Test of Time (3 in total)
Huamao Chunsong
2024-01-07 06:01:18
Junior two
Weekly journal

Test of Time (1)

Someone once said: love is a long run, see if you can stick to the end, but I have been running, but forget where the end is? I lost the person who wanted to run with me. I don't know when I started to run all the way, but I was left alone, and time has already worn away behind me.

It was once said that love would be defeated by milk and bread. Is society too materialistic or are we too naive. Once I had always believed in the sanctity and purity of love, and in its power, but finally I lived in my own world and lost to my naive self. What is love? What will become in the end? Who will give me the answer, and what kind of answer will it be? Expecting but afraid of knowing the result.

Someone once said that love will eventually become kinship. But I don't know what kind of love can be turned into blood and blood. After what kind of disaster will evolve, in the process, how many lovers who never leave were defeated. How many people have made rock solid promises in the flower month, but they can't resist the erosion of time.

It was once said that love is the pots and pans of life. Will there be such love? Is this the love everyone wants to pursue? Is it a paradise in the imagination of countless people? Is it the sweetness that countless people dream of entering happiness? I don't know whether pot and kettle love exists, nor do I know whether such love will last. Just helpless in not understanding, not better interpretation.

I don't know how to understand love. Many people say that I won't have love, because I'm too strong, too cold, and people dare not approach me, but also because I'm too difficult to understand, so I can never understand me. But who knows which humble I was close to? I also longed for it. Once I was so humble that I longed for his pity, but the result was always unexpected. So I can only protect my weakness by being strong, and deprive him by being indifferent. But I am stronger and stronger, more and more lonely.

Once I also longed for my love to last long, I also longed for my love to be happy, but the innocence of the past was finally defeated by the reality in the face of more and more distant love, I can only say: goodbye, my once. Farewell to the love I once failed to germinate. After longing, no longer fantasy. After fantasy, begin to face. The child who used to be no longer exists.

My friends always said to me: I'm really tired of not understanding each other. What I learned at the beginning is getting farther and farther until the end. Why? In fact, I don't know. Why do people who know each other become more and more distant? Is it because they are tired of each other or they did not understand each other? I said to my friend: Don't be too reluctant. The original fierceness will eventually turn into insipidity, but suddenly you recall the past and are dissatisfied with the present. He said that he was tired, but did you remember that you were tired once? Think of the loneliness once? With him, at least you forget the fatigue and loneliness, don't you?

I have never had a long love, and I am not qualified to say the right or wrong of love. But the love I found ended up with nothing in time. I want to catch it, but I can't do anything about it. My once love finally lost to time.

Test of Time (2)

Fallen leaves float down relentlessly

The cold wind is blowing before

But you left without a sound

Stay, all is lonely

Here, in this world

Everything is so heartless

Because life is always like this

No one

No one can surpass it


Maybe, because of power

Maybe, because of dreams

Maybe, because of myself

More likely, because everything

So, I want to surpass myself

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Test of Time (3)

Confused, helpless and confused, is my love for you still there?


I am a girl in the second year of junior high school. I should have studied hard, but I fell in love with a person with a thousand years of immobile heart. It was in the sixth grade. He was my deskmate, a very handsome boy. It may be that he has been moved by his heart because of his love.

I don't know why, I dare not face my heart, because I dare not admit that I fell in love with him, but I still fell in love with him, and had a wonderful and happy life together, but no matter how beautiful love can stand the test of time, he finally left me. The day of separation was very painful for me, because I didn't understand why he left without saying goodbye. He once said that he would love me for life, he would accompany me, and he would protect me like a man. But now he's gone.

For a long time, in the long time that you left, I kept asking my heart: Why can't I forget you? For three years, I have loved you for three years, but when I finally got back your leave without saying goodbye, I got back the tears I shed for you in these three years. For three years, I have always had a name in my heart - Ang.

Now, when you are in love, I am very happy and painful, because your girlfriend is not me.

When I heard the news, my heart really hurt. But at the same time, I made another decision - forget you, completely forget you. But now, I still haven't done it.

My heart is very tangled and painful. You are my first love, the person I used to love, and the person I was willing to pay all the costs for. How could I forget you?

Then I figured it out and chose the time. Because no matter how beautiful the love is, it can't stand the test of time. No matter how strong and deep the love is, it can't hide from the magic claw of time.

Indeed, you are still in my heart, but not as strong as my previous yearning.

In my heart, there is still a puzzle - do I still love you now?