My Good Method Composition (4 required)
The south branch is warm and the north branch is cold
2023-10-13 06:05:18

My Good Method Composition (1)

A good way for me to preview 500 words of composition (I)

I found a good way to preview the text. The quality of preview before class has a great impact on the quality of listening and academic performance. I found a good way to preview the text. Now, I will share my preview method with you! When I preview the text, I read the text roughly, understand the general content of the text, draw words with horizontal lines, and then read it carefully several times. When you read carefully, you should think while reading. You can tick the key points in the textbook. Difficulties. Mark difficult problems. In combination, "Complete Classroom Interpretation" grasps the meaning of the paragraph and the central idea, as well as the explanation of words, and further understands the content of the text. Then close the textbook and think about several questions; What will the teacher talk about in class and what are the key points? What new knowledge does the teacher want to talk about? What is the old knowledge related to the new knowledge? What else do you not understand? What do you need to pay special attention to when listening to the class? Then complete several preview requirements assigned by the teacher. This preview has many advantages. First, remove the obstacles in listening. Just as farmers need to prepare farm tools for farming, workers need to prepare tools for production, and uncles of the People's Liberation Army need to have weapons for fighting, we students need to take the initiative to preview our study. Preview is like fire reconnaissance before war. You can find your shortcomings and make up for them before class. Secondly, self-study ability can be improved through preview. Preview is to understand independently, master the new knowledge to be learned, read the text, think, and explore the self-learning ability will inevitably improve. Third, preview can improve the level of note taking. All the notes on the text and the "Classroom Complete Solution" can be omitted, and the new content that the teacher exceeds the text should be focused on and recorded. This can not only improve the efficiency of listening, but also help consolidate the knowledge learned. After I found this good way to preview the text, after a semester of practice, my Chinese scores have been greatly improved. As long as we are willing to use our brains and think of ways, we can solve the difficult problems in our study.

A good way for me to preview 500 words of composition (2)

Preview of composition class

For the preview of composition class, the "accumulation preview method in advance" can be used.

Composition teaching should not be conducted without preparation. From the collection of exercise materials, the experience of activities, the brewing of emotions, etc., teachers should make careful arrangements and preparations according to the requirements of this exercise, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort. We can adapt the requirements of the exercises so that students can take the initiative to accumulate composition materials. The exercises can be prepared from the accumulation of materials, languages and methods.

Preview Case III

The composition of Unit 8, Volume 1, Grade 5, Xiaoyu, Beijing Normal University Edition is: "Introduce one of my learning methods" or "Introduce one of my tips in life". When preparing for class two weeks in advance, teachers should know well, that is, they should consciously inform students of the content of the exercises in advance, so that students can make full preparations in advance. The teacher arranges students to make bold attempts to find good learning methods and tips in life several weeks in advance through surveys (or asking excellent students, or asking parents, or collecting online). Through personal experience, let these "methods" and "tips" really play a role. In this way, by the time of writing exercises, the students had a clear idea of what they were going to write and had a real understanding of it. Every student has material to write, and will not worry about not having material. Teachers teach students to write exercises. One is to teach writing methods. Another important point is to teach students the ability to collect and select materials. Therefore, the preparation work before the exercise is particularly important.

It is emphasized that preview before class is an optimal learning method to improve the efficiency of Chinese learning, form good learning habits, cultivate students' self-learning ability, and show students' independent learning. Therefore, as Chinese teachers, we should try our best to cultivate students to form a good habit of preview before class, so as to lay a solid foundation for students to learn Chinese well.

The above is my superficial understanding and practice of how to improve students' self-study ability and preview before class in primary school Chinese. In the future Chinese education and teaching, I will continue to study, practice and innovate in this topic, and will further study this topic.

A good way for me to preview 500 words of composition (3)

preview methods

1. Read the text, read the correct pronunciation, basically achieve proficiency and coherence, and mark the section number of the text. Know what the text is about.

2. Understand the author and writing background, read relevant works, and understand the style of works.

3. Be able to recognize new words, circle the new words in the text, and then add phonetic symbols to the new words to form words and expand words, and also identify new words, find near antonyms, and create sentences for new words in the comparison of similar words, so as to become familiar with new words and be able to use these new words.

4. "--" Underline good words and sentences. Experience the beauty of language and taste the beauty of sentence patterns. What are their advantages? Write some simple comments for them. Store beautiful words and sentences in your own spoken corpus to enrich your vocabulary.

5. My question: draw the words, words, sentences and paragraphs that I don't understand or understand thoroughly. Use "--?" to mark the questions and write clearly what you don't understand. Look up the reference book and relevant materials, and try to solve the doubts drawn in combination with the text.

6. What else do you know about the people and knowledge mentioned in the text? What similar knowledge do you associate with? Can you explain the principle? Which picture do you think of? (Small data, famous quotes, stories of scientists).

7. What are your new discoveries? What else would you like to explain?

A good way for me to preview 500 words of composition (4)

preview methods

1. Words: new words, idioms (four character words)

2. Paraphrase

3. Word formation (phonetic, group 1, 3)

4. Bid section, writing paragraph meaning

5. Reading, questioning

6. Talk about the main contents of the text and think about the problems after class. Others: check information and talk about feelings

A good way for me to preview 500 words of composition (5)

Preview the "Four Steps"

1、 Mark the characters in the double horizontal lines after class with horizontal lines in the text, and mark the characters in the field pattern with a circle

Draw one, and read it back in turn when you circle. You don't need to read it from the beginning every time you circle.

2、 Mark each word with a phonetic order (initial capital) above the field character grid, and write the side of each word below (where

Write the first stroke in independent characters).

3、 Read the text and mark the natural paragraphs.

A good way for me to preview 500 words of composition (6)

A good way for me to preview 500 words of composition (7)

preview methods

After entering junior high school, learning knowledge is more difficult and more difficult, which may not be fully mastered in class. We must improve learning efficiency, and the most effective way is preview. There are many ways to preview, and my preview methods are as follows:

Language: read the text to be learned tomorrow silently in advance, draw the birth words and divide the paragraphs; Classical Chinese is translated through annotations and the words that you don't understand are drawn and marked. The main thing in class is to listen.

Math: Understand examples and concepts, and then do some after class questions to try to make them. Those who do not understand the format or method are just like Chinese.

English: recite the words first, and then translate the text. If you have a complete understanding of the textbook, you can look at the key sentence patterns of this lesson.

History and geography: The methods of these two subjects are almost the same. First, look at what to say in the next lesson, then look at it word for word, and draw the test points. Geography also needs to remember that you can't ignore any place, and accept the teacher's preview check.

Politics: use a pencil to draw the places you think you need to memorize, write the questions through the answers, and watch more news on weekends.

Biology: I have an interest in biology, so I don't need to remember it deliberately, just read it and understand it. It's easy to preview.

We need to do self-study in the evening or on weekends to prepare, so we need to improve the efficiency of the classroom, write homework quickly, and strive for preview time for ourselves. When we meet students who don't understand at school, we need to ask them questions or use the full understanding of textbooks to solve them. At home, we need to consult the problem data, and use the preview to maximize the efficiency of the classroom, improve our own performance, so that we can no longer study hard.

Meng Xiangyu

A good way for me to preview 500 words of composition (8)

About preview

Chen Pingyun, Hukou No. 2 Primary School

The so-called preview is to learn the content to be learned in advance before the new lesson, and understand the general situation and key points. Preview is the most important link in Chinese teaching. Preview can greatly improve the efficiency of the classroom, help deepen the understanding of the text content, and solve difficult problems. The effect of preview will directly affect the success or failure of classroom teaching. Some students preview the text, just write the pronunciation, and browse the text content at random. This kind of preview can't achieve good results. So how to achieve the preset classroom purpose through preview?

1、 Steps of preview

1. Read the text: read the text twice or three times before learning the new lesson, pay attention to the accuracy and clarity of the pronunciation, and have a certain rhythm and emotion. When encountering new words, look up the dictionary and mark the pinyin.

2. Guess the language: which natural passages of the author are beautiful? What features are highlighted through the description of these languages? What kind of thoughts and feelings does the author express?

3. Questioning: What does the article write? How do you write it? Why do you write that?

2、 Method of preview

1. Obstacle clearing method: this method is the most basic link in the preview process. It is not only suitable for primary school students, but also for some adults.

2. Paragraph by paragraph induction: Be careful when concluding paragraph by paragraph. In the process of induction, we should think over and over again. We should not be careless, otherwise we may misunderstand. Second, be patient. Induction needs to be carried out over time, which takes time, so it needs enough patience. Summarizing paragraph by paragraph is not only a question of preparing the text, but also an important way to cultivate and exercise carefulness and patience.

3. Method of finding doubts: During the preview, more careful analysis is needed to find out questions, so that we can listen with questions in class and deepen our understanding and understanding of problems.

4. Punctuation marking method: when previewing the text, use various symbols to express different meanings. For primary school students, this method is also very applicable, especially for senior students. If a primary school student can do this, it shows that he is very serious.

3、 Benefits of preview

1. Preview can cultivate self-study ability and independent thinking ability. Because preview is a process of accepting new knowledge, reading and thinking independently, which requires students to have strong logical thinking ability. When reading the text, only through independent thinking can we clarify our thinking, grasp the key points and solve the difficulties. I didn't understand some things in the preview, so I would be very careful when listening to the class, driven by curiosity. Once I understood it, my mind suddenly became clear, and I was impressed deeply, so I can remember it for a long time. Sometimes I preview what I think I have understood, and I will

It is very effective for deepening learning and improving understanding ability to find that they have not yet fully understood, thus causing further thinking and even finding new problems that they do not understand.

2. Preview can open up your mind. After preview, I have a clear idea and can easily follow the teacher's ideas. As a result of good development of ideas, the efficiency of listening will be improved, and the homework assigned by the teacher can be successfully completed, so that the free time will be increased and the learning will be active.

3. Preview can enhance the memory effect. During the preview, both the knowledge that can be understood and the knowledge that cannot be understood have been passed

My Good Method Composition (2)

When I was young, I was very naughty and often played pranks. On one occasion, I even had cosmetic surgery on one of my white shirts and used a brush to make the shirt "black and white". Dad was very angry and said, "Boy, if you don't clean this shirt today, you won't want to eat". What should I do now?

First, I washed it with detergent, and then with soap, but it didn't improve. I thought there was no hope, so I started a new prank again. I took a bunch of salt and put it on my clothes. Then my father came, and I pretended to rub my clothes. In this way, I wanted to avoid my father's scolding and looked forward to new miracles. I rubbed it for more than half an hour. My hands were red and my feet were numb. I took out my clothes and looked. Hey! A miracle happened! The ink disappeared and the shirt turned white again. I took my clothes to receive the reward. A table of steaming food was placed in front of me. I ate it greedily, but my father was still in a daze with his shirt. He wanted to teach me how to learn well, but I rubbed my clothes clean, and his plan fell through. Later, I learned from the book that the chemical name of salt is sodium chloride, which is a crystal. It can not only be used as seasoning, but also remove stains. Sodium chloride, dissolved in water, has a bleaching effect and can remove stains on clothes. Salt is also a good domestic fire extinguishing agent. Under high temperature fire source, table salt can quickly decompose into sodium oxide, absorb free radicals in combustion through chemical action, and inhibit combustion. Granular salt is more effective fire extinguishing agent. Granular salt, because of its large content of particles, absorbs heat and expands at high temperature, destroying the form of flame and generating heat absorption reaction at the same time, Dilute the oxygen concentration in the combustion area, so it can extinguish the fire quickly.

It seems that there is knowledge everywhere in life. As long as you observe and study hard, you can learn a lot.

My Good Method Composition (3)

I found a good way to remove stains

When Tong Hao, Class 92, Lianyuan Experimental School, Hunan Province, was young, I was very naughty and often played pranks. On one occasion, I even had cosmetic surgery on one of my white shirts and used a brush to make the shirt "black and white". Dad was very angry and said, "Boy, if you don't clean this shirt today, you won't want to eat". What should I do now?

First, I washed it with detergent, and then with soap, but it didn't improve. I thought there was no hope, so I started a new prank again. I took a bunch of salt and put it on my clothes. Then my father came, and I pretended to rub my clothes. In this way, I wanted to avoid my father's scolding and looked forward to new miracles. I rubbed it for more than half an hour. My hands were red and my feet were numb. I took out my clothes and looked. Hey! A miracle happened! The ink disappeared and the shirt turned white again. I took my clothes to receive the reward, and a table of steaming food was placed in front of me. I devoured it, but my father was still in a daze with his shirt. He wanted to teach me how to learn well, but I rubbed my clothes clean, and his plan fell through. Later, I learned from the book that the chemical name of salt is sodium chloride, which is a crystal. It can not only be used as seasoning, but also remove stains. Sodium chloride, dissolved in water, has a bleaching effect and can remove stains on clothes. Salt is also a good household fire extinguishing agent. Under high temperature fire source, table salt can quickly decompose into sodium oxide, absorb free radicals in combustion through chemical action, and inhibit combustion. Granular salt is more effective fire extinguishing agent. Granular salt, because of its large content of particles, absorbs heat and expands at high temperature, destroying the form of flame, and at the same time, generates heat absorption, Dilute the oxygen concentration in the combustion area, so it can extinguish the fire quickly.

It seems that there is knowledge everywhere in life. As long as you observe and study hard, you can learn a lot.

My Good Method Composition (4)

This article "A good way to learn Chinese composition 500 words: my learning method" is organized by this site for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Methods of learning Chinese

Chinese is our mother tongue. You can't learn other subjects unless you learn Chinese well. However, we still have some students whose Chinese learning achievements are not high. Let me introduce my learning methods to you.

Speaking of my favorite learning method, that is to learn by playing. Before the exam, we will make ourselves do a lot of extracurricular topics, which makes us unwilling to study. I am not like this. Before the exam, I use my favorite composition book or extra-curricular book to replace the extra-curricular topics or reference books, review all the knowledge in class and extra-curricular, think about the outline of the text, and think about the author's ideas. Once sorted out, I can play. I remember it accurately. Soon, I don't need to spend more time to review.

When playing, I often see some new words, but I have a thirst for knowledge, so I go to the dictionary to see the meaning of the word. In this way, I learned a lot of words, and so did words. When playing, we can also learn a lot of useful and commonly used 'sentences'. Many of our children like playing games and gradually say a lot of new words, which inspires our children to play for a short time in a moderate amount, which will also be of great help and effect.

When we endorse, we often forget the main content without paying attention. The most important thing is that we can't remember the meaning of the article and the author's ideas. So I use my method to endorse: first remember the general content of the article, recall the author's ideas and imagine the situation in the book... In this way, the book is not only fast and good, but also the author's ideas and meanings.

How important it is to have a good method! It can not only make you get twice the result with half the effort, but also make you more relaxed. There is a good learning method, which is really much better than rote learning.