Dad's Dinner (7 compilations)
Heart to heart
2023-11-04 01:11:45
high school
reaction to a book or an article

Dad's Rice (1)

Boys and girls, did you have a meal, but you may not have had a smart meal. This story tells the story of a primary school student, Yang Ge, whose father became smaller again, because Yang Ge's mother said he was the size of a thumb. However, since then, he has also become the "Minister of Education" who stays in Yang Ge's pocket all day long, monitoring his every move. However, my father thumb has been reading books these days and studying a kind of rice called "Smart Rice". Just wanted Hu Ge to try it. The food smelled so bad that if I were asked to eat it, I would not eat it because it was too smelly. But Yang Ge's mother put a mouthful of food into his mouth. Sure enough, he became a genius of Olympian mathematics, music and language... But Yang Ge still became the worst student in the office.

What's the use of Yang Ge as a mathematical Olympian genius? Finally, he became the worst student in the class. Therefore, we must rely on our own efforts to get real returns. Today you can become a talent, but you can't be proud. As the saying goes, "Modesty makes people progress, while pride makes people lag behind." There are many good words and sentences in this book, such as: I can figure out the answer by taking a look at my crazy rotating brain, and so on, many, many, many

The author of this story is Yang Peng. The main character is a foster. He is a smart, lovely, kind and naughty person. People find this book very interesting and funny. Brother Yang is the person who hates reading the most. Since he had a smart meal, every teacher can't compare with him. Even the music master has to praise him.

Dad's Rice (2)

We eat every day, but we never eat smart food. If there is a kind of food, it will make us become "extremely smart" after eating. But its taste will be difficult to eat, will you eat it? What magical things will happen after eating?

The Smart Food of Dad in His Pocket was written by Yang Peng, a famous children's literature writer and China's first Disney contracted writer. This book, with wind like imagination, reads with great interest, and has endless aftertaste after reading.

In this article, my father invented a kind of smart food. After Yang Ge ate it, he became extremely smart, but once he ate it, people became very excited. The female mayor begged hard, and his father told him the secret recipe. In the twinkling of an eye, all the children in the city became smart. But the city was in chaos, and the mayor issued a "food ban".

At the end of the book, there is a warning smell. When the mayor issued the "No Eating Order", people still went to pursue the few "smart meals" regardless of the cost and consequences. Sometimes we are just like the characters in the story: greedy! In order to earn money, we ignore the safety of life and family. These petty and wrong choices, when we find out, will really make us feel inferior.

Wisdom is not gained from "smart food", but accumulated from frequent reading. In the future, we should read more books to become knowledgeable people. When encountering difficulties, we should be firm in our belief and use our wisdom to overcome all difficulties.

After reading this book, I suddenly found the value of imagination: people can't live without imagination, imagination is like human food, and imagination is even more valuable than food. Imagination is like knowledge, but knowledge is limited and imagination is infinite.

Dad's Rice (3)

This summer vacation, I read a set of very interesting books - "Dad in Pocket" series story books. The hero of the story is the story between Yang Ge and his father who can be put in his pocket.

Everyone must be curious, why can his father put it in his pocket? That's because every time his father did something wrong and was scolded by his mother, it would become shorter by one centimeter. Later, he changed from a rough man to a little thumb man and had to live with him in Yang Ge's pocket and invented many strange things.

What impressed me most was the story about "Smart Rice". Yang Ge's father asked Yang Ge to take him to the library to find many materials. After a month of research and experiment, his father invented the "smart rice". This smelled a thousand times worse than stinky tofu, and looked like a yellow, hairy and moldy rice. Yang Ge reluctantly ate it under the coercion and inducement of his parents, and found that the questions he had never known before could be easily solved. The students and teachers were very surprised. Later, Yang Ge couldn't help telling his good friend. As a result, it spread from one generation to another, and soon everyone in the city knew about it. As a result, many criminals wanted to get the recipe of "smart food". After a battle of wits and courage, Yang Ge and his father finally gave the recipe to the mayor for free.

I feel deeply after reading this story. I admire the Yangge family for not being tempted by money, not being threatened by evil snobbery, and not giving the recipe of "smart food" to lawbreakers. In today's society, there are some people who look at money for everything, even doing things at the expense of others. I think I should learn from them and think more about the society; At the same time, I would also like to praise the mayor, because the mayor knew that eating smart food would affect the health of citizens. She resolutely gave up the opportunity to become the Secretary General of the United Nations, resolutely stopped everyone from eating smart food and let citizens live a normal life. I have seen on TV and news that some people who are officials do not think about the people, but only earn greedy money. If everyone can be like the mayor and think about the people, I think our society will be more beautiful. I also found that people are constantly trying to make themselves smarter than the people around them. Although they know the terrible sequelae of "smart food", they still try to get more "smart food". They just want to take shortcuts and do not want to make efforts. When I see this, I think of myself. When I encounter problems, I often imagine that if only I had a homework machine to help me with my homework. And when I saw the front of the book, I also admired Yang Ge's "smart meal". I thought it would be better to have a "smart meal". In that way, I could write my homework effortlessly, and I was smarter and better than others. In the end, everything must follow the normal path. Only through our own efforts can we achieve our goals and learn more knowledge.

After reading this book, I can better understand the meaning of "there is no end to learning and hard work".

Dad's Rice (4)

Recently, I read an interesting book called Dad in the Pocket: Smart Rice. The author is Yang Peng, a Chinese fantasy king. Of course, this is also a fantasy novel. "Dad in pocket" encountered many funny and interesting things, which often made me laugh and brought me a lot of fun.

In this work, there is a little thumb man, who is his father. This is not an ordinary father. He has invented many strange things, such as regret medicine, money tree and other tools. This time, an able father invented a magic medicine called Smart Rice for his son Yangge. After eating Smart Rice, Yangge became extremely smart. Later, the monkey learned about this, so, The monkey escaped from prison and robbed Yang Ge of his smart meal. Although the monkey wanted to rule the world, his plan failed in the end.

From this work, I can see that Yang Ge is strong and unyielding, and never gets discouraged in the face of difficulties. I can't help but think of a saying: "You can do your own thing by yourself. It's better to rely on yourself than on heaven and earth.".

I like reading this book, because it has taught me to be independent. Only when you are strong enough can you cope with all kinds of emergencies and setbacks in life.

Dad's Rice (5)

This summer vacation, I read a set of very interesting books - "Dad in the pocket" series of story books. The hero of the story is the story between Yang Ge and his father who can be put in his pocket.

Everyone must be curious, why can his father put it in his pocket? That's because every time his father did something wrong and was scolded by his mother, it would become shorter by one centimeter. Later, he changed from a rough man to a little man with thumbs. He had to live with Yang Ge in his pocket and invented many strange things.

What impressed me most was the story about "Smart Rice". Yang Ge's father asked Yang Ge to take him to the library to find many materials. After a month of research and experiment, his father invented the "smart rice". This smelled a thousand times worse than stinky tofu, and looked like a yellow, hairy and moldy rice. Yang Ge reluctantly ate it under the coercion and inducement of his parents, and found that the questions he had never known before could be easily solved. The students and teachers were very surprised. Later, Yang Ge couldn't help telling his good friend. As a result, it spread from one generation to another, and soon everyone in the city knew about it. As a result, many criminals wanted to get the recipe of "smart food". After a battle of wits and courage, Yang Ge and his father finally gave the recipe to the mayor for free.

I feel deeply after reading this story. I admire the Yangge family for not being tempted by money, not being threatened by evil snobbery, and not giving the recipe of "smart food" to lawbreakers. In today's society, there are some people who look at money for everything, even doing things at the expense of others. I think I should learn from them and think more about the society; At the same time, I would also like to praise the mayor, because the mayor knew that eating smart food would affect the health of citizens. She resolutely gave up the opportunity to become the Secretary General of the United Nations, resolutely stopped everyone from eating smart food and let citizens live a normal life. I have seen on TV and news that some people who are officials do not think about the people, but only earn greedy money. If everyone can be like the mayor and think about the people, I think our society will be more beautiful. I also found that people are constantly trying to make themselves more intelligent than the people around them. Although they know the terrible sequelae of "smart food", they still try to get more "smart food". They just want to take shortcuts and do not want to make efforts. When I see this, I think of myself. When I encounter problems, I often imagine that if only I had a homework machine to help me with my homework. And when I saw the front of the book, I also admired Yang Ge's "smart meal". I thought it would be better to have a "smart meal". In that way, I could write my homework effortlessly, and I was smarter and better than others. In the end, everything must follow the normal path. Only through our own efforts can we achieve our goals and learn more knowledge.

After reading this book, I can better understand the meaning of "there is no end to learning and hard work".

Dad's Rice (6)

Today is June 12, my father came back from a business trip. I think next Sunday is Father's Day. Dad is always so busy. I should give him a holiday gift when he is at home. What can I give him? In my opinion, gifts bought with money are not creative; Do it yourself, and there is not so much time; As for good performance, I think that's right... I thought about it and finally decided to cook meals for my father.

I took out onions, beef and pineapple from the refrigerator and prepared a "fried rice with onions, beef and pineapple" for my father. I know my father likes this fried rice best. I happily washed and rinsed in the kitchen... My mother came to the kitchen when she heard the sound of the water and knew that I would cook dinner for my father. My mother said with a smile, "I will be a technical guide." It took almost half an hour to finish the fried rice!

We put the fried rice on the table and asked my father to eat it. My father took a bite and said, "It's really delicious. The fried rice has the flavor of onions and the sweetness of pineapple. My son is really amazing!" Hearing my father's praise, I felt very happy: "Dad, happy Father's Day!" "Thank you for my Xinxin!" My father held me for several circles, and my heart thumped with joy! "This is the best gift I have ever received."

Yes, my father is the best father in the world. He is my pride. My father will play with me, play with me, play chess games with me, and give me some small rewards from time to time... Today I cooked dinner for my father. I think this is the right thing to do. My father works so hard every day. If we want to repay our parents' love, we must express it with practical actions.

Dad's Rice (7)

The interesting books "Dad in pocket: smart rice" and "Dad in pocket: smart rice" are very interesting. With "incredible imagination and extraordinary exaggeration", this book once again let "father in pocket" encounter many funny and interesting things, let me laugh and further understand father's love for children.

The hero in this book is Yang Ge. Yang Ge's mother's eyes were like those of the deer in the cartoon Bambi. She often said, "Ah? Did I say that? When?" Later, his father was scolded by his mother as big as his thumb, so small that he was stolen with his ticket. When he became small, he stayed in Yang Ge's coat pocket all day long to supervise Yang Ge's study. Thumb dad always worries about his son, so he wants to invent a kind of food that can make him smart after eating. He first asked animals to do experiments: rats ate "smart food" and defeated cats with wisdom; When a rooster eats a "smart meal", he lays an egg; Pig fed a few spoonfuls of "smart rice", pig will use computer to write composition.

So he let his son have a "smart meal". Yang Ge became a genius in an instant, and he was able to work out the super difficult Olympiad Maths problem immediately, and became famous in the whole school at once. Later, the female mayor was very interested in such a strange thing. After taking the recipe of Smart Rice, the whole city became a "city of genius". But many people ate more smart food and became more mediocre due to the disease of "smart syndrome". The female mayor ordered to ban "smart food". To tell the truth, I also want to eat "smart food" and become smarter than others. However, we cannot rely on "smart food". It can only make people smart for a while, but not for a lifetime.

After reading this book, I learned that genius comes from diligence, not from a bowl of "smart rice". I also learned that everything must rely on their own efforts to achieve real success!