Beauty is among us Composition (4 required)
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2023-10-13 09:06:41

Beauty is among us Composition (1)

Beauty is among us. Compose 300 words (1)

300 words of "beauty" around us

When we talk about beauty, we all think it means beauty, but you are only half right, because if a person does not have virtue, he will not have beauty and beauty. Virtue is a basic requirement for a person. If a person does not meet this requirement, he is not a successful person.

When it comes to virtue, it is around us, but we have not found it. There are many virtues around us. For example, there are many around me. For example, classmates help each other, and use their pocket money to contribute to the class. These are all virtues. For this reason, I made my decision this year: this year is my last year in primary school. I will use this last year to prove myself. I will study hard and use my real strength to prove my own strength.

We should cherish our present time and use our "beauty" to create our beautiful home. The "beauty" is right beside us waiting for us to discover it!

Grade 5 of Suiling Experimental Primary School in Suiling County, Suihua County, Heilongjiang Province: Qu Tongtong

Beauty among us 300 words composition (2)

300 words of beautiful composition of soul

Beauty is everywhere, but it lacks eyes to find beauty. Let's use bright eyes to find beauty and find beautiful hearts.

I found beauty, and found the soul of beauty. Once, my mother and I went to the mall and saw a man begging there. When my mother saw him, she immediately took ten yuan and put it into the beggar's bowl. I said, "Mom, I found beauty in you." My mother asked me, "Where do you see it?" I replied, "You can see the beauty of your soul from the ten yuan you just took out without hesitation." My mother said that I have a pair of eyes that find beauty.

Another time, I remember that it was in the second grade. In the morning, when I returned to the classroom in class, I was hit by ice. Sun Weijian, who was behind me, saw that I fell down and helped me to the classroom. My right hand was shaking so hard to write, and it was very painful. Mr. Hou called my mother hurriedly and asked her to take me to the hospital for inspection. As a result, my arm was broken. From this incident, we can see the beauty of teachers and students.

Beauty is pure, everyone has a soul, and the beauty of the soul is the most true beauty.

350 words of composition with beautiful soul

One day, two female students came, called Meimei and Ugly. After class, the students talked about it one after another. They all praised Meimei for being beautiful and ugly. Everyone played with Meimei, but put Ugly aside. Once in a PE class, Wang Xiaobao vomited. Meimei not only didn't help him, but also laughed at him. At this time, Ugly came to take him into the school medical room. Since then, no one wants to play with Meimei anymore. They all hate Meimei.

After reading, I want to say to Meimei: Meimei, you are too arrogant! The soul is beautiful! I also like Ugly more and more! Although Ugly looks ugly, his soul is very beautiful! Meimei should not be proud and laugh at others. Otherwise, who will praise your beauty? Who will make friends with you? They must praise Ugly, like Ugly, and make friends with her. How I wish Meimei would realize that she is wrong and get rid of her bad habits! Students, it is not enough to focus on the beauty of the soul, such as the beauty of morality. If you are not virtuous, others will not cooperate with you and make friends. Just like a famous saying: often a casual detail can reflect a person's deep cultivation. The reason why we don't want to make friends with Meimei can be found here. I learned a truth from it: beauty is no longer superficial, it should be beautiful in all aspects.

600 words of composition with beautiful soul

A pure heart, a sincere heart, a happy heart, a loving heart, its existence makes the world

The world is better.

Shot 1: A sincere heart beside the road.

Just after the heavy rain, the dark clouds in the sky had no intention of leaving, and the world seemed gray. I walk on the road, which is full of potholes. At this time, a car came and I realized that it would splash water to wet my pants, but I had no time to avoid it, so I had to wait quietly for the bad luck to come. Suddenly, the car slowed down and drove slowly past me. No water splashed. I was stunned, looked at the window, and the driver was looking at me, showing a sincere smile. At that moment, a ray of sunshine broke through the blockade of dark clouds, and the world became brighter and more beautiful. I also smiled, the sky is no longer gray.

A pure heart and a sincere heart make the world a better place.

Shot 2: On the bridge, there are some helpful hearts.

The weather is sultry. At one end of the bridge, a rickshaw driver was struggling to pedal the cart. He was sweating heavily, and a vest was already wet. He tried, but the car stalled. All of a sudden, he felt a light behind him, and he crossed the bridge with one stroke of force. He looked back and saw that some young men were helping behind him. He smiled, sincerely, and the young men also smiled. At this time, a gust of wind blew away the stuffy heat of the earth

A pure heart and a heart willing to help others make the world a better place.

Shot 3: On the grass, a heart of fraternity.

Walking on the grassland in spring, the spring rain is weaving obliquely, gently caressing me, washing my heart that has imprisoned me for a winter. A beautiful butterfly is flying on the grass. Suddenly it fell into the spider web. It struggled with no effect. The spider stared at its prey, and I seemed to hear its laughter. At this time, a strange mood arises spontaneously, and I can not help but go forward and break the net. The butterfly is saved. It stops and opens its wings, like a flower blooming in the spring rain. It is full of vitality, and the grass is beautiful because of it

A pure heart, a loving heart, a sincere heart, a helpful heart, their existence makes the world a better place.

500 words of composition with beautiful soul

Beauty is a kind of noble inner soul; And there is another kind of beauty, the beauty of appearance. The beauty of appearance is the beauty of image, dress and dress, the beauty of soul, morality, nobility and kindness... The two different kinds of beauty have different styles, but they cannot be integrated

Together, the real beauty is the beauty of the soul.

On the bus, there was a sea of people. The vast sea of people made me unable to see the direction. Grandma and I could only stand in the crowded crowd. And next to my handrail, there was a strange man with a ferocious face, which seemed very terrible. His fierce and gloomy eyes on his long cheeks made me shiver. As long as he was cold, I could not help shivering. His smile is also so weird and scary.

The atmosphere on the car suddenly became gloomy and tense. My heart jumped to my throat, and I was silent, waiting for him to show his fierce face. But after waiting for a long time, I didn't see this terrible man doing anything unusual. My heart finally let go, but at this moment, the driver suddenly braked, making a sharp and harsh sound, and the car suddenly shook. I can't keep my balance and I can't help falling to the ground. At this time, time stopped, a soft and warm hand grabbed my little hand and helped me up. When I saw it, I couldn't help but be shocked that the big warm hand full of emotion was actually put out by the "terrible" uncle. He smiled and said kindly to me: "Let me have this seat for you." His smile was so kind, so kind, so warm... I stared at him blankly and felt a twinge of regret.

We should not always attach importance to the beauty of appearance. In fact, the beauty of the soul is the most valuable wealth.

800 words of composition with beautiful soul

The beauty of "appearance" is not necessarily the most important, but the beauty of a person's heart is the most important.

Friend, what kind of person do you think is the most beautiful? It means that the beauty of people's appearance is the most beautiful. Or do you think knowledgeable people are the most beautiful? But I think the beauty of the soul is the real beauty.

I think a person, even if the appearance is beautiful, does not have a beautiful heart. The man's appearance is like an empty bag, which is useless; A person, even if there is more knowledge, does not have a beautiful heart. Then this person's knowledge is like an ornament, not only useless, but also harmful to society.

I think the beauty of the soul is the real beauty. I read an article. The hero of that article is a person named Dongshi. Although she is ugly, she is called Sai Xishi by the magistrate. Why? Just because her heart is very beautiful, once a child fell into the urinal, and others said they would save it, but no one was willing to go down to save the child. At that moment, the man named Dong Shi just walked by and saw her. She ignored the situation and immediately went down to save people. After the child was rescued, she was already covered in shit. Why did she save the child? It is because she has a beautiful heart that the magistrate called her Sai Xishi

The world is praising her.

In fact, such deeds are also very common in our real life. For a while, my mother and I went to the countryside by bus. Sitting in front of me are two big sisters. The one sitting inside was dressed in fashion, with long wavy curls. The other, on the contrary, wore a simple coat and only had long flat hair. After several stops, an old man with white hair came up, but all the seats were full. Just then, the big sister in plain clothes got up immediately and gave her seat to the old man with a smile. The other big sister, who was dressed in fashionable clothes, was dismissive. At that time, I felt that the elder sister was like a kind angel under the perfect combination of simple clothes, plain hair and a kind heart.

How many beautiful people have been recorded in history? There are only four beautiful women and some noble concubines, but these are few, and many of them are recorded in history because of the relationship between spiritual beauty. What about those who have been recorded in history simply because of their spiritual beauty? But I can't count! There are countless examples like this. Human life is very long. On the long road of life, friends, please keep a beautiful and kind heart, and let it help you do something good for the world! The beauty of a person's appearance is not necessarily the most beautiful, but the beauty of a person's soul is the real beauty!

The beauty of a person's appearance does not necessarily mean everything. On the contrary, the beauty of human heart can represent everything!

Beauty among us 300 words composition (3)

Beauty is all around us. 300 words are not everywhere. Just like the famous French sculptor Rodin once said: "The world is not without beauty, but without eyes and people to find beauty." Indeed, as long as you carefully observe and find it, you can find it. Once, my father and I just came back from Shanghai to the railway station to take the bus home. In the bus, there was a lot of excitement. Some talked and laughed, some closed their eyes and watched TV quietly. I sat on the seat and looked out of the window. From time to time, a big bend almost left me behind. The bumps along the way made people's stomach churn one by one. It was extremely uncomfortable. When I was feeling very uncomfortable, I leaned back on the chair and casually looked back. I didn't know what I was looking at, but it scared me. A tall, strong man, wearing a hat, was reaching into someone's handbag bit by bit with his hands, and his head was still looking around. Seeing his ferocious appearance, he doesn't look like a good man. I thought to myself: I was too unlucky to meet this phenomenon. Just as I was about to tell my father, I saw a man quickly holding his hand and glaring at him. The thief said, "What are you doing? Catch my hand." "What are you doing that is unseen? Next time I see it, I will send you to where you should go." The man shouted angrily. The thief got out of the car quickly. If you are observant and have a pair of "golden eyes", you can find beauty everywhere. Click the picture to open it in a new window

Beauty among us 300 words composition (4)

Beauty is among us There are many kinds of beauty. There are beautiful people and things everywhere in life Beautiful flowers, beautiful scenery, beautiful clothes, and beautiful soul are among us. After a morning exercise, Everyone will come to the classroom and talk about the "love to the disaster area with lucky money" just called by the headmaster on the flag raising platform. Everyone knows that this earthquake has brought a great disaster to China, but every Chinese has worked together, Give your love to the people in disaster. The teacher said solemnly: "Because Sichuan and Wenchuan in our country recently suffered from the earthquake, and their homes were lost. There are still people who have no family members and their favorite things. They need the help of each of us. Everyone should give their love to let them feel that they are not alone and pitiful. Their lost family members, we, are their family members, and after they move forward Dun, "then the class said," Teacher, no problem, we are all from the same home. " No problem ", these words fully reflect the beauty in their hearts. At the end of class, the students all took action and donated all the money they had. There was something else. They said they would go home to get the money and donate it in the afternoon. These positive actions were enough. I was moved. The beauty, the true beauty, and the beauty were among us

Beauty among us 300 words in composition (5)

Beauty among us Beauty has no fixed meaning. It can become very large, just like the thick, slightly transparent fog hanging over the city. However, it can also become very small, like a grain of sand, shuttling in the middle of the vast sea of people—— The sky is still sunny, just a little more white clouds, a little more chill. While the students were still smiling and sucking knowledge in the school, I stayed in the hospital painfully, looking at the drops of brine in the brine pipe. The salt water slowly seeped into my body, and my hands were cold and cold. This was the second time I had a fever, and it jumped to 41 °. "Do you feel cold?" "Are you still feeling bad?" "Let me pour you a cup of hot water" "Let me take your temperature" Maybe 90% of people think that's what their mother said. In fact, that's what the doctor aunt said. My mother is at work and can take care of me at night. Many people will say what's strange about this? Doctor's duty! This is reasonable, but it is more a reflection of beauty. When a person is weak, it is the time when a person needs warmth most. The greetings, like a warm current, warmed my "dry" soul, just like my mother. If you look at another place, you will find another kind of beauty, but that is only the surface. At this time, a very beautiful young girl came in from the hospital. Her hair was chestnut, long, curly, wearing a gray hairy hat, wearing a black sweater, wearing high boots. Once you come in, you will have a jasmine fragrance. She also came to hang some food. She sat at the seat next to me and found a bag on the seat. She asked, "Whose is this?" "Sorry, it's mine." I smiled and said to her. "Take it away!" Then he threw the bag at me, and the edge of the bag rubbed my hanging hand. "Ah, it hurts!" I didn't scream. I thought she would apologize to me, but I didn't expect her to. She just looked at me a few times. I guess that's not really a look. It's just a good thing. According to my experience, some people are very beautiful, but her heart is not as beautiful as her face. There are many such people, perhaps around us. It's too far to compare "doctor" and "girl". It is easy to exchange a beautiful face for a beautiful heart. We, why not? In real life, there are also some people who are not very beautiful, dignified, or impressive, but have

Beauty is among us Composition (2)

When it comes to beauty, everyone will say what you say and what I say. Indeed, beauty is everywhere, and beauty is also diverse.

In the early morning, I was awakened by the wonderful alarm bell. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked at the blue sky, constantly sighing that today is beautiful.

Walking on the way to school, I like a happy bird, singing "The bird leads the way, and the wind blows to us"

When I came to the school, I stood on the corridor and looked into the distance. I could see everything. The most beautiful thing was the tall Helan Mountain. The sunlight in the morning was not so dazzling. The snow covered Helan Mountain gave out golden light. There were birds singing in the distance, which reminded me of the words "Life is beautiful".

The weather turned cold, the sun was not so bright, and the trees were bare. When I got up in the morning, there was a world of ice and snow, and the birds disappeared. But Helan Mountain was more beautiful. The white snow on the top of the mountain reflected brilliant light. The children had snowball fights, made snowmen, and sent a lively scene. Snow was beautiful.

In the snow, the cleaners dragged their tired bodies and swept both sides of the road with large brooms, making contributions to the coming day. Maybe no one paid attention to her or helped them. But the beauty of the city is more beautiful because of the good hearts of the cleaners, because of their unknown and selfless dedication, They are the beauty of beauty.

Beauty is not the beauty on the surface, but the love between people is also a kind of beauty. Parents love their children selflessly, and teachers teach us knowledge without reservation. Those homeless children in orphanages and people who often give love to charities are also a kind of beauty, a kind of beauty of harmony between people.

The world is full of vitality because of people, while the world is bright because of beauty. The beauty of singing is "as long as everyone gives a piece of love, the world will become a beautiful world". Use your love to build a bridge of beauty between people. Tomorrow will be better.

It's raining harder and harder. I stood under the eaves, looking around at the gray, and sighed helplessly. It was a practical joke. When I came out of my home, it was still fine, but suddenly it rained heavily on the way.

I looked at the passers-by with umbrellas enviously and enviously. After staying for a few minutes, I suddenly found that my pants were all wet with sewage splashed by raindrops. This is really not a place to hide from the rain. I don't know when the damn rain will fall! I gritted my teeth and plunged into the rain and fog. I ran on the road, cursing the awful weather as I ran. The rain was getting worse, and I sped up. The sound of wind and rain poured into my ears, and the muddy water flowed across the earth. At this time, I vaguely heard the cry: "Hey! Hey..." I was even more disgusted: what is the ghost crying in the street when nothing happens? Is the city not polluted enough by noise? However, the noise did not stop, and still shouted: "Hey! Don't run! Don't... run, I... I share the umbrella with you!"

I stopped, turned my head and saw a girl running towards me. She ran very fast and her umbrella was still swaying. Finally, she came to me. She quickly put her umbrella over my head and panted: "You... you run so fast, I... can't catch up! You... you don't like getting wet, do you? This will make you sick."

I stared at the girl and felt familiar. Later I learned that her name was Zhao Yiyun, and she was in a different class from me. She is about the same size as me, with fine features, a red face, and a pair of big eyes showing a kind look. She smiled comfortably, as if she had finished some task, and her cheeks looked strangely beautiful with joy.

I suddenly felt guilty and shouldn't call her "ghost call". "Thank you! I didn't bring an umbrella, and I didn't know it would rain." I looked at her wet clothes for running, and my eyes were moist

When I got to school and sat in my seat, I was still moved by what I had just seen. A voice startled me - "Look at your embarrassment, it's even worse than a drowned rat! Walk around, go to my house to change clothes! It will take five minutes! If you don't get sick like this, it's strange!" She dragged me out of the classroom.

When I left Zhao Yiyun's house, the rain had stopped! The warm sunshine shines on the earth, showing a sense of vitality. The green grass on the campus lawn straightened up, holding crystal water droplets, shining in the sun, very vivid, lovely and beautiful.

Beauty, who says not? Beauty is among us!

Beauty is among us Composition (3)

Speaking of beauty, we must say that beauty is in our composition. Indeed, beauty is everywhere, and beauty is also diverse.

In the early morning, I was awakened by the wonderful alarm bell. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked at the blue sky, constantly sighing that today is beautiful.

Walking on the way to school, I like a happy bird, singing "The bird leads the way, and the wind blows to us"

When I came to the school, I stood on the corridor and looked into the distance. I could see everything. The most beautiful thing was the tall Helan Mountain. The sunlight in the morning was not so dazzling. The snow covered Helan Mountain gave out golden light. There were birds singing in the distance, which reminded me of the words "Life is beautiful".

The weather turned cold, the sun was not so bright, and the trees were bare. When I got up in the morning, there was a world of ice and snow, and the birds disappeared. But Helan Mountain was more beautiful. The white snow on the top of the mountain reflected brilliant light. The children had snowball fights, made snowmen, and sent a lively scene. Snow was beautiful.

In the snow, the cleaners dragged their tired bodies and swept both sides of the road with large brooms, making contributions to the coming day. Maybe no one paid attention to her or helped them. But the beauty of the city is more beautiful because of the good hearts of the cleaners, because of their unknown and selfless dedication, They are the beauty of beauty.

Beauty is not the beauty on the surface, but the love between people is also a kind of beauty. Parents love their children selflessly, and teachers teach us knowledge without reservation. Those homeless children in orphanages and people who often give love to charities are also a kind of beauty, a kind of beauty of harmony between people.

The world is full of vitality because of people, while the world is bright because of beauty. The beauty of singing is "as long as everyone gives a piece of love, the world will become a beautiful world". Use your love to build a bridge of beauty between people. Tomorrow will be better.

It's raining harder and harder. I stood under the eaves, looking around at the gray, and sighed helplessly. It was a practical joke. When I came out of my home, it was still fine, but suddenly it rained heavily on the way.

I looked at the passers-by with umbrellas enviously and enviously. After staying for a few minutes, I suddenly found that my pants were all wet by the sewage splashed by raindrops. This is really not a place to hide from the rain. I don't know when the damn rain will fall! I gritted my teeth and plunged into the rain and fog. I ran on the road, cursing the awful weather as I ran. The rain was getting worse, and I sped up. The sound of wind and rain poured into my ears, and the muddy water flowed across the earth. At this time, I vaguely heard the cry: "Hey! Hey..." I was even more disgusted: what is the ghost crying in the street when nothing happens? Is the city not polluted enough by noise? However, the noise did not stop, and still shouted: "Hey! Don't run! Don't... run, I... I share the umbrella with you!"

I stopped, turned my head and saw a girl running towards me. She ran very fast and her umbrella was still swaying. Finally, she came to me. She quickly put her umbrella over my head and panted: "You... you run so fast, I... can't catch up! You... you don't like getting wet, do you? This will make you sick."

I stared at the girl and felt familiar. Later I learned that her name was Zhao Yiyun, and she was in a different class from me. She is about the same size as me, with fine features, a red face, and a pair of big eyes showing a kind look. She smiled comfortably, as if she had finished some task, and her cheeks looked strangely beautiful with joy.

I suddenly felt guilty and shouldn't call her "ghost call". "Thank you! I didn't bring an umbrella, and I didn't know it would rain." I looked at her wet clothes for running, and my eyes were moist

When I got to school and sat in my seat, I was still moved by what I had just seen. A voice startled me - "Look at your embarrassment, it's even worse than a drowned rat! Walk around, go to my house to change clothes! It will take five minutes! If you don't get sick like this, it's strange!" She dragged me out of the classroom.

When I left Zhao Yiyun's house, the rain had stopped! The warm sunshine shines on the earth, showing a sense of vitality. The green grass on the campus lawn straightened up, holding crystal water droplets, shining in the sun, very vivid, lovely and beautiful.

Beauty, who says not? Beauty is among us!

Beauty is among us Composition (4)

In the early morning, I was awakened by the wonderful alarm bell. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked at the blue sky, constantly sighing that today is beautiful.

Walking on the way to school, I like a happy bird, singing "The bird leads the way, and the wind blows to us"

When I came to the school, I stood on the corridor and looked into the distance. I could see everything. The most beautiful thing was the tall Helan Mountain. The sunlight in the morning was not so dazzling. The snow covered Helan Mountain gave out golden light. There were birds singing in the distance, which reminded me of the words "Life is beautiful".

The weather turned cold, the sun was not so bright, and the trees were bare. When I got up in the morning, there was a world of ice and snow, and the birds disappeared. But Helan Mountain was more beautiful. The white snow on the top of the mountain reflected brilliant light. The children had snowball fights, made snowmen, and sent a lively scene. Snow was beautiful.

In the snow, the cleaners dragged their tired bodies and swept both sides of the road with large brooms, making contributions to the coming day. Maybe no one paid attention to her or helped them. But the beauty of the city is more beautiful because of the good hearts of the cleaners, because of their unknown and selfless dedication, They are the beauty of beauty.

Beauty is not the beauty on the surface, but the love between people is also a kind of beauty. Parents love their children selflessly, and teachers teach us knowledge without reservation. Those homeless children in orphanages and people who often give love to charities are also a kind of beauty, a kind of beauty of harmony between people.

The world is full of vitality because of people, while the world is bright because of beauty. The beauty of singing is "as long as everyone gives a piece of love, the world will become a beautiful world". Use your love to build a bridge of beauty between people. Tomorrow will be better.

It's raining harder and harder. I stood under the eaves, looking around at the gray, and sighed helplessly. It was a practical joke. When I came out of my home, it was still fine, but suddenly it rained heavily on the way.

I looked at the passers-by with umbrellas enviously and enviously. After staying for a few minutes, I suddenly found that my pants were all wet with sewage splashed by raindrops. This is really not a place to hide from the rain. I don't know when the damn rain will fall! I gritted my teeth and plunged into the rain and fog. I ran on the road, cursing the awful weather as I ran. The rain was getting worse, and I sped up. The sound of wind and rain poured into my ears, and the muddy water flowed across the earth. At this time, I vaguely heard the cry: "Hey! Hey..." I was even more disgusted: what is the ghost crying in the street when nothing happens? Is the city not polluted enough by noise? However, the noise did not stop, and still shouted: "Hey! Don't run! Don't... run, I... I share the umbrella with you!"

I stopped, turned my head and saw a girl running towards me. She ran very fast and her umbrella was still swaying. Finally, she came to me. She quickly put her umbrella over my head and panted: "You... you run so fast, I... can't catch up! You... you don't like getting wet, do you? This will make you sick."

I stared at the girl and felt familiar. Later I learned that her name was Zhao Yiyun, and she was in a different class from me. She is about the same size as me, with fine features, a red face, and a pair of big eyes showing a kind look. She smiled comfortably, as if she had finished some task, and her cheeks looked strangely beautiful with joy.

I suddenly felt guilty and shouldn't call her "ghost call". "Thank you! I didn't bring an umbrella, and I didn't know it would rain." I looked at her wet clothes for running, and my eyes were moist