Views on Violence (7 Collections)
2024-03-03 07:18:09

Views on violence (1)

Our family has no computer so far, not because we have no money, but because my father and I have different ideas. I can't help imagining, holding the mouse in my hand, constantly browsing various websites, reading books, shopping, and forums. No matter how imaginative a person is, he has never been online, nor can he appreciate his rapidity and brilliance. I gradually took a liking to the virtual network and was stunned.

? Ah, how long will it take to turn the world into a network of small villages to understand you, use you, and finally fall in love with you! In so many entertainment projects, why do more people become webworms, even fascinated by you. The Internet connects people from all over the world. Wearing mixed fashion and gold coins from all over the world, it slowly comes to us and embraces you. I love writing, and I can often hit the keyboard to start recording the words of love. Sitting in front of the dark blue computer, the glimmering blue light emits a warm breath, without sighing: the network is a miracle.

? Of course, the network also has its drawbacks. The network is erasing many valuable things: convenient and stereotyped emails have replaced long letters, which can really deliver your care to the people in need. Boring and boring printing fonts have replaced the writing with flying personality. Photos also become mediocre and dim due to the combination of digital and network... Once the network occupies Shenhuo and tape replaces memory, life will become incomplete and there will be no more wonderful.

Like many parents, Dad is afraid that his children will get lost in the virtual world, sell their souls to the devil like gamblers, and become lazy and escapist. I have seen countless times in books and newspapers that a student died suddenly because of playing games for several days and nights, and that there are childish faces and a foul environment in Internet cafes... I have also survived their saying that they wanted to return to "dignity" early in the virtual world, and they wanted to vent their depression in bloody battles, but unexpectedly... the Internet, like an ingzi, is disgusting to you in Zhaoqing, One side of the mirror is good, and the other side is bad. It depends on how you use it

Everything has two sides, so does the network. There is no difference between good and bad. The network is like a net, we are all knots on the network; The network is like a big tree, and we are all branches, that is, green leaves... The development of the network depends on our views and our efforts to make the network more active and healthy. Let the world know: "If you want to understand the world, go online."

Views on violence (2)

With more and more functions of our mobile phones, more and more people have become "bow heads" and "mobile phone controllers". Few people can stay away from mobile phones. Today, I will tell you what I have seen and heard!

One day, my mother took me to class by subway. It was rush hour and there were many people on the bus. Just entering the door, I saw that almost all the people on the car were looking at their mobile phones. Some people open "WeChat" as soon as they get on the bus and chat with friends; The swimmers should play games on the stool; Someone leaned against the pole to play with his mobile phone. In short, except for the elderly, almost all the people on the bus are playing with their mobile phones. They don't even lift their heads. They occasionally look up to see if they have arrived. This is really a "bow head clan"!

Another time, I saw two people in their 30s on the road, looking at their mobile phones while walking, and they collided head-on. Who knows, they just said to each other, "Sorry", and then continued to look at the mobile phone while moving forward. This is what the "mobile phone controller" looks like.

Another is what I heard. On the highway of a certain place, a heavy cargo driver was driving while looking at his mobile phone. He did not pay attention to the traffic police who were dealing with the accident in front of him, and then directly hit him

I am a primary school student, and my opinion is as follows: long-term mobile phone watching is bad for the eyes, long-term head bowing is also bad for the neck, long-term head bowing will lead to cervical spondylosis, so we should not watch mobile phones for a long time.

Let me give you some advice. If you are a minor, don't play with your mobile phone from Monday to Friday. You can only watch it for one hour on Saturday and Sunday. As for adults, I suggest that adults should not use mobile phones except for things they must do such as watching time and working!

Views on violence (3)

What a pleasant weather! The blue sky stretches endlessly, and the few white clouds passing by occasionally are like gossamer gently blowing in the breeze, which makes people feel comfortable; The air is filled with faint fragrance of flowers, as if in a dream. I close my eyes and smell the nature, so warm! "Di... Di... Di", the restless laptop rang, and a few big characters were displayed on the screen: Year 3000, welcome to enter, my master! I walked along a forest vagina with flowers and grass everywhere, as if this was heaven. On the grass beside the road, there are some red haired "human" lying scattered, with a surprisingly large head and hands like extended brooms, but their fingers are dry and lifeless. They are calling flowers and enjoying some green grass aimlessly and leisurely.

It was very quiet around, only the sound of wind blowing through the tree tops and leaves falling to the ground. At the end of Lin Vagina, there is a marble fountain, beside which sits a little girl, who seems to be about my age. I went to say hello to her. She seemed to understand my words, but she didn't seem to understand them. She just looked at me in doubt and let me give directions for a while. Then it suddenly dawned on me and led me to a dark room. I rubbed my eyes hard. The room was wet and dusty. The corners of the room were covered with cobwebs. The ground was covered with old paper. When my feet stepped on it, the paper became dust. In an unnoticed corner, I saw the history of computer development. The computer of the ZI century lay there quietly, covered with dust and cobwebs.

Go through a long corridor and come to a small house. The light was very weak, and an oil lamp was lit at a corner of the roof. The flames seemed to be swaying, as if they could be blown out by a little wind. There sat an old man with gray hair and a gray beard. When he saw me, his eyes seemed to brighten and his lips moved a few times: "Where are you from?" I was really surprised when I heard him speak. He is the only person here who can speak. "From the past, sir," I replied. "Oh, in the past, no one talked to me for a long time." He sighed. "Why has this become so here?" I came straight to the point. "The network, is the network!" His words are a little resentful but very calm. "The network is the crystallization of scientific and technological development!" I don't understand. "Alas," he sighed, "yes, the network was originally a symbol of the rapid development of human science and technology. But after the network spread all over the world, people began to rely on the network, and the network filled people's entire living space: through the network, people communicate with each other, so people's language function gradually degenerated; Through the Internet, people can get what they want without leaving home, so people begin to become more lazy; Through the Internet, people can easily read widely, and books slowly disappear; Through the network, people no longer work, no longer produce, and become a group of mice scurrying around on the network. " "What about the network? Why didn't I see it?" "No, it disappeared. Hundreds of years ago, during the network crisis, all the networks disappeared by themselves, leaving nothing but this dark damp room and some moldy paper with me." His originally dim eyes seemed to be more dim, and the inside was empty, just like this house. "Network crisis? What is network crisis?" "A person who knows a lot about the network found that through the network, people become very easy to control, so he fed a virus into the network - 'Solarwind virus'. In less than a day, the world's networks were all paralyzed. He thought that he controlled the whole human race, in fact, he did, but the civilization of the whole human race for decades also went with the network. ’His voice began to swallow, and a few tears came out of his dry eye socket. In the face of my inquiring and sincere eyes, he said softly: "That person is me, it is me! It is I who destroyed all mankind!" Suddenly, I saw a strange light shining in his eyes, like a ghost of ancient times. I couldn't help shivering: "I see..." The red haired girl tried to hold my hand, and we both flew out. The sun is still shining outside, people are still lying on the grass leisurely, but my mood is not as leisurely as it was when I came. I want to go home, away from the dark house, away from those red haired "animals", there is no human here. When I opened my eyes, I faced the computer in front of me again. A fear made me run away quickly.

The Internet has brought us a lot. I hope it has brought us social development, scientific and technological progress, knowledge enrichment, and efficiency improvement, rather than a quagmire, which has sunk the most real part of human soul and left us only a body quagmire.

Views on violence (4)

After class from the information class, I walked on the street with my mobile phone and watched the network signal decrease little by little, but I still had countless content in WeChat that I didn't reply. I sighed in my heart: People are really getting more and more inseparable from the network.

After a few more steps, the network signal disappeared completely. Seeing the words "unable to connect to the server" and the half typed words in WeChat, my heart almost collapsed. It's boring to walk on the street without the Internet. Seeing people in the street holding their mobile phones and desperately typing, I had to take a chance to see if there was a free network on the street.

When I went all the way to refresh, I finally saw a free network. I felt that I had grasped the straws to save my life and hurriedly connected to it. Seeing the disappearance of the sentence "unable to connect to the server", I seem to have regained my life and my typing speed seems to have doubled. I'm afraid I missed something. However, the network is not without distance restrictions. Seeing that the network is only left with a poor grid, I felt a silence and hurried back for a while.

The mobile phone jumped from WeChat to the call interface without warning, and the mother called, "Hey, son, where are you? It has been more than 20 minutes since class was over, and is it almost home?" At first glance, it has really been a long time. However, looking at the reality, I just walked less than half the way, and hurriedly lied, saying: "Hmm... I will be home soon..." Then he hung up the phone.

After reading WeChat and the time, I sighed and thought: maybe I can catch up with this topic if I go home quickly. Then I turned off my mobile phone and flew away. What I thought was not how to explain to my mother after I went home, but whether I could catch up with this topic after I went home!

When I got home, I gave my mother a few perfunctory words and ran to the study, because it was the best place on the Internet. I opened WeChat and continued to type crazily

Finding the Internet and connecting with him is what modern people are used to doing. I hope that one day in the future, the earth will be covered by free networks. At that time, we may be able to take it easy.

Views on violence (5)

Under the impact of modern trends, the network has entered our world and integrated into our life.

The emergence of the network is like a shining meteor, passing through the curious starry sky of countless students and illuminating countless pairs of bright eyes. The network is vast, it provides us with unlimited resources. In the starry sky of the network, we can walk freely. We can visit the world without the hard work of the journey. Under the attraction of this colorful window, the student "netizen" team is growing, and many students have been able to access the Internet easily.

Indeed, moderate access to the Internet can enable us to actively obtain some information, cultivate our information literacy, cultivate our ability to search for and obtain information, and analyze and process information and use and exchange information. But this is only for "moderation".

Everything should have "degree". Science is a double-edged sword. It can not only benefit mankind, but also harm society if it is not done well. When we are infatuated with the Internet and cannot extricate ourselves from it, the Internet has become a spiritual opium, which has seriously damaged our physical and mental health. It is precisely because they have not set up a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values that many teenagers have fallen into the trap of the Internet, indulging in it and unable to extricate themselves.

We have to marvel at the sophistication of modern technology. The multimedia information transmission mode of the network makes people immerse themselves in the scene, such as releasing the devil from the bottle, with thousands of holes and hundreds of faces, and infinite magic, which makes it impossible for us who have no experience in life to prevent. Internet cafes are all over the society, and the number of students surfing the Internet is increasing, but have you ever seen that Internet cafes are devouring the physical and mental health of our teenagers? Because they do not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, some teenagers imitate adults to have online love. The virtual structure is trapped in an illusory "love net"; Some people can't resist the temptation of digital entertainment and participate in online games of 500000 netizens. Around us, some students risked breaking the school rules and regulations and entered the Internet cafes several times, even ventured over the wall in the middle of the night, headed straight to the Internet cafes, and did not return all night. Individual students become obsessed with the Internet, run away from home, hide in Internet cafes that their parents can't find, and enjoy themselves in the virtual world: how foolish!

Hugo, the great French writer, said: "Youth is a slope." The tireless climber, waiting for him is the infinite vitality and sunny sky given by youth; The slacker will only slide down the slope, sink into the dark mud, and be swallowed up by the dark little by little. In our times, the network has also become a part of this slope, so how to establish a correct outlook on life and values, how to get out of the trap of the network, and how to get out of the misunderstanding of ideas, is very important for us.

What will the virtual space and time of the network give us? In addition to information, there is emptiness! We should choose the former rather than the latter. Facing the slope of youth, we should strengthen our ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Each of us should put a "screen" in our heads to block the invasion of flies and mosquitoes, and let fresh air enter our bodies!

Views on violence (6)

Looking at all kinds of busy people in the street through the window, I fell into confusion

Network. It seems that it is not a new term in the 21st century. It's just a virtual thing, and I can't leave it

It has been 5 days. I always keep myself in this small room, guarding this inseparable "friend". Chat, play online games and visit BBS. It seems that this virtual thing separates me from the real world with a transparent, invisible object. 13 years old, this should be the age when I was running on the grass with my classmates and fighting together. Now this machine has become my only playmate.

It seems that the students who had a good relationship with me were far away from me, and I no longer contact them. Because of the "net", I lost my pure and precious friendship

I wonder if I can still be called a "child". At 7 o'clock in the morning, get up, brush your teeth, wash your face, and have breakfast. Next, I will go to that small room until dusk. All this seems to be out of control and has become a habit. Occasionally I would hear the children playing outside the window. I knew that there was once a place for me. But now it is different.

There was a sudden power failure that day, but I opened the album at the bottom of the cabinet. Looking at my innocent smile and the blessing words written to me by my good friend, I suddenly felt an impulse to cry. Yes, I lost too much. Those are all supposed to be 12 years old.

I try to get off the "net", try to open the masterpieces that I abandoned under the dust, and try to go shopping and chat with my friends. But everything will not be the same as before. Now I know that the invisible super glue on the Internet will leave a trace even if it breaks away

If I go back to the past and repeat everything, will I understand the focus of life?

Views on violence (7)

When I first came into contact with the Internet, I entered the entertainment industry. Playing games and chatting with classmates is really "wonderful", but I don't know how much precious time and energy has been spent behind the wonderful. I also want to learn, but in the face of the vast website, I am at a loss, and turn around to those entertainment websites.

Of course, I don't want to wander in this small and boring entertainment circle, so I found some websites and decided to look for another part of the network

"Google", "Baidu" and other search sites have been widely known for a long time, so I started from here. When I happily entered "learn" in the search bar, and then gently pressed the Enter key, a large number of results came out. I think: this time I can use the network to study it. But when I opened these websites, a lot of advertisements, a lot of useless information filled the whole page, and I didn't know how to learn at all, which was not what I needed. I am a little disappointed. Is the network praised by everyone just a mess of learning materials? I returned to the "wonderful" entertainment circle again. Those game websites are really easy to find! Finally, in a forum, I saw someone recommend 66 stations "Xiaohe 66". I immediately opened it with joy. After all, my mind was still learning. After I came to Xiaohe 66, maybe I didn't know how to operate it and had no experience in surfing the Internet. I want to read everything, but I can't understand anything (I can't understand the article). When I learned that I could publish an article after registration, I registered an account at random, published the article stored on the computer in a hurry, and waited with confidence for someone to praise my "masterpiece". But after a long time, my articles were still sleeping in the submission box, no one read them, no score, no comment. I angrily deleted those articles and left Xiaohe 66 angrily. Another failure to highlight the entertainment industry.

Later, I didn't have much interest in online learning, but I was fascinated by the wonderful software world. This is my uncle and a classmate attracted me. They often talk about computers with me, and of course, they can't help introducing the results they have obtained by using software, so I am interested in software. Word processing software, anti-virus software, web production software, system optimization software... Most of them are offline, so I got a lot of online knowledge from the Internet, and I know how to avoid those bad websites. And those software also let me get a lot of computer knowledge, which laid the foundation for how to use learning materials in the future. It should be said that the software world is wonderful, but just at this time, I also got to know a lot of learning software, such as "Kingsoft PowerWord" and "English Bubugao". Through the websites recommended by these software, I want to find the wonderful network in my mind again.

At this time, I want to participate in a math contest, so I try to find information from the Internet. At this time, I had some experience in surfing the Internet and soon found "". In addition, I found a large number of stations through friendly connection. I was like a robber who ran into the treasure house, but I didn't know which treasure to choose. After a joyous search, I got a lot of papers and explanations, which surprised my classmates and asked me how to get the information. I said, "There are many things on the Internet!"

I continued to search, and various stations also surfaced one after another, and the stations in my favorites were full. I can get a large number of e-books through "I love e-books", such as "Camel Xiangzi", "The Old Man and the Sea", and "Bingxin Anthology". The exquisite pages let me indulge in them, and the convenient operation also let me stop flipping books. You can get them for free at any time. It really doesn't take much time! I can use email to communicate with my classmates. A long letter, photo, and data can be easily obtained by my classmates without postage and loss. I can also subscribe to the latest online news and wonderful articles through email, and the world's events can be displayed on a small screen. I can learn English through 100e. The fast network enables books to come to the screen with the mouse click. The advantages of the computer enable you to speak in English sentence by sentence. Not only does the computer help you write dictations, but you can also recite them to the computer. A rare good teacher stands on the screen alive. What also moved me was that I asked questions on Baidu that I didn't understand, and enthusiastic people came to answer them for me, which made me not only grateful. I also met Xiaohe 66 a few years ago, and looked at it with a new eye: the emerald page, many compositions like beautiful flowers blooming on this platform, or eulogizing touching friendship, or telling happy experiences, or expressing inner feelings... So I published my articles again, and of course, I tried to write articles that everyone liked, I felt extremely happy when watching the comments of netizens, and also enthusiastically participated in the evaluation of others' compositions.

I think that now I should really realize the value of the Internet - that is, I can quickly contact friends, obtain massive data, browse all kinds of information, discuss problems with netizens, learn easily, and display my articles... The entertainment industry was just a special zone of the Internet in the past, The software world is nothing more than an aid to the web.

At this moment, I want to say: "The network is wonderful!"