Because I care (8 selected articles)
Like to be confused
2024-03-24 03:01:14
fourth grade

Because I care (1)

Because you don't care, it doesn't matter how much I hurt you.

Because you don't care, you can walk so smartly when you leave.

After leaving my world for a few days, you seemed to disappear. In fact, you didn't disappear, but I escaped by myself. I have been sad and decadent in my life without you, but in your eyes all this is my own fault? Yes, you don't care about me at all. Then can you pretend not to leave? Is our friendship really worthless in your eyes? But I care, really care!

Yesterday, I heard the male classmate in front of me mention you, which touched my pain. At that time, I always raise my head to prevent the overflow of tears. Every day, when I say something against my heart to some people or things, I think I am really happy with a smile that seems to be very happy. I bury the pain and loneliness deeply, and wait until late at night to share it alone. I lick the pain, chew the loneliness, and revel alone. Maybe no one in the world can understand me. If you say you are my friend, I ask you! What am I in your eyes In fact, there is no one in the world who knows me, or I just haven't met

Walking on the street in the evening, looking at the bustling crowd and trying to find the trace of our past, I found a bunch of meaningless memories

You didn't care about me, didn't care about me, didn't even know, I have been silently watching you, even though you have left, because you have never understood... In fact, we regard you as a good friend

I thought you would come back, but we went farther and farther in the opposite direction.

Come on, forget your hurt to me

The wind, once again blowing, gently, raise the hair, sadly close your eyes, whether, raise the corners of your mouth, whether, the smile will continue until the wind disappears.

Because I care (2)

The sun cares about flowers, so it comes to an appointment in the morning to wash dust and dew for her; The water of the lake cares about fish, so it opens its mind to meet their sojourn; The blue sky cares about birds, so it abandons floating clouds and dances with birds; Because he cared about her, his heart beat faster for her every minute.

Lonely cup, the wind and rain journey, he accompanied her through thousands of mountains and rivers; The fragrance of flowers is floating, and the rain is flying. He and she enjoy the willow catkins by the lake; When birds fly past and wild geese return to the south, he and she jointly swore a long-term agreement; The night was bright and the cold dew was still. He passed a year of spring and autumn for her.

Spring breeze can't understand your heart, how can you understand your thoughts! Summer flowers have no words, only colorful clothes; The autumn rain is continuous, and the yellow leaves are falling. Alone by the window lattice, I am worried. Winter is coming early, snow is dancing all over the sky, and ice is crystal clear. He nestles with her, let the sincere words fly with the jade chips, let the enthusiasm drive away the cold, and let the warmth melt the cold.

When she is upset and in pain, she has his comfort and care; When she was melancholy and lonely, he earnestly taught her; When she got lost, he saved her; When she abandoned herself, she had his understanding. All this, like a silent film in silence. She knows, she knows, but only for this indulgence, so she doesn't speak. Happiness is so simple. In each other's hearts, they have the same words that they want to say to each other: "Because they care about you."

The pace of the clock is light and elegant, not like the bravado ballad of flowing water. The change of seasons is steady and rhythmic, not like the stage lights showing off their brilliance. The journey of life is long and solemn, not like the temporary glory of the mighty Yifu team. Their life is simple and sincere, not like the achievements and luxury of the noble. Because she is attached to the ordinary life, he loves the rural bamboo forest. Just because of this side, they help each other and raise eyebrows together, so that the day has the simplest end.

In the past, the precious and elegant peony was worshipped, and the cold indomitable plum was once dumped, and the wasted yellow leaves left a longing for smoke. Today, however, we follow the nature of returning to nature. The swaying willow branches touch my mind, the rolling river washes my memory, and when I hear Zigui's words, I cry at night. Who cares about the west wind.

Now we have found the destination of life. Swift sends his happiness, and the light rain sprinkles his sorrow, so that new breath grows in this field. Come back, people far away! Because he is crying: I care about you!

Because I care (3)

The first time I know what hate is, because I care too much?

I worked hard. You don't know, even I paid more than you. Why don't you understand me? Who am I for? Who do I care about most? Is it wrong for you? Well, I don't care about you. Why do I make myself so tired? I don't even have a word of comfort. Are you angry? Have you thought about it for me? Which time didn't I apologize first? Was it my fault every time? Even if I'm wrong, won't you learn to be tolerant? I never let you go. I thought you would understand someday, but you disappointed me too

Don't always think it's my fault, and you won't have it? I just care too much about you! Now, you have made me understand that being too kind to a person is abusing myself. I won't be so silly. Please remember your choice today and don't regret it

Take a deep breath and let everything go. My 15 year old life has just begun. I'm not afraid!

Because I care too much, I hate more.

Because I care (4)

Heart, if there is no place to live, is wandering everywhere. It was not until I met you that I found the feeling of home and felt the warmth. I no longer wander in this terrible society. Your shoulders are so strong that they always give me strength when I feel helpless.

One day, you will leave me, where should I belong at that time? Watching the endless blue sky, what remains is only a reflection and missing. I want to cherish it, but it seems that I am powerless. Maybe I often ignore your existence, but that is not to forget, but you are always unknown beside me, let me forget that you are actually lonely. How many times have I hurt you because of my ignorance and ridicule? Every time you smile and ignore my mistakes, the more you do this, the more I think I am right, and gradually let your residual scars become deeper and deeper. The more tolerant you are, the more I feel sorry for you.

In fact, I have reflected on how many times I want to treat you well, but I haven't done well every time the key time comes. You always comfort me that my hand is too small to hold happiness. I also began to deceive myself into believing the lies you made up for me. How I want to give you the rest of my life, your pain, and don't hurt you. Your smile is rare. Whenever I see your smile, I feel so happy.

Can you give me a chance to make up? I want to heal your pain, I want you to smile often in the corner of your mouth, I'm afraid I really have no chance behind me, can you understand? How afraid I am that when you stop talking to me, I am even more afraid of your changes, we will become the most familiar strangers.

If there is an afterlife, I must make you happy every day. The gathering and parting of fate is like water, carrying the world, just for one sentence, waiting for the next meeting. Fear of every turn, fear of losing you after turning. Please don't leave me behind. I will cherish our days together. I will try my best to do everything well. Although I can't promise you anything, as long as I try to do everything, you will be happy, right!

People all say: bet against each other and win once; Follow the right person and win the whole life. With you, I think I am a big winner! Shakespeare once said: life is like a contract, everyone has his responsibility. I am responsible for you!

Because I care (5)

The roadside plants are small and self-sufficient souls. Because they care, they cherish those weak lives.


Fourteen years old is a beautiful and sensitive age. It seems that he has got rid of the character of a tomboy overnight. In the fragrance of champagne, his eyes are inexplicably gentle and meticulous, and he begins to care about those beautiful lives that he did not pay attention to before.

No longer defiant, he walked straight to the front, and began to care about the opening of a flower in the stone crevices beside the road. He crouched down with tender feelings to observe the white flower stretching its gentle smile day by day. Care about the transparent and brilliant soul under the sun, care about a wisp of fragrance when it blooms.

No longer inject water into the ant nest as when I was young, no longer kick away their order, no longer pick up small ants to play on the palm, and began to care about the life of each ant. Gently step over their busy team in the grass, draw their carrying path with branches, and begin to care about every ant's ordinary and humble wishes.

Instead of using bamboo poles to tamper with the warm homes of swallows under the eaves of her husband's house, she began to care about the fate of every swallow. When the storm comes, open the screen window and put in the weak spirit, and make a warm nest for them with the shoe box. When it is sunny and beautiful, listen to each clear cry of them. Let them fly in the sun and stare at her dark and lovely figure until they disappear.

In the sun, I carefully and seriously looked at the trees and seedlings, swallows, flowers and ants in the grass that I had never cared about. Because I began to care, these weak lives in my eyes exuded the brilliance of diamonds, which added a layer of joy to life.

With five fingers open, the sun shines from between the fingers, and a large transparent flower blooms on the shoulder with fragrance. This piece of sunshine is so warm.

At the age of fourteen, I began to care about the life around me smiling, and also learned to cherish - cherish life, cherish all the good things in life.

Because I care (6)

Winter snow is coming. With excitement, I came to the long lost school. I dreamed of seeing you, and I was looking forward to seeing you. Looking from the back door of the class, I couldn't help smiling. Childhood, so beautiful, beautiful, heartache.

Thinking of you as a child, naughty, lovely, stubborn, serious, always laughing and scolding me for being a fool. Those things were like flowers in those years, blooming in my dream castle. When I came back to my senses, it seemed that another student in the class took me in. When I went in, the class had different expressions: some were excited, some were surprised, some were confused, and many were gossiping. I looked for your figure in the crowd, and inadvertently saw that your eyes were disdainfully left elsewhere. My heart was lost, my dream disappeared, and my eyes dropped.

When I went back and walked on the street full of flowers, I suddenly understood what time can sometimes dilute everything, wash away friendliness and friendship. I looked up at the sky, and the night like ink covered the sky, and my heart fell into the abyss. When can we be like before? Cry together, laugh together, fight together, play together, enjoy the beauty of the world together, and paint a color for childhood together? Pain is because I care about you. You seem to have changed in your childhood.

Because I care (7)

Heart, if there is no place to live, is wandering everywhere. It was not until I met you that I found the feeling of home and felt the warmth. I no longer wander in this terrible society. Your shoulders are so strong that they always give me strength when I feel helpless.

One day, you will leave me, where should I belong at that time? Watching the endless blue sky, what remains is only a reflection and missing. I want to cherish it, but it seems that I am powerless. Maybe I often ignore your existence, but that is not to forget, but you are always unknown beside me, let me forget that you are actually lonely. How many times have I hurt you because of my ignorance and ridicule? Every time you smile and ignore my mistakes, the more you do this, the more I think I am right, and gradually let your residual scars become deeper and deeper. The more tolerant you are, the more I feel sorry for you.

In fact, I have reflected on how many times I want to treat you well, but I haven't done well every time the key time comes. You always comfort me that my hand is too small to hold happiness. I also began to deceive myself into believing the lies you made up for me. How I want to give you the rest of my life, your pain, and don't hurt you. Your smile is rare. Whenever I see your smile, I feel so happy.

Can you give me a chance to make up? I want to heal your pain, I want you to smile often in the corner of your mouth, I'm afraid I really have no chance behind me, can you understand? How afraid I am that when you stop talking to me, I am even more afraid of your changes, we will become the most familiar strangers.

If there is an afterlife, I must make you happy every day. The gathering and parting of fate is like water, carrying the world, just for one sentence, waiting for the next meeting. Fear of every turn, fear of losing you after turning. Please don't leave me behind. I will cherish our days together. I will try my best to do everything well. Although I can't promise you anything, as long as I try to do everything, you will be happy, right!

People all say: bet against each other and win once; Follow the right person and win the whole life. With you, I think I am a big winner! Shakespeare once said: life is like a contract, everyone has his responsibility. I am responsible for you!

Because I care (8)

The four seasons go round and round, and time goes on. It seems that yesterday we met in the same campus, under the same blue sky and white clouds, and in the same class. There were so many teachers in the time machine who came from me, but I only care about you.

The bright moon is in the sky, the stars are twinkling, and all things in the world are sprinkled with warm halos by the moon. Looking out of the room at the bright moon, quietly enjoying the beautiful moonlight, I gradually felt more and more desolate and was slowly coming to me. At this time, the beautiful moonlight also added desolation to me.

Enjoying the moonlight, I have to think of the encouragement and trust she gave me yesterday, and I have the courage to regain hope. I love you, but I didn't tell you until yesterday. I miss you, but I dare not contact you. I care about you, I learned to guard in silence. Love you but dare not tell you, this is a cowardly love. This is painful, but also my unforgettable love. I miss you but dare not contact you because I am afraid of disturbing you. Because I care about you, I silently guard you. I will always be your street lamp, so that every night you walk through, has a particularly poetic and lasting appeal. Yesterday I boldly sent "Never forget, write down" to you. I don't know what you feel, what expression, what opinion... You gave encouragement and trust, but I don't know how not to let you down, but I know I must work hard, in order not to let you lose hope, we must also strive once, and rush forward once. Youth is a precious time, really cherish it, don't lose heart, as you said, 'hard work will lead to good results! I wanted to say a lot to you yesterday, but somehow all the words were condensed in my throat, and my mind didn't know where it was drifting. The words are not so much, they are all in the heart, the most sincere place.

Only caring can be regarded as love, and the most important place is reserved for you in the deepest heart. The flowers are like flowers. If you want to send flowers to you but don't have the money to buy flowers, you lose the right to send flowers. If you want to send flowers well, you lose the poetic flavor. You once said that no matter how good things are, they are more beautiful than the most beautiful minds. The flowers are poetic and the feelings are more poetic. I miss you, how many unknown thoughts you have in your heart. Do not want to hide those love in the bottom of my heart, let you know, fear you have concerns, the most is not afraid. Your sweet smile is a good medicine to heal my wound. Whenever I hear your voice, I will regain confidence and work hard. I am also happy to see you live happily. If you live well,the day will be fine!

I care because of love. If you care about a person, you will record her hobbies, personality, taste, and even your own. In my memory, I clearly remember that you have a pair of orange shoes and an orange coat. Since I saw you wear them, I know you love orange. In the future, I also fell in love with orange. Everything I buy is orange because you like it. Once in a while, with the blessing and praise from your circle of friends, I will be happy for a long time, with too much joy and comfort beyond words.

I miss you, but I can't tell you. Whenever I chat with you, I never express my friendship to you. You are my goddess teacher. I appreciate your talent and gentleness. Thank you for being here all the time. Even if you tell me that chatting with you is not an interruption, I will not disturb you often, because I care about what you were doing at that time, and whether you were busy? It is a kind of enjoyment and expectation to see your circle of friends during the holiday. I have recorded every bit of your life in my words, in my secret diary, in the encrypted space of QQ, and let your love fly in the distance, so that it can roam in the free space and enjoy temporary relaxation and leisure.

Because I care, I guard. My love for you will never change. I'm glad I can still love you silently and protect you. This tender time, let me meet the best of you, will let me guard you. I believe that one day soon, I will walk on the beach hand in hand with you, chatting about interesting things. I look forward to······