Compositions on the road (20 popular ones)
to end
2024-05-13 05:17:17
primary school

Composition on the Road (1)

Seeing the neat streets on the street, orderly vehicles driving smoothly on them, it was late autumn, but there was no half leaves and garbage, I couldn't help thinking of these angels who worked on the road all the year round - cleaners. Downstairs of my house, there is a cleaner wearing orange overalls all the year round. His body is dirty and smelly of garbage. He wears a gray mask, which is better than not wearing. His face is almost covered, leaving only a pair of black eyes and a pair of black eyes outside. Nobody likes him, and I am no exception, because of the smell on him? Because he's dirty all over? All of them! But it is more from the rejection of consciousness. But since that incident, I have changed my mind about him, thanks, and even respect him.

One day, I was going out to buy a book, but I couldn't find the 50 yuan I had already prepared. I was afraid of mixing with other money. I also drew a small circle in the lower right corner. It's clearly on the table. How come it's gone? I didn't know until I asked my mother that I had put my money in a shabby notebook. The notebook was used up. My mother thought there was nothing in it, so she threw out the garbage together. I was so surprised that I threw it away, so I ran out in a hurry and found that the cleaner was right there. I asked him if he had seen 50 yuan. He said he had not seen it. I just suspected that he had taken the money, but unexpectedly he said, "I will turn it over for you." Bian found it in the garbage can with his bare hands. After a while, he said excitedly, "I found it." When I took the money, it was really mine. There was a small circle in the lower right corner, so I hurried to thank him, but he scratched his head with his dirty hand and said; "It's OK. It's all neighbors. Everyone has nothing to do. Help each other." In this way, my attitude towards him changed rapidly, and we became familiar with him. Every morning before school, I would say hello to him: "Busy, old man." He smiled back at me and continued to pick up the peel and paper scraps on the ground. There are often cleaners outside the school to clean up the garbage on the road. Because of that incident, I respect them and never throw garbage on the ground. I know that they are human beings and have dignity. At night, I lay prone on the windowsill. The cars and people on the street had already gone home, and only the old man was still doing his job - sweeping the floor. Lying in bed, I couldn't help thinking of a fact that a pair of street cleaners in a city worked in winter and warmed each other's hands.

Yes, it is they who have built a bridge of communication between people, so that we can have a comfortable living environment. If we have love in our hearts, we are the world. Despite their humble status, they still have a golden heart. They are the greatest people, who sacrificed their own cleanness to gain everyone's neatness. When I thought about this, the figure of the old cleaner appeared again. I saw the dark face, simple figure and simple smile again.

Composition on the Road (2)

The cold wind in winter blew on my face like a knife, and I could not help but have a cold war. Running on the sidewalk, I complained in a low voice: "It's only 5 o'clock now, my mother will push me out of the morning run. Thanks to what she said, 'It's fun to run in the morning in winter'. If it's fun, why can't she run by herself! I'm almost frozen to death, so I want to go back and sleep in the warm quilt again!" As soon as I finished speaking, I heard the sound of "wow wow" in front of me, I was so surprised that I ran to find out. From a distance, I saw a cleaning aunt in a yellow coat sweeping the floor with her head buried. She had a big hat on her head and a wide and big broom in her hand. The morning wind blew her messy hair, as if several deep wrinkles were blown out on her forehead. But she didn't seem to feel cold at all. I thought strangely, "Why is this cleaning lady not afraid of cold in such cold weather?". So I slowly walked over and approached the cleaning lady. Her expression was so focused. It seemed that in her eyes only the rubbish on the ground. I guess what she is thinking now is "how to clean up the garbage". I stood beside her for a while, but she didn't notice me. She waved the broom, one by one, crisp and powerful. Her broom seems to follow her command very much, and the place cleaned is spotless. For the first time, I found that the sound of "wow wow" can form a beautiful tune.

Watching the cleaning lady's meticulous attitude towards work, I couldn't help thinking of myself, my usual learning attitude and all aspects of the situation. Usually in class, sometimes I can't follow the teacher, let alone concentrate like the cleaning lady. When doing homework, I am always careless. When doing math homework, I often write "6" into "8". When writing a composition, I often make typos because I am not careful. But I always think this is a small problem, which has little impact. So it's usually just a look. But now I find that all my ideas are wrong. To do anything, you should first have a serious attitude. If you don't have a good attitude, no matter how smart you are, you will never achieve anything. If I had the attitude of a cleaning lady in everything I did before, I would have achieved better results now.

Ah! Aunt cleaner, whether it's windy or rainy, or when the sun is burning, you get up early and touch the black floor to sweep the floor for us. You not only create a clean and tidy environment for us to live in, but also let me understand the truth of "everything should be done carefully". You don't care what others think of you, and have been doing your own work silently. You are making contributions to the city and people here. You are like a selfless angel. I want to learn from you!

The wind is blowing harder, but I don't feel cold anymore. Looking at the back of the cleaner's aunt, I seem to think she is so tall, but by contrast, I feel I am so small. I made up my mind: "Since the cleaning lady can do a job that is inferior in the eyes of others, I will treat everything equally in the future, do it seriously, and strive to be the best!".

Composition on the Road (3)

One day, the weather was very hot. Xiao Ming had nothing to do and took a football to play. When he came to the sidewalk, he kicked the ball to the east and to the west. It was not easy to play. Suddenly, he flew up and tried to shoot the ball into the goal. However, the ball did not listen to him and rolled to the middle of the road.

Xiaoming thought: The ball "ran", I will not chase it, it will never return to my hands. So he spread his legs and ran quickly to the ball in the middle of the road. At this time, a car speeding from north to south was getting closer and closer to him, but he didn't notice it at all. Seeing this, Qingqing screamed out, "Xiao Ming, danger!" After saying that, she grabbed Xiao Ming. Xiaoming said, "It's important to pick up the ball." She threw Qingqing aside, too scared to speak. The driver's uncle saw Xiao Ming running towards the football in the middle of the road recklessly. He was shocked with a cold sweat and came to an emergency brake. "Creak", leaving a deep brake mark on the road. Xiao Ming woke up and stood there, afraid to move. He looked like a chicken carved out of wood!

The driver's uncle got out of the car, looked at the frightened Xiaoming, picked up the football on the ground, and said: "Children, next time don't play on the road, it's so dangerous!" Xiaoming took the football, blushed to the bottom of his neck, and said repeatedly: "I will never dare again, dare not..."

Composition on the Road (4)

Concert composition on the road

In the daily study, work or life, everyone has dealt with composition. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the composition of Xiao Bian's concert on the road, which is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

Have you all heard of concerts, but have you ever heard of concerts on the road?

Today is a cloudy and rainy day. We all know that it will rain in the afternoon. As expected, the sky is covered with dark clouds. The pedestrians on Ma Li hurried home, and the cars on the road were no exception.

After a while, the storm roared -- the leaves rustled as if sandbags were swinging. Father Lei and the electricity mother also came to join in the excitement. Father Lei was beating drums and the electricity mother was emitting lights. The cars on the road also began to sing 'beep'; Didududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududud. Don't tell me, it's really like a music party.

After a while, Rainy girl, Lei Gongdian, and Rainbow came to take over. Under the Rainbow, people walked on the road happily. Look! There are two puppies barking "woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.".

After listening to the music of the war, I feel really happy!

Composition on the Road (5)

Next week will be the second school sports meeting of "Little Duck School". The ducklings are very happy and reported the good news to their mother when they got home. The mother duck smiled and said to the ducklings, "OK, tomorrow I will take you to the little store opened by Uncle Xiong to choose your favorite food and take it to the sports meeting, OK?" "Yes, yes!" The ducklings clapped their hands and said.

The next morning, the ducklings followed their mother duck out of the house. This is the first time for the ducklings to walk on the street and see many new things. They were so happy that they forgot their mother's instructions before they left. They walked around and looked around. The neat line soon dispersed. When the mother duck saw an open sewer, she quickly turned around, pointed to the sewer, and then shouted to the ducklings behind her: "Children, please don't get close to the sewer!" The ducklings behind did not know what the mother duck was talking about, but only saw the mother duck pointing to the sewer, thinking that the mother duck was saying you should look at the sewer. The duckling behind ran to the edge of the sewer, and just saw the water in the sewer, he fell off. When the mother duck heard the sound of "plop", she quickly turned around and found the duckling fell into the sewer. She patted her head and said, "It's too bad. I forgot to teach the duckling to swim. This is our duck's skill! It's too bad!"

When the mother duck heard the sound of "Mom, Mom, help!" in the sewer, she calmed down and thought: When I was a child, I fell into the sewer. When I was dying, someone saved me. Who was that? By the way, the person in black uniform is the police! So the mother duck looked around and found that there was a policeman not far away. She ran to him quickly, barked at his feet and bit his trouser legs. The police found the mother duck. The mother duck pointed to the sewer where the duckling fell, and called again "quack quack". The policeman who was bitten by the mother duck said a lot of words to the policeman beside him. He took out a fishing net from the police car, followed the mother duck to the "accident site". A policeman looked at the sewer, picked up the fishing net, and fished the ducklings that were going to be washed away. The mother duck ordered the ducklings to stand in a row and called three times to the police, as if to say "Thank you". The police seemed to understand what the ducks were trying to express and saluted them. Mother Duck took the duckling away from the police and prepared to cross the road. The driver who was driving on the road saw this scene and stopped his car to make way for the ducks.

The ducks went to Uncle Xiong's small shop under the watchful eyes of everyone

Composition on the Road (6)

Just after the summer vacation, life began to be more substantial than when I went to school. Every day is a busy rhythm. I took the bus to the training class in the morning, and I had to "rush" halfway. My mother was afraid that I would be hungry, so she put a "treasure to fill my stomach" in my schoolbag - a recharge card from a famous cake and dessert shop with a high denomination. I think the bag is the most valuable except for textbooks.

I regard it as a treasure because I can use it every day in the cake shop near the bus stop. On that day, I just bought a sandwich from the store and walked out as usual. The narrow sidewalk has already been occupied by several shared bicycles, so I had to walk carefully to the non motorized lane.

Suddenly, there was a "squeak" behind me. I knew it was the horn of the battery car. I had to slow down and walk aside. Then a big hand patted me on the shoulder. "Little friend, you forgot to pull the zipper of your schoolbag. Please help me pull it!"!

Surprised, I turned my head and quickly moved my backpack behind me to my front, and the zipper was completely open!

"No, I'll do it myself, don't bother..." Before he finished, his uncle said enthusiastically: "It's really hard for primary school students now, and they have to go to class after summer vacation! Now the front light is green, and you should be careful when crossing the road!" I should thank you and "slipped" in a twinkling of an eye. Because I think this uncle is over enthusiastic and abnormal.

As I walked, my head flashed and instinctively felt the side bag of my schoolbag. Ah! Why is the side bag empty? Where's my card? Don't I usually put them on this floor? Could it be that... was taken away by him. I suddenly remembered what my mother always told me: "There are many bad people now. Don't trust others too much!"

Yes, he must have taken it! I can almost tell! Suddenly, he was very angry and scolded him secretly. He made me lose my "treasure to fill my stomach" and made me get scolded when I went back.

Unconsciously came to the classroom. It was still early for class, and I was still a bit upset. I began to turn over my schoolbag and felt the messy draft paper in the bag feebly. Suddenly, my finger touched the hard card and looked down. Eh, isn't this the card? Why did I put it on this floor? Did I just put it in the wrong place?

My heart is both ashamed and happy, but more ashamed. It seems that the uncle is really a kind reminder. When he saw that the zipper of my schoolbag had not been pulled, he kindly reminded me, but I mistook him and cursed him secretly. It is clearly that I have lost everything!

I couldn't help laughing bitterly, and my face became very hot. "Sorry, uncle! I misunderstood you!" It seemed that I saw the uncle waving to me on the road.

Composition on the Road (7)

There are many things that moved me in my memory, but when this picture flashed in my mind, I am still very moved.

Every Sunday after math class, I should go to the opposite composition class, but the weather was very bad, the wind was blowing, and the big raindrops were splashing down. The big trees are shaking off. Leaves and pieces of paper were flying all over the sky. But my mother is late to pick me up. What should I do? "Just go by yourself!" I thought to myself.

What happened next moved me very much. When I was crossing the street, I found an uncle beside me. Out of politeness, I asked the uncle, "Uncle, where are you going?" But my uncle didn't seem to hear me. If he didn't answer me, my heart suddenly became angry. I thought: Who is really rude? His quality must be very poor. Later, I found out that I was wrong.

I saw a motorbike coming in the opposite direction at such a high speed that it almost hit me. I was so scared that I stood still and didn't know what to do? The uncle found out and hurriedly pulled my hand back two steps, which saved me, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. I subconsciously said to the uncle, "Thank you! My face "brushed" to the root of my neck. Be ashamed to the ground.

I can't forget this matter until now. Whenever I think of it, I am deeply moved. My uncle's tall image has branded my heart and deeply infected me. I must learn from him.

Composition on the Road (8)

It was Saturday. I took my calligraphy notes to the training center as usual.

There are so many vehicles coming and going at the crossroads that people who want to cross the road are afraid.

I stood by the road, waiting for the bus to pass, but there were one after another. After waiting for a long time, it was hard to wait until the car was temporarily gone. I walked to the middle line, but the car came again.

I stood on the middle line of the road, in a dilemma, unable to move. When these cars have been blocking the road, I began to get impatient. When I saw a little gap, I was ready to rush. Because it was too late for class, I lost my head and prepared to rush. At this time, a car came to me. If it hadn't been for my aunt behind me, I would have been lying in the hospital now.

When the aunt pulled me back to a safe position, she said to me, "Don't be so worried. You see, it was dangerous just now." "Yes," I said. After a while, there were no cars on the road. The aunt patted me gently, meaning that I was allowed to cross the road. I understood. When I got to the opposite side of the road, I said to the aunt, "Thank you!" She replied, "Nothing." Then she turned and walked away. I am very grateful to that aunt.

In fact, there are many such people and things in life, which inadvertently show the love between people around us.

This article, first of all, has simple and natural language, true and specific content, clear narration, and novel and unique title. In addition, at the end of the article, "the love between people is shown carelessly around us" highlights the center.

Composition on the Road (9)

·One Saturday evening, the sky was overcast and drizzling from time to time. Several swallows are playing happily on the road. Suddenly, a big truck roared past. My heart tightened and I couldn't help closing my eyes. I knew that something bad had happened.

·Gradually, the surroundings quieted down. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that a mother Yan had been killed, and her children were still alive! At that moment, I knew that the little swallow was able to survive, in fact, she was protected by her mother's body, so she was "unscathed"; At the same time, I was reminded of my mother's deep love for me.

A small swallow looked around and flew to her mother. It cried quietly first. Seeing that her mother did not respond, he was unwilling to fly to her again. He kept crying sadly: "'Jiji' mother, wake up quickly! Mom! I want my mother...". No matter how he shouted, his mother didn't respond, so the little swallow tried to beat his mother's body with her wings. His mother was still indifferent, but the little swallow didn't give up and tried to drag her to the side of the road, but her mother's "huge" and heavy body made the little swallow less powerful. At this time, he finally knew that his mother had left him forever.

·He was desperate and sad! Xiaojiayan can't help thinking of the scene when he played with his mother; Tears streamed from the corners of his face. But the tragedy has really happened. No matter how hard he can save the lost life, he knows that only by staying strong can his mother go safely!

·In this way, Xiaojiayan reluctantly left her mother and flew away·

·This is a real thing, which has left unforgettable scenes in people's minds.

Composition on the Road (10)

The pool of blood on the road Nanjing Jiangpu Experimental Primary School Class 4 (4) Huang Tian

·On Saturday evening, it was overcast and drizzling from time to time. Several swallows are playing happily on the road. Suddenly, a big truck roared past. My heart tightened and I couldn't help closing my eyes. I know something bad has happened.

·When I opened my eyes - yes, as expected, what faced me was not a live swallow, but a swallow's conductor and bloodstains. I couldn't bear to look at it, so I dug a hole with a stick and prepared to build a "tomb" for the unfortunate little swallow. Just as I was about to put it in the tomb, a dark shadow flashed past my eyes. Looking closely, another swallow may be its companion or family! My outstretched hand came back and looked at them silently.

·The living swallow gently flapped his dead companion with his wings, kept pecking with his mouth, and sometimes cried, as if to say, "Friend, this is the road, it's dangerous, let's play somewhere else..." No matter how hard he tried and how he shouted, the dead swallow was indifferent. Gradually, it finally believed the fact that its companion had died and made a sad cry. Then he used his wings to drag up the dead swallow, as if he wanted to turn it over or take it back to the nest. However, its strength is too small, so it can only reluctantly leave.

·This pool of blood has long been washed away by rain, but every time I pass, I will never forget to look at the tomb and the blood.

Composition on the Road (11)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

It was Saturday. I took my calligraphy notes to the training center as usual.

There are so many vehicles coming and going at the crossroads that people who want to cross the road are afraid.

I stood by the road, waiting for the bus to pass, but there were one after another. After waiting for a long time, it was hard to wait until the car was temporarily gone. I walked to the middle line, but the car came again.

I stood on the middle line of the road, in a dilemma, unable to move. When these cars have been blocking the road, I began to get impatient. When I saw a little gap, I was ready to rush. Because it was too late for class, I lost my head and prepared to rush. At this time, a car came to me. If it hadn't been for my aunt behind me, I would have been lying in the hospital now.

When the aunt pulled me back to a safe position, she said to me, "Don't be so worried. You see, it was dangerous just now." "Yes," I said. After a while, there were no cars on the road. The aunt patted me gently, meaning that I was allowed to cross the road. I understood. When I got to the opposite side of the road, I said to the aunt, "Thank you!" She replied, "Nothing." Then she turned and walked away. I am very grateful to that aunt.

In fact, there are many such people and things in life, which inadvertently show the love between people around us.

Grade 6 of Fucang Primary School in Chaoyang District, Shantou, Guangdong: Chen Yubing

Composition on the Road (12)

On Saturday evening, it was overcast and drizzling from time to time. A few swallows are playing happily in the middle of the road. Suddenly, a big truck roared past. My heart tightened and I couldn't help closing my eyes. I have a hunch that something bad will happen soon

After the truck left, I opened my eyes and saw a cold, wet swallow lying on the ground. Its slightly open mouth seemed to be groaning in pain, its soiled wings kept beating the ground, and its legs kept twitching, but it stopped moving soon. Suddenly, a dark shadow fell from the sky and landed beside the swallow. At first sight, it was the injured swallow's partner. When he saw the swallow motionless, he thought it was asleep, and flapped its wings. His mouth kept chirping, as if to say, "Wake up, friend, it's dangerous here, leave quickly!" No matter what it said, its companion was still indifferent. He was worried about what danger his companion might encounter, so he spread his wings and tried to carry his companion home, but his strength was too weak. He just picked up his companion and slid down again. It can't think of any other way to do it. It can only die with its partner, but it can't do anything about it.

But at that moment, the injured swallow suddenly opened its eyes, "hawed" twice, and then stopped moving. Maybe it was complaining that it was too fond of playing, maybe it was asking its companions to leave quickly and not end up like itself, maybe it was asking them to take good care of their family... At that moment, the swallow nearby cried, and it held the dead swallow tightly, like a family. Suddenly, two swallows flew in. They held the crying swallow tightly and asked it to go home. But it didn't go. The rain was falling more and more, and the two swallows just flew away, but their good friends did not fly away. It flew away late at night, because it was reluctant to part with its partners

Humans! Don't you know that birds have life? They are also like us, but also have kinship. Please extend our hands of love to create a beautiful home for the birds! In this way, the world will become a beautiful world!

Fourth grade: Gong Lijun

Composition on the Road (13)

On Saturday evening, it was overcast and drizzling from time to time, and several swallows were playing happily on the road. Suddenly, a big truck roared past. Standing on the roadside, I couldn't help but close my eyes. I knew that something unfortunate might happen

When I opened my eyes, there were scattered feathers on the ground not far away. A small swallow was lying on the cold road, and the little swallow was still bleeding, which might be seriously injured. At this time, a great Yan flew to the injured little house Yan. Maybe it was his mother. Everyone Yan kindly asked, "What's the matter with you, son? Wake up quickly. Mother is here. Don't frighten me." Seeing that he was motionless, everyone Yan flapped his wings against his body and shouted loudly. Xiaojiayan opened her unlighted eyes and exerted all her strength. She said weakly, "Mom, I'm afraid I'm going to die, and my whole body is suffering." Everyone Yan cried with tears and said loudly, "No, no, Mom is here, and Mom protects you." At this time, Xiaojiayan fainted again, and no longer had the strength to wake up. It was useless for everyone Yan to shout, It knew that the little swallow had left it and stared at it foolishly, but the passers-by on the road did not allow everyone to stay for a long time, so it had to reluctantly fly up, hover in the air, make a few sad moans and fly away.

This scene is really moving. It not only touched me, but also deeply touched every one of us. Cherish life and put safety first.

Composition on the Road (14)

My sister is 13 years old this year. She likes to cut short hair. Her white face is also inlaid with a pair of big watery eyes, and there is a small and exquisite mouth under the eyes. No matter when, she likes to wear a pair of jeans.

My sister's grades are very good, and she loves studying very much.

One night, the world was covered with flying snowflakes, and soon the ground was covered with white quilts. They also embroidered beautiful patterns on the windows. My sister and I are doing our homework at home. Look, my sister is so serious. Suddenly, my sister couldn't do one question, so she went to ask my mother, but my mother was also a bit unable. My sister went to ask the neighbors, but they were not very good at it. My sister was very disappointed. After a while, my sister finished all her homework. Only that question is left. After a while, she said to us, "I went to ask the teacher." As soon as she went out, the relentless snow covered the front. I thought that the snow was so heavy that my sister would not ask tomorrow? After thinking about it, I only heard a "patter", and my sister fell heavily, but she still stood up and continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, I thought: Why can't I be like her?

Composition on the Road (15)

On Sunday, a group of children came out to play football, including: Little Lv Qiang, Yue Yue, Zhang Jianmin.

They were playing on the side of the road. Next to them was a toy shop. There were many people in it. Suddenly, Xiao Wang kicked the ball onto the road. Xiao Bao hurried to pick up the ball. Xiao Hong caught up with Xiao Bao, grabbed him and said, "Watch out for the traffic!" When the car left, Xiao Bao picked up the ball. They knew it was dangerous to play on the road. Then they went to other places with their friends to play.

Today, they had a good time!

Composition on the Road (16)

In our daily study, work or life, we have more or less come into contact with composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from the compressed simple language that we can understand to the developed external language form that has standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a 700 word composition carefully arranged by Xiao Bian on the road. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

My eyes were tired when I was reading at home that day. I opened the window to breathe and prepared to see the scene outside the window. The downstairs is bustling with traffic, which makes people feel that everything is so vibrant, even the white zebra crossing at the intersection is so eye-catching.

The red light at the intersection came on, and vehicles at both ends of the road stopped. Among the passers-by, there was an old woman holding a four or five year old girl's hand and slowly walking on the zebra crossing. Suddenly, the old woman felt unwell, gasped heavily and fell to the ground slowly. The little girl was obviously frightened. She shook her mother-in-law's hand anxiously and shouted something. The pedestrians on the zebra crossing surrounded them with concern to see if they could help. At this time, the green light came on, the vehicles in front did not move, and the vehicles behind tried to honk their horns because they were not clear about the situation. The sound was like a thousand troops trying to kill them.

Seeing this phenomenon, the traffic police uncle on duty at the intersection hurried to the car behind him and shouted, "A wife fainted at the intersection, please understand.". The driver uncles in the car behind all understood that the noisy whistle disappeared, and the road was quiet, and they could hear the whimpering cry of little girls and the words of concern of pedestrians.

"Diddle, Diddle", the sound of an ambulance coming from a distance, must be that a kind-hearted person has called 120 for emergency. But the road was so full that the ambulance could not get close to it! In case of emergency, the traffic police uncle immediately evacuated the vehicle and guided the ambulance to drive to the wife and grandmother through the non motorized lane in the shortest time. The uncle and aunt on the ambulance quickly picked up the wife and grandmother on the car, and took the little girl with them to drive away from the scene. Before long, the congested road traffic was unblocked under the guidance of the traffic police uncle.

All this outside the window was in my eyes, and I was completely moved by the warm scenes. The pedestrians on the road are so friendly, the drivers who are trapped in the car have no complaints, the first-aid doctors have no neglect to heal the wounded and save the dying, and the traffic police uncle who is on duty at the intersection plays a key role. They are like actors in the drama, and they cooperate with each other like the parts in the engine are indispensable. Let me deeply understand that social harmony and fraternity require everyone's common efforts; It also made me realize that even if there is any difficulty, it can be solved as long as everyone works together.

Composition on the Road (17)

There was a "cat" lying on the road, whose body had been mercilessly crushed into a pool of meat mud. From the pool of blood and some remaining fur beside it, it could be seen that this was a cat that had just been run down alive by a cart. I was shocked. It seems that he has just died. No one came to see it. It must be a stray cat. Who would care about a trivial stray cat?

Just as I turned to go to school, a cat suddenly jumped into the middle of the road, vigorously rubbed the cat on the ground with its head, kept touching the cat with its nose, and gently licked the blood on the ground with its tongue, as if hoping that the cat would wake up. It seems that this cat may be a friend or brother of the dead cat. The cat rubbed the cat on the ground while still "whining", as if calling the cat. This call is full of infinite misery and sadness. It's like asking: You were fine just now, why did you become like this in a twinkling of an eye? Who did it? After calling for a long time, it seemed to know that its partner could no longer wake up, and lay aside quietly watching. I still want to continue to see what will happen next, but the class is coming soon, so I can only hurry into the school.

In the afternoon, I swept the floor and walked out of the school. The cat was still lying on the side of the road. The dead cat had been dragged to the side by it. There was some food beside it. Is it for the dead cat? At this time, a cleaner came over and saw the dead cat. He immediately took a broom and dustpan and frowned to sweep the dead cat away. The cat on the side immediately responded, protecting the dead cat and yelling at the cleaner, as if asking him why he was cleaning his partner. The cleaner ignored it and wanted to sweep away the dead cat. The cat immediately jumped up and bit the cleaner's trouser leg, and also scratched the cleaner with its claws. But how can a cat get a man! The cat could only watch its friend being forcibly dumped into the garbage can. At that moment, I felt as if his eyes were glistening with tears... was he deeply blaming himself for not guarding the dead cat, or was he angry with the cleaner? Or are you deeply regretting that you let your companions go to the road to look for food? However, the dead cat could never come back.

The next day, Thursday, I went to school with my schoolbag on my back as usual. When I passed the road, I accidentally looked at the place where the cat died yesterday. Unexpectedly, the cat appeared at the garbage can again yesterday, as if waiting for its companion to jump out of the garbage can. There was some food beside the garbage can... Go back, loving and righteous little creatures, Your partner will never eat with you again.

Later, I could almost see it every time I went to school, either on the road, by the garbage can, or at the school gate

Composition on the Road (18)

A man was carrying a garbage bag with many bottles inside. I said to myself, "That should be a bottle collector." Before I could finish, the man rushed to the middle of the road, stopped a car, and said in Wenzhou, "Old man, what time is it now?". So he ran away.

At this time, I found that the madman ran to a girl, and then said to her: "Today is Friday, my birthday, you go to buy me a cake!" Then I hit the girl's face.

"Neurotic! Shameless!" The girl covered her face and ran away.

The crazy man stood in front of me and danced Latin when he saw that the girl was gone. I thought it was very funny, so he gave him a candy and ran away with a smile.

This is really an interesting maniac!

Composition on the Road (19)

It was a sunny Sunday. My good friend and I went to the Children's Palace. There was a road on the way back. The endless flow of cars makes passers-by nervous. I stood at the zebra crossing and waited for the bus to pass, one by one. It was not easy to have fewer cars. When I walked to the middle, it seemed that there were more cars.

I was standing in the middle of the main road. I didn't know where to go. I was in a dilemma. The vehicles come and go, passing me by, and the strong sunlight is baking me. I can't wait. As soon as I see there are fewer cars, I'm going to rush over. I want to get home quickly and blow the air conditioner. When I was about to rush, a bus came in the face. Suddenly, a pair of powerful hands pulled me back. I looked back in surprise. It was a middle-aged woman with several strands of silver in her dark hair. She said to me kindly, "Little sister, don't be so hasty. Take your time. Look how dangerous it was just now." After a while, the car was getting less and less. The aunt patted me on the shoulder, indicating that I had finally crossed the road. Turning around, she said "Thank you" to the aunt, smiled at me lightly, and then left.

In fact, there are many kind-hearted people like this aunt. We need to find and find.

Composition on the Road (20)

Suddenly, a big bear ran out, with its teeth open and its feet flapping. The ducklings were a little panicked when they saw such a big and strong bear, and they messed up the team. Ginger is still old and spicy! The mother duck was very calm. She let the ducklings run hand in hand. After a long run, they ran out of the big bear's palm. When the ducklings were ready to clap their hands for congratulations, they looked up and said, "Where is this?"? The duckling looked at the mother duck curiously. At a loss, the mother duck said, 'Let's rush to see what is there.' ' Mother Duck took her baby to the road. The drivers were a little surprised to see the ducks, because there were only people and cars on the road. How could there be ducks? Just as he was about to brake to let the duck pass, two genies, one white and one black, suddenly appeared in his heart. Xiaobai asked the driver to stop and let the duck pass first, while Xiaohei asked the driver to crush the duck and take it home to eat. The two elves quarreled endlessly. At last, the driver's just and kind-hearted heart chose Xiaobai. Xiaobai was very happy, and Xiaohei left angrily. Drivers, look at me and look at you. It turns out that all drivers have chosen to be kind and do not regret their choice.

The ducks were surprised to find that the human heart was not bad, but pure and kind. The ducks immediately raised their heads and crossed the road happily. People also sent the ducks home. The ducks are grateful, but people can't understand the duck's performance.