Explore the Universe (20 required)
Sunshine always comes after the rain
2023-11-07 04:47:01
Grade 6
topic of conversation

Exploring the Universe (1)

Many mysteries of nature are waiting for human exploration. The universe is the greatest mystery of nature. In the boundless universe, we think that the huge earth is as small as a ball in the solar system, and it is not worth mentioning in the Milky Way and the universe. How did such a huge universe come about? According to the current data, the universe probably came into being in a huge explosion. After the big explosion, many black holes were created in the universe, which led to such a huge and complete galaxy as the Milky Way. But is it true? How do black holes come into being? These are to be explored.

Human beings have long had the desire to explore the universe. As early as many years ago in z3oo, Zhuang Zi, a thinker in the Warring States Period of China, romantically dreamed of "riding beside the sun and the moon, taking the universe", to the effect that he would travel around with the universe by relying on the sun and the moon. In remote times, people believed that the earth was the universe. The ancient orientals imagined the universe as a closed box, with the sky on the top and stars hanging all over it; The bottom is the earth, where people live. All this seems a bit funny, but it expresses the desire of ancient people to explore the universe. Many people want to ask that the universe is so big, is there no planet like the earth?

This is a thorny problem, because the universe is too big to find. According to current analysis, there are no planets with life in the solar system except the Earth, and even if there is a living environment, there will be no human beings. If a message is sent from the earth to the universe, it will take more than 100 light years for the stars in the Milky Way to receive it; If you really encounter a living planet, it will take more than 20l light years to come and go, which is too long for human beings. However, science and technology are changing with each passing day. Maybe in a few centuries, mankind will find partners on other planets. Exploring the universe is everyone's wish, and I am also a space fan. I must study hard and make contributions to the future space industry of the world. The vast universe, you contain endless mysteries, waiting for human beings to explore!

Exploring the Universe (2)

On Saturday, after finishing his homework, Xiaodian rushed to the computer, opened the button, and tried to crash into E10 space. Unexpectedly, there were groups of "scorpion devourers" with conical bodies and two long fangs in E10 space. They open their teeth and claws, flash their ferocious eyes, stretch out their bloody tongues, and make horrible screams, which are creepy. Bad, the computer is poisoned.

The little disc, which is known as "computer expert", did not panic. It murmured: "I have seen a lot of small insect poisons, and they will be eliminated with Kabasi!" The little disc immediately started the Kabasi virus antivirus system. But at this time, the computer was like a mist, and a beam of green light flashed out. The scorpion was not killed, but was like a tornado, getting stronger and stronger.

"Those who come are not good, and those who do good will not come." The compact disc is busy using the Bluetooth system, calling anti trojan experts. The expert listened and said awkwardly, "I have never seen it before. Have you ever left the land?" The small disc said, "Yes! I took my computer and biologist to the Pacific Ocean bottom. Was my computer attacked by the secretion of the deep-sea puffer fish?" At this time, the small disc thought of the anti-virus U disk made by the deep-sea biological chain, and he took out a pearl fish scale drug taking U disk, Quickly plug in the computer port and twist the pearl. Suddenly, all the scorpions seem to have disappeared.

While Xiaodie was celebrating, the USB flash drive suddenly made a loud noise, and the pearl turned in the opposite direction. After a purple dust, the scorpions returned to space and made their crazy voice: "Just a human on earth, dare to oppose me, there is no door!"

Butterfly was so angry that a cold sweat ran down her cheeks. But he immediately thought of Jobs, and immediately flew to the Space City as Apple Speed of Light 10 to ask Jobs for advice. Joe told Xiaodie that E10 space is a sterile world, and it must be spotless to travel freely. Only using space chips can prevent scorpion virus. Where can I go to the space chip? When Xiaodie was thinking, he just heard Jobs say to Xiaodie with a smile: "There is a super dragon chip on the third space station of the Chinese Tiangong. Go there and ask for help."

Xiaodie comes back with the dragon chip and sees the computer displaying "Please restart". He thinks: It's good to restart and kill again! " Suddenly, Old Joe appeared in the air: "Don't restart it, the computer will be destroyed!" Fortunately, Old Joe was looking from afar, and the message was immediately transmitted. Butterfly immediately inserted the super dragon chip to control the computer. The scorpion gradually calmed down, turned into smoke, and E10 became spotless.

yeah! The small disc cheered up. It seems that the universe has become a high-tech universe. We are also exploring the universe and creating new miracles and glories.

Exploring the Universe (3)

One day in 87049, I wrote a letter to Galaxy Company. I thought it would sink into the sea. This morning, I saw a strange letter on my desk.

I opened the letter out of curiosity. It said: Dear member, our company allows you to pick up your belongings from April 28 to April 30, and start the "historical exploration tour" from May 1 to May 1, 87051. Great! This is the first time that I have said goodbye to the Milky Way Galaxy and explored the "History Library" since I joined the "Star Exploration" team in 87045.

The "History Library" is a distinctive three-dimensional space. It is located in the "Record Universe" and is controlled by three stars. It can bring everyone into permanent history. People can only escape from it if they are clear headed.

On May 1, 2049, we officially set sail. To everyone's applause, we entered the "Space Dream 2816". On May 27, we passed Mercury, one of the eight planets in the solar system. Mercury has already been full of life, and human beings have migrated to Mercury in batches. Mercury is very suitable for the growth of plants, animals and people. It has forests, flowers and plants one after another

On April 2, 2050, when I arrived at the "History Bank", I made many friends along the way. Duoduosi was my assistant, and Fanna, Kora, Aisi, and Luo Li were partners who joined us in the "History Bank".

On April 3, we entered the "history library". After going through different historical pictures, we have been in the scroll of life, which can automatically record everything. With a loud cry from Aisi and Lori, we rushed there at the speed of lightning. It turned out that she fell into the water, but there was something in the water. She was looking for it in the water, and we felt in the water together. Ah! The roll of life happened unexpectedly when we took it away. The "History Library" shook violently in a moment, as if it was going to fall apart. Thanks to our timely putting back the roll of life, we saved it.

After returning, we told the people of the earth everything we had seen. Everyone praised us for protecting the "history library" and not destroying extraterrestrial life because of selfishness. We should not destroy the homeland of extraterrestrial life because of our own interests.

Exploring the Universe (4)

Today, human development has almost completed all the dreams of the ancients. For modern people, "a thousand miles a day" has already become a reality. Therefore, people jokingly call the earth the global village, but in the vast universe, the earth can not even compare with the village.

Now we know that there are eight planets in the solar system, besides Venus and Mercury, there are satellites in the other six planets. In addition, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all have beautiful rings. Outside the solar system, there are many celestial systems like the solar system in the Milky Way.

According to statistics, there are about 200 billion planets in the Milky Way. These are all what I learned from the book "One Hundred Thousand Mysteries of Universe Exploration You Can't Know".

With the rapid development of science, we have more correct understanding of the universe. However, what we know today is the "tip of the iceberg" of the universe.

We need to learn more about the universe. I recommend that this book includes three chapters: our solar system, overview of the universe and the stars, and human exploration of the universe, which introduce the members of the solar system and the evolution of the universe.

By reading this book, you will have a scientific and new knowledge of the encyclopedia of the universe.

Exploring the Universe (5)

On March 3, 2015, the CCTV News Network reported a sensational news: an astronomical research team led by Professor Wu Xuebing of Peking University and attended by Yi Weimin, an assistant researcher of Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, discovered the most luminous quasar in the universe so far.

When I heard the news, I jumped up from the sofa with excitement.

In the middle of February, I went to Lijiang Gaomeigu Astronomical Observatory of Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, which is more than 3000 meters above sea level, to observe stars, and I got to know Mr. Yi Weimin. Teacher Yi is twenty-seven or eight years old. He is of medium stature, with rectangular narrow rims and black frames. His eyes are relaxed and intelligent. On the day when I first arrived at the observation station, Mr. Yi took me into the big dome machine room to visit the largest 2 in Asia. 4-meter optical astronomical telescope. It was with this telescope that Teacher Yi captured the brightest quasar that shocked the whole world.

In order to let me observe the stars and celestial bodies better, Mr. Yi moved the Newton reflection telescope to the yard of the observation station to help me install and debug it. We talked while working. Many complex problems become easy to understand from his mouth. I asked him, what is a quasar? He said: Objects similar to stars are called quasars. Stars emit light, and quasars also emit light, but the center of quasars is a much heavier black hole than stars. So I asked: black holes are invisible, how can they shine? Teacher Yi went on to say that black holes constantly devour the surrounding light and celestial bodies, and these substances squeeze and rub against each other to produce light brighter than the stars. It's really "talking with you is better than reading for ten years". Teacher Yi has become my idol.

When night falls, the skylight of the dome has been opened. The 4-meter telescope began to work. In the big dome studio, more than ten astronomical researchers sat in front of their computers, with various data and maps flashing on the display. Teacher Yi pointed to a bright spot on the display and said to me, "It's very suspicious here." I didn't expect that this sentence would become an astronomical discovery that shocked the world in less than a month.

Everything was quiet. I took pictures under the starry night sky without realizing that it was midnight. Teacher Yi came to me and said kindly, "Jie Wei, I made the spareribs soup, go, drink some, and get warm." Teacher Yi pulled me into the lounge. Maybe I'm a little hungry, or maybe it's because it's cold outside at minus 10 degrees Celsius, so the ribs soup looks particularly fragrant and warm.

In this way, during the day, I listened to Teacher Yi talking about the universe, quasars, and where the time has gone... I drank the soup made by Teacher Yi at midnight. Gao Meigu's three days and two nights are milky milky way and teacher Yi's wise whispers

In June, Teacher Yi came to the American Consulate in Chengdu to apply for a visa for going abroad, and we met again. I was so excited about the worship and yearning for idols that I couldn't stop talking. Teacher Yi took my hand and listened to my endless nonsense without saying a word. After that, he touched my head with a smile and said, "Come on, grow up quickly. The beautiful stars are waiting for you."

I looked at Teacher Yi, I really didn't know what to say, but I just couldn't stop nodding

Exploring the Universe (6)

The universe is full of unknown, which also makes me curious. The book "Mystery of the Universe" has solved the puzzles for me one by one.

Open the book, the eight planets come in a smile. The gorgeous Saturn, the blue earth, the warm orange Mars, and the sea blue Mercury all show up in front of you, as if you are in the unpredictable, beautiful and magical universe, magnificent and beautiful! "Mystery of the Universe" taught me what is the magnitude of stars. The brightness of stars is also equal; Let me know how the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse were formed, and how the planet was born; Let me be in the galaxy we live in - the Milky Way, spiral. The Milky Way, like a huge wheel embedded in a silver plate, and like shining white ribbons floating in the wind in the dark blue night sky, satisfies my great curiosity and curiosity.

The Mystery of the Universe also introduces the ancient Chinese people's research and understanding of the universe, such as "Huntian Theory" and "Xuanye Theory". "Muddy sky theory" thinks that the sky is like a sphere. The ground we tread on is half of the sphere, and the ground is the other half of the sphere. The sun and stars revolve around it. The ancient West also had its own views, such as "geocentric theory" and "heliocentric theory". The "heliocentric theory" was put forward by Copernicus, which correctly reflects the actual situation of the solar system. It believes that the sun is the center of the universe, the earth, Mercury, etc. all revolve around the sun, and the moon revolves around the sun with the earth.

After reading this book, I felt the power of science. Without science, there would be no civilization. Science comes from generations of people's tireless exploration of nature. They are diligent in thinking, persistent in observing experiments, dare to challenge the authority, and even hesitate to

He sacrificed his life for the truth, for example, Bruno was burned alive in Rome Square to promote the "heliocentric theory". It is precisely because of the scientific understanding of the universe that Galileo, Newton and other mechanical theories came into being, and today's space shuttles, artificial satellites and so on have brought great changes to our lives.

In fact, there is science everywhere in life. For example, why does a mirror let us see ourselves, why can a magnifying glass magnify things, why do plants have various colors, and why is the sky blue? Through learning, observation and thinking, we can find many things that we are accustomed to but unexpected, which will make you full of the fun of discovery. We just learned a lot of science around us in a series of "why" and learned about this magical world.

Exploring the Universe (7)

Compared with the sky, human beings are just a tiny grain of sand. There is neither the vastness nor the height of the sky. But people who do not know how to measure their strength have dared to compare with the sky. The sky is as empty as that, and there is nothing but clouds. But people dare to compete with the sky, because we are eager to fly, above all. This is about aerospace.

"Aerospace" literally means flying in the air. In fact, in ancient times, there were fairy tales of "Cowherd and Weaver Girl", "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" and other fantasies of flying to the sky. Can these only stay in fantasy? No, that's not true. Some people have tried these. In the Ming Dynasty, an official named Wan Hu tied 48 rockets under the chair to achieve the "flying dream". The fire started, and only heard a loud noise. He gave his precious life to the cause of the motherland's aerospace. Now, in memory of the pioneer who created the "Flying Dream" of mankind, we have named a circular mountain on the back of the moon "Wanhu".

In order to better understand the history of China's aerospace, I went to check the information. In tens of thousands of information, I saw the words "Qian Xuesen". I couldn't wait to start reading his story: after the founding of New China in 1949, many overseas Chinese returned to China, the most famous of whom was Qian Xuesen. When Qian Xuesen was in the United States, he heard that New China had been established, and he immediately took his family back to China. However, the Americans tried everything possible to obstruct them. Because Americans believe that wherever Qian Xuesen is placed, he is worth five teachers. It is better to shoot Qian Xuesen than let him leave the United States. At that time, Qian Xuesen had already completed all the formalities for returning home and was preparing to leave Los Angeles two days before. He received a notice from the United States Immigration Service that his family was not allowed to leave Los Angeles. At the same time, the US Customs detained all Qian Xuesen's luggage. He also sent someone to secretly supervise his family and all his actions. This is far from the case. Qian Xuesen was illegally detained by the United States in the future and sent to the detention center of the United States Immigration Administration. After Qian Xuesen was detained for no reason, his teachers and students, as well as some American friends, all wanted to rescue Qian Xuesen and let him return home.

But this is of no use. The United States has not reduced the persecution of Qian Xuesen, but has increased it. Qian Xuesen's actions were restricted and monitored everywhere. He was not allowed to leave Los Angeles, and he had to be questioned regularly. In this way, Qian Xuesen lost his freedom for five years.

However, these did not stop Qian Xuesen from returning to China, but made his true love for his motherland even fiercer. He missed New China day and night. He persisted in the struggle. Finally, in September 1955, Qian Xuesen, his wife and their children boarded a cruise ship to return home, left Los Angeles, and headed for the motherland in the east.

When Qian Xuesen returned to his motherland, he did not stop studying the aerospace industry. Their research has made China's space industry no longer stay in the sky, but in the universe. Finally, in 1970, China's first man-made satellite was launched into the sky.

Don't be too happy too soon. Although our satellite has been launched into space, the future space industry will not be so smooth. The launch of Changkong 1 failed in 1973; In 1974, the launch of Changkong-1 again failed, and the launch of the recoverable satellite failed; In 1976, Changkong 1 was launched again, but it failed; In 1984, the launch of Dongfanghong 2 communication experimental satellite failed... There are many cases, and China has paid a huge price for this.

Finally, through the continuous efforts of scientists. On October 15, 2003, China's eternal dream of flying into space came true, because on that day, the first manned spaceship Shenzhou 5, which the Chinese people had been waiting for for a long time, was successfully launched and returned safely. It broke the monopoly pattern of the United States, the Soviet Union and Russia in this field for many years and became the third country in the world to independently develop and launch manned spacecraft, which played a huge role in promoting the development of the world's manned space industry and rejuvenating China.

But human beings are not proud yet, and they are still making unremitting efforts. "Kung Fu pays off"! Success is slowly approaching like us. In October 2005, China successfully launched the second manned spacecraft - "Shenzhou 6"; In September 2008, the manned spaceship "Shenzhou 7" was successfully launched, and "Shenzhou 7" realized its disembarkation; In September 2011, China's first target aircraft, Tiangong 1, was successfully launched; In November 2011, the "Shenzhou 8" unmanned spacecraft was launched, and it also made space rendezvous and docking with the "Tiangong 1" target aircraft; In June 2012, the "Shenzhou 9" spacecraft was launched and the manned automatic rendezvous and docking with "Tiangong 1" was implemented.

In the future, our country's space industry will develop into conquering Mars and the moon, exploring the mysteries of the universe, going to the moon for weekends, and establishing space garbage collection stations

Now we not only dare to compete with the sky, but also dare to board the planet, explore the universe, travel in space... The universe is mysterious to us, so we must continue to explore the universe!

Exploring the Universe (8)

Today, human development has almost completed all the dreams of the ancients. For modern people, "a thousand miles a day" has already become a reality. Therefore, people jokingly call the earth the global village, but in the vast universe, the earth can not even compare with the village.

Now we know that there are eight planets in the solar system, besides Venus and Mercury, there are satellites in the other six planets. In addition, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all have beautiful rings. Outside the solar system, there are many celestial systems like the solar system in the Milky Way.

According to statistics, there are about 200 billion planets in the Milky Way. These are all what I learned from the book "One Hundred Thousand Mysteries of Universe Exploration You Can't Know".

The rapid development of science has enabled us to have a more correct understanding of the universe. However, what we know about the universe today is the "tip of the iceberg" of the universe

We need to learn more about the universe. I recommend that this book includes three chapters: our solar system, overview of the universe and the stars, and human exploration of the universe, which introduce the members of the solar system and the evolution of the universe.

By reading this book, you will have a scientific and new knowledge of the encyclopedia of the universe.

Cao Xilin, Grade 4, Xiangyi School, Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan

Exploring the Universe (9)

Everyone will have his own dream, even if it can't be realized, there will always be a beautiful imagination.

In science class, after the unit of "universe", I found that "going to the universe to explore" was getting deeper and deeper in my heart. In the science class, we learned a lot of experiments: regular changes in the phase of the moon, magic lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, mysterious craters... These have always attracted me.

Before I knew about the universe, I thought that the biggest planet was the earth, and later I learned that it was the sun; Before I knew about the universe, I thought that the biggest thing in the world was the sky. Later I learned that it was the universe; Before I knew about the universe, I thought that "one hundred million light years" was a unit of time. Later I learned that it was a unit to measure the length of the universe.

The universe is boundless, and there are hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way alone. I really want to explore the universe, explore the bottomless black hole, understand how it formed, will it disappear like other stars? Explore the hot sun, why does it glow? Explore the bright Polaris. Why is it brighter than other stars? Explore the self destructing and self generating stars. Why do they expand and contract rhythmically? Explore the vibrant universe and see what is on its edge. Will it also expand?

There are still many unsolved mysteries in the universe that attract me, making me want to explore the universe more and more.

To explore the universe, this may always be just a dream, but it has deeply rooted in my heart

Grade 6: Xiaoyi sama

Exploring the Universe (10)

At night, looking at the stars in the sky always makes me have unlimited reverie. I can't help but think of this magical universe. Many problems are surrounded in my mind, but these problems are all solved in the book "Exploration of Cosmic Mysteries".

This book mainly explains the mysterious mysteries of the universe, as well as the great contributions made by unknown scientists. The birth of the universe, ancient people's sense of the universe, colorful stars, and so on, all these problems are shown in this book. Those mysterious, profound and hidden secrets are revealed in this book. Mystery Exploration of the Universe - my enlightenment book, which vividly shows the unique charm of the universe and makes people feel as if they are on the spot. It has a lot of knowledge about astronomy, which adds a beautiful scenery to our vast books. And this book not only expands our knowledge, but also improves our thinking ability.

I like this universe very much. It is very mysterious and huge, but what is more broad is the mind of those scientists and their unremitting and never say die spirit of exploration. This is what we should learn. What we are learning now is the attitude of persistence. Doing homework carelessly, watching TV and playing computer are all my bad habits. Only by having the spirit of perseverance and perseverance can I succeed.

At the same time, I understand the importance of extracurricular reading materials. In this book, there is not only a lot of knowledge that can be used in life, but also in learning, which makes my knowledge more extensive. Similarly, those mysteries in the universe make me confident for my own ideal, just like my name, My dream is to become an astronomer. I believe that when I grow up, I will become an excellent astronomer and make contributions to the motherland!

Exploring the Universe (11)

The vastness of the universe speechless exudes its mystery, everything is so quiet, so beautiful, but also so terrible.

In time, the stars we can see every night are all planets from the depths of the universe, and the light from the stars. Some of them have gone through the baptism of hundreds of millions of years to send light to our earth, while others have gone through tens of billions of years to send light to the earth. Some of them have exploded, but because their light continues to spread, they can still be seen on our earth. This seems very normal, but when you think about it carefully, you are terrified. Does this mean that human beings will never see the real outer space?

In fact, we humans can not only see the real outer space, but also never know. In addition to the earth, which planet has the existence of life. So what has been announced so far is that the only living thing in the known universe is the Earth.

But in my opinion, all the stars in the universe add up to more sand than the earth. There are more than 100000 livable stars in the Milky Way alone, not to mention? Only in the observable universe are galaxies like the Milky Way. There are hundreds of thousands more. Therefore, there must be creatures that are much stronger and taller than us, because according to the observation of the Hubble telescope, the universe has at least 20 billion years of history, while the solar system has only 4 billion years of history. In those galaxies that are older than the solar system, there must have been advanced creatures long ago, whose wisdom may not be comparable to today's, Perhaps in their understanding, the speed of light is only the most common speed in the universe.

Maybe they are looking at us in a corner of the universe, watching our human arrogance, and they will certainly snicker

Exploring the Universe (12)

In 2050, the "Discovery 1" flying saucer of the t people transmitted a "Voice of t" to the earth, which contains more than 40 pictures in more than 70 languages, and conveys the t people's good wishes for peace and alliance with the earth people. After receiving it, Ike Merson, the world's chief scientist, urgently convened an important world conference, which was attended by leaders of all countries and representatives of scientists. After careful consideration, I decided to visit this friend from the universe.

Scientists spent 10 years elaborately building the world's top ship, the Discovery. This space ship built by scientists with hard work will have strong combat effectiveness and sustainable operation. Its energy is just a high storage battery. Its crew comes from elites of all countries in the world, and its captain is Lan Osman, the extraterrestrial contact specialist.

With the good wish of people all over the world to ally with extraterrestrial creatures, "Discovery" sailed to the depths of the universe, searched the vast universe for star t, and finally found it. "Exploration" landed on t star, and found that t star, like the earth, is also a beautiful planet, even bigger and better than the earth. Orlo, the ball leader of T star, immediately expressed his wish for peace to the Earth Messenger and hoped to establish a long-term friendly relationship with the Earth. Commissioner Lan Osman agreed to the alliance request of T star and became an alliance partner. Scientists from the two stars have jointly built a cosmic tunnel connecting the two spheres. Earthlings and people from T star have mutually benefited and established a good alliance.

The future world that exists in imagination has finally become a reality.

Grade 6: Liu Yunfei

Exploring the Universe (13)

Everyone will have their own dreams, even if they can't realize them, they will always have a good imagination.

In science class, after the unit of "universe", I found that "going to the universe to explore" was getting deeper and deeper in my heart. In the science class, we learned a lot of experiments: regular changes in the phase of the moon, magic lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, mysterious craters... These have always attracted me.

Before I knew about the universe, I thought that the biggest planet was the earth, and later I learned that it was the sun; Before I knew about the universe, I thought that the biggest thing in the world was the sky. Later I learned that it was the universe; Before I knew about the universe, I thought that "one hundred million light years" was a unit of time. Later I learned that it was a unit to measure the length of the universe.

The universe is boundless, and there are hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way alone. I really want to explore the universe, explore the bottomless black hole, understand how it formed, will it disappear like other stars? Explore the hot sun, why does it glow? Explore the bright Polaris. Why is it brighter than other stars? Explore the self destructing and self generating stars. Why do they expand and contract rhythmically? Explore the vibrant universe and see what is on its edge. Will it also expand?

There are still many unsolved mysteries in the universe that attract me, making me want to explore the universe more and more.

To explore the universe, this may always be just a dream, but it has deeply rooted in my heart

Grade 6: Xiaoyi sama

Exploring the Universe (14)

During the Spring Festival, my parents and I drove to the No. 9 Space Exploration Center in Songzi, Jingzhou.

"Wow, what a big venue!" I couldn't help sighing. The whole venue is divided into two floors. The first floor is the astronaut training area, which mainly simulates the scene of astronaut training and mission execution in space. The second layer is divided into four regions, namely deep space region, Mars region, moon base and the origin of the universe. The deep space area is mainly about what may exist outside the solar system. The Mars region is mainly about the possibility that humans will build bases on Mars in the future

I first experienced a fun project - underwater weightlessness. It is to change into a diving suit and go down to the place 3 meters underwater. Although I am full of expectations for this project, I still have some fear in my heart. I still pretend to be strong. The coach asked me to change into my diving suit, help me install the oxygen device, and began to demonstrate the operation essentials. Everything was ready. I tried to start the operation. My mouth firmly bit the ventilation valve, and slowly tried to sink into the water to adapt. At the beginning, because my nose always couldn't help breathing, I drank several mouthfuls of water in succession, and I was afraid and rushed out of the water. I thought to myself: Forget it, I still don't want to experience it. On second thought: No, I can't just flinch. That's too much! It's like riding a roller coaster. I didn't dare to do it, but I didn't think it would be so terrible after trying bravely. I regained my courage and finally entered the water smoothly under the guidance of the coach. After entering the water, I swam like a small fish, especially comfortable. The coach began to teach me some actions of playing bubbles in the water, that is, to knock down the bubbles with your hands, then clench your fists with both hands, quickly pull them away from both sides, and there will be many small circles of bubbles. I followed the steps, but I couldn't do it well when I pulled it to both sides. After the coach's patient guidance and adjustment, I practiced repeatedly and finally completed. I also learned underwater backward somersault and other underwater movements. The experience time soon ended. I returned to the pool happily, changed my clothes, and began to experience the Mars Exploration Vehicle, Shenzhou V return capsule and other projects eagerly.

This time when I came to the Space Exploration Center on the 9th, I gained a lot and saw the strength of the motherland. I hope to become a member of China's space exploration in the future.

Exploring the Universe (15)

The sky is endless. In the daytime, the sky looks empty at a glance, which is probably the reason why "sky" gets its name.

However, it is amazing that on a cool summer night, when looking up at the deep night sky, it is full of stars, and it is really "the sky is not empty".

It is said that thousands of years ago, there was a Jade Emperor in the sky. He not only controls the heavenly troops and generals, but also holds the destiny of the world. If the Jade Emperor is furious, there will be disasters, chaos and famine years in the world. If the Jade Emperor is happy, the world will have good weather and live and work in peace and contentment.

This is of course a myth, an imagination that people cannot understand the sky. In fact, now human beings have been able to understand what is in the sky. When night falls, you can see countless small stars twinkling in the quiet night sky. In fact, most of these small stars are much larger than the earth. Because they are too far away from the earth, they look very small. Those little stars are mostly stars. Each star is a fiery sun, and the turbulent heat waves constantly spit out from these fireballs and shoot into the vast space. The distance between those stars is also very long. Even if a spaceship can fly 16.7 kilometers per second, it usually takes tens of thousands of years to travel from this star to that star.

Is that all in the sky? No, there are still many. In the vast space, more than 10 million stars form a Milky Way. When the Milky Way is mentioned, people will habitually associate it with Tianhe, the mythical story of Cowherd and Weaver Girl. This mythical story says that the cowherd on the ground and the weaver girl in the sky have established a happy family and live a life of farming men and weaving women on their own due to their tacit agreement. But the Queen Mother didn't allow it, so she took the Weaver Maid back to heaven. The cowherd chased closely. The Queen Mother pulled out her hair and stroked behind her. Suddenly, a wide and big Milky Way appeared, which separated the passionate cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Where do you know that this Tianhe River is woven by more than ten million stars!

There are thousands of star systems like the Milky Way in the universe. These star systems all have more than 10 million stars.

In the era of "staying at home", human beings can calculate the situation in the sky. Today, the manned spacecraft has successfully landed on the moon. In the future, more secrets of the universe will be revealed and the process of human conquest of the universe will be accelerated.

Exploring the Universe (16)

From 7:00 to 8:00 in the evening, my mother and I were not very busy, so my mother took me out to throw garbage and take me for a walk in the nearby park to breathe fresh air.

Every time I take a walk, I can't help but look up at the dark blue sky. There were several pieces of silver scattered in the sky that night, emitting silver light. It's so soft.

I can't figure out why the moon and stars shine? In the book I read, there is a page that clearly records that the stars are stones in space, and the moon is a planet without any living things. This makes me more confused.

I asked my mother, but she didn't know, but she reminded me to check Baidu. I immediately ran to the computer and quickly turned on the computer.

Baidu gave me the answer: it turns out that the moon does not shine. We saw the light. It is the moon that reflects the light of the sun. Because the atmosphere on the moon is very thin, almost no, so the sunlight shines on the moon, part is reflected, part is absorbed, so we can see the light of the moon. Generally speaking, blinking stars and planets are exposed to more airflow. Including the earth's and its own, it also reflects sunlight. Some stars do not blink, they are light sources.

When I grow up, I will definitely explore the mysterious space and become an astronomer.

Exploring the Universe (17)

Humans, nature, dinosaurs, UFOs, aliens... These are the mysteries of the vast universe. They are really mysterious and unimaginable. Mysteries are puzzling mankind, waiting for mankind to explore and solve them. As an astronaut, I have an unshirkable responsibility to understand the mysteries of the universe.

The first stop is going to the moon. I boarded the spaceship. At that moment, I felt nervous and excited, because it was my first time to perform a mission alone. My palms are sweaty and trembling, but I try my best to restrain myself from being seen by others, otherwise I will lose face! Shh! Listen! "10, 9, 8, 7..." The countdown began. My heart seemed to jump out, and the rocket was launched with the sound of "Boom!". About 10 minutes after the launch of the rocket, my spaceship spewed out several brilliant flames, forming a perfect arc, leaving the rocket and disappearing into the sky. I held my breath and felt a strong sense of weightlessness. I was relieved when I heard the voice broadcast that everything was normal. I looked out of the small window, ah! The dense stars were right in front of me. Under the dark background, they radiated dazzling light, as if saying to me, "Welcome to outer space!" When the spacecraft reached the lunar orbit, I pulled down the operating rod and landed on the surface of the moon. Get off the spaceship! It's no exaggeration to say that I can't see my fingers. I quickly turned on my flashlight and looked around. I found that there was no "Guanghan Palace" or "Jade Rabbit" at all. Finally, I proudly wrote down the conclusion that the light of the moon was not emitted by itself, but reflected by the sun, so we saw that the moon was warm and bright on the earth. Although I was a little disappointed, I found many craters. After surveying, I came to the conclusion that these craters were caused by meteorites hitting the moon. Some of them were only 6 to 15 meters in diameter. Not far from the spaceship, some tracks were found, which seemed to be left by a tank. It seems that there must have been creatures from other planets visiting here.

The second stop is the journey of black holes. I came to the edge of the Milky Way and found a black circle in the center. When I came closer, I knew it was a black hole. Black holes can disrupt the orbits of stars, making them unstable. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in the middle of the black hole, which was so bright that I hurriedly covered my eyes with my hands and looked from between my fingers. It was a lightning like electron stream! Eh? This is strange. Black holes can even swallow light. Why can electron streams escape? With this doubt, I carried out my research, and finally understood that, it turns out that a particle pair in a particle becomes its antiparticle under the gravity of the black hole, and its partner leaves from the vicinity of the black hole, so it looks like the black hole is emitting light from a distance!

The exploration of the universe is really meaningful! It really fascinates me! Let me know in advance. My next goal is to find a white hole!

Exploring the Universe (18)

Yesterday, I gave the drawing of the advanced spaceship "Butterfly Flying" to the spaceship manufacturing company, and asked the company to help me manufacture it. Today is the last day of 2999. In the morning, I received a phone call from the spaceship manufacturing company. He told me that the spaceship was finished. I took the bamboo dragonfly with me and arrived at the spaceship manufacturing company in a few seconds. I shrunk the spaceship away with the shrink light. My bodyguard, Lili, a highly intelligent robot, and I decided to set sail at 1 a.m. in the year 3000. "Everything is ready!

”Lili reports to me. "Start the spaceship!

”I ordered. The spaceship started, flew higher and higher, and soon burst out of the atmosphere, leaving the earth's attraction. I was unlucky. I met a meteor shower as soon as I got out of the door. ha-ha!

Don't be afraid. The spaceship is made of the highest grade metal. Even the windows have the functions of protection and internal heat!

To tell you a secret, the spaceship has the function of storing things. After a while, Lili immediately pressed the incoming celestial button to collect the meteors. Our spaceship soon reached the moon. The sky of the moon is dark, but the surface is covered with bright sunshine. The moon is full of dust, rocks and craters. There is no water and no life. It can be said that the moon is a desert. I opened the searcher and found several artificial satellites. After checking, it turned out that there were several backward "old guys". Fortunately, Lili took out the translator from the random bag and read the data. The harvest is not small. The most attractive thing is that there are creatures on the moon!

In order to further clarify the problem, Lili and I went to the moon by spaceship. After a while of darkness, a light came to me. "Ah!

Water and living things!

”I cried out in surprise. But how to put them on the surface of the moon? It suddenly occurred to me that the celestial body auto changer. Lili and I were so happy that we lost our position. The celestial body auto changer immediately "administered drugs to patients". Soon, the creatures on the moon disappeared. When we went to the surface of the moon, the moon was as beautiful as the earth - bright sunshine, fresh air, sufficient water, green forests, lovely animals, and so on. What makes me more happy is that two out of nine people on the earth can live on the moon!

We reluctantly bid farewell to the moon and continue to change other desert planets——

Exploring the Universe (19)

Everyone has his own ideal and hopes it can come true, and I am no exception. My ideal is to be an astronaut when I grow up and explore the wonders and mysteries of the universe.

Yuri Gagarin, on April 12, 1961, went into space by the Soviet Dongfang-1 spaceship, representing the first time that human beings entered space. How I want to ask him: What is the universe like? Is it beautiful there? What is the feeling after leaving the cabin Since childhood, I have been curious about the wonderful universe. Every night, looking at the bright moon in the sky and the countless bright stars, I wonder what the universe is like? It must be beautiful! I had a dream. I dreamed that I became an astronaut, put on my spacesuit, sat on the spaceship, and flew into space. When I walked in space, there was silence around me. Twinkling stars twinkled before my eyes. They were like thousands of lights, lighting up the space. How beautiful! I am intoxicated. In this charming space, I let myself fly

To become an astronautic person, this ideal is not something you can do if you want to do it. It requires your own efforts. Therefore, I am working hard every day: listen carefully in class, learn extra-curricular knowledge, read more books, and step by step toward the ideal.

Although my dream is a little difficult, as long as I believe that stones will blossom, I believe that miracles will occur. I firmly believe that as long as I have been working hard and studying. I can definitely realize my dream, become an excellent astronaut, fly into space, and achieve my dream.

Exploring the Universe (20)

The universe is so beautiful and mysterious. We don't know much about the universe, so I want to invent a robot that can replace astronauts; It can also take the place of astronomers to observe the secrets of the universe.

This space exploration robot can take pictures of the wonders of Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and other planets. If it finds a new star, it will be transmitted to TV via satellite.

Robots are made of high-tech materials. Because the temperature on each planet is different, it must be resistant to cold, heat and corrosion

How can we explore the mysteries of the universe without a camera? Therefore, cameras are indispensable. This camera is designed as a robot's eye. But the detector is in the vast universe. Except for the blazing sun, other places are dark, so there must be a micro strong light to explore and illuminate.

But there is no electricity, and the exploration robot is going to "strike". I installed a generator and a propeller in its belly. As soon as the propeller rotates, it generates electricity, so that the robot can work non-stop.

There is a small fan on the foot of the exploration robot. With a small fan, exploration robots can come and go freely in the universe; If it returns to the earth, these two small fans will automatically retract into their feet.

With the space exploration robot, we can see the beauty of the universe without going out of the house. Thanks to the space exploration robot!