Yixing Youshanjuan Cave (4 practical chapters)
2023-12-28 06:21:34
high school
describe the scenery

Yixing Youshanjuan Cave (1)

On the weekend afternoon, my parents took me to Yixing Shanjuan Cave to play.

When I came to the scenic spot, I only saw two big stone pillars at the entrance, which stood high and majestic. When I entered the scenic spot, I saw a new green, peach flowers, pear flowers, and some unknown flowers competing for beauty. The whole hill became a world of flowers and plants. The flowers are blooming. They can grow wherever they want. One cluster here, one cluster there. This land has become their territory.

As I continued to walk in, I heard the sound of water. The closer I walked, the louder the sound became. Following the sound, a huge waterfall came into my sight. Only one stream converged and roared down from the rock several meters high, just like a huge dragon roaring down from the rock and splashing large pieces of water mist. The wet grass under the rock is more green and energetic. Near the waterfall, the air is fresh, mixed with the fragrance of grass, and the rainbow can be seen vaguely between the wide waterfalls, adding some beautiful and mysterious colors to the waterfall.

I walked down the stairs below the rock to the hole. The water from the waterfall outside was trickling into the hole, forming a small stream. The stream is very smooth, not as turbulent as the waterfall outside. Although the light in the hole was a little dark, it turned again and became completely dark. Fortunately, there are some colored lights in it, otherwise, you can't see your fingers. After turning the corner, there are more stalactites and stalagmites. A piece of stalactites and stalagmites in the center of the cave are connected together, and the four characters "carve and catch rabbits" are engraved on the stones beside. At first glance, it doesn't look like it. But a closer look shows that the stalactite on the top is just like an eagle diving down, the place connected with the stalagmite in the middle is like an eagle's downward paw, and the bottom is like a rabbit fleeing in a hurry. Every detail of this stalactite is so lifelike that I have to praise the uncanny workmanship of nature. This stalactite is very white and transparent, and the colored lights behind can be seen through the stone on the other side. The other stones in the cave are much smaller than it. This towering stone is more than two meters high and more than one meter thick. It seems that the whole cave is supported by it, which is very beautiful and spectacular.

Walking along the stream of people, I came out of the cave. Suddenly, I saw a lot of bright flowers and plants. I walked and enjoyed them. I reluctantly left the scenic spot.

Yixing Youshanjuan Cave (2)

As the saying goes, people are in good spirits when they are happy. Today, I was very excited because the school organized students to travel to Shanjuan Cave. Along the way, everyone laughed and laughed, and everyone was ecstatic. I sat on the bus, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window, and felt an indescribable happiness.

Finally, our car went straight to the first scenic spot - Shanjuan Cave.

Standing outside the cave, I saw the magnificent entrance, engraved with four vigorous characters "Shanjuan Scenic Spot", with fine patterns, elegant colors, and the feeling of simplicity and elegance immediately hit my face. As we go further, a waterfall falls from the sky. Although it is not as wide as Huangguoshu Waterfall, nor as long as Lushan Waterfall, it is small and exquisite and well arranged, just like an intellectual Jiangnan woman who greets tourists gently with a trickle of clear water.

Finally, I entered the hole! Shanjuan Cave really deserves its name!

When we came to the middle cave, we saw that the whole cave roof was arched, and the cave was very spacious. At the same time, it was not crowded to accommodate two or three hundred people. Going further, we looked up and saw four big red characters, "World of mortals", so we came to the cave next to the characters.

Upon arriving at Zhongdong, the students talked about: "Eh? Why is it so like an elephant?" "Why is it here?" I wondered, and then walked closer to have a look. Yo, isn't it a stone? But look, the nose, eyes and mouth are like a vivid elephant. How can they not make people marvel! The guide aunt shone a flashlight on a huge stone and said to us, "This stone is like a lying lion, with thick and long hair, and is called the Lion King." Then she shone on another huge stone and said, "This stone is like an elephant walking, and is called the Elephant King. Therefore, we call the Zhongdong" Lions and Elephants Arena ". Oh, it really lives up to its name!

Through the middle hole, we came to the upper hole. The upper hole is larger than the middle hole. The most unique thing in the cave is a "lotus picture", which is actually a strange stone on the wall of the cave. The stone is reflected in the pool below, and becomes one after another lifelike lotus. Another strange thing in the cave is "warm in winter and cool in summer". As soon as we walked up, we felt extremely hot. Just when we wanted to take off our down jackets to cool ourselves, we suddenly became much cooler when we walked down. It was amazing!

This activity is really interesting. Next time, I will definitely come again.

Yixing Youshanjuan Cave (3)

[Chapter 1]

Today is the second day of the May Day holiday. The weather is particularly sunny. My father and I decided to go to Shanjuan Cave in Yixing. It is said that it is the hometown of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. It is also said that Shanjuan Cave is so ingenious and colorful!

I was excited to see how amazing it was. After more than an hour's drive, we finally reached our destination. Queue up to buy tickets to enter the cave, and find that it is composed of upper hole, middle hole, lower hole and water hole. Colorful light shines on the stone walls everywhere, coupled with the mountains and waters dripping from the cave roof from time to time, I walk in the cave as if I had entered a fairyland, suddenly feeling refreshed. In my heart, I am amazed that the landscape left by nature is really wonderful!

Because there are too many tourists, we have no chance to go to the water cave by boat. I must go there again next time!

[Chapter 2]

During the summer vacation, my parents took me to Yixing, a beautiful city. Yixing is an oasis of tea, the ancient capital of pottery, and a sea of bamboo. There are not only beautiful Shanjuan Cave, but also Zhang Gong Cave in various forms. This is also the place where Grandpa lived as a child. We came to Shanjuan Cave to see the scenery.

Entering the door of Shanjuan Cave, a statue came into sight, that is Shanjuan. There is a stone tablet below, which introduces Shanjuan to people. Because Shanjuan used to live in seclusion in the cave, people call it Shanjuan Cave

It's said that the temperature here is more than 20 degrees Celsius all the year round. It's warm in winter and cool in summer. I really hope to come here every summer and try to feel warm in the cave in winter. You will also hear different sounds at the corners of each layer of the passage between the middle hole and the lower hole. Tens of thousands of horses galloping, gongs and drums beating together, like thousands of troops rushing towards us, it sounds like a huge array, which makes me feel immersive. The trip to Shanjuan Cave is magical and special. In the process of traveling, watching and walking, I really experienced the differences of rock cave tour for the first time, enjoyed the unique scenery, and gained a lot of insight.

Yixing Youshanjuan Cave (4)

On Saturday, my parents took me to Yixing, a beautiful city. Yixing is an oasis of tea, the ancient capital of pottery, and a sea of bamboo. There are not only beautiful Shanjuan Cave, but also Zhang Gong Cave in various forms. That day, my father took me to Shanjuan Cave to see the scenery.

In front of the gate, a butterfly arranged with flowers seems to be dancing. Because this is the hometown of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. They finally turned into butterflies, so they made a butterfly out of flowers in front of the gate.

Entering the door of Shanjuan Cave, a statue came into sight, that is Shanjuan. There is a stone tablet below, which introduces Shanjuan to people. Because Shanjuan used to live in seclusion in the cave, people call it Shanjuan Cave: a waterfall appears in front of us through the ticket office. The water flew down like white belts. According to the signs, I walked through a bamboo forest. In front of me was a small river. When I walked across the bridge on the river, the ancient waterwheel was in front of me. My father told me that as long as I stepped on the pedal of the waterwheel, something like tiles would bring water up. I went up to have a try. It's really the same as what my father said. Next to it is a modern waterwheel, which can transport water by electricity without people stepping on it. The technology is really developed!

Pass through the Savage Valley and you will reach Shanjuan Cave. Shanjuan Cave is divided into three layers, namely, single layer, the hole in the cave and the lower hole. First enter from the middle hole to the upper hole, and then exit from the lower hole. Entering the middle cave, two big stones appeared with red ink on them, namely the Lion King and the Elephant King. The Lion King is lying on the ground, his eyes seem to be looking around all the time, very powerful. It seems that the elephant king is walking slowly, and his huge body is slightly swinging with his nose, which makes people feel a gentle look up in the ferocity.

Looking up, some pendulous stones are hanging on the high wall of the cave, that is, stalactites. The stalactite has life like a plant. It will grow up and grow downward, but it will take a long time to grow a little bit. The small one is like a goose tube, and the big one is like an icicle under the eaves in winter.

Further ahead, many strange stones appeared in front of me. Compared with some shaped stones on the way to Laishanjuan Cave, they were really small. A stone attracted my attention. Because it was dark in the bud, I used my flashlight to see this stone enough. I found that in one place on this stone, there is a small piece of transparent and a little milky white, which casts a layer of mysterious yarn on this strange stone. Nature is really wonderful!

There are not many stones in the middle hole. The upper hole can be said to be a strange stone array. There are stones of different sizes and shapes everywhere, which makes people can't see enough.

After passing the upper hole, you will take a boat from the lower hole to the entrance. When you arrive at the Crystal Palace, that is, the crossing, when there are many people on the boat, you can start the boat. You have to lower your head to pass through the whole process safely, because the entrance is very low. Although some places are also high, Coco is coming low in front of you, which makes you unprepared. So it's safer to keep your head down all the time.

Out of the cave, fresh air rushed in. Outside, there were various stalls selling various souvenirs. Although I came out, Coco's heart was still in the cave. I was thinking about the wonderful scenery in the cave! Yixing Shanjuan Cave is so beautiful that I can't forget it. There is no end to the beautiful scenery of Shanjuan Cave. I hope you can come to Shanjuan Cave to enjoy it.