Grandma's Garden (18 preferred)
Not Romantic Charges
2024-03-11 01:48:46
Junior three

Grandma's Garden (1)

My grandmother's vegetable garden is not big, but there are all kinds of vegetables in it. There are: bright green cabbage, shallots, garlic sprouts, pea tips, lettuce tips, purple rape, beans and celery.

The vegetables in the garden were all planted by Grandma. It's all green food. Don't worry about the pesticide sprayed on the vegetables.

All the dishes in the garden are nutritious, fresh and delicious.

Grandma's Garden (2)

After Grandma Dai planted vegetables in a wasteland, she wore a straw hat to work in the vegetable garden all day long. After a long time, I almost suspect Grandma Dai has grown into a cabbage. Under her careful care, the vegetable garden becomes lively and attractive.

Look, there are red peppers hanging on the green branches, swaying in the breeze, like bright red gems. Tomatoes are like big round balls. Under the sunshine, they look more beautiful and lovely. Some of them are also like naughty children. They hide in the green leaves and refuse to show their faces, like playing hide and seek with me! The loofah has small yellow flowers, and the cucumber is green and prickly. If you bite it, you will clap your hands. Not far away, a green pumpkin vine came into my eyes, one by one, which made me relaxed and happy. Eh, where is my dear pumpkin? Oh, so I hid under the pumpkin vine to enjoy the cool. Look, the pumpkin is big and round. It's really great! Pick one and eat it with fire. You will surely say: "How tender and delicious!" "Wow, what a beautiful eggplant!" I can't help admiring it. It turned out that among the half palm sized leaves, there were big purple eggplants, purple and black, thick and long, some of which were as long as a ruler. The whole garden emits a faint fragrance, which makes people intoxicated.

At night, Grandma Dai and I sat under the towel gourd rack to enjoy the cool. The moon bent over and climbed up the treetop quietly. The bright moonlight poured into the vegetable garden, and the vegetables in the garden were dyed silver white. It was very beautiful! In the intoxicating moonlight, an animal concert to celebrate the harvest began: crickets singing, moths dancing, frogs playing drums

Grandma's Garden (3)

Early in the morning, I was awakened by the little sparrow outside. Walking into Grandma's yard, I saw the organic vegetables were ripe. There are eggplant, tomato and chilli.

Slender eggplants hang on the branches like purple ribbons, bending thin strips of paper. The green pedicle on it seems to be wearing a "hat" to it. The eggplant is bright and plump, with orderly stripes, embellishing the eggplant and making it more beautiful.

As far as I can see, the head of the so-called Chaotian chili is facing the sky. Pepper babies are colorful and small. There are red, orange, yellow and purple. There are also some pepper flowers on the branches: some are in bud; Some are already in full bloom. Grandma said, "When a flower withers, a pepper will mature." It is said that this kind of pepper is "the first of the hot kings", and can also be used as seasoning when cooking.

There are two tomatoes growing in Grandma's yard. It grows on branches. Tomatoes enjoy the protection of the sun and thrive. Some are as big as lanterns; Some are accompanied by each other and never separate; Others grow in groups on the same branch. Picking a red tomato, it tastes rusty, soft, and accompanied by a lot of juice, delicious! Strangely, I found that the big tomato did not turn red, but the small one turned red first. What happened? And I also found a pair of triplet tomatoes. What's the matter? There are many secrets of tomato growth waiting for us to explore.

Grandmother's organic vegetables do not need hormones or bulking agents to eat healthy food. Grandma is really a professional vegetable farmer!

Grandma's Garden (4)

There is a lush vegetable garden in front of my grandma's house. The garden area is not large, but the variety of vegetables is very rich.

Look, there are 12 kinds of vegetables in the garden. As long as there are seasonal vegetables in the market today, there is no shortage in the garden: leeks, chives, cowpeas, eggplants. These numerous vegetables constitute a unique farm paradise. Grandma is old, and her legs are not convenient. It is very difficult to buy vegetables on the street. This garden has brought great convenience to Grandma. What dishes she wants to eat can be picked directly in the garden when she leaves home, which is fresh and environmentally friendly. This is absolutely green food.

Among many vegetables, I like pumpkin best. It is full of treasures: pumpkin vines and stems, as long as you peel off the hairy skin outside, put on spices and stir fry to eat, the taste is absolutely delicious. And pumpkins don't attract insects. Of course, there is no need to sprinkle pesticides. No wonder people like to eat them. Pumpkin has yellow flowers and is dioecious. The male flower looks like a magnolia, but the petals are connected, and there is a big male flower column in the middle, with many pollen on it. The connection between the female flower and the pumpkin vine formed a small pumpkin. Grandma said that the pumpkin would grow up only after being fertilized by male pollen, so the hardworking grandmother always got up early in the morning to flower the pumpkin before the sun came out - pick male flowers to pollinate the female flowers artificially, so as to improve the output of the pumpkin. The newly grown pumpkin is bright green, like a small green ball, with a bright yellow flower hat on the top, which is very cute; As they grow older, the whole pumpkin will have vertical stripes like watermelon; When it is covered with white powder, it means that it has matured and can be picked. Mature pumpkins can be boiled or steamed. They are fragrant, sweet, powdery, delicate and delicious; If you have time, you can also make it into pumpkin cakes, pumpkin porridge, pumpkin lanterns... These are my favorites.

Looking at the vibrant vegetable garden in front of me, I seemed to see my grandmother and aunt sowing, watering, fertilizing, weeding, and catching insects in the scorching sun, which made me understand the true meaning of "no pains, no gains".

Grandma's Garden (5)

My hometown is in Zunyi City. I don't like the famous mountains and specialties of my hometown, but my grandmother's vegetable garden.

In the past, my grandmother's vegetable garden was overgrown with weeds. It was the world where my children and I caught butterflies and grasshoppers. Now, it has changed.

Spring is coming, and the vegetable garden is green, which looks like green carpets from afar. Spinach, rape, celery, etc. are spreading their green branches and leaves, bathed in warm sunshine. A gust of wind blew, and the branches seemed to wave to people. Look! The yellow rape flowers gather into clusters of flowers among the dark green and dense leaves, with a faint fragrance. When the vegetables grew up, Grandma and Grandpa shoveled them out and sent them to the market for people to buy.

The golden autumn is coming, and all kinds of vegetables and fruits in the garden present a pleasant scene of harvest. Look! The winter melons planted in the east are really big, like fat children. They are dressed in gray gauze and sleep on the ground sweetly. The pot cover like leaves are still flying in the wind, gently covering them. One fruit after another in the field is hung on the branches. There are green, yellow, light red, and dark red fruits. They are all kinds of colors, which set off each other. They are like little fat people shyly hiding under various leaves. On the contrary, the chili peppers are thin and long, but they like to show off themselves, like a proud princess, looking up to show people their style.

A shelf was set up in the west of the vegetable garden, which was covered with red and heavy tomatoes, bending the branches. Tomatoes are popular with people. Once they enter the city, they are sold out. People like to use it to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, shrimp noodles with tomatoes, tomato soup... My favorite food is tomatoes mixed with sugar, cool and delicious. Around the tomatoes, there are cabbages like fairies, lentils that are good at climbing... A wide variety of vegetables make me dizzy.

Ah! I love my hometown, but also my grandmother's vegetable garden!

Grandma's Garden (6)

There is a vacant lot in front of Grandma's old house. Grandma reclaimed the vacant land and planted various vegetables, including tomatoes, peas, and my favorite potatoes. Every time the vegetables and fruits were ripe, Grandma would ask someone to bring them to us.

The vegetable field in spring is the most beautiful. All kinds of cauliflower are quietly blooming, which will attract many beautiful butterflies and lovely bees, who dance happily in the flowers!

Grandma's vegetable plot is so beautiful!

Grandma's Garden (7)

My grandmother is in the countryside. She has a favorite vegetable garden, which is full of vegetables.

Grandma's vegetable garden is beautiful! A small clear ditch surrounded the vegetable garden, like a transparent ribbon. Vegetables in the vegetable fields are of different colors, including white radish, red chili, green vegetables

The white turnip is fat, holding his head high, like a powerful general; The carrots are small and exquisite, like large rubies; Xiao Qingcai is dressed in green clothes and dancing in the breeze... The vegetable garden is really like a colorful picture!

The vegetable garden is Grandma's paradise. Grandma doesn't like watching TV or resting. She only likes working in the vegetable field. The vegetable garden is Grandma's cornucopia, and her vegetables have sold for a lot of money!

Grandma's Garden (8)

The roses in Grandma's garden are blooming, the cherry is red, and the bamboo shoots can be dug. On a sunny day, I hum a rural tune and come to the garden with a small bamboo shoot shovel.

Grandma's garden is full of vitality and beauty. The beautiful roses and butterflies are competing with each other. Rape flowers have borne fruit and are slowly turning golden, waiting for people to fry delicious vegetable oil; The morning garden bamboo shoots are off the market, but the flower shell bamboo shoots come. The flower shell bamboo shoots show their small red heads from the grass, as if they are watching the new world; A lot of loquats grow on the tall loquat trees, and a little yellow appears in the cyan. My sister and I can pick loquats again with a basket in our arms soon!

Of course, the most interesting thing in Grandma's garden is to dig bamboo shoots. If you are in the bamboo forest, you will feel a sharp thing under your feet if you are not careful. You are lucky because you are stepping on bamboo shoots. At this time, I will have a surprise first, then start to pick up the weeds beside the bamboo shoots with my hands, and finally choose the best angle to start digging the bamboo shoots. As long as I dig and shovel the bamboo shoots with a bamboo spade, the bamboo shoots will come out. Later, Grandma will cook a bamboo shoot feast, which will satisfy your taste!

Close to Grandma's Garden, there is a small river, which is also part of Grandma's Garden. The water in the river is clear and there are lots of fish and shrimp. My uncle has put several water pouring cages in the river. Every weekend, I will row a boat with Grandpa to turn over the water cages. Every time, we have a full harvest. What kind of white fish, crucian carp, river shrimp, lobster, snails, etc., then we can have a fish and shrimp feast!

Grandma's garden is beautiful all the year round!

Grandma's Garden (9)

Grandma's house is in the southeast of Changsha City, where is a beautiful small village. Every holiday, I will go to Grandma's house to play.

Grandma's vegetable garden is close to the house, surrounded by green fences. Walking into the vegetable garden, I saw several sparse orange trees, among which there were green vegetables.

In the spring, Grandma planted all kinds of vegetables in the garden. A little green germ appeared in the yellow soil, which was very cute like a newborn baby.

I was curious about growing vegetables, so I rented a piece of land with my grandmother and planted corn. I first use a spade to loosen the ground, then sprinkle the corn on the soil, and then use a rake like tool to mix the mud, so that the corn will be buried in the soil, and I will stop until no corn grains can be seen on the surface; Finally, I poured a little earth water, even if it was done.

In the next few days, I went to see if the corn sprouted every day. Unfortunately, the holiday was too short, and I didn't wait for the moment when the corn sprouted.

When I went there again in the summer vacation, there were rows of corn stalks as high as orange trees in the corner of the vegetable garden. I walked closer and saw that there were bulging corn cobs wrapped in the leaves of corn. Looking at the harvest corn, I felt full of achievement.

The vegetable garden in autumn is rich and colorful. Red peppers, purple eggplants and round tomatoes are dotted in the green leaves, which looks delicious. As for the cucumbers and beans, they are like ancient beauties, leaning against the bamboo fence with their graceful bodies, gently swaying her green clothes.

As for me, I like to hide under the orange tree, look at this, touch that, pick the yellowest one and enjoy the delicious food!

Whenever we want to go home, Grandma always brings a cabbage basket and asks me whether I want this dish or that dish while walking. Before I could answer, she picked a full basket. When we picked up our bags, some neighbors always smiled and said to Grandma, "This is your grandchild! You have to walk around even after eating." I heard this, so I had to "hehe"

I love my grandmother's house, and I love their vegetable garden more.

Grandma's Garden (10)

There is a green floor on my balcony, which is Grandma's vegetable garden.

The vegetable garden is not big, just two square meters, but there are many residents, they are: green vegetables, coriander, leeks, onions, garlic.

The first resident is Mr. Green Vegetable, whose home is a round flowerpot. It has a distinctive hair shape, which is emerald green. With its round leaves, it looks like an emerald plate. The tender petioles are like jade spoons.

The next one is the coriander girl who lives in the foam box. She has thin stems and five petal like leaves, like a majestic lion king. When the breeze blows, a fragrance penetrates into my nose, and coriander gently sways in the wind, like a dancer.

Then there is the chive boy, whose vitality is very tenacious. When it grows up to be useful, Grandma will cut it to make delicious fried eggs with chives. A few days later, it quietly pulled out the buds, and a few days later it was very lush, like a girl's hair soft and bright. When the leek is old, it will open beautiful flowers, white and pure, revealing yellow flower buds, like a beautiful dance skirt.

The onions and garlic are also unwilling to lag behind. They are fat and strong under the careful care of Grandma. The white stems and green leaves nodded frequently in the wind, as if thanking grandma.

Look, Grandma's vegetable garden is full of variety and vitality.

Grandma's Garden (11)

I don't like the landscape of Guilin, the scenery of Jiuzhaigou, the cool Jinfo Mountain, the colorful Beijing, and only the garden of Grandma's.

Spring flowers are in full bloom, and the winter jasmine in the garden is also in bloom. About a dozen! A lovely pink. This flower has a rouge color and a red color. The fragrance gradually diffuses when the spring breeze blows. As soon as you step into the garden, the fragrance comes to you.

Summer is much more interesting than this. Crickets play fiddles, frogs play drums, and cicadas sing in the leaves. My sister likes catching crickets, but I am naturally timid and afraid of insects, so I can only watch from the side. So I turned my eyes to watermelon vines, and I found that the watermelon doll had jumped out. I turned my eyes to the pond, and the Queen of Lotus had come out of the palace.

In autumn, the sweet scented osmanthus has stuck out its head, and its fragrance is much better than that of winter jasmine. My mother and I like to make sachets of osmanthus and wear them on our bodies. But this is not the only fragrance in autumn. Pumpkin, corn, grapes and apples are also fragrant.

In winter, other gardens may not have the color of spring, the atmosphere of summer, and the fruits of autumn. But Grandma's garden was different. It was plum red and fragrant. What's going on here? Oh, my grandmother planted a lot of wintersweet. Grandma said, "When I was young, I liked to drink tea made from wintersweet, and now I also like it."

Grandma's garden is not as beautiful as the landscape of Guilin, the scenery of Jiuzhaigou, the cool Jinfo Mountain and the colorful Beijing, but it is my favorite place.

Grade 6: Zheng Qian

Grandma's Garden (12)

"Big harvest, big harvest!" Mother shouted as she walked to the vegetable garden on the roof.
We went to the top of the building - Grandma's vegetable garden. Wow! A large natural towel gourd vine pavilion came into sight. I quickened my pace, ran over, stood under the "pavilion", and a breeze blew through, bringing us a little cool in the heat.
I observed the "pavilion" curiously. The pavilion is not big or small, and it can stand seven or eight people. The rough wooden frame is covered with loofah vines, and the big and thick leaves cover all the gaps. Flowers emerge from the leaves, some like shy girls, trying to drill into the leaves without letting others see her; Some are like a newborn baby. Look, the leaves wrap it like a mother holding her baby; Also, like a lively and cheerful girl, she smiles so brightly. Even the loofah leaves are in various shapes: some seem to be at the waist, turning themselves into a "U" shape. If you don't look carefully, you still think they are green bananas; Some of them are like gourds, and their lower bodies are particularly fat; Some are thin, like cucumbers.
I found a big and fat loofah. After getting Grandma's permission, I decided to try to pick it myself. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop twisting. Because I tried too hard, several small yellow flowers on the loofah vine fell off. I looked at my grandmother with guilt. Grandma saw the distress signal in my eyes and came to me smiling and handed me a pair of scissors. "Ziyi, be careful, don't damage the baby loofah beside you." I took the scissors, nodded repeatedly, and cut toward the loofah vine. Wow, a big fat loofah has arrived. I'm very excited. Eh, I seem to see another loofah bigger than this one. I was about to run to pick it. Grandma stopped me quickly, "This can't be picked. I want to keep this towel gourd. Next year we will rely on this to sow again." Ah? It's amazing. In this case, we don't need to buy loofah anymore. We can keep seeds every year and plant them again next year.
In the evening, my family drank the luffa soup I picked, feeling warm both physically and psychologically. Grandma's vegetable garden is really a treasure. It can not only bring me the pleasure of picking, but also bring food to my family.

Grandma's Garden (13)

Grandma lives on the first floor of Yongfeng New Village, where there are not many families. Under the balcony of her house, there is a vacant land, which is overgrown with weeds. Grandma saw it was a pity that it was desolate, so she used it and planted broad beans, vegetables, squash and eggplant. It's a big piece.

When spring comes, the golden cauliflower is in full bloom; White pea flowers are dotted; Broad beans, which are as tall as my shoulders, are full of pods, and this year there must be a good harvest; The autumn beans and sheep's eye beans under the window sill are constantly climbing up, and the vines have climbed onto the window sill. I think I can pick beans at the window and let Grandma fry them.

Butterflies are flying in the flowers, and birds are flying past the window. Grandma's "vegetable garden" is really beautiful!

Grandma's Garden (14)

In front of Grandma's house is a vegetable field. It is a happy thing to plant seasonal vegetables all the year round and often eat green pollution-free vegetables. Summer came to Grandma's home quietly, and the heat spread all over Grandma's small vegetable garden.

After Grandma's careful care, green beans were planted in the east. Because the leaves blocked the hot beans, the warm sunshine was evenly sprinkled on the beans from the gaps in the leaves. Viewed from a distance, it looks like a long emerald fly hung with a stick shaped wind bell.

In the west, there are racks of cucumbers that I like to eat. They twist slender vines and are covered with fresh green cucumbers. Their shapes are different, and you can smell the fragrance of cucumbers from afar.

Eggplant is planted in the north, with broad leaves. Some are full of eggplants, and some only show purple flowers, which are full and ready to burst. Some of them have just grown up, and their bellies are bulging and purple, bending their mothers.

In the south, a row of orderly shallots are planted, standing proudly like soldiers waiting for review. There is also a peanut field. Although it is not as smooth and beautiful as apples and pears, nor is it hanging high on the branches like apples and pears, peanuts are nutritious and delicious, and everyone loves them.

Finally, there is the loofah. My grandfather also built a shelf for the loofah. The loofah vine slowly climbed up along the shelf. I thought: In a few days, I can sit under the loofah shelf, read books, and drink delicious and cool loofah soup. It's really a pleasure.

This is my grandma's small vegetable garden. It not only provides us with rich food, but also beautifies her yard. The eyeful of green brings us visual enjoyment. Everyone who has visited my grandma's home praises it - beautiful!

Grandma's Garden (15)

A gust of wind brushed my window. Hmm, spring is coming.

This is my grandma's house in the countryside.

My grandpa is very hardworking and has planted many fruit trees, including macaque tree, fragrant bubble tree, blueberry tree, pomegranate tree, jujube tree and grape tree... I always like to shuttle back and forth among fruit trees to see whether there are sprouts or not, and then whether there are flowers. I always make myself dirty. Grandma always said angrily and funny, "The fruit tree has been ruined by you. It can't bear any fruit!" I put out my tongue and ran to the backyard. In the backyard, jasmine flowers have already blossomed, and rape flowers are also blooming. I'm naughty, shaking rape flowers. You won't let me see little dewdrops, and I won't let you explode in the air, splashing me all over.

I took a picture of my clothes, turned my head, and found that at some time, Grandpa put up a shelf. I pulled my grandfather over and asked curiously, "What's that for?" My grandfather smiled and touched my head and replied, "That's the kiwi fruit climber. When the time comes, you can pick one when you jump up." I cried out, "Yeah, yeah!"

There is a stream below Grandma's house. In summer, I always like to "mop up" fish and shrimp with my cousin. When I pulled up my trouser legs, my sharp eyed cousin always shouted, "Sister, there she is!" I came close quietly, and a shrimp was jumping in my hand. Grandpa cut some branches and put them on the brook to plant winter melons and gourds. Hey hey, when he looks up, he will see winter melons and gourds coming down, as if waving to you! Butterflies often come here and fly here and there, but bees often come here. I ran after a butterfly, but I accidentally bumped into a bee. I caught a butterfly, but I caught a bee by mistake. Alas!

Who doesn't yearn for such a life? Who doesn't yearn for such a life?

Grandma's Garden (16)

When I was 5 years old, I played in my grandmother's garden, lost my handkerchief and acted as a princess... This unforgettable memory cannot be erased in my mind.

I used to have a pair of sapphire like eyes on my pink face, shining happy and simple light, and two neat plaits were constantly grinding on my shoulders. Barefoot, running up and down the cobblestone path. When tired, sit down and learn to rest. Sometimes I ask my friends to play princess. I took out a pink and white quilt from the room and put it on my skirt. At this time, a "pampered" princess appeared in front of the little partner. I raised my head proudly and asked my friends: "Am I beautiful?" Everyone said: "You are really like a princess!" My heart was like honey after hearing these words. I wandered into the garden like a princess.

Grandma's garden, in front of which is a peach garden, is also a peach garden behind. After leaving the peach garden and turning north, you can see the apple garden. There are big round apples on every tree, all bright red and green, which is very popular. What impressed me was the dandelion growing on the ridge of the field and beside the stream, with light yellow flowers, in clusters. When a gust of wind blew, the flowers trembled, and the small flowers and fruits were in full swing, then disappeared. Just now, it was a complete flower, and now only a scroll has been left... Childhood is a picture, in which we have colorful life; Childhood is a song, which contains our happiness and joy; Childhood is a dream, in which we have our imagination and longing.

Grandma's Garden (17)

"Ding Dong", accompanied by a doorbell ringing, my mother came back with bags of vegetables. I was salivating over all kinds of colorful vegetables.

Mother put the cucumber in the pool, and the cucumber attracted me with its green and dripping green. When I picked up one and was about to send it to my mouth, my mother suddenly shouted, "Put it down quickly, there is pesticide on it, and you need to soak it for a while!" I slowly put it down angrily. My mother saw my greedy face, "There are watermelon on the table, greedy cat!" "Watermelon has no pesticide?" "This watermelon should have no ripening agent, right?" My mother sighed. I miss Grandma's vegetable garden so much.

Grandma's vegetable garden is my childhood playground, just behind the house. There are countless vegetables such as golden rape flowers, red tomatoes, green cucumbers, etc. The most important thing is the kind, childlike grandmother.

Grandma's vegetable garden is colorful every season, just like Grandma, bright and pure.

In the spring, my childhood friends and I walked in the rape fields, smelling the fragrance, playing and chasing with bees and butterflies like crazy, and saw that we fell into the flowers. Grandma laughed beside us. The bright sun shone on Grandma's rosy and kind face, as if she saw her childhood appearance on our faces; In summer, Grandma moved a recliner and hugged me to sleep under the cucumber shed. She was thirsty. She picked a green cucumber out of water and ate it at the entrance without any worry. There are also the big fat watermelons in the garden. Every night, I will pat this one, knock that one, and then choose the most familiar one to sit in the yard and chew happily. Grandma will drive mosquitoes for me with a large palm leaf fan and laugh while watching me. Her eyes are always shining, as if the stars in the sky fall into her eyes; In autumn, the yellow pumpkin is ripe, big and sweet. At this time, Grandma would cook a pot of sweet pumpkin porridge, move a small wooden chair, sit in the garden, and taste a bowl of hot, yellow, sweet pumpkin porridge with Grandma. Seeing me grinning when I was scalded, she would smile, and there was autumn's satisfaction and satisfaction in the laughter; In winter, the snow covered the whole garden. My friends and I were having a snowball fight outside, while Grandma was busy cutting paper in the house. Her dexterous hands and sharp scissors clicked a few times, and exquisite paper cuts were cut out and pasted on the window. Grandma always looked out of the window through the red paper cuts to see my red and beautiful face, and then her face became red and beautiful, It's full of joy in the New Year

Later, I came to the city with my parents and said goodbye to my grandmother's vegetable garden. Later, the beauty of the vegetable garden was also covered by the cold concrete. Those bees and butterflies also drifted to the depths of memory with the passage of time. The sweetness of those fresh fruits and vegetables can only be tasted in the memories······

"What a daze!" Mom woke up with a word, "Mom, go back to my hometown in the summer vacation!" Mom was stunned, because I always refused to go to the air conditioning room to play games. "Whether to go or not, I will regret it!" "Go! Go!" Mom nodded hurriedly.

That night, I had a warm dream. In the dream, Grandma and I were sitting under the cucumber shed in the vegetable garden, eating watermelons. Grandma held the big cattail fan to drive away mosquitoes for me, smiling happily. The stars in the sky seemed to fall all over Grandma's garden, and also fell into our eyes······

Grandma's Garden (18)

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Since I was two years old, my grandma and grandpa have moved away from the bustling urban area and come to the suburbs near the sea to enjoy the simple life they yearn for.

At the weekend, I drove home with my mother and aunt, because the yard of my grandmother's house was full of autumn golden harvest wind. Although the yard is not big, but a lot of plants, raise, and do not play pesticides, is a pure natural green food.

There are many things in Grandma's garden.

There are green limes hanging on the short branches. The green vegetable leaves bloom in all directions, like a grass green flower and red peppers dancing together on the tree. The guava opens its mouth, revealing red teeth and laughing on the tree. And the most eye-catching pomelo tree, tall and straight, is also full of rich fruits.

In a chicken house. The hens roamed leisurely, looking down for food from time to time. "Cluck..." Haha, once I heard the cry, I knew that the hen was laying eggs again. They are singing out their inner joy! "Whoa, whoa..." The loud and powerful crowing of cocks, I guess, is how loud the cocks are competing with each other.

Although there is no valuable species in Grandma's garden, it contains my wonderful memories of childhood.

I love Grandma's garden.