Primary School Campus Memories (8 practical articles)
The most beautiful trace is called memory
2024-03-10 07:05:00
primary school

Primary School Campus Memory (1)

The new school is bold and fearless.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I am a primary school student. I just graduated from preschool and went to primary school with honor.

I'm only five and a half years old, and I should have to wait six months for this age. However, my mother's aggressive pen flicked, and two words six years old appeared in the age column.

So I went to primary school in such a muddle headed way.

The first friend I know is Zhu Fanqian, who is now known as Zhu Laocan. As for how I met her, I can't remember clearly. I only know that she and I and Deng Wei are the best friends.

In the first lesson, our head teacher, Miss Liang Yuehua, got to know us first and began to teach Pinyin. In four tones, Miss Liang explained one by one: "It's the flat road, the uphill road, the uphill road, the downhill road, and the uphill road. We all learned very carefully. I remember the first nursery rhyme we learned. It's like this: Little rabbits jump gently, little dogs run slowly, If it hurts to step on grass, I won't be nice to you. At that time, it was still phonetic!

Teacher Shi, who taught us mathematics, is a very childlike teacher. He didn't have much feeling in the past, but now he feels it in retrospect. The first math lesson taught us to count, and everyone enjoyed it.

Next, I will show that my new calf is not afraid of tigers.

I don't understand why those annoying guys in the class stare at us like flies every day. We refer to me and my other friend, Cao Tianqi.

At first, I ignored them, but later, I fought bravely with Xiao Cao: with my right hand, then my left hand, then my right hand I named this stunt Big Wheel. (The left and right hand wheels are very similar, don't believe it? You can try it if you have a chance.) Although Xiao Cao and I have a good cooperation, those flies still don't repent. They can't continue!

Time passed quickly, and we immediately ushered in the first exam. The first time, it was hard to avoid some nervousness. However, I still won the historic first exam with more than 90 points, although I only went to preschool for one year.

What a wonderful life on campus!

Primary School Campus Memory (2)

In my heart, our campus is the most beautiful.

The towering trees with luxuriant branches set off a simple three storey building that is our teaching building. The building is not high, but it shows lofty momentum. The long corridor has classrooms on one side and railings on the other. During recess, we always like to lean on the railing and watch the clouds in the sky and the people on the playground.

Through the thick leaves, the sky we see is always so blue, so clear. But our eyes are more focused on the playground.

In fact, the playground is not big, but the planning is very reasonable. At the center is a basketball court. Our school has a large number of students who like playing basketball. After class, the basketball court is always crowded with people. They are so involved in dribbling, shooting and steals. You compete with me, and they are very busy. However, the basketball court is mainly for male students, while female students are mostly concentrated in the open space beside the court.

Girls' games are always varied. On the left, five or six students are throwing sandbags. Draw a line in the middle, and people on both sides will begin to fight with each other. With a whoosh, the sandbags flew past quickly, and the girl opposite flashed quickly, missed! Immediately, he bent down to pick up the sandbags and threw them back forcefully. It was very intense. On the right, there are girls in our class. They are skipping rubber band and rope. The place where the rubber band jumps is very lively. Everyone yells and cries, and the rubber band rises higher and higher. The rope jumper is Xiao Li. She can jump fast and well, and can also change various patterns. Single leg jump, back jump and cross jump are really dazzling. In the middle, several elder sisters were kicking the shuttlecock. The shuttlecock flew up and down like a light butterfly dancing.

In the distance, there is a table tennis table, surrounded by a large number of people. On both sides of the table, a man and a woman are playing. The boys tried hard to smash, while the girls calmly pushed left and right blocks, and grabbed the other side's carelessness. One hung lightly, and easily scored a point. The onlookers applauded, applauded and stamped their feet.

There are also some special students who are squatting in a corner of the playground, writing and drawing on the ground with branches, and communicating with each other from time to time. It turns out that they are talking about problems. They really love learning!

The whole campus is full of laughter and laughter. Both boys and girls have their favorite games or activities. At this moment, the intense study is put aside for the time being, and we are enjoying the fun of childhood without worry.

Suddenly, the class bell rang, and the students quickly ran back to their respective classrooms. This class is exactly the Chinese class I like Well, I'm ready to listen!

In class, it is a pleasure to learn knowledge; Outside the classroom, it is fun to play. Campus is the source of my happiness, just like home, is the warm place.

On campus, I study and I am happy!

Recalling Campus Composition 5: Campus Memory

The south wind blows gently again. The campus is lush with green grass and flowers. How beautiful, my lovely campus. But now. I have to say goodbye to her because I need to move forward!

Look, the lush phoenix tree is swaying its twisted branches and murmuring to itself. What a familiar scene! I remember how many times we sat around her in the thick shade, discussing the great shore of aspen striving for the upper reaches, expressing a number of celebrities, and looking at the passion of today, we spontaneously released the doves in our hearts

Look up. Our classroom, at the moment, is quietly meditating on the west end of the sixth floor. It seems that she is more like an old man with a lot of experience, thinking about a certain philosophy of life. I remember how many times, the warm winter sun sneaked into the window, reflecting the attentive expression of the students when they were listening to the teacher's explanation in simple terms

Wandering around the grassy playground, bursts of laughter inadvertently invaded my eardrum. Oh, it was the first grade boys and girls who were playing and chasing in the sunset. They were enjoying the free and happy time after school. Don't I also have this beautiful memory? I remember that tug of war competition, I was still too hard and my feet were in the air. At that time, I was so embarrassed, but the concerned words and actions of my classmates swept away my shyness

The campus has left my beautiful memories everywhere. Yes, you taught me to overcome one difficulty after another; It is you who inspired me to step on one step after another; At this moment, it is you who urge me to move forward to pursue greater glory in life.

Goodbye, teacher! Goodbye, classmate! Farewell, lovely campus, no matter the ends of the earth, no matter the storm, you will always be the bridge, water, people in my mind!

Primary School Campus Memories (3)

The flowers bloom and fall again. This place carries too many memories.

Guisi Year · August · Fireworks

On that day, we gathered here at the bonfire party. On that day, the starry sky was bright, the fireworks were gorgeous, and the beating flames reflected our happy faces. Hand in hand, we made a big circle around the campfire and ran around it. On that day, our story began with the splendid fireworks.

Jiawu Year · July · Blessing Card

On that day, everything came too suddenly. There is no deep friendship between us, but the news that you suddenly went to Germany still surprised me. The original D26 tutorial group was reduced by one person because of your leaving. Too many people come and go in our life, and I can't stop and change them. On that day, I wrote on my greeting card to you: "This farewell may never meet again. I hope you can be happy and happy in Germany." From that day on, I began to cherish the life with everyone. Because I know that one day, we will leave.

Jiawu Year, December, Pirate Ship

On December 31, the carnival, we were immersed in unprecedented joy. We went to take a pirate ship. During that time on the ship, you held my hand tightly and comforted me not to fear heights. I also tightly hold your hand, as if no longer afraid. On that day, we sprayed each other with snow spray. In the "flying snow", vaguely, I seem to see your rare smile. At the end of that day, we are reluctant to say goodbye and part with today's happy day.

In the second half of the year, April, flowers

In those days, Begonia bloomed on campus. You and I walk on the path, feeling the sun falling from the leaves, picking up the fallen petals to make bookmarks. We lay on the playground, looking at the sky near and far from us, counting one white cloud after another, and telling each other's worries. You told me that no matter how low the temperature is and how strong the wind is, spring will come eventually. Just like such blooming flowers, they welcomed the patronage of Dongfeng and waited for their own spring.


Time passed quickly, and the second and fourth exams and the third day of junior high were coming. Maybe we have to part again. But that time belongs to us, our memories I will always remember.

Primary School Campus Memory (4)

I walked alone on the tree lined path on the campus, heard a burst of national anthem, and pulled my thoughts back to the flag raising ceremony

"The flag raising ceremony begins now!" With the opening words of this sentence, when we walked into the campus, the first thing we saw was the playground next to the teaching building. From enrollment to now, this playground full of joy and sorrow has accompanied us for six years. Every year is a year full of unknown, and we don't know what will happen next.

I still remember a flag raising ceremony in the second grade. That morning, I went to school without a bite because breakfast was not to my liking. It happened that that day was Monday, and I was going to the playground to attend the flag raising ceremony. At the beginning, I was fine. No discomfort at all. But as soon as the teacher spoke under the national flag, I felt dizzy. After a while, I was pale and fell down unconsciously. A word came from my ear: "Hurry, hurry! Send to the infirmary!" "Mr. Qiu, come quickly!" I opened my eyes in a daze and saw that I was being held by Mr. Qiu in his arms and ran to the infirmary. Then, I fell into darkness again.

When I opened my eyes again, I was already lying on the bed, and there was cotton on my chin to stop bleeding. Our Chinese teacher and some students came in from the door, "Qin Yun, come and drink the glucose water." The students said, "Are you OK?"

In a twinkling of an eye, we are having classes in the same classroom, playing in the same classroom, and taking exams in the same classroom. But unconsciously, we are about to leave this unknown campus. This semester may be the last time in our life that we sit in the classroom to listen to the teacher, play with classmates, and enter this campus! Cherish our teacher-student relationship! Classmate love! Because the next time I meet you, I don't know when

On graduation, I would like to thank the teachers, educate us with knowledge, and thank my classmates for their love and encouragement. Please remember what we are together. Every day and night, let the friendship last forever, thank my alma mater, and thank you for making me become sensible from ignorance, mature from childishness, and brave from timidity.

Goodbye, my six years of study

Primary School Campus Memories (5)

On the way home, I saw the primary school students coming home from school, their uniforms, their lovely and innocent, and I began to recall everything that happened between the primary school teachers and us, and everything on campus

My alma mater is Fenggang No. 2 Primary School in Fenggang County. It is located in the center of Fenggang County. It was founded in 1967. The campus covers an area of 13333 square meters. The school has 31 teaching classes, more than 20xx students, 101 teaching staff, 36094 books, math, audio, sports and aesthetic equipment, experimental equipment up to standard, natural laboratory, instrument room, library, computer room, Young Pioneers activity room Multi functional classrooms and educational networks have been set up, including student sports fields and 200m circular runways. The teaching hardware facilities can basically meet the teaching needs. At present, there is one president, two vice presidents and nine other middle-level cadres. There are Party branch, office, education office, moral education office, logistics office, trade union, security office, Young Pioneers' team, art group, sports group, Chinese teaching and research group, mathematics teaching and research group, English teaching and research group, laboratory, library, computer management office and other institutions. This school has a strong scholarly flavor. The school emblem is osmanthus, six petals represent six grades, and the stamen in the middle is the campus. The six grades work together to create an excellent campus team.

My teachers are Mr. Hu, Mr. Wu, Mr. Huang, Mr. Xu, and Mr. Xiao. In primary school, we often antagonized them and made them angry, but they let us, perhaps because they knew that we were primary school students and didn't understand. Now, when the teacher began to punish us physically, anger made us eat bamboo shoots and shredded meat. Now we feel that primary school is the happiest, Because the teacher can't do corporal punishment, but the junior high school has already started "punishment of corporal punishment when angry". I really want to return to the campus and start again with the senseless six years. I regret that the primary school didn't listen to the teacher, and I regret that the primary school has been against the teachers. Sorry, Mr. Hu, Mr. Wu, Mr. Xiao, and Mr. Xu. I will come back to see you when I am free!

Students who are still in primary school, please cherish your primary school life now, and don't wait until later to regret!

Primary School Campus Memories (6)

I have been studying in school for five years, and I have experienced many things. I can remember every unforgettable thing, including bitterness, happiness, and sadness. One thing I can never forget.

On a Tuesday in grade four, we had a tasting class, and the teacher said to me, "Zheng Dian, you will take the place of the teacher in the afternoon for the tasting class, and go home at noon to get ready!" "Oh" I answered the teacher without thinking, thinking: This is a piece of cake? It's too easy! "Ding Lingling" After school, I hurried home and told my mother about it. My mother asked me to check the information on the Internet. I turned on the computer, randomly clicked the website, and checked a little information. I thought I was right enough to check the information, so I came to the school. After class, the teacher said, "We welcome Zheng Dian to speak the fourth class for us."

I confidently walked to the platform and thought: I must teach this lesson well so that students can remember their knowledge more firmly. However, when I first went to the podium, my heart became nervous and my heart was pounding. I hurriedly took out my book, read some sentences to the students according to the book, and then gave them

Some simple questions, time passed by minute by second, and I carelessly finished this lesson. It was not easy to get the class over. Suddenly, my mood became more relaxed, and I strode down the platform.

At this time, the teacher looked at me disappointedly and said, "This is too bad, and I should practice more in the future!" I returned to my seat with shame. I thought: Maybe I had seldom participated in such activities before, and I had not enough experience in speaking, and did not prepare enough materials, so my speech was a failure!

I learned a profound lesson from this speech. I made up my mind to study harder and strengthen my training in this field. I believe I will succeed next time!

Primary School Campus Memories (7)

Six years ago, when we entered this strange place, we began to learn and play here. Before I knew it, I stayed for six years. Now, when it is time to leave, I am reluctant to part with you. I have too many unforgettable memories here

What I can't forget is the laughter and laughter of the students playing and frolicking during the recess; What I can't forget is the surprise and trouble in solving problems; What I can't forget is the question and answer in class.

Spring on campus is the most beautiful season on campus. In spring, the campus is green, and the small trees all send out tender branches. Even the iron tree also draws out its velvety yellow needles. There is also an unnamed tree, which blooms in early spring and leaves only after the flowers fall. In spring, the weather is always sunny and breezy. I like that we often run to our heart's content in PE class, or revel in the sea of books by the flower lawn.

Spring left leisurely, and the weather became hot. Every day there was the sound of fans and cicadas. Although it is very hot in summer, don't forget that there is still a nap in summer. We can do our homework secretly and read books when we are free... In short, summer in school is leisurely.

The momentum of summer has passed, and it is autumn when school begins. When we have nothing to do after class, we can catch crickets, pull out grass needles and pick clover. Some lucky people can also catch "Ji Miao". I don't know its literary name, so I have to make one. It's just a kind of grass insect.

"In winter, the quilt is covered with three layers of wheat, and the next year, you will sleep with your head covered.". In winter on campus, it has to snow several times every year, which is more than one centimeter thick. We had a snowball fight. Every time, the teacher's roar ended. Although their hands and feet are cold and their noses are like little turnips, their hearts are burning with a fire in winter

Counting silently, more than a thousand days passed in middle and small schools, like a drop of water on the tip of a needle dropping into the sea, without sound or shadow. Just like Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry": when the swallow goes, it will come again; When the willow withers, it will be green again; The peach blossoms have withered and will bloom again. Our days are gone forever. In primary and secondary schools, the beautiful campus accompanied me out of the battlefield of primary school, and vaguely saw that a better tomorrow was coming to us.

Goodbye, alma mater!

Primary School Campus Memories (8)

Today, I watched the news. I was particularly interested in one news. It said that a school in Huizhou had made a series of regulations on the health of school dormitories, some of which were very reasonable and some of which were controversial. What I am interested in is not the content of the news, but the news that brought me back to the time when I went to school in Luoyang. Although it is only three years ago, I will never forget it. At that time, our school also made many regulations on dormitories, many of which we also quite contradicted, especially in our dormitories. The school's last but one "reputation" was often contracted by our eight brothers. Although the eight of us have made such "proud" achievements, we are very modest. Except for those who ask other people, we generally won't admit the "honor" given by the school.

Even so, our dormitory has become the most watched dormitory. As long as there is no class, our dormitory is always full of friends. We played and talked together. At that time, the Internet had not entered the campus, but it does not mean that our college life was boring. After class in the morning and afternoon, many students gathered in our dormitory to knock melon seeds and play poker. They played with passion and watched with enthusiasm. We could hear the shouting in our dormitory from afar. Sometimes we would eat snacks while watching the cadres of the student union clean up for us. Oh, I don't think we were so good at that time. On weekends, our dormitories pour out, or go out to watch videos or spend the night in the game room. Generally, we will go out after school on Fridays, and people will come back to the dormitory to rest on Saturdays. Generally, before class on Monday, we will put each brother's textbook in front of their owner in the classroom.

But we are not problem teenagers. Our academic performance is not inferior to that of other students, and our dormitory has produced five or six student union cadres. Also, the unity of our dormitory is famous in our whole college. So although our health is poor, we are the most popular because we can find one or two people to participate in all aspects of the school.

The good times always flash by, and the three years of campus life has passed in a flash. When we got the graduation certificate, we all didn't care about our separate ways. But at the bus station, when my car was about to start, two little brothers knocked on the window next to me, and I opened the window without speaking, but I couldn't help crying, and the brothers below were also full of tears. Finally, my younger brother pushed the window forcibly, and my student career stopped from then on.

Now I don't know how their seven little brothers are. If I stand in front of them, can I hear a kind cry: boss.