I admire my father's 600 word composition (collection of 5)
Warm bosom before dawn
2024-03-11 00:06:35
primary school

I admire my father's 600 word composition (1)

The person I admire most is my grandfather! Although my grandfather is always economical in everything he does, he is almost "stingy". He hates to eat good food, wear good clothes, let alone give me pocket money. But something happened not long ago that made my grandfather look at him with new eyes.

I know my grandfather is thrifty, so I never ask him for pocket money. Because no matter how hard I try, the final result is only one - nothing, but a lot of words and time are wasted. Grandpa will pick me up from school whenever he has time. Sometimes, on the way home, I met a small piece of iron. Grandfather rubbed it with his hand like a treasure and said, "Although it is a small piece of iron, it can also be sold to the waste purchase station!" Seeing the passers-by looking at me and Grandfather, I wanted to find a crack in the ground. Looking at my grandfather's indifference, I thought to myself: "In the street, in front of so many people, I am so happy to pick up a small piece of iron. Grandpa has lost my face!"

Later, I heard from my father that my grandfather sold waste products for 2000 yuan. He went to my grandfather and asked him to buy me a popsicle. Smiling, I called to my grandpa, "grandpa, my good grandpa. You see how hot it is, will you buy me a popsicle?"

Grandfather was unmoved: "No! You know how to eat some messy things every day. How can your body be nutritious? How can your stomach stand eating more food and eating less cold drinks like popsicles?" I turned around angrily and walked away: Hum, if you don't buy it, you can still talk so much nonsense! Usually you don't want to buy food for me. You sold waste for 2000 yuan, but you are reluctant to take out one yuan! What an iron cock!

Some time ago, when the Wenchuan earthquake happened, everyone donated money to the disaster area. My grandfather, who usually doesn't let go of small pieces of iron, actually donated 20000 yuan! I asked my grandfather, why did he become so generous all of a sudden? Grandfather smiled and said, "Now we have food, clothing and shelter, but what about the victims? If they don't lend a helping hand when they are in trouble, are they still Chinese?"

After listening to my grandfather's words, I was extremely ashamed of my previous words and deeds.

I admire my father's 600 word composition (2)

The person I admire most is neither a star nor an Olympic champion. He is just an ordinary security guard in our school.

He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, which show a trace of perseverance. His voice became hoarse because he shouted all day long. He always held a black baton tightly in his hand, so his palm was covered with calluses. Every day, the security uncle is like a tall and straight tree, standing at the school gate, rain or shine, meticulously directing the traffic. Therefore, he sweats all day long, but I have never heard his complaints.

Once, we finished school. Go out of the school and have a look. Wow! There are so many cars outside that we can't move. The security uncle twisted his eyebrows, walked to the road side three steps at a time, and suddenly raised his baton. In an instant, the traffic stopped. However, when we were crossing the road with our feet raised, a little brother on an electric bike suddenly rushed to cross the road. The security uncle sneered: "No one can cross the road under my eyes!" He rushed out like a gust of wind with a lunge. When I looked closely, the security guard had stopped in front of the little brother.

The younger brother was sweating and said quickly, "I have something to do." "You can't rampage if you have something to do!" The security uncle shook his head. "I have something urgent!" The younger brother's face showed anxiety. "That's no good. There are many children here." Uncle Bao's eyes are firm. "I'm good at driving and will be careful." "I can't do anything. Go back and wait!" The security guard suddenly became ferocious, as if he was going to devour the little brother alive. The voice of "Go back and wait" was deafening, comparable to the roar of a lion. But at that moment, my heart was warm, and I also respected Uncle Bao.

Finally, I had no choice but to go back and wait. Under the escort of the security uncle, we crossed the road safely.

Uncle Bao, although I don't know your name, your quality of conscientiousness is worth learning. I admire you for making our way to school safer. Thank you!

I admire my father's 600 word composition (3)

There are many people in the world who are worthy of admiration, and the person I most admire is my dear father, whose quality of knowing difficulties and going forward leads me.

Many of my father's colleagues can play basketball, so my father is determined to join them. When he told my mother and I about this decision, I almost laughed. But looking at my father's innocent expression, I could not help laughing and said: "Dad, playing basketball will consume a lot of physical strength. You can't even hold on to 50 push ups at ordinary times. How can you play basketball well? And you are so busy with your work, how can you have time to practice?" "Physical strength can be practiced! Time is squeezed out!" Dad retorted. My mother and I were speechless.

Dad is really not a lip and teeth drama this time. Since that day, he will regularly go to the basketball court to practice his physical strength every day. He is good at shooting. When my father practiced, my mother and I always sat in the lounge next to us, blowing a cool fan. I saw my father jump up and shoot again and again. Every time he jumped up, he could always see a lot of glistening sweat falling from his forehead. In order to practice physical strength, he requires himself to do 50 push ups and 50 sit ups every day. When I finished, I was always out of breath. I was too tired to speak.

After a training session, my father limped towards us, and my mother and I rushed forward and helped him to the chair. I took a closer look at it. It turned out that my father's knee was badly bruised and still bleeding. Mom hurriedly went to get alcohol and gauze to sterilize and bandage Dad. I was very distressed and said to my father, "Dad, why don't you change a sport? Playing basketball is not suitable for you, so don't push it." I thought my father would waver, but on the contrary, Dad gently shook his head and said, "That's no good. I've been practicing basketball for so many days, and I can't give up halfway. And we should be people who meet difficulties, and we can't always start and end." Dad's words left me speechless, so I had to give up.

My kung fu really pays off. After about a month of hard training, my father's basketball skills and physical strength have been greatly improved. I couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

My father told me to be a person who knows the difficulties and overcomes them. He is the person I admire most. I want to learn from him. I will not shrink back when encountering difficulties and face them bravely.

I admire my father's 600 word composition (4)

Motherly love is like the sun in spring, warming our hearts all the time; Motherly love is like the vast sea, let us take the ideal boat all the way to the future; Motherly love is like a continuous mountain, let us these grass safely lie in the embrace of the mountain.

Whenever I come home from school, I always hear my mother ask in a soft voice: "Are you having a good class today? Did you meet anything interesting at school?" Simple words can always express a trace of concern, which is like a warm current flowing in my heart.

It's no exaggeration to say that my mother is strict. Whenever I failed in the exam, she would be furious and criticize me. Then she picked up a stick and gave me a plate of "fried pork with bamboo shoots".

I was most impressed when I said that my mother was strong: that day was Saturday, my mother was caught in a cold because of the heavy rain on the way to work yesterday. Lying on the bed wrapped in a quilt. It's almost time for me to take an interest class, and there is no one else at home - my father has gone to work, and my mother can't afford to get sick. I was in a hurry. At this time, my mother somehow got up from the bed and said to me, "Come on, I'll take you to the interest class." I looked at my mother in surprise and saw the bloodshot eyes behind the glasses. My heart wrenched for a moment, and my mother sat down and said, "No! You are sick. I will ask for a leave." "You can't fall behind in your study." My mother replied loudly and stood up. "But, but... your body..." My eyes were sore, and tears could not help falling down. "Mom is OK, Mom is OK..." Mother said, holding me in her arms, rubbing my head and whispering. Finally, my mother sent me to the interest class.

"Who can repay Sanchunhui for her great and selfless love? How can we repay her? Let's start from the little things around us, a card, a greeting, a cup of hot water, a hug... to repay my mother's sunny love!

I admire my father's 600 word composition (5)

My father is a knowledgeable person. One evening, I was doing my math homework assigned by my teacher. As I was writing, when I was writing the last question, I suddenly came up with a "Cheng Yaojin" on the way. I thought and thought. A quarter of an hour later, I still didn't think of it. When my father saw me without writing outside, he thought I had encountered some problems, so he walked in and said kindly, "Son, do you have any problems that you can't write?" I said sadly to my father, "Yes, Dad, that's the question of 'Exploring the General Mobilization'." "Let my father have a look." After a while, my father said happily, "Oh, I have ideas!" Dad took out the draft paper and explained it to me. He would draw a picture for me to analyze and let me find out the known conditions. After listening to my father's explanation, my thinking became clear. After a while, I solved the question. My father looked at the neat answers in the homework book, touched my head, smiled and said, "Boy, you are great!" My father smiled, and I smiled too. At this moment, my heart is very warm! Because I feel a strong father's love.

Dad is not only a knowledgeable person, but also our "super chef"! No matter what it is, it will become delicious in his hands. The dishes he cooked are delicious, good-looking, delicious, nutritious, and make me have a big appetite. I remember one time, my classmates came to my house to play. At lunchtime, he went into the kitchen and got busy. Soon, the delicious food came out of the pot. My classmates and I happily ate around the table. One student excitedly said, "Wow, Cen Jifei, your father's cooking is really delicious!" Another student gave his father a thumbs up and said, "Uncle, you are a 'super chef'!" Dad smiled again!

This is the person I admire - my father.