600 words of the most scenic composition (19 articles)
Mature and steady
2023-09-04 03:46:51
Junior high school

The most scenic composition 600 words (1)

In the daily study, work or life, everyone has been exposed to composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind, and think about our future direction. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the most beautiful 600 words landscape composition collected and sorted by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read and collect.

That summer, I came across the scenery. Since then, he has been fixed in my heart, making me believe that as long as there is love, it is the most beautiful scenery.

It was a scorching summer day. The hot sun baked the earth, and the heaven and earth seemed to be a steamer, with few pedestrians on the road. There are a few people who are in a hurry. They probably want to go home at once.

At this moment, an inconspicuous manhole cover was suddenly opened, and a hand emerged from the bottom and waved vigorously. At the same time, there were also a series of mute cries for help. Hearing this voice, many curious pedestrians gathered, but everyone's faces were different: cold, curious, calm... No one was willing to lend a helping hand to help her.

Five minutes, ten minutes, twelve minutes, fifteen minutes... The woman's cry for help gradually faded, and even her outstretched hand gradually slipped - "plop", and she unexpectedly fell into the water again. At this time, some of the onlookers scattered, some called 120, but still no one wanted to get her back.

In a flash, a dark figure pushed the crowd aside and leaned down to the well, shouting: "Do you still have strength? Can you still hold on? Don't be afraid, the ambulance will come soon. Give me your hand, and I'll see if I can pull you up!" Then he kicked on the ground with his left foot and his right foot against the well edge, one hand supporting the well edge, the other hand and half of his body sticking into the well.

Only five minutes later, the woman grabbed the man's arm and was pulled up.

I looked at the man from afar, watching him carefully lift the woman onto the stretcher of the ambulance, and quietly disappeared into the crowd when people were eager to greet her.

I sigh, the man's courage and simplicity. The moment he saved the woman from falling well was forever fixed in my mind. This scenery was far more beautiful than the mountains and rivers, pavilions and pavilions I had ever seen.

It turns out that the most beautiful scenery has always been around us, which is the love between people and the world.

The most scenic composition 600 words (2)

On the first day of school, there was no ordinary traffic jam at the entrance of the primary school. There were more and more cars and people. I threw the car to the roadside, trotted to send my son to school and returned to work. In the face of the current traffic situation, adhering to the principle of "existence is reasonable", we have become accustomed to it without complaints. Dekong drove his car back to the parking lot, perhaps because of his mood. The road less than 200 meters away was full of scenery. The crape myrtle flowers along the way are blooming in the green trees, in clusters and rows, laughing in the sun and dancing in the breeze.

At the corner of the traffic light, a woman in a pink dress, about 1.56 meters tall, was thin and holding a mobile phone in one hand. The body leans to one side because the other hand is holding the wadding. She was walking sideways with a heavy load in the bright sun, but her face was smiling and smiling beautifully. Maybe I just answered my boyfriend's phone? Maybe someone is driving to pick her up? Maybe you heard some good news? In short, on a busy Monday morning, she walked leisurely on the road with a smile on her face. How beautiful!

On the side road at the school gate, a man bent down and looked carefully. His right foot was propped up on the fence and was polishing his shoes. I can't help smiling. Is he going to work? Going on a date? Or just a walk? Forgot to polish your shoes when you went out today? Or is it just to wipe the dirty toe today? In this busy morning, the man who can still stop to polish his shoes must have his calm and elegant heart. Somewhere I saw a sentence: Look at a man's taste, just look at his shoes. This man walking on the road is trying to be a man of taste!

On the non motorized lane, two battery tricycles carry loads. Suddenly, a car behind turned over against the wind, and the driver was pressed under the heavy body. Just as he was about to call people, the driver of a car in front got off and ran to it. Two security guards from the opposite community ran to it. The passing patrol car turned around and the first two also ran to it.

There are many people to help. First lift the heavy tricycle and pull up the driver who is pressed. It's OK. Well, I'm relieved and drive slowly by. Although we have seen so many examples of people who dare not reach out to help us, and we have been struck by coldness again and again, when the tragedy really happens in front of us, the instinctive good is like a stubborn seed emitting vitality and outlining a beautiful world!

The red, white and purple crape myrtle flowers are still happy in the sun, embellishing the scenery on the road, decorating the beautiful life, and witnessing the kindness and pursuit of human beings! The most beautiful scenery.

The most scenic composition 600 words (3)

Some people say that the most beautiful scenery is a scenic spot, while others say that the most beautiful scenery is a tourist resort... But I don't think so. The most beautiful scenery in my eyes is just a scene that makes people jump.

The wind blew down the ginkgo leaves, like a flying butterfly. I was walking slowly on the path in a fretful mood. The cold wind was biting my bones, but I didn't care. The only scene in my mind was the scene just now: my mother's eyebrow was wrinkled into a "Sichuan" character, staring at the bright red 63 points on the test paper, and said sternly: "Why is it that the test is so little? Did I buy you exercises for nothing?" Then she was about to hit me. "Pa!" With a loud sound, a red handprint appeared on my face. I covered my cheek and shouted angrily at her: "You just told me to study, you don't care about me at all!" After roaring, I ran out.

A piece of ginkgo leaf fell on my head, pulling back my thoughts. I walked aimlessly, sighed, sat on the stone bench beside the road, leaned on the backrest, and squinted. Suddenly, a dark bird's nest came into sight. Curiosity prompted me to open my eyes wide and want to see more clearly. I simply stood on the stone bench. But when I saw it clearly, I couldn't help being stunned.

There are two birds in the nest. The mother bird protects one bird against the cold wind. Trembling to put a worm into the mouth of the bird. It seems that the mother bird has been hungry for a long time and is very thin, while the bird in her arms is plump and plump. At this time, she is contentedly eating the worms, tilting her head and falling asleep. The mother bird stroked the bird in her arms with her wings, and her eyes were gentle.

Suddenly, she seemed to find me, protecting the bird behind her, looking alert, but still did not forget to shield the bird. The mother bird in the cold wind looks very thin, which makes people worry about whether she will be blown away by the wind. However, at that moment, her image in my mind was very tall. It reminds me of my mother. She is also so careful to protect me, and would rather be hungry than let me be hungry. I saw the shadow of the mother bird. All kinds of memories played back in front of my eyes like a movie. I couldn't help crying. I wanted to rush home immediately and say "sorry" to my mother.

The most beautiful scenery should be accompanied by the most beautiful person - the figure snuggling up.

The most scenic composition 600 words (4)

In my heart, the most beautiful season is autumn. The summer, which had been noisy for several months, finally passed. Autumn came to people's side with countless moving notes and joyful songs.

Summer is gone, and Miss Qiu comes to the world quietly. Everything changed quietly and inadvertently: the green leaves took off their green clothes and replaced them with coats and red cotton padded jackets.

I like the scene of falling leaves in autumn best. When the breeze blows, the leaves fall slowly, just like butterflies flying all over the sky. Some leaves are heart-shaped, like children's fiery childlike innocence; Some are pentagons, like young people full of creativity; Others are round, like people in old age, whose edges and corners have finally been smoothed by years, and everything seems simple and quiet. And my favorite leaf is maple leaf. The maple leaf wore a red coat, and some even took some, oh! It's like wearing a red and yellow coat. It's beautiful! It was a beautiful scenery in the whole season, like an elegant woman wearing cheongsam in the Republic of China, who came slowly with gentle steps.

Every time the leaves fall, I will run to the bottom of the tree for the first time and quietly wait for the arrival of Uncle Feng. "Huh - huh -" Uncle Feng came with his children, and they used all their strength to "huh -". At that moment, the leaves on the tree slowly fell down, and I stood under the tree and enjoyed the "leaf bath". Only some leaves dressed in red fell from me, and they created a poetic and new "leaf rain". After a while, the leaves stopped, and Uncle Feng and his children left. I looked down, ah! Leaves buried my feet, as if I had become a "fairy in leaves". There are leaves on my feet, head and body. This is a close contact with nature!

Autumn has ripe fruits and cool weather. What I like is the most poetic supporting roles in this season - autumn leaves. Look, the wind is blowing again. They are the most beautiful scenery in my eyes.

The most scenic composition 600 words (5)

Some people say that the most beautiful scenery is a beautiful painting; Some people say that the most beautiful scenery is a gorgeous book. In my opinion, the most beautiful scenery is like this.

My great grandfather is an 87 year old grandfather. He has been paralyzed in bed for 5 years due to the inconvenience of walking. This National Day, my family decided to take my great grandfather and great grandmother to Liyang Tianmu Lake for a one-day tour.

There are many big and small steps on the road. How can my great grandfather climb up when he is in a wheelchair? My father, grandfather and my two uncles decided to work together to lift the wheelchair. It was a hard journey. What's more, my great grandfather had to go to the toilet, but the toilet was on the hill, and the wheelchair could not be lifted. What should I do? Grandfather volunteered and carried his great grandfather to the hill alone.

Beany sweat flowed from grandpa's forehead to his neck, and the heavy gasp became louder and louder. It was not easy to carry grandpa up the hill. Worse things happened. God seemed to test us. When we returned to the cruise ship, a heavy rain fell from the sky. My brother, grandmother and I quickly returned to the ship with our great grandmother, looking anxiously at our great grandfather on the shore.

My father and I saw that they were protecting my great grandfather from the rain as they walked. Although their faces, bodies and feet were all wet, they seemed to care nothing. They could not tell the difference between rain and sweat. Maybe God saw this moving picture and was moved at once. The rain stopped soon, and the whole family began to play happily again. After the rain, Tianmu Lake is more beautiful and moving. The water of the lake is clearer, the green hills are greener, and the great grandparents smile more brightly.

You see, the most beautiful scenery is in the happy smiling faces of great grandparents; The most beautiful scenery is in Grandpa's rough breath; The most beautiful scenery is in the sweat and rain of the whole family

The most scenic composition 600 words (6)

Some people say that life is like a journey. You don't need to care about the destination. What you care about is the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery. That's true. When I open the album and see this photo, I can't help laughing and my mood will become especially good.

It was an autumn weekend with bright sunshine. My classmates and I went to Huishan Forest Park to carry out the activity of "Young Eagle Team Environmental Protection Guard". Although it is autumn, from a distance, Huishan is still verdant with ancient trees, which block the sky and the sun like a green ocean. When the wind blows, it rustles, as if playing symphonies. On the grass, the yellow and green grass has paved the earth with soft cotton blanket, which makes you have to marvel at their vigorous vitality.

The grass is dotted with flowers like brocade, like eyes, like stars, also blinking and blinking. At the foot of the mountain, chrysanthemums are in full bloom, yellow like gold, white like snow, red like fire... They are blooming in a variety of ways, some like girls' fluffy curls, some like grandpa's leading crutches, some like dragons' sharp claws, and some like fountains scattering one after another, one after another, different, dazzling and dazzling. What a beautiful autumn scene!

But a closer look shows that the scenery is not perfect. There are discarded cigarette butts on the ground, paper scraps on the grass, leftover melon peel shells lying on the steps, and even broken plastic bags hanging on the branches... It seems that there are ugly scars left on Huishan's beautiful body, which is really shocking. Seeing this scene, my classmates and I were full of fighting spirit as "little guards of environmental protection" and started quickly.

We picked up the steps along the steps and scanned the garbage around with our eyes like radar. There was a dead corner in the grass, on the steps and among the trees. Soon, the garbage bag we carried was swollen with cigarette butts, peel and paper scraps, and everywhere we went, the garbage was swept away. Although our foreheads are covered with beany sweat, our faces are filled with this happy look; Although our hands were sore and our feet were soft, we chased each other, and from time to time, a string of happy laughter floated out of our mouths. The tourists who went out to climb the mountain at the weekend all looked at us with praise. Some of them were picked up under our influence. With more and more people, the garbage on the ground was less and less, and the beautiful Huishan seemed to become more straight and beautiful.

Climbing and picking up all the way, we were panting and sweating. Looking around, the welcoming pine of Toumao Peak was more beautiful. We stopped under the camphor tree on Ermao Peak to have a rest. It was not easy for us to climb to Huishan Mountain and look far into the distance. It was a beautiful scenery of our hometown, mature, colorful and full of charm. At this moment, all the tiredness of mountaineering and the hard work of picking up are gone with the wind, only proud and happy to have the most beautiful scenery of Huishan. So the students who climbed to the top of the mountain took a group photo to mark the beautiful moment. In the camera, although each appearance is somewhat embarrassed, in my eyes, we are also part of the beautiful scenery of Huishan, and we are the most beautiful scenery!

The most scenic composition 600 words (7)

Qingtian Shimen Cave is located on the right bank of Oujiang River, 35 kilometers northwest of Qingtian County. It is close to the mountain and beside the water, and has a beautiful scenery. It has always been known as "Four Scenic Spots Including Cang" along with Yandang, Tiantai and Xiandu. It is one of the provincial scenic spots in Zhejiang.

Walking on the path paved with stones, I feel particularly comfortable. At this time, it was March, and there were many flowers blooming on the roadside. With this clear stream and fresh air, it's really refreshing!

With a gust of wind, we suddenly heard the sound of "shushushushushushushushua". It must be that we are approaching the Shimen Waterfall. We stepped up to the waterfall. "Ah! What a spectacle!" I couldn't help crying. I saw the waterfall pouring down from a big hole in the sky like a huge dragon roaring, beating out a magnificent "waterfall march", constantly flying down from my eyes, and hanging in the air like a long white cloth.

This reminds me of a poem written by Li Bai: "The Milky Way is flying down three thousand feet, and it seems that the Milky Way is falling nine days!" It is most appropriate to use this poem to describe it. You see, the splashing water is higher and higher, like smoke walking in the valley, which is really amazing and magnificent.

The most dangerous part of Shimen Cave is the suspension bridge. We climbed up the steep stone steps, and soon reached the top of the mountain. We saw a narrow, long and unsteady suspension bridge like a giant dragon in the sky. The suspension bridge is fixed on the cliff by four thick steel wire ropes. The upper two are used as handrails, and the lower two are used to fix the plank as the bridge deck for tourists to pass. The side is a mesh fence made of many white and blue ropes. Looking at the rickety suspension bridge, my heart hung in the air. With my father's demonstration and encouragement, I lifted my light step and walked carefully onto the rickety suspension bridge.

Finally, halfway through the rest room, look at the following: Ah! It's beautiful. The suspension bridge is more than 200 meters high, and the tourists below seem to be as small as puppets. At this time, a train was whistling under the bridge, and the strong sound shook the suspension bridge, which was very exciting; In the distance, the expressway extends to the end of the sky like a white belt. The green Oujiang River is more gentle and beautiful, lying quietly at the foot of the mountain. I held the railing, followed my father, and finally arrived at the opposite bank. The rabbit in my heart calmed down for a long time.

We also visited many scenic spots, such as rock climbing, Buddha Temple, Liu Ji Temple, etc. In particular, Liu Jici Temple is full of incense and Buddhist scriptures. Liu Bowen's beautiful stories attract many scholars. I think what will not change is the scenery of my hometown.

The most scenic composition 600 words (8)

We have seen a lot of scenery, beautiful scenery is deeply impressed in our minds, and general scenery is forgotten by us. There is a most beautiful scenery in my heart. This scenery may not be beautiful to others, but it is the most beautiful scenery to me.

On that day, I went to live in my friend's house. I had a happy afternoon with my friend. In the evening, my friend and I discussed interesting things about our respective schools in bed. When she said, I was laughing, and when I said, she was laughing. The night passed in our laughter.

The next morning, I got up very early. When I got up, I saw my best friend was still immersed in her dream, and her saliva flowed out. I thought she must have dreamed of something delicious. Seeing her sleeping soundly, I didn't wake her up again. I changed my clothes, washed my face, and brushed my teeth, and then went out to buy breakfast.

When I walked out of the door, I found that there was a breakfast shop not far from my secret's house. I walked past and saw an old woman busy there. Suddenly, a hand behind me put on my shoulder. I screamed in horror. My secret smiled slyly behind me, and I asked her: "How do you know I'm here, sloth!" I especially raised my voice, She blushed a little and said, "You must have come out to buy food since you got up so early and were not at home.

”I smiled and asked her, "Do you know that family, "Her mother ran away after she knew that her daughter was seriously ill. Her father worked in other places and would pay home every month. But not long ago, his father died in an accident, leaving her grandmother alone to take care of her and make money, making the already difficult life even more difficult.

”Hearing this, my eyes were a little sore. She pointed to the bed behind the old woman. There was a little girl on the bed. I knew that girl was the grandmother's seriously ill granddaughter. I gave the money to my grandma, who asked me what I needed? I said, "I don't want anything. This money is for you. When I left, I saw my grandmother still busy there, and suddenly found that everything around me was beautiful because of her.

During my stay at my friend's house, I went to my grandma's every day to buy things, and she would also give me more steamed buns when I was not paying attention. Seeing her busy figure, she found that it was the most beautiful scenery.

The most scenic composition 600 words (9)

In the wind, the withered and yellow leaves quietly passed away;

In the scene, dancing leaves escape from sight;

In the scenery, the intoxicating picture has fixed my mind.

——In autumn, mixed with a little cold wind, I walked in the streets. It is late autumn, and the whole city is shrouded in cold. Suddenly, I felt a butterfly flying before my eyes. I looked at it intently! It's just a fallen leaf that has been blown up by the wind. I look along the direction it flies

A Chinese parasol tree, which has experienced many vicissitudes of life, has lost its vitality in summer. The branches are sparsely dotted with a few withered and yellow leaves, which makes it feel a bit precarious. A sense of desolation came into my heart. The sparrows under the tree were very happy, pecking at the fruits under the tree.

A gust of wind blew, and those leaves seemed to be attached, unable to leave, but still unable to get rid of the power of the wind. Tap your toes and fall. The farewell song is the sobbing cold wind. Farewell, right now!

I can't help but feel sorry for them. The leaves decorate the life of the tree, but in the end, they have no choice but to lose their green clothes and go away with the wind. I think they must be unwilling.

The leaves flying in the air are performing the last dance of life. They rotate, fly, swing, or wander. They dance so beautifully, so naturally, and have no sense of sadness. I was completely wrong. The scene of countless fairies dancing in the breeze makes my sadness inappropriate. At this time, a fallen leaf floated to my palm, and I seemed to hear its inner voice.

It said: In fact, he is very happy. Listen to the whispers of swallows in spring and appreciate the competition of flowers in summer. Even in autumn, it is also very happy to offer a dance to the tree when it dies, treasure the beautiful memories in the heart, turn them into red drops under the tree, and nourish the new life of the next year? It whispered in my ear: life without regret, selfless dedication.

Another cold wind rolled up piles of fallen leaves on the ground. Just now everything seemed like a dream, but I understood them. No, it was their heart.

People who work silently in all walks of life, while enjoying life, are also selflessly contributing to the society and spreading hope with hard work. They are dedicated to the development of the country, but do not ask for any return. It is enough for them to devote their lives, finally return to their roots, and sleep on the land of the motherland.

How can those who are as selfish and happy as sparrows realize the wordless beauty?

They are the most beautiful scenery in my heart!

The most scenic composition 600 words (10)

There is no darkness of night, who sprinkles salt on your pain? You want to pull away quietly, but you can't get away

Without tea, who adds a trace of sadness to your life? You want to sneak away, but it's getting worse

Without the bitterness of coffee, who makes you miserable? You want to burn yourself with fire, but there is a ray of sunshine that makes you fascinated

Without the purity of water, who sounded the alarm in your heart? In fact, you are not happy, but you still have to be happy

Without the camouflage of snow, who scratched your heart? You want to be angry, but you have to cover it with a smile

Peace without clouds, who opens your window and breaks into your dream? You are suddenly awakened, but you should accept it calmly.

You think that someone will share your weakness. But child, you are wrong, you are not strong? Show me weakness!

You think others can see through your heartbreak. But child, you are wrong, don't you explain? Who can understand your grievances!

You think that if you smile at others, they will not be depressed. But child, you are wrong, your power is insignificant!

You think you see all the darkness. But child, you are wrong, you have experienced too little, your sky is too small. There is much darkness!

The years are like a long river, and you are just a gravel in the years. At the beginning, you have sharp edges and corners. You are constantly impacted in the years, and gradually you lose yourself and become smooth. You have learned hypocrisy and lost integrity. Some people may become diamonds after being honed, while others will become dust. You will be sad, so why not! You can't express, you can't let people see. So others think you are stupid, think you are stupid! Treat you like a fool. I have to count money for others after being sold.

In fact, there is a scenery behind everyone that no one else can see. This is not stupid, just hope that no one will worry about you, in fact, you are also very tired, but there is no way. You should think of others. Hold the pain and say it's OK. Everyone has his own small world in his heart. It's raining there, but nobody knows. Your idiotic smile, the innocent smiling face turns to be still melancholy... the most beautiful scenery.

The most scenic composition 600 words (11)

Thousands of mountains and rivers, green trees and red flowers embellish the eventful years, which have a long history and are beautiful to embellish the symphony of destiny; The most beautiful scenery is dotted on the magical land of China——

The most beautiful scenery is in the south. The temple disaster baptized the south and put the people in a dilemma. The disaster brought darkness, but also created the most beautiful scenery. At the snow removal scene, the bowls of hot dumplings are the best witness. The dumplings are more like green mountains, but they create a beautiful picture woven by people's hearts; The rippling stream is the stream of love. The most beautiful scenery is here, with green mountains looming and love lingering.

The most beautiful scenery is here - Sichuan. The relentless day began on May 12, the day of endless pain, and the beautiful scenery began to be built. The earthquake collapsed thousands of houses and took away countless lives, while the most beautiful scenery around the world - donation boxes, with tall figures bringing countless flames of love, burned to Sichuan, It burns to China and all over the world. The children also extended a helping hand and sent their pocket money to the place where they cared most. The long dragon team is like the winter sun shining on the merciless snow, and we can all carry the worst disaster together. The most beautiful scenery is here, murmuring and loving

The most beautiful scenery is here - the Olympic Stadium. One by one vigorous figure, one by one Sassou heroic, one by one affectionate cry, one by one warm support. A landscape drawn by a person's heart forms a splash ink landscape painting active on the land of China, which forms the most beautiful landscape in China over the earth. The Olympic spirit shows her beautiful posture in this landscape. The most beautiful scenery is here, with constant shouting and holy Olympics.

There is no end to lovesickness, blood and tears, red beans, spring willows and flowers, and painting buildings. There is no end to seeing where the beautiful scenery is. The most beautiful scenery is on this holy soil. The most beautiful scenery is dotted with China and the world.

The most scenic composition 600 words (12)

Some people say that the scenery is at the magnificent seaside, where there are groups of seagulls; Some people say that the scenery is in an elegant church, where there are pious beliefs; Some people say that the scenery is in a busy shopping mall, where there are beautiful ornaments. And I said, the scenery is in a familiar place, where there are familiar people and things

Familiar schools also have scenery.

"Oh, the Devil has finally run 800 meters. Good! Good!" My friend and I fell under the shade of the tree and gasped. Looking up, the sun shines on the body through the gap between the leaves, scattering mottled broken gold, warm. I smiled, took a leaf to cover my face, closed my eyes quietly, let the breeze blow, and felt very comfortable.

"Lu Tiantian, wait a minute, I'll get you a towel." Before I could answer, my friend stood up and ran to the classroom.

After a while, she came back in a hurry: "Oh, here you are, OK?" She smiled, with crystal beads of sweat still hanging on her face, dripping down her cheeks.

"Well, my dear, you are the best. I love you." I hold her and act coquettish. The sky is like a polished sapphire, or a finely woven blue satin. The blue sky against the green leaves is very beautiful.

The familiar school also has warm scenery.

In the evening, the sunset is hanging on the horizon, and the surrounding clouds are painted with a layer of gold powder, which is particularly beautiful. When I was free, I went downstairs to take a walk in the opposite Shahu Park.

"Oh, Xiao Rui, come for a walk so early?" An aunt who was going to dance the square dance came over and greeted me warmly. "Yes, after finishing all the homework, I came down to have a look. Isn't this Aunt Li? I haven't seen her for a few days, and she looks younger and younger." I replied with a smile.

"Come, Xiao Rui, try your grandpa Zhao's new scented tea. Nah, I'll pour you a cup." grandpa Zhao, who played Tai Chi, smiled heartily and handed me a cup of scented tea. I tasted it, and suddenly, the fragrance of osmanthus lingered in my mouth, unwilling to disperse for a long time. The naughty little yellow osmanthus flowers were spinning in the water, and didn't want to sink. "How delicious!" I exclaimed in surprise. "Good drink? Good drink grandpa will give you a bath next time! Grandpa Zhao's happy face and enjoyment. The sun pulls the skirt corner of his pale yellow dress, gently and slowly, step by step down. Night is coming.

The familiar park also has fragrant scenery.

In fact, the most beautiful scenery has always been there, it is somewhere, quietly waiting for you to find it.

When you find out, you will fully realize that the sky is so blue, the air is so fresh, and the sun is so warm

Familiar places also have scenery

The most scenic composition 600 words (13)

The alarm clock in the morning is "ding ding", another strange day.

Walking towards the familiar lane, the sun walks quietly in the birdsong. The golden footprints like honey will warm the alley, and the clouds are ripples of water, splashing a leaf of cool. One scene, one thing and one dust in the alley remain unchanged. Some people are working hard, and some old people are sitting at the door, pulling home——

People here are like gears in the clock. One more is not enough, and one less is not enough. They are so familiar with everything. The scenery in the alley is also the old scenery I am tired of seeing. The green slate, the decayed wall, and the flashing street lights at the corner are all so familiar. Through this lane, there is the school. Morning reading, class, lunch break, class. Although it is junior high school, it has no vitality at all. Some are just boring and uninteresting.

After school, I lowered my head and walked through the alley. The dim street lights began to flash again. The street was full of cars, sirens, and noise filled the air. Looking at the elongated shadow under the sunset, I thought: another day has passed. Inadvertently, I saw the tender powder in the corner. How soft and beautiful that is!

Get closer and squat down. Look carefully at the blooming wild flowers. It broke through the cement in the corner, relying on its tenacious perseverance, opened the flowers, and opened very angrily, pink petals, yellow stamens. Seen from afar, it looks like the sunset on the ground. In pink, there is golden yellow of life, and in golden yellow of life, there is light blue of expectation for the future. It is like a dream, like a dream, and unspeakable beauty. I thought: The familiar places also have such scenery, why didn't I care about it before?

The grey yellow low wall is so unattractive, but this sunset, I had a beautiful encounter with the familiar scenery.

Familiar places also have different beautiful scenery. As long as we pay close attention, we can find different landscapes.

The most scenic composition 600 words (14)

At the weekend, I finally went home. At the gate, my mother was dazed with a yellowing photo. I walked quietly to my mother and found a child trying to climb a dwarf peach tree in this photo. My mother found it and said to me, "Look, that child is growing taller than that peach tree."

After receiving the photo and gazing at it, the peach blossom was in full bloom. Looking up at the courtyard, the peach tree in the courtyard is still blooming brightly, and this peach flower that I have written countless times appears again in my pen.

The ice and snow slowly melted, and the silent branches did not know when they had small bone flowers and light green. After a few days, a red spot appeared in the middle of the small bone flower, such as rouge on the girl's face. At this time, someone always comes to my home to ask for one or two peach branches to ward off evil spirits for the newborn baby. I always stopped and said, "If you break it, the peach tree will hurt." But my mother still gave two or three branches to others while I was taking a nap.

Recently, there was a light rain, which moistened the earth tenderly. In the morning, I could smell the faint fragrance when I was still in bed. I hurried to the door, and the peach blossoms were in full bloom. Some of them opened enthusiastically, some opened shyly, and some simply stayed in the room, unwilling to extend their heads, but only opened a window symbolically.

It opens light, like the faces of shy girls, slightly red; Every flower tries to open up to accept its guest, the bee; They also opened well. When the breeze blew, wisps of fragrance rushed into my nostrils, instantly making me intoxicated.

My face is as red as flowers, just like my faint yearning for him who is far away. Pick a peach blossom, smooth it, press it on the envelope, and put it in front of my desk quietly. I give my hope to the postman and wait for the flowers to bloom next year. I believe we will meet.

You are the most beautiful scene and sweet feeling of my youth. You understand my attachment and I understand your sincerity. We wait together.

Another rain, a thunderous thunder, the rainstorm from the sky, hit the peach tree fiercely. Its weak branches were bent by the rain, and then stood up again and again, bending again and again, and again and again, regardless of how many peach blossoms were knocked down. It seemed to say, "Be strong." I held an umbrella and buried the returned letter under the tree. After the rain, it grows leaves again in surprise. In early summer, there are several green fruits in the leaves of the trees. In midsummer, I tasted the sweetness of the fruit.

Steal three tender pears and borrow a wisp of plum blossom. I understand that you can only bear sweet fruit if you are willing to bear the peach blossom full of trees. You are the strongest and invincible soul in front of me, a landscape that will never fall.

The most scenic composition 600 words (15)

Chapter 1: Take you to see the most beautiful scenery

I am a small photographer, always looking for the most beautiful scenery. I will observe and photograph every place I go. My album is full of all kinds of photos, but I still haven't found the most beautiful scenery, which is my lifelong pursuit.

When I came to a Gobi desert, the wind whistled in my ears and the broken battle flag on the sand was still standing. At this time, I seemed to hear the horn of the charge, as if I saw the soldiers fighting in battle. Bravely killing the enemy, I calmed down and pressed the shutter. When I saw this picture, I found that although it had a rough and mysterious beauty, But there are few things that can't be said.

I came to the south of the Yangtze River again. The fresh breeze blew me, and the simple and complex stone bridges shocked me. I climbed onto the stone bridges and looked down. The slow flowing water made people feel that the bridge was flowing instead of the water. There are several willows planted on the bank. The long branches of willows stretch into the water, breaking the reflection of the stone bridge, making people feel false and real. I was intoxicated with the tenderness of the water town, and pressed the shutter slowly and quickly, as if my mood was also infected by it. My camera left a beautiful picture of the integration of water and bridge. But I still feel that there is something missing, so I continue to look for the most beautiful scenery.

On the way to find the most beautiful scenery, I found many places, and the photos I took were always missing something. Finally, one morning, I met an old man and asked him. He didn't say anything, turned around, and walked far away. I understood his intention, followed him, and he took me to a desert, By this time, the sun was setting, and the sand was shining with golden light. Looking along his hand, two camels, one big and one small, came into my eyes. They were walking towards the clear spring. After drinking water, two camels, one big and one small, turned around contentedly. The sun reflected their footprints and walked away in the final afterglow, I murmured: "This is the most beautiful scenery

Chapter 2: Take you to see the most beautiful scenery

There are many most beautiful landscapes, perhaps like the tall Taishan Mountain, the majestic Great Wall, the strange Xuzhou gardens, the novel stone arch bridge However, I think that the most beautiful scenery is not like this, but the journey of growth that we have never noticed.

No matter who has to go through the journey of growth. However, in this journey, have you ever noticed the ups and downs in your life? Have you ever noticed your sweat and bitter tears in this journey? In fact, they have been quietly moistening the flowers and bones along the road, so that they slowly open their beautiful petals in time, emitting a refreshing fragrance.

I have heard a story about a painter who was looking for the most beautiful scenery in the world. He has been to the Great Wall of China and Mount Tai; I have been to Notre Dame and the British Museum in Britain; Have been to the Colosseum in Rome; I have seen the pyramids in Egypt However, he didn't think it was the most beautiful scenery he wanted. When time flies and the painter grows old, he still cannot find the most beautiful scenery he wants to find. When he was in his twilight years, he looked back regretfully and found that the most beautiful scenery was actually beside him - in the course of his growth. However, when he wanted to pick up the brush to paint again, he found that he could not pick up the brush.

Let's move forward bravely, without avoiding or fearing. Let's start from here. Don't waste any time. Let's continue to embellish the beautiful scenery in life. At this time, you will find that successful flowers have inadvertently sprouted, blossomed, and produced sweet fruits.

Chapter 3: Take you to see the most beautiful scenery

I began to look for the most beautiful scenery all over the world.

The news is being broadcast on TV - a female college student was knocked down by a car rushing sideways to save others. This is a colorful oil painting, but it is not the most beautiful scenery in my mind.

I got on a bus.

On the bus, people volunteered to give up their seats to passengers with children; Outside the car window, a young man is helping an old man to cross the road. This civilized and natural performance constitutes a plain sketch that is worth tasting, but it is not the most beautiful scenery.

When the bus arrived, I got off and walked on the street.

A group of workers are working hard under the scorching sun for the construction of the city. Their vigorous posture and flying sweat constitute an inspiring abstract picture, but this is not the most beautiful scenery.

When I passed a bookstore, I was sure I saw the most beautiful scenery. It was a simple picture - a mother and daughter just came out of the bookstore. The little girl pulled her mother's clothes and asked questions about the newly bought books curiously. Her mother smiled patiently and explained to the little girl one by one.

The mother and daughter, whether poor or rich, healthy or ill, powerful or powerful or lowly, are the most beautiful scenery - the mother's love for her children is always the most beautiful scenery in the world.

The most scenic composition 600 words (16)

When I got off the plane, I saw white clouds floating leisurely in the blue sky, and the sugarcane forest and towering coconut trees dancing with the brackish sea breeze; What I heard was the crisp sound of the sea breeze rolling the spray against the rocks. With snorkeling equipment, I jumped into the sea: dolphins within reach cruised in the colorful sea, small Nemo fish shuttled among coral reefs, and sea turtles with big grinders were no longer lazy. They paddled their fins lightly and walked gracefully.

Immersed in the beautiful scenery, an unexpected "accident" came. I accidentally fell and hurt my knee and arm, but my mother happened not to be around. The waiter in the hotel sweated and carried me to the infirmary. He was small and I weighed 140 kg. I was probably like a big turtle to him. Doctor Matthew's English in the infirmary has a strong accent, and my English is just simple enough for communication. Just when I was panicking, Snow, the only Chinese waitress in the hotel who was about to go on vacation, arrived. She was almost on the bus to the airport, and came here specially when she knew my situation. I thought it was just a scratch, but when the doctor touched my wrist, it made me sweat. Snow immediately decided to change his ticket and accompany me to the hospital for film examination with Matthew. Registration, waiting for a doctor, taking pictures, dressing up, taking medicine, they both ran around and comforted me from time to time. By the time my mother arrived, I had been taken care of properly. Mother refused to pay Snow for the loss of his signature change; To give Matthew a thank you fee, Matthew was also a strong excuse, and his mother was moved to tears. The next day, the hotel specially made a "Macaron" for me to comfort the little wounded.

The natural scenery of Mauritius, as well as those beautiful people, is the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen!

The most scenic composition 600 words (17)

My mother, who is not tall, has an average appearance and a slightly fat figure. She is in her thirties, and is a primary school Chinese teacher. Like other people, ordinary can't be ordinary anymore. Her only wish is that my sister and I can become adults and live happily every day!

My mother's happiest thing is to cook for my sister and me. She told my sister and I that because of us, she has the motivation to cook. Grandma also told me: "When your mother first married your father, she couldn't do anything, let alone cook. Now look, her cooking skills are almost better than mine..." Grandma smiled, and I followed. Yes, every time my mother holds a hot meal, her face will be filled with a bright smile, and her eyes will be narrowed. The crescent like corner of the mouth is tilted upward, revealing two big white front teeth. The flat face immediately becomes wrinkled, especially cute. She smiled and said to us, "Try it quickly." Our answer was always: delicious, really delicious. Mother was even happier. The meat on her face was crowded together, and she said, "Next time, I will do it for you. By the way, I will take photos!" At this moment, my mother's smile is the most beautiful scenery in my eyes.

Since I entered junior high school, I can only see my parents once a week. I still remember that when I left, my mother didn't come to see me off. She just stood at the window sill and looked at me, waved to me all the time and gave me affirmative and encouraging eyes... I went farther and farther and stole a glance at my mother. She shed tears, and I couldn't help crying. When I came back again, my mother had already waited downstairs and cooked delicious food for me. When I saw my mother, I immediately flew to her side, and we talked about the interesting stories of the school together... At this moment, my mother and I are chatting together, which is the most beautiful scenery.

Mother's smile and love for me are the most beautiful scenery in my eyes.

The most scenic composition 600 words (18)

Autumn is like a colorful oil painting, slowly unfolding in front of me. The colors are so bright and the lines are so smooth. The verve flowing in it makes me intoxicated.

Autumn is not as colorful and fragrant as spring; Nor is it as passionate and lively as summer; It is not like the snow covered and dormant life in winter.

Autumn has devoted all of her to mankind. In the golden season, she is busy spreading "beauty" everywhere.

Look, autumn has come to the fields. The golden rice field is her masterpiece, and the heavy fruit is her gift. Autumn is generous and selfless, but her generosity and selflessness will only be left to those who work hard.

Look, autumn has come to the high sky. Looking up, the sky is so blue. Occasionally, several soft white clouds come, like boats paddling around in the lake. Suddenly, I felt that the sky contained me with her broad mind. At this time, I was immersed in the bed and the sky.

Look, autumn stealthily passes over the earth, and flowers wither, only chrysanthemums proudly open. Although it does not have the fragrance of jasmine, it has a touch of delicious fragrance; Although not as beautiful as roses, they are elegant and pure.

Instead of waiting for other withered petals to fall to the ground, "I would rather hold the branches and wither". Chrysanthemum is praised by poets and appreciated by people all over the world for its noble and virtuous character.

Look, autumn is in the trees again. Maple leaves turn from green to orange red, and the overlapping leaves are undulating and fluttering. From afar, they look like red clouds on the horizon, which are really beautiful; Close up, the swaying and falling maple leaves look like dancers in colorful clouds, which makes people intoxicated and dizzy.

Autumn is fruit, harvest; Autumn is golden chrysanthemum, noble and pure; Autumn is fallen leaves, deep love; Autumn is the frost leaf, bright. What a beautiful oil painting it is!

The most scenic composition 600 words (19)

As beautiful as flowers. Like water flowing through the ages, do not miss the most familiar sky.

Hold one hand against the wall. Observing this moss seal, I felt thoughtful. All the past events that happened under this sky played back in my mind like a movie. Looking up, I can see my mind flying freely. The high wall is sandwiched into a narrow gap, like a "line of sky". When I see "half an acre of clouds", white clouds flow like waves, changing in different ways. The purest and cleanest blue in the sky has taken root, blossomed and sprouted in my little heart when I looked up to China and India countless times.

Time is like water, a quick glance, do not miss the most familiar Fengcheng River.

Walking along the river, close your eyes. The small city uses bridges instead of roads. The crisscross water flows, and the clear sound of water waves rings in your ears. The smell lingering in the nostrils is always slightly fishy. The town is always "slow", quiet and warm. The willow trees near the water are drooping with long hair. Through the willow leaves, I can see several silver like shallow waves. The river reflects the town in the evening, and the sky is as red as light water. In the dense air, a few ancient cruise ships are drifting on the Fengcheng River.

In the past thousands of years, no matter how time flows or how it stops, your Yunshu Yunjuan is still the same as it has been for thousands of years, emitting the taste of pure time.

In fact, many people around us have lost their earthly simplicity for fame, wealth, and status. Why not take a look at the most familiar scenery around you and taste the charm of your hometown. Don't always stay between the two lines of life, put down the burden, and don't miss the most beautiful and familiar scenery around you. May there be a purest sky in everyone's heart.