New semester experience (17 selected articles)
The sunset knows the autumn
2024-02-27 08:03:40

New semester experience (1)

A long summer vacation has passed, ushering in a beautiful autumn.

The new semester is beckoning to us. After several years of training, we are not all soldiers. Wipe the dust off our hearts, take our weapons, and get ready to go. The goals of the new semester are hitting us!

In the new semester, I have a new goal - not to be a giant of language, but to be the master of action! I learned that success is not achieved by dreams, but by my own actions. Of course, in the new semester, we should make new achievements in our study, which requires unremitting efforts! A hard work will gain a harvest. Learning is not an interest, but a responsibility. It is something I should do and must do well. Of course, there will be a burden. There is no pain. At the same time, learning must be burdensome. There is no pain.

My math score has always been better than that of Chinese. This semester, on the basis of the original, I will not only study math harder, but also study Chinese hard. I will listen to the teacher carefully, study hard, never drift in class, finish my homework carefully, and finish the tasks assigned by the teacher on time. Strive for good results!

There will be no progress and promotion in the process of tiredness. Isn't that true for both the past and the future? I turn my joy and sadness into the help and power to move forward, so that I can constantly overcome difficulties and make new progress. Success is our joy. Behind success is our hard work. Without hard work, there is no gain, no pay, no gain. We should cherish this precious time to enrich ourselves and turn our ideals into overwhelming power!

There is no end to learning. Strive for your goal! A new semester has begun again, and a new journey has begun. Let's sail Yang Qixin! I want to refuel. In the colorful primary school life, study hard. This is a sprint. Facing a new journey, there may be ups and downs. I will overcome all difficulties and avoid all the shoals to reach the other side of success.

New semester experience (2)

I don't know when I began to yearn for junior high school life as a pupil. Imagine exercising on the plastic track, lingering in the huge library, learning knowledge in the erect teaching building and starting a scientific journey in the novel laboratory.

As time goes by, I am now a student of No. 2 Middle School. Although it is only a few days, it gives me a deep feeling.

Junior high school life is fresh and tense. The campus is clean and tidy with green trees; The teacher's lecture is full of vitality and fascinating; The students get along well and happily. At the same time, everyone is studying hard, and I'm not willing to fall behind. In the new stage of learning, I will stop playing in the holiday, hold the confidence of winning, work hard, listen attentively, follow the rhythm of the teacher, and make my academic achievements even higher!

The learning task of junior high school is very heavy, but fun is everywhere. I feel that under the new environment, I have started a new life and met new students and teachers. The students all took off their childishness and felt that we had suddenly grown up overnight. After a day of study, I am walking home with a big schoolbag on my back. If someone asks me, "What's in your big and heavy schoolbag?" I will tell him, "It contains endless knowledge." This is our change. We are no longer primary school students. We need to study and live happily here!

When I was in junior high school, I was excited and nervous, with a little expectation. But in any case, we must start from bit by bit, quickly integrate into the new life, and face the new life with a high attitude.

New semester experience (3)

The new semester, the new atmosphere, in this new semester, there have been many new changes, but the most exciting thing for everyone is the election of small cadres. This year is different from previous years. The posts in the class are divided into five departments, namely, the Learning Department, the Propaganda Department, the Labor Department, the Sports Department and the Discipline Department. You can run for minister, deputy minister or secretary. Hearing the news, everyone was immediately excited.

In Monday's class activity class, the students scrambled to raise their hands.

Xu Lingyi was the first to come on the stage. Needless to say, she was certainly the head of the campaign learning department. Her loud voice and confident air won a round of applause.

We were also impressed by Li Bozhou. He wanted to run for the head of the Publicity Department. He held his head and chest high, and his powerful voice echoed in the classroom. The election draft was funny and humorous, and the students could not help laughing,

In addition to Li Bozhou and Xu Lingyi, Yu Yiqi, who wanted to run for Minister of Sports, and Wen Ruian and Yang Yirui, who wanted to run for Minister of Publicity, made long or short speeches, but they were full of expectations and enthusiasm for work.

Ringing bell - The election of small cadres ended with the ringing bell, and every student was assigned to his favorite post. I believe they will do a better job in the new year!

New semester experience (4)

The new semester has begun. I am already a student of Grade Six. The new semester is the new beginning of my study. Grade 6 is the last stage of my primary school career, and learning depends on hard work; If our primary school foundation is not well grounded, we will not be able to keep up with our study in junior high school. If our study foundation is well grounded, our study will be relaxed in junior high school or even later. Today is September 1, the first day of school and the first day of my sixth grade. I was depressed, but when I entered the school, I became relaxed. I don't know whether I am excited or happy. Looking at the vibrant campus and the new classroom, I felt a surge of excitement. Sixth grade, I have to refuel! I used to eat and watch TV first when I came home from school. After dinner, I did my homework slowly. Half way through, I began to fight again. I insisted on completing my homework, and the quality was predictable. The weed of "homework dragging" must be eradicated in this semester! Time is life, time is speed, and time is efficiency. I bite my fingers and make up my mind to survive! In addition, last semester I didn't study hard, and I didn't care about my parents' feelings. In fact, they were very hard. Working eight hours a day, they have to buy vegetables, cook and wash clothes when they go home. Why don't they want to rest? Why don't you want to eat ready meals as soon as you get home? I should help them more. If I can't do anything else, I will mop the floor and wash the dishes. This will lighten the burden on my parents. I think I should do it every day and stick to it. Yesterday, I saw a big red happy newspaper of Zhanggong Middle School posted at the gate of our school. Above is the list of outstanding students of the last year's graduates. Why can they achieve such good results? Because they study hard. Can I do it? I think I can. I will try my best this semester! I'm looking forward to my name "Tang Weize" on the big red happy newspaper next year! Baojianfeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. Learning depends on ourselves. As long as we have confidence in ourselves, we will defeat ourselves and become real strong.

New semester experience (5)

Farewell to my childhood and primary school --- at this moment, I have been a middle school student for almost a week. When I just entered middle school, I had a headache - strange schools, strange classes, strange teachers and students, all of them are strange. Alas, I am afraid of the popularity. My schoolbag is bulging. There are several more textbooks than in primary school - politics, geography, history, biology, etc. With so much homework, we should not only learn it well, but also take notes. Alas, I am afraid of learning well.

But now I feel much better. I don't cram all knowledge into my head, but study in an orderly and planned way.

If you compare the former me to the turbid night, now I have a compelling morning light in the dark clouds. Both teachers and students will impart my knowledge and experience, become the stones to guide me to jump the rapids of life, and become the lighthouses to guide me through the storms of life.

I will be the winner forever! Run for victory!

New semester experience (6)

Spring has finally arrived, everything has recovered, and we re entered the school gate. What inspired me to work hard and touched me most was the opening speech of the headmaster.

Guo stressed that we should read more and read good books. We cannot learn knowledge without books. Gorky said: books are the ladder of human progress. Cultivating the good habit of reading extracurricular books can broaden our horizons, increase our knowledge, relax our body and mind, and cultivate our sentiments. A good book for the first time is like a good friend; Rereading good books is like meeting old friends. We should treat books like friends. We can also review the books we have read before. Maybe we can get the missing knowledge from them, or the flavor we haven't read before. We can't just eat our textbooks, we should be more diversified. Mr. Lu Xun once said that honey can be brewed only by picking many flowers like bees. If you sting at one place, your income will be very limited and boring. This is the first point the headmaster said.

The second point is to strive to improve our achievements. President Guo said, "No pains, no gains." As long as you pay, there will always be returns. Now that we are in the sixth grade, we should work harder to prepare for the graduation exam and get the first pass in our life. Try your best. Even if you fail, you will not regret it. At least you have worked hard for a goal, and you have no regrets. Faced with graduation examination, students with poor scores should strive to pass; Students with average grades should strive to achieve excellence; Students with excellent performance should continue to maintain it, and should not give up halfway.

"Black hair doesn't know how to study early, while white heads regret how late they study." We should turn knowledge into wings, arm ourselves, and fly to the vast blue sky. I will bear in mind the teachings of the former headmaster and grow up to become the pillar of the country!

New semester experience (7)

Everyone will experience the beginning and the end. Every day, every minute, every second is a new beginning.

This world is fickle, and we are destined to meet all kinds of worlds with new looks.

Of course, I also ushered in my junior high school career.

Two weeks ago, I finished the journey of primary school students and took the first step in middle school life.

It's been two weeks. Time flies.

At the beginning of school, a new book and a blank exercise book were stacked on the desk.

When I first came here, I always felt strange. The campus, classroom, textbooks, classmates and teachers were all strange.

But after a few days, I think that although junior high school life needs more effort and consciousness than primary school life, junior high school life is a richer and more interesting life.

The head teacher is no longer always "following" us like a primary school, but needs more self-consciousness.

The students are no longer as childish and simple as primary school, and then they are mature.

In this class, I know many friends.

Maybe, life is like this: people appear one after another, and then disappear one after another.

Every new start will meet new people, and every new start is destined to meet new things, friends, teachers.

Just as every thing we go through will grow a little bigger and become mature little by little. We will step out of the innocence and childishness of the past and go farther and farther.

I believe that this class organized by various people will be very interesting.

Unity, friendship, mutual, more friendly, hand in hand! This will be our classroom, the classroom of Class 1, Junior One.

New semester experience (8)

I don't know when I began to yearn for junior high school life as a pupil. Imagine exercising on the plastic track, lingering in the huge library, learning knowledge in the erect teaching building and starting a scientific journey in the novel laboratory.

As time goes by, I am now a student of No. 2 Middle School. Although it is only a few days, it gives me a deep feeling.

Junior high school life is fresh and tense. The campus is clean and tidy with green trees; The teacher's lecture is full of vitality and fascinating; The students get along well and happily. At the same time, everyone is studying hard, and I'm not willing to fall behind. In the new stage of learning, I will stop playing in the holiday, hold the confidence of winning, work hard, listen attentively, follow the rhythm of the teacher, and make my academic achievements even higher!

The learning task of junior high school is very heavy, but fun is everywhere. I feel that under the new environment, I have started a new life and met new students and teachers. The students all took off their childishness and felt that we had suddenly grown up overnight. After a day of study, I am walking home with a big schoolbag on my back. If someone asks me, "What's in your big and heavy schoolbag?" I will tell him, "It contains endless knowledge." This is our change. We are no longer primary school students. We need to study and live happily here!

When I was in junior high school, I was excited and nervous, with a little expectation. But in any case, we must start from bit by bit, quickly integrate into the new life, and face the new life with a high attitude.

New semester experience (9)

Even the students and parents of a school will have very different evaluations of the school. This is just my feeling of No. 4 Middle School.

1. Shift:

The junior middle school of No. 4 Middle School is divided into parallel classes. No matter what channel you come in through, you are equal. There are all kinds of "capable people" around the children, some of whom have excellent academic performance, some of whom are professional in art (dancing, musical instruments, etc.), and some of whom can play more than ten levels of magic cube... In this environment, children can easily and fairly treat students with poor academic performance. They will not feel great because they learn well, nor will they be unable to lift their heads because they do not learn well.

2. Class A and Class B of Mathematics and English

The Fourth Middle School is not without stratified education. Once enrolled, mathematics is divided into three grades: A1, A2 and B. English is also divided into Class A and Class B after the mid-term exam. And after each midterm and final exam, they will be re divided into classes according to their scores, four times a year. So for my daughter, the pressure of learning is very great. This pressure comes from the children themselves, not from the school. For example, their English homework is only one composition a week, but she will arrange how many words to recite and how many exercises to do every day. She needs to compare herself with other students, find out what is worse than other students, and then use all resources to make up.

In fact, the school will also leave a lot of homework before the exam. On New Year's Day, they had a five-day holiday, and the children only played for two and a half days. Other times, they were doing homework. Of course, if you want to be lazy, you can also finish it quickly.

3. Head teacher

The head teachers of No. 4 Middle School are very responsible. After the summer break. The head teacher will contact the parents to arrange a home visit. Before the home visit, the children will be asked to write a letter to the head teacher, including introducing themselves, hopes for the new teacher, the class and what they want to ask the teacher. After the home visit, teachers will have a deep understanding of children and parents. Parents will also know the head teacher before the start of school, laying a good foundation for future exchanges. In fact, no matter what, the head teacher still cares about the students' exam results, so the management of No. 4 Middle School is not as loose as some people say.

4. Class cadre

I don't know how other schools are like, but the cadres on duty in No. 4 Middle School really train people. Write a plan before the activity, and write a summary after the activity. Many activities were planned and organized by the monitor himself and other class cadres, and teachers did not participate too much. It really fosters the children's ability to organize and coordinate.

5. Group activities in spare time

Many enthusiastic parents, with the help and encouragement of the school, will organize some extracurricular collective activities, which are generally not directly related to learning. Children will broaden their horizons in the process of participation.

In short, the Fourth Middle School attaches great importance to the comprehensive development of children and cultivates their various abilities, so it will leave some space for children to control. If the child is in No. 4 Middle School, he must realize that he has the ability, time and space to prove that he can arrange his study well without being forced by parents and schools; If he spends all this time playing, he can only study under the pressure of teachers and parents in the future, and don't complain, because he doesn't cherish the great opportunity to prove his ability to learn independently.

New semester experience (10)

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, the happy and meaningful summer vacation has ended, and we are ushering in a new semester.

Just yesterday, we officially started school, and I'm going to be the elder sister of Grade 6. Don't mention that Grade 6 has changed a lot compared with the past.

Since our sixth grade classroom is the original junior middle school classroom, we need to move tables and chairs into the new classroom. At the beginning, I was quite confident, and I believed that I would move there. But soon, I was a little relaxed. "Don't relax, believe that you can do it, come on!" I constantly encouraged myself in my heart. In this way, I have confidence again, move and move. Finally, I went back to move the chair. Soon, the chair was also moved up. Although a little tired, I feel the joy of labor.

When I got to class, I recognized my new classmate and new teacher. The two teachers were Mr. Shan and Mr. Li.

Not only has the classroom changed, but also our road team has changed. Our gate is the gate of the original junior high school. The west road team will pass through Century City, and the east road team will pass through the martyr cemetery. The passing team is the same as the original one.

In the new semester, I also have a new feeling. I have entered the sixth grade, and I need to improve in all aspects. I need to know how to learn correctly. In class, I need to concentrate on listening, thinking, and discussing. When class is over, I need to prepare the learning supplies for the next class. I can also go outside the classroom to breathe fresh air and see the clear sky

The new semester, the new start, the new atmosphere, now is a good time for learning. For the sake of our dreams, let's seize the opportunity to spend the last year of primary school carefully, seriously, firmly and bravely!

New semester experience (11)

Time goes by like water, and with a flick of the finger, the happy and relaxed winter vacation has passed. Facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, I started a new semester.

In the past journey, we have had laughter, tears, successes and failures. Although these are carrying the process of our efforts, they have become eternal history and will become my best memories forever sealed in my heart. Now everything facing us is new: new semester, new goal, new journey, new ideal. Through the training of life, we are all soldiers fighting bravely on the battlefield. We wipe off the pain, forget the glory of yesterday, pick up our weapons, get ready, and start thinking about the goals of the new semester.

Carlisle once said, "Genius is the ability to work hard endlessly." Yes, if you want to succeed, you must work hard. Otherwise, how can success favor us? Learning may not only be fun for us, but also has been confused and struggling. What we need on the way of seeking knowledge is to constantly overcome difficulties and make progress. Bing Xin wrote in "The Spring Water of Stars": "The flower of success, people only envy her present brilliance! However, her original bud was soaked in tears of struggle and sprinkled with the blood of sacrifice." We often see the 'halo' of success, who thought that behind success is our hard sweat. "No pains, no gains"? In the new journey, we should have perseverance, unremitting pursuit and courage to climb the peak.

We always think that time is like a calendar. This one is torn out and there is another one. But our life calendar often wastes a lot. When we understand it, we will regret it. So we must do what we do today and finish it today.

Perhaps we are now in the dark, stormy learning life. However, after our efforts, we will find that the sky is as blue as washing; The ground is as clean as washing. The space of heaven and earth is wide and bright everywhere, giving people endless light. With the vision of the new semester, let's work hard for tomorrow's success!

New semester experience (12)

From September 1 this year, I will be a student in the second year of junior high school, and I have entered my new junior high school career.

In this new semester, I will re plan my own learning life. In the first day of junior high school, I learned how crucial junior high school is to me. If I muddle through my junior high school life, my life will be completely over, and I will draw an indelible end to my life. So this semester I will seriously re plan my study plan.

On the second day of the junior high school, the new semester is beginning. I will know Chinese again and start again. In the Chinese class, I will read more classics, read more classical Chinese, and improve my Chinese scores. In this way, I will have greater growth. In math class, I deviate from the subject of math because I think math problems are particularly difficult to understand, especially geometry in the first day of junior high. Sometimes, I can't break my head, so I will spend more time on math. I can't always like that subject and need that subject. I will distribute my work and rest time earlier and evenly. In this way, math is better, Chinese has also been put forward.

In English, the main thing is to memorize words. However, I used to be lazy and unwilling to spend too much time memorizing words. Although my performance was good, it was not ideal and stable for me. Therefore, I will spend more time to memorize words. It is not necessary to spend too much time. Ten minutes is enough. I can recite as many words as I can. If I succeed in a short time, it will be better if I just steal chicken and do things step by step.

Although new subjects have been added in this semester, for myself, time and distribution are even, and learning is not a problem.

The second day of junior high school is the beginning of a new life. I will stand on the same starting line with my classmates. When the gun sounds, I will start a new start. I will rush to the front. Because, I want to see if I have any regrets after walking towards me.

New semester experience (13)

The new semester has come, and I stand at a new starting point, facing greater challenges. I know that this road is not easy to walk, and on this way of learning, we are facing greater difficulties, higher difficulties. I also have some ideas for this.

In fact, my wish is the same as everyone else. That is to study hard in the new semester, listen to the teacher carefully, and speak actively in class. Not only that, but also often participate in various activities, which is far from enough. I also hope I can get good results in every 'exam'. I know that it is very difficult to do these things, but as long as you stick to them and never shrink back, it will become very easy.

We are also very interesting in our study. You will not believe it when you see this. Let me tell you slowly.

We have many good friends, for example, in mathematics, we hold hands with many Arab children and roam the fun of learning in mathematics; In Chinese, we have fun with the beautiful Chinese characters; In English, we smile at ABC; In the history, we are learning the stories of ancient China... There are many more, this is the birthplace of our happiness, the sublimation of our soul!

My ideal is to engrave the knowledge I learned in junior high school in my mind, so that I can achieve excellent results in all subjects in the future.

I know that everyone thinks differently, because everyone has different aspirations and goals. Now that I am growing up, my new goal is not to be a great man, nor to be an artist, nor to become a scientific giant. But when I grow up, I will enter a better university and find a stable job. It is enough to do extraordinary things for the country and society in their ordinary posts and contribute their own strength

New semester experience (14)

On the second day of the semester, our class held an election campaign for "class cadres".

After class, the teacher announced that it was time to choose a team leader, and I immediately raised my hand. The teacher began to choose from the first group, then the second group, the third group... At first, my mood was very calm, but I was getting closer to our group. My heart was unexpectedly confused and nervous. Will the teacher choose me? I didn't get 90% of my Chinese score this time, which doesn't meet the requirements of the election... However, I usually perform well, teacher, you must give me a chance, come on! Yanbang! You must be able to do it. I'm very proud of myself... It's finally our turn. I raised my hand again and looked at the teacher all the time. The teacher looked directly at me and announced loudly without hesitation: "Zhao Yanbang, the leader of the sixth group." I was so happy to hear the news that I couldn't believe my ears.

Today, I ran for election for the following reasons: First, I am the owner and a member of the class; Second, I am ten years old, and I want to be a little man with responsibility and responsibility; Third, I used to be a monitor. Now I choose to be a team leader. It's a piece of cake. After becoming the group leader, I will study hard, and don't worry about my study. I will finish my homework on time every day, check the homework of this group on time, give the homework to the Chinese class representative to check the homework, give the checked homework book to the teacher, and let the teacher evaluate me. In short, I will be highly responsible, do these little things well, and successfully complete the learning tasks and work tasks assigned by teachers. What makes me even more surprised is that I actually became the head of the language team, the head of mathematics team and the head of science team. I really have several positions!

New semester, new challenge. Through my efforts, I will achieve more than 90 points in all subjects. This time I was lucky. I played a sidekick, and Mr. Wang made me the team leader. But I can't have luck every year. I have to rely on my strength to speak. Everyone expects my performance!

New semester experience (15)

This is the first weekend after school starts. Looking back on this week, I am filled with emotion.

I just came to the middle school I dreamed of, and my heart was surging, hoping to get a good learning and learning environment there. But when I stepped into the classroom, the dark light of the tall and dense building outside the window broke my perfect fantasy. My mood plummeted. I was in a bad state, but the teacher's teaching attitude and the students' enthusiasm for making friends rekindled my expectations.

The students are not all far away from the group, but make friends extensively, build new friendship bridges, spend three years of junior high school study together, and sprint to the senior high school of Bazhong Middle School together. The teacher gave us what he had learned all his life without reservation to help us overcome difficulties.

At the moment, my heart is very warm, and there is a stream of heat coming and going. The dark classroom becomes very bright, and the building outside the window is particularly beautiful.

New semester experience (16)

The new semester is coming again. At this moment, I am already a junior high school student worthy of the name. Entering this familiar and unfamiliar school, I was both happy and a little disappointed: standing on the starting line of the second day of junior high, how should I start?

Now the subjects are more and more complicated, and it was easy to learn with a little time in the past. Now, I have to work harder than before, in class more hard, review after class, sleep at night and recall, to feel worthy of the starting line of second place.

I always have a friend in my heart, more accurately, my competitor, that is, another self. It is often said that without competitors, it means losing the source of power. A person's biggest competitor is himself, who surpasses himself a little every day and keeps burning will.

I have successfully entered junior high school, and will be integrated into the society and family in a few years. In today's society, people who are brave, resourceful, confident and dare to show themselves are most appreciated. If you encounter a good opportunity but miss it because you are ashamed to show it to others, you can only live in regret and failure forever. As long as you have a 0.01% chance of success in life, you should grasp it confidently and challenge yourself bravely. Try hard, even if you don't like it, you won't feel sorry.

Every successful seed absorbs the golden sunshine and strives to grow into a big tree, flower and grass. The seeds are so eager for sunshine, so what kind of sunshine do you want? I long for sunshine, which sharpens me and promotes my growth.

It is time to let the seeds of hope bloom, let the storm wash, let your confidence fill your chest, let the golden sun shine into your heart. Can I do it? Of course, I can do it because I have the most confident smile and the most beautiful psychological state. I can surpass myself and try to stand on the first running line and smile.

New semester experience (17)

Recall that six years ago, all the bright and clean classrooms, amiable teachers and innocent students were so attractive! Today, there are still many bright and clean classrooms, gentle teachers, grassy playgrounds, and new textbooks with the scent of ink. Everything is still so attractive!

When I came to the new class and looked at the new students, I seemed to return to the very active Class 6 (1) and the very united group.

The new head teacher made us understand that there is nothing wrong with learning, only refusing to learn. The teacher also said to us: "Even if you don't succeed in doing something, you can still gain, gain. Until you succeed!" I feel that she is very kind. She takes care of us like a mother, cares about us, and makes us understand the way of life.

Every morning, we come to the playground with neat steps. Although the big brothers and sisters are a bit silly, I will do it well, because I have been upgraded to a "level", and I am already a member of hua qiao middle school. I am no longer the naive Tao Dengqian, so I will try my best to do well, or even better.

The bell rang and we ran into the classroom quickly. In class, we listened attentively, read beautifully, and discussed enthusiastically, just like beautiful flying butterflies collecting delicious pollen heartily.

One day, two days, three days

Now is the fourth week, we are familiar with a lot, I think primary school is a very good memory, it is full of fairy tales, full of ups and downs! Although I did well at that time, it has become history, which has no meaning for me, so I will work hard, study hard, and write a better history for myself.