For the first time, I went to beat my father's back for taking care of me meticulously; For the first time, I returned my teacher with the first place in the school year; For the first time, I used my pocket money to send a birthday gift to my beloved friend and thank him for taking care of me

At the age of 14, I went from ignorance to understanding and from ignorance to maturity. More mature self learned to struggle, tolerance, appreciation and gratitude.

At the age of 14, in the face of the call of wind, the baptism of rain, the dissolution of snow, and the shine of light, I learned to taste the bitter wine of life as a drink, usher in every morning with vigorous spirit, send off the cozy sunset with a confident smile, welcome the second upward dawn, and face the vicissitudes of life with calm and calm

I think this is the 14 year old me, more mature.

I am 14 years old (5)

My life seems to have been wandering in goodbye and goodbye

Every minute, every second, goodbye

I am not sentimental, nor am I an idle person

It's just a reality, and now it's just a so-called souvenir

Goodbye, there are too many things

I am 13 years old.

The first half of grade 8.

Friends at that time.

Goodbye, there are too many things

I am 14 years old.

The second half of grade 8

Future friends

Goodbye and goodbye, so contradictory and so integrated

Goodbye, and goodbye.

Will naturally accept.

That's all.

As long as there are memories and expectations

It won't be so painful.

I am 14 years old (6)

Happy days always involve a little sad rhythm

The happy days are like the fleeting meteors, gorgeous and short

The happy days are like the stars in the sky day and night in the past, few of which can embellish the lonely night sky.

Yesterday I said goodbye to the 14-year-old

Yesterday I welcomed the 15 year old me

The day of 14 years old passed away quietly, and can only be recorded in the diary scrapbook silently, accompanied by the flirtation of the wind, open.

The sky is clear at the age of 14

Many stories are brewing slowly under the sun

Slowly, a long way away, my dream is falling

Having a dream company is not afraid of Lingding

Too many young dreams

Like a flower that never withers

Accompanied us through wind and rain

Growth is a beautiful pain. Yes, the cocoon must experience the pain of breaking the cocoon before it can move its beautiful wings in its own sky; The phoenix after bathing in fire is the most beautiful, isn't it? In the 14 year old sky, what falls is not the joy of success, but the breath of sadness and traces of sweat.

When I was 14 years old in the morning, the first ray of sunshine pierced my eyes through the window lattice. With an English book in hand, I began to study and live in a three-point line. At noon when I was 14 years old, on the way to school, sweat ran across my fingertips along my cheeks, alerting myself: no matter how hard and tired I was, I would fly in the sky that belonged to me! In the night when I was 14 years old, I wrote hard under the light, continuing the happiness and bitterness on the road to success. At the age of 14, I once lost, but I know that growing up is like a marathon. I admit that I lost to others at the starting line, but I tried to catch up on the way to shorten the distance with others. I have hope. I firmly believe that the winner who gets flowers and applause at the end must be myself.

The mountains and mountains are like gathering, the waves are like anger, and many students are walking on the road. Looking at the past and the present, they feel bitter. Sad success or failure are all in the soil, and many achievements have been made in the past.

Tonight is my first night at the age of 15. The whirling wind, with a smile and a familiar song, welcomed me at the age of 15, which is a strange number, a blank and colorless paper, and an opportunity to fly. At the age of 15, I am a familiar and unfamiliar self.

At the age of 15, I have the sun at six or seven in the morning; Have unlimited enthusiasm to embrace nature, and have obscure objects. I believe in the eternal friendship of vows and pledges, and the perseverance of Jingwei reclamation. At the age of 15, I am impulsive in doing things with clear love and hatred, and I am directly conceited and arrogant.

Farewell, 14-year-old me

Hello, I'm 15 years old

I am 14 years old (7)

I remember that I entered junior high school when I was 13 years old.

Yes, I am arrogant. I think I have grown up after I entered junior high school. I think I can compare myself with adults. In fact, I am 13 years old and still ignorant, and I am still an ignorant child.

Peeling apples seems to be a simple thing.

When my mother asked me to peel an apple, I held a bright red apple in my left hand and a shining fruit knife in my right hand, so I couldn't start. But looking at my mother's expectation, I finally closed my eyes and began to peel the first apple in my life.

The knife sank into the flesh again. After a long time of peeling, I wanted to spin a string of beautiful peel like my mother, but I still cut the apple from left to right, and the peel that occupied the pulp fell into the garbage can piece by piece. I don't know how long it took. When I clenched my teeth and tried my best to cut the last knife, my mother laughed shamelessly, and I blushed with embarrassment.

The cut apple, which should be said to be the hollowed apple with big holes and uneven hills, was held in my hand. I looked at my mother, who was still smiling, and chewed the apple with some complaints, making it disappear little by little.

Ugly enough, it was the apple I peeled when I was 13 years old.

Later, in order to cut a beautiful apple, I asked my mother to buy a lot of apples to go home. I peel it every day. Take an apple to peel whenever you have time, and then chew it off in a big mouthful. Of course, under the heavy study, this is just a temporary enthusiasm and the extension of good soon no longer, and soon bored.

A year later, when I saw the red apples on the table, I couldn't help but pick up the fruit knife.

From the top, I slowly rotated the apple. After turning for one, two, three times... the peel that just came out of the shape was broken, and the fruit knife was stuck in the flesh. The small string of fruit peel with a layer of meat that is not thick fell into the garbage can. Stupefied, I looked at the apple that was half peeled in my hand, and I whispered, "What a pity! What a pity!". After repeating this, I finally peeled the apple. Compared with the previous one, this one should be considered good! Mom came up to me at this time, looked at the apple in my hand and said, "It's good, but it's a bit wasteful!"

The apple, which is no longer a three-dimensional figure after being peeled, always seems to have a sweet taste in your mouth, which makes you want to eat another apple.

In general, the apple that can be seen clearly is a work of mine when I was 14 years old.

The ignorant and innocent children will grow up. The day when the apple was peeled was just a corner in memory, but the fragrance still lingered. At the age of 14, I am finally no longer childish.

I'm 14 years old (8)

The long-awaited summer vacation finally arrived. I took a bus to my grandmother's home, where I had been separated for five years.

As soon as I got off the bus on the asphalt road, I heard someone calling my name. When I looked back, it was my uncle and I hurried to him. My uncle kindly said, "Xiao Xue, you are tired after taking the bus. Come home with me quickly." He pointed to a red car beside him. I was surprised and asked, "Uncle, did you buy a car?" Uncle smiled and said, "Yes."

Walking along the flat and straight brick road, my uncle and I arrived home in a short time. Grandma had been waiting for me at the door for a long time. As soon as I entered the room, I was attracted by the rich food on the table. I said, "Grandma, thank you for making so many delicious things for me. Now, Grandma's home also has a refrigerator, so don't worry about food spoiling if you can't finish it. " He also said, "The countryside is much better now than before! There are at least several kinds of refrigerators, color televisions, computers and washing machines in every family. Now people are really in time!" Hearing this, I couldn't help but be interested in the past rural life and kept asking Grandma to tell me the history that I was completely unfamiliar with. Grandma couldn't bear my soft and hard work, They told me a lot. Even so, I still feel that Grandma didn't talk in detail enough. I really hope I can turn back the clock and visit Grandma in her youth.

In the evening, I had a dream that my mother bought me a voice watch that can travel through time and space. I said, "I'm 15 years old this year, and I'm going to visit my grandmother's house in 1959." As soon as the words fell, I flew into the air, and then fell to the ground again. What came into sight was a depressed and desolate village, with a dilapidated earth house beside it. I walked into the door and saw a little girl about my age, busy cooking. She was wearing patched clothes and a pair of straw sandals, with two braids. Her face was black from the smoke of the stove. Her left hand was supporting the stove, and her right hand was lifting a wooden pot cover. When she saw me standing at the door, she asked me, "Who are you? How come I don't know you?" I thought for a moment and said, "My name is Ma Miaxue. I'm a stranger. I passed by my relatives." The little girl said, "Oh, my name is Li Xiuzhi. Don't mention it, come in! My cooking will be ready soon, let's eat together!" Hearing her name, I just knew that she was my grandma. I actually made friends with my grandma 50 years ago, and I couldn't help laughing to myself.

I went into the room without hesitation and couldn't wait to sit down at the table. I wanted to know what she was eating. Because Grandma's parents went to work in the fields and there was no one else at home, I was not constrained. When the food was served, it turned out to be just cornmeal cakes and potato soup. I was disappointed and had no appetite at all. Looking at Grandma eating alone, I asked, "Can you get better food in your family?" Grandma said, "Sometimes we haven't eaten for several times in a row, and there is no better food. If it weren't for the good harvest this year, it would be hard for us to eat such a meal."

I asked, "I'm a stranger and want to buy something for my relatives. Do you have a shop here? Can you buy food?" Grandma said, "Do you have food stamps?" I said, "Food stamps? Why use food stamps?" Grandma looked at me in surprise for a while and said, "Because of the shortage of materials, almost all daily necessities are supplied with tickets." I was secretly surprised, The poor people in the country are also poor, and such days are really hard. Since I didn't have any tickets, I couldn't spend my money, so I had to give up my plan to buy something for Grandma.

After dinner, I asked Grandma to take me to school. We walked 5 kilometers on the bumpy dirt road to the place, and I saw a adobe house that was about to collapse. Grandma said that it was the school. I looked in the window and saw more than ten students studying hard. Their tables and stools are all made of earth. The blackboard used by the teacher is made of several slats. The length of the slats is uneven, and large and small gaps are exposed in the middle. The reeds on the shed are hung in the east and west, and there are several green grass on the dark wall. Seeing this, I can't help being dumbfounded. Can such a house also be a classroom? People in 2010 used it as a cowshed.

Grandma stood under the window and listened to the teacher's lecture for a long time. She said sadly, "If only I could sit inside and study!" Hearing this, my nose was sore and I said desperately, "Li Xiuzhi, let me take you to 50 years later. You can wear beautiful clothes and live in a spacious house there. You can watch TV, make phone calls, go to the computer and play games. You can sit in a tall building, take your own full bag of books, and listen to the vivid and intuitive lessons taught by teachers with multimedia courseware. You can live a carefree and happy life. " Grandma looked at me like a monster and said, "What are you talking about? How can there be such a good place? Are you talking about heaven?" I said, "That's not heaven, it's China that has developed, or where we live. Come on, don't hesitate, come with me." Grandma said, "No, our family is usually short of staff, so I can't leave my parents alone. I won't go." Seeing her resolute refusal, I dragged her back to 2009. On the way, I don't know what happened. Grandma was getting smaller and fainter, and finally disappeared. Watching her slowly disappear, I was so frightened that I could not help but cry "ah" and wake up from my dream.

Although I woke up from my dream, I was lying in the soft and comfortable big bed at my grandmother's house in 2010, and I could not calm down for a long time. Looking back on the hard years my grandmother told me, and thinking about the sweet life of our generation now, I felt that I was really happy. I think, as middle school students in the new era, we should cherish the good life we have now, and should work harder to build our hometown and our motherland into a better and prosperous one.

I'm 14 years old (9)

After waking up, I have stepped into the threshold of youth; Sitting quietly in the classroom, I was 14 years old.

I have a pair of charming eyes, bright as the lights in the night; Beautiful as bright moonlight; Gentle as rippling water. The flame of youth is beating in the eyes, and the fire like tenderness is burning in the eyes

I have an introverted mind. The autumn rain is continuous. I always hide in my cabin, find out my favorite novel, and listen to the whispering and talking outside the window.

I am sentimental. I often recall my childhood, which is as graceful as a song, as happy as a fairy tale, and as beautiful as a garden.

I have a poetic life, love spring, summer, autumn and winter, feel the natural cycle; Love the wind, the snow and the moon, touch the earth's vibration; Love ebbs and flows, listening to the life like water.

I am not afraid of losing, because I know that tomorrow is the best, but the road to tomorrow will not be so bright and straight, maybe there will be rugged paths, maybe there will be turbulent rivers

I am a young girl. Youth is a good time on the road of life. The color she brings to me is beautiful and colorful. Is there my colorful dream? Under the blue sky, I am full of enthusiasm and hope. I will start to move towards happiness and success from now on, and let the color of youth bloom heartily.

I am 14 years old (10)

The beauty and preciousness of youth lies in its innocence and immaculateness, and in its never returning!

At the age of 14, I am looking forward to that hope; Fourteen year old I was tasting, tasting the bitterness; Fourteen years old, I am sentimental, sentimental about the loss. No matter what the outcome, I will sing a song to finish the rough road.

At the end of the dream, a leaf falls. What does that mean?

At the age of 14, I will hold up a long pole and slow down towards the greener grass. Use a sincere heart to push open the open doors.

At the age of 14, I always like to look for the blurred missing in my dream, but it is sad and the unknown loneliness in my heart. Because the world in my dream is too unreal, and there is no trace of memory, maybe there is no need to look for it or know it. Colorful youth does not belong to the world of dreams.

At the age of 14, I always like being silent, thinking alone, walking alone and doing everything alone.

At the age of 14, I am full of fighting spirit, and I hope to write a good article about flowing clouds and rivers, and fly in the sky like a bird.

At the age of 14, I always have some great things to say and do. Maybe it is because of these things that I am full of courage and strength on the way forward.

At the age of 14, I always hope to have the best youth, ordinary but not mediocre, bold but not careless, bold but not empty, thinking more but not disorderly, modest but not accommodating, modest but not vain.

At the age of 14, I am an eagle, a soaring eagle. I hope to shuttle between the blue sky and the white clouds like an eagle. Even a finch will retreat when it sees me.

At the age of 14, I have a wish. I don't want to be a girl who lives in Xinjiang forever. I want to leave Xinjiang and accept the most magnificent baptism in the storm. I want to open the wings of dreams and fly to the youth without regrets!

I am 14 years old (11)

We are 14 years old now, and we start to comment on all kinds of people around us every day. Some of them are called literary youth, some are called diligent children, and some are called two fools

We are fourteen years old now. We pass the kindergarten we went to every day and look at the heavy schoolbag we are carrying now. We can't help sighing how painful life is

We are fourteen years old this year. The question we talked about with our classmates is no longer the cartoon of children's channel, but who did several questions yesterday, who got the first place in the grade department, and who deducted points for the class

We are 14 years old now. When we met relatives and friends, they no longer praised how smart you are, but kept asking which middle school you want to go to

We are fourteen years old, and we don't complain about how many people don't play with us every day, but how many homework we haven't done.

We are 14 years old now. We gradually like non mainstream, traditional characters, and Martian characters. We like to drag English in front of our classmates

At the age of 14, we have more and more dreams. In the process of our efforts, we are at a loss. The direction is right, but the goal is vague

At the age of 14, we began to take part in extracurricular activities crazily and read a lot of articles to avoid being buried in the crowd

We are fourteen years old, and the rebellious period has begun to make adults change their minds about us, saying that we are ignorant, short-sighted, and that we were born in bliss. And what about ourselves? Is it not under the adults' reprimand to suffer and endure. When we are overwhelmed by exams and failures again and again, who can help us to share these tiredness? Finally, it is not necessary to reduce the burden on oneself. We are eager to chat leisurely in the coffee shop, we are eager to travel freely in the computer world, we are eager to get rid of all the constraints of adults and become free eagles, but we are also eager to have friends and relatives to talk to, someone to share our pain, someone to share happiness with us. We can only walk and walk on the road of growth. Facing the expectant eyes of those people, we just keep our heads down and sometimes look at the direction of our goals to move forward.

We are fourteen years old this year. When we are lonely, what accompanies us is study, exercise, practice, research, thinking and exploration. Or you can send an eye-catching sentence on Weibo and wait for others' reply and comments. Fourteen years old, dreamy and contradictory years. But it is also the most beautiful season in our life.

Fourteen years old, full of fantasy, often full of good wishes for the future. Sadly dreaming, we fantasize about our future. The joy of growth is blown out in the colorful soap bubbles.

Fourteen years old is the monsoon, which wakes up the sleeping wheat seedlings and awakens all creatures. At the age of fourteen, we are full of vigor and youth.

Fourteen years old, is a blooming lily. It emits a charming fragrance. Fourteen year old, we are innocent and pure.

Fourteen years old, is a bird flying freely in the sky, is a quiet flowing stream. However, they are also born calves who are not afraid of difficulties and dangers. Fourteen years old is a youth book full of emotions and sorrows. It records countless stories of our feelings and the journey of our growth.

At the age of 14, there is no innocence at the age of 13, and there is no multi filtration at the age of 15. Remember the childhood fun. Occasionally, he is naughty with his parents; Looking forward to growing up at the age of 15. Shouting the generation gap in his mouth, he has a cold war with his parents from time to time. But at the age of 14, we are also small fish striving for the top; It is a budding flower bud in the warm spring wind. It is strong in softness and confident in femininity. Parents are like fertile soil, teachers are like spring breeze. Friends are like old and young bees.

Fourteen years old, is a poem without words, a silent song. We are the sensational words and jumping notes. Fourteen year old tomorrow is full of sunshine and hope for us.

At the age of fourteen, I had an extra responsibility for my class. Class 6, where I am, is a big and energetic family. I am very happy in this family. So, at the age of fourteen, I have an extra responsibility for him. I want to win honor for Class Six, and I want to make Class Six better. I will study hard, not only for me, but also to make Class 6 invincible in the grade; I will be responsible for my own work, collect my homework, try my best to help the teacher, so that Class Six can have a good learning atmosphere; I will keep the classroom clean on the day I sweep the floor, so that students can have a good learning environment; At the age of fourteen, I want to integrate the ego into the larger ego. At the age of fourteen, I have become more persistent and persistent to my dreams. I don't know when I began to have small wishes, which converged into a river and led to the sea of dreams. The river never flows westward, and my dream never turns back. Where I want to go most, how can I return halfway. When encountering setbacks, they will only fail and fight again and again; When encountering difficulties, he will only fight more bravely. Even if you break your arm and bend your waist, you will still be strong and strong; Even if there are many scars, it will also show a hard and clear integrity. Fourteen years old, we like you, forever, forever!

I'm 14 years old (12)

At the age of fourteen, he is no longer that young and ignorant child who plays all day long.

At the age of fourteen, he is no longer the self righteous, ignorant little boy.

At the age of 14, I am more thoughtful and mature.

Once a remote control car, once a toy building block, once a glass ball, and

Those beautiful, those childlike, now, has become a memory.

At the age of 14, I have become more mature. I know how to think of others, how to respect myself, how to be responsible for my own words and deeds, and how to make less trouble in school.

I used to play every day, as if my happiness was just playing.

At the age of 14, I can finally understand my parents' nagging, and finally understand the weight of a small schoolbag on the future. My tomorrow is in this schoolbag. For the sake of my future beauty, for the advice and expectation of my parents and teachers, I must go all out.

At the age of 14, I have become more mature. I understand the friendship between my classmates, the friendship between teachers and students, and the meaning of life.

In learning, I am more agile in thinking and more thoughtful.

In life, I pay more attention to my image, words and deeds.

At home, I am no longer a bad boy who often talks back to my parents. I am more obedient and sensible.

At the age of 14, I am more mature and hope to announce to the world that I have grown up!

At the age of 14, I have become more independent and independent. With their own ideas, they have gradually formed a new world view. I understand that people who have achieved great things in ancient times not only have extraordinary talents, but also have perseverance. For my own ideal, I began to work hard. For the responsibility I shoulder, I kept fighting.

At the age of 14, I have become more mature and understand a lot of truth. For the future, I will work harder!

I am 14 years old (13)

I am fourteen years old, and I have lost my childishness. I said I grew up, and my parents said I was still a child; Seven or eight year old children call me Big Sister, and seventy or eighty year old grandparents call me Little Girl; My friends said I know too much, and my parents said what my children know! I don't know whether I am grown up or a child. However, I know that the burden on my shoulders is heavy, I know that I have no freedom, I know that I have no sky of my own.

Tomorrow, tomorrow I will be on the second day of the junior high school, and I will step into that nightmare again. There are only piles of books, there are only endless homework. The smile there will not be so innocent and beautiful, there is endless tiredness. But there is the most sincere friendship and the richest knowledge. But you can never find the freedom you want there, and there is no sky of your own.

From entering there, I was doomed to lose my freedom, and I was doomed to carry this burden.

I'm fourteen years old. I'm a grown up child.

I am fourteen years old, and I have lost my innocence.

I am fourteen years old, and I have no day of my own.

At the age of fourteen, I have no freedom.

I'm 14 years old (14)

Since my cousin came to my house, my position in the family has plummeted, and I even suspect that I am not my own. It's always my fault that I rob toys with my cousin; My cousin and I will only buy toys for our cousin forever; Even if we made mistakes at the same time, my mother just criticized me. I think my mother doesn't love me anymore.

That day, my cousin and I competed to play computer. My cousin wants to play "female dress", and I want to play "King Glory". My cousin refuses to scold me while throwing the mouse on the ground. My mother happened to pass by, and my cousin came to my mother with a crocodile cry. She said piteously, "My cousin wants to play computer games. He doesn't let me play. He scolds me, ooh, My mother immediately interrupted me: "No matter what, you are older than her. As an elder brother, you should let your cousin."

I'm unconvinced and want to refute. My mother yelled, "Shut up!" I glanced at my cousin and found that she was smiling proudly at me. Suddenly, the grievances of the past poured out. I rushed forward and pushed my cousin to the ground. My cousin wailed. My mother was angry, so she picked up the whip on the cabinet and gave me a sharp whipping. In an instant, my hands and legs were covered with blood stains. I cried and shouted to my mother: "Am I not your own? Do you love her or not? I hate you, and I hate you!" My mother stood still. I turned my head and entered the room.

At night, when I was lying in bed, I suddenly heard the sound of the door being opened. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. My mother walked to my bed, gently opened the quilt, opened my sleeve, and carefully wiped a layer of cold objects on my arm. She sighed as she wiped. Suddenly one or two drops of hot liquid fell on my arm, and I opened my eyes curiously: Mom was crying sadly! "Mom!" I blurted out. My mother hugged me, and tears could not stop. After a while, she sighed deeply: "You are my child, how can I not love you? You are a brother, you should let your sister; you are a boy, you should let girls; what's more, you should take care of your sister when her mother is not around her, right? Because I love you, I am more strict with you."

After listening, I looked at my mother. When I was sick, my mother accompanied me all night; Thinking of rainy days, my mother sent me umbrellas in the rain; Remembering that my mother still insists on cooking and washing clothes for me when she is ill... I suddenly understand that there are no parents who don't love their children, but love is expressed in different ways. Thinking of this, I hugged my mother: "Mom, I know I was wrong, I love you!"

I am 14 years old (15)

Fourteen year old sky

Fourteen year old cloud

Fourteen year old, we have an extra responsibility

I walk home on the path every day, play on the path every day, cheer with the setting sun, and run with the dawn. At the age of 14, I never knew that I had a responsibility of 14 on my shoulder.

On the afternoon of October 21, we tested physics, "OK! Let's review hard!" "Let's go, let's go, let's not be silent in the classroom anymore, we are free little birds to fly to the earth", cried the good friend. So the blocked mood of his own will put aside the responsibility to walk away.

After the test, the results were not ideal, not as perfect as expected, so the tears at this time let me taste the salty taste. "How so" has always been my favorite physics, even let me hurt so thoroughly.

In the last class, with a heavy heart, I began to have a political lesson. The teacher talked about responsibility, "responsibility? I am so small, do I need to take responsibility? Is it really so important for me to take responsibility? Open the book, the first question, what is responsibility? I grabbed my head and asked: What is responsibility? The teacher told me. Responsibility is to be responsible for myself, so it suddenly dawned on me that I was fourteen years old and had an unprecedented responsibility - to be responsible for my own learning. The red stroke marks, like the names engraved on the tombstone, are immortal in my heart, and I am not reconciled.

I? There is one more point for each popular item. A responsibility for learning.

Back home, lying on the windowsill, looking at the dark and blue sky, I feel a little empty in my heart. Is it just another responsibility?

My parents told me, "My child, you should not only take responsibility for learning, but also for life, for your relatives, and for everything around you. Without responsibility, your body is just a ruin. A piece of paper floats freely and can't be recovered when it reaches the horizon." Suddenly, my heart ached.

Ah! Don't you know your responsibility as a child?

The sky is still blue and white clouds are lingering. Take up your schoolbag, take responsibility, and walk down the next intersection to the next maturity

Fourteen year old sky.

Fourteen year old Yuncai and fourteen year old I have an extra fourteen year old responsibility.

I am 14 years old (16)

When I was 14 years old, I was inevitably rebellious in character, which was really a headache.

It was a sultry day. The cicadas kept barking in the trees. There was no black cloud in the blue sky. Even the dogs stuck out their tongues. They were too lazy to move. Why not lie down. Today, I can bring my family to play at the activity of my mother's company. My mother specially told me several times that I must arrive on time, or the activity will end. But today I was probably too relaxed. I got up late. If I took the bus again, it would be late. Thinking about it, it seems that there are colorful balloons floating in the sky and delicious food on the table, and I can't help feeling lost... I step on the small stones at my feet and look at the low white wall beside me, hey! I crept to the corner of the wall and looked around. No one was around. I stepped on the bricks and took long legs. I climbed over the wall. Ha! The time is just right now, Mom, here I come! (Do you think I'm stupid~haha)

Also, I didn't do well in my midterm exam, so my parents scolded me. It can be said that the water of the Yellow River flows from heaven to the sea for recycling. As for me, the more I listen to their scolding, the more I get bored. Mom and Dad looked at me as if I had nothing to do. Here I come again... I said something to you, are you bored. God, what did I say? What happened to me.

At the age of 14, I entered adolescence, and my life is also colorful. I am handsome and energetic! I applaud for myself: One, two, one, two, youth, one meter six two!

Young people have their own young maniacs. They despise Kunlun, laugh at Lvliang, and sharpen their swords for ten years. When will they try their best? Take out the scabbard with cold light, cut Moye and break Vajra.