Home Primary School (8 high-quality articles)
Rebellious middle-aged man
2024-02-10 05:44:21

Home Primary School (1)

Good Family Style Tutorial Composition [1]

What is our family style? Our family style is just one word: "filial piety". Respect parents and teachers. My parents dote on me, but they are strict with me. My mother often said to me, "I should study hard and be a person with culture and thinking."

My father always told me: filial piety is the first! He often tells me the story of "three fish". The story of snakehead in Weishan Lake moved me very much. It is said that after giving birth, the fish became blind and could not find food but suffered from hunger. Hundreds of small fish hatched were born spiritually and could not bear to die of hunger. One by one, they actively swam into the mouth of the mother fish to feed the mother fish. The female fish survived, but the survival of their children was less than one tenth of the total. Most of them sacrificed their young lives for their mothers. The snakehead is a filial fish.

My father often said, "If a person is unfilial, no one will make friends with him sincerely." My parents are very filial to my grandparents. I want to learn from my parents to be a good child who respects their parents.

Good Family Style Tutorial Composition [2]

Family style, as an invisible force, has always influenced people. Everyone lives in a big family. If the family style is good, the talent will thrive. If the family style is bad, the child will go astray in growth. There is no shortage of such people in life. Parents have long been famous and promising. However, due to the lack of attention to family education, children finally embarked on the path of crime. This lesson is painful. This also proves the importance of family education from the opposite side. Yes, no wonder there are good and bad people in today's society!

Our great Chinese nation, known as the "land of ceremonies", has always attached importance to family education. In ancient times, there was a family education story in Meng Mu's Three Movements. Zhuge Liang was also a father who paid attention to family education in the Three Kingdoms period. In his book, he taught his children: "It's not indifferent, it's not clear, it's not quiet, it's not far", which was to warn the eight year old son: if he doesn't have a clear mind and few desires, he can't make his ambition clear, firm, unstable If you are quiet, you cannot realize your lofty ideals and study hard for a long time. Therefore, great men like Mencius and Yue Fei have been born in this family education.

Good Family Style Tutorial Composition [3]

Family style is the sum total of a relatively stable moral code, traditional habits, ways of conduct, style of life and lifestyle formed by a family through generations of inheritance. It first reflects the power of morality. Paying attention to the construction of family style is the foundation of many people with lofty ideals in China's history. From ancient times to the present, Yan Zhitui's "Yan Family Instructions", Zhuge Liang's "Jiezi Book", Zhou Yi's "Mian Yu Son Generation", Zhu Zi's "Governing Motto", "Zeng Guofan's Family Letters", "Fu Lei's Family Letters" and so on are widely spread among the people, shining with the thought of good family style.

In history, "three evictions of Meng's mother" and "words tattooed by her mother-in-law" also show a good family style. The ancient precepts in the teachings of "no ambition without simplicity, no ambition without tranquility", "always think of no day without time, never wait for no time to think of time", "never covet unexpected wealth, never drink too much wine" are still respected by the world. A good family climate is not only beneficial to oneself, children and family members, but also gradually affects the moral level of the public and the social atmosphere.

Good Family Style Tutorial Composition [4]

Family style, as an invisible force, has been influencing people imperceptibly. Everyone lives in a native family. If the native family has a good family style, this person will thrive; If the original family does not attach importance to the construction of family style, this person will take a detour in his growth. A good family style will have some common characteristics, such as a good moral atmosphere, a healthy ideological atmosphere, a positive emotional atmosphere, a serious learning atmosphere, a thrifty life atmosphere, and so on. It is this kind of atmosphere that has created people who are physically and mentally healthy, have achievements and have made outstanding contributions to society. It can be said that good family style has created a good cradle for children's growth.

Under the condition of market economy, there are some problems that need to be solved urgently in the field of marriage and family in China: money worship in love, grass knot and grass leave in marriage, excessive indulgence in family education, indifference to the elderly in filial piety, and even some people of fame and social status who do not attach importance to the construction of family style have led themselves, especially their children, to commit crimes. The lesson is painful. It proves the importance of family style construction from the reverse side.

The key to family style construction lies in parents. Parents should first become the people who have the heart to build their own family style, so that they can consciously create their own good family style, continue their own good family style, and benefit the whole family and children. In particular, leading cadres at all levels should take the lead in improving family conduct and educating their children. People are used to doing what is superior and doing what is inferior. The good family atmosphere of leading cadres will have a very important impact on the establishment of a good social atmosphere.

Home Primary School (2)

He was tall, with long dark hair hanging over his shoulders, and his big eyes were shining with wisdom. If it wasn't for the school logo of "Jilin University" she wore on her chest, I really thought she was a female star in the film and television. She is my tutor Hong Yan.

Last winter vacation, my father hired a tutor to help me learn foreign languages better in junior high school. On the first day of class, she did not help me review my lessons, nor did she tell me about A, B, C, but took me to the bookstore to buy books. On the way, I asked her, "Teacher, don't you have any money at home?"

"No, my parents are college teachers, and my family is not short of money." The teacher replied calmly.

"Then why do you want to be a tutor?" I asked her strangely.

"I have grown up, and I will use my own labor to support myself. Being a tutor not only reduces the burden of parents, but also can better understand the society, isn't it killing two birds with one stone?" The teacher answered firmly and forcefully.

When we arrived at the bookstore, the teacher carefully selected several books about English for me. Then she bought several thick books herself, such as Pedagogy and Marxist Philosophy.

Surprised, I asked the teacher, "Teacher, you college students are very knowledgeable. Why do you still buy books?"

The teacher smiled and said to me, "Have you ever heard the saying, 'There is no end to learning. It's never too old to learn! Besides, I'm only 19 years old!"

After listening to the teacher, I admire him very much. At this time, I also understand why the teacher took me to the bookstore to buy books in the first class.

When she lectures to me, she is always very careful. Once I made a mistake with a punctuation mark, and I didn't care, but the teacher told me a story about a manufacturer who lost more than 100000 yuan because of a small punctuation mark, which made me realize the danger of carelessness. Since then, I have made great progress in my study.

Now, she has graduated and started to work. She no longer teaches me how to learn, but her spirit of never being satisfied and self-reliance is always worth my learning, and she will always be my teacher.

Home Primary School (3)

No matter in school or in society, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. Compositions must be focused on the theme, make in-depth exposition around the same theme, and avoid rambling, loose theme or even no theme. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the composition about home style and family training for primary school students, which is compiled by Xiao Bian for your reference only. Let's have a look.

The grass will thank the sun for its healthy growth; The flower will thank the rain and dew, which nourish its vitality; Fish will thank the river and give it a habitat, then I will thank my parents, because they gave me a shelter from the wind and rain, gave me a sense of life, taught me the truth of life.

A family should have a so-called family discipline, so that it can be a regular family, and it can give children certain feelings, certain insights, and certain thinking. Of course, my family is no exception. My father is the head of the family, and he has set a lot of family rules for me.

Gratitude is a traditional virtue and an obligation we should fulfill. Grass thanks for the sunshine, flowers for the dew, fish for the sea, white clouds for the sky, and I thank my strict father. When I was very young, my father asked me to recite the Disciple Gui San Zi Sutra and the like. He often said: People should learn to be grateful, thank everyone around them, and others should help you when you are in trouble. What you should do is not only to be grateful, but also to help others when they are in trouble. I remember my father's words and try my best to complete them.

Filial piety is the priority of all good deeds. When I was young, I often saw my father doing farm work with his grandparents with his own hands. He always worked hard by himself to let them go home and have a rest. Whenever I send water to my father, he always says: First, give it to my grandparents. My father is not thirsty. But I clearly knew that he was thirsty and wanted to drink water, but I didn't understand his practice. I asked my father, and he said: It's not easy for my parents to raise me. I didn't know filial piety when I was a child. Now I want to make up for it. My father used his practical methods to tell me how to be filial and the importance of filial piety.

My father and mother shelter me from the wind and rain, and I can't share anything for them. However, I can be grateful to my parents who raised me and filial piety to my parents who paid for me but did not intend to repay me. I want my parents to experience warmth, happiness and a better life. Start with small things, start with little things, and start now!

From the family instructions, I realized my father's deep love and warmth for me. I want to say: Father, thank you for your strictness, thank you for your family instructions, and I love you!

Home Primary School (4)

There are national style and national rules, school rules and school rules, and my family also has family rules. Now please listen to me.

Speaking of my family style and tutoring, I should start with "sincerity". It was a beautiful holiday. I watched TV quietly at home. Suddenly, I remembered my mother's task, jumped up and rushed to the convenience store. I gasped for breath and said to the elderly boss in the store, "Boss, I want a pair of No. 5 batteries." "OK!" The boss replied humorously, asking me for 7 yuan.

I was stunned: I gave my boss 10 yuan, but the battery tag clearly said 5 yuan, why give me 2 yuan more? At the same time, I secretly rejoiced that the extra money can buy snacks! But my legs were like ice, and I didn't dare to take this difficult step. Suddenly, my mother's stern face appeared in my mind, and she spoke sincerely to me. I felt guilty in my heart, and said apologetically to my boss, "Boss, you gave me more money." The boss smiled and took the money and praised me: "Look at me, an old fool. Fortunately, I met you, an honest and sensible boy!" I blushed and ran home.

Next, I want to talk about "strictness". From childhood to adulthood, my mother was very strict with me, and asked me to take everything seriously, and to start and finish, and never give up halfway. Since I can remember, whenever I make a mistake, my mother will always let me go to the small room to think about it for three minutes and promise to my face that I will never make another mistake! When I was five years old, I could read. Once I made a mistake, my mother asked me to write a review book and read it every day. Although I was often severely punished by my mother, it was under her strict requirements that I became a "three good student".

Finally, let me talk about "saving". Economy is a traditional virtue in China. My mother also taught me to form a good habit of thrift when I was young. Usually, we try to travel as low as possible. This can not only reduce pollution, but also strengthen the body. Why not!

This is my family style.

Home Primary School (5)

Home is our first school, and our parents are our first teachers. The words and deeds of our parents have been imperceptibly influencing our behavior. The good family atmosphere in the family helps us grow up healthily, on the contrary, the bad family atmosphere will lead children to detours.

Filial piety is a good family custom in my family. As the saying goes, "filial piety comes first". Filial piety and respect for elders are traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. My parents have always taught me with their practical actions. My family is a special family. My grandpa and sister died in a car accident, and my grandma and parents could not help themselves in grief. Later, my brother suffered from cerebral palsy, and now he is in a nursing home, which makes our family worse. These two things have always hurt my grandma and parents. Therefore, my parents are more filial to my grandma.

For more than ten years, we have lived together with Grandma, but there has never been any conflict. Because my parents always said that Grandma is the big parent of the family, ranking first. When there are important matters to discuss at home, and everyone can't agree on their own words, most of us listen to Grandma. In the words of my parents, this is filial piety first, Since childhood, I have always seen and remembered my parents' filial piety to their elders.

In my opinion, respecting teachers, studying hard, not talking back to elders, listening to their parents' teachings and understanding their hard work are the filial piety we should do now. Therefore, I try my best to help my parents do some small things within my power at home, help my parents wash dishes and sweep the floor, wash my grandmother's feet at night, and chat with her about family affairs. Although these things are small, they can also reduce the burden on parents and relieve the loneliness of the elderly for a day; In school, I respect teachers, unite classmates, study hard, never make trouble for teachers, and become a good student. In fact, these are far from enough. Real filial piety is also reflected in all aspects of life. I need to learn from my parents. There are still many places.

A good family ethos not only carries the ardent hope of generations for future generations, but also inherits the fine ethos of our Chinese nation.

Home Primary School (6)

Composition on the Family Style and Family Training of Primary School Students [1]

The grass will thank the sun for its healthy growth; The flower will thank the rain and dew, which nourish its vitality; Fish will thank the river and give it a habitat, then I will thank my parents, because they gave me a shelter from the wind and rain, gave me a sense of life, taught me the truth of life.

A family should have a so-called family discipline, so that it can be a regular family, and it can give children certain feelings, certain insights, and certain thinking. Of course, my family is no exception. My father is the head of the family, and he has set a lot of family rules for me.

Gratitude is a traditional virtue and an obligation we should fulfill. Grass thanks for the sunshine, flowers for the dew, fish for the sea, white clouds for the sky, and I thank my strict father. When I was very young, my father asked me to recite Disciple Gui San Zi Sutra and so on. He often said: "People should learn to be grateful, thank everyone around them, and others should help you when you are in trouble. What you should do is not only to be grateful, but also to help others when they are in trouble. I remember my father's words and try my best to complete them.

Filial piety is the priority of all good deeds. When I was young, I often saw my father doing farm work with his grandparents with his own hands. He always worked hard by himself to let them go home and have a rest. Whenever I send water to my father, he always says: First, give it to my grandparents. My father is not thirsty. But I clearly knew that he was thirsty and wanted to drink water, but I didn't understand his practice. I asked my father, and he said: It's not easy for my parents to raise me. I didn't know filial piety when I was a child. Now I want to make up for it. My father used his practical methods to tell me how to be filial and the importance of filial piety.

My father and mother shelter me from the wind and rain, and I can't share anything for them. However, I can be grateful to my parents who raised me and filial piety to my parents who paid for me but did not intend to repay me. I want my parents to experience warmth, happiness and a better life. Start with small things, start with little things, and start now!

From the family instructions, I realized my father's deep love and warmth for me. I want to say: Father, thank you for your strictness, thank you for your family instructions, and I love you!

Composition on Family Style and Family Training of Primary School Students [2]

Family instructions are the traditional rules or customs of each family, such as: learn to be grateful, independent, reasonable, cherish time, cherish everything about yourself, not envy others, remember the instructions of parents or teachers, and be a moral person. Independence is like doing your own thing, not relying on others, not letting parents feel that they are a burden, and it is not good for parents to worry. But these are not important. When I was young, my mother often said to me: "Don't pay attention to the appearance. If the appearance is beautiful but the heart is not beautiful, what's the use? Only the beauty of the heart is the real beauty. So we should not only pay attention to the outside, but also look at the beauty of the heart.

I have a friend who loves to compare with others. Every time others say she is good, she is proud and feels that she is better than everyone else. I also have a friend whose family is not rich, so she doesn't dress well. Although she is not beautiful in appearance, she is beautiful in heart. If you see rubbish on the ground, throw it into the dustbin immediately. If you see litter litterers, go to persuade them. She saves every drop of water and every kilowatt hour of electricity. She cherishes her own everything and does not envy others.

Which of these two friends do you like? I like my friend who is beautiful in heart. The girl who likes to compare is not beautiful in heart. Her beauty lies in her appearance. What's the use of her appearance? Only the beauty of the soul is the real beauty. Those who only pay attention to the appearance will never understand the beauty of the soul. Saving is also a virtue. Saving every grain of rice and grain will add up to be a thrifty person. I remember once I spilled a lot of rice when I cooked with my mother. I whispered aside: "It's OK"! Mother said to pick it up. I asked why, "You should learn to save. Every grain of rice is also rice. Learning how to add up makes a mickle. Saving is also a virtue. You can't think that it's OK to sprinkle a few grains of rice. The rice is earned by farmers with sweat. So you should save food.". Mom said. At that time, what my mother said was just like the wind blowing in my ears, and I didn't listen to it at all. When it was time to eat, I filled a lot and left a lot. Her mother's face changed immediately and said, "Eat as much as you can, don't waste, learn to save.". I didn't wake up until I heard it. I quickly finished the rice.

From these two things, I understand that beauty depends on the beauty of the soul, not the appearance. Saving is also to start from bit by bit, to be a person who is not wasteful, diligent and thrifty! Although there are perfect people in the world, you will be said to be good if you do a good job! If everyone does not forget his family style, he will do his best! We should have firm confidence to do well in ourselves, and improve our shortcomings bit by bit, which will also change the deficiencies of society!

Composition on Family Style and Family Training of Primary School Students [3]

China is a country of ceremonies, with a long history and culture of five thousand years. As the saying goes: no rules, no square. Every family has its own family rules, which are the embodiment of the excellent culture of the Chinese nation and the warning of future generations.

There are many family rules in my family. One of the most impressive ones is to be diligent, thrifty and cherish food.

When I was a child, I was very picky about eating. I always didn't eat this or that. Every time I ate, there would be a lot left, which made my mother very headache. At that time, I didn't realize that this was a very bad habit. Until I went back to my hometown to experience it, I knew how wrong it was to waste food.

Once when I returned to my hometown, I saw a lot of things spread in the yard that I could not name. My mother said that those things were sorghum, and she said that she could only gather a small bag of sorghum rice despite such a lot. What my mother said surprised me.

It's time to eat. This is the most sad time for me, because my mother always scolds me for being picky about leftovers. As expected, my mother filled me with a bowl of rice again. My head was big when I looked at this bowl of rice, but I could not resist my mother's harsh eyes, so I had to eat it. As I ate, I came up with a good idea. Why not ask the table and floor to eat for me? So, while pretending to eat, I pushed the rice under the table. After eating, the table and the floor became stars.

Suddenly, the barking of the dog in the yard attracted me. I put down my bowl and flew out of the yard to have a good time with the dog. I was stopped by my grandpa before I left the house. He patted me on the shoulder and said, "My child, you can't waste food. It's not easy to grow crops. You can understand it when you grow up." How similar is Grandpa's words to those of his mother in the yard? Why waste food when you know it's not easy to get it? At that time, I was so ashamed that I couldn't say a word. My grandpa saw my regret and said happily, "Let's pick up the rice grains on the table and the floor together. It's better to wash them and give them to dogs than to waste." My grandpa and I picked them up slowly. Every grain of rice seems to have a golden weight, because it is the crystallization of farmers' sweat.

After coming back from my hometown, I changed my bad habit of being picky about food and leftovers, which made my mother very happy. I also really understood that my parents took cherishing food as a family discipline.

"In the afternoon of weeding, sweat drips down on the ground. It's hard to eat every meal." This poem is the first one I can recite, and I have never really understood its meaning until now. Every grain is the crystallization of the farmer's uncle's hard work. It's really wrong to waste grain. Now the "CD-ROM Action" is popular all over the country. As the future of our motherland, we should use our own actions to carry forward the excellent traditional culture of our motherland!

Home Primary School (7)

Everyone has their own parents. Of course, they also have their own parenting stories!

I remember one time, my mother came back from work with a tired face, but she checked my homework first. I said to my mother painfully: "Mom, you have worked hard, drink a glass of water!" But my mother said to me: "Never mind, check your homework first!" As a result, after the check, I made several mistakes and was found by my mother. Looking at my mother's sleepy appearance, I could not bear to say: "Mom, you'd better lie down in bed for a while first! I'll ask my father to cook dinner." When my mother saw that I was so worried about her, she lay down for a while.

Last July, my parents were going to take me to Nanjing to play, and asked me if I would like to? I answered cheerfully: "OK! The adults speak, but the children dare not obey." "Good!" My father said to us, "Then we will start tomorrow!" When we got off the bus in Nanjing, it was already evening, and my parents led me to a small house. "Dad, where is this?" I asked my dad in confusion. Dad pretended to be very mysterious and said, "You'll know when you get there!" We went into the small house. There were many rooms in it. Mom and Dad took me into a room and said, "We rented it here, and there were many passengers in it." "Oh, I see." I replied loudly. My father immediately patted my head and said in a low voice: "Shh, it's so late, you are shouting and will disturb others. Have you ever thought about their feelings?" "Yes! If you are sleeping, others suddenly shout and wake you up, are you comfortable?" Mother interrupted on the horse. Yeah! If someone wakes you up, you will certainly blame him.

Therefore, if we can compare ourselves with each other in life, we will show respect for the elderly and care for children, which will make people more tolerant and understanding.

[Chapter 2]

Speaking of family style, family discipline and family education, I always think it is a tough topic. As for my family's situation, let me briefly talk about it. Family rules are a mirror, looking at me and my parents. The first thing to do in life is to be strict with yourself. Honesty will not lie. If you find mistakes, you should correct them in time. If you do something wrong, you should also accept the criticism of your parents. You must start from the beginning and finish your work. No matter what you do, you can't give up halfway.

I remember once, when I failed in my Chinese test paper, I looked at the score and almost fainted. After school, I sat on the school bus dejected and depressed until I got off the bus and walked home. When Grandma said that she would show me the test paper, I was almost crazy, thinking: this time it must be over. Grandma will beat me to death. When Grandma saw my exam paper, she not only didn't scold me, but also encouraged me to say, "Although you didn't do well in the exam, I won't scold you. This time, the competition rate of your class is very high, so you have to refuel!" This is one thing Grandma encouraged me to do.

Family style, family training and family education have the same aspects, and each family has different manifestations. The bad aspects should be corrected in time, and the good aspects should be maintained!

Home Primary School (8)

Chapter 1: Homestyle Primary School Composition

What is family style? I haven't been very clear about this problem. Recently, I saw reporters' uncles and aunts' interviews all over the country in the news broadcast, and I gradually learned what family style is. It is the traditional atmosphere and style formed by a family for many years. It reflects the life style and attitude of the family.

What is my family style? The first is "filial piety". Filial piety is the most important of all virtues. The most important thing for Chinese people is filial piety. Every time we eat in our house, the elder doesn't use chopsticks, so the younger can't start eating first. When it comes to delicious dishes, I always serve my grandparents first, then my parents, and finally I eat them. Every time I see them smiling at the table and the whole family enjoying themselves together, my heart is as sweet as honey dates. Although this is just a trivial matter, we can see the whole picture from a glimpse. In my family, filial piety exists everywhere.

The second rule in my family is to be honest and not lie. Once, I didn't do well in the exam. I was afraid that my parents would teach me a lesson. When I got home, I didn't give my mother the exam paper. After that, my mother knew the truth. First of all, she did not criticize me because of the exam, but first of all, she severely criticized my lying behavior. The essence of teaching me to be a man is honesty. "A man cannot stand without faith". Be honest and trustworthy no matter what happens. I benefited a lot from this. Now my motto is honesty and trustworthiness.

Home wind is like the sun, air and water, shining on me, wrapping me, nourishing me, and accompanying me all the time. So that I can gradually grow into a towering tree.

Article 2: Family Style 500 Word Composition

Family style is the moral standard of a family, which seems to be an indispensable part of our life. My family also has a family style, which teaches me how to behave correctly.

Since I was young, my parents have taught me to be trustworthy and not to promise others what I can't do, because if you don't do it in the end, people will be disappointed, and you will also break your promise. Next time, no one will ask you to help, and no one will help you. Once, the teacher asked us to check the information about Lu Xun. My deskmate didn't have a computer, so he didn't know what to do. I volunteered to help him. But after returning home in the evening, I only focused on playing games and forgot to check the information. I didn't remember until the next day of class, but it was too late. My deskmate and I were punished by the teacher for standing in a class and called the parents. The first thing my mother did after hearing about this was to educate me: be a man of faith, and never promise if you can't do it. If you can't do it well, you should take responsibility.

Since that incident, my mother's words have been imprinted on my heart, and I have never broken my promise.

Punctuality is mother's pet phrase. She is not only punctual herself, but also often reminds others to be punctual. Every time I meet someone, my mother always arrives early and often teaches me to be trustworthy and punctual. I am also influenced by it. Every time I go out with my classmates, I always arrive ten minutes early. And I can do many things in these ten minutes.

The family style of a family always guides a child's way forward, and also affects his every move. Parents are the biggest mentors of children, and also the most influential.

School rules, family style "is a phrase that people often say, but many people will be dumbfounded when they ask" what is family style? What is your family style? ". Don't worry. I want to talk about family style with you today.

Family customs are family rules and the customs of a family. Once the family customs are corrupted, the ideological and moral character of the family will also be corrupted, and the family will no longer be able to cultivate excellent offspring. This bad reputation will spread among neighbors at once, and soon no one will want to associate with this family. If you want to change it, it will be too late. It can be said that family style is very important. Although it is just an invisible concept, it can make future generations of this family continue longer and go further!

Family customs can also represent the customs of a country. The country is the people's home, which is even more important. It depends on the people's efforts, discipline and law abiding, mutual help, and the prosperity of a country is not only the wealth of materials. In my opinion, what is more important is its ethos. The ethos of a country and a dynasty determines its decline and success. Only a country with a good social ethos can make its country rich and its people strong, and truly be regarded as a powerful country.

My family style is "filial piety". I respect my parents and teachers. My parents have always told me: filial piety is the first! Family custom is a motto that should be kept in mind. With it, we can have a foothold in society and go further! Remember your family style, lay a solid foundation for your life, take a firm step, and become a pillar of the country!

Every family has its own style, rules, and instructions. When I talk about my style, rules, and instructions, it has something to do with my childhood.

Since I was sensible, my mother told me the truth of being a man. First of all, we should study hard, which means we should study hard; The second is to make progress. We should make continuous progress and use our own practical actions to prove that I can do it; Then there are honest and dishonest people. How can they let others trust you and rely on you; The last is kindness. There is no kind heart, only a narrow heart. How can you think of others? How can you help others when they are in trouble?

When I was five years old, I could do anything I wanted. However, they are very picky about food, either meat or vegetables, and often leftovers. And when I wash my hands, I waste half a basin of water every time I wash them, and the tap is not turned off after washing, which wastes a lot of water. After knowing my two bad habits, my mother said to me: "Diligence and thrift are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, so in the future, we should not be picky about food, and we should not leave leftovers, and we should save water resources." From that moment on, I learned to "be diligent and thrifty".

During the Spring Festival, I went to my grandfather's house to pay New Year's greetings. Say "Happy New Year" to grandpa. Grandfather took out a red envelope from his pocket, put it on my hand, and said to me earnestly, "Granddaughter, you are six years old, and next year you will be in the first grade. I want to tell you three things. The first thing is to respect the elders. Wherever you go in the future, you should be polite and respect the elders; The second sentence is to be filial to your parents, who brought you to the world and raised you. When you grow up, you must repay them and be filial to them; The third sentence is self-reliance. No matter what you do in the future, you should not rely on others. You should work on your own strength, be content with the status quo, and be diligent and enterprising. This is what I expect of you, and I hope you will remember it all the time. "

Family rules are industrious and thrifty

The family motto is to respect elders, be filial to parents, and be self reliant.

After I went to school, I felt that since I had family customs, family rules, and family discipline, I was always encouraged and accompanied by my growth.

"Showing family style and promoting virtue, inheriting family training and helping growth"

Family customs and instructions are an important part of China's traditional culture and education. Poetry and propriety, diligence and thrift, respect for the old and love the young, and knowing things and proprieties are the eternal themes of family style and family education. A good family style and tutoring is the guarantee for the healthy growth of generations, and is an integral part of our daily life code of conduct. The essence of some family customs and family instructions has been integrated into the new moral construction, which has become "family instructions", a positive energy to promote social civilization and progress, and a good supplement to the socialist core values.