Composition of Winter Coming (18 required)
one 's mind settles as still water
2024-05-11 05:01:33
Grade 6
describe the scenery

Composition of Winter Coming (1)

When winter comes, everything withers.

When winter comes, I will have many wonderful fantasies: snowball fights, snowmen, skating. However, the fantasy is beautiful, and the reality is cruel. In Shenzhen, it usually doesn't snow in winter, and my dreams are naturally dashed.

In Shenzhen, winter is like autumn in the north, but it is enough for us. When I catch up with the cooling, I turn the water temperature to the maximum when taking a bath, and I still feel cold. When you get up in the morning, if your hands and feet are outside the quilt, your hands and feet will be frozen stiff, even unable to move. My hands were still stiff in class, even my pen didn't listen to me.

Flowers and trees have the same feeling. In winter, they can't wear as many clothes as we do. They can only let the cold wind blow their bare bodies up and down in the air. It seems to be saying: Let me go! Please don't blow me up!

However, in winter in Shenzhen, not everything is painful. You can not only have winter swimming, but also soak in hot springs. It must be very cold when you first went swimming in winter, but you won't be cold after a few swims. Winter swimming requires persistence and patience. As long as you exceed your own limits, you won't feel cold. People who often swim in winter usually have a strong body, because only a healthy body can resist the cold wind. If you go to the hot spring after winter swimming, you will really experience the feeling that gold will melt the stone. As soon as you jump into the pool, you feel paralyzed as if you had been shocked. Of course, you only need to endure for one minute, and this feeling will disappear.

This is the winter in Shenzhen.

Composition of Winter Coming (2)

Winter is coming, the weather is getting colder and colder, the leaves are falling down, and the ground is covered with a thick quilt. I walk on it every day after school, feeling soft and comfortable.

The big green lawn that used to be green has gradually turned into a golden carpet of brown yellow. In addition, a lot of golden leaves fell, shining in the sunshine, like a lot of gold!

There are fewer pedestrians on the road. Almost everyone puts their hands in warm pockets. Some people even put on scarves and hats; Some cyclists also wore a pair of warm gloves. My mother found a thick cotton padded coat for me from the wardrobe. I felt like a little stupid bear when I wore it. It was inconvenient to move, but I could not resist the attack of cold, and my face was red with cold.

Although winter is cold, I still like winter. I look forward to a thick snow every day, so that I can make snowmen and have snowball fights on the school playground with my classmates and teachers during recess.

3: Winter is coming

Composition of Winter Coming (3)

Time passed quickly, and winter came unconsciously. The north wind was blowing, and the temperature dropped a lot. People put on cotton padded jackets to keep out the cold.

Small animals hide in caves to keep out the cold. Frogs, snakes and hedgehogs sleep in caves all winter, while ants lie in caves full of food for the winter.

The whole world became white with a heavy snow falling in the sky. The wintersweet bloomed quietly in the snow, the faint fragrance came to my nose, and the pines were still tall and straight in the snow. The snowflakes fall on the plum blossom and the pine branches set off each other, making the plum blossom particularly beautiful, the pine branches particularly green, and the snowflakes extremely crystal clear.

While the children play in the snow, some skate, some ski, and some jump rope. They sweat a lot.

Winter is really beautiful and fun.

Composition of Winter Coming (4)

In the cold and windy winter, in the white world, under the dim light of the roadside, it reminds me of that thing again.

That day, I came home from school, hungry. My stomach sang "Empty City Plan", so I had to soak a bag of instant noodles to satisfy my hunger. I poured half a bowl of boiled water carefully. Put a bag of instant noodles

In the cold and windy winter, in the white world, under the dim light of the roadside, it reminds me of that thing again.

That day, I came home from school, hungry. My stomach sang "Empty City Plan", so I had to soak a bag of instant noodles to satisfy my hunger. I poured half a bowl of boiled water carefully. I put a bag of instant noodles in it and ate it greedily. After a while, I suddenly felt thirsty, so I went to pour some boiled water. I opened the thermos and shook it, but no sound could be heard. I thought: Is there no water? I think it is true. I had to go and have noodle soup. I caught a glimpse of the noodle soup in the bowl but didn't want to drink it, because there were too many seasonings just now, so I had to brave myself to drink cold water. Half a bowl of cold water came into my stomach. When I was not thirsty, I went to do my homework. But after a while, my stomach opened up and I couldn't help it. I had to call my father, and he said to me, "Wait a minute, I'll be right back!" After a while, my father came back, and my stomach was still sore, "Ouch! Ouch!" My father could not shake the snow on his shoulder, and flew to the hospital with me in his arms. As soon as I went out, a silvery world unfolded before me, but the piercing cold wind also danced around me. The wind, like cold hands, penetrated my collar. I said to my father, "Dad, I'm cold and my stomach still hurts." My father said, "Let me take off my coat and put it on for you." Then he put me down, took off my coat and put it on me. I'm not cold anymore. My father's temperature has penetrated into my body. In that snowy world, my father has just made a way out of his feet, and in each of his feet flows my father's love for me! When I got to the hospital, my father put me on the bed and called the doctor. I looked at my father's back and said, "Dad, thank you!"

In that snowy night, love flows wantonly!

Composition of Winter Coming (5)

The autumn has passed unconsciously, and the winter has come quietly. The grass has withered, and the flowers dare not look up. Uncle Pine still stands upright.

Suddenly a familiar voice passed me, going abroad! It was the sound of the north wind. How cold! The north wind is really like a knife. I quickly ran home to change a suit of clothes and went home to sleep. Alas! How cold it is in winter!

It suddenly snowed heavily, and a white carpet was spread on the ground. I put on my clothes and climbed to the window to enjoy the snow, then put on my shoes and went out to play.

Listen, what beautiful music is playing here. There is the sound of little friends stepping on the snow, the sound of the north wind, and the sound of rustling snow. Listen carefully and there are many voices that can't be said. What a beautiful winter!

Composition of Winter Coming (6)

Miss Qiu left the world with a light step, while Grandpa Winter came to the world quietly with a faltering step and a beard.

When Grandpa Sun heard that Grandpa Winter came to the world, he suddenly became lazy. He was no longer as diligent as he used to be. He always dawdled. He used to get up at six or seven o'clock to deliver sunshine to people, but now he only shows half his face at nine o'clock. He was very stingy and only stood in the distance looking at us coldly.

Beifeng heard that Grandpa Winter had come to the world. He was no longer as stingy as before, but became enthusiastic. Even if there are only a few leaves on the tree, it will blow the leaves down, but it still refuses to give up. It will blow the leaves to the corner again, and the leaves are very happy because they are about to hang up their vegetables and say goodbye quietly. The branches were bare and trembling, saying, "Oh, my baby leaves! We can meet next year." Only the pine and cypress trees were still standing.

When the little animals heard that Grandpa Winter was coming, the birds and geese went to the south. Those who were not afraid of the cold spent the winter here. The frogs could no longer come to the pond to hold a concert, but just hid in their nest. The little fish can no longer spit bubbles on the river, and can only be alone in the cold water.

Grandpa Winter felt that the world was too monotonous and cold, so he sent gifts to children. It was snowing heavily, and adults hid at home, but children were happy to build snowmen outside and fight a snowball fight.

Grandpa Winter looked at the children and smiled happily.

Composition of Winter Coming (7)

The ground was frozen and cracked. People walked on the street, exhaling hot air all the time. From a distance, the sky above the street seemed to be floating with blue fog. The most beautiful winter in Northeast China has arrived.

On the morning of winter, the earth took off the overcoat sent by Qiu girl and put on the white cotton padded clothes sent by Grandpa Winter. The community is covered with snow, and the pine trees in the community are turned into fog pines by Grandpa Winter. I just got up and opened the curtains. I could not help exclaiming, "This is really beautiful!"

I went downstairs and walked on the silver ground paved with snow. Suddenly, I fell down and sat on the ground thinking: "It should be snow playing with me..." I thought of this, I couldn't help laughing and said: "How can snow play with me?" While laughing, I got up and walked to school.

The snow is like white elves falling from the sky to the campus. Teachers and students are dancing in the snow. Pine trees, like soldiers in white clothes, stand in the snow, guarding the campus.

Snow also brings us infinite joy. We beat ice skates on the ice? Skiing, snowball fighting and snowman making bring us endless joy in winter.

Winter is not as vibrant as spring, summer is so hot, autumn is so cool, but there is a unique beauty. I like the winter in my hometown.

Composition of Winter Coming (8)

When winter comes, the leaves on the trees fall, and the cold wind blows, we really feel the existence of winter.

The north wind roared, forcing us to shiver. The sun should come out at this time to "fight against injustice", but it does not care about people's feelings at all. It hangs high in the sky, completely missing the "meddling" look in summer. It is very appropriate to use the phrase "hot or cold" to describe it.

People put on down jackets, long scarves and thick hats. Even the little pet wore a small padded jacket specially made for them by the owner.

Some changes have taken place in the street: those naughty boys are no longer playing in the street, and the people who loiter have disappeared. People's footsteps are accelerating. Maybe winter is also a phenomenon that the end of the term is approaching! People began to suck their noses, and the sound of "sucking, sucking" was everywhere. It seems that winter brings people not only cold, but also colds.

Students' activities outside the window are also less, and the table games that were originally "abolished" have become popular again: scratching, playing cards, and playing chess. This year seems to be more lively: Grab has started to have a little one, a little two, a little three, a little chicken pecking rice, and playing cards can also be divided into digital babies and magic babies. Even the ancient stone, scissors and cloth have new patterns, such as Bobo Luck, Bobo Block, such as Biqi, Bijia Block, 1357 Dragon, Tortoise, Dragon, etc. All kinds of ordinary games are popular.

Children like winter because they can make snowmen and have snowball fights in winter. Oh, there is also a long holiday and New Year's money. Adults like to sleep late in winter and have a good reunion with their relatives.

Ah! Winter!

Composition of Winter Coming (9)

In a twinkling of an eye, autumn has passed, winter has crept towards us, and the temperature has begun to become cold.

On that day, my father and I drove to a ski resort in Laoshan. The sky is high, the clouds are clear, and the sun is in the sky. It is a good day for skiing. It was my first time skiing. I was extremely excited when I thought that I would start skiing soon. When we arrived at the ski resort, we went to the lobby to change into ski equipment. When we just put on snowshoes, we were all very uncomfortable. One by one, we carried skis and walked with heavy steps, like a group of penguins, "climbing" to the ski resort.

We finally started skiing! Neither of us is good at skiing. But as the saying goes, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. We are both brave. Just after installing skis and practicing walking, we directly took the escalator to the top of the mountain. But when we got to the top of the mountain, we were dumbfounded: we couldn't ski at all, and we didn't know how to get down. Finally, I took off my skis and walked down the slope step by step, while my father directly sat down and slid down, his pants were wet and embarrassed.

With the experience of this failure, we learned a lesson and prepared to practice skiing skills before trying to climb the top. We first practiced on the flat ground and some small slopes, then took the escalator, and came down on the short and flat slope, slowly sliding down. I feel that I am skilled. I will go down at a place where the slope is longer and steeper. Our skiing skills are getting better and better as we go up the escalator.

Finally, we are ready to ski again. I was very excited and nervous. In the end, I slid down, and the scenery on both sides continued to recede, and endless excitement flooded my heart. I succeeded!

My first skiing made me very unforgettable. More importantly, he told me that as long as we persevere in our efforts, there will be no difficulties we cannot overcome.

Composition of Winter Coming (10)

Autumn has passed, and winter has come quietly. This winter was particularly cold, with several heavy snowfalls.

Winter snow and ice, the vast sky, the ground, everything is white. He is like a beautiful, noble and reserved princess, who is waving a magic veil and sending cold wind, revealing the light, pure and refined beauty. It can be said that it is wrapped in snow, especially enchanting. I never like to use such words as "freezing weather", "biting cold wind" to describe winter. Why? Because winter is always lovely, quiet and kind in my heart.

There is a winter holiday in winter, so we can relax and play heartily, travel happily, and do what we want to do. We are eager to see the scenery of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow. We are eager to feel the feeling that drops of water turn into ice. At that time, we can make snowmen and have snowball fights in the snow. Touch the icy snow with your hands. It's cool and fun!

In winter, there is my favorite flower - plum blossom. Think about it. In the snowy world, only the plum blossom stands out in the ice and snow. He never competes for beauty. In spring, when flowers are in full bloom, he quietly retreats. Although the plum blossom is not as elegant as roses or as beautiful as orchids, he has won people's favor with his tenacious vitality and sweet fragrance. Every winter, Many people have to put a bunch of plum flowers in their vases, which can bloom for more than a month, unlike other flowers, which wither after a few days. Isn't the indomitable spirit of plum blossom worth learning?

In winter, there is also the most traditional and grand festival of our Chinese nation - the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, adults and children go home from holiday, and a large family sit together happily, enjoying the most abundant meal of the year - the reunion dinner.

Winter brings us a lot of happiness, but also brings us many beautiful memories.

Composition of Winter Coming (11)

"Winter is coming, winter is coming!" The children shouted happily.

In winter, the earth is covered with white snowflakes, like a fairy tale world of ice and snow, which always attracts us into her arms. It must be the wind blowing snow to the earth. Look! The ski resort was crowded with hilarious people. Some of them were skiing, some were riding on ice skates, and some were 'playing sledge'... The laughter penetrated the cool air and spread to the distance.

On the ski field, I also saw several children pulling a rope to pull the sled. Just half way up the mountain, the sled began to slide down. They were pulling the rope and shouting "one, two, three". Finally, the sledge was pulled to the top of the mountain. The children shouted their victory with joy.

The game began. Three children sat in front and two children sat behind. Someone untied the rope tied to the sled behind the "one, two, three". The "whoosh" sled carried five children down from the top of the mountain quickly. I heard their screams from time to time in the distance, which made me feel their joy from the bottom of my heart.

I love winter, because winter gives us great joy; I love winter, because winter makes us have more laughter; I love winter, because it is our fairy tale world!

Composition of Winter Coming (12)

In the morning, walking on the way to school, a cold wind came to our faces, making us shiver. Everyone put on thick clothes and shrunk their necks. It's so cold!

When winter comes, many flowers wither. As long as Chimonanthus is not afraid of cold, the yellow flowers, you will not let me, I will not let you, compete to open, the fragrance straight into people's noses drill. There is a children's song that goes like this: "Plum blossom has a yellow face and no green clothes on its body. When heavy snow is used as a cotton padded jacket, the wind sticks out its chest. Other flowers are afraid of winter, and only Plum blossom vigorously."

When winter came, the trees on both sides of the road were bare, standing like bald little monks. Fortunately, green pines and green bamboos are not afraid of the cold. They are still green.

Eh? Where did the animals go? Oh, so they hibernate! Frogs, pythons, bears and turtles are all sleeping comfortably! We can't see them until the spring comes.

I really hope it will snow earlier. It's better to have goose feather snow, so that the world will become white and beautiful like a fairy tale world. We can enjoy ourselves, making snowmen and having snowball fights. How happy we are! The snow covered winter is the happiest!

Winter has come, is the Spring Festival coming? I can get red envelopes again! ha-ha! I like winter.

Composition of Winter Coming (13)

After so many days of winter vacation, the weather was not cold, and it was not until yesterday that I felt winter coming.

Yesterday morning, I got up quickly because I didn't feel very cold, otherwise I would have stayed for a few minutes. The weather forecast said it would be cool today, but I didn't feel it at all. I still wore two thin clothes. Today, my mother and I were going to visit my aunt. We had breakfast and went out.

As soon as I went out, a gust of wind blew. At first, I felt quite comfortable, but after a while, I felt a little cold. I pulled up the zipper and buttoned it, but it seemed useless, and I still felt cold. I regret why I didn't wear more clothes and go out. The wind is still blowing, it is like a small needle, gently across my cheek, neck, body, although not so fierce, but very lethal. It continued to blow, I shivered, goose bumps were up, the hands were cold to no consciousness, the cold wind blowing, I can only breathe with my mouth, breathe, really cold. Finally, I arrived at my aunt's house, and finally I didn't have to suffer the cold wind. Slowly, the body will warm up.

There was no sun all day yesterday, and the clouds blocked its light and warmth. We went home when it was dark. As soon as I went out, a chill came. The light and warmth of the sun completely dissipated, and the wind blew harder than in the morning. My mother and I were walking on the road. The wind blew through our bodies. We held each other tightly. It was no use trying to warm each other. We necked and walked stiffly. It was warm yesterday, but now it has become so cold. This day has become so fast. When I finally got home, I took my frozen hands out of my pockets, poured a cup of hot water and drank it down, and my body gradually warmed up.

When winter comes, the cold comes one after another. The cold wind makes people afraid, but it is just like this that the taste of winter and the taste of year will come.

Composition of Winter Coming (14)

Winter is coming, and the north wind is blowing. This is a season when everything is sleeping. The scene outside is trembling. There are only withered trees, withered grass, and the music outside the window is no longer the beautiful song of birds. Instead, it is the chilly wind, which makes people feel chilly.

Winter is coming, and the cold wind blows through the bamboo forest and into the windows of the house. The gusts of wind rattled the windows, perhaps because of the roar of the wind god, perhaps because of the message that winter is coming. In my heart, it seems that it is also a burst of laughter, laughing at people on the ground who fear it and wear thick coats; The animals under the ground are afraid of it and hide; The plants lost their luster because of its arrival. The sound of ridicule made me involuntarily angry. I was angry with the voice that has never been alive. I was angry that it ignored my existence.

When winter comes, I am most worried about my mother's hands, which are always dry and rough because of winter; I'm worried that I can't find a suitable coat to keep warm, and I should always pay attention to the disease in winter, which endangers my health and my family's health, as well as the change of temperature difference between morning and night.

The happiest days of the year are Christmas and the New Year. They never fear the coldness of winter, but can always make the venue noisy and hot. After the New Year's Eve, it is the beginning of the year. We children only have two or three days not afraid of the cold. We must seize this moment to get gifts and lucky money, which is also the warmest moment in the cold winter night.

Winter is a small part of the season, but it is also an important time for life to recuperate. Some people say that rest is to go farther, and we will welcome a better spring after winter.

Composition of Winter Coming (15)

"Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow." In the rainy and snowy winter, everything seems to be asleep, and the whole world is quiet. But under the snow, another spring is quietly gestating. Winter is like a stern elder, with infinite warmth under the cold appearance.

One morning, I got up early. I looked out in surprise, and the snow fell on the earth. The snow is crystal clear, like white lotus, like pear flower, gently filling. The snow is like a group of little girls dancing in white gauze skirts, dancing, spinning and dancing in the air. His light figure is so beautiful and moving. Let me feel the magic of winter.

I am intoxicated with the world of snow. The snow in the field is thick, loose and soft. My shoes have already been soaked. The tall trees seem to be wearing a new set of white clothes. They are standing happily beside the road. Vehicles are gradually scarce, and there are few pedestrians left on the sidewalk. Only I stood alone in the wind and snow, looking at the mountains and rivers covered with snow in the distance.

I went home and saw several children playing in a vacant land. Some were making snowmen, some were having snowball fights, and some were quietly freezing the snow. The snow on the snow platform was slowly melting. The tree wore silver white clothes, the building wore a warm white hat, and the grass's dry mouth was sucking sweet 'snow water'. These are gifts to be given, and people's eyes are full of flashes.

When winter comes, spring will not be far away. Snow is a beautiful and vivid world and a happy and relaxed mood for your rectifiers.

Composition of Winter Coming (16)

"Huh - huh -" The cold wind blew in gusts, and all the pedestrians outside were fighting straight, alas! The nasty winter is coming again.

When I got up early in the morning, the cold atmosphere around my bed made me reluctant to leave the thick and warm quilt... "Ziquan! It's time to get up to bed!" My mother's cry like a lion's roar pierced my fragile eardrum and pierced my heart. In order to stop hearing the high decibel sound, I put on my coat quickly. After washing, I walked downstairs dizzy. At this time, I heard the "surround sound effect" of "Ha Jo! Ha Jo. I try my best to keep warm and get rid of the devil's restraint... thick! Finally, my body got "normal temperature".

"Have a meal! Have your favorite hot pot!" That's great! Eating hot pot in winter is the best enjoyment! I ran downstairs in three steps and two steps. Looking at the fragrant and hot hot pot on the table, my saliva began to secrete a lot. I wanted to eat it all up. I took a bowl and picked it up with a big mouth. Wow! The sweet smell swirled in my mouth, and I swallowed it... Wow! My whole body is getting hot. Look at the family around me, everyone is laughing. Our family is chatting and enjoying our family while eating. At this time, the temperature outside is very different from the enthusiasm inside.

Although winter brings us many inconveniences, it also brings many benefits in winter, because this "winter" brings us a lot of warmth instead.

Composition of Winter Coming (17)

There are no snowflakes flying in the south, no three feet of ice, and no shining ice sculptures. But I still love this beautiful winter!

I love birds in winter. Look! The birds came over laughing and chattering about their dreams last night. I like these singers in feathers. Their feathers are not rich in color, but delicate and soft; Their tones are not complicated, but they are witty and pleasant. Listening to these new friends' cheers, my steps will be lighter and my mood will be more joyful

I love the cool and mist in winter morning. In the morning, my school, a cool breeze blowing, as if to play with me. I took a deep breath. The air is so fresh! Thinking of this, I couldn't help but quicken my pace. But this is not the most popular thing. The fog is really fun! It was foggy, and I jumped happily in the fog, like a fairy in the clouds. A gust of cool wind hit again, and the fog turned into small drops of water, which filled me with water. At this time, I'm not angry with it, and I can't help laughing at myself.

Seeing here, you must feel that I love everything. No, no, no! what? You ask me what I love most in winter? I love the thin frost in winter!

"Frost!" I shouted happily. The ground has been covered with a thin layer of frost, shining like silver. You must wonder how a thin layer of frost can be compared with the snow in a place? Then you are wrong. This cream is more charming. Every night, the flashing cards flash and flash, with this cream, it is simply a wonder of the world. Look! The bright light of the card reflected on the frost on the ground, looking more beautiful and more beautiful. Besides, the frost is beautiful, and with the light of the brand, it makes people even more reluctant to leave? Maybe you don't like this frost, but I love it. Even if it is not comparable to the snow like a wool blanket, even if it is not comparable to the ice, it still offers its own beauty. Do you want to deny this?

Ah! I love this crisp bird call, I love this free and easy fog, I love this frost, I love this beautiful winter more.

Composition of Winter Coming (18)

It was another winter. In the yard, I picked up the snow and scattered it to the sky, repeating the action of "Tiannv scattering flowers" over and over again. But I don't know that this attack is in the countdown

"Hao~" I have something to tell you when you come in. Listening to my mother's sweet voice, I jumped and jumped into the room! I don't want to clean the snow on my body, because I will play later. My mother opened her mouth when I entered the door. (She said so frankly to me for the first time) "How about learning recently?". But Mom's expression was not like what I thought, and then she said to me a sentence that still fresh in my memory, "How about I send you to Chifeng?" "Ah..." Silence. No words.

And then flew out of the house

The snow was especially heavy that year. With the creaking steps, the traces of my passing appeared on the snow, and I was confused. Chaos

Since then, I have changed, lonely, boring, silent, no longer naive, not cute, even if someone said that I was cute, it was just the outer packaging, cruel, cold, heartless. I know that no matter how much I love my family, how much I love my classmates, how much I love my loved ones, I can't change back to my original self. I had a wonderful childhood there, but I didn't belong there.

The heavy snow not only buried my footprints, but also buried the memories of the past, buried me at that time, unwilling to look back, unwilling to recall. After all, I am not what I used to be

There is still flying snow outside, and I'm not in the mood to play with snow. (The scenery has not changed, but the people in the scenery have changed.). There is one more page in the hukou book. I know that I belong here -- "Chifeng", which is full of yellow sand