Compositions describing tomatoes (19 compilations)
never give up
2024-04-29 07:48:58
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Composition of Describing Tomatoes (1)

Among all kinds of vegetables, I like tomatoes best. The alias of tomato is tomato.

I know two kinds of tomatoes: one is big, the size of a fist in Europe, which is planted in China; the other is the size of my toe, which is cultivated by the advanced technology of the United States. The shape of a tomato is round, like an apple, like a peach, like a lantern, and like a small leather ball. The skin of the tomato is smooth, bright red and shiny red. It makes my mouth water. When you cut a tomato, its flesh is also red. I took a gentle bite. Ah! It's delicious, sweet with a little acid.

Tomatoes can be eaten in many ways, such as boiling soup, eating raw, or making scrambled eggs with tomatoes, but what I like most is making cold dishes. First wash the tomatoes, then cut them into pieces, add a spoonful of sugar, stir for a while, and you can eat them.

I like tomatoes.

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (2)

In the summer vacation, I learned to scramble eggs with tomatoes with my mother.

First of all, knock out a crack in the egg, break it with your hand, and pour it into a bowl. Stir it with chopsticks, mix it well, put the pot on the stove, ignite the fire, put oil, and smoke the lamp oil. Then pour the egg into the pot. When the egg bubbles, changes color, and deforms, turn it over for two consecutive times. Then, cut into small pieces with a vegetable spatula and put them in a bowl for use. Finally, cut the tomatoes into small pieces, pour them into the pot, stir fry them, pour the eggs into the pot, stir fry them with the tomatoes, add some water, add some salt, stir fry them again, taste the soup, and put them into a bowl. In this way, the tomatoes and eggs are ready. Taste it. It's really delicious!

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (3)

Today, my father asked me to cook. I said, "When I'm a cook, you can order food." My father casually said, "Tomato and egg noodles." After listening, I immediately went into the kitchen to make tomato and egg noodles. First, pour the oil into the pot to lubricate it. When the oil is hot, beat the eggs in. Then pour the tomatoes into the pot and stir fry them. Then sprinkle some salt. The delicious tomatoes and eggs are ready. It's easy to boil noodles.

First, pour the water into the pot to boil the water, and then put the noodles in for three or five minutes. Take out the noodles and mix them with tomatoes and eggs. When I took out the red and yellow tomato and egg noodles, my father said, "How delicious!" First, I put a golden egg into my mouth. The first feeling was that it was delicious, but not light or salty, My father was so happy to see me. He also took a big bite and said, "Not bad, very good!"

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (4)

One night, I wanted to give my mother a surprise. I thought for a long time and finally came up with the idea that my mother is very busy cooking every day. What should I do?

Yes, it's very delicious to make "tomatoes mixed with sugar". I do it like my mother. I took three large and red tomatoes and washed them thoroughly. Then I put the tomatoes into a small basin with boiling water. After about two or three minutes, I fished out the tomatoes with a colander. I saw several small cracks on the original smooth skin. I removed the tomato skin along the small cracks, cut the tomatoes into crescent shapes, and then put them into the plate, I brought a bowl of sugar, sprinkled it on the tomato, took out a pair of chopsticks from the express cage, put them into the plate and stirred them, and then made a pull!

In the evening, when having dinner, my mother tasted it and said, "Chen Ying has grown up! Back to cooking". I feel happy in my heart.

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (5)

At noon today, my mother and I were going to make tomato and egg noodles. My mother said, let me have a try.

First of all, I open the eggs first, and then, I smash the eggs. After breaking the eggs, I start to put oil. Mother said that more oil would make it more fragrant. When the oil was hot, I poured the beaten egg liquid into the frying pan. At this time, I found that the egg liquid was slowly turning into fried eggs. I smelled a smell, and the egg liquid slowly gave out small bubbles. After a while, the small bubbles disappeared. My mother shouted, "Turn over the eggs quickly." I immediately picked up the shovel and flipped up. I put the cut tomatoes in the pot and stirred them with the shovel. But my mother said I was not qualified, so I had to give the shovel to my mother.

This time, I know my weakness in frying tomatoes and eggs is that I can't turn the dishes. Next time, I must practice more.

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (6)

Today is a special day, because both parents are not at home. Lunch can only be solved by myself, so I plan to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

First, I washed two tomatoes and cut them into many pieces. Then I took out the egg and knocked it on the edge of the bowl. The eggshell cracked. Break the crack, and the egg yolk wrapped in the small sun slides into the bowl. I used chopsticks to stir the egg yolk. The egg yolk was no longer round, and it was mixed with the egg white.

I opened the pan and put a proper amount of oil into it, then poured the egg liquid into it. At this time, the pan made a sound of "Zila Zila". When the egg is completely solidified, I use a shovel to break the egg. Next, I pour in the tomatoes and stir them continuously. The tomatoes become soft, and the red juice flows out. Then I pour in the scrambled eggs, and continue to stir them, so that they can be completely integrated together. In this way, you can cook your own food. It's really happy.

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (7)

This morning, my mother took me to the market to buy tomatoes. As soon as I entered the market, many red tomatoes appeared in front of me. These tomatoes are like big apples. They are round and smart, which makes my mouth water. Mother chose some to buy home.

Back home, my mother washed the tomatoes. I couldn't wait to grab one and bite it. The smooth seeds slipped into my mouth and disappeared into my throat. Its taste is sweet and memorable.

Tomatoes are not only delicious, but also rich in vitamin C, which is good for our health. It's said that they can also be used for beauty!

I like tomatoes best!

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (8)

Today, as soon as school was over, my stomach began to sing.

I asked my mother, "Mom, what are you going to eliminate tonight?"

"Tonight" eliminate "rice and scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

When I heard it, my saliva suddenly "flew down three thousand feet".

When I got home, I began to do my homework, and my mother began to cook. When the meal was ready, I dug a large bowl, put tomatoes and eggs on it, treated them as "bad guys" and ate them voraciously.

After eating, I felt my round stomach and thought: next time, I can't "bite so many bad guys" without measure!

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (9)

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes is my favorite dish. Grandpa cooks them for me every few days. Let me introduce its practice to you now.

First, knock two or three eggs and beat them evenly. Then, heat the pan and pour the oil into the bottom of the pan. Then pour the egg liquid into the pan and shovel it with a shovel. After the egg liquid becomes solid, you can put the egg on the plate. Of course, the egg is not cooked yet. Then, put the cut tomatoes and shallots into the pot. Soon, the smell of shallots overflowed. The smell almost took me to the pot. When the tomatoes are about to ripen, pour in the eggs and cook the tomatoes for a while, then you can turn off the gas.

At last, it's time to get out of the pot. Yellow eggs, red tomatoes and green onions are really beautiful! I have been greedy for insects for a long time. I didn't care about the hot food. I put a small piece of egg in my mouth. Wow, it's really full of color, smell and taste!

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (10)

My family has a tomato, which is a nutritious vegetable.

Tomatoes have many shapes! Some tomatoes are round, like a leather ball; Some are flat, like a lantern; There is also a small round one, like a small grape. It has various colors, including light red, dark red, pink, red and yellow, red with green. With a green hat on his head, he looks very beautiful. When I cut a tomato, there was a lot of juice in my stomach. There are golden seeds hidden in the fresh and tender pulp. There is a small seam between the pulp and the peel. I think there must be juice hidden inside. The peel is also very special. There is a thick skin inside and a thin skin outside. It feels smooth and soft, smells sweet and sweet, tastes sour and sweet.

It is rich in nutrition and high in vitamins. It can be fried, eaten raw, or made into soup. In summer, it can also be eaten in cold sauce to quench thirst.

I like tomatoes.

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (11)

One night, my mother was cooking while I was watching TV. My mother said she would cook my favorite scrambled eggs with tomatoes. I thought: I also want to learn how to cook for my mother! How about taking this opportunity to learn? Thinking of this, I immediately shouted, "Mom, I'll do it, and I rushed into the kitchen."

My mother has already cut the tomatoes. I took two eggs from the refrigerator, beat them in a bowl to disperse, and then cut the scallions. Everything was OK. I started to do it. First, I poured some oil into the pan. After the oil was heated, I poured the beaten eggs into the pan. I kept stirring with a shovel. After watching the eggs take shape, I put them into the bowl. Put the scallions in the pan, tomatoes in the pan, and then put the eggs in after a while, In this way, tomatoes have the taste of eggs, and eggs also have the taste of tomatoes. Add salt and sugar, and you can make a pot, ah! How fragrant! Mother is praising me!

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (12)

The dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes sounds ordinary, but it is also a delicacy.

First of all, the color of this dish is well matched. Red tomatoes and yellow eggs are sprinkled with green onion. This dish is a bit shiny, which makes people have an appetite at first sight.

A burst of fragrance came to the nostrils, as if the air was sweet, making people immersed in it, greedily sucking the fragrance, as if they were in a fairyland.

Pick up the chopsticks to pinch a bite, and the tongue is dominated by a sweet taste, followed by the sour taste of tomatoes, which is mixed with the sweet taste of eggs. The sour, sweet and delicious taste is excellent, and the bite is tender, smooth, and the edge of the eggs is a little fragile, and the taste is also very good.

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (13)

Every time my mother takes me to buy vegetables, I am often attracted by some vegetables: carrots, cabbage, green beans, and of course, my favorite vegetable - tomatoes.

There are many shapes of tomatoes, some of which are as small as longans; Some are as large as persimmons, flat and round.

Tomatoes also have many colors. Those tomatoes like longans are vermilion, and some are golden. Immature tomatoes are green; The ripening tomatoes are light red. Tomatoes taste sour and sweet. They taste soft, sweet and delicious. They are very refreshing!

Tomatoes can be boiled together with potatoes, which is good for health. Tomatoes can also be boiled and drunk with eggs. Its name is "Tomato and Egg Blossom Soup". Tomatoes are not only beautiful in taste and color, but also full of color, fragrance and nutrition, so I like to eat tomatoes.

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (14)

Tomatoes are beautiful in appearance and delicious in taste. Some are like peaches, some are like balls, some are red, some are yellow, and some are colored. They really have a wide variety. These persimmons have different tastes, such as sour, sweet, sour and sweet

It can be eaten in many ways. One way to eat tomatoes is to wash them, cut them into small pieces and sprinkle them with sugar. This is not only a delicious side dish, but also a delicious snack.

Tomatoes have high nutritional value. According to analysis, it contains more vitamin c and b than citrus and lemon, especially carotene and vitamin p.

In daily life, vegetables are indispensable food for people, including cucumbers, soybeans and tomatoes. Among them, tomatoes are my favorite because they are nutritious, sweet and sour. I suggest students eat more tomatoes to supplement nutrition

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (15)

On May 2, I cooked a delicious dish for everyone - scrambled eggs with tomatoes. My mother praised me for being so good at cooking for the first time. Dad said, "My cooking is better than his cooking.". My heart is beautiful!

The first step is to prepare dishes. In the afternoon, my mother took me to the food market to buy vegetables. While picking vegetables, my mother told me: "This large and red tomato will taste good". When I got home, I washed the tomatoes. My mother cut the washed tomatoes into pieces, and then I cut them into Ding pieces and put them on a plate. I picked out two large eggs, carefully knocked on the edge of the bowl, gently bowed with my hand, and the yellow and tender eggs were left. Finally, put some salt into the eggs, and then use chopsticks to stir the eggs evenly, so that the dishes are ready.

The second step is cooking. Open the fire, put oil, and put tomatoes. My mother said, "When putting tomatoes, gently pull the vegetables into the pot with a shovel from the side of the pot to prevent the oil splashing on my body and scalding myself." I followed the method my mother taught me. Learn from the way my mother and grandmother usually fry vegetables. After a while, when the tomatoes were half cooked, my mother said, "Pour in the eggs and spread them evenly on the tomatoes.". When the eggs slowly clumped, I began to stir fry them again. When I saw that the eggs were slightly yellow, the tomatoes and eggs were ready.

Finally, I put the food on the dish with a shovel. When I put the food on the seat, I heard warm applause. As the family ate, they were full of praise. Looking at the smiles on their mothers and grandmothers' faces, they were very happy!

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (16)

I scrambled tomato and scrambled egg today.

First, prepare a tomato and two eggs, a little salt, sugar and onions. Next, wash the tomatoes and eggs, beat the eggs in the bowl, stir them with chopsticks, and then put the broken eggs into the pot (remember to pour oil). Then stir it continuously with a shovel and serve it out. Then cut the tomatoes (diced or sliced), put them in the pot, stir fry them for a while, pour the eggs in, wash the onions, cut them into sections, sprinkle them into the pot, and finally put the scrambled eggs out of the tomatoes. I really taste delicious!

First wash the tomatoes, cut them, and then beat two eggs. The preparation is complete. Turn on the fire, put some oil in the pot first. When it is hot, put down the eggs and stir fry them. When they are caked, put some oil in the pot. When it is hot, put down the tomatoes to be cut.

Stir fry a few times, add some salt, sugar, and then put down the eggs, stir fry the pot, so the delicious tomato scrambled eggs are finished.

Today, when I saw the scrambled eggs with tomatoes on TV, I asked my grandmother to teach me with curiosity.

First, prepare well mixed eggs and cut tomatoes.

Pour oil into the pan, then add eggs. After the egg is shaped, turn it over, smash it and put it on the plate.

Pour oil into the pan. Add tomatoes. After a while, when the tomatoes are ripe, pour in the eggs and stir fry them.

Put the scrambled eggs and tomatoes on the plate, and you're done.

Wow! How mouth watering!

I made scrambled eggs with tomatoes by myself today.

First break three eggs, then put some green onions, and beat them into egg paste. Then take out the core of a tomato and cut it into pieces. Then put some oil in the pan, and stir the tomatoes in the oil for a while. After that, pour the egg paste and stir fry for a while. A bowl of delicious tomato scrambled eggs will be served.

It's delicious!

To make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, first wash the tomatoes, then slice the tomatoes and put them into a small bowl. Then knock the egg open, pour the yolk and egg white into a bowl and beat well.

Fire up the oil pan, stir up the tomatoes, stir up the eggs, pour the tomatoes into the pan, stir up the tomatoes and eggs, add appropriate salt and sugar, and then out of the pan, once the delicious tomato and eggs are ready!!!

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (17)

In my junior high school life, there were many firsts, such as the first flag raising, the first speech, the first bicycle riding... But the most unforgettable thing for me is the first time to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

I am a "little princess" at home. My parents serve me like my servants all day long. My mother also often said that I didn't do any housework, like the seedlings in the greenhouse can't stand the wind and rain. I felt as if I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine. So I want my mother to look at me with new eyes.

I want to make a big dish - scrambled eggs with tomatoes. First, I took out some tomatoes and three eggs from the refrigerator. I first carefully put three eggs into the bowl at the edge of the bowl, and then repeatedly stir them into a paste.

I lit the fire and poured the oil. When the oil was hot, I poured the egg batter into the pot, listening to the sound of "Zila", as if playing music. At this time, I saw that the egg paste became puffy and bubbly. I poured the tomatoes into the pot and repeatedly stir fried them. After a while, I poured half a bowl of water into the pot. About three or five minutes later, I put a small handful of salt, a little MSG and a small amount of sesame oil into the pot. Soon, they were ripe, and I shoveled them out of the pot. I looked at the golden and shiny scrambled eggs with tomatoes on the plate, but I really wanted to eat them! But I held back. I put that dish of scrambled eggs and tomatoes on the table.

Everything is ready. I will be surprised when my parents come back! Sure enough, my parents saw the scrambled eggs with tomatoes on the table and said, "My daughter has grown up, and she is no longer the little princess who used to be a happy girl." I tasted the fruits of my work.

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (18)

The day before yesterday, my mother made a dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which was very delicious. Today, I decided to ask my mother to make a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

I asked my mother to go into the kitchen and ask her: "How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Then put the tomatoes into the pot, and when they are about to mature, put the golden eggs into the pot again, and stir them for a few times to get out of the pot. " At this time, I have done as my mother said, and my mother is busy.

My mother saw that I couldn't knock the egg, so she grabbed my hand and gently knocked it. With a "bang", the eggshell cracked. My mother broke it off with her hand, and the yolk also flowed out like my mother's

I learned how to cook, and also learned how to use the wok. This time, I got a great harvest.

Composition of Describing Tomatoes (19)

Today, our class held a "Little Salesman" activity. Guess what I am selling? "It's as red as an apple. It's sweet and sour and nutritious. It can be used as both a vegetable and a fruit." Did you guess? Yes, I want to sell tomatoes.

Tomatoes, also known as tomatoes, originally from South America, have become a household food.

I once read a book in which it was written that tomatoes were initially called "wolf peaches" because of their beautiful color and people believed that tomatoes were poisonous, so they could only be enjoyed but not eaten. The reason why we can eat delicious tomatoes is also thanks to the American Robert, who was the first person to try tomatoes bravely. He proved that tomatoes are not only non-toxic, but also delicious. Later, tomatoes also came to China.

Tomatoes are round and smooth in appearance and bright in color. Generally, tomatoes are red in appearance. After being cut, the pulp inside is yellow with some red, and there are some small seeds. The fruit juice comes from the tomato.

Tomatoes are not only beautiful in color, but also delicious. They can be used to relieve summer heat, comparable to watermelon. The content of vitamin C in tomatoes is 10 times that of watermelon, and its sugar content is also very high, about 1. 5%-4。 5%, and most of them are glucose and fructose easy to be absorbed by human body.

Tomatoes can be eaten raw, or they can be made into scrambled eggs, tomato salad, or they can be made into ketchup, squeezed on chips and chips, etc.

Tomatoes not only have rich nutritional value, but also taste delicious. Eating more tomatoes can also strengthen our physique. How can people dislike them?