Writing out of the window (17 required)
2024-05-23 06:31:59

Outside the Composition Window (1)

With my heart extended to the past and future, and my feet standing in the present, I shuttled through the track of time and space, calmly sorting out my soul. Take time and space as the radius, multiply the pi "π", and imprint a perfect memory on the heart.

The air flowing with frustration, such a quiet roar, destroyed my broken heart. I still remember that at that time, the game I missed because I was unexpectedly late, the victory I missed, a sense of regret suddenly hit me and swallowed my fighting spirit. Unable to restrain himself, he suddenly sobbed. Even if he was in the resort, he was not at all relaxed and happy. Bathing in the humid air, I opened a window of the hotel.

The sunlight slid into the room mischievously, and a magnificent seascape greeted me. The salty taste stimulates my sense of smell. I see waves playing one by one, immersed in the blue world. The waves are "popping", and the hidden rocks stir up brilliant water spray. It seems as if you are in the flood of the world, and you are pursuing your true self in the vast world. I give myself to the sea, and the sea gives itself to the vast, the infinite spread of the vast.

Through a small window, I saw a small part of the uninhibited sea. I was suddenly surprised. Why not change a larger window to enjoy the whole sea? I can't help pondering. Isn't this small window just like my narrow heart now, confined to a heavy miss and failure? I was suddenly enlightened and walked to the big French windows beside me, intoxicated with a broader picture of the sea and immersed in my broad mind.

Looking out of the window at the painting that will overflow, tears fall down again, and the strings in my heart resonate sweetly. The sea is vast and boundless, so it can shake the soul of all people. It absorbs hundreds of rivers to shape its own magnificence, welcomes the reefs to shine its own brightness, and shines with the immortal light of life. And all rivers, just like all the bad things in life; Reefs are like major failures in life. They all make our life brilliant. I once heard: "Without reefs, how can we stimulate beautiful water spray?" I believe that this failure experience will turn into nutrition in my life and pave a long way for the future!

I am in the window, and the view outside the window has long been the unity of heaven and man. Through the window, I can see the value of life and find the meaning of trying to improve myself. I would like to become the sea, make myself broad minded, accept failure, and turn failure into the foundation of success. Outside the window, I read the sea, the vast, and the value of my life.

The secret of "π" loomed before my eyes. "π" could be equated with this experience, creating a memory and a complete life. The sea outside the window, you are willing to walk with me through the future of life.

Outside the Composition Window (2)

At the moment, I am sitting in the warm classroom, listening to the teacher reading the composition. Strong white walls, floors illuminated by lights, transparent windows of the hall. Everything feels so comfortable and perfect. Indeed, in the cold winter, how comfortable it is to sit in the warm classroom! At this time, several people head out of the window and out of my sight. The head in the helmet looked into the room from time to time, like a penguin, a little clumsy.

My thoughts returned to the morning: when I was riding to school, a small truck passed by me, full of people - migrant workers, looking at the students who rushed to school. A man peeped out his head and smiled behind everyone. I guess he wanted to say hello.

"Hehe" and "hehe" a burst of not so loud laughter came into my ears and pulled me out of my memory. Are they laughing? The upturned corners of their mouths reflected their deep wrinkles. Outside the window, in this cold winter, how can you smile so happily? I found that they were looking at us. From time to time, they pointed to the students in the class. When the teacher read the composition and found something interesting, we laughed and they laughed. From time to time, their hometown accent came from the window. Until class ended, they were still reluctant to lie outside the window. At that moment, I really wanted them to come in and feel the warm atmosphere.

This is the teaching building they built themselves, but they didn't even have a chance to feel warm.

They didn't go to school, read books or feel the real classroom, so they envied us for reading. I envy that we have such good conditions. I understand that without them, we would not be able to sit in this warm classroom to read. We should cherish it. When they see us reading in a happy environment, they must be proud!

I remember a worker asked another worker outside the window: "What is it about? Do you understand?" "No," "Then you are happy." "My daughter will understand when she grows up. Then you can ask her!" They both laughed outside the window for a long time.

That is the most simple and beautiful dialogue. With expectations for the next generation and concern for the next generation, I think that even if I suffer, it is worth it. No complaints, just thinking about others, just expecting us not to be like them. How can we live up to their expectations.

One day, the window will disappear.

Outside the Composition Window (3)

The sun shines all over French windows. This lazy morning, we start a new day in lazy dressing and washing. When did I become this lazy woman. Looking out of the window, those who started work on Monday seemed to be covered by the sunny time.

I carefully found out beautiful clothes and put them on. I saw some shadows in front of the mirror. The energetic and beautiful girl's face is a little bloated, but the most obvious feature still exists - smile. No matter how time sharpens me, I never forget to smile. I think this is the only thing that hasn't changed me this year. After cleaning up, I folded the pajamas that accompanied me slightly, and didn't want them to occupy my daytime life in the future.

Looking at the fence, all kinds of things come to mind. At this time, I should stand on the platform and smile to discuss articles with students, exchange views, exchange views, and draw conclusions. For five years, I have spent my most brilliant time in this school surrounded by mountains. After graduating from college that year, my friend took me to this strange place with her. I remember that I had decided to go to Zhejiang. At the teacher examination registration site, my friend dragged me to fill in an application form. As a result, I passed the exam and my friend failed.

But I'm glad that she finally realized her dream of teaching and found a job as a teacher in the city. I spent more time in school and didn't even have time to attend her wedding. I am an ordinary person with dreams. I always miss the past when I think about it. I always patiently care about the students' well-being, cry sadly behind the words of naughty students, and earnestly coach their learning I even took a two-hour motorcycle ride to persuade students, and almost had an accident. Slowly, I began to get used to daily life and work, and loved it.

Now I have become a coward, will I have this patience? I have the courage to face difficulties, the courage to quit this job, but not the courage to start a new life.

He is my classmate in high school. I never mentioned him in words before, because he has been branded in my heart. At that simple age, we were always at the front and back table, and nothing particularly profound happened. I only remember that he was very shy and cute, with good grades, while I fell behind no matter how hard I tried. University, we are in different schools, we have little contact with each other, we have no story. At work, we never heard from each other. I didn't think he or I would become the story of each other. After work, he contacted me and told me to meet him.

That morning, I always looked at him with a smile, but he, still very nervous, always made me laugh. We talked about the days when we had no contact. numerous. He told me that he thought I was with A now. In high school, he and A were at the same table, and A and I were at the front and back tables. He always thinks that I am always happy about endless topics between us. Maybe he thinks A likes me a little. In college, A went to my university. He called A and told him to cherish me. Later, by chance, I heard the students talk regretfully that in their mind, a couple (A and I) had no story. He was immediately worried and made an appointment with me the next day.

My words may not be as moving as the scenes at that time, his expression, his actions and words. Full of a feeling I can't say. But I still refused his kindness and said, "We can become good friends." In the next few years, he will send me a hot breakfast at the place where I took the bus day after day, and send me poetic short messages every day when I can't go home. He will always use poetic words to record every time I see my situation, write it on the paper and turn it into a paper crane, Put it in my hand... Later, I became his bride, commemorating the 10 years we knew each other. Later, we had our own baby, but the baby didn't come to the world after all. Was mercilessly strangled by a male teacher with no quality. And I also blame myself for being the mother who didn't protect the baby well. I always spend my time in sadness. We also had some quarrels, some never felt sad. I quit my beloved job and gave up everything for a better future and for the people I love.

But after all, I feel that I have compromised to the fate. We have not won any rights and interests. We have to retreat to the second place and live a good life in our own small family. I am determined to forget all the sadness in the past and hope to have a healthy and happy baby. I don't know what will happen to me now. I just hope our love can be harmonious and our life will be better. Just like this sunny morning, the sun shines on our life.

Outside the Composition Window (4)

The scenery I see will never be the same as yours.

In my room, there is a window. What I see outside is not a quiet forest, not a lively playground, but a "magical" small world.

"I don't want to learn painting!" I said without crying. "It's your choice. You should insist on learning..." "Stop talking, Mom, but I'm very tired!" I interrupted my mother, and rushed into the room, locked the door, and lay on the bed.

I shivered and somehow my tears kept pouring out. Tears wet the sheets, I stood up and walked to the bed.

I don't know where the clear sky in the morning has gone. Now it is covered with dark clouds, which seems to follow my mood.

A thunder and lightning broke the sky. It seemed that there was a hole in the sky and it began to rain.

The rain slowly grew bigger and hit my window. In the heavy rain, I vaguely saw a man standing in the wind, shaking, and covering his face with his hands from time to time.

He should be waiting for the bus.

He retreated under the eaves, and after a while ran on the road outside the platform to see if there was a car. He did not see the car, sighed, and returned to the eaves. He did not feel sad about this, but kept looking out.

He touched his wet hair, patted his chest and looked out of the window as if he had realized something.

As time went by, he finally saw the car against the wind and rain. Although his body was wet, I clearly saw the strange light in his eyes.

He got on before the thunder.

I just woke up. He can persist. Why can't I persist! I opened the door and ran to my mother to tell her how I felt. She smiled and nodded.

It seems that the window in my room is really magical, and it is different outside the window in my heart!

Outside the Composition Window (5)

Sitting quietly by Grandma's window, you can feel the warmth of the sun and the fragrance of the flowers. Ancient windmills turn in the wind like open wings; With the green grass everywhere and wild flowers all over the mountain, this unique scenery has added magical color to this fairy tale world!

By the secluded lake, windmills, green grass and small houses let me fall into memory: green everywhere, green everywhere, even the air also contains the smell of grass. The architecture here is also a kind of art, classical and elegant, like a huge and rich oil painting.

Open your eyes, here is not as beautiful as before, but it will always be the most beautiful scenery in my heart. Now, there are many residents living here. They all have a kind heart and love every plant, flower, tree, bird and stone here. Everyone had a very pleasant time! Now, patches of grass are gone, but in return, there are clear rivers; Piece by piece of cultivated land; Little houses. A charming pastoral scenery.

"Hey! Come down and have a water fight with us!"? "Why are you crying? Stand up!" Isn't that the time when my cousins bullied me and I didn't admit defeat?

When did these little pieces of memory escape out of the window? No, I want to catch them. But when I got downstairs, they had already fled to nowhere! I returned to the window, so will the fragments come back? No, not anymore. Is this window a good and bad camera?

Outside the Composition Window (6)

The white dew came again. Through the window, a broken line of raindrops hit the ground. "Dida Dida" formed a symphony, sweet and beautiful. As usual, I sat at the window and looked into the distance quietly.

The wind blew gently, and the trees outside the window swayed with the wind. The rain fell on the fish pond. Looking down from the sky, I saw red, gold and white dots and lines playing in the pond. Reach out and look out of the window. The rain drops fall in my palm and flow into my heart, feeling the gift of nature.

Time is like an illusion. It creates a surging flood and a leisurely shore. Like the stars sinking into the sea bottom, melting the underground glaciers; Like the wind flapping its wings, the breeze has hit the spray. The warmth of sunrise after rain is just right. I sit quietly in front of the window and feel the tenderness of the world.

The sun shines through the window and sprinkles a halo on the brown and yellow floor. The sound of people going out from their homes outside the window has already broken the silence at that time. It becomes more and more noisy outside the window

I saw several middle-aged people walking together in the community, looking at their smiling faces. I guess what they are talking about must be interesting things between their family and children! Beside the pond and under the big trees, there were a group of children who seemed to have just turned six. They sometimes jumped forward with their feet, sometimes bent over to pick up something. Their sunny smiling faces inadvertently infected and drove many people.

The sun is about to set. At the end of the horizon, the orange red afterglow meets the sky. The red diaphragm is more beautiful in the sky.

The eye-catching ones are those middle school students my age. They sat quietly in the pavilion, holding a book in one hand, a colored pen in the other hand, and a water cup beside them, as if they would entrust all their time to books. They devoured the knowledge in the book without limit. I impulsively wanted to pick up a book to join them, but the more beautiful scenery attracted my eyes.

The cleaners and gardeners in the community are holding brooms and scissors to start their work. They are always so industrious and never give up in the cold winter and hot summer.

Looking out of the window, the sky is blue, reflecting several white clouds. Close your eyes gently, the breeze blows, and the broken hair sways in the wind with the wind. The sun shines on my face after the rain, and the just good warmth seems to give the world a gentle touch. The smell of grass mixed after the rain is unforgettable for a long time.

As usual, I sat at the window and looked into the distance

Outside the Composition Window (7)

If you ask me what a book is, I think I will answer "a book is a window". It is a window that helps me open the colorful world. The stories in the book are just like the scenery outside the window, which can always bring me rich knowledge and truth of life and help me grow.

The book is my good teacher and good friend. He told me about the sufferings of old China and the efforts of revolutionary ancestors to seek for the rise of China. In the auditorium of Hunan No. 1 Normal School, a group of young people who are high spirited and striving to be strong are reading Liang Qichao's "Youth in China" enthusiastically, Study hard to revitalize China! It is because of that group of excellent teenagers that we have a prosperous and strong China!

Books are my spiritual food and teach me to fight bravely for my dreams. In a small town in North America, there lived a little boy named Santiago. His dream was to travel around. On his journey to find treasure in the Egyptian pyramids, he was faced with many difficulties and dangers. The king of Salem told him that when you really want something, the whole universe will work together to help you realize your desire. Where your heart is, there is treasure. I know that this "treasure" is a dream. In the pursuit of dreams, there will be ups and downs, twists and failures. But when the desire is strong enough, failure is no longer failure, but the touchstones on the road to dreams.

The book is my thought partner, which makes me understand that there are always good feelings in life that are worth remembering forever. In the village of Damaidi, there is a boy named Bronze and a girl named Sunflower. In order to see the film, Bronze carried the sunflower on his shoulders, but he kept his head down all night; When Sunflower participated in the performance, Bronze made her a "crystal necklace"; After Sunflower left, Bronze opened his mouth on the big haystack and shouted with all his life strength: "Sunflower flower!" Bronze was mute, but his brother's selfless love for his sister made him shout the first words of life. My heart could not be calm for a long time, and tears poured out. What an unforgettable feeling of brother and sister!

Yes, books are the window through which I open the world. Through them, a vast world appears in front of me. Dear friends, please open this magical window with me and enjoy the rich and fantastic scenery outside!

Outside the Composition Window (8)

There is a big tree outside the window of my room. Since I was born, it has been growing there, and has been with me. Now it is almost three stories tall.

In spring, big trees begin to sprout and grow new green leaves. At that time, several birds will fly to the tree and chirp, and the "concert" of big trees will begin one by one.

In summer, the leaves of big trees change from light green to dark green. The bird cried more happily. At that time, cicadas joined the chorus of birds, singing "cicadas, cicadas" to accompany the birds. Whenever I played with my friends and walked under the trees, I would hear birds and cicadas singing.

In autumn, the leaves of big trees change from dark green to light red yellow. When the wind blew, the leaves fell one by one. Cicadas no longer sing, and birds do not often come. Only when I look at them outside the window and accompany them will they not be lonely.

In winter, heavy snow fell on the head of the big branches, as if they had already opened into small white flowers, and the trunk looked like wearing a big white cotton padded jacket. At this time, I will lie on the windowsill and gaze at it affectionately.

I like this big tree. I hope it will not be cut down in the future and will continue to grow with me!

Outside the Composition Window (9)

Lie on the windowsill and watch the light rain fall all over the courtyard. Open the window, the thin rain came to my face, my heart was disturbed without reason.

I remember that day, it was raining heavily, and I lay on the windowsill to watch the scenery in the rain. In the rain and fog, I saw a dog barking under the tree not far away. I ran out of the yard with an umbrella and found that it was a dog whose leg was injured.

Later, I often saw it near my home.

Spring comes with spring breeze. The grass sticks out its head and sways gently with the wind. The willow tree shows new buds and hangs down on the ground, which makes a contrast with the little white flowers. It rolls up and down on the grass, fiddling with grass leaves and playing with butterflies.

In summer, the green Parthenocissus has covered the whole wall. It often lies under the Parthenocissus, and the Parthenocissus has a different style. Sometimes the bird takes a rest on the grass. When it pats its paw, the bird panics all over the place, but it is like a young child, enjoying it.

In autumn, I haven't seen the puppy again for many days. I often lie in front of the window, looking forward to its shadow. At the end of autumn, the weather suddenly dropped, and the wind blew sadly. I never saw it coming again.

Through the thick glass, times have changed, and the lights are the same as before, but I can only find its shadow in my memory. I have to lament the fragility and impermanence of life. Dog, no matter where you are, I hope you are safe!

Outside the Composition Window (10)

The busy campus learning life gives us a sense of depression, although the thirst for knowledge can make us forget the dull and boring learning for the time being. But human beings are going to be close to nature after all. I can't imagine how terrible it is for a person to forget about green.

It is early summer, and the green plants outside the house are beginning to grow thick. We can leave early and return late, or we can say that our single-minded learning attitude, or we can complain about the boring life, which makes us forget the green around us and forget to find the most dynamic and vital things around us.

One day, the sun was so intoxicating that I was lying on the desk in front of the window, doing my homework in a daze. The number and difficulty of my homework made me dizzy. Simply put down the pen holder and lay on the table. Through the slit of the eyes, through the window that has cut off the dust, a new green leaping in the eyes is emitting its eye-catching, fascinating sense of unrestrained life. The sense of perplexity in my heart disappeared. Mr. Zhu Ziqing's longing for spring and the color of life in his article "Spring", at this time, I realized the reason for his hope. Under no circumstances can human beings lack green. He is healthy and energetic. Although it is early summer now, the connotation of green health and life has not been reduced by the passage of seasons.

In the warm sunshine and gentle breeze, a plant stands proudly outside the window. The branches, brittle stems, green leaves and cells are all reflecting the breath of life through bright green.

Outside the window, a green plant is growing, leaving only swirling air and scattered books in the window. My people and my heart have already got rid of the white books and black words, and rushed to the green of life outside the window.

Outside the Composition Window (11)

The sunset outside the window is gorgeous and colorful, like a rendered Chinese painting, and the gradual change of color makes people intoxicated.

"Dong, Dong..." A knock on the door brought me back to my senses. I looked at the source of the sound. It was an aunt knocking on the neighbor's door. She stood nervously at the door, as if she had something urgent to say.

"What's the matter, auntie?" asked the neighbor hurriedly.

"It's nothing. It's going to rain. When I saw your clothes hanging, I wanted you to take them away to avoid the time..." After saying that, the nervous expression on my aunt's face seemed to relax a bit.

I looked out of the window at the changed face of the sky, and couldn't help looking at my clothes rack. Oh, fortunately there were no clothes to dry! After a while, I looked out of the window again, leaving my aunt's back farther and farther away, disappearing in the rain. People, rain and windows form a warm picture.

Outside the Composition Window (12)

The old house in my hometown has a window facing the old street. It is like a social stage, where new plays can be staged every day.

When I was young, I played in the old house. When I was tired of playing, I would lie on the window and look at the crowded old street from the third floor. Almost every time I stretched out my head to look around, there would be a noisy sound, like going to the market, very lively. Even at 9:10 p.m.

In the morning, I was woken up by shouts. The white mist had risen from the Xiaolongbao shop. At noon, the noisy voices urged me to hurry to eat; At noon, the call for friends and companions led me to look out of the window to see the leisure life of the people.

I remember once, I put my head out of the small window, and what happened in front of me was unforgettable.

At noon that day, I felt bored, so I used to walk to the small window, and the sun shone on my face. I looked out of the window at the busy old street, and for some reason, I gradually became dazzled. The colorful clothes of the old, the suits of the young, the cars, and the stalls are in my eyes. "Di ------", a car horn acts as a pair of glasses. I carefully looked outside the window for clues to new things. Originally, it was a car.

The red car sounded its horn and turned on and off its lights at the same time. It seemed that it would rush up if it didn't make way for him. The bustle of the old street became a noise, and people gave way, as if whispering something.

A dog came up and barked at the red car. I'm a dog! Seeing the misery of "compatriots", I wish I could throw the chair on tiptoe onto the roof of the red car. "Excuse me, everyone, someone on the bus needs first aid, please excuse me!" said the driver of the red car. Hearing the word "first aid", the dog stopped barking. People quickly gave way, and the candied haws seller pushed the cart back; The owner of the hotel lets people enter the hotel to make the passage wider; Even the grandparents stepped back quickly.

My fire also disappeared, and the red car drove away, leaving the driver of the car shouting: "Thank you!"

The social stage outside the window is constantly performing the plays of people working at sunrise and resting at sunset in the old street.

Outside the Composition Window (13)

It was a small, dark, damp house with a small window facing north. The small window is like a picture frame, which is inlaid with endless fields and dense trees, as well as my childhood.

Through the window. Look, aren't those my childhood playmates? What are they doing? Oh, play games. Well, the little girl in the flowered skirt and the pigtail is me. The old man who bent over to water the vegetable garden was naturally grandpa. The lovely carrots and green vegetables were sucking nectar, suddenly straightened up and smiled at me. I unconsciously grinned.

Further away, there was a stout cherry tree. Every spring, when cherry blossoms cluster, I look forward to it bearing fruit. Cherries really bear fruit. Those birds are always ahead of me. Grandpa had to tie colorful bags in the tree to scare away those greedy birds.

Further north of the cherry tree, there are several Chinese prickly ash trees and several clusters of bright red sweet potato flowers. Every year when I pick pepper with my grandpa in late autumn, my legs are full of mosquito bites, but I don't feel tired

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Whisper -", my mother interrupted me when I was completely immersed in the window and the memories of the past. The playmates disappeared, the vegetable garden disappeared, the cherry tree disappeared, the prickly ash tree, the sweet potato flower disappeared, and the grandpa also disappeared.

I wiped my tears.

Three years ago, my grandfather died. This window appears in my dream every day, and I pester my mother to go back to the old house to look for my childhood memories.

The wind suddenly blew up my hair.

With dim tears in my eyes, I saw outside the window that the vegetable beds were flat, green, and cherry blossoms were crawling all over the branches.

Outside the Composition Window (14)

At dawn, the sky gradually showed a white belly. The sun, which had slept all night in the mountains, was also rising slowly. At first, it only showed half of its face. Maybe it hadn't woken up yet? Gradually, it showed half of its body and began to radiate warm light. It also plated its "seclusion" mountain with a layer of gold edge, which was extremely beautiful. After a while, it was completely exposed and began the work of a new day. When I opened the curtains, there was a glow outside the window. When I opened the window, the fresh air of the morning alone filled in. I raised my hand and stretched: Ah, a new day has begun!

Looking out of the window, you can see green everywhere: in the distance, mountains are surrounded and continuous, they are indistinct in the sky and white fog, sometimes showing some green, giving people a mysterious and hazy beauty. The surface of the river is glittering under the sunshine, which is amazing. It runs away calmly; Nearby, all kinds of unknown beautiful birds compete to sing loudly. The clear and beautiful songs are refreshing. Then, people came out. Some walked in a hurry, some were leisurely, some were busy sending children off, and some old people were playing Taijiquan or performing square dance. Silence no longer existed. Instead, people made sounds because of the busy morning.

At noon, the sun shines more brightly, baking the earth. I don't know when the clouds have disappeared. The whole sky is blue, which I can't believe. The birds all flew to their "Summer Resort" to spend the summer. The dogs hid in the shade, lay down comfortably on the ground, closed their eyes and enjoyed a leisurely afternoon. People also stayed indoors because it was too hot to bear!

At night, the moon climbed up, and the bright moonlight shone on the earth, giving the earth a layer of light yellow, giving me a warm feeling. Several stars were scattered in the dark blue night curtain, and they blink, like a naughty and lovely child. People fell asleep and the whole world fell silent again.

I leaned against the window and looked out of the window quietly. Suddenly, I felt: such a beautiful scene, such a beautiful day

Outside the Composition Window (15)

Outside the window, there is a problematic flower tree, which is dense and prosperous. I am deeply intoxicated by the pure white flowers and elegant and refreshing fragrance.

In the early summer morning, the sun rises slowly from the east.

I opened the window, and the breeze gently brushed my face, bringing fresh air. The air was mixed with a wisp of elegant flower fragrance. I am so familiar with this fragrance! Did gardenias bloom again? I searched carefully and eagerly, oh! Really? The leaves are still fresh and green, but the difference is that there is a white gardenia with crystal dew on it. Like a shy girl, she has already dressed up, but hiding among the green leaves, she looks at the world curiously and quietly. I smiled and looked at her. She showed half of her body and danced with the wind. It seemed that she was greeting me in her unique way!

Gardenia is in bloom, full of vitality, and a little shy.

In the evening, the sun slanted to the west, emitting afterglow.

When I came home from school, I couldn't help opening the window. The white and green reflected each other. I was surprised that the gardenia bloomed so warmly. In the morning, there was only one flower, but now there are several. Oh, no, there are more than a dozen, which are more flourishing than in previous years. The green leaves are next to me, and I am next to you. A slightly astringent breath of life comes to my face. The gardenias crowded under the protection of layers are as white as snow. They are as shy as nine fairies coming to the world. I am attracted by their beauty, I can't help but be deeply intoxicated with it.

Gardenia is white and pure, beautiful and moving like a fairy.

When evening comes, everything is quiet and the stars are shining.

I sat in front of the window holding the ink scroll. Outside the window, there was a drizzle in the sky. I opened the window gently, and the elegant fragrance of gardenia was dense in the slightly moist air. The light is pale, and the fragrance of the book seems to be like a page, which is off white, while the fragrance of the flower is as white as a flower. The three blend, reflect each other, and envelop me like a dream. Showering in the light, enjoying the fragrance of flowers, and tasting the fragrance of books, my heart was shaped, making my heart more clear and pure.

Gardenia is in full bloom, elegant fragrance, refreshing. Outside the window, the bright white gardenias are in full bloom, full of vitality, and the elegant fragrance of flowers fills the world. The beauty outside the window is everywhere, I am intoxicated

Outside the Composition Window (16)

It was eight o'clock at night after I finished my homework. My eyes were a little tired, so I opened the window to breathe.

Night, quiet. The curved crescent moon hangs in the sky, like an invisible small wheel, walking. In the dark sky, from time to time, several naughty little stars appeared, twinkling, as if they were playing hide and seek with us.

The lights were shining brightly outside, as if there were some happy event. Some people have already slept at home. Maybe they will go to work tomorrow.

White as jade moonlight, you warm me like a mother. The scenery outside the window cannot help but make me intoxicated.

Third grade of the Second Experimental School of Jilin Changchun Automobile Industry Development Zone: Tan Bing??

Outside the Composition Window (17)

Outside the window

On the bus, it is extremely stuffy. Suddenly, a cool wind blew, suddenly refreshed. The noisy noise on the bus made me feel a bit irritable, and I couldn't help looking out of the window.

This time, I suddenly felt that I saw a different scene: through the window, the scene in my eyes was so dreamy, far away from me; Such as a mirage, so dim, as if it could never be touched! But when I opened the window, I seemed to enter a landscape painting, fresh and beautiful. The natural beauty and the artificial beauty are so harmonious. The blue sky and white clouds contrast with the number. Occasionally, I can see a house between the trees, which is not pleasant. The cool wind is blowing. Seeing the scenery outside the glass window, I feel very happy. I think: in fact, the difficulties encountered in the road of life are also like this. Take away the glass that blocks the difficulties, you will see the shining light of success, and suddenly feel that everything is not a dream. The dream is that as long as we take a step forward, we will be within reach, but the transparent glass interferes with our vision, take it away, let us closer to victory, let us truly feel all this, feel the beauty of nature. In fact, everything in life is like this. The transparent glass in front of them, and whether to remove this glass or not, it is in our own hands. Although we can see the world through this glass, we can't feel the original innocence of the world: the water is not so clear, the trees are not so green, the sky is not so blue... Everything is covered with a gloom... I think that as long as each of us bravely remove the glass with the same name in front of us, we will be closer to our dreams, Will be able to feel the original real nature!

Nature is our original innocence and our original dream! I believe that as long as we refuel, what we present in front of us must be the best! My world, suddenly beautiful