Feelings from Reading "False Illiteracy" (20 general articles)
Avoid levity and impetuosity
2024-03-14 08:39:23
junior middle school
reaction to a book or an article

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (1)

I am a small comic book fan. I like reading comics very much. There are seven or eight comic books in my family alone. When I read humorous cartoons, I can't help laughing, and people around me are puzzled. However, I couldn't smile after I saw "False Illiteracy" today.

This cartoon is the work of the famous cartoonist Hua Junwu's grandfather. It is a satirical work. You see, beside the bus waiting place, there is a sign that reads "Mother and Son Boarding Place". It should be the place where mother and son get on the bus, but four young healthy people stand there, while the real mother and son stand aside. If you look at them again, they are closing their eyes and letting everyone think that they have not seen the words on the sign. What a violation of social morality! A person's social morality can see a person's quality, you can see how poor their quality is! We can see from the work that this work was in the 1980s, but in the 21st century, when technology is booming, is this phenomenon gone? No, there are still many people like "false illiterate": in the square, although there is "grass is life, let's not destroy it", there are still some young women playing and frolicking on the lawn with their children; In the hospital, although there is a sign of "Please don't spit anywhere", some people are still spitting; Although there is a sign on the bus saying "No smoking, smoking is harmful to health", some people are still sucking cigarettes regardless of their physical and mental health... From these actual examples, we can see how many people like "fake illiterate" are!

Students, it is not impossible to put an end to this phenomenon, so I suggest that we should start from our side bit by bit. Only when we do a good job ourselves can others do a good job!

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (2)

Today, I saw the famous cartoonist Hua Junwu's cartoon "False Illiteracy", which was very emotional. It described that four big men were standing on the waiting road as if no one were there. Next to them, there was a sign with five big characters on it, "The place where mother and son get on the train". But the mother and son who were really qualified to stand on the road were squeezed aside, and their hands were in their pockets, Close your eyes and keep alert. The expression is so happy and contented. The woman is holding her child in the cold wind and huddled under the stop sign. After reading this cartoon, I couldn't help asking: "Where is the morality of citizens? And those four big men are also highly educated people. But for the sake of temporary convenience, they ignore social morality and act as irrelevant. They don't care about weak women and children. No matter how low the morality of these people is, they are really valuable. Alas!" Not only cartoons, There are many examples of this in life.

One day, when I was on the bus, I saw some people who were not old, weak, sick or disabled, but were sitting in their seats. When I stopped, an old man got on the bus and asked the man to give up his seat. The man said, "Why should I ask you? I paid the fare. It's not good to have a seat. I won't let anyone else go. Hum!" I was very dissatisfied with his behavior. Such people are too selfish, It was hateful that she never thought about other people's difficulties. Later, a kind-hearted person gave up her seat, and others all looked at her admiringly. The old man also thanked her very much.

At present, some people's social morality is getting worse and worse, but there are still many good people. As Chinese, respecting the old and caring for the young is our traditional virtue. Let's all be a person with social morality!

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (3)

One winter day, the north wind whistled relentlessly, chasing people who hurried home. A mother and son were dressed in thin clothes, and their bodies were shivering with cold. They finally found a place to live in from the crowded station - where the mother and son got on the train. They were relieved, but the strong "mother and son" broke the illusion of going home early to add cotton padded clothes.

"Please, let us have a place." The mother looked at these gentle "dignitaries" with a pleading tone. "Go away!" the first man shouted impatiently at the mother and son. The man behind him stood as if nothing had happened, rolling his eyes at his mother and son from time to time. The last man opened his mouth and said, "Mayor, don't argue with these people, so as not to hurt your Yushu Linfeng's appearance." The last man was a little timid, coughing from time to time, pretending to be sick, but completely disregarding the bright red characters -- where mother and son get on the bus, mother and son looked helplessly at the men who got on the bus, and huddled in the corner.

This cartoon makes me look down upon the indignation of the mother and son, the men who get on the bus with the mother and son who are shameless, disobey public order and have no social morality, and the scum of the society. What right do they have to be selfish? They are the main culprits of lowering social morality, a group of false illiterates without conscience. As a member of society, we should put an end to this unhealthy atmosphere. "There is a kind of wealth called spirit, and there is a kind of nobility called civilization". To make society more beautiful, we can only make it civilized. For the sake of society, we should promote virtue, stress morality, and abide by public morality!

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (4)

In our textbook, there is a piece of writing by looking at pictures. The title is "False Illiteracy". The picture is a cartoon about a strange and unimaginable scene on the bus.

In the queue with the sign of "where mother and son get on the train", there stood a row of orderly "civilized" men. A woman with a baby in her arms was squeezed out of the queue at the entrance of the train. The woman who was shaking with cold and holding the child could not help but look at those "civilized" people and could only sigh in a low voice.

Look at the first well-dressed "civilized" man. Maybe it is because of his proper dress. His face looks extremely arrogant. He stands there with his head up, as if he doesn't know what is written on the sign; Then look at the second "civilized" man. He is tall, but his eyes are collapsed, as if he can't see the eye-catching sign; Then take a look at the third Mr. "Civilization", who is not tall but deliberately stretches his neck forward. When he sees the sign, he seems to know that his behavior is "not beautiful". When he sees the woman holding the child, he seems to have felt a little guilty, but he still stands in the wrong place; The most abominable one is the last "civilized" cultural person. His clothes and temperament look like a cultured and educated person in any way. But he clearly saw the sign and the mother and son next to him, but he still stood at the "mother and son boarding place" with a straight waist as if nothing had happened.

Those men seem to be leaders or educated people. They line up in neat clothes and dignified manners. They seem illiterate and do not know what is written on the sign; It seemed that he was blind, and could not see the mother and son shivering in the cold wind. These hypocrites, who are dignified and damage the word "civilization", stand shamelessly at the "place where mother and son get on the bus".

Their bad behavior reminds me of the scene I saw on the bus. On that day, I went to school by bus. Two elderly couples with white hair got on the bus with me. There were not many people on the bus, but there were no seats. At this time, a little boy with a schoolbag hurriedly got up and gave a seat to the aunt who was holding the child. I saw a pair of young men and women in fashionable clothes sitting on the seat with the words "Special seats for the elderly, young and pregnant women". In full view of the public, they hugged and hugged me without scruple and kissed me. "Please make room for two old people and a comrade with a baby," the conductor kindly reminded them. After the car started, the two young lovers did not seem to hear the driver's words, nor did they seem to see the two old people standing hard in front of them. They still carried out their extremely uncivilized behavior.

Are they illiterate and can't read? Are they blind and can't see the two old people swinging with the car? Are they deaf, and can't they hear the good advice from the conductor? no They are neither illiterate nor deaf or blind. They are truly pseudoilliterate, pretending to be deaf and blind! Compared with the pupil who gave up his seat just now, how ugly their behavior is! The passengers on the bus cast scornful eyes like them.

In life, there are many similar cases. This "false illiteracy" behavior, which runs counter to civilization, is an uncivilized behavior with low moral quality, just like a little ugly flaws on a beautiful picture. It is disgusting, contemptible and hateful.

Respecting the old and caring for the young is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. While I despise them again, I would like to sincerely advise those "false illiterates": for our harmonious society and our good life, please rein in the precipice, get rid of bad habits, and keep pace with civilization. Let's join hands to continue to carry forward our "traditional virtues". Otherwise, you will be abandoned by people and society like disgusting garbage!

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (5)

Today, I opened my Chinese book and enjoyed a cartoon called "False Illiteracy". This cartoon depicts a waiting place, with a sign in the middle, which is printed with several striking words: the place where mother and son get on the train. If you are not illiterate or blind, you can understand. But you see, next to the sign, there are four tall men. They all put their hands in their pockets and waited for the bus leisurely, looking at the sign lazily; On the other side of the sign, there was a pair of lonely mother and son. They were squeezed out. At the moment, the mother was looking at the man next to her pitifully.

Are those tall men really so-called fake illiterates? No, it's not. They are not illiterate, they just turn a blind eye. It is immoral for them to squeeze out the mother and son in order to get a seat on the bus. This cartoon satirizes those people in the picture.

I despise these people who regard themselves as noble. On the surface, they are good people with high quality, but in fact they are people who do not obey public order and have ugly hearts. Although they won the priority, they lost their personality. China is a civilized country, but those who do not observe public order discredit our sacred country. What are the virtues of the Chinese People's Republic? It is about humility, respect for the old and love the young. In doing so, they not only lose their own personality, but also the virtue of Chinese people! Everyone should be modest to each other, and should not crowd out each other!

In fact, in our life, there are many people who do not obey the order. Take the bus for example. Some seats clearly read "for pregnant women only", "old, weak, sick and disabled", but those fake illiterates sat on them generously. If someone asks him to give up his seat, they plug in their headphones and pretend they can't hear. Besides, on some lawns, there are often signs of environmental protection, but some people still play on the lawns. There are still many such things. I won't enumerate them one by one. If everyone is like those fake illiterates, what kind of social morality and order can we talk about? Is there any royal law? What's the use of those environmental protection brands?

Students, let's establish the ideology of "everyone is for me, I am for everyone" and respect the old and love the young. As long as we obey the traffic order and protect social morality, we will not do such a "fake illiteracy!"

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (6)

Today, I opened my Chinese book and enjoyed a cartoon called "False Illiteracy". This cartoon depicts a waiting place, with a sign in the middle, which is printed with several striking words: the place where mother and son get on the train. If you are not illiterate or blind, you can understand. But you see, next to the sign, there are four tall men. They all put their hands in their pockets and waited for the bus leisurely, looking at the sign lazily; On the other side of the sign, there was a pair of lonely mother and son. They were squeezed out. At the moment, the mother was looking at the man next to her pitifully.

Are those tall men really so-called fake illiterates? No, it's not. They are not illiterate, they just turn a blind eye. It is immoral for them to squeeze out the mother and son in order to get a seat on the bus. This cartoon satirizes those people in the picture.

I despise these people who regard themselves as noble. On the surface, they are good people with high quality, but in fact they are people who do not obey public order and have ugly hearts. Although they won the priority, they lost their personality. China is a civilized country, but those who do not observe public order discredit our sacred country. What are the virtues of the Chinese People's Republic? It is about humility, respect for the old and love the young. In doing so, they not only lose their own personality, but also the virtue of Chinese people! Everyone should be modest to each other, and should not crowd out each other!

In fact, in our life, there are many people who do not obey the order. Take the bus for example. Some seats are clearly marked with "for pregnant women", "for the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled", but those fake illiterates sit on them generously. If someone asks him to give up his seat, they plug in their headphones and pretend they can't hear. Besides, on some lawns, there are often signs of environmental protection, but some people still play on the lawns. There are still many such things. I won't enumerate them one by one. If everyone is like those fake illiterates, what kind of social morality and order can we talk about? Is there any royal law? What's the use of those environmental protection brands?

Students, let's establish the ideology of "everyone is for me, I am for everyone" and respect the old and love the young. As long as we obey the traffic order and protect social morality, we will not do such a "fake illiteracy!"

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (7)

The wind, like an invisible blade, is constantly and relentlessly stabbing people in the face. By the guardrail where the mother and son got on the bus, a mother, a sacred and great mother, slowly moved the child's face into her arms.

Her face no longer glows red, instead it is pale and emaciated. Maybe she didn't have time to eat, so she came hurriedly with the child in her arms, hoping to get on the bus earlier, so her eyes have been flashing a bit impatient. The little guy was also restless in his mother's arms. His eyes were rolling. Would you like to take a look at those uncles waiting to get on the bus. A man came from a distance, his eyes stopped for a moment on the striking words "mother and son get on the bus", and then stopped for a moment in front of the crowd at the ordinary get on bus. He sighed: "Alas, there are so many people, so it's better to get mother and son on the bus, otherwise he won't be able to go home later." He went there, ignoring the situation of mother and son, and ranked first.

Now, we can clearly see him: fancy ties, polished leather shoes, Jimei's shiny gold ring on his fingers, and the roadside lights. A gust of cold wind blew, and he shrank his neck unnaturally. Ah, it's so cold! The wind is blowing harder and harder, and the job advertisement has been blown up. It is white, like a fledgling bird learning to fly. In the biting cold wind, just a breeze can blow it around. "Drop -" A harsh car sound brought a little warmth to the cold station. Everyone else got on the bus. It was obvious that the bus was seriously overloaded. The salesperson stopped the woman who was about to step on the bus and said, "Sorry, the bus is full."

Then he said nothing more, and the car flew out like an arrow leaving the string. Until, until disappeared in her vision, through the light, saw a drop of crystal tears, slowly across the face, leaving only faint tears, and the face that was stung by the cold wind, dazzling stab...... All the camouflage aside, we saw the hearts, whether young, old, healthy, sick, are so real. Then, please find your own heart! Don't let the world have false illiteracy again, let alone let the world be full of indifference and ruthlessness.

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (8)

We are not familiar with the word illiteracy. We should say that we have never heard of it. However, there are people who prefer to be illiterate everywhere in our society. In Chinese class, we saw a cartoon called "False Illiteracy".

The content of the cartoon is: one cold morning, in front of a small bus stop, there is a sign with several striking characters: where mother and son get on the bus. This is a special boarding place for children and pregnant women. However, there are four strong men standing behind. Although they look like knowledgeable people on the surface, they are ugly on the inside.

In our life, such examples often appear. I met once: that day, my father took me to the park to play, and the ticket office was full of people, like a long dragon. A big sign stood at the window of the ticket office. It said, "Please let the old man join the queue.". A few striking typing aims to make the old people not have to wait so long, so as to prevent them from standing unsteadily and falling down.

However, before the old man cut in the queue, several big men pushed an old man out of the queue, so the old man had to go back and queue up again. Seeing this situation, I really want to rush out to seek justice for the old man. But he was caught by his father, which means not to go out to make trouble. I had to give my place to the old man, and I was angry.

There are many examples in our life. We can't be "fake illiterate" like them. We should be a real person with culture and connotation.

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (9)

Today, after I read the cartoon "False Illiteracy", I felt deeply.

The picture shows that there is a special waiting area for mother and son in the station, but there are four men standing at the place where they get on the train. They ignore the mother and son beside them completely. The mother was wearing thin clothes, while the four big men were wearing thick cotton padded jackets. They still put their hands in their pockets leisurely, as if they did not know the existence of the mother. These four men just want to find a good seat, and they have no conscience. What a shame!

The author of this cartoon criticizes those people who have no public morality and no family education in the society. This cartoon lets us talk about morality, civilization, and care for the young. I read the ugly faces of the society in the cartoon: intrigues, profiteering at the expense of others, and selfless, so it can be said that the purpose of drawing this cartoon is to reflect on our daily behavior.

In real life, there are many people like the big man in the cartoon. Take last time for example: in the park, I saw an aunt dressed very fashionable. She ate the apple while reading, and then threw it away. The dustbin was not far away. An old man came and stumbled at his feet. Fortunately, two uncles helped him. However, the woman was free to read only the books of sages. I was angry at what I saw. When I went to her angrily and said, "Auntie, do this..." "Go, whose child are you? Don't bother me here! Go away!" The aunt became impatient before I finished speaking. Then I was shocked.

I am very angry with those ignorant, immoral and selfish people. Do these people have to do this? Must I be so happy? Can't we be noble? We should help people in need and develop our own virtues. Help others, give roses to others, and have lingering fragrance in your hands!

Let the cartoon "False Illiteracy" warn us! Let the society be more harmonious and beautiful! Let our world be full of love, let's say goodbye to such behaviors as "False Illiteracy"!

Grade 6, Yunshan Primary School, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou: Liu Changrui

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (10)

I found a cartoon in the Chinese book, which was drawn by Mr. Hua Junwu in January 1989, and this cartoon is very ironic.

This cartoon depicts a group of men who look like gentlemen in suits, but their hearts are extremely poor.

They are standing at the place where mother and son get on the bus. What? The place where mother and son get on the bus. Isn't this the place where mother and son drive? How can there be a group of men? Are they illiterate? But as far as I know, there was no illiteracy in China long ago? No, I know they are not illiterate, but the scum in the world. They are just some fake illiterates. They ignored the sign that said where the mother and son got on the bus, and the two desolate mothers and daughters. Although the mother and daughter shivered beside the cold wind, the well-dressed uncles looked calm. Didn't they feel a little ashamed? Don't you think about the aunt and the baby at all?

Seeing the scenes on the screen, my heart could not be calm for a long time. Although the material civilization of our country has been improved, the moral civilization of our country is not enough. A small cartoon can prove this. These fake illiterates still remain in the world today. They must be well educated people by looking at their neat clothes. But how selfish it is for them to ignore the interests of others and social morality for their own sake! This made me think deeply: the illiteracy in knowledge is terrible, but the false illiteracy in morality is even more shocking. I hope this cartoon scene will never happen again in real life.

How many people were rescued by those rescue forces after the Wenchuan earthquake? Don't save tens of thousands of people. Doesn't this just reflect the beautiful moral spirit of the Chinese nation, which should be carried forward? This reminds me of the spirit of helping each other in difficulties and helping each other through thick and thin.

Reading this cartoon reminds me of a story that happened in ancient times:

In ancient times, there was a blind mother-in-law who was blind. One night in the roaring north, the blind mother-in-law walked home by night road. She held a lantern, and others were puzzled. A young man came up and asked, "Grandma, you are blind, why do you hold the lantern?" The blind mother-in-law said quietly, "I want to light my own road in the dark and light the road of others. Isn't it the best of both worlds?" Even the disabled and blind mother-in-law has the spirit of helping others, and these false illiterates should not remain in the world.

In ancient times, people helped others, but in modern times, there are more. This reminds me of a scene in life.

Once, I went to catch the No. 3 bus, and came up to a white haired old man at the station of Mashuihe. The old man walked up to a young man sitting on a stool. The young man turned his head to the window, ignored the old man, and was indifferent. A small red scarf sitting on a stool saw it, stood up immediately, walked to the old man, and pulled the old man to his seat, Then he said, "Grandpa, sit down!" The old man said to the red scarf with a grateful look, "Thank you! What's your name, little friend?" The red scarf said, "My name is Red Scarf, and it's Sixiao." The old man smiled as if it were blooming. Is this young man blind? No, he is morally illiterate, and his morality is "eaten" by selfishness and self-interest in his heart.

I hope that in the future, China will not only improve its material life wealth, but also its spiritual civilization wealth. In this way, China, a strong, beautiful and rich ethnic group, will be more hopeful, beautiful and more beautiful.

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (11)

There are many false illiterates in the whole world. False illiteracy, as its name implies, is to pretend that you are illiterate. Today, I saw a cartoon called "False Illiteracy", which benefited me a lot.
The fake illiterate mainly painted: in a cold winter, five big characters were written on a parking sign - where mother and son get on the bus. But it is puzzling that next to this stop sign, there are four strong men standing instead of mother and son. They are all waiting for the bus silently with their eyes closed, as if they were illiterate. A mother and son stood quietly behind the parking sign. They looked at these big men silently. Their eyes showed depression and helplessness to those who lacked social morality in the world.
I look at this satirical cartoon and feel so sorry for the mother and son. I really want to rush into the cartoon to help them. These four big men really have no social morality. Are they really illiterate? No, because they know these five characters, they know that if they wait here, they will be faster than other places. So they all pretended to be illiterate, closed their eyes, and didn't bother to look at the mother and son who were standing beside them shivering with cold. These people have only left rotten corpses, and their hearts have long been darkened. Standing in the new society, standing in the society that should respect the old and love the young, they only drag their own empty framework, and gradually use the reason of "illiteracy" to ruin the new society.
In life, there are also many people like this who pretend to be illiterate and walk into the house after putting up the sign of "No Stepping on the Lawn"; Smokers leisurely enjoy the pleasure of smoking in the non-smoking area; When getting on the bus, people ignore the good virtue of queuing to get on the bus and only know that they are pushing forward alone... These people's hearts are already full of selfish garbage.
We must always clean up the garbage in our hearts and make it as pure as water and beautiful as flowers forever.

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (12)

Recently, I saw a cartoon called "False Illiteracy", which was painted by the famous painter Hua Junwu's grandfather in 1984. The painting depicts a woman holding her child standing outside the railings of the bus station where the mother and son are taking the bus. Her face is bleak and she thinks: Are these people illiterate? There are four tall men standing in the railing. From the appearance of these four men, they are all social elites. Whether they don't know the words "where mother and son get on the bus" or they want to take advantage of this brand to get on the bus early.

I think: Grandpa Hua Junwu wants to satirize those who do not follow the basic social morality. Reading this cartoon made me think deeply~

Yes! In society, there are many people like these four "fake illiterates" who do not abide by social ethics, and many people like this. For example, in the beautiful scenery of a scenic spot, there is a sign beside the grass that says "Do not tread on the grass", but some people ignore it and still tread on the grass. Another example is that smoking is prohibited in shopping malls, but some people want to smoke desperately in shopping malls.

These phenomena are often seen in our daily life. Are these people illiterate? No, there are students, cadres, businessmen and doctors among them. They are all elites in the society. They are not illiterate, but have low moral quality. These people want to facilitate or meet their own desires to destroy the public moral standards. They never thought that after meeting their own desires, they would bring great disasters to others.

Mutual humility is the traditional virtue of China, an ancient civilization with a history of five thousand years. In ancient times, everyone was humble to each other. Now we still have to carry forward this good quality. Only by learning to be humble to each other can we get help and trust from others. As a teenager in the new era, we must start from a young age to make our country prosperous and strong.

We should abide by social public morality and put an end to the birth of false illiteracy.

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (13)

Today, I read a cartoon called False Illiteracy. It touched me deeply.

This story happened in a cold winter, when the wind was blowing and the snow was falling. The shops on the street were closed. Passers by put on their eiderdown hats and walked away. In such a winter, an incredible thing happened.

As the Spring Festival approached, the bus station was far away from the sea of people. Some people were carrying suitcases and shouting, "Let's go, there's almost no time!" Some people looked at the distance and seemed to think, "Why isn't this bus coming, In order to facilitate the common people, the staff in the station set up a "mother and child boarding place" so that the baby carrier or baby sitter can get on the train smoothly.

Aunt Li is going home for the Spring Festival. She goes to the ticket window and says, 'After buying a ticket, she picks up her two-year-old child and rushes in. When I came to the "place where mother and son get on the train", I found that this is not the "place where mother and son get on the train" at all!


It turned out that people had already stood there, but they were not baby carriers! The leader standing at the front is a leader. He was wearing thick cotton padded jacket, cotton padded trousers and a pair of leather shoes that were polished brightly. With his hands in his pockets and white breath in his mouth, he looked at ease, ignoring Aunt Li and "the place where mother and son get on the bus". He looked into the distance and thought, "Why isn't this broken car coming? My wife and children are still waiting for me to come home for reunion!" Behind him stood a tall, thin soldier. He wore military uniforms, and his shoes were polished by snow, which was very powerful. He closed his eyes, very carefree.

Aunt Li was very angry when she saw the scene. So she held up the child and said, "This is where mother and son get on the bus!"

Grade 5: Yin Youqun

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (14)

As human beings attach importance to knowledge, there are fewer and fewer illiterates in society. But I saw a cartoon like this in a Chinese book, which made me fall into deep meditation

It was a bitterly cold winter. A mother was holding a child for only a few months, standing in the "mother and son getting on the station" and waiting for the bus. Suddenly, a big man in luxurious clothes came to the "mother and son getting on the station" because of the large number of people who "usually get on the station", and three gentle big men followed closely. They shared the "mother and son go to the station", and forced the mother and son to the railing. They pretended not to know the characters on the license plate.

When I read the comics in the book, I felt angry. Don't they know what morality is? Aren't they ashamed of themselves? I also looked at the mother and son who were squeezed out of the railing. They were so helpless and helpless. They stood there with their children in their arms and accepted the baptism of winter. I felt so aggrieved that I could not speak, but I could only stand there for a long time... At this time, I felt a sudden impulse: I really wanted to rush in and help the poor mother and son. I looked at the words on the sign again and thought: Are they really illiterate? Can't they really see the big characters on the sign? no no, it isn't! They are not illiterate, but moral, spiritual and love blind! They have neglected the inner civilization, so they have lost the most basic human conscience.

There will also be many such people in our life. They are not illiterate, but they are better than illiterate. Their ears will selectively "fail", and their eyes will selectively "blind" to those important signs. During the winter vacation, my parents and I drove back to our hometown. Because it is the Spring Festival holiday, there are many cars on the highway, As a result, the high-speed is blocked. However, some people drive into the "emergency lane" because they are in a hurry. At this time, someone had a heart attack, but because the "emergency lane" was blocked, and could not be treated in time, the person lost his life. Why did they do that? Because they are in order to hurry and facilitate. They drove to the "emergency lane" regardless of what others thought. Please stop pretending to be "illiterate" and make fun of your morality! Please stop joking about the merits of society! Please take off your hypocritical "contact lenses" and let the flowers of civilization bloom in every corner of the world, so that everyone can smell its fragrance!

I believe that they are not "fake illiterate". However, their hearts are fake. What they lose in this way is not only social morality, but also their personal shame! "False illiterate" people go to pick up your original heart!

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (15)

In our life, "illiteracy" is very strange to the teenagers of our age; However, in life, there are some people who are clearly not illiterate, but would rather be "illiterate". Seeing a cartoon called "False Illiteracy" made me ponder.

One winter morning, the north wind howled. At the bus stop, there was a very eye-catching big sign with the words "where mother and son get on the bus" prominently displayed. However, there were four strong men standing in the waiting passage under the sign. Their faces were expressionless, and they were not ashamed of their mistakes. On the contrary, they still stood there as if nothing had happened and pushed aside a thin mother with a baby who should have gotten on the bus first.

The first of the four big men at the mother and son waiting place wore a coat, pants and leather shoes. He seemed to be a cultural man, but his eyes were dim and he looked like he was doing nothing. The second man was wearing a big cotton hat and a long coat. He put his hands in his pockets, squinted, and did not care about the words on the sign. The third man is like an intellectual, short, wearing a fashionable down jacket, wearing a pair of shiny shoes and a pair of wide glasses on his nose. The fourth man wore a leather jacket and a mask, but his mask could not hide his anxiety.

The place where the mother and son get on the bus is a priority for waiting for the bus, which is a reflection of the society's care for women and children. But these people who look very gentlemanly take advantage of this place to seek their own convenience. They look very gentlemanly and dress cleanly, but their hearts are extremely ugly; They all seem to be cultural people, but in fact they do not understand the true meaning of the word "respect the old and love the young".

There are many bad customs in life, but people seem to be used to them; There are many garbage bins on the streets and alleys with signs of garbage classification, but people either throw garbage next to the garbage cans or do not follow the signs. There are also slogans in many restaurants that say "Don't waste food", but people don't see them. They are still extravagant and wasteful and then go away. They are all "fake illiterate"!

Come on, let's act together and be a truly civilized person with quality!

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (16)

In order to take care of those women who are carrying children and carrying things, the bus station has set up a mother and child boarding place, and has erected a sign beside it to facilitate women's boarding and ensure that they can have seats.

On this day, the north wind kept blowing. It was so cold that it could freeze the water into ice. The wind hurt my face like a knife. However, the station is still full of people. A poorly dressed mother took her tiny child into her arms and slowly walked to the station. She was panting and her feet were trembling. It was obvious that she had run a lot and it was because the weather was too cold.

The woman saw a sign at the boarding station: the boarding station for mother and son. I was so happy and excited that I seemed to forget the tiredness and cold. She ran excitedly to the place where the mother and son got on the bus. When she reached the place where the mother and son got on the bus, she was surprised to find an abnormal phenomenon. Four neatly dressed people in famous brand coats and leather shoes stood in their pockets where the mother and son got on the bus. The women were a little confused and puzzled. Their minds were full of big question marks - can't they understand the words on the sign? Squeeze your eyes and look again at the words on the sign: where mother and son get on the train. "My eyes are all right?" said the woman. So he went to ask them if it was the place where mother and son got on the bus. Before she could speak, one of them said, "We can't read. Don't bother." After that, the man lowered his head and closed his eyes, as if he dared not face the front. The women looked at their clothes and said nothing more. Helplessly holding the child to one side. The four men claimed that they were illiterate, but their clothes had exposed this. The first person, with a big belly and leather shoes, is a big boss at the sight of a popular release. Second, a neat uniform must be a soldier. The third person, top down jacket, smooth leather shoes. It must be a leader. Fourth, wearing a mask, like a doctor. These four people knew that they must be educated people, regardless of their appearance and identity. But they stood at the place where the mother and son got on the bus, feeling at ease and innocent. However, the woman could only stand aside, being mercilessly blown by the north wind, and would shiver from time to time. Even if the four men were really illiterate, they should not watch the women suffer from the bitter cold in the north wind.

The scene of this cartoon is common in life.

On the bus, there are old people, women, children and other people in need of help, and those "care seats" are for them. Sometimes, when such people get on the bus, they ignore the people in the seat, and even the people in the "special seat" will not let them, so they feel at ease.

It is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation to stress civilization, respect talents and love children. We should be kind-hearted and take the initiative to make way for this kind of thing. If you were an old man or a woman, and you got on the bus, but there was no seat available, how would you feel? How would you feel?

Therefore, I should have a good heart and use my strength to help others. In this way, the society will become more harmonious and beautiful.

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (17)

I like to read comics, especially funny ones, because they have a strong sense of humor, which makes me laugh. But when I see the fake illiterate, I can't laugh.

The picture shows the scene of taking a bus at a bus stop. Four adults (four strong men, to be exact) are standing under the sign of "mother and son getting on the bus", as if they have no sense of shame. And the real mother and son? Is standing aside to cool the air! What about the four big men? One by one, they pretend to be really illiterate. But everyone knows that they are just pretending to be illiterate for their own benefit.

Among them are cadres wearing overcoats, soldiers wearing military caps, scholars wearing glasses, and doctors wearing masks. All of them are well dressed and strong, not like illiterate. However, they still ignored the signs and stood there in a dignified manner. What a shame!

In fact, there are many people around us who are just like the fake illiterate in the painting, just like in a park

I was tired from playing in a park and was sitting on a public chair to rest. Next to the chair is a lawn, which is full of colorful flowers, competing for beauty. While I was enjoying the beautiful scenery, a group of children came running from a distance, stood at the edge of the grass for a while, and read the prompt beside the grass: "Do not tread on the grass." The group of children left. After a while, a grandpa came, leaning on crutches, looking like a blind man. When he touched the sign with his crutch, he knew that there was a grass or something in front of him. As he walked to the right, he said, "It's really sweet! There must be a grass there. There must be many flowers planted there. It must be beautiful, but I can't see it..."; The old man sighed, and I was moved: a blind man and a group of innocent children all knew that the grass could not be trampled at will, how wonderful... I had not thought it over, a loud noise floated past me, and I suddenly turned around and saw a group of big brothers and sisters, like junior high school and senior high school! They walked towards the grass in groups, ignoring the prompts beside them. Alas, are you blind? But what about the blind man? Alas, I can't help sighing. Real blind people all know how to care for flowers and plants. Big brothers and sisters who have read so many books

People now! All of them are like this. They only care about their own interests, regardless of others' feelings. I hope you don't become one of the fake illiterates!

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (18)

It was a bitterly cold winter with the north wind whistling, and people were waiting for the departure at the station as always. However, there were four men standing at the place where there were several striking signs of "Mother and Son Boarding", while the real mother and son stood carefully outside the "Mother and Son Boarding", looking at the four men helplessly——

The first man, with neat and bright hair and dull eyes, looked down as if he was avoiding the mother and son. He did not look at the mother and son next to him. He was wearing a mink coat and brand-name shoes. He was a little fat, like the leader of an agency, but still stood there without anything.

Standing behind him was a tall man wearing a big cap and a military coat. He closed his eyes as if silently saying, "Many people stand here, and I can also stand here." He was like a soldier, but he violated the rules that a soldier should abide by, which was lamentable and pathetic.

The third man, wearing an eye mirror, was a rich intellectual. He was wearing a fashionable down jacket and shiny leather shoes, but he refused to give in. He closed his eyes and thought: "The two young men in front were standing there in a dignified way. Why can't I? I'm still an old man! I'm not much different from women!"

The last one, dressed thickly and wearing a big mask, looked around as if he was extremely afraid of being recognized. Maybe he was praying silently and nobody saw him.

Four men stood majestically at the place where the mother and son got on the train, while the real mother and son stood aside, collecting their skirts and being frozen. When the bus arrived, the men still got on the bus. It was so stately, while the mother and children stood aside

This is Hua Junwu's thought-provoking cartoon, "False Illiteracy". The words "where mother and son get on the bus" are clear. Did they really see the five characters? No, they saw that it was their social morality that blinded them and made them illiterate. Such things can be seen everywhere in life: the grass with the sign of "Green Grass, Please Don't Tread" has a striking footprint; There are words "quiet" in the library, but they are noisy; There is a sign inside the bus that says "No Smoking", but someone boldly "puffs"... What if you are a photographer and the grass is scarred? If you are a thirsty student, what if you go to the library full of noise? If you are an environmentalist and see cigarette butts everywhere in your car, what will happen Illiteracy is pitiful, but false illiteracy is shameful and hateful! They have corrupted the good customs of the society, destroyed the living environment of people, and brought inconvenience to people. This is the scum in the society! Disgusted scum! Such people will be disgusting everywhere! Therefore, please don't let people abandon or repel you, offer your seat, abide by the rules and regulations, and start from me to add a brilliant color to our great China!

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (19)

The cartoon shows four men of different heights and a mother and son. Because the weather was very cold, they all wrapped themselves up and huddled together. The surprise was that the four men stood under a sign that said "mother and son first get on the bus". In order to get on the bus earlier, they didn't want to wait for the bus in this cold weather, regardless of the eyes of the world. But the poor mother and son stood so small behind them.

Cartoonists want to show that human beings in the world will do anything for their own interests, ignoring the secular vision, and some will even sacrifice their families to achieve their goals. The four men in the cartoon.

No matter whether you are a mother or a son, you can't see the poor mother and son behind you. You just want to get on the bus first. Although the world continues to call for respect for the elderly and care for the weak and small groups... many people still ignore it.

By using this cartoon to satirize those people, we should learn to respect, care, and love them, unlike the people in the cartoon, who clearly write "mother and son first get on the bus" but put on an inexplicable look.

Feelings from Watching "False Illiteracy" (20)

On the screen, "the place where mother and son get on the train" is occupied by a group of men with big arms and round waist, who look educated. Some of them closed their eyes and raised their spirits; Some talked, chatted and laughed; Some raised their necks and looked up at the sky... but they ignored the stop sign of "mother and son getting on the train", while a pair of mother and son were squeezed at the end far away from getting on the train, which seemed very helpless. The child in the woman's arms cried loudly, while the group of "doves occupying the nest" did not care. Can't these people see the eye-catching stop sign? A closer look at the title of the cartoon shows that they are a group of "fake illiterates".

This phenomenon of "false illiteracy" is ubiquitous in our life. On the bus, it was originally written "Special seats for the elderly, the weak, the sick, the disabled and the pregnant", but it was occupied by those young people; There are dustbins beside the road, but litter paper can be seen everywhere; There is the word "No urination here" under the wall, but some uncivilized people still urinate there... Are these people really illiterate? no What they lack is a sense of public morality. They only think about themselves. These selfish and independent minds are very dirty.

Maybe someone said, "Alas! It's trivial to grab a seat, occupy the place where mother and son get on the bus, and throw garbage!" But what I want to say is that moral quality, human quality, and the degree of spiritual civilization are reflected from these trivial things. Do not act on a small scale of good and do not act on a small scale of evil. Just imagine that a person who has no love for the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and who should not give even a little convenience, can do what is right in a critical moment and sacrifice his life for the society? Each of us should be a person who thinks more about others, and keep in mind that the old and the old, the young and the young.

Let's work together to make "false illiteracy" disappear from us completely!