600 words with a good feeling after reading (20 collections)
As bright as spring flowers
2023-09-12 03:41:56
reaction to a book or an article

600 words with good feeling after reading (1)

I remember when I first came into contact with the Pupils Guide in grade one, when I opened it, I was deeply attracted by the rich and colorful content in it. Every time the teacher issued a new issue, I would look at it with interest, and I would like to read it all at once.

Now, in a cupboard in my room, there is a stack of neat books hidden. That is my favorite Guide to Pupils, which has been growing with me

I like the stories in this guide best, because there are different reasons in each story. Take the article "Acting Monitor" in the "Primary School Guide" from September to October this year for example. Although the story is simple and the content is not much, it makes me understand a truth that a person should not be timid or shrink in the face of what he fears. He should be generous, enthusiastic and brave to overcome, so that he can succeed. In addition, if you are not good at expressing yourself and can't express your enthusiasm and pursuit with words, you should express your feelings with actions. If you sincerely give enthusiasm, you can also be recognized by others.

Although I am now the president of the student union of the school, I have a deep sympathy with what is said in the Acting Monitor, and have a deeper understanding of myself: in fact, being a monitor or a president of the student union should not only have good results, be brave to implement, but also have the spirit of serving students.

There are many rich and interesting knowledge in Pupils Guide, some of which make you laugh, some of which open your eyes, and some of which make you marvel... As long as we look carefully, we can enrich our knowledge, broaden our horizons, understand more truth, and make us more intelligent.

Pupils Guide, you have taught me a lot, just like a teacher who opened the door to knowledge for me, and also like a bosom friend who accompanied me when I was lonely. I will cherish this book more and make it my intimate partner!

Grade 6: wuhao 1999

600 words with good feeling after reading (2)

I have read this book recently, and I feel deeply. In the process of reading, I think of all kinds of things I experienced as a child, as well as some ideas I have now, and I feel I have benefited a lot. I would like to share with you again, hoping that it will help you and make your children, or children in the future, grow better.

1、 Understanding of College Entrance Examination

Now the market is full of all kinds of college entrance examination materials, trying to get good results through one to two years of hard work. Maybe these materials are really useful. Many parents also buy them for their children, but many parents are powerless to control how much they can learn and whether they are willing to learn the knowledge. I learned from the book that students need not only some good tactics (remedial classes, various materials, etc.), but also some good strategies (students' interest in learning, desire, mentality, ideological realm, etc.) to take the college entrance examination. These strategic education needs time, experience and thought, as well as the ideological awareness of parents and teachers. At the same time, it will have a greater and far-reaching impact on students and children. Although I don't know whether the methods and means in the book are correct or not, and whether they have any effect on children, I can be sure that the author's ideological realm is quite high, and the perspective of looking at problems is also very unique, which can greatly enlighten parents and teachers (not only mothers).

2、 Understanding of primary education

At present, there are many problems in primary education. I didn't investigate this argument, but combined with my own experience in primary school and the recent reading of primary school Chinese textbooks, I really felt that the knowledge in primary school Chinese textbooks was shallow, which wasted a lot of time for primary school students, so I deeply agreed with the author's views on primary school education. In the book, the author puts forward his own views on some common situations in primary education, which is still very sharp and meaningful. I really feel a lot, some of which I think not only parents and primary school teachers need to understand, but also some leaders and managers need to understand.

3、 The way I educate children has a great impact on me

In the book, the author puts forward many ways to communicate with children, as well as their psychology and ideas. It is very helpful for parents with children. I think some of the methods are effective!

The above is just the most impressive part for me. I think many opinions and thoughts mentioned in the book are very good, but I can't list them one by one. It's a pity. Finally, this book is worth collecting.

600 words with good feeling after reading (3)

Recently, I borrowed the book "A Good Mother Is Better than a Good Teacher" from Tongbo's parents, and consciously benefited a lot. The author Yin Jianli is not only a mother, but also a teacher, educator and a good writer. It is said in the book that "mother is a friend, a teacher, and a guide for children. The difference of mother's education methods often affects children's life." Each point is explained in detail, which makes people feel so kind, touching, simple and vivid; Let's be convinced, and put our own examples and educational problems before our eyes, teaching us how to solve the practical problems of education, so that children can be better educated without being hurt by self-esteem, and more importantly, to perfectly maintain the children's pure, optimistic, healthy, confident, smart, lively, and caring good children!

In addition, in the book, I saw the image of a great mother and a great father. Although the author doesn't pay much attention to it, I know from many examples mentioned in the article that the author has a good gentleman and a good father. He plays the role of father very well, actively cooperates with his wife to do a good job in children's education, and is willing to bow down and admit to the children when he is wrong - how many fathers can do this?

Therefore, family education is by no means simply a matter for mothers; Behind a successful child, there must be a pair of parents who successfully educate the child. Education seems sacred and simple, but it is a lesson that can never be learned! Therefore, "we should constantly learn from experience in the process of practice. If we want to make progress, we must constantly learn!" In front of children, parents should also pretend to be incompetent and ignorant, so as to leave various opportunities to children; More importantly, children are often given the opportunity to "work alone, take responsibility and solve problems alone". Let children do everything by themselves. Only by making mistakes can they gradually learn the skills of thinking and doing things.

This book is worth reading for all of us. It is a good book that can teach us instantly! So after reading this book, I feel full of harvest! I also hope that more parents can get more from this book! Then I sincerely thank the writer Yin Jianli for compiling this good book for our readers!

600 words with good feeling after reading (4)

To be honest, I didn't finish reading the book "A Good Mother is Better than a Good Teacher", but only selected some chapters to read. I especially appreciate Mr. Yin's attitude when dealing with certain situations of children. I am not impatient, and I think and solve problems from the perspective of children, which is worth my pondering and learning.

Each child has its own characteristics, and the internal and external causes of the growth environment are also different. No one kind of education method is suitable for all children. Learn to listen to her from the child's perspective, and respect her. This is my required course.

When Shu Yin entered the first grade, I was as excited as her. However, I gradually found that she was a procrastinator, a perfectionist, and she did everything slowly. She could read a pinyin card for more than 40 minutes, so worried that my eyes would come out. She still doesn't mean to act quickly. She is really sad when she looks at her heart. What should she do about this child?

Before going to bed, I asked her if she could do her homework, get up and brush her teeth more quickly. She refused to answer because I spoke loudly. I realized that it was wrong. I hugged her quickly and said sorry to her. Mom really shouldn't be impatient and should not speak loudly. After she saw me apologizing, she was willing to say: "I'm afraid of you when you speak loudly, and I can't read when I just learned Pinyin. Once you speak loudly, I dare not read it, and I need time." When the child spoke, I felt deeply remorse. As a beginner, she has just learned Pinyin, and it really takes time, but I didn't control my mood well, and brought her the anxiety of "looking for women to become phoenix", which is my fault. Parents are more authoritative than pretending to be dignified when they face their own mistakes honestly.

After this time, I seldom participated in her homework. She usually completed it independently, and she would ask questions when she did not understand. I found that scolding or teasing may not work. Sometimes, trust can also be a key. Trust children, will have its unintended effect. As long as I believe that she will do a good job, she will really do better and better. She will be more and more able to control the time for homework. I am glad that getting up, brushing teeth and going to school are also improving.

On the way of educating children, there are still many problems to be solved, but I hope I can put down my posture, cultivate patience, communicate with her on an equal basis, respect her ideas, let her feel the beauty of life, enjoy learning, and explore the true meaning of happiness together.

600 words with good feeling after reading (5)

At first, I saw such a book was attracted because after becoming a mother, I always paid attention to the children's life values and had a correct guidance. I hope I can guide children correctly through many channels. I often heard about this book in the current situation of developed network, but I never had the opportunity to read it. After coming to the company, the company has a good habit for employees, Each employee is required to read a book every month. When borrowing a book, he accidentally found that the company had this book, so he wanted to borrow it to have a look and continue to learn. After all, the child is now 4 and a half years old. Although he has worked hard to be a good mother these years, he still has many shortcomings. He hopes to change some of his shortcomings by reading. In fact, It is said in this book that mother is a friend, mother is a teacher, and mother is a guide for children. The difference in mother's education methods often affects children's life, especially the numbness of boys, which should be done to the extreme. Because a wrong approach of yours will lead to children's timidity, cowardice, and so on. Boys, in particular, have no masculinity. This book is divided into seven parts, namely: quality of love, easy learning, character education, learning habits, parents' wisdom, small things are big things, and educational misunderstandings. Each part has an example to guide parents how to do it. Through reading this book, we will also think of some reasons for our own children's education, For example, you can't rob other children's toys. If you want to, you should learn to discuss the exchange. If the other children don't want to, you can play with your own toys or other toys or you don't have them. If you think it's OK, you can buy them for you, but you must not rob them. However, if it is your own thing, when you are unwilling to give it to others or you like it very much, you have the right to protect it from being stolen. In fact, I want to tell my children that things can't be solved by robbing, because it's terrible when they grow up, but they can't be cowardly. What they like is to protect themselves, otherwise they will feel normal when they grow up and lose anything. The other thing is that since the child can leave at the age of one and a half, early education, swimming, Lego, and now thinking robots, literacy, English, piano, go, and taekwondo, I really don't know whether it is right to do so now. I think that children have no time to play. However, the real life and the real society have to let me do this, because I don't want him to grow up, It's helpless to enter the society, just like the saying goes: all the efforts now are to let you choose life in the future, not life to choose you. Come on, dear self. Make persistent efforts to be a good mother and give children a good future.

600 words with good feeling after reading (6)

I was lucky to read the book "Good Mothers Are Better Than Good Teachers" a few days ago. Many educational concepts and methods in the book really benefit me! Among them, the most impressive one is the proper use of reverse thinking advocated by the author.

The story introduced in the book is as follows: three bored young people often kick the garbage cans in the community when they have nothing to do. The residents can't stand the harassment and are discouraged many times, but it is useless. Others say they are kicking harder and harder. Later, an old man was moved to the community and thought of a way to stop them kicking the garbage can. One day when they kicked again, the old man came to them and said, "I like the sound of the trash can being kicked. If you do this every day, I will pay you one dollar a day.". Several young people were very happy, so they kicked harder. A few days later, the old man said to them, I am in a tight economy recently, and I can't give you so much. I can only give you 50 cents a day. The three young people were not very satisfied. They didn't buy so much when kicking. A few days later, the old man said to them, I haven't received a pension check recently, and I can only give you 10 cents a day. Please forgive me. "Ten cents? Do you think we will waste our time for just ten cents?" one young man shouted, and the other two also said, "Too little, we will quit!" So they went away and stopped kicking the garbage can. The old man is a master of heart attack. He turned the "fun" of several young people into a "responsibility". He used to reduce spending to stimulate them to rebel against kicking garbage cans. In the process of children's growth, sometimes it is also necessary to use reverse thinking appropriately to stimulate children's enthusiasm, not to stimulate children's aversion.

Although this is a book of family education, education is interlinked whether it is family education or school education. Whether a mother or a teacher conquers children by force is a sign of lack of wisdom. Facing a minor, the greatest civilization of adults is to stand in the perspective of children, try to understand what he thinks and does, and guide his growth in a way that he is willing to accept.

600 words with good feeling after reading (7)

Family education is the education that children receive the earliest, longest and most influential. A good mother is better than a good teacher was recommended to me by a colleague when my child was just born. At that time, for me who was just a mother, everything was ignorant and I didn't know how to be a mother. Therefore, this book has given me great help and enlightenment. Now I find some ideas and education in this book are interlinked, Through case analysis, it is expounded that there are no children who can't teach well, only mothers who can't teach well. This sentence is also suitable for me as a teacher. There are no students who can't teach well, only teachers who can't teach students.

The best education is to set an example. I agree with the view that the author proposes to teach by example rather than by words. A good mother must constantly improve her self-cultivation and set a good example for her children. A good teacher on campus should also set a good example for students, ranging from standing to sitting, speaking fluent Mandarin when entering the campus, personal hygiene and dressing, discipline during activities, daily work, attitude and methods of dealing with emergencies, etc.

After the introduction of the 42 negative list of teachers' ethics and style, we as teachers should better discipline ourselves and set an example for students. In fact, some teachers usually do a good job in teaching students, but they still do not do enough in details. We should know that every word and deed and every move of the teacher will be seen, remembered and emulated by students. Why do some parents reflect? We can't help it! But if the teacher says that children can be the imperial edict, they can be eager to know. The teacher's words and deeds are very important, just like a textbook without words, which is imperceptibly immersed in the minds of students.

For students, this is a huge and subtle effect. The most direct, profound and lasting ones are those produced unconsciously by teachers at ordinary times. One day, in the school, I saw two students arguing there for a small matter. One of the students told his own truth. The most impressive thing was that the student said something. What our teacher said showed that the teacher had a great influence on him. So the teacher must be strict with himself at all times and everywhere. Only in this way can we have a positive and far-reaching impact on students, set a good example of children's life, and do not let your education collapse in the nest because of your own negligence.

600 words with good feeling after reading (8)

Recently, I was reading the book "A Good Mother Exceeds a Good Teacher". The sentence "Violence in the name of love" gave me a strong feeling. It made me reflect more and more deeply. When we are doing student work as teachers, we always emphasize that "I am worthy of my conscience, and I have a clear conscience." Although conscience and love are necessary, they are subjective after all, And I think this is also a selfish idea. After all, you feel that you are worthy of yourself. What about the child? If not accepted by children, even if we take great pains, it is also a failure of education. We ask our children to set up lofty ideals when they are young. Have we set up our ideal as teachers; We ask our children to study hard since childhood. Do we, as teachers, take "education" as a subject to study? If we don't, what qualifications do we have to ask our children. As a teacher, we always emphasize some objective factors. Primary school teachers say that children do not have good tutoring, junior high school teachers emphasize that primary school teachers do not educate children well, senior high school teachers complain that junior high school teachers are incompetent, and college teachers feel that there is no need to be responsible for students' behavior. In this way, the child will grow up and really become a scourge to others. Who is responsible for him? We should be worried about that. There are no morally corrupt children, only unfortunate children. We can't change things that can't be changed, but we can make every child in our hands feel lucky. He has been unlucky for a long time.

As a teacher, we feel powerless in many things. We always forgive ourselves for making mistakes again and again, but our children have only one childhood. We can change our mistakes, but our children's life can never start from scratch.

The book says, "A big problem in modern family education is that parents can give their lives for their children, but they are unwilling to pay their time and attention for their children." We never deny that a doting parent has deep love for children, so we never deny all the efforts made by a diligent teacher for children, but this is far from enough, If we can really love children, we should start from changing ourselves and strengthening our own learning.

It is said in the book that "not all people who become parents will become parents." So not all people who become teachers will become teachers. Education is a subject that can never be learned. I think that only more learning and continuous improvement is the way of education that I should take now.

600 words with good feeling after reading (9)

It has been a long time since I bought this book, and a thick layer of dust has fallen on my bedside table. With the growth of Doudou, I feel more and more powerless to educate my children!

Her progress and resistance every day, with my original ability, have been unable to cope, I can no longer simply play with her, the reality of the urgent need for me to learn, to learn how to deal with the confusion brought about by her growth, to learn how to guide her to a healthy and correct path in the process of playing with her! This is not only responsible for her, but also responsible for the future society. A building is easy to build, but if the foundation is not firmly built, it will easily collapse. In the same way, if you feed her, she will grow up. If you feed her spiritual food, she will be more abundant. It is not just a simple matter of having enough food. So I picked up this book again and read it carefully.

Mother is a friend, playing with children. The mother is a teacher. She guides children's interest in learning. The author of this book emphasizes the importance of reading. From the cases in the book and the actual results of the author's daughter, I also agree with the author's point of view. How happy it is for children to love reading when they are young! Reading can experience the fun of stories, increase literacy, expand knowledge beyond books and textbooks, improve reading speed and writing level. The book also points out the drawbacks in real education. It is a failure to blindly pursue composition scores, but copy mechanically, rigid students' thinking, and unable to write a true composition! I really hope that more teachers can see this point of view and stop killing students' enthusiasm for reading and writing!

For a child's character, it is a factor that affects her life. I hope my child has a good character. She can calmly face life, tolerate all the phenomena in the world, and be the simplest self, living for herself, instead of carrying heavy burdens for our various hopes, sustenance, and purposes. Here, the author mentioned "seeking truth from facts", four things more precious than gold, yes! Can anyone be realistic? Don't criticize children. Setting an example is the best education. Children are a blank sheet of paper. How to draw? You wrote it!

If you are not satisfied with your children, should you review what you haven't done well? Respect children, treat her as a friend, don't treat her as a child, she also has self-esteem!

600 words with good feeling after reading (10)

Because I want to write the feeling after reading, I roughly turned over this book again, and felt that it was really a book worth saving and might be read again.

Teacher Yin Jianli is famous for "Good Mothers Beat Good Teachers". Cross border language teachers and educational researchers, two related professions, have strong thinking ability and a practical attitude. Their writing style is also good, so they can put forward many insights about the current education environment in China. Although this book is not a "pioneering work" like "A Good Mother is Better than a Good Teacher" after a long time of accumulation, it is good for children to read. In particular, I think it is targeted to reply to some "letters from readers", answering some typical questions faced by parents about reading, such as: can romantic novels be shown to children, can some novels have descriptions of "men and women" be shown to children, can you read more comic books, and what to do if children are obsessed with reading and delay doing homework, etc. For these thorny problems, Yin Jianli's main idea is: Don't worry, reading these children will not deteriorate, respect the children's choice of books, as long as it is not illegal, can read.

What makes me, a reader who has read Good Mothers Better than Good Teachers, uncomfortable about this book is that there are some sections in it that directly use the relevant parts of Good Mothers Better than Good Teachers. The typesetting with large characters and sparse lines can also show that the size of the text itself is small, and the number of pages depends on the relaxation of typesetting. But on the other hand, this relaxed format makes people feel less burdened and relaxed. In fact, it can help readers finish reading a book. The embellishment of some lovely illustrations also conforms to the characteristics of this book and enlivens the atmosphere of the whole book. The cover paper seems to be 230E colorful and beautiful, with concave and convex design, simple and vivid. It is much more beautiful than the red and yellow color matching of Good Mothers Than Good Teachers.

Strictly speaking, I didn't read the book from beginning to end. I really don't want to read the final summary of educational views and share stories with others. It's good to insist on reading a book. Many "rotten tails" are still in the drawer, and you need to encourage yourself to read them. Then write something. Yes, writing is better than not writing.

600 words with good feeling after reading (11)

Take a good road in a lifetime - 600 words after reading

I once read a story in the newspaper: there are two Spaniards, one is Blanco, the other is Ortega. They are not only the same age, but also neighbors. But the family circumstances are far different. Blanco's father was a rich businessman, living in a villa and driving a luxury car. But Ortega's father was a stall, living in a hut and walking.

Blanc's father told him when he was young: "No matter you want to be a lawyer, doctor, actor or businessman in the future, I will teach you how to do business. You know, your father is not a small businessman, but a big businessman. As long as you are willing to learn, I will teach you all my business experience!" But Ogat's father said: "My son, because my father's ability is limited and his family is poor, I can't give you much help, so I can teach you nothing except how to set up a stall. You can only learn to set up a stall from me, and all you want is nothing!

But later, Blanc did not choose his career goals, just playing games, and finally went bankrupt due to the financial crisis of the company, and finally Blanc achieved nothing.

What about Ortega? Because he was forced to do nothing, he honestly set up the stall with his father. Slowly, he found that if he wanted to get rid of the job of setting up the stall forever, he had to set it carefully.

Finally, Ortega finally owned his own store. Thirty years later, he owned his own clothing group. Today, for example, the Group has 3691 brand stores in 68 countries in the world, becoming the second largest clothing retailer in the world. Autor added $25 billion in personal assets, ranking No. 9 on Forbes' 2010 World Rich List.

Yes, we are not the same. When you want to learn the piano, you will find it very interesting. But after a period of time, you will find that the piano is boring. What about me? Now we are in the fifth grade. We have begun to play the clarinet in music class. At the beginning, I was very happy. I put it in my schoolbag every day, played it every day, and wiped it with a towel every day. But as time passed, I found it boring to play the clarinet, but I had no choice. I had to stick to it when it came to the final exam.

Therefore, we must set a target and launch a fierce attack on the target!

600 words with good feeling after reading (12)

It is not simple to love children. We should learn to love with wisdom and science. We should not indulge children blindly, let love become "doting", and learn to "let love be just right".

During the holiday, I read a book "It's just good to love you like this, my eighth grade child". Every part of the book helps parents to understand the changes and problems that may occur in each stage of their children's growth, and to put forward to parents what they need to pay attention to and how to guide their children.

Lay the cornerstone of a happy life ---- complete life education. I was attracted by this chapter at first sight. "When you live, you want to be like a spark, burning to the last moment of your life. When you die, you want to be like a snowflake, falling on the ground and turning into dust!" Qiong Yao's view of life and death, which "cherishes life and respects death", deeply moved many people. But when we are in adolescence, our emotions tend to fluctuate. If we are not satisfied with a small matter, we will lose our temper. Sometimes, they will "fight" or achieve "liberation" by committing suicide and other () extreme ways. I often hang "death" in my mouth and keep it in mind. These are all manifestations of "despising life". Therefore, parents should pay attention to their children, cultivate their healthy personality, and teach them to cherish life.

There will also be many people who are afraid of death and dare not formally discuss this topic. However, death cannot be avoided or eliminated. Without a correct and scientific outlook on life and death, it is impossible to have a correct and solid outlook on life and values. This book is read by parents and children together, which brings them closer to each other. "Individual human life will disappear, but group life will continue, and the most valuable spirit of individual life will continue forever through group life." I think this is the best interpretation of death!

The ability to love needs to be learned, and more importantly, we need to set an example. The love of parents is naturally great, but with the growing age of children, this love also needs to change accordingly. Only in this way can we love children better, which is the learning process. It is the sublimation of our own spirit, challenging the unknown, and cooperative learning should also be very happy.

In Gibran's To Our Children, he once wrote, "Your children are not your children. They are the children that life yearns for. They were born because of you, but not because of you. Although they are with you, they do not belong to you." I want us to taste the book "Just Good to Love You This Way, My Eighth Grade Children", and let us tell ourselves, We can love children and the world just right.

600 words with good feeling after reading (13)

In the story, Roald. Dahl's father lost his left hand because he played with a telegraph pole when he was young. Although he lost his left hand, he still kept working, which taught Roald. Dahl should persevere in doing things. Roald. Dahl's mother had four children, one of whom was Roald. Dahl. Roald, 1920xx. Dar's sister died of appendicitis. Within a few months, his father also died of pneumonia. Mother led Dar and his brothers and sisters to live a poor life. They worked every day, and their hands were worn out with thick cocoons.

As a last resort, my mother sent them to a boarding kindergarten far away from home. Dahl often made good friends there, four of whom were his best friends, but he could not avoid being abused by kindergarten teachers.

There is joy in hard life. The happiest thing is that Dahl's mother sends them six pence every week. They take one penny every day to buy sugar in a candy store. The owner of that candy store makes them hate her because she always takes her dirty hands to dig for sugar instead of scooping it out with a shovel. Therefore, they found a dead mouse under the plank in the classroom and prepared to put the dead mouse in the sugar bottle. They cooperated well and successfully put the dead mice in the sugar bottle. In this way, the headmaster learned about it in a few days. The headmaster called the five of them into the office, took a thick and long stick, and prepared to spank their five buttocks. Each of them was spanked a lot, and their buttocks were all purple, and they could not get out of bed for many days. Later, Dahl was transferred to a school called Ripton, where Dahl became a captain of Eton squash and soft squash, and finally Rold. Dahl also became an expert photographer.

Now, everyone's childhood life is happy and beautiful, but Roald. Dahl's childhood life was very miserable. He lost his father when he was young and lost his parents' protection. But Dahl was mentally healthy and sunny, full of love for life, humorous, positive, and finally created his own new life. We should cherish this wonderful time, study hard and create our own beautiful life.

600 words with a good feeling after reading (14)

After reading the article "Good mood", I was filled with emotion.

I thought: How can there be such an extremely optimistic person in the world? How did he manage to stay in a positive and optimistic attitude without fear when encountering difficulties and setbacks? In fact, all the problems are rooted in one sentence in the text: you can't change the weather, but you can choose to change your mood. Yes, if every one of us starts with a smile every day, like Mike in the article, and maintains a calm and positive attitude when facing danger, will the whole world become more colorful because of us?

I am very lucky that I am a girl who likes to laugh and has a strong affinity. I can start with a smile every day, so I have many friends. Whenever I see an acquaintance, I always greet him with a smile, because I think that a smile can overcome all language greetings. Whenever others give me advice, I will also smile, showing tacit approval and gratitude. When I get up and wash in the morning, I will smile in the mirror, give myself spiritual encouragement, let myself have a good performance in the day, and enjoy every bit of life.

Only by starting with a smile can we double our confidence, smile in the face of difficulties and setbacks, and thus gain; Start with a smile. Even if you are wronged, you will use a smile to skillfully turn grievances into tolerance, so as to have some comfort; Start with a smile. Even if you fail, you won't feel bad. As long as you know the truth that "failure is the mother of success", starting with a smile will generate a lot of power and make you optimistic about the door to success.

Although people will encounter many difficulties in life, they will experience wind and rain, but as long as we go through the trials and hardships with a smile, we can still grasp our own landmarks and take our own road.

When we get along with people in life, we will inevitably encounter indifference and incomprehension, and there will inevitably be grievances and failures. As long as we smile and hold our heads high, we will be able to turn indifference into passion, incomprehension and understanding, grievances into tolerance, and failures into success. These are my gains after reading Good Mood.

600 words with good feeling after reading (15)

Tom, the hero of the article, has always followed this eternal principle. Between sadness and happiness, he chose the happy side. His mood and his life have changed greatly.

Yes, life is so simple. When you see the bright sunshine in life, you will feel a little warm, and a sweet feeling born in your heart will permeate your heart and lungs. But when you see the dark spots, your mood will also fall. How can you be happy?

Leave yourself a good mood every morning, and you will feel that today's life is so beautiful. In this way, your mood today will be optimistic, and you will be active and friendly with your friends and classmates. But a bad mood can only make your heart heavy and make your spirit droop under such heavy pressure. How sad it is!

Human capacity is limited. You can't try to change the weather, change the world, change everything that makes your heart unhappy, but you can leave yourself a good mood, an opportunity to free yourself from the dark valley. As long as you do this, you will choose between joy and sorrow. Your destiny is in your own hands. Are you making yourself happy? Or live in pain?

Choose happiness! Only in this way can you find the beauty in life, feel the beauty in life, realize the value of life, so that you can really enjoy life and enjoy happiness.

The above is the inspiration I got after reading the article "Good mood".

600 words with a good feeling after reading (16)

In the country of giants, except the kind-hearted giant, the cannibal giant, the Baohanbao giant, the crunching and crunching giant... no matter what their names are, they all have a common hobby - cannibalism!

So, do you know why the kind-hearted giant is called the kind-hearted giant? Because he is the kindest and most friendly giant in the giant country. When all the giants were bullying people, he and Sophie joined forces with the Queen of England to defeat the scary and tall giants, because it had a kind heart and stuck to its duty.

Adherence to duty is the root of kindness. In real life, too many people are attracted by a few words: such as heinous drug addicts, government officials who bribe others, and employees who take kickbacks from others... Therefore, only by adhering to duty can we be kind.

Of course, there is a good side to everything. In life, there are many people who stick to their duties. I was touched by this scene in the movie "Fire Heroes": the coastal city is about to turn into ruins, toxic gas is about to be released, and everyone is fleeing everywhere. The airport is full, the bullet train is out of service, and the expressway has become a sea of cars... But just when the disaster is coming, the doctors, police, and the most important firefighters here are all sticking to their posts and fighting on the front line. I was most moved by the conversation between a doctor and a patient. "Why don't you go?" The doctor replied with a smile: "Aren't you still here?" This is probably the simplest and most courageous persistence

"Don't forget your original intention and stick to your duties", although it is like a slogan, it is also a rule that we should keep in mind when doing anything. When doing anything, we should think about: what should I do? Is this the thing I should do? If this is your duty, then you should dare to do it, and insist on doing what you think is the most right thing, which is the simplest way to stick to your duty, and also the simplest way to be kind.

600 words with good feeling after reading (17)

This book mainly tells that in the "time of witches' haunting", the kind-hearted giant blew his dream into the child's room with a trumpet, which was seen by the little girl Sophie, so he took Sophie away, ran for most of the night, and came to a place that was not marked on the map of the British Royal Army - the Kingdom of Giant. God, there are nine barbaric giants up to fifty feet high in the Giant Kingdom, and there are also good hearted giants who can't stop the other nine giants from eating people only twenty-five feet high. After listening to Sophie's suggestion, the kind-hearted giant finally managed to get the British Queen's army to catch the nine giants at the risk of being caught by people.

The kind-hearted giant in the article is very kind. In order not to eat people, he can only eat very bad food. He was also very smart, and protected Sophie when other giants wanted to find Sophie. He thought that although it was wrong for other giants to eat people, people would kill each other, killing more than hundreds of giants, and giants would not kill the same kind.

I think this view is wrong. Giants don't kill each other because they don't have the conditions to kill each other, but people have advanced weapons and can kill. Scorpions will also hurt each other in order to fight for territory, so as to kill each other or force each other to give up territory. Spiders also kill their own kind. Not like the book says, all animals will not kill each other.

It is also very interesting for the kind-hearted giant to be invited to have breakfast in the hall of the palace. The seneschal asked someone to move a piano as a chair, four big clocks as table legs, and a table tennis table as a table top. The story written by Roald Dahl is very attractive and has profound truth.

The kind-hearted giant used to be alone. Of course, he could not defeat nine barbaric giants. Later, he and Britain united against them and defeated the giant, which showed that many people have great power.

The Good Eyed Giant taught me to be kind, not like those barbaric giants. "Good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil".

600 words (18)

Roald. Dale's book is plain and easy to understand. I have no problem reading it alone. This thick fairy tale mainly tells an interesting story: a kind-hearted giant who likes to collect dreams blows dreams into the children's bedroom with his trumpet every day. Once, a girl named Sophie found it. The kind-hearted giant was afraid that the girl would tell others and took it to the zoo, He grabbed her from her bed in the orphanage dormitory and brought her back to his cave. Sophie went from being eaten by a frightened giant to becoming friends with a kind-hearted giant. She heard the kind-hearted giant say that in their giant country, the other nine giants mainly live by eating human beans (they call people human beans). Sophie hated those cannibals. Because these cannibals have a kind of human beans that they like, there are death and disappearance cases all over the world every day. Sophie and the kind-hearted giant joined forces with the Queen of England and her soldiers to tie up the nine rude cannibals through courage and tact, and lifted them up by helicopter, transported them to the big hole in the zoo for tourists to see, and fed those cannibals with the world's worst vegetable - big nose melons. Since then, the kind-hearted giant no longer has to worry about eating only the melon with a big nose. The Queen has prepared a house and food for him and Sophie.

The plot of this fairy tale is very interesting. After reading this book, I learned that when encountering difficulties, I should not flee at the moment, but be brave and resourceful. Only in this way can we reach the other side of success. People should also be kind and help each other, so that we can have a harmonious and peaceful world.

600 words with a good feeling after reading (19)

The book tells many stories of sages. Whether it's Bing Ji, who is kind-hearted, Zhang Jinzhi, who sacrificed his life to save a friend, or Wang Rong, who is smart and resourceful, or Zhuge Liang, who is resourceful, The Good Family Style in China writes the stories of each of them vividly and vividly, and conveys the truth of benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust.

Among so many characters in the "wisdom" chapter, my favorite is "child prodigy" Xiang Tuo. Once, when he was playing in the middle of the road, he met Confucius, the sage, and they began a question contest. As a result, Xiang Tuo won easily and became the "Holy Duke".

Xiang Tuo is a big devil and is smart. He is not afraid of authority, and is eloquent. The reason why he is praised is that he always asks why and likes to break the casserole to the end when encountering problems.

In the "Faith" section, the story of "Huangpu Achievements Keeping Faith and Seeking Responsibility" is impressive. It is stipulated in Huang Puji's school that anyone who violates the rules should be punished. Once after class, Huang Puji and his cousins played chess together without doing their homework. After school, all the cousins got slapped, and their grandfather was punished for not having the heart to attack Huang Puji. Finally, Huang Puji let the cousins hit their own boards.

At first I didn't understand Huang Puji's behavior, but after listening to his words, I couldn't help sighing: What a trustworthy person Huang Puji is!

As the book says, "The family is the basic cell of the society. The fine family style inherited by a family is not only a personal matter and private matter of the family, but also a major event involving the social atmosphere and national construction". The book "Good Family Style in China" inherits China's extensive, profound and long-standing cultural treasure - traditional culture, and records the noble qualities of the ancient people. We should study these fine traditions and pass them on from generation to generation to carry forward the excellent traditional culture.

600 words with a good feeling after reading (20)

I once read a story in the newspaper: there are two Spaniards, one is Blanco, the other is Ortega. They are not only the same age, but also neighbors. But the family circumstances are far different. Blanco's father was a rich businessman, living in a villa and driving a luxury car. But Ortega's father was a stall, living in a hut and walking.

Blanc's father told him when he was young: "No matter you want to be a lawyer, doctor, actor or businessman in the future, I will teach you how to do business. You know, your father is not a small businessman, but a big businessman. As long as you are willing to learn, I will teach you all my business experience!" But Ogat's father said: "My son, because my father's ability is limited and his family is poor, I can't give you much help, so I can teach you nothing except how to set up a stall. You can only learn to set up a stall from me, and all you want is nothing!

But later, Blanc did not choose his career goals, just playing games, and finally went bankrupt due to the financial crisis of the company, and finally Blanc achieved nothing.

What about Ortega? Because he was forced to do nothing, he honestly set up the stall with his father. Slowly, he found that if he wanted to get rid of the job of setting up the stall forever, he had to set it carefully.

Finally, Ortega finally owned his own store. Thirty years later, he owned his own clothing group. Today, for example, the Group has 3691 brand stores in 68 countries in the world, becoming the second largest clothing retailer in the world. Autor added $25 billion in personal assets, ranking No. 9 on Forbes' 2010 World Rich List.

Yes, we are not the same. When you want to learn the piano, you will find it very interesting. But after a period of time, you will find that the piano is boring. What about me? Now we are in the fifth grade. We have begun to play the clarinet in music class. At the beginning, I was very happy. I put it in my schoolbag every day, played it every day, and wiped it with a towel every day. But as time passed, I found it boring to play the clarinet, but I had no choice. I had to stick to it when it came to the final exam.

Therefore, we must set a target and launch a fierce attack on the target!